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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Negotiated Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Agreements in the United States: Lessons for Policy

Caldart, Charles C., Ashford, Nicholas January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Autoexpatriação de brasileiros : um estudo exploratório sobre as escolhas, os caminhos percorridos, carreira e vida em um contexto internacional

Oliveira, Lívia Pedersen de January 2017 (has links)
A autoexpatriação é o processo onde o indivíduo, por iniciativa própria, decide sair de seu país para trabalhar e viver em outro país por um período, a priori, previamente estabelecido (THORN, 2008; CERDIN, 2012; ALTMAN; BARUCH, 2012; ROGERS, 2013; DICKMANN, 2014). Este estudo exploratório teve por objetivo analisar como ocorre a autoexpatriação de brasileiros e como ela se relaciona com a construção de carreira destes indivíduos. No contexto desta pesquisa, compreendemos carreira em consonância com Hall (2002), que a considera um processo que envolve todas as experiências de vida, dentro e fora do trabalho. Por se tratar de uma mobilidade internacional, utilizamos, também, a teoria das carreiras globais (DICKMANN; BARUCH, 2011). A coleta de dados se deu através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas presencialmente ou a distância através do Skype e Messenger, com brasileiros que já passaram ou que estavam passando pela autoexpatriação por um período mínimo de seis meses. Foram entrevistados 5 homens e 10 mulheres, com idade entre 26 e 53 anos, variado grau de escolaridade, provenientes de diferentes regiões do Brasil e com história de autoexpatriação em países da América do Norte, Europa, Oceania e Ásia. A maior parte dos entrevistados se autoexpatriou na faixa dos 20 e 30 anos de idade, e partiu para o exterior sozinho ou acompanhado por familiares (cônjuges e/ou filhos). A apresentação e análise dos resultados foi realizada através da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2004). Como resultados o estudo mostra que as principais razões para a autoexpatriação destes brasileiros referem-se à falta de perspectiva profissional e desemprego no Brasil, a busca por desenvolvimento e aprimoramento profissional, à fuga da violência urbana e ao desejo de conhecer e vivenciar novos países e culturas. A intenção de sair do país foi motivada especialmente para trabalhar no exterior e ter experiências pessoais e de vida que vão além das experiências relacionadas exclusivamente ao trabalho. A pesquisa, ainda, apresenta os diferentes caminhos que levaram estes brasileiros à autoexpatriação, elemento importante para compreender com mais profundidade este complexo processo, desde a escolha do país, o planejamento da viagem, o papel das redes de contato, a barreira do idioma e as estratégias encontradas para entrar e permanecer no país estrangeiro. Em algumas situações a autoexpatriação se converteu em um projeto permanente, na medida em que muitos destes brasileiros não têm mais a intenção de voltar a viver no Brasil. Nesse sentido, o contexto social e econômico do Brasil, marcado por desigualdades, falta de oportunidades e altos índices de violência urbana, contribuiu para a decisão de alguns autoexpatriados de permanecer por mais tempo, ou até permanentemente, no exterior, transformando o projeto inicial de autoexpatriação em imigração. Muito além de ganhos relacionados à conquista de bens materiais e de trabalhos considerados de maior status social, os entrevistados relataram que aspectos relacionados à qualidade de vida e lazer, segurança, sensação de inclusão social e de pertencimento ao país estrangeiro marcaram sua experiência de mobilidade internacional. / Self-initiated expatriation is a process where the individual, on his own initiative, decides to leave his country to work and live in another country for a period, a priori, previously established (THORN, 2008; CERDIN, 2012; ALTMAN; BARUCH, 2012; ROGERS, 2013, DICKMANN, 2014). This exploratory study aims to analyze how self-initiated expatriation of Brazilians occurs and how it relates to their careers. In the context of this research, we will understand career in line with Arthur and Rousseau (1996), who consider it as a process that involves all aspects of our life, both inside and outside of work. Because it is an international experience, we will also use the theory of global careers (DICKMANN; BARUCH, 2011) to understand this phenomenon. The data collection was done through semi-structured interviews, carried out in person or at a distance through Skype and Messenger, with Brazilians who have already passed or were undergoing self-initiated expatriation for a minimum period of six months. Five men and 10 women, ranging in age from 26 to 53 years of age, were interviewed, with varying degrees of education, from different regions of Brazil, with a history of self-initiated expatriation in North America, Europe, Oceania and Asia. Most of the interviewees went abroad in their 20s and 30s, alone or accompanied by relatives (spouses and / or children). The presentation and analysis of the results was performed through content analysis (BARDIN, 2004). As results the study shows that the main reasons for the self-initiated expatriation of these Brazilians refer to the lack of professional perspective and unemployment in Brazil, the search for professional development and improvement, the escape of urban violence and the desire to know and experience new countries and cultures. The intention to leave the country was motivated especially to work abroad and have personal and life experiences that go beyond experiences related exclusively to work. The research also presents the different paths that led these Brazilians to self-initiated expatriation, an important element to understand in more depth this complex process, from the choice of the country, the planning of the trip, the role of the networks, the language barrier and the strategies found to enter and stay in the foreign country. In some situations self-initiated expatriation has become a permanent project, since many of these Brazilians no longer intend to return to live in Brazil. In this sense, the social and economic context of Brazil, marked by inequalities, lack of opportunities and high rates of urban violence, contributed to the decision of some self-initiated expatriates to stay longer or permanently abroad, transforming the initial project of self-initiated expatriation in immigration. In addition to gains related to the acquisition of material goods and work considered to be of a higher social status, respondents reported that aspects related to quality of life and leisure, security, social inclusion and foreign ownership have marked their experience of international mobility.

Autoexpatriação de brasileiros : um estudo exploratório sobre as escolhas, os caminhos percorridos, carreira e vida em um contexto internacional

Oliveira, Lívia Pedersen de January 2017 (has links)
A autoexpatriação é o processo onde o indivíduo, por iniciativa própria, decide sair de seu país para trabalhar e viver em outro país por um período, a priori, previamente estabelecido (THORN, 2008; CERDIN, 2012; ALTMAN; BARUCH, 2012; ROGERS, 2013; DICKMANN, 2014). Este estudo exploratório teve por objetivo analisar como ocorre a autoexpatriação de brasileiros e como ela se relaciona com a construção de carreira destes indivíduos. No contexto desta pesquisa, compreendemos carreira em consonância com Hall (2002), que a considera um processo que envolve todas as experiências de vida, dentro e fora do trabalho. Por se tratar de uma mobilidade internacional, utilizamos, também, a teoria das carreiras globais (DICKMANN; BARUCH, 2011). A coleta de dados se deu através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas presencialmente ou a distância através do Skype e Messenger, com brasileiros que já passaram ou que estavam passando pela autoexpatriação por um período mínimo de seis meses. Foram entrevistados 5 homens e 10 mulheres, com idade entre 26 e 53 anos, variado grau de escolaridade, provenientes de diferentes regiões do Brasil e com história de autoexpatriação em países da América do Norte, Europa, Oceania e Ásia. A maior parte dos entrevistados se autoexpatriou na faixa dos 20 e 30 anos de idade, e partiu para o exterior sozinho ou acompanhado por familiares (cônjuges e/ou filhos). A apresentação e análise dos resultados foi realizada através da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2004). Como resultados o estudo mostra que as principais razões para a autoexpatriação destes brasileiros referem-se à falta de perspectiva profissional e desemprego no Brasil, a busca por desenvolvimento e aprimoramento profissional, à fuga da violência urbana e ao desejo de conhecer e vivenciar novos países e culturas. A intenção de sair do país foi motivada especialmente para trabalhar no exterior e ter experiências pessoais e de vida que vão além das experiências relacionadas exclusivamente ao trabalho. A pesquisa, ainda, apresenta os diferentes caminhos que levaram estes brasileiros à autoexpatriação, elemento importante para compreender com mais profundidade este complexo processo, desde a escolha do país, o planejamento da viagem, o papel das redes de contato, a barreira do idioma e as estratégias encontradas para entrar e permanecer no país estrangeiro. Em algumas situações a autoexpatriação se converteu em um projeto permanente, na medida em que muitos destes brasileiros não têm mais a intenção de voltar a viver no Brasil. Nesse sentido, o contexto social e econômico do Brasil, marcado por desigualdades, falta de oportunidades e altos índices de violência urbana, contribuiu para a decisão de alguns autoexpatriados de permanecer por mais tempo, ou até permanentemente, no exterior, transformando o projeto inicial de autoexpatriação em imigração. Muito além de ganhos relacionados à conquista de bens materiais e de trabalhos considerados de maior status social, os entrevistados relataram que aspectos relacionados à qualidade de vida e lazer, segurança, sensação de inclusão social e de pertencimento ao país estrangeiro marcaram sua experiência de mobilidade internacional. / Self-initiated expatriation is a process where the individual, on his own initiative, decides to leave his country to work and live in another country for a period, a priori, previously established (THORN, 2008; CERDIN, 2012; ALTMAN; BARUCH, 2012; ROGERS, 2013, DICKMANN, 2014). This exploratory study aims to analyze how self-initiated expatriation of Brazilians occurs and how it relates to their careers. In the context of this research, we will understand career in line with Arthur and Rousseau (1996), who consider it as a process that involves all aspects of our life, both inside and outside of work. Because it is an international experience, we will also use the theory of global careers (DICKMANN; BARUCH, 2011) to understand this phenomenon. The data collection was done through semi-structured interviews, carried out in person or at a distance through Skype and Messenger, with Brazilians who have already passed or were undergoing self-initiated expatriation for a minimum period of six months. Five men and 10 women, ranging in age from 26 to 53 years of age, were interviewed, with varying degrees of education, from different regions of Brazil, with a history of self-initiated expatriation in North America, Europe, Oceania and Asia. Most of the interviewees went abroad in their 20s and 30s, alone or accompanied by relatives (spouses and / or children). The presentation and analysis of the results was performed through content analysis (BARDIN, 2004). As results the study shows that the main reasons for the self-initiated expatriation of these Brazilians refer to the lack of professional perspective and unemployment in Brazil, the search for professional development and improvement, the escape of urban violence and the desire to know and experience new countries and cultures. The intention to leave the country was motivated especially to work abroad and have personal and life experiences that go beyond experiences related exclusively to work. The research also presents the different paths that led these Brazilians to self-initiated expatriation, an important element to understand in more depth this complex process, from the choice of the country, the planning of the trip, the role of the networks, the language barrier and the strategies found to enter and stay in the foreign country. In some situations self-initiated expatriation has become a permanent project, since many of these Brazilians no longer intend to return to live in Brazil. In this sense, the social and economic context of Brazil, marked by inequalities, lack of opportunities and high rates of urban violence, contributed to the decision of some self-initiated expatriates to stay longer or permanently abroad, transforming the initial project of self-initiated expatriation in immigration. In addition to gains related to the acquisition of material goods and work considered to be of a higher social status, respondents reported that aspects related to quality of life and leisure, security, social inclusion and foreign ownership have marked their experience of international mobility.

Dual organocatalysis for the development of Michael-initiated enantioselective organocascades / Double organocatalyse pour le développement de Michael-initié organocascades énantiosélectifs

Ren, Yajun 27 October 2015 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche fondamentale présentés ici sont ancrés au cœur de la chimie organique de synthèse moderne, et plus particulièrement dans le domaine de la multi-organocatalyse énantiosélective. Dans ce manuscrit, nous avons identifié deux organocascades originales et démontré la pertinence synthétique de l'une d'elle par des applications en synthèse totale de produits naturels. L’originalité de ce travail repose sur l’utilisation d’un NHC de la classe des 1,3-imidazol-2-ylidenes comme base de Brønsted ou base de Lewis organocatalytique / The basic research work presented herein is anchored at the core of modern synthetic organic chemistry, and more specifically in the field of enantioselective multi-organocatalysis. In this manuscript, we have identified two original organocascades and demonstrated the synthetic relevance of one of these through applications in total synthesis. The originality of the work lies on the use of a 1,3-imidazol-2-ylidene NHC as an organocatalytic Brønsted or Lewis base.

A missiological study of the role of the baptism and infilling of the holy spirit in Ghanaian Pentecostal Churches

White, Peter January 2014 (has links)
This research discusses the role of the baptism and infilling of the Holy Spirit in missions through a specific focus on Ghanaian Pentecostal Churches. Scripture, history, scholarly works, interviews, observations, ecumenical documents, as well as relevant documents of Ghanaian Pentecostal churches were used to study the issue under discussion. In order to achieve the objective for the topic chosen, the research also discusses some of the major factors that led to Pentecostalism in Ghana – i.e. the concern of the indigenes about their worldview not being addressed by the Western missionaries that came to serve in Ghana. In the desire of the then Ghanaian Christians to have their worldview addressed, they resorted first to the Pentecostalism initiated by the African Initiated Churches, and then to the current trend of Pentecostalism in Ghana. The findings reveal that, though one of the factors that has made Pentecostalism so acceptable to Ghanaians is the way it has addressed their worldview; Ghanaian Pentecostal Churches themselves are of the opinion that the role of the Holy Spirit is the major factor. Their argument is that, it takes the role of the Holy Spirit to convict a sinner of his or her sins and incorporate the person into the body of Christ. After this incorporation, the person needs to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit in order to be able to live according to the will of God. Furthermore, it is the Holy Spirit that also empowers believers to work both within and outside the church. This empowerment is manifested through the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to believers – for both their personal edification and the perfection of the church. As believers operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, God works through them in the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the missio Dei. It was finally revealed that, although the Holy Spirit is the power behind mission, the human factor cannot be forgotten. With this in mind, it was argued that Ghanaian Pentecostal churches have put into place various missional approaches, to help them to effectively participate in the missio Dei. These missional approaches were therefore discussed in the light of the “five marks of mission” (i.e. Evangelism, discipleship, responding to the social needs of people through love, transforming the unjust structures of society and safe guarding the integrity of creation) and Krintzinger et al.’s holistic mission approach (i.e. kerygmatic, diaconal, fellowship and liturgical). / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Science of Religion and Missiology / PhD / Unrestricted

Church and society : the value of Perichoresis in understanding Ubuntu with special reference to John Zizioulas

Manganyi, Jele Samuel 09 April 2013 (has links)
The African Initiated Churches (AICs) are the custodians of the African Traditional Religion (ATR). In the South African census, the AICs are classified as Christian. Africans claim that long before the Christian faith came through missionaries there was some form of worship of God by Africans. This means Africans practiced ATR outside Christianity and after Christianity came through missionaries, they started practising it as Christians One of the reasons given for the Africans moving out of the missionary churches to start their own was a search for an African identity. There was a hunger for a place where the African culture could be accommodated. One of the features of African culture is the worship of ancestors. The question of monotheism encountering polytheism does arise in this kind of discussion. The doctrine of the Trinity is uniquely Christian. There is a historical background concerning the teaching and the foundation thereof. As the AICs responded to a situation, so did the Early Church Fathers who faced question of monotheism encountering polytheism. There was a need to redefine Jewish monotheism within the Christian faith in reference to the event of Jesus Christ. The Church Fathers struggled to defend and grappled with the Christian faith with reference to the scriptures in the light of Jesus Christ. They took the gospel from the Jewish setting into the Greek setting. Their efforts benefited the church throughout history. One may say the writings and the teachings of the early church stood the test of time. One may also say the writings and the teachings were based on the solid foundation being of Jesus Christ and the authority of the scriptures. Juxtaposition is the approach employed in this thesis. Two traditions are being critically assessed based on the notion of Perichoresis by the Cappadocian Church Fathers and the notion of Ubuntu in the ATR. Chapter one deals with the theological background with specific focus on the African church and contextualisation. Chapter two, deals with the debate concerning the position and nature of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It also investigates the origin of the Nicene Creed. Chapter three investigates the terminology within the doctrine of the Trinity, while Chapter four explores the term ecumenical and communion with reference to Ubuntu. Chapter five analyses the work of Zizioulas, and the conclusion attempts to find an appropriate approach for the African church. Therefore the study concludes that the reference for Ubuntu should be found in the relationship with God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and not in the veneration and worship of the ancestors. The benefits of the relationship with God through Jesus supersede all other relationship with any deity in the now and the future. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted

On cosmopolitanism and international adjustment : an ethnography of self-initiated foreign work experiences in India

Mettgenberg, Martina Annette January 2012 (has links)
Cosmopolitanism is widely debated in the literature of business and management and social sciences. It is often seen as a solution to the problem of international employees' maladjustment. The literature has predominantly examined the experiences of labour migrants and expatriates. In recent years, self-initiated foreign work experiences (SFE) have gained more relevance. Demographically, economically, socially and culturally, SFEs are situated in the 'middle' between labour migrants and expatriates. Yet, concomitant discussions of a 'middle' of cosmopolitanism and the exploration of everyday life of this middle cosmopolitanism have been rare. Conceptualising SFE processes is vital for a more holistic and effective understanding of international adjustment and cosmopolitanism. To this end, the study provides an ethnography of SFEs' everyday lives. In particular, it examines the backgrounds and current experiences of international employees (IEs) in India's knowledge process offshoring (KPO) industry at work, at home and outside their homes. At work, IEs displayed and created attachments to their work, India and the local through their colleagues and friends. At home, IEs in different company apartments demonstrated various processes of sharing and learning despite cultural and linguistic differences. Outside their homes, IEs engaged in numerous leisure activities revealing IEs' motivations and ways in which IEs adjusted. The study offers two findings. Throughout their activities at work, homes and in India, IEs balanced emotions and reasons, negotiated the global and local and self-flexibility and externally required flexibility. IEs also engaged in friendships to various degrees. Both findings of IEs' activities reveal complex dynamics of SFE adjustment and cosmopolitanism. The findings built the foundation for a new framework to understand SFE cosmopolitanism and international adjustment.

The interpretation of the Last Supper Rite by the St. John Apostolic Faith Mission Church of Bapong: the case for an Afro-Biblical hermeneutics

Mogale, Herman Kelebogile 18 May 2018 (has links)
MAAS / Centre for African Studies / The link between Africa and the Bible goes back several centuries before the birth of Christ. As most key African scholars such as Mbiti and Mulago once asserted, Africa is incurably religious. This assertion although sounding a bit generalised, somehow provides one with insightful perspectives about how Africa’s religiosity evolved through time. The narrative of the Last Supper is biblically located and has assumed new character, form and function in various church settings. Interestingly (recently) a number of local African Initiated Church (AICs) have adopted the practice of Holy Communion as part of their worship services. In this case special times and sacred spaces are defined to demonstrate the significance of conducting this special part of the worship. Having interacted with a number of leaders and members of some of these local AICs one gets an impression that both the ‘idea of Christ’ is differently conceived and constructed as compared with other so called established or mainline churches. It was this idea or the constructed image of Christ that created the interest to look at how these local churches look or imagine Christ. Christ in this case becomes the owner of the buffet or feast and he epitomises unity, family, reconciliation, values of botho etc. The research site for this study was the St. John Apostolic Faith Mission of Bapong in the North West Province in South Africa. Grounded theory was used in both providing the theoretical framework and methodological foci of the research study. The study recommended that existing images of Christ should be recorded for the purpose of the church life history. These should be recorded from one generation to the next. Also African Christologies should penetrate every church in the community and be utilized. / NRF

The impact of relational permanency and mentorship on care leavers in British Columbia

Lobbezoo, Allyssa 02 May 2022 (has links)
The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) has identified the importance of permanency for children and youth in care, defined as “permanent, stable relationships” which “are a major determinant of whether children feel safe and secure and therefore, of well-being overall” (MCFD, n.d.). However, currently only 20% of children and youth transitioning from government care in British Columbia (BC) achieve it, while the remaining 80% are left to navigate a complex adult system and the incumbent challenges that ensue on their own (GBC, 2019). Limited research has been conducted on the impact of relational permanency and mentorship, or the lack thereof, on care leavers in BC; this thesis examines this topic, identifies mentorship programs for youth in or recently out of care, and recommends system improvements based on policy reviews, literature reviews, and interviews with care providers and youth transitioned from care. The literature review highlights the importance of youth mentorship as a support for youth in and/or transitioned from care as well as the root causes of systemic issues within the child welfare system. The policy review uncovers gaps and inconsistencies within MCFD’s policies and practices that enable discretionary decision-making and undermine consistency and clarity. The interviews expose ongoing community-based mentoring (CBM) program, care leaver, and system level challenges, as well as opportunities to improve outcomes for youth in and/or transitioned from care. Ultimately, this research highlights the importance of relational permanency in the lives of children and youth in and transitioned from care, while drawing attention to the reasons that many care leavers do not attain it. Additionally, it demonstrates the effectiveness of CBM programs and identifies the need and opportunity for system change, both at the provincial level and specific to MCFD. The proposed recommendations provide implementable solutions to the identified policy gaps and inconsistencies, as well as a systems level reform to the purpose and role of MCFD. / Graduate

Förändringar lärare gör i sin dagliga praktik - ett agencyperspektiv

Jenny, Malm Ryd January 2019 (has links)
Politically mandated development projects get attention in reports, assessments, plans and policies. Less attention is given to the small scale, local development-work made by teachers in schools everywhere, every day (Hultman, 2001). The aim of this study is to make, the small-scale changes that teachers make in their daily practice, visible. Also, this study aims to contribute to an increased understanding of teachers’ changed actions and factors that enable or constrain changed actions. Finally, this study aims to try the analytical concept of agency in relation to the changes teachers make in their daily professional practices. The following research questions have been developed: (1), How do teachers describe the changes they make and have made in their professional practice? (2), What possibilities and limitations do teachers experience when changing their professional-practice? (3), What do teachers wish to change and why? (4), What do teachers think are precipitating factors of change in their own professional practice? (5), How can teacher agency be understood in relation to the described changes in professional practice? Eight teachers from different schools have participated in semi-structured interviews, describing their experience of changes they’ve made in their professional practice. The interviews have been analysed in relation to theories of the three elements of agency developed by Emirbayer and Mische (1998) and further developed in connection to teacher practice by Priestley, Biesta and Robinsson (2015). The study found that teachers change their practice to adjust to new or changing contexts. New experiences, knowledge, ideas or policies can also cause changes in teacher practice. Teachers change their practice when they encounter problems or challenges, assess the consequences of different actions and choose an appropriate way to act. They use their knowledge and experience to identify problems and activate agency to solve them. The study indicates that there is a connection between security and change. Furthermore, it seems to be of importance for teachers and school leaders not only to have common goals but also share the interpretation of problems and the analysis of possible action to solve the problems. The study also found that teachers change their practice to be in alignment with their own goals and aspirations. Even though all teachers abide by common laws and regulations, teachers choose to focus on different parts of the regulations when shaping their goals. The teachers´ goals and aspirations, shape their images of the future they want and play a pivotal role in shaping their actions in the present and in activating agency. The teachers in the study constantly changed their practice in relation to the needs they identify in the local context but also from a genuine interest to learn more, change and improve their professional practice.

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