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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Cloud-based Business Process Automation Platform for Customer Interaction : Research, development, integration, deployment and test of a Business Process Automation platform to manage company customer relations through the cloud. / Ett Molnbaserat Affärsprocess Automation Plattform för Kundinteraktion : Forskning, utveckling, integration, uppbyggnad och test av en Affärsprocess Automation plattform för att hantera företagets kundrelationer genom molnet.

Fiorello, Nicola January 2021 (has links)
Customer relationship management is a crucial point of many businesses, and is often characterized by repetitive and monotonous actions carried out by operators. The evolution of technology, in this regard, is leading to a highly multi-channel scenario, where the entire history of interactions between the company and the customer is fragmented across different services and communication tools. This work proposes a software solution for the design of business processes aimed at the automatic management of multi-channel customer relations, through the creation of intuitive graphic maps. The development of a front-end tool for creating and editing processes is completed by the creation of a server-side interpreter, which executes the processes as needed. To meet the need to collect and exploit information regarding the various customers who interface with the system, the project involves the creation of a cloud-native profiling database, accessible from different applications through specific APIs. Finally, to compare different deployment solutions, an experimental analysis is conducted on the performance provided in different scenarios, characterized by different workloads and hosting infrastructures. The final software testing demonstrates the possibility of automating the customer-interaction processes, obtaining an effective service and guaranteeing a good user experience. The profiling database represents a precious resource of information for the execution of automatic processes, and integrates well also with other applications, thanks to its versatility. The analysis of the deployment possibilities highlights, in most test scenarios, a significant convenience of cloud solutions. To summarize, this work demonstrates the possibility of automating customer interactions through an intuitive process design, and proposes a working software solution, suggesting which technology is most appropriate for the deployment. The next step would be to extend the set of functions available to other types of communication, complete integration with new services and channels, and finalize advanced debugging and validation features. / Hantering av kundrelationer är en avgörande punkt för många företag och kännetecknas ofta av repetitiva och monotona åtgärder som utförs av operatörer. Teknikens utveckling, i detta avseende, leder till ett mycket flerkanaligt scenario, där hela interaktionshistoriken mellan företaget och kunden är fragmenterad över olika tjänster och kommunikationsverktyg. Detta arbete föreslår en mjukvarulösning för design av affärsprocesser som syftar till automatisk hantering av flerkanaliga kundrelationer, genom att skapa intuitiva grafiska kartor. Utvecklingen av ett front-end-verktyg för att skapa och redigera processer slutförs genom att skapa ett interpreter på serversidan, som utför processerna efter behov. För att möta behovet av att samla in och utnyttja information om de olika kunderna som behandlas av systemet, innehåller projektet skapandet av en moln-nativ profileringsdatabas, som är tillgänglig från olika applikationer via specifika API:er. Slutligen, för att jämföra olika lösningar för implementation, genomförs en experimentell analys av prestanda i olika scenarier, kännetecknade av olika arbetsbelastningar och värdinfrastrukturer. Den slutliga mjukvarutestningen visar möjligheten att automatisera kundinteraktionsprocesserna, få en effektiv service och garantera en bra användarupplevelse. Profileringsdatabasen representerar en värdefull informationsresurs för utförande av automatiska processer och integreras väl även med andra applikationer, tack vare dess mångsidighet. Analysen av möjliga implementationer belyser i de flesta testscenarier en betydande fördel av molnlösningar. Sammanfattningsvis visar detta arbete möjligheten att automatisera kundinteraktioner genom en intuitiv processdesign och föreslår en fungerande mjukvarulösning, med hänvisning för vilken teknik som är mest lämplig för att implementera systemet. Nästa steg skulle vara att utöka uppsättningen funktioner som är tillgängliga för andra typer av kommunikation, att slutföra integration med nya tjänster och kanaler och att slutföra avancerade felsöknings- och valideringsfunktioner. / La gestione delle relazioni con i clienti è un punto cruciale di molte aziende, ed è spesso caratterizzata da azioni ripetitive e monotone, svolte da degli operatori. L’evoluzione della tecnologia sta portando, in questo senso, ad uno scenario fortemente multicanale, dove l’intera storia delle interazioni tra azienda e cliente è frammentata tra diversi servizi e strumenti di comunicazione. Questo lavoro propone una soluzione software per la progettazione dei processi aziendali finalizzata alla gestione automatica delle relazioni multicanale con i clienti, attraverso la creazione di intuitive mappe grafiche. Lo sviluppo di uno strumento front-end per la creazione e la modifica dei processi è corredato di un interprete lato server, che esegue i processi all’occorrenza. Per rispondere all’esigenza di raccogliere e sfruttare le informazioni riguardanti i vari clienti che si interfacciano con il sistema, il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un database di profilazione cloud-native, accessibile da diverse applicazioni tramite specifiche API. Infine, per confrontare diverse soluzioni di implementazione, viene condotta un’analisi sperimentale sulle prestazioni fornite in diversi scenari, caratterizzati da diversi carichi di lavoro e infrastrutture di hosting. Il test finale del software dimostra la possibilità di automatizzare i processi di interazione con il cliente, ottenendo un servizio efficace e garantendo una buona user experience. Il database di profilazione rappresenta una preziosa risorsa di informazioni per l’esecuzione di processi automatici, e si integra bene anche con altre applicazioni, grazie alla sua versatilità. L’analisi delle possibilità di implementazione evidenzia, nella maggior parte degli scenari di test, una notevole convenienza delle soluzioni cloud. Per riassumere, questo lavoro dimostra la possibilità di automatizzare le interazioni con i clienti attraverso un design di processo intuitivo, e propone una soluzione software funzionante, suggerendo quale tecnologia è più appropriata per il deploy. La naturale prosecuzione del progetto richiederebbe di estendere il set di funzioni disponibili ad altri tipi di comunicazione, completare l’integrazione con nuovi servizi e canali, e finalizzare funzionalità avanzate di debug e validazione.

Effets des incertitudes et de la variabilité spatiale des propriétés des sols et des structures sur le dimensionnement des semelles filantes et des conduites enterrées / Effects of uncertainties and spatial variation of soil and structure properties on geotechnical design : cases of continuous spread footings and buried pipes

Imanzadeh, Saber 15 February 2013 (has links)
Le sol présente une variabilité spatiale des propriétés physiques et mécaniques dont les effets sur des structures légères avec semelles filantes et sur les conduites enterrées ne sont pas bien pris en compte dans leur dimensionnement. Cette variabilité naturelle peut être très importante dans le cas de ces ouvrages car elle induit des tassements différentiels, dont les conséquences peuvent être dommageables : fissures dans les murs, les poutres ou encore des fuites dans les réseaux d’assainissement. La variabilité naturelle du sol et l'incertitude liée à la connaissance imparfaite des propriétés du sol et/ou du béton ou de l'acier de la structure sont les principales sources d'incertitude dans le choix des paramètres de calcul pour le dimensionnement de ces structures. Dans cette thèse, une approche analytique avec les méthodes probabilistes (FOSM et SOSM) et le modèle de Winkler, puis numérique avec le couplage de la méthode des éléments finis avec des approches géostatistiques ont été successivement menées pour modéliser le comportement des semelles filantes et des conduites enterrés lorsque les incertitudes sur les propriétés mécaniques du sol et de la structure sont prises en compte dans leur dimensionnement. Il apparait ainsi, l’importance du comportement longitudinal de ces ouvrages et du poids des incertitudes dans leur dimensionnement. / Soil exhibits spatial heterogeneities resulting from the history of its deposition and aggregation processes that occur in different physical and chemical environments. This inherent or natural variability can be very important in the case of the superficial geotechnical works inducing differential settlements, whose consequences on structural response can be harmful: local failures, cracking in beams or walls, leakage in sewers. Natural variability of soil and uncertainty related to imperfect knowledge in soil properties and/or of concrete or steel of the structure, are the major source of uncertainty in the choice of the design parameters. In this thesis the probabilistic methods in geotechnical engineering, the analytical Winkler model and the coupling of the finite element method with geostatistical approaches were successively used to model the behavior of shallow foundations and buried pipe networks when soil and structure uncertainties are considered in their design.

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