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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban and peri-urban agriculture as a poverty alleviation strategy among low income households : the case of Orange Farm, South Johannesburg

Onyango, Calory Larr 01 1900 (has links)
Urban and peri-urban agriculture is a strategy that can be adapted by low income households in Orange Farm to meet their food and nutritional requirements. The practice is a basis upon which poor families can enhance their incomes by producing part of their food needs, hence saving money for use on other livelihood obligations. This dissertation discusses the importance of urban and peri-urban agriculture as a method easily available to low income families residing in informal settlements to access food and incomes. Urban agriculture is examined in the context of poverty alleviation. A descriptive and quantitative assessment of the salient variables of the practice in the area is attempted in order to give an insight of the potential role the sector can play in eliminating poverty, enhancing incomes and creating employment. The study shows that participation in urban farming can impact significantly on poverty conditions and improve livelihoods. / MA (Development Studies)

The Integrated Development Plan as a strategy to employer informal traders: the case of Thohoyandou

Selepe, Modupi 18 May 2017 (has links)
MAdmin / Department of Public and Development Administration / This study focused on The Integrated Development Plan as a strategy to empower informal traders using Thohoyandou as the case study. The study was conducted at Thulamela Municipality and at the informal markets of Thohoyandou. The researcher used two population groups; the municipal officials and the informal traders. The researcher made use of both qualitative and quantitative methods as the study was explorative in nature; 50 informal traders were sampled and took part in the study and on the other hand, 20 municipal officials were sampled and participated in the study. The researcher made use a pilot survey to two groups of population to test the efficacy of the interviews schedule as well the questionnaires as data collection instruments. SPSS and Microsoft excel were used as tools for data analysis. The results show that Thulamela Municipality’s IDP strategy is not doing enough for the informal markets in Thohoyandou. However, respondents indicated that shortcomings such as Limited Budget affect the success of IDP on informal trading. Initiatives such as the provision of loans, workshops, training and promotion of LED programmes were indicated as having been put in place in an effort to empower informal traders, although a number of informal traders in the Thohoyandou area are forever increasing, through urbanisation and migration which pose serious control challenges to the municipality. To manage informal trading in Thohoyandou, the researcher recommended that there could be: preferences on trading fee/levies; provision of services and infrastructures to informal traders; enhancing public participation; limiting overtrading, integrated management planning, policy formulations and that future researchers can be more specific on aspects such as: situation of foreign traders; constitutionality of by-laws and trading at intersections.

Quests for knowledge and social mobility : Vocational and on-the-job-training as navigational tactics in the urban labour market of Sierra Leone

Kilje, Bim January 2021 (has links)
This ethnographic study investigates the experiences of those learning tailoring and trading in Freetown, Sierra Leone via apprenticeships, other on-the-job training or Technical and Vocational Education and Training programs (TVET). I examine these forms of occupational training by investigating the practices underway, how knowledge transmission occurs, as well as why learners engage with and what they get out of these activities. I consider how the job learners utilise occupational training as a manner of increasing social, cultural and economic capital in Bourdieu's sense of those terms to navigate the urban labour market.     I find that the learners aspire fundamentally to social mobility and a sense of self-worth. To achieve this, they use four main tactics: flexibility, reframing, co-operation and diligence. However, I find all tactics are developed in response to greatly circumscribed opportunities to obtain a good and stable income, and increased social status, due to structural inequality. Local political neoliberal discourse on youth unemployment emphasising diligence, belies these inequities and the limited ways in which social mobility is within the individual’s control. Hence, I argue, a focus on training without addressing structural inequality is inadequate.     As the training usually does not lead to paid and reliable employment, I argue it serves more fundamentally as a form of moral education and a vehicle for personal and social development. I argue it helps develop certain personal moral traits and alleviate society's concern about immoral "idle youth". Further, that it helps develop what I term resilience capital; that is, the hard-working and stubborn disposition developed by reframing previous experiences of adversity, which may later assist the individual in acquiring other forms of capital.     Although not its main focus, this study also seeks to contribute to academic scholarship through developing our understanding of knowledge transmission. I find that the process of knowledge transmission is fundamentally social and shaped by hierarchy, subjective positions of power, the inculcation of moral and ethical values, and more dependent for success on various forms of capital than it might at first appear.

The Impact of the Regulatory Environment on the Growth of the Small Business Sector in Polokwane, South Africa

Tambe, Dede Kelly 12 1900 (has links)
MCom / Department of Business Management / Government regulations are needed to achieve a range of economic and social objectives which are beneficial to the nation as a whole. However, many countries experience problems with their regulatory systems as they invariably impose costs on businesses. In South Africa, it comes in the form of red tape, high taxes, labour laws and corruption. This places various regulatory burdens including compliance, administrative costs and other costs that may adversely influence firms’ productivity and frustrate their overall business performance and growth, particularly the small business sector. Given this sector’s indisputable contribution towards the overall economic health of the nation, it is important to address its concerns regarding the issue of the regulatory environment and government policy, in order to initiate corrective action and introduce regulatory reforms. Again, it is important to point out that not all businesses within the small business sector suffer under the weight of regulation. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which South Africa’s regulatory environment curtails the growth of the small business sector as well as determine whether the different categories of firms within the Small Business Sector (micro, very small, small or medium) bears different regulatory burdens. This study was carried out in Polokwane, Capricorn District Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa. To address the research problem, the positivist paradigm was used. The study used the mixed research method and the descriptive research design. The stratified sampling technique was used to determine various characteristics of the study population, while the convenience sampling technique was used due to constraints in reaching everyone in the population. The aim was therefore to find a representative sample of that population. Thus, to ensure that the population was representative, a sample size of 121 participants was derived using the Raosoft sample size calculator as well as other criteria. Questionnaires were utilised as the data collection tool and the collected data were analysed using SPSS version 25. Descriptive statistics, cluster analysis and Kruskal Wallis were also used to analyse the collected data. Results indicate that to a certain extent, the regulatory environment influences the small business sector negatively. On the other hand, the efforts and skills of the business owner influence their success and ability to remain in business, thus influencing the growth of the sector. The results also show that different categories of businesses within the small business sector bear different burdens, owing to certain characteristics they are defined by. / NRF

Statut au travail infériorisé et conflictualité salariale: des employé-e-s de boutiques en France en Belgique

Bouchareb, Rachid 07 December 2007 (has links)
Notre thèse analyse les liens entre renforcement de la hiérarchisation au travail et modalités de résistances à un statut subalterne. Nous avons étudié, par le biais d’une enquête par entretien en France et en Belgique, un espace de travail en constant renouvellement :le commerce de détail en boutique dans le secteur du prêt à porter. Les travaux sociologiques sur la précarisation des statuts d’emploi ont été peu centrés sur les rapports de travail qui existent dans ce type d’entreprises dont l’un des critères déterminant reste le nombre limité de salariés dont une majorité de jeunes femmes. Le passage d’un commerce indépendant à un commerce de « boutiques de masse » rationalisé a induit une transformation des conditions d’encadrement. Du petit patron indépendant on passe au manager salarié. Cette nouvelle relation patronale, invisible, entraîne un renouvellement des modes de domination davantage fondés sur la compétition marchande justifiant une flexibilité temporelle et spatiale, et une disponibilité permanente. L’observation comparative des situations d’employé-e-s a permis de dégager des processus sociaux communs de résistance à une discipline de boutique, qui prenaient plusieurs formes selon l’expérience et les modalités des échanges réciproques au travail. La formation du processus conflictuel résulte de deux dynamiques de socialisation salariale, l’une individuelle, conduisant à la revendication de droits, et l’autre, intersubjective, productrice d’une représentation de possibilités d’agir social sur la précarité du statut au travail.<p><p>Titre en Anglais<p><p>Inferiorized work status and “salarial” conflict. Store employees in France and Belgium<p><p><p>RESUMÉ DE LA THÈSE EN ANGLAIS<p><p> Our dissertation aimed at showing the links between the strengthening of the establishment of hierarchy at work and the modes of resistance to a subaltern status. We studied a constantly renewing working space in France and Belgium: retail trade stores (ready-to-wear). Sociology works on the increasing lack of job security rarely investigated the work relations in these particular types of structures, in which the limited number of employees is a deciding characteristic, in particular young women. The passage from an independent trade to a rationalized « mass stores » trade lead to a transformation of the framing conditions. There has been a change from the small boss to the salaried manager. This new and invisible relation to the employer leads to a renewal of the modes of domination now based more on the market competition justifying a temporal and space flexibility, and permanent. The comparative observation of the situations of employees in France and Belgium allowed us to shed light on shared social processes of resistance to the store discipline, which take different shapes depending on the experience and the modes of reciprocal exchange at work. The development of the conflict process ensues from two dynamics of socialization ;one is an individual one that leads to a capacity to claim rights ;and one is an intersubjective, producing a representation of possible social act to the precarious status. <p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Informal social security : a legal analysis

Dekker, Adriette Hendrina 30 April 2005 (has links)
With the dawn of democracy, the South African social security system was in dire need of change. The right of access to social security was for the first time entrenched as a fundamental right in the 1995 Constitution. Since then, many changes have been effected to the present formal social security system, but these were mostly ad hoc and lacked a comprehensive approach. The past history of the country led to the exclusion of the majority of the population from formal social security protection. The excluded and marginalised had to rely on informal social security measures to provide social protection. This resulted in a system of co-existence between formal and informal social security. Although informal social security is increasingly recognised as part of the social security landscape, the role and importance of informal social security have largely been ignored in all reforms to improve the protective scope of the present social security system. The thesis aims to change this. Informal social security has been denied a rightful place in the South African social security landscape. The thesis recommends a model as to how the divide between formal and informal social security can be bridged. This model will, it is hoped, serve as a baseline for stimulating debate and generating new innovative ideas as to how to improve the present social security system in South Africa. / Jurisprudence / LLD

Entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys : n voorligtingsopgawe / Education directed to entrepreneurship : a guidance concern

Maré, G. F. (Gerhard Francois), 1964- 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Hedendaagse onderwys staan voor 'n omvattende voorligtings- en opleidingsopgawe om die jeug toe te rus om die arbeidsmark as entrepreneurs te betree. Onderwysers word toenemend voor die eis gestel om as fasiliteerders op te tree om leerlinge te begelei om beter by die eise van veranderende omstandighede, nuwe tegnologie en inligting aan te pas. In hierdie konteks vorm entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys een van die mees eietydse temas wat die onderwys moet aanspreek. Hoewel die voorsiening van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys reeds in die nuwe Norme en standaarde vir onderwyseropleiding as 'n kruiskurrikulere aangeleentheid beskryf word, is die behoefte aan 'n omvattende entrepreneurskapsontwikkelingstrategie nog nie voldoende aangespreek nie. In 'n antwoord op hierdie leemte word 'n voorgestelde implementeringstrategie vir entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys in hierdie studie ontwikkel. In die verloop van die ondersoek moes daar deeglik rekening gehou word met aspekte soos: • die rol en betekenis van entrepreneurskap in die Suid-Afrikaanse skolekonteks; • faktore wat entrepreneuriese sukses of mislukking onderle; • die ontwikkeling van 'n positiewe entrepreneuriese ingesteldheid en entrepreneuriese vaardighede en • plaaslike en oorsese inisiatiewe om entrepreneurskap m die skoolkonteks te bevorder. In die empiriese ondersoek is die uitgangspunt gehuldig dat onderwysers se menings van deurslaggewende belang is om 'n entrepreneurskapsontwikkelingstrategie te rig. Onderwysers se menings is in elk van die volgende ondersoekvelde nagevors: • Onderwysers se toegerustheid om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys aan leerlinge te voorsien; • Onderwysers se eie implementering van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys; • Die behoefte by leerlinge aan entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys; • Onderwysers se geslaagdheid om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys te implementeer; • Die aangewesenheid van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys as 'n onderwyseropgawe. Die navorsingsresultate is aangewend om binne die raamwerk van die Suid-Afrikaanse skolekonteks en onderwysbeleid 'n strategie voor te stel om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys te implementeer. Die onderwys kan hierdeur 'n aansienlike bydrae lewer om die jeug voor te berei om as volwaardige en verantwoordelike landsburgers hulle plek in die samelewing vol te staan. / Education today stands before the comprehensive task to empower our youth through appropriate guidance and training to enter the job market as entrepreneurs. Teachers are increasingly put to the task to act as facilitators in their guidance of the youth to adapt more effectively to changing circumstances, new technology and information. Within this context, education directed to entrepreneurship forms one of the most timely issues that education should address. Although the provision of education directed to entrepreneurship has been described as a cross curricular concern within the new Norms and standards for teacher education it does not provide in the need for a comprehensive strategy to develop entrepreneurship in education. In an answer to this deficiency, this study is directed to develop a proposed implementation strategy to enhance entrepreneurship in education. In the course of this investigation it was needed to thouroughly account with concerns such as: • the role and significance of entrepreneurship within the South African school context; • factors which underlie entrepreneurial success or failure; • the development of a positive entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial skills and • local and foreign initiatives to enhance entrepreneurship within the school context. In the empirical investigation the v1ew is held that teachers opm10ns is of crucial importance to give direction towards a strategy to enhance entrepreneurship. Teachers views are examened within each of the following fields of investigation: • Teachers empoweredness to provide education directed to entrepreneurship to students. • Teachers own implementation of education directed to entrepreneurship • Students need for education directed to entrepreneurship. • Teachers sufficiency to implement education directed to entrepreneurship. • The appropriateness of education directed to entrepreneurship as a teacher concern. The results of the research is applied to propose an implementation strategy to enhance education directed to entrepreneurship within the framework of the South African school context and policy of education. The conclusion was reached that educators can greatly contribute to prepare our youth so that they can take up their positions in the community as responsible and able citizens. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Factors encouraging or discouraging men in the informal sector to attend HIV counselling and testing (HCT) in South Africa : a case study of Pretoria

Radingwana, Tiny Mashiane 02 1900 (has links)
In English / The purpose of this study was to establish factors affecting the participation of men working in the informal sector economy of South Africa in HIV counselling and testing (HCT) or voluntary counselling and testing (VCT). This includes the exploration of reasons for acceptance and non-acceptance of HIV testing, knowledge and perceptions about HIV testing and behaviours and attitudes towards HIV testing. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire and a sample of fifty (50) men was purposively selected. It was found that the reasons for acceptance of HIV testing are satisfactory and reasons for non-acceptance are still a concern, and that several issues such as education about HIV testing and HIV in general still need to be addressed. Most of the respondents had undergone testing for HIV, but there is still a stigma attached to HIV testing. / Sociology / M. A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

An analysis of local and immigrant entrepreneurship in the South African small enterprise sector (Gauteng Province)

Radipere, Nkoana Simon 13 June 2013 (has links)
This study was undertaken to investigate the motivation, intention, self-efficacy, culture, business support,entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of South African and immigrant entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Gauteng province. The performance of the SMEs was investigated, and the reasons and gaps that have led to the assumed low competitive ranking and poor performance of South African entrepreneurs compared to immigrant entrepreneurs were analysed. A structured research instrument (questionnaire) was used to collect data through interviews and a self-administered survey. A total of 466 questionnaires out of 500 questionnaires that had been distributed to respondents by six fieldworkers were returned (93.2%) for analysis.A number of hypotheses were postulated to address the study aims and the collected data were analysed to answer the hypotheses. The results of the study showed a significant correlation between motivation and business performance (a motivated entrepreneur is more likely to succeed in business than an unmotivated entrepreneur) and a significant positive correlation between culture and motivation to start a business (a culture that is supportive of entrepreneurial activities, lowuncertainty avoidance, high individualism and lowpower distance relates positively to a high level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy).The results also showed a significant difference between the mean values of business performance and the education of the owner. It is suggested that the government creates a favourable climate to allow entrepreneurs to release their potential. The government can help by making complex legislation easier for start-ups and reducing the tax burden on new entrepreneurs. / Business Management / D. Comm. (Business Management)

"Putting food on my table and clothes on my back" : street trading as a food and livelihood security coping strategy in Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg.

Abdulla-Merzouk, Quraishia. January 2008 (has links)
It is widely accepted that street trading is a survivalist activity that yields low profits. Few, if any, studies investigate how much profit is earned; intra-household allocation; and contribution of this income towards households needs. Therefore, a glaring omission in street trading literature is a critical evaluation of the contribution of street trading to household food and livelihood security. A major strength and original contribution of this study to the wider context is the analysis of street trading as a household food and livelihood security coping strategy. This study investigated whether street traders had sufficient food for household consumption; whether street trading reduced vulnerability to hunger; and determined how income from street trading was spent by households. Seven innovative participatory tools applied through a unique research design, were used to elicit business; household and demographic information. Five fruit and vegetable vendors; three clothing and cosmetics; two food; one telephone service; and one video vendor participated. Street traders were categorised into four food security groups according to increasing Coping Strategy Index scores. These were: two traders in a seemingly food secure group; five in the relatively food secure group; four in the relatively food insecure group; and one in the food insecure group. The use of innovative participatory research tools led to several findings. Types of goods sold did not determine profitability, but profitability determined household food security. As household income decreased, Coping Strategy Index scores increased. This finding implied sufficient access to food for household consumption was determined primarily by income levels ranging from R250 to R10 000 per month. Low income traders used severe coping strategies and were more food insecure than other traders. The middle income traders used intermediate coping strategies while the high income group used less severe strategies or did not apply food security coping strategies such as eating less preferred foods. This study found that child dependents and unemployed household members increased household food insecurity. Risk sharing networks among street traders played a key role in accessing cash for food and the sustainability of the micro-enterprises. Social grants reduced household food insecurity and provided a cash safety net for economic activity. Assets reduced hunger and provided crisis security. The study has shown that street trading supplemented low income levels for pensioners and low income earners. Street trading was a primary livelihood strategy for people who had no access to income from pensions or other/formal employment. The study concluded that income from street trading was vital to improve access to food for household consumption. Street traders who had established customers; and access to material and social assets consumed a greater variety of foods than street traders who were fairly new, lacked access to loans (through family and friends) and owned few or no material assets. All participating street traders began trading as a coping strategy to increase household cash. Their trading evolved into an adaptive or permanent livelihood strategy. Households used a mix of food related coping strategies and street trading was an adaptive strategy, rather than a coping strategy to access sufficient food for household consumption. Participating street traders were survivalists as street trading provided a daily net for subsistence. Although street trading income was barely sufficient to sustain households, it provided much needed income to pay school fees; rent; water and electricity. Street trading is therefore critical to household welfare for participating street traders; but infrastructure and resource constraints trapped street traders in survivalist enterprises and exacerbated their vulnerability to food and livelihood security. This study fills a gap in understanding of street trading behaviour in Raisethorpe. This is the first study to apply participatory research methods to comprehensively explore street trader coping strategies and the first study to attempt to link street trading, livelihood security and food security. It is recommended that municipalities adopt a developmental approach to street trading that includes trading sites with secure tenure and infrastructure such as shelter; tables; water and sanitation. Policy reform in terms of issuing trading permits and developing regulations for renting trading sites is imperative. Since this study found that profitability determined household food security, business advice and skills training should be provided for all street traders to promote business sustainability and profitability. A final recommendation is that street trading be recognised as a survivalist strategy that requires further investigation and policy measures to improve income and ensure food security for vulnerable groups. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.

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