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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IL-13 controls IL-33 activity through modulation of ST2

Zhang, Melvin 25 January 2023 (has links)
Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is a multifunctional cytokine that mediates local inflammation upon tissue damage. IL-33 is known to act on multiple cell types including group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s), Th2 cells, and mast cells to drive production of Th2 cytokines including IL-5 and IL-13. IL-33 signaling activity through transmembrane ST2L can be inhibited by soluble ST2 (sST2), which acts as a decoy receptor. Previous findings suggested that modulation of IL-13 levels in mice lacking decoy IL-13Rα2, or mice lacking IL-13, impacted responsiveness to IL-33. In this study, we used Il13-/- mice to investigate whether IL-13 regulates IL-33 activity by modulating the transmembrane and soluble forms of ST2. In Il13-/- mice, the effects of IL-33 administration were exacerbated relative to wild type (WT). Il13-/- mice administered IL-33 i.p. had heightened splenomegaly, more immune cells in the peritoneum including an expanded ST2L+ ILC2 population, increased eosinophilia in the spleen and peritoneum, and reduced sST2 in the circulation and peritoneum. In the spleen, lung, and liver of mice given IL-33, gene expression of both isoforms of ST2 was increased in Il13-/- mice relative to WT. Because IL-13 and IL-4 signal through a shared receptor complex IL-13Rα1/IL-4Rα, we also studied the combined deficiency of IL-4 and IL-13 using Il4rα-/- mice which are defective in both IL-4 and IL-13 signaling. Responses of Il4rα-/- mice were indistinguishable from those of Il13-/- mice in our model system of IL-33-induced inflammation, suggesting that IL-4 does not play a distinct role separate from IL-13 in regulation of IL-33 activity. Through in vitro experiments, we confirmed fibroblasts to be an IL-13-responsive cell type that can regulate IL-33 activity through production of sST2. This study elucidates the important regulatory activity that IL-13 exerts on IL-33 through induction of IL-33 decoy receptor sST2 and through modulation of ST2L+ ILC2s.

Einfluss von Oncostatin M auf die Pathogenese der Nicht-alkoholischen Fettlebererkrankung / Influence of Oncostatin M on the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Gotthardt [geb. Schubert], Sonja January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Die Nicht-alkoholische Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLD) ist eine der häufigsten chronischen Lebererkrankungen der westlichen Welt. Die Pathogenese der Erkrankung ist noch nicht vollständig erforscht und wirksame medikamentöse Therapien sind bisher nicht zugelassen. Wachsende Evidenz zeigt, dass das Interleukin-6-Typ-Zytokin Oncostatin M (OSM) eine wichtige Rolle in der Pathogenese der NAFLD spielt. Die japanische Arbeitsgruppe um Komori et al. zeigte an OSM-Rezeptor-β-defizienten (Osmr-KO-) Mäusen sowie durch OSM-Behandlung von genetisch und ernährungsbedingt adipösen Mäusen, dass OSM vor einer hepatischen Steatose und metabolischer Komorbidität schützen kann. Andere Publikationen suggerieren, dass OSM an NAFLD-Entwicklung und -Progression beteiligt ist, indem es die Expression von Genen der β-Oxidation und Very-Low-Density-Lipoprotein (VLDL-) Sekretion reprimiert und die Expression profibrogenetischer Gene fördert. Low-Density-Lipoprotein-Rezeptor-defiziente- (Ldlr-KO-) Mäuse sind seit Langem als Atherosklerose-Modell etabliert und wurden zuletzt auch als physiologisches Modell für NAFLD identifiziert. Um die Rolle von OSM in der NAFLD-Pathogenese zu beleuchten, wurden Osmr-KO-Mäuse auf Wildtyp- (WT-) und Ldlr-KO-Hintergrund untersucht, die über 12 Wochen eine fett- und cholesterinreiche Western Diet erhielten und anschließend für die Organentnahme geopfert wurden. Im Vorfeld dieser Arbeit wurden Körpergewicht, Blutglukose, Serum-Cholesterin und Lebergewicht der Tiere gemessen. Hierbei zeigte sich ein erhöhtes Körpergewicht, unveränderte Blutglukose, erhöhtes Serum-Cholesterin sowie ein erhöhtes Lebergewicht in Osmr-KO- gegenüber WT-Mäusen. Andersherum waren Körpergewicht, Blutglukose, Serum-Cholesterin und Lebergewicht in Ldlr-Osmr-KO- gegenüber Ldlr-KO-Mäusen vermindert. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erfolgte die histologische Untersuchung des Lebergewebes, die Messung von Serum-Triglyzeriden und Fettsäuren sowie die Untersuchung der hepatischen Genexpression. An kultivierten Zellen der humanen Hepatom-Zelllinie HepG2 wurde eine mögliche Regulation der CYP7A1-Genexpression durch OSM untersucht. CYP7A1 ist als Schrittmacherenzym der Gallensäuresynthese an der hepatischen Cholesterin-Clearance beteiligt. Osmr-KO-Mäuse zeigten gegenüber WT-Mäusen histologisch eine verstärkte hepatische Steatose. Bei der Untersuchung der mRNA-Expression von Genen mit Beteiligung an der hepatischen Lipidhomöostase zeigte sich eine Minderexpression von Ldlr in Osmr-KO-Mäusen. Weiterhin zeigte sich eine etwas geringere Expression von Cyp7a1 in Osmr-KO-Mäusen. Die Expression aller anderen untersuchten Gene, die an Fettsäuresynthese, Cholesterintransport und –metabolismus beteiligt sind, lieferten keine Erklärung für eine erhöhte hepatische Lipidakkumulation in Osmr-KO-Mäusen. Ldlr-Osmr-KO-Mäuse hatten gegenüber Ldlr-KO-Mäusen eine geringer ausgeprägte hepatische Steatose. Die mRNA-Expression von Genen der Fettsäuresynthese, der Cholesterinbiosynthese und des Cholesterintransports waren in Ldlr-Osmr-KO- gegenüber Ldlr-KO-Mäusen nicht wesentlich verändert. Allerdings fiel eine deutliche Hochregulation von Cyp7a1 in Ldlr-Osmr-KO-Mäusen auf. Darüber hinaus war Osm in Ldlr-KO-Mäusen gegenüber WT-Mäusen stärker exprimiert. Um eine Regulation von CYP7A1 durch OSM nachzuweisen, wurde die Genexpression in HepG2-Zellen nach Stimulation mit OSM untersucht. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass OSM die mRNA-Expression von CYP7A1 supprimierte. Dieser Effekt war durch die Zugabe von Inhibitoren der Januskinasen (JAK), Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase/ERK-Kinase (MEK) und Extracellular-signal Regulated Kinase ½ (ERK1/2) reversibel. Die CYP7A1-Suppression durch OSM ging mit einer verminderten Expression des Transkriptionsfaktor-Gens HNF4A einher. Osmr-KO-Mäuse zeigten gegenüber WT-Mäusen nach 12 Wochen Western Diet verstärkte Adipositas, Dyslipidämie sowie eine hepatische Steatose. Die Analyse der hepatischen mRNA-Expression legt nahe, dass die Minderexpression von Ldlr in Osmr-KO-Mäusen im Vergleich zu WT-Mäusen zur Verstärkung der Dyslipidämie und hepatischen Steatose beigetragen hat. Weiterhin kann die geringere Expression von Cyp7a1 in Osmr-KO-Mäusen durch daraus resultierende Akkumulation von Cholesterin zur erhöhten hepatischen Lipidakkumulation in diesen Mäusen beigetragen haben. Ldlr-KO-Mäuse zeigten nach 12 Wochen Western Diet ebenfalls eine hepatische Steatose. Diese war in Ldlr-Osmr-KO-Mäusen gegenüber Ldlr-KO-Mäusen geringer ausgeprägt. Die erhöhte Expression von Cyp7a1 in Ldlr-Osmr-KO-Mäusen kann die Verbesserung von hepatischer Lipidakkumulation und Dyslipidämie durch erhöhte Cholesterinmetabolisierung zu Gallensäuren erklären. Übereinstimmend mit der Cyp7a1-Regulation in LDLR-defizienten Mäusen zeigte sich in vitro, dass OSM die Expression von CYP7A1 in HepG2-Zellen vermindert und sich so negativ auf die hepatische Lipidhomöostase auswirken kann. Insgesamt implizieren diese Ergebnisse eine divergierende Rolle von OSM bei der Entwicklung einer hepatischen Steatose abhängig vom genetischen Hintergrund. OSM scheint bei WT-Mäusen für die Erhaltung der metabolischen Gesundheit wichtig zu sein. Bei Ldlr-KO-Mäusen hingegen scheint OSM die Entwicklung von Adipositas, Dyslipidämie und hepatischer Steatose zu fördern. Die differenzielle Rolle in WT- und Ldlr-KO-Mäusen könnte durch unterschiedliche Osm-Expressionsspiegel zustande kommen: Während basale OSMRβ-Signaltransduktion durch geringe OSM-Spiegel in WT-Mäusen für die Lipidhomöostase essenziell zu sein scheint, könnte erhöhte oder prolongierte OSMRβ-Signaltransduktion durch höhere OSM-Spiegel in Ldlr-KO-Mäusen das Fortschreiten der hepatischen Steatose fördern. Dies stellt OSM als mögliches NAFLD-Therapeutikum in Frage. Um die Hypothese zu überprüfen, dass OSM abhängig von der Höhe und Kinetik der Spiegel günstige oder ungünstige Effekte auf die NAFLD-Entwicklung hat, sollte in zukünftigen Experimenten der Einfluss kurz- und langfristiger Behandlung von WT-Mäusen mit OSM unterschiedlicher Konzentrationen auf die Entwicklung einer hepatischen Steatose untersucht werden. / Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is among the most common chronic liver diseases in Western societies. Pathogenetic mechanisms are not fully elucidated and to date there is no approved drug therapy available. There is mounting evidence that the Interleukin-6-type-cytokine Oncostatin M (OSM) plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of NAFLD. The Japanese working group of Komori et al. had shown that OSM has favorable effects on metabolism und protects against hepatic steatosis using OSM-receptor-β-deficient (Osmr-KO-) mice as well as OSM treatment of genetically or diet-induced obese mice. Other publications suggest that OSM contributes to the pathogenesis and progression of NAFLD by reducing the expression of genes involved in β-oxidation and Very-Low-Density-Lipoprotein (VLDL) secretion and inducing the expression of genes involved in fibrogenesis. Recently Low-Density-Lipoprotein-Receptor-deficient (Ldlr-KO-) mice, which are a well-established model for atherosclerosis, have also been considered a physiological model for NAFLD. To further investigate the role of OSM in NAFLD pathogenesis Osmr-KO mice on either wild type- (WT-) or Ldlr-KO-background were fed a high-fat and high-cholesterol Western diet for 12 weeks and were then sacrificed for tissue collection. Prior to the present thesis body weight, blood glucose levels, serum cholesterol and liver weight of the mice were measured. Osmr-KO mice showed increased body weight, serum cholesterol levels and liver weight compared to WT mice, whereas blood glucose levels did not differ. On the contrary, Ldlr-Osmr-KO mice showed decreased values in all parameters compared to Ldlr-KO mice, including body weight, blood glucose levels, serum cholesterol levels and liver weight. In the present thesis a histological examination of the liver tissue was made, serum levels of triglycerides and fatty acids were measured, and hepatic gene expression was analyzed. In cultured cells of the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 a potential regulation of CYP7A1 gene expression by OSM was examined. CYP7A1 is the rate limiting enzyme of bile acid synthesis and is therefore involved in hepatic cholesterol clearance. Osmr-KO mice showed enhanced hepatic steatosis compared to WT mice. Examination of gene expression involved in hepatic lipid homeostasis revealed reduced Ldlr expression levels in Osmr-KO mice. Furthermore, a slightly decreased Cyp7a1 expression was observed. The expression of other genes involved in fatty acid synthesis, cholesterol transport and cholesterol metabolism did not explain the enhanced hepatic lipid accumulation in Osmr-KO mice. In Ldlr-Osmr-KO mice hepatic steatosis was reduced compared to Ldlr-KO mice. The expression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis, cholesterol synthesis and cholesterol transport was not considerably altered in Ldlr-Osmr-KO compared to Ldlr-KO mice. However, Cyp7a1 was markedly upregulated in Ldlr-Osmr-KO mice. In addition, Osm expression was increased in Ldlr-KO mice compared to WT mice. To prove the regulation of CYP7A1 by OSM, gene expression was determined in OSM-treated HepG2 cells. The results show that OSM attenuated CYP7A1 expression. This effect was reversed by the addition of inhibitors of either januskinases (JAK), mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK-kinase (MEK) or extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2). CYP7A1-suppression by OSM was accompanied by reduced expression levels of the transcription factor gene HNF4A. After 12 weeks of Western diet Osmr-KO mice showed enhanced obesity, dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis compared to WT mice. Determination of hepatic gene expression suggests that decreased expression of Ldlr in Osmr-KO mice compared to WT mice contributes to dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis. Furthermore, the decreased expression of Cyp7a1 in Osmr-KO mice may contribute to cholesterol accumulation and accordingly to hepatic lipid accumulation in these mice. Ldlr-KO mice also showed hepatic steatosis after 12 weeks of Western diet. In comparison, hepatic steatosis was markedly reduced in Ldlr-Osmr-KO mice. Increased expression levels of Cyp7a1 and hence enhanced metabolization of cholesterol to bile acids in Ldlr-Osmr-KO mice can explain improved hepatic lipid accumulation and dyslipidemia in these mice compared to Ldlr-KO mice. Consistent with the discovered Cyp7a1 regulation in LDLR-deficient mice, OSM decreased the expression of CYP7A1 in HepG2 cells and therefore may have detrimental effects on hepatic lipid homeostasis. Altogether the results implicate a diverging role of OSM in the pathogenesis of hepatic steatosis depending on the genetic background. In WT mice OSM seems to convey protective effects on lipid homeostasis, whereas in Ldlr-KO mice OSM seems to promote the development of obesity, dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis. The differential role of OSM in WT and Ldlr-KO mice might be caused by diverging Osm expression levels: Basal OSMRβ signal transduction caused by low OSM levels seems to be essential for lipid homeostasis, whereas enhanced or prolonged OSMRβ signal transduction caused by higher OSM levels might foster the progression of hepatic steatosis. These findings question OSM as a putative therapeutic agent for NAFLD. To test the hypothesis that OSM has beneficial or detrimental effects on NAFLD pathogenesis depending on OSM levels and kinetics, future studies should examine the effect of short- and long-term administration of OSM in different concentrations on the development of hepatic steatosis in WT mice.

Genetic variations in the NALP3 inflammasome: a susceptibility factor for inflammatory diseases

Verma, Deepti January 2009 (has links)
Innate immunity has received impressive attention in the past decade owing to the discovery of the Toll like receptors (TLRs) and the NOD-like receptors (NLRs). While the TLRs specialize in fighting microbes at the cell surface, the NLRs complement by detecting and responding to intracellular microbes. Recently, the non-microbe sensing NLR called inflammasomes, have been identified, which senses metabolic stress as well as certain pathogenic microbes and elicits host’s inflammatory response. The NLR, NALP3 (formerly known as cryopyrin) forms a large cytoplasmic complex called the ‘inflammasome’ when NALP3, activated by a stimuli, associates with the adaptor proteins ASC and CARD-8. This interaction leads to the activation of pro-inflammatory caspase-1 which subsequently results in the formation of Interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18. Mutations in the gene encoding NALP3, termed NLRP3 can lead to its constitutive activation resulting in an uncontrolled production of IL-1β. These mutations have been implicated in hereditary inflammatory diseases, often grouped under cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes (CAPS). This thesis describes a patient with a long history of arthritis and antibiotic resistant fever, but without the typical symptoms of CAPS. The patient was found to be a heterozygous carrier of two common polymorphisms Q705K in NLRP3 and C10X in the CARD-8. Experimental studies showed elevated levels of caspase-1 and IL-1β in the patient, and a total clinical remission was achieved by IL-1β blockade. These two polymorphisms combined, were found to occur in approximately 4% of the control population, suggesting the possibility of a genetic predisposition for inflammation in these individuals. Therefore, a cohort of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, where elevated IL-1β could be one of the reasons behind chronic inflammation, was investigated. We found that carrying the combined polymorphisms resulted in increased RA susceptibility and a more severe disease course. Hypothetically, this subgroup of patients might benefit from IL-1β blockade. Additional studies are warranted to elucidate the functional effects of the two polymorphisms and to determine whether they identify a subgroup of patients that could benefit from IL-1 targeted therapy. Given the structural similarity of NALP3 to other NALPs, the possibility of involvement of the alternative, homologous genes cannot be eliminated.

Regulation of myeloid progenitor cell proliferation: the effects of steel factor on a human factor-dependent cell line

Hendrie, Paul Curtis January 1993 (has links)
This document only includes an excerpt of the corresponding thesis or dissertation. To request a digital scan of the full text, please contact the Ruth Lilly Medical Library's Interlibrary Loan Department (rlmlill@iu.edu).

The Role of IL-9 in Inflammatory Diseases: Allergic Asthma, Lung Cancer, and Urinary Tract Infections

Pajulas, Abigail Lacanlale 06 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Among the cytokines regulating immunity, interleukin 9 (IL-9) has gained considerable attention for its role in inflammation, immune tolerance, and tumor immunity. IL-9 has a broad array of functions and acts on multiple cell types to regulate immune responses. IL-9 receptor is expressed on both non-hematopoietic cells and hematopoietic cells in the innate and adaptive immune system. IL-9 demonstrates a remarkable degree of tissue-specific functionality that varies by tissue site and the context of the inflammatory milieu. In this dissertation, we investigate the biological activities of IL-9 and identify distinct IL-9-responsive cell type in the immune pathogenesis of disease models including allergic airway disease, lung cancer, and urinary tract infection. When examining airway hyperreactivity, we found IL-9-dependent mast cell function was critical. Using adoptive transfer models and newly generated mice with an inactivation of the Il9 gene restricted to T cells generated by CD4-cre/LoxP-mediated targeting, we demonstrate that T cell secreted IL-9 promotes mast cell progenitor proliferation and CCR2-dependent mast cell migration during allergic airway inflammation. In IL-9-mediated pro-tumor responses, interstitial macrophages, but not mast cells, respond to T cell IL-9 to enhance B16 metastatic tumor growth. In the context of urinary tract infection, IL-9 contributes to protection against E. coli bladder infection potentially by enhancing CCL20 production in epithelial cells to recruit macrophages and neutrophils. Altogether, IL-9 can exert cell type-specific effects that identify its roles in immunity and disease. This perspective will be important in defining the diseases where targeting IL-9 as a therapeutic strategy would be beneficial, and where it has the potential to complicate clinical outcomes.

Inherent Alteration of Histine Acetylation in Cell Culture Models of Cystic Fibrosis

Bartling, Toni Renee 06 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Novel insights into the in vivo biology of Interleukin-10

Madan, Rajat 14 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The relationship between vitamin D intake and markers of inflammation (TNF-α and IL-6) in overweight and obese pregnant women in third trimester

Gundamaraju, Anuradha 19 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Interleukin-15: biology, pathophysiology, and pre-clinical application in disease

Roychowdhury, Sameek 20 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Vitamin A status and inflammation during the first week of life in extremely premature infants at risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Mentro, Anne M. 29 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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