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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contingency planning for Bofors Defence AB, an application of existing methods / Upprättande av avbrottsplaner för Bofors Defence AB, ett tillämpningsexempel

Karlsson, Terése January 2002 (has links)
<p>Bofors Defence AB is in the process of updating and documenting the company’s routines for information security. The object is to be certified according to the standard ISO 17799-1 during 2003. Among other things updating means that the company will be provided with contingency plans who should insure a reliable IT-environment. Basically it is all about protecting the company’s information related systems, ensure contingency in the daily work and maintaining the trust of the market and the authorities. The aim of the Thesis was to apply existing methods in the making of contingency plans. The plans are focused on the information related systems that are critical to the company and takes in consideration the threats, which might stop them from operating as desired. The contingency plans cover a limited numberof systems, which for example handle e-mail and order intake. The plans comprise the servers and platforms (for example operating systems), which are essential to the systems. The Thesis is focused on the aspect of availability. The aspects of confidentiality (for example fire walls) and integrity (for example access restrictions) are handled by the company’s own personnel. To ensure contingency is only a minor part of the work that needs to bee done before a company can be certified according to ISO 7799-1. This Thesis needs complementary additions before it can be incorporated in the documentation presented to the accreditation agency. However the result is in line with the company’s commission.</p>

En lösning som söker problem : hur och varför lokala IT-policyer utvecklas i landsbygdskommuner /

Wihlborg, Elin, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Linköping : Univ.

IT-supported knowledge repositories : increasing their usefulness by supporting knowledge capture /

Aggestam, Lena, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2008.

Bringing actors together : ICT, disability and pupils in special school /

Näslund, Rebecka, January 2009 (has links)
Licentiatavhandling Luleå : Luleå tekniska universitet, 2009.

Hur uppnås användbarhet? En studie av ett system vid Landstinget i Östergötland / How is usability attained? A case study of a system at the County Council of Östergötland

Danielsson, Lasse, Drakengren, Helena January 2003 (has links)
<p>När ett system införs, spelar det ingen roll hur god funktionalitet det har, om användarna av någon anledning inte kan eller vill använda det på ett effektivt sätt. I första hand bestäms användbarheten hos ett program av egenskaper hos detta och hos de aktuella användarna. God användbarhet beror av acceptans från användarna, kompetens hos användarna och användarvänlighet hos systemet. </p><p>För att undersöka hur man kan uppnå hög användbarhet och därmed en hög grad av användande vid införande av ett nytt system, har vi gjort en undersökning av användbarheten och användandet av ett system vid Landstinget i Östergötland. </p><p>Våra slutsatser visar på att utbildning och information är mycket viktiga faktorer för att uppnå hög användbarhet för ett system. Många har en motvilja mot att använda datorer och problem med att se vilka fördelar ett införande av ett nytt system kan medföra, något vi anser kan lösas med bättre utbildning och information. Trots att teorier om användbarhet funnits i över tio år, har vi funnit att det forfarande inte tas tillräcklig hänsyn till de grundläggande faktorer som påverkar användbarheten vid införande av ett system.</p>

E-book Security: An Analysis of Current Protection Systems

Qiang, Hao January 2003 (has links)
<p>E-books have a wide range of application spheres from rich-media presentations to web site archiving, from writing to financial statement. They make publishing, storing and distributing of information quite simple. As a new publication technique, the main concern with e-books is the copyright infringement. To prevent e-books from free duplication and distribution, different security mechanisms are used in their publishing and distributing processes. By investigating and analyzing Digital Rights Management (DRM) and Electronic Book Exchange (EBX), this thesis presents some security issues that the e-book industry are or should be aware. Various security problems and possible solutions are highlighted by means of two case studies.</p>

Outsourcing av IT-verksamhet : Två motalaföretags val / Outsourcing of IT-activities : Choices made by two Motala companies

Karlsson, Anneli January 2004 (has links)
<p>Att använda sig av IT-outsourcing är en fråga som allt fler börjar fundera kring. Givetvis finns det inte ett sätt som är lämpligt för alla företag. Beroende på vilka behov och förutsättningar som finns inom en organisation kan därför olika former eller grader av IT?outsourcing användas. Vid ett eventuellt beslut så är det dock viktigt att beslutsfattarna inte enbart ser till de fördelar som kan vinnas utan också se till de nackdelar som kan följa med ett sådant beslut. Undersökningen som gjorts i rapporten tar upp dessa för- och nackdelar samt visar hur de två Motalaföretagen Autoliv electronics AB och AB Electrolux använder sig av IT-outsourcing. Formen och graden av deras IT-outsourcing skiljer sig mycket åt medan de för- och nackdelar som nämns av de fyra intervjuade till mångt och mycket liknar varandra. Fördelarna överväger dock enligt de båda företagen då bland annat flexibiliteten ökar vad gäller bemanning och kompetens.</p>

Genus och informationsteknologi / Gender and information technology

Andersson, Helena January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis discusses how the education in the Master of Engineering program can change to become more into line for the students needs, especially for the women, both directly in the education situation and later in their occupational roles. This is done using a gender perspective. Both the education and the occupation today is characterised by masculine norms and values. The education lacks gender perspective and is created by men, for men. The thesis gives concrete proposals on how to change two existing courses to better fit the students. Some of the most important changes are to make the goals of the courses more accessible and visible for the students, make sure that both men and women occurs in teaching positions and have course literature written by women as well as men.</p>

Säkerhet i Wireless Local Area Networks : En studie i säkerhetslösningar utförd på uppdrag av Saab Bofors Dynamics AB. / Security in Wireless Local Area Networks

Thorn, Evelina January 2004 (has links)
<p>Saab Bofors Dynamics AB is looking for ways to let the employees work wireless in the future. The security in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) has not been considered very reliable, but new standards and protocols have been developed to enhance the security in WLAN. Since most wireless components soon will have built in support for wireless communication, it is important to have a model to deal with secure wireless communication ready. This is necessary because it is important to protect the company’s information related systems, ensure contingency in the daily work and maintaining the trust of the market and the authorities. </p><p>With the release of the standard IEEE802.11i, the possibility to build a secure WLAN has improved considerably. With the combination of standards such as IEEE802.1X and IEEE802.11i, and improved encryption with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) it is possible to make the wireless network more secure. </p><p>It is important to ensure secure wireless communication between the client and the accesspoint, and to install a personal firewall on every wireless client in the network. There are many aspects to take into consideration when building a WLAN, some are discussed in this report and some are discussed in the secret part of the report for Saab Bofors Dynamics AB only.</p>

Restinformation i elektroniska textdokument / Surplus information in electronic text documents

Hagel, Maria January 2005 (has links)
<p>Some word processing programs save information that not all users of the program are aware of. This information consists of a number of things. Example of that is who the writer of the document is, the time it took to write it and where on the computer the document is saved. Text that has been changed or removedcan also be saved. This information is not shown in the program and the user will therefore not be aware of its existence. If the document is opened in a text editor that only reads plain ASCII text, this information will be visible. If this information is confidential and also available to people it could become a security risk. </p><p>In this thesis I will sort out what kind of information this is and in what way it could be a security risk. I will also discuss what measures that can be taken to minimize the risk. This is done partly by studying literature combined with some smaller test that I have performed.</p>

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