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On design concept for full-duplex based flexible radio transceivers / Conception d’une architecture pour Full-Duplex basée sur les émetteurs-récepteurs radioZhan, Zhaowu 16 December 2014 (has links)
Le medium sans fil est une ressource partagée et limitée. Les normes sans fil actuelles partagent toujours le principe de partage du medium Half-Duplex: la transmission et la réception de signaux sont effectuées dans deux intervalles de temps distincts ou deux bandes de fréquences différentes. En outre, l'émetteur-récepteur ne peut émettre et recevoir qu’un signal à la fois. Cette thèse suit une autre approche: au lieu de partager le support avec le principe de Half-Duplex, toute la bande de fréquence autorisée est partagé pour la transmission et la réception simultanée, approche qui est appelée Full-Duplex. Dès lors, on peut concevoir une architecture d'un émetteur-récepteur radio flexible à large bande pour traiter deux types de signaux différents à la fois. Pour approcher cet objectif, nous utilisons une méthode de suppression active analogique de l’auto-interférence (AARFSIC) et l'annulation active numérique d'auto interférence dans le domaine temporel (ADSICT) pour annuler la forte auto-interférence (SI) induite par le principe Full-Duplex. Basé sur la radio Full-Duplex, nous proposons un système flexible Dual-Band (FDDB) émetteur-récepteur radio OFDM-Full Duplex en la combinant avec un front-end RF double bande. S'appuyant sur ces principes, nous exposons trois contributions principales: Nous présentons une technique d’annulation analogique de l’auto-interférence (ASIC), qui peut annuler complètement l’auto-interférence à trajet direct ou multi-trajets, basée sur la combinaison des méthodes AARFSIC et DSICT. Ensuite, nous présentons la conception et l'évaluation d'une radio OFDM Full-Duplex, y compris l'analyse et la qualification de l'impact du bruit thermique et du bruit de phase sur les performances du système. Enfin, nous développons une radio dual-bande FDDB OFDM qui peut fonctionner sur deux fragments de spectre séparés. Afin d'éliminer l'impact du déséquilibre I/Q sur la radio FDDB, une méthode d’estimation des déséquilibres I/Q et de compensation, simple mais efficace, est présentée. La simulation au niveau système menée avec ADS et Matlab montre que cette méthode peut effectivement compenser des déséquilibres I/Q aussi bien élevés que faibles. / The wireless medium is a shared and limited resource. Current wireless standards always share the medium with Half-Duplex principle: the transmission and reception of signals are done in two separate time slots or two different frequency bands. Besides, the transceiver can only transmit and receive one signal at a time. This dissertation takes an alternate approach: Instead of sharing the medium with Half-Duplex principle, the entire licensed frequency band is shared for simultaneous transmission and reception, which we call Full-Duplex. Besides, the design concept for a wideband flexible radio transceiver can process two different types of signals at a time. To approach this goal, we use an active analog radio frequency self-interference cancellation (AARFSIC) method or a combination scheme of the AARFSIC and active digital self interference cancellation in time domain (ADSICT) to cancel the strong self-interference (SI) induced by the Full-Duplex principle. Based on the Full-Duplex radio, we propose a flexible Full-Duplex Dual-Band (FDDB) OFDM radio transceiver by combining it with a Dual-Band RF front-end. Building on these, we make three main contributions: We present an active self-interference cancellation (ASIC) scheme, which can cancel both the strong one-path and multi-path SI completely, based on the combination of the AARFSIC and DSICT. Next, we introduce the design and evaluation of a Full-Duplex OFDM radio, including the analysis and qualification of the impact of the thermal noise and phase noise on the system performance. Finally, we develop a FDDB OFDM radio that can work on two separate spectrum fragments. In order to eliminate the impact of the I/Q imbalance on the FDDB radio, a simple but practical digital I/Q imbalance estimation and compensation method is presented. The system level simulation conducted with ADS and Matlab software shows that this method can effectively compensate both high and low I/Q imbalance.
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Joint multiuser power allocation and iterative multi-antenna receiver designTervo, V. (Valtteri) 20 January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on joint optimization of transmit power allocation and receive filtering in multiuser, multi-antenna communications. Due to the increasing number of wireless devices, the design of energy-efficient communication links is becoming increasingly important. In cellular mobile communications, reducing the average power consumption in uplink transmission is beneficial for users in order to extend battery life and, hence, energy efficiency in general. However, the power consumption of the high power amplifier (HPA) at the transmitter depends on the peak power of the transmission. This thesis focuses on power allocation problems for single-carrier (SC) frequency division multiple access (FDMA) and orthogonal FDMA (OFDMA) transmission assuming iterative reception.
The goal in the first scheme presented in this thesis is to reduce the average power consumption by designing a power allocation method that takes into account the convergence properties of an iterative receiver in multiuser uplink communications. The proposed scheme can guarantee that the desired quality of service (QoS) is achieved after a sufficient number of iterations.
Reducing the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) in any transmission system is beneficial because it allows the use of inexpensive, energy-efficient power amplifiers. The goal in the second scheme presented in this thesis is to control the PAPR of the transmitted signal. Hence, in addition to the QoS constraint, the instantaneous PAPR constraint is derived for SC-FDMA and OFDMA transmission. Moreover, a statistical approach is considered in which the power variance of the transmitted waveform is controlled. The QoS and PAPR constraints are considered jointly and, therefore, the proposed power allocation strategy jointly takes into account the channel quality and the PAPR characteristics of the power amplifier. However, the PAPR constraint can be adopted to any SC-FDMA or OFDMA framework and it is not restricted to the scheme presented in this thesis. The objective of the optimization problems considered throughout the thesis is to minimize the sum power. The majority of the derived constraints are non-convex and therefore, two alternative successive convex approximations (SCAs) are derived for all the non-convex constraints considered.
The numerical results show that the proposed power allocation strategies can significantly reduce the average transmission power of users while allowing flexible PAPR control. Hence, the proposed methods can be used to extend battery life for users and especially improve the QoS at the cell edges. / Tiivistelmä
Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan lähettimessä tapahtuvan tehoallokoinnin sekä vastaanottimessa tapahtuvan signaalin suodatuksen yhteisoptimointia monikäyttöön suunnatussa langattomassa moniantennikommunikaatiossa. Langattomien laitteiden lukumäärän kasvaessa energiatehokkuuden merkitys tiedonsiirtolinkkien suunnittelussa korostuu. Soluihin perustuvassa langattomassa tietoliikenteessä keskimääräisen tehonkulutuksen pienentäminen ylälinkkilähetyksessä (käyttäjältä tukiasemaan) on tärkeää käyttäjän kannalta, sillä se pidentää laitteen akun kestoa. Lähettimen tehovahvistimen (high power amplifier (HPA)) tehonkulutus on kuitenkin verrannollinen lähetyksen huipputehoon. Väitöskirjassa luodaaan uusia menetelmiä sekä vertaillaan tehoallokointia yhden kantoaallon taajuustason monikäyttöön (single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA)) ja ortogonaalisen taajuustason monikäyttöön (orthogonal FDMA (OFDMA)) perustuvissa lähetysteknologioissa.
Työn ensimmäisessä osiossa tavoitteena on keskimääräisen tehonkulutuksen pienentäminen monen käyttäjän ylälinkkikommunikaatiossa suunnittelemalla tehoallokointimenetelmä, joka ottaa huomioon iteratiivisen vastaanottimen konvergenssiominaisuudet. Työssä ehdotettu menetelmä takaa vastaanotetun informaation halutun laadun (quality of service (QoS)) riittävän monen vastaanottimessa tehdyn iteraation jälkeen.
Huipputehon ja keskitehon suhteen (peak to average power ratio (PAPR)) pienentäminen missä tahansa lähetyksessä on hyödyllistä, sillä sen ansiosta voidaan käyttää energiatehokkaampia ja halvempia tehovahvistimia. Työn jälkimmäisessä osiossa tavoitteena on kontrolloida lähetetyn signaalin huipputehon ja keskitehon suhdetta. Työn ensimmäisessä osiossa esitetyn QoS-rajoitteen lisäksi tehoallokointia rajoitetaan symbolisekvenssikohtaisella PAPR-rajoitteella SCFDMA- ja OFDMA-lähetyksessä. Lisäksi esitetään tilastollinen menetelmä, jossa rajoitetaan lähetetyn signaalin tehon varianssia. Kun käytetään yhtäaikaisesti QoS- ja PAPR-rajoitteita, voidaan tiedonsiirtokanavaan suunnitella optimaalinen tehoallokointi ottaen huomioon tehovahvistimen epälineaarisuudet. Työssä esitetty PAPR-rajoite on kuitenkin geneerinen, ja se voidaan sovittaa mihin tahansa SCFDMA- tai OFDMA- optimointikehykseen. Työssä esitettävien optimointiongelmien tavoitteena on käyttäjien summatehon minimointi. Suurin osa työssä esiintyvistä ongelmista on ei-konvekseja, joten siinä esitetään kaksi vaihtoehtoista peräkkäinen konveksi approksimaatio (successive convex approximation (SCA)) -menetelmää kaikille ei-konvekseille rajoitteille.
Numeeriset tulokset osoittavat, että esitetyt tehoallokointimenetelmät pienentävät merkittävästi keskimääräistä tehonkulutusta mahdollistaen lisäksi adaptiivisen PAPR-kontrolloinnin. Väitöskirjassa esitettyjen menetelmien avulla voidaan pidentää mobiilikäyttäjien akun kestoa sekä erityisesti parantaa solun reunakäyttäjien palvelun laatua.
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An investigation into the improvement in WCDMA system performance using multiuser detection and interference cancellationNgwenya, Themba M A 08 June 2005 (has links)
WCDMA is typically characterised as a system capable of providing mobile users with data rates up to 2 Mb/s and beyond. It has been termed an ultra high-speed, ultra high-capacity radio technology that will be able to carry a new range of fast, colourful media, such as colour graphics, video, animations, digital audio, Internet and e-mail that consumers will be able to access over their mobiles devices. This current study has researched on the various existing Multiuser detection (MUD) processes or proposals conducted by various research institutions around the world. It has identified the advantages that the past work offers, and it is these advantages that form the basis of the current research into the improvement techniques. The proposed Partial Parallel Pipelined Multiuser Detector (PPPMUD or P3MUD) has come about from two main flavours or directions of research. The first one seeks to promote the Soft Parallel Interference Cancellation technique as an effective bias mitigation technique. This bias occurring in the second stage decision statistics, exhibits a very harmful effect on system Bit Error Rate, (BER), particularly for large system loads. This current study goes further by carefully analysing the Soft Cancellation Factor, SCF behaviour to eventually derive and determine the optimum SCF value which exhibits positive characteristics when varied with the increasing system load (number of users). This optimum SCF value is called the universal SCF or SCFUNV, as it is theoretically supposed to perform favourably under various system loads. A favourable or acceptable performance would be characterised by low observed or measured BER during the system processing stages. A further enhancement to the operational performance of the SCFUNV algorithm is the SCFUNV Compensator, which is basically a compensation mechanism created by modelling the behaviour of the SCF values, and adjusts the SCFUNV depending on the system load, (number of simultaneous users). Thus, the SCFUNV is adaptively adjusted in order to perform acceptably under all load conditions. The second direction of research, as regards improvements in MUD techniques, involves the conventional Bit-Streaming, Pipelined Multiuser Detector. This came about due to the computational complexity as well as matrix inversions which affected earlier asynchronous multiuser detection techniques. This detector has a pipelined architecture which avoids multishot (block-based) detection and instead, processes the bits in a streaming fashion. The architecture consists of a matched filter followed by three stages of parallel interference cancellation, (PIC). This present study extends that research by outlining the advantages of incorporating the soft parallel interference cancellation technique, by way of the universal soft cancellation factor, (SCFUNV), into the conventional pipelined multiuser detector architecture to form the P3MUD architecture, which includes the compensator. The contributions of the proposed P3MUD system is that the observed BER output simulations are promising, with an observed overall decrease in the error rate for the P3MUD process, as compared to the conventional pipelined detection method. This decrease signifies an improvement offered by the proposed (P3MUD) algorithm. Further observed analysis indicates the possibility of decreasing the number of parallel interference cancellation stages from three to at least two, after the matched filter detection stage, without an observable change in system BER. Hence, the proposal of the two-stage P3MUD. / Dissertation (MEng (Electronic))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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Multiuser Transmission in Code Division Multiple Access Mobile Communications SystemsIrmer, Ralf 28 April 2005 (has links)
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is the technology used in all third generation cellular communications networks, and it is a promising candidate for the definition of fourth generation standards. The wireless mobile channel is usually frequency-selective causing interference among the users in one CDMA cell. Multiuser Transmission (MUT) algorithms for the downlink can increase the number of supportable users per cell, or decrease the necessary transmit power to guarantee a certain quality-of-service. Transmitter-based algorithms exploiting the channel knowledge in the transmitter are also motivated by information theoretic results like the Writing-on-Dirty-Paper theorem. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a reasonable performance criterion for noise-dominated scenarios. Using linear filters in the transmitter and the receiver, the SNR can be maximized with the proposed Eigenprecoder. Using multiple transmit and receive antennas, the performance can be significantly improved. The Generalized Selection Combining (GSC) MIMO Eigenprecoder concept enables reduced complexity transceivers. Methods eliminating the interference completely or minimizing the mean squared error exist for both the transmitter and the receiver. The maximum likelihood sequence detector in the receiver minimizes the bit error rate (BER), but it has no direct transmitter counterpart. The proposed Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission (TxMinBer) minimizes the BER at the detectors by transmit signal processing. This nonlinear approach uses the knowledge of the transmit data symbols and the wireless channel to calculate a transmit signal optimizing the BER with a transmit power constraint by nonlinear optimization methods like sequential quadratic programming (SQP). The performance of linear and nonlinear MUT algorithms with linear receivers is compared at the example of the TD-SCDMA standard. The interference problem can be solved with all MUT algorithms, but the TxMinBer approach requires less transmit power to support a certain number of users. The high computational complexity of MUT algorithms is also an important issue for their practical real-time application. The exploitation of structural properties of the system matrix reduces the complexity of the linear MUT mthods significantly. Several efficient methods to invert the ystem matrix are shown and compared. Proposals to reduce the omplexity of the Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission mehod are made, including a method avoiding the constraint by pase-only optimization. The complexity of the nonlinear methods i still some magnitudes higher than that of the linear MUT lgorithms, but further research on this topic and the increasing processing power of integrated circuits will eventually allow to exploit their better performance. / Der codegeteilte Mehrfachzugriff (CDMA) wird bei allen zellularen Mobilfunksystemen der dritten Generation verwendet und ist ein aussichtsreicher Kandidat für zukünftige Technologien. Die Netzkapazität, also die Anzahl der Nutzer je Funkzelle, ist durch auftretende Interferenzen zwischen den Nutzern begrenzt. Für die Aufwärtsstrecke von den mobilen Endgeräten zur Basisstation können die Interferenzen durch Verfahren der Mehrnutzerdetektion im Empfänger verringert werden. Für die Abwärtsstrecke, die höhere Datenraten bei Multimedia-Anwendungen transportiert, kann das Sendesignal im Sender so vorverzerrt werden, dass der Einfluß der Interferenzen minimiert wird. Die informationstheoretische Motivation liefert dazu das Writing-on-Dirty-Paper Theorem. Das Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhältnis ist ein geeignetes Kriterium für die Performanz in rauschdominierten Szenarien. Mit Sende- und Empfangsfiltern kann das SNR durch den vorgeschlagenen Eigenprecoder maximiert werden. Durch den Einsatz von Mehrfachantennen im Sender und Empfänger kann die Performanz signifikant erhöht werden. Mit dem Generalized Selection MIMO Eigenprecoder können Transceiver mit reduzierter Komplexität ermöglicht werden. Sowohl für den Empfänger als auch für den Sender existieren Methoden, die Interferenzen vollständig zu eliminieren, oder den mittleren quadratischen Fehler zu minimieren. Der Maximum-Likelihood-Empfänger minimiert die Bitfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit (BER), hat jedoch kein entsprechendes Gegenstück im Sender. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission (TxMinBer) minimiert die BER am Detektor durch Sendesignalverarbeitung. Dieses nichtlineare Verfahren nutzt die Kenntnis der Datensymbole und des Mobilfunkkanals, um ein Sendesignal zu generieren, dass die BER unter Berücksichtigung einer Sendeleistungsnebenbedingung minimiert. Dabei werden nichtlineare Optimierungsverfahren wie Sequentielle Quadratische Programmierung (SQP) verwendet. Die Performanz linearer und nichtlinearer MUT-Verfahren MUT-Algorithmen mit linearen Empfängern wird am Beispiel des TD-SCDMA-Standards verglichen. Das Problem der Interferenzen kann mit allen untersuchten Verfahren gelöst werden, die TxMinBer-Methode benötigt jedoch die geringste Sendeleistung, um eine bestimmt Anzahl von Nutzern zu unterstützen. Die hohe Rechenkomplexität der MUT-Algorithmen ist ein wichtiges Problem bei der Implementierung in Real-Zeit-Systemen. Durch die Ausnutzung von Struktureigenschaften der Systemmatrizen kann die Komplexität der linearen MUT-Verfahren signifikant reduziert werden. Verschiedene Verfahren zur Invertierung der Systemmatrizen werden aufgezeigt und verglichen. Es werden Vorschläge gemacht, die Komplexität der Minimum Bit Error Rate Multiuser Transmission zu reduzieren, u.a. durch Vermeidung der Sendeleistungsnebenbedingung durch eine Beschränkung der Optimierung auf die Phasen des Sendesignalvektors. Die Komplexität der nichtlinearen Methoden ist um einige Größenordungen höher als die der linearen Verfahren. Weitere Forschungsanstrengungen an diesem Thema sowie die wachsende Rechenleistung von integrierten Halbleitern werden künftig die Ausnutzung der besseren Leistungsfähigkeit der nichtlinearen MUT-Verfahren erlauben.
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Building and Evaluating a 3D Scanning System for Measurementsand Estimation of Antennas and Propagation ChannelsAagaard Fransson, Erik Johannes, Wall-Horgen, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
Wireless communications rely, among other things, on theunderstanding of the properties of the radio propagationchannel, the antennas and their interplay. Adequate measurementsare required to verify theoretical models and togain knowledge of the channel behavior and antenna performance.As a result of this master thesis we built a 3D fieldscanner measurement system to predict multipath propagationand to measure antenna characteristics. The 3Dscanner allows measuring a signal at the point of interestalong a line, on a surface or within a volume in space. In orderto evaluate the system, we have performed narrowbandchannel sounding measurements of the spatial distributionof waves impinging at an imaginary spherical sector. Datawas used to estimate the Angle-of-Arrivals (AoA) and amplitudeof the waves. An estimation method is presented tosolve the resulting inverse problem by means of regularizationwith truncated singular value decomposition. The regularizedsolution was then further improved with the helpof a successive interference cancellation algorithm. Beforeapplying the method to measurement data, it was testedon synthetic data to evaluate its performance as a functionof the noise level and the number of impinging waves. Inorder to minimize estimation errors it was also required tofind the phase center of the horn antenna used in the channelmeasurements. The task was accomplished by directmeasurements and by the regularization method, both resultsbeing in good agreement.
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Hybrid Beamforming Design for Full-Duplex mmWave Relaying SystemsWu, Zhe January 2020 (has links)
With the tremendous growth in the mobile data traffic, the demand for highdata rate is increasing rapidly, and higher frequency resources shall be exploredto alleviate the congestion in the overcrowded spectrum, thus, the millimeterwave (mmWave) frequency resource ranging from 30 GHz to 300 GHz has beenrecognized as a nature fit for the fifth-generation (5G) and beyond network. Tocompensate the severe path-loss in the mmWave band as well to realize theefficient transmissions by applying the low-cost architecture, it is of intereststo investigate the beamforming schemes with large-scale antenna arrays andthe full-duplex (FD) relaying strategy, which are indispensable in the operationof directional signal transmission and the efficient spectrum utilization inthe mmWave transmission, respectively. However, the self-interference (SI)occurring between the separate antenna arrays is the main impediment inrealizing a FD wireless node while considering the simultaneous transmission andreception.This thesis project aims to design efficient hybrid beamforming algorithms toimprove spectral efficiency and eliminate SI. The orthogonal matching pursuit(OMP)-based hybrid analog-digital beamforming design, and the alternatingdirection method of multipliers (ADMM)-based schemes are explored to improvethe spectral efficiency and eliminate the SI in this work. Moreover, a fast ADMMenabledhybrid precoding approach with SI cancellation is proposed to achievethe efficient performance and superior convergence compared with the existingschemes, as it is verified by the presented numerical simulations. / Med den enorma tillväxten i den mobila datatrafiken ökar efterfrågan påhög datahastighet snabbt, och högre frekvensresurser ska undersökas för attminska trängseln i det överbefolkade spektrumet, vilket innebär att Volymvågens(mmwave) frekvensresurs, som sträcker sig från 30 GHz till 300 GHz, har erkäntssom en naturlig resurs för den femte generationen (5G) och utanför nätverket.För att kompensera den allvarliga förlusten av tågläge i mmwave-bandet ochför att förverkliga de effektiva sändningarna genom att tillämpa den billigaarkitekturen.Det är av intresse att undersöka strålformningsprogrammen medstorskaliga antennmatriser och strategin för återutläggning av hela duplex (FD),som är oumbärliga för att driva den direkta signal överföringen och det effektivaspektrumutnyttjandet i mmwave-transmissionen.separata antennmatriser är etthuvudhinder för att förverkliga en trådlös nod från FD samtidigt som manöverväger samtidig överföring och mottagning.Syftet med detta avhandlingsprojekt är att utforma effektiva kombineradestrålformningsinformationsalgoritmer för att förbättra spektraleffektiviteten ocheliminera SI. Den ortogonala matchande jakten (OMP)-baserad hybrid analogdigitalstrålformning, och metoden med alternerande riktning för multiplikatorer(ADMM)-baserade system utforskas för att förbättra spektraleffektiviteten ochelimineraSI i det här arbetet. Dessutom föreslås en snabb, adMM-aktiveradhybrid förkonditionering med SI-annullering för att uppnå effektiv prestandaoch överlägset konvergens jämfört med de befintliga systemen, eftersom denkontrolleras av de presenterade numeriska simuleringarna.
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A Novel Approach for Cancelation of Nonaligned Inter Spreading Factor Interference in LoRa SystemsZhang, Qiaohan, Bizon, Ivo, Kumar, Atul, Martinez, Ana Belen, Chafii, Marwa, Fettweis, Gerhard 22 April 2024 (has links)
Long Range (LoRa) has become a key enabler technology for low power wide area networks. However, due to its ALOHA-based medium access scheme, LoRa has to cope with collisions that limit the capacity and network scalability. Collisions between randomly overlapped signals modulated with different spreading factors (SFs) result in inter-SF interference, which increases the packet loss likelihood when signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is low. This issue cannot be resolved by channel coding since the probability of error distance is not concentrated around the adjacent symbol. In this paper, we analytically model this interference, and propose an interference cancellation method based on the idea of segmentation of the received signal. This scheme has three steps. First, the SF of the interference signal is identified, then the equivalent data symbol and complex amplitude of the interference are estimated. Finally, the estimated interference signal is subtracted from the received signal before demodulation. Unlike conventional serial interference cancellation (SIC), this scheme can directly estimate and reconstruct the non-aligned inter-SF interference without synchronization. Simulation results show that the proposed method can significantly reduce the symbol error rate (SER) under low SIR compared with the conventional demodulation. Moreover, it also shows high robustness to fractional sample timing offset (STO) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) of interference. The presented results clearly show the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of the SER performance.
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Modelagem de redes CDMA-PON baseadas em técnicas de cancelamento paralelo e códigos corretores de erros / Modeling of CDMA-PON networks using parallel interference cancellation and error correcting codes techniquesReis Junior, José Valdemir dos 06 October 2009 (has links)
A oferta de novos serviços para os usuários finais, como o denominado triple play, que consiste no tráfego simultâneo de voz, vídeo e dados utilizando a mesma infra-estrutura de comunicação, vem exigindo que as estruturas de rede das operadoras ofereçam largura de banda adequada e qualidade de serviço. Nesse contexto, as redes ópticas passivas (PON) vêm se destacando em virtude de oferecerem maior largura de banda a custos relativamente baixos. Nas redes ópticas passivas, trechos de fibras ópticas podem ser compartilhados entre diversos assinantes, exigindo, para isso, a utilização de técnicas de controle de acesso múltiplo. Destaque maior é dado à técnica de acesso múltiplo por divisão de códigos ópticos (OCDMA), por apresentar características tais como maior segurança e capacidade flexível sob demanda. O desempenho dessa tecnologia é basicamente limitado pela interferência de acesso múltiplo, ou interferência multiusuário (MAI). No presente trabalho, cenários OCDMA-PON utilizando códigos ópticos unidimensionais, baseados na codificação prima modificada (MPC), e bidimensionais, baseados na codificação óptica ortogonal de múltiplos comprimentos de onda (MWOOC), são descritos, e seus respectivos desempenhos investigados. Os desempenhos desses sistemas são verificados utilizando-se os seguintes esquemas de modulação: 1) On-off Keying (OOK), cujo formalismo para a codificação padded MPC (PMPC) e double padded MPC (DPMPC) foi aqui desenvolvido, 2) por posição de pulso (PPM), considerando os ruídos poissonianos de deteção, cujo formalismo foi também aqui desenvolvido, 3) por posição de pulso (PPM) considerando apenas a interferência de acesso múltiplo (MAI), 4) semelhante ao (3), porém, utilizando a técnica mitigadora de MAI via cancelamento paralelo de interferência (PIC), e 5) semelhante ao (4) porém utilizando modulação por chaveamento de frequência (FSK). Em seguida, a codificação bidimensional MWOOC, utilizando modulação OOK, é analisada com e sem a utilização de PIC. Além desses esquemas, são também incluídas, pela primeira vez nesses formalismos, técnicas de correção posterior de erro (FEC) baseadas no algoritmo Reed-Solomon (RS). A figura de mérito adotada nas simulações é baseada no cálculo da taxa de erro de bit (BER). Os resultados obtidos para os diversos casos investigados neste trabalho indicam que a combinação PIC/FEC deve ser considerada de modo a se obter níveis de BER compatíveis com a região livre de erros (BER < \'10 POT.-12\') para os cenários de redes de acesso atuais e futuros (visando atender a 32 ou 64 usuários simultâneos). / The advent of new services offered to end users, such as the so called triple play, which consists in the simultaneous traffic of voice, video, and data through the same communication infrastructure, has been pushing telecom operators towards providing adequate bandwidth as well as quality of service. This has brought the spotlight to passive optical networks (PONs) by virtue of their considerably higher bandwidth at relatively low cost. In PONs, certain fiber optic spans can be shared among different users as long as multiple access control techniques are used. One such technique is the optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) technique, which, in addition, presents improved data security and flexible capacity on demand. The performance of this technology is basically limited by multi access interference (MAI), which becomes more severe as the number of simultaneous users increases. In the present work, OCDMA-PON scenarios utilizing one- and two-dimensional optical codes separately such as modified prime codes (MPC) and multi-wavelength optical orthogonal codes (MWOOC), are described and thoroughly investigated. The performances of these systems are investigated based on the following modulation schemes: 1) On-off keying (OOK), where a new formalism for the double-padded MPC is proposed, 2) Pulse position modulation (PPM), and 3) Frequency shift keying (FSK) together with MAI mitigation technique based on parallel interference cancelation (PIC). Besides these schemes, it is also included for the first time in these formalisms forward error correction techniques (FEC) based on the Reed-Solomon (RS) algorithm. The figure of merit adopted in all simulations is the bit error rate (BER). The results obtained for the cases investigated in this work indicate that the combination PIC/FEC must be considered if one is interested in obtaining BER levels compatible with the error-free region (BER < \'10 POT.-12\') for the current and future access network scenarios (aiming at attending 32 or 64 simultaneous users).
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Near-capacity sphere decoder based detection schemes for MIMO wireless communication systemsKapfunde, Goodwell January 2013 (has links)
The search for the closest lattice point arises in many communication problems, and is known to be NP-hard. The Maximum Likelihood (ML) Detector is the optimal detector which yields an optimal solution to this problem, but at the expense of high computational complexity. Existing near-optimal methods used to solve the problem are based on the Sphere Decoder (SD), which searches for lattice points confined in a hyper-sphere around the received point. The SD has emerged as a powerful means of finding the solution to the ML detection problem for MIMO systems. However the bottleneck lies in the determination of the initial radius. This thesis is concerned with the detection of transmitted wireless signals in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) digital communication systems as efficiently and effectively as possible. The main objective of this thesis is to design efficient ML detection algorithms for MIMO systems based on the depth-first search (DFS) algorithms whilst taking into account complexity and bit error rate performance requirements for advanced digital communication systems. The increased capacity and improved link reliability of MIMO systems without sacrificing bandwidth efficiency and transmit power will serve as the key motivation behind the study of MIMO detection schemes. The fundamental principles behind MIMO systems are explored in Chapter 2. A generic framework for linear and non-linear tree search based detection schemes is then presented Chapter 3. This paves way for different methods of improving the achievable performance-complexity trade-off for all SD-based detection algorithms. The suboptimal detection schemes, in particular the Minimum Mean Squared Error-Successive Interference Cancellation (MMSE-SIC), will also serve as pre-processing as well as comparison techniques whilst channel capacity approaching Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes will be employed to evaluate the performance of the proposed SD. Numerical and simulation results show that non-linear detection schemes yield better performance compared to linear detection schemes, however, at the expense of a slight increase in complexity. The first contribution in this thesis is the design of a near ML-achieving SD algorithm for MIMO digital communication systems that reduces the number of search operations within the sphere-constrained search space at reduced detection complexity in Chapter 4. In this design, the distance between the ML estimate and the received signal is used to control the lower and upper bound radii of the proposed SD to prevent NP-complete problems. The detection method is based on the DFS algorithm and the Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC). The SIC ensures that the effects of dominant signals are effectively removed. Simulation results presented in this thesis show that by employing pre-processing detection schemes, the complexity of the proposed SD can be significantly reduced, though at marginal performance penalty. The second contribution is the determination of the initial sphere radius in Chapter 5. The new initial radius proposed in this thesis is based on the variable parameter α which is commonly based on experience and is chosen to ensure that at least a lattice point exists inside the sphere with high probability. Using the variable parameter α, a new noise covariance matrix which incorporates the number of transmit antennas, the energy of the transmitted symbols and the channel matrix is defined. The new covariance matrix is then incorporated into the EMMSE model to generate an improved EMMSE estimate. The EMMSE radius is finally found by computing the distance between the sphere centre and the improved EMMSE estimate. This distance can be fine-tuned by varying the variable parameter α. The beauty of the proposed method is that it reduces the complexity of the preprocessing step of the EMMSE to that of the Zero-Forcing (ZF) detector without significant performance degradation of the SD, particularly at low Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNR). More specifically, it will be shown through simulation results that using the EMMSE preprocessing step will substantially improve performance whenever the complexity of the tree search is fixed or upper bounded. The final contribution is the design of the LRAD-MMSE-SIC based SD detection scheme which introduces a trade-off between performance and increased computational complexity in Chapter 6. The Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz (LLL) algorithm will be utilised to orthogonalise the channel matrix H to a new near orthogonal channel matrix H ̅.The increased computational complexity introduced by the LLL algorithm will be significantly decreased by employing sorted QR decomposition of the transformed channel H ̅ into a unitary matrix and an upper triangular matrix which retains the property of the channel matrix. The SIC algorithm will ensure that the interference due to dominant signals will be minimised while the LDPC will effectively stop the propagation of errors within the entire system. Through simulations, it will be demonstrated that the proposed detector still approaches the ML performance while requiring much lower complexity compared to the conventional SD.
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Spectrum sensing for half and full-duplex interweave cognitive radio systems / Détection de spectre pour les systèmes half et full-duplex radio intelligente entrelacéeNasser, Abbass 17 January 2017 (has links)
En raison de la demande croissante de services de communication sans fil et de la limitation des ressources de spectre, la radio cognitive (CR) a été initialement proposée pour résoudre la pénurie de spectre. CR divise les systèmes transmetteurs-récepteurs de communication en deux catégories : les Utilisateurs Principaux (PU) et les Utilisateurs Secondaires (SU). PU a le droit légal d'utiliser la bande spectrale, tandis que SU est un utilisateur opportuniste qui peut transmettre sur cette bande chaque fois qu'elle est vacante afin d'éviter toute interférence avec le signal de PU. De ce fait, la détection des activités de PU devient une priorité principale pour toute CR.Le Spectrum Sensing devient ainsi une partie importante d’un système CR, qui surveille les transmissions de PU. En effet, le Spectrum Sensing joue un rôle essentiel dans le mécanisme du fonctionnement du CR en localisant les canaux disponibles et, d'autre part, en protégeant les canaux occupés des interférences de la transmission SU. En fait, Spectrum Sensing a gagné beaucoup d'attention au cours de la dernière décennie, et de nombreux algorithmes sont proposés. Concernant la fiabilité de la performance, plusieurs défis comme le faible rapport signal sur bruit, l'incertitude de bruit (NU), la durée de détection du spectre, etc. Cette thèse aborde les défis de la détection du spectre et apporte quelques solutions. De nouveaux détecteurs basés sur la détection des caractéristiques cyclo-stationnaires et la densité spectrale de puissance (PSD) du signal de PU sont présentés. Un algorithme de test de signification de corrélation canonique (CCST) est proposé pour effectuer une détection cyclo-stationnaire. CCST peut détecter la présence des caractéristiques cycliques communes parmi les versions retardées du signal reçu. Ce test peut révéler la présence d'un signal cyclo-stationnaire dans le signal de mélange reçu. Une autre méthode de détection basée sur la PSD cumulative est proposée. En supposant que le bruit est blanc (sa PSD est plate), la PSD cumulative s'approche d'une droite. Cette forme devient non linéaire pour les signaux de télécommunication. Distinguer la forme cumulative PSD peut donc conduire à diagnostiquer l'état du canal.La radio cognitive Full-Duplex (FD-CR) a également été étudiée dans ce manuscrit, où plusieurs défis sont analysés en proposant de nouvelles contributions. Le fonctionnement FD permet au CR d'éviter la période de silence pendant la détection du spectre. Dans le système CR classique, le SU cesse de transmettre pendant la détection du spectre afin de ne pas affecter la fiabilité de détection. Dans FD-CR, SU peut éliminer la réflexion de son signal transmis et en même temps réaliser le Spectrum Sensing. En raison de certaines limitations, le résidu de l'auto-interférence ne peut pas être complètement annulé, alors la crédibilité de la détection du spectre est fortement affectée. Afin de réduire la puissance résiduelle, une nouvelle architecture de récepteur SU est élaborée pour atténuer les imperfections du circuit (comme le bruit de phase et la distorsion non linéaire de l'amplificateur à faible bruit du récepteur). La nouvelle architecture montre sa robustesse en assurant une détection fiable et en améliorant le débit de SU. / Due to the increasing demand of wireless communication services and the limitation in the spectrum resources, Cognitive Radio (CR) has been initially proposed in order to solve the spectrum scarcity. CR divides the communication transceiver into two categories: the Primary (PU) or the Secondary (SU) Users. PU has the legal right to use the spectrum bandwidth, while SU is an opportunistic user that can transmit on that bandwidth whenever it is vacant in order to avoid any interference to the signal of PU. Hence the detection of PU becomes a main priority for CR systems. The Spectrum Sensing is the part of the CR system, which monitors the PU activities. Spectrum Sensing plays an essential role in the mechanism of the CR functioning. It provides CR with the available channel in order to access them, and on the other hand, it protects occupied channels from the interference of the SU transmission. In fact, Spectrum Sensing has gained a lot of attention in the last decade, and numerous algorithms are proposed to perform it. Concerning the reliability of the performance, several challenges have been addressed, such as the low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), the Noise Uncertainty (NU), the Spectrum Sensing duration, etc. This dissertation addresses the Spectrum Sensing challenges and some solutions are proposed. New detectors based on Cyclo-Stationary Features detection and the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the PU are presented. CanonicalCorrelation Significance Test (CCST) algorithm is proposed to perform cyclo-stationary detection. CCST can detect the presence of the common cyclic features among the delayed versions of the received signal. This test can reveal the presence of a cyclo-stationary signal in the received mixture signal. Another detection method based on the cumulative PSD is proposed. By assuming the whiteness of the noise (its PSD is at), the cumulative PSD approaches a straight line. This shape becomes non-linear when a telecommunication signal is present in the received mixture. Distinguishing the Cumulative PSD shape may lead to diagnose the channel status.Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio (FD-CR) has been also studied in this manuscript, where several challenges are analyzed by proposing a new contribution. FD functioning permits CR to avoid the silence period during the Spectrum Sensing. In classical CR system, SU stops transmitting during the Spectrum Sensing in order to do not affect the detection reliability. In FD-CR, SU can eliminate the reflection of its transmitted signal and at the same time achieving the Spectrum Sensing. Due to some limitations, the residual of the Self Interference cannot be completely cancelled, then the Spectrum Sensing credibility is highly affected. In order to reduce the residual power, a new SU receiver architecture is worked out to mitigate the hardware imperfections (such as the Phase Noise and the Non-Linear Distortion of the receiver Low-Noise Amplifier). The new architecture shows its robustness by ensuring a reliable detection and enhancing the throughput of SU.
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