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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resilience in Practice for Strategic Planning at a Local Government

Sellberg, My January 2013 (has links)
This thesis addresses two research gaps: the gap of how to operationalize resilience in an urban context, and the gap on empirical studies of the relationship between resilience and sustainable development. I have approached these gaps by entering the emerging field of interdisciplinary research linking planning and resilience in a study of the process of preparing a resilience assessment for the semi-urban municipality of Eskilstuna in Sweden (2012–13). In order to capture in-depth data, I have conducted participant observation of the resilience assessment process, semi-structured interviews with the organizers at the municipality, as well as key participants from other departments, a review of the official municipal documents and a survey to the workshop participants. My findings show that resilience thinking helped frame the previously overlooked threats of a future triple crises, and bridge the short-term crisis management and the longer-term planning for sustainable development at the municipality. The idea of complex adaptive systems introduced a new perspective for sustainable development in the municipality, which practitioners thought was useful for providing new arguments to hinder slowly degrading trends, as well as clarifying the picture of a sustainable society.

Killing a tree is the same as killing a part of Creation : A comparative study of Western and Indigenous’ worldviews, views of nature and knowledge systems

Tütüncü, Deniz January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays there is a great deal of concern for global warming. Researchers and politicians all over the world are urgently trying to find solutions to it. However, most of the solutions which consider sustainable development have a technical perspective to environmental problems. The alarm of global warming might open up for new ways of solving problems. Indigenous peoples live close to nature and their specific ecosystems which give them a unique understanding for the complexity of nature. However, indigenous people and their knowledge are rarely integrated in international regimes, the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment is the most inclusive regime. Integration of Indigenous Knowledge have been successful in Western environmental management, such as in EIA’s. This ignorance to indigenous knowledge as a source to knowledge illustrates a Eurocentrism in environmental management (McGregor, 2004; Tsuji & Ho, 2002; Berkes, 1999; Smith & Sharp, 2012; Battiste & Henderson, 2000). This study has several aims. Firstly I will compare what has been interpreted as a holistic worldview with the atomistic one. Secondly, I will compare the organic view of nature to the technocratic view of nature. Thirdly, a comparison of the positivist-reductionist approach to the term “Indigenous Knowledge” as McGregor (2004) describes it will be done. Furthermore, the aim of this study is to understand if and if so how IK challenges the positivist-reductionist approach and whether these knowledge systems are compatible with each other. At last, a new analytical framework will be developed to support my theories and clarify them. This study concludes that while there are fundamental differences between the worldviews, views of nature and knowledge systems. This study stress that indigenous knowledge is compatible with the positivist-reductionist approach. Furthermore it is desirable to include IK in Western society further because Western society can make benefits from indigenous peoples view on nature and their view on knowledge from an environmental management perspective.

Genusmedveten utveckling av arbetsgivarvarumärket för hållbar kompetensförsörjning / Gender-sensitive Employer Branding for Sustainable Skills Supply

Lundkvist, Hans January 2017 (has links)
Tillgång till mänskliga resurser är avgörande för många företags långsiktiga utveckling och överlevnad. Demografiska förändringar och tecken på ökade svårigheter att rekrytera personal leder till att allt fler verksamheter måste reflektera över sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke i syfte att behålla och attrahera rätt personal. Inte bara demografiska förändringar utan även könssegregerade strukturera kan försvåra detta. Segregering, traditioner och stereotypa förhållningsätt påverkar individers utbildnings- och yrkesval vilket begränsar tillgången till kompetens. Med finansiering från VINNOVA för tillämpad genusforskning inledde en forskargrupp och ett ingenjörsföretag i Dalarna, 2009, ett samarbete för att gemensamt utveckla kunskap om hur en verksamhet kan bli mer attraktiv i syfte att underlätta framtida kompetensförsörjning utifrån ett genusperspektiv. De erfarenheter och frågeställningar som samarbetet genererade lade grund till denna avhandling. Syftet med avhandlingen är att öka den vetenskapliga kunskapen om hur begreppet arbetsgivarvarumärke kan utvecklas ur ett genusperspektiv för att öka arbetsgivares förmåga att rekrytera och behålla kompetent personal oavsett kön. För att besvara avhandlingens frågeställningar har olika vetenskapsområden kombinerats: Teorier om varumärke, arbetsgivarvarumärke, genusvetenskap och förändringsprocesser har varit grundläggande. Från det genusvetenskapliga fältet har främst begreppet ”doing gender” (göra kön) varit centralt för att förstå hur genus kan ses som ett vardagligt görande i organisationer. Även teorier om hållbara förändringsprocesser och utvecklingsprogram har använts för att öka förståelsen för organisering, ansvarsfördelning och utveckling av ett långsiktigt hållbart arbetsgivarvarumärke. Metoden för samverkan med det studerade företaget byggde på aktionsforskning med en abduktiv ansats där parterna gemensamt planerade och genomförde insatser. För att besvara de frågeställningar som uppstod i samarbetet med företaget användes forskningsdatabaser för att ta fram underlag för litteraturstudier. Avhandlingen bidrar med en vetenskaplig analys av hur ett genusperspektiv praktiskt och teoretiskt kan integreras i processen för utveckling av ett attraktivt arbete. Dessutom analyseras förslag på hur ansvarsfördelning och organisering kan utformas i en långsiktigt hållbar utvecklingsprocess för ett arbetsgivarvarumärke.

Assessing the Experiences of IUD Users Along the Thailand-Burma Border

Gedeon, Jillian January 2014 (has links)
The forced displacement of over 100 ethnic minorities in Burma over the last few decades has negatively impacted the overall health of this population. The maternal mortality ratio along the Thailand-Burma border is one of the highest in the world and access to life saving reproductive health services and technologies is minimal. The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of intra-uterine device (IUD) users living along the border while exploring the various influences that have shaped women’s reproductive experiences. Using qualitative methods, I found that differences in legal/minority status, culture, availability of services, health status, financial status, and education/awareness of family planning can determine women’s overall health in the region. The use of the IUD helped reduce the influence of these factors and provided women with reproductive autonomy; the contraceptive technology was greatly appreciated by users for its efficiency, its effectiveness, and its safety. The findings from this study suggest that the IUD can address significant reproductive health problems in the region and should be made more widely available along the Thailand-Burma border.

Depressive Symptomatology Following Interdisciplinary Palliative Rehabilitation: Mechanisms of Change and Longitudinal Course

Feldstain, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
Patients with advanced cancer (PWAC) are living months-years longer. With advances in oncological care, their illness can be considered chronic rather than terminal. This population of survivors emerged within the last two decades and their needs are not well understood nor are appropriate resources available. A particular concern is depression. Both clinical and subclinical depressive symptomatology can impede functioning and quality of life (QOL). Using secondary clinical data from a palliative rehabilitation program (PRP), the thesis objectives were to a) examine pre-post changes in functioning and QOL, b) examine the mechanisms of change in depressive symptomatology, and c) examine the longitudinal course of depressive symptomatology. Study 1 examined pre-post changes in QOL and functioning. Outcomes from 67 PRP patients were analyzed using paired t-tests. Results revealed ameliorations in the majority of domains (e.g. physical functioning, malnutrition) including self-reported “depression.” These results counter the existing literature that has shown that these typically stay stable until one month before death, when they drastically worsen. This begins to support that rehabilitation may be beneficial for PWAC. Study 2 focused on the finding that depression scores decreased. Changes in systemic inflammation, exercise, and general self-efficacy (GSE) from 80 PRP patients were examined as predictors of change in depressive symptomatology using a hierarchical linear regression. The model accounted for 15% of change in depression symptomatology, and GSE was the only significant predictor. This suggests that a GSE theoretical framework may be helpful in reducing depressive symptomatology in interdisciplinary palliative rehabilitation. Study 3 focused on longitudinal depressive symptomatology. Three-month follow-up data from 80 patients were analyzed using a repeated measures ANOVA for continuous data and a Cochrane’s Q analysis for grouped data. Results revealed that patients maintained reduced scores at follow-up. This counters the existing literature, in which longitudinal maintenance is poor following exercise-based interventions. Therefore, PRP may offer something beyond what other published interventions have previously. These finding will be discussed in the context of other existing literatures and the implications will be discussed.

Visual literacy for the 1990's

Meral, Lynda S. 01 January 1991 (has links)
Visual aesthetics -- Whole-brain thinking -- Pictorial imaging -- Art and science, mathematics, social studies, and language arts.

Bridging the curriculum through literature

Mensinger, Glennis Esta 01 January 1993 (has links)
This project promotes the use of literature groups based around a theme. In trying to meet the requirements of the California state framework, to integrate the subjects, this project contains two thematic units. Although the themes were designed for second and third grade, the two thematic units may be used as a guide to help teachers implement the thematics teaching approach into their classrooms.

A system for the application of computer mediated communication to scholarly discourse

Faw, Bruce Duane 01 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

A qualitative study of the dichotomy between educational policy and educational research on learning theory

Eakes, Karen Joy 01 January 2000 (has links)
This study explores and exposes the dichotomy that currently exists between educational policy and research in learning theory.

Yrkesetik inom offentlig förvaltning : En analys med fokus på Migrationsverkets Återvändandearbete

Svensson, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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