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An assessment of corporate entrepreneurship in the fast-moving consumer goods industry / E.A. UeckermannUeckermann, Edward Albert January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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An assessment of corporate entrepreneurship in the fast-moving consumer goods industry / E.A. UeckermannUeckermann, Edward Albert January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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”Det blir kreativare ju längre ned i kedjan man kommer” - Upplevelser av organisationsklimatet och dess förutsättningar för kreativitet / “The further down the chain you go, the more creative it becomes“ – How the organizational climate can provide for creativityHall, Moa, Wassrin, Siri January 2013 (has links)
Då den globala konkurrensen ökar ställs idag allt högre krav på organisationeratt skapa innovationer, därmed måste organisationerna kunna tillvarata och främja medarbetarnas kreativitet. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersökahur medarbetare i en global organisation, inom högteknologisk utveckling och produktion, upplever organisationsklimatet samt hur det upplevda organisationsklimatet kan påverka förutsättningarna för kreativitet. Studien baseras på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare på olika positioner, avdelningar och nivåer i organisationen. Studien tyder på att det delvis råder goda förutsättningar för kreativitet i den närmsta arbetsgruppen där klimatet är tryggt och medarbetarna är motiverade. Dessa förutsättningar tycks många gånger hämmas av en otydlig och inkonsekvent ledning som ger svagt idéstöd och genom bristande tillit skapar otrygga och passiva medarbetare genom hela organisationen. Studien tyder därmed på att den högsta ledningen har ett stort ansvar över om förutsättningar för kreativitet ska vara ett reellt värde i organisationen.
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One size fits all? Towards a differentiated policy approach with respect to regional innovation systems.Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The knowledge economy, learning and innovation have moved to the foreground both in regional and industrial policies in the past decade. Concrete policies were shaped in the past by the linear innovation model (focus on R&D and technology diffusion), and more recently, by "best practice models" of interactive innovation derived from high tech- and well performing regions. These were often applied in a similar way across many types of regions. In this paper an attempt was made to show that there is no "ideal model" for innovation policy. Empirical investigations demonstrate that preconditions for innovation, innovation activities and processes, as well networks differ strongly between central, peripheral and old industrial regions. The RIS approach allows to take such differences into account by analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the various subsystems, clusters and the interdependencies within the respective region and beyond. In the present paper we are going to analyse different types of regional innovation systems with respect to their preconditions for innovation, networking and innovation barriers. Based on this classification different policy options and strategies are developed and discussed. Besides high performing regional innovation systems with well developed and dynamic clusters we will deal with situations which are characterised by low levels of clustering, a weak endowment with relevant institutions, fragmentation and "lock in". We argue that policy approaches will differ - amongst other dimensions - with respect to the weight given to the stimulation of incremental/radical innovations, the orientation on endogenous/exogenous companies and knowledge sources, and the fostering of internal/external networking. (author's abstract) / Series: SRE - Discussion Papers
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Cognitive style and the use of payment methods : an interpretive study of consumer initiator behaviourSzmigin, Isabelle Teresa Danuta January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Dealing with tissue rejection in EFL projects : the role of an ethnographic means analysisHolliday, Adrian January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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Improving school culture : an organizational constructional model of leadershipGoshen, David January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Regional dynamics of technology sourcing : the case of GermanyNoonan, Camilla January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimal diffusion : A theoretical and empirical analysis of the diffusion of innovationsIssidoridis, G. D. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of higher education institutions and the government in the industrial innovation process : the case of the Colombian capital goods industryRobledo-Velasquez, Jorge January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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