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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Space-Division-Multiplexing Platform for a Delayed-Choice Experiment

Karlsson, Hilma January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis explores a space-division-multiplexing (SDM) platform fora delayed-choice experiment. SDM is a multiplexing technique for optical datatransmission that employs spatial modes in a multi- or few-mode fiber to increasethe transmission capacity. The spatial modes can thus be used as separate channels. SDM have shown great potential for quantum information systems, making it intriguing to investigate its broad applications by examining its use in adelayed-choice experiment. The delayed-choice experiment was proposed by J.A.Wheeler in 1978 explored the particle- and wave-like behavior of quantum particles and observe if the particle knows in advance if it should propagate as a waveor a particle through the experimental platform. Hence, it was suggested thatthe experiment should be changed after the particle entered the experimentalplatform. The experiment has afterward been realized in many different constellations but previous wave-particle delayed-choice experiments have not beendemonstrated with SDM nor with an all in fiber platform. The research involved modeling and constructing a SDM fiber-optic platform,only utilizing commercially available fiber optical telecommunication components. The platform was constructed with photonic lanterns, used as spatial division multiplexer and demultiplexer, and a two-input fiber Sagnac Interferometer,as a removable beam splitter. The system was tested with classical light but without difficulties, the platform could move to the quantum domain for performingthe delayed-choice experiment with single photons on the platform. The thesis resulted in a SDM platform with good performance for future measurement of bothparticle- and wave-like behavior of photons in a delayed-choice experiment.

Senseur inertiel à ondes de matière aéroporté / Airborne matter-wave inertial sensor

Geiger, Remi 17 October 2011 (has links)
: cette thèse porte sur l’étude d’un accéléromètre à ondes de matière fonctionnant à bord d’un avion effectuant des vols paraboliques et permettant des expériences en micro-gravité (0-g). Un interféromètre à atomes de 87Rb refroidis par laser, et dont les états quantiques sont manipulés à l’aide de transitions Raman stimulées, constitue l’élément physique du capteur. Lors de la conception du dispositif expérimental, un effort particulier a été apporté au choix d’une source laser transportable, stable, et robuste. Nous démontrons pour la première fois le fonctionnement aéroporté d’un senseur inertiel à ondes de matière, à la fois en 0-g et durant les phases de gravité des vols (1-g). Nous proposons une technique combinant le signal de l’interféromètre à celui d’accéléromètres mécaniques auxiliaires pour effectuer des mesures au dela de la dynamique intrinsèque du capteur atomique. Nous expliquons comment bénéficier du haut niveau de sensibilité de l’interféromètre dans l’avion, et indiquons des voies d’améliorations significatives de notre dispositif pour le futur. En 0-g, nous montrons une amélioration de la sensibilité de l’accéléromètre jusque 2 x 10-4 m.s-2 à une seconde, et étudions une réjection des vibrations de l’avion à l’aide d’un interféromètre à quatre impulsions Raman. L’objectif de notre projet consiste en un test du principe d’universalité de la chute libre avec un double accéléromètre à atomes de 87Rb et de 39K. Notre système laser double-espèce emploie des composants optiques fibrés aux longueurs d’onde de 1.56 et 1.54 μm, ainsi qu’un doublage de fréquence pour obtenir la lumière utile à 780 et 767 nm pour le refroidissement et la manipulation des deux atomes. Nous étudions théoriquement la sensibilité d’une mesure de leur différence d’accélération en tenant compte des vibrations de l’avion, et précisons comment une résolution de l’ordre de 10-10 m.s-2 pourra être atteinte dans le futur avec notre expérience aéroportée. / This thesis reports the study of a matter-wave accelerometer operated aboard a 0-g plane in ballistic flights. The acceleration measurements are performed with a cold 87Rb atom interferometer using stimulated Raman transitions to manipulate the quantum states of the atoms. When designing the instrument, we took special care to make the laser source transportable, robust, and stable. With our setup, we demonstrate the first operation of a matter-wave inertial sensor aboard a plane, both in 0-g and during the gravity phases of the flights (1-g). Thanks to additional mechanical accelerometers probing the coarse inertial effects, we are able to detect acceleration fluctuations much greater than the intrinsic measurement range of the interferometer. We explain our method to benefit from the full sensitivity of the matter-wave sensor in the plane, and suggest significant improvements of our system for the future. In 0-g, we show the enhancement of the accelerometer sensitivity up to 2 x 10-4 m.s-2 in one second, and investigate a rejection of the vibrations of the plane with a four Raman pulses interferometer. The goal of our project is to perform a test of the universality of free fall with two atom accelerometers using 87Rb and 39K. The laser system for the two-species interferometer is based on fiber optical components at wavelengths of 1.56 and 1.54 μm, and optical frequency doubling to generate the useful light at 780 and 767 nm to cool and manipulate the atoms. We study theoretically the sensitivity of the differential acceleration measurement by taking into account the vibrations of the plane, and discuss how a resolution of the order of 10-10 m.s-2 could be achieved in the future with our airborne experiment.

Adhesion and dissipation at nanoscale / Adhésion et dissipation à l'échelle nanométrique

Li, Tianjun 10 October 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est dédié à l'étude de quelques phénomènes de surface impliquant des processus d'interactions à l'échelle nanométrique. Les expériences sont réalisées à l'aide un microscope à force atomique (AFM) à grande sensibilité, utilisant un interféromètre différentiel permettant d'atteindre une résolution de E-28m2/Hz dans la mesure de la déflexion de la sonde de force. Combiné à une approche originale d'analyse du bruit thermique, cet outil permet une caractérisation quantitative de la réponse mécanique de systèmes de taille micrométrique et nanométrique, tel que des micro-leviers ou des nanotubes de carbone, sur une large plage de fréquence.La première partie de mon travail porte sur la viscoélasticité du revêtement de leviers AFM. Mis en évidence par un bruit thermique en 1/f à basse fréquence, ce phénomène est présent lorsque le micro-levier est recouvert d'une couche nanométrique de métal (or, aluminium, platine, etc.) À l'aide du théorème fluctuation-dissipation et des relations de Kramers-Kronig, nous mesurons la dépendance en fréquence de cet amortissement viscoélastique dans une large gamme de fréquence (1Hz à 20 kHz. Nous observons une dépendance en fréquence générique sous la forme d'une loi de puissance pour ce processus de dissipation, avec un petit coefficient négatif qui dépend du matériau considéré. L'amplitude de cet effet est linéaire avec l'épaisseur du revêtement, démontrant ainsi que le mécanisme de dissipation est une propriété du volume de la couche métallique plutôt que de ses interfaces.La deuxième partie de mon travail se concentre sur de nouvelles expériences sur l'interaction de nanotubes de carbone avec des surfaces planes. En utilisant notre AFM, nous réalisons une mesure directe de la réponse mécanique (raideur, dissipation) du contact entre le nanotube et la surface, dans une géométrie de pelage (le nanotube est partiellement adsorbé sur la surface). Les résultats de ce protocole sont en accord avec la mesure de la raideur dynamique déduite de l'analyse du bruit thermique, démontrant une dépendance inattendue en loi de puissance de la raideur du contact en fonction de la fréquence. Nous proposons quelques origines physiques possibles pour expliquer ce comportement, tel qu'une couche de carbone amorphe autour du nanotube. / In this thesis, we test some interactions involving surfaces processes at the nanometer scale. The experiments are conducted with a highly sensitive interferometric Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), achieving a resolution down to E-28m2/Hz for the measurement of deflection. Combined with original thermal noise analysis, this tool allows quantitative characterization of the mechanical response of micrometer and nanometer sized systems, such as microcantilevers or carbon nanotubes, on a large frequency range.The first part of my work deals with the viscoelasticity of the coating of AFM cantilevers. Evidenced by a 1/f thermal noise at low frequency, this phenomenon is present when a cantilever is coated with a metallic layer (gold, aluminium, platinium, etc...). Using the fluctuation dissipation theorem and Kramers Kronig relations, we extract the frequency dependance of this viscoelastic damping on a wide range of frequency (1Hz to 20kHz). We find a generic power law dependence in frequency for this dissipation process, with a small negative coefficient that depends on materials. The amplitude of this phenomenon is shown to be linear in the coating thickness, demonstrating that the damping mechanism takes its roots in the bulk of the metallic layer.The second part of my work tackles new experiments on the interaction of carbon nanotubes with flat surfaces. Using our AFM, we perform a true mechanical response measurement of the rigidity and dissipation of the contact between the nanotube and the surface, in a peeling configuration (the nanotube is partially absorbed to the substrate). The results of this protocol are in line with the dynamic stiffness deduced from the thermal noise analysis, showing an unexpected power law dependence in frequency for the contact stiffness. We suggest some possible physical origins to explain this behavior, such as an amorphous carbon layer around the nanotube.

Experimental multiuser secure quantum communications

Bogdanski, Jan January 2009 (has links)
We are currently experiencing a rapid development of quantum information, a new branch of science, being an interdisciplinary of quantum physics, information theory, telecommunications, computer science, and many others. This new science branch was born in the middle of the eighties, developed rapidly during the nineties, and in the current decade has brought a technological breakthrough in creating secure quantum key distribution (QKD), quantum secret sharing, and exciting promises in diverse technological fields. Recent QKD experiments have achieved high rate QKD at 200 km distance in optical fiber. Significant QKD results have also been achieved in free-space. Due to the rapid broadband access deployment in many industrialized countries and the standing increasing transmission security treats, the natural development awaiting quantum communications, being a part of quantum information, is its migration into commercial switched telecom networks. Such a migration concerns both multiuser quantum key distribution and multiparty quantum secret sharing that have been the main goal of my PhD studies. They are also the main concern of the thesis. Our research efforts in multiuser QKD has led to a development of the five-user setup for transmissions over switched fiber networks in a star and in a tree configuration. We have achieved longer secure quantum information distances and implemented more nodes than other multi-user QKD experiments. The measurements have shown feasibility of multiuser QKD over switched fiber networks, using standard fiber telecom components. Since circular architecture networks are important parts of both intranets and the Internet, Sagnac QKD has also been a subject of our research efforts. The published experiments in this area have been very few and results were not encouraging, mainly due to the single mode fiber (SMF) birefringence. Our research has led to a development of a computer controlled birefringence compensation in Sagnac that open the door to both classical and quantum Sagnac applications. On the quantum secret sharing side, we have achieved the first quantum secret sharing experiment over telecom fiber in a five-party implementation using the "plug & play" setup and in a four-party implementation using Sagnac configuration. The setup measurements have shown feasibility and scalability of multiparty quantum communication over commercial telecom fiber networks.

A polarization sensitive interferometer for Faraday rotation detection

LaForge, Joshua Michael 23 July 2007 (has links)
Time-resolved Faraday rotation (TRFR) is a pulsed laser pump/probe optical measurement used to characterize electron spin dynamics in semiconductor materials. A Mach-Zehnder type interferometer with orthogonally polarized arms is presented as a device for TRFR measurement that is superior to optical bridge detection, the traditional measuring technique, since Faraday rotation can be passively optically amplified via interference. Operation of the interferometer is analyzed under ideal conditions. Corrections to the ideal case stemming from imperfectly aligned optics, finite polarization extinction ratios, and an imperfect recombination optic are analyzed using a matrix transformation approach. The design of the interferometer is presented and chronicled. A description of the single-beam active control system utilized to stabilize the interferometer by continuous corrections to the optical path length of one arm with a piezoelectric actuator is given. Optical amplification by increasing the power in either arm of the interferometer is demonstrated and TRFR measurements taken with the interferometer at ambient temperatures are compared with measurements taken with the optical bridge. We find the interferometer to offer a detection limit on the order of 50 mrad at room temperature, which is five times more sensitive than the optical bridge. Isolation and stabilization of the interferometer were also successful in reducing signal noise to a level comparable with the optical bridge. Our results demonstrate that the interferometer is a better detection device for Faraday rotation under ambient conditions. In the immediate future, improvements to the control system should be made and experiments should be performed with high-quality samples at cryogenic temperatures to confirm that the interferometer performs as favorably under those conditions.

Sensor óptico de alta tensão com chaveamento de quadratura e realimentado por controle de fase /

Pereira, Fernando da Cruz. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Cláudio Kitano / Resumo: Os transformadores de potencial baseados em tecnologia óptica têm sido desenvolvidos com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho na proteção e medição nos sistemas elétricos de potência. Estes transformadores de potencial podem ser projetados em torno dos moduladores eletro-ópticos de amplitude que, por sua vez, são baseados no efeito Pockels em cristal como o Niobato de Lítio. A expressão geral da transmissão (razão entre o retardo de fase e a tensão aplicada) de um modulador eletro-óptico de intensidades é idêntica à expressão do sinal de saída de um interferômetro de dois feixes. Através de processamento eletrônico de dois sinais interferométricos de saída, com fase relativa de 90o entre si, consegue-se demodular o sinal, independentemente das derivas ambientais. Esses interferômetros, chamados de interferômetros de quadratura, são amplamente utilizados em laboratórios de metrologia. Assim, em 2014, um método de detecção interferométrica de fase óptica foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Optoeletrônica (LOE) da FEIS-UNESP, constituindo uma versão melhorada da técnica de phase-unwrapping. Este método é imune ao fenômeno de desvanecimento, consegue medir o tempo de atraso entre o estímulo e a resposta, tem ampla faixa dinâmica, reconstrói a forma de onda do sinal de modulação sem a necessidade de aplicação de filtros à saída interferométrica, possuindo, ainda, a capacidade de demodular sinais com formas de ondas não periódicas. Beneficiando-se dessas informações, promoveu-se a ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Optical technology-based potential transformers have been developed to improve performance in protection and measurement in electrical power systems. These potential transformers can be designed around amplitude electro-optical modulators which, in turn, are based on the crystal Pockels effect such as Lithium Niobate. The general expression of the transmission (ratio between phase delay and applied voltage) of an electro-optical modulator of intensities is identical to the expression of the output signal of a two-beam interferometer. By electronic processing of two interferometric output signals, with relative phase of 90o between each other, the signal can be demodulated, irrespective of the environmental drift. These interferometers, called quadrature interferometers, are widely used in metrology laboratories. Thus, in 2014, an optical phase interferometric detection method was developed at the FEIS-UNESP’s Optoelectronic Laboratory (LOE), constituting an improved version of the phase-unwrapping technique. This method is immune to the phenomenon of fading, can measure the delay time between the stimulus and the response, has a wide dynamic range, reconstructs the waveform of the modulation signal without the need of applying filters to the interferometric output, also possessing the ability to demodulate signals with non-periodic waveforms. Taking advantage of this information, the adaptation of the method to a high voltage optical sensor in a quadrature configuration was p... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Optical Interrogation of the 'Transient Heat Conduction' in Dielectric Solids - A Few Investigations

Balachandar, S January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Optically-transparent solids have a significant role in many emerging topics of fundamental and applied research, in areas related to Applied Optics and Photonics. In the functional devices based on them, the presence of ‘time-varying temperature fields’ critically limit their achievable performance, when used particularly for high power laser-related tasks such as light-generation, light-amplification, nonlinear-harmonic conversion etc. For optimization of these devices, accurate knowledge of the material thermal parameters is essential. Many optical and non-optical methods are currently in use, for the reliable estimation of the thermal parameters. The thermal diffusivity is a key parameter for dealing with ‘transient heat transport’ related problems. Although its importance in practical design for thermal management is well understood, its physical meaning however continues to be esoteric. The present effort concerns with a few investigations on the “Optical interrogation of ‘transient thermal conduction’ in dielectric solids”. In dielectric solids, the current understanding is that the conductive heat transport occurs only through phonons relevant to microscopic lattice vibrations. Introducing for the first time, a virtual linear translator motion as the basis for heat conduction in dielectric materials, the present investigation discusses an alternative physical mechanism and a new analytical model for the transient heat conduction in dielectric solids. The model brings into limelight a ‘new law of motion’ and a ‘new quantity’ which can be defined at every point in the material, through which time-varying heat flows resulting in time-varying temperature. Physically, this quantity is a measure for the linear translatory motion resulting from transient heat conduction. For step-temperature excitation it bears a simple algebraic relation to the thermal diffusivity of the material. This relationship helps to define the thermal diffusivity of a dielectric solid as the “translatory motion speed” measured at unit distance from the heat source. A novel two-beam interferometric technique is proposed and corroborated the proposed concept with significant advantages. Two new approaches are introduced to estimate thermal diffusivity of optically transparent dielectric solid; first of them involves measurement of the position dependent velocity of isothermal surface and second one depend on the measurement of position dependent instantaneous velocity of normalized moving intensity points. A ‘new mechanism’ is proposed and demonstrated to visualize, monitor and interrogate optically, the ‘linear translatory motion’ resulting from the transient heat flow due to step- temperature excitation. Two new approaches are introduced, first one is ‘mark’ and ‘track’ approach, it involves a new interaction between sample supporting unsteady heat flow with its ambient and produces optical mark. Thermal diffusivity is estimated by tracking the optical mark. Second one involves measurement of instantaneous velocity of optical mark for different step-temperature at a fixed location to estimate thermal diffusivity. A new inverse method is proposed to estimate thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity from the volumetric specific heat capacity alone through thought experiment. A new method is proposed to predict volumetric specific heat capacity more accurately from thermal diffusivity.

Estudo do desempenho de filtros ópticos interferométricos: interferômetro Mach-Zehnder de fibra óptica e ressonador óptico em anel

Lima, José Luiz Sousa January 2006 (has links)
LIMA, José Luiz Sousa. Estudo do desempenho de filtros ópticos interferométricos: interferômetro Mach-Zehnder de fibra óptica e ressonador óptico em anel. 2006. 96 f. Tese (Doutorado em Física) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, Departamento de Física, Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2006. / Submitted by Edvander Pires (edvanderpires@gmail.com) on 2015-05-05T20:15:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_tese_jlslima.pdf: 688113 bytes, checksum: 11efdee52324ab34ae806b2466f4f088 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edvander Pires(edvanderpires@gmail.com) on 2015-05-07T14:27:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_tese_jlslima.pdf: 688113 bytes, checksum: 11efdee52324ab34ae806b2466f4f088 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T14:27:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_tese_jlslima.pdf: 688113 bytes, checksum: 11efdee52324ab34ae806b2466f4f088 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006

Geração, manipulação e caracterização de campos óticos parcialmente coerentes

Basso, Gabriel Fernando 22 May 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:14:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5113295 bytes, checksum: 299112e42f72744b732d195da1230c13 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this thesis we address issues pertaining to the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field in the optical domain, both experimentally as well as theoretically and numerically. It was experimentally demonstrated the interdependence between the degree of polarization and the degree of coherence of thermal optical fields. We analyzed the results and explained them in light of a new unifying theory. We have shown a way to control the coerence of light through polarization manipulations, concluding with a proposal for a simple thermal light source with a tunable spectral electromagnetic degree of coherence. We expanded the concept of a tunable light source, suggesting a partially coherent and partially polarized light source with complete control of the so called generalized Stokes parameters by mixing polarized stochastic optical fields. We obtain theoretically the statistical properties of the resulting optical field and their dependence on the properties of the primary fields. We discuss fundamental properties of the mixture of stochastic fields and point out some peculiarities through examples. All results are demonstrated through numerical simulations. We suggest a method to investigate the spatial statistical properties of gaussian stochastic fields through the Hanbury Brown-Twiss (HBT) interferometer, an admittedly simple experimenal method. We show theoretically that it is possible to measure the generalized Stokes parameters, thus allowing one to rebuild the coherence matrix and the polarization matrix of the field, completely characterizing the optical field both statistically and locally in the observation plane. We suggest a technique for the automation of the method, and also some applications. These many studies on the statistical properties of optical fields led us to a deeper understanding of the physical meanings of the parameters for characterizing them. From this understanding we also discuss a change to the definition of the cross-polarization degree and the significance of optical coherence in terms of this new definition. / Nesta tese abordamos problemas concernentes às flutuações do campo eletromagnético no domínio ótico, tanto experimentalmente quanto teoricamente e numericamente. Demonstramos experimentalmente a interdependência entre o grau de polarização e o grau de coerência de campos óticos térmicos. Analizamos os resultados e os explicamos à luz de novas teorias unificadoras. Mostramos assim uma forma de controlar a coerência da luz através de manipulações na polarização, concluindo com uma proposta de fonte de luz térmica simples, com grau espectral de coerência eletromagnética sintonizável. Expandimos o conceito de fonte luz sintonizável, propondo uma fonte de luz parcialmente coerente e parcialmente polarizada com completa liberdade de controle dos chamados parâmetros de Stokes generalizados, através da mistura de campos óticos estocásticos polarizados. Obtemos teoricamente as propriedades estatísticas do campo ótico resultante e a dependência destas com as propriedades dos campos primários. Discutimos propriedades fundamentais da mistura de campos estocásticos e apontamos algumas peculiaridades através de exemplos. Demostramos todos os resultados através de simulações numéricas. Sugerimos um método para investigar as propriedades estatísticas espaciais de campos estocásticos gaussianos através do interferômetro de Hanbury Brown-Twiss, um método experimenal reconhecidamente simples. Mostramos teoricamente que é possível medir os parâmetros de Stokes generalizados, permitindo reconstruir a matriz de coerência e a matriz de polarização do campo, caracterizando completamente o campo ótico tanto estatisticamente quanto localmente. Apontamos ainda técnica para a automação do método, além de aplicações. Os diversos estudos realizados acerca das propriedades estatísticas de campos óticos nos levaram a um entendimento profundo dos significados físicos dos parâmetros utilizados para caracterizá-los. A partir deste entendimento, discutimos ainda uma modificação na definição do grau de polarização cruzado e da significância da coerência ótica em termo desta nova definição.

Sensor óptico de alta tensão com chaveamento de quadratura e realimentado por controle de fase / High-voltage optical sensor with quadrature switching and phase-controlled feedback

Pereira, Fernando da Cruz 09 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by FERNANDO DA CRUZ PEREIRA (fernandocp.eng@gmail.com) on 2018-04-24T17:28:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Fernando da Cruz Pereira.pdf: 6132578 bytes, checksum: 5b74ffd75609af94d4d9dea04e13c167 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cristina Alexandra de Godoy null (cristina@adm.feis.unesp.br) on 2018-04-24T17:59:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 pereira_fc_dr_ilha.pdf: 6132578 bytes, checksum: 5b74ffd75609af94d4d9dea04e13c167 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-24T17:59:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pereira_fc_dr_ilha.pdf: 6132578 bytes, checksum: 5b74ffd75609af94d4d9dea04e13c167 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os transformadores de potencial baseados em tecnologia óptica têm sido desenvolvidos com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho na proteção e medição nos sistemas elétricos de potência. Estes transformadores de potencial podem ser projetados em torno dos moduladores eletro-ópticos de amplitude que, por sua vez, são baseados no efeito Pockels em cristal como o Niobato de Lítio. A expressão geral da transmissão (razão entre o retardo de fase e a tensão aplicada) de um modulador eletro-óptico de intensidades é idêntica à expressão do sinal de saída de um interferômetro de dois feixes. Através de processamento eletrônico de dois sinais interferométricos de saída, com fase relativa de 90o entre si, consegue-se demodular o sinal, independentemente das derivas ambientais. Esses interferômetros, chamados de interferômetros de quadratura, são amplamente utilizados em laboratórios de metrologia. Assim, em 2014, um método de detecção interferométrica de fase óptica foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Optoeletrônica (LOE) da FEIS-UNESP, constituindo uma versão melhorada da técnica de phase-unwrapping. Este método é imune ao fenômeno de desvanecimento, consegue medir o tempo de atraso entre o estímulo e a resposta, tem ampla faixa dinâmica, reconstrói a forma de onda do sinal de modulação sem a necessidade de aplicação de filtros à saída interferométrica, possuindo, ainda, a capacidade de demodular sinais com formas de ondas não periódicas. Beneficiando-se dessas informações, promoveu-se a adaptação do método a um sensor óptico de altas tensões em configuração de quadratura de sinais. Desta forma, a presente pesquisa aborda o estudo e o desenvolvimento de um sensor óptico de alta tensão com chaveamento de quadratura, baseado em célula Pockels, dando continuidade às pesquisas em desenvolvimento no LOE, de um sistema de sensoriamento eletro-óptico de alta tensão. O sensor de alta tensão com chaveamento de quadratura e realimentado por controle de fase, foi implementado e submetido a testes com aplicação de tensões entre 200 V e 8,4 kV (de pico) em 60 Hz, apresentado excelente linearidade na faixa de interesse e boa precisão na medição do conteúdo harmônico dos sinais. Tais resultados evidenciam o potencial do sistema para operar na análise da qualidade de energia elétrica em sistemas da classe de 13,8 kV. / Optical technology-based potential transformers have been developed to improve performance in protection and measurement in electrical power systems. These potential transformers can be designed around amplitude electro-optical modulators which, in turn, are based on the crystal Pockels effect such as Lithium Niobate. The general expression of the transmission (ratio between phase delay and applied voltage) of an electro-optical modulator of intensities is identical to the expression of the output signal of a two-beam interferometer. By electronic processing of two interferometric output signals, with relative phase of 90o between each other, the signal can be demodulated, irrespective of the environmental drift. These interferometers, called quadrature interferometers, are widely used in metrology laboratories. Thus, in 2014, an optical phase interferometric detection method was developed at the FEIS-UNESP’s Optoelectronic Laboratory (LOE), constituting an improved version of the phase-unwrapping technique. This method is immune to the phenomenon of fading, can measure the delay time between the stimulus and the response, has a wide dynamic range, reconstructs the waveform of the modulation signal without the need of applying filters to the interferometric output, also possessing the ability to demodulate signals with non-periodic waveforms. Taking advantage of this information, the adaptation of the method to a high voltage optical sensor in a quadrature configuration was promoted. In this way, the present research deals with the study and development of a high voltage optical sensor with quadrature switching, based on Pockels cell, giving continuity to researches in the LOE of a high voltage electro-optical sensing system. The high voltage sensor with quadrature switching and phase controlled feedback was implemented and submitted to tests with voltage between 200 V and 8.4 kV (peak) at 60 Hz, with excellent linearity in the range of interest and good accuracy in measuring the harmonic content of the signals. These results show the potential of the system to operate in the analysis of electric power quality in systems of the class of 13.8 kV.

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