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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

內部服務品質與公車駕駛員服務行為關係之研究 / A study of relationship between bus driver’s service behavior and internal service quality

謝敏華, Hsieh, Min Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近年,由於公車運輸產業競爭劇烈,消費者意識抬頭,使得企業在追求管理策略時,除講究營運績效外,更要重視產品品質、彈性及服務等各種品質項目,台北市公車現有十四家業者經營,業者如欲謀生存,必需設法追求更有效的服務方式及更高的服務品質,才能贏得顧客的青睞,同時也要以具有服務導向行為之員工為要務。為了使公車運輸服務在這個產業當中更具有差異化、創新能力,公司內部必需扮演更強而有力的後勤支援角色,來提供優良的服務品質予員工,同時藉由員工對工作的滿意度及員工對顧客的服務行為,能夠讓公司更具競爭力及提升公司獲利能力,本論文研究以Heskett 服務利潤鏈架構為基礎,並結合內部服務品質八項因子,探討不同公車駕駛員之人口屬性特徵對公車運輸公司內部服務品質的認知與其服務行為的表現是否有差異;再以典型相關分析(Canonical Correlations Analysis)探討內部服務品質與服務行為間之關係為何。 研究結果顯示,內部服務品質認知程度越高,則服務行為表現越好。經統計分析後,綜合以上實證結果,歸納研究結論如下: 1. 人口統計變項中以性別、工作年資及薪資收入之不同與公車駕駛員服務行為有顯著性差異。 2. 內部服務品質與服務行為間具有高度正向相關,由典型相關分析結果得知,角色內服務行為與「管理支持與團隊合作」、「有效訓練」、「溝通與獎賞肯定」及「工具設備」等構面存在有高度的正向關係,而「政策與程序」構面則低度正向關係。故欲提升駕駛員服務行為需從「管理支持與團隊合作」、「有效訓練」、「溝通與獎賞肯定」及「工具設備」等方面著手規劃。 3.內部服務品質之優劣對服務行為表現具有高度正向之預測能力。 關鍵詞: 內部服務品質、服務行為、駕駛員 / As a result of the turbulent rivalry in the bus transportation industry and the raising consumer consciousness, an organization will not only strive for the profits, also further focus on their product quality, elasticity, service and any products that focus on their quality. With 14 rivals in bus transportation in Taipei, any one has to attempt to seek for more effective service ways and higher service quality to meet customers if they want to subsist. In addition, they also regard having the staffs with the service-oriented behavior as the important thing. To have more distinction and creation ability for the bus transportation service in the bus transportation industry, an organization in the internal party has to play a stronger logistic support role to offer their employees good service quality. Meanwhile, by way of employees’ satisfactions to their jobs and their service behavior to the customers, it enables the institution to have more competitive ability. Besides, it is able to gain more profits. This dissertation is going to explore the comprehension of the internal service quality in the bus transportation for different bus driver with different personality, and whether the performance of their service behavior is different in terms of Services Value Chain by Heskett combining with 8 factors of the internal service quality. After that, it is addressed what the relationship between the internal service quality and the service behavior which will be based on Canonical Correlations Analysis. It is showed the more perception of the internal service quality, the better performance of the service behavior. With the above-mentioned results, it makes the conclusion as below. 1. It is obviously diversity for bus drivers’ service behavior among the difference of the demographic variation in terms of the gender, the working duration, and the salary. 2. The internal service quality to the service behavior is with high positive relationship. According to the Canonical Correlations Analysis, the service behavior inside the party to some factors in terms of management supports and team works, effective trainings, communication and awards approval, and tooling facilities are having high positive relationship. Nevertheless, the factor of the policy and procedure to the service behavior are with low positive relationship. Therefore, they have to start from the management supports and team works, effective trainings, communication and awards approval, and tooling facilities if they would like to enhance drivers’ service behavior. 3. The goodness and the badness of the internal service quality to the performance of the service behavior are with high positive predicted ability. Keywords: the internal service quality, the service behavior, driver

Applying Lean Service Concepts to the Fault Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System : A Case Study at an Engineering Firm

Grönqvist, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
As a general rule, companies have focused most of their improvement initiatives in manufacturing and operations, leaving their internal service processes behind. This study presents a FRACAS process which is underperforming in terms of lead time. The process is studied in detail and the people who work with it were interviewed to find out how they think the process inhibits their work. The contribution this study makes is that it provides an example of what lean FRACAS could mean. The studied process presents itself as non-compliant with what the employees wish from such a process. This in turn causes these employees to underperform since they think that the process does not seem to provide value to neither themselves nor the customers.

建置電子健康照護服務之績效評量架構 / Assessing the performance of e-Health service

王育聖, Wang, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
This study develops quality evaluation criteria that consider both service provider satisfaction and patient perspective in assessing e-Health services; additionally, it evaluates the impact of these criteria on the performance of e-Health services. Utilizing data from the Tele Care Center in National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), one of the largest hospitals in Taiwan, this research framework extends the service-profit chain by integrating service triangle concept and emphasizing the relationships among three stakeholders: the firm, the customer, and the employee. The results suggest that the positive relationships among hospital’s business value, physicians’ value, and patients’ value can contribute to customer retention. In sum, this study expects to contribute to literature by providing an e-Health service performance assessment framework, which systematically develops a scale to evaluate e-Health service quality that concerns multiple stakeholders’ perspectives.

Propuesta para incrementar el nivel de servicio interno en el proceso de abastecimiento mediante el diseño de un sistema de control de inventarios y de la gestión de relación con los proveedores en una empresa del sector minero / Proposal to increase the level of internal service in the supply process through the design of an inventory control system and relationship management with suppliers in a company in the mining sector

Rioja Levano, Martin Reynaldo 13 July 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis se centra en analizar las herramientas de ingeniería industrial que permitan incrementar el nivel de servicio interno en el proceso de abastecimiento logístico en una empresa del sector minero y con el entorno económico de los últimos 10 años. La hipótesis plantea la implementación de un sistema de control de inventarios y de la gestión de relación con los proveedores. El trabajo está compuesto de cuatro capítulos. En el primero se analizó el marco teórico y los casos de éxito. En el segundo, se abordaron temas como: antecedentes y procesos generales y logísticos de la organización, definición del problema y sus causas, el impacto económico y el planteamiento del objetivo general y específico. Por su parte, el tercer capítulo se dividió en dos etapas: la primera correspondiente al diseño de la metodología y en la segunda etapa el desarrollo de la propuesta. Finalmente, en el cuarto capítulo, se incluyó el presupuesto de recursos, el análisis financiero de riesgos y la elaboración del flujo de caja respectivo; asimismo, se validó la propuesta por medio de la simulación con el software ProModel. Por lo expuesto, se concluye que, con la correcta elección del sistema de inventarios y una adecuada gestión de relación con los proveedores, se podrá incrementar el nivel de servicio interno en el proceso de abastecimiento logístico, con lo cual se logrará cumplir con un óptimo nivel de atención de repuestos de alta rotación, así como el cumplimiento en las entregas a tiempo para las compras con prioridad normal. / The present thesis focuses on analyzing industrial engineering tools that allow increasing the level of internal service in the logistics supply process in a company in the mining sector and with the economic environment of the last 10 years. he hypothesis raises the implementation of an inventory control system and supplier relationship management. The following work is made up of four chapters. In the first, the theoretical framework and success cases were analyzed. In the second, topics such as: background and general and logistical processes of the organization, definition of the problem and its causes, the economic impact and the approach of the general and specific objective were addressed. Consequently, the third chapter was divided into two stages: the first corresponding to the design of the methodology and the second to the development of the proposal. Nevertheless, in the fourth chapter, the resource budget, the financial risk analysis and the preparation of the respective cash flow were included; Likewise, the proposal was validated through simulation with the Promodel software. Based on the foregoing, it is concluded that, with the correct selection of the inventory system and proper relationship management with suppliers, the level of internal service in the logistics supply process may be increased, thereby achieving optimum compliance level of attention of high rotation spare parts, as well as the fulfillment in the deliveries in time for the purchases with a normal priority. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

The Value Added by the Purchasing Department to the Organization

Arias Peregrina, Leticia Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
The role of purchasing has been evolving during the last years, increasing its strategic importance inside the organization. Traditionally viewed as a supportive function impacting only the bottom-line of the company, the main performance indicators for purchasing were cost-reduction and savings. Nowadays, organizations recognize the importance of the value added generated in the purchasing processes and they are broadening their vision of purchasing as a strategic contributor of value in both economical and intangible aspects.   One of the main intangible value contributions from the purchasing department (PD) of any company is the one provided to its internal customers; measured in the level of internal service quality and customer satisfaction. An adequate internal customer relationship management can translate into advantages for the PD, improving its strategic position in the organization, and in benefits for the company, increasing directly or indirectly its business performance.   The purpose of this research study was to understand how the purchasing department can create value inside an organization, how that value is measured and how it can be increased; being the central focus on the internal customers of the department. This research work was conducted as a single case study performed in a multinational company from the telecommunication industry. Qualitative data was gathered through structured interviews, formal and informal meetings with personnel from the company and a survey to triangulate the information. The objective was to determine the most important value adding factors for the internal customers of the purchasing department and evaluate their satisfaction level.   Two models for assessing the value contributed by the PD were the grounding for developing the tools used in the achievement of the objectives; one of them was based on the SERVQUAL model and the other one on the concept of meaningful involvement. Using inputs from both, a model for evaluating the value added to internal customer was proposed. In addition, the author identified improvement opportunities, related mainly with relationship management in the company and she suggested improvement measures accordingly. Finally, future courses of action were recommended, relating the value added concept with purchasing maturity models.

Exploring internal and external service chains of electronic government services

Yeh, Shang-ching 01 September 2008 (has links)
The objectives of this research are to explore the relationships among service chains of electronic government services. This research proposes models (1) to explore the linkages among internal marketing, internal service quality, and internal customer satisfaction in electronic government services, i.e. the internal service chain; (2) to explore the linkage between external service quality and external customer satisfaction, i.e. the external service chain; and (3) to employ the concept of the service profit chain model and the public sector service value chain model to explore the linkage between internal and external service chains. Two kinds of surveys, employee and citizen surveys, were conducted to collect data for this research on two cases including the Kaohsiung Citizen Electronic Complaint System and the National Science and Technology Museum Collection Management System. Internal and external customer data was matched through individual-level instead of group-level used in most studies. Structural equation modeling and Ordinary Least Squares regression analysis were used to test proposed models. The research results support the proposed hypotheses, including (1) internal marketing positively influences internal service quality; (2) internal marketing positively influences internal customer satisfaction; (3) internal service quality has positive influence on internal customer satisfaction; (4) external customer satisfaction is influenced by external service quality; with the exception of (5) the relationship between internal customer satisfaction and external service quality receiving no significant support. Managerial implications are presented for public managers to better serve internal and external customers. Further studies are encouraged to include service-specific variables and technology-specific variables to examine the internal-external link of customer perceptions.

Quality from the perspective of the internal customer : Internal service experience in a manufacturing industry company

Enblom, Stina, Padovan, Silvia January 2023 (has links)
För att förbättra servicekvaliteten är kartläggning och mätning av kundupplevelse en viktig del av förbättringsarbetet. Detta är mestadels studerat ur den externa kundens perspektiv, och inte lika ofta ur den interna kundens. Syftet med denna studie var att utforska förekomsten av olika dimensioner av intern kundupplevelse inom en organisation och undersöka deras relation till andra mått på kundupplevelse. Dessutom syftade studien till att utforska de interna kundernas perspektiv på kvaliteten på den levererade servicen. Fokus för studien var eftermarknadsavdelningen i den svenska delen av ett globalt företag inom tillverkande industri. En kvalitativ metod användes och data samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades med en induktiv tematisk ansats. Resultatet visar sex dimensioner som påverkar den interna kundupplevelsen: Kommunikation, Beteende, Systemstöd, Personlig kontakt, Teknisk kompetens och Fungerande processer. Denna studie ger insikt i viktiga faktorer för att möta interna kunders behov och förväntningar. Även om det finns vissa skillnader, kan dessa dimensioner jämföras med andra dimensioner av kundupplevelse och servicekvalitet. Resultaten indikerar att befintliga mätverktyg utformade för extern kundupplevelse också bör kunna tillämpas i interna sammanhang. Denna studie bidrar till att utöka den begränsade kunskapen om intern kundupplevelse. / In order to improve service quality, mapping and measuring customer experience is a vital part of improvement efforts. This is however mostly studied from the external customers point of view, and studies on internal customer experience are scarce. The aim of this study was to explore the existence of different dimensions of internal customer experience within an organisation and examine their relationship to other measures of customer experience. In addition, the study aimed to explore the internal customers’ perspectives on the quality of the service delivered. The focus of the study was the after sales department in the Swedish branch of a global manufacturing company. A qualitative method was used and the data was collected using semi-structured interviews and analysed by an inductive thematic approach. The result shows six dimensions that affect the internal customer experience: Communication, Behavior, System support, Personal contact, Technical competence and Functional processes. This study provides insight into significant factors in meeting internal customer needs and expectations. Although there are some differences, these dimensions compares with those found in other studies on customer experience and service quality. The results indicate that existing measurements of external customer experience should also be applicable to internal settings. This study contributes to expanding the limited knowledge of internal customer experience.

A comprehensive measure of business performance : a study of the commercial banking industry in Ethiopia

Assefa Worede Tesfay 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify a comprehensive measure of performance by assessing the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction on the profitability of the commercial banking industry in Ethiopia. The study adopted unidimensional path models, multivariate approach and factor analysis in predicting the dependent variable, determining the independent variables and the sample size and justifying the objectives of the sturdy. Primary data were obtained through structured questionnaires from valid sample responses of 180 employees and customers selected on convenient sampling method. Profitability (ROA & ROE) was measured based on the average data from the financial statements of 2007/8-2001/12 of the banks. Variant of empirical studies and theoretical frameworks, drawn from motivational, psychological and behavioural theories, were used to formulate the hypothesis and establish the relationship between internal service quality, employee satisfaction, customer service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and profitability. Results of the study indicated internal marketing influenced employee job satisfaction which in turn partially influenced customer service quality and customer satisfaction; customer service quality influenced customer satisfaction which then influenced customer loyalty. But, no relationship was observed between customer loyalty and profitability. However, due to the timing gap of the data on profitability and the data on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, the relationship is apparently realizable in the long run. Therefore, due emphasis is required by the management of the banks to exert the necessary strategic effort on employee satisfaction, customer service quality, and customer satisfaction because of their implicit effects on profitability. Finally, the relevance of the research to the literature on performance measurement is demonstrated by contextualizing comprehensive models in the context of commercial banking industry in Ethiopia. / Business Management / D.B.L.

Frontline employee service quality: antecedents to enhance employee service quality in a South African retail bank

De Villiers, Jonathan 04 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Sothern Sotho / South African banks need to attract and retain customers in a highly competitive environment. Within this environment, the service quality of banks has been noted as an ongoing pressing issue. With all major banks embracing the technological revolution and offering similar financial services, the service quality offered through frontline employees has become a means to attain a competitive advantage. While a substantial body of research demonstrates the importance of service quality and identifies its dimensions, there is a lack of research specifically focusing on the antecedents for frontline employee service quality. This study set out to investigate the extent to which internal service quality, service climate and frontline employee satisfaction contribute to frontline employee service quality in a South African retail bank. With the aid of a structured questionnaire, a cross-sectional internet-based survey research design was applied to collect information from frontline employees pertaining to four constructs. From the full population of 8 720 frontline employees, 581 completed responses were received during the main study, and empirically tested with the aid of descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and multivariate regression analysis. The findings culminate in a multivariate regression model indicating that service climate is not a significant predictor of frontline employee service quality, whereas frontline employee satisfaction and internal service quality are, with internal service quality being the larger predictor. Drawing from these findings, ten recommendations are made to improve frontline employee service quality in a retail bank. / Amabhange aseNingizimu Afrika adinga ukuheha futhi agcine amakhasimende endaweni enokuncintisana okukhulu. Ngaphakathi kwalesi simo, insebenzo yekhwalithi yamabhange ibhekwe njengengqinamba eqhubekayo. Ngawo wonke amabhange amakhulu amukela inguquko kwezobuchwepheshe futhi ahlinzeka ngezinsizakalo ezifanayo zezezimali, insebenzo yekhwalithi enikezwa ngabasebenzi abaphambili iba yindlela yokuthola inzuzo yokuncintisana. Ngenkathi ucwaningo oluningi lukhombisa ukubaluleka kwensebenzo yekhwalithi futhi lukhomba ubukhulu balo, kukhona ukungabi bikho kocwaningo okugxile kakhulu ezichasisweni zensebenzo yekhwalithi yomsebenzi ophambili. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuphenya ukuthi izinga lensebenzo yekhwalithi yangaphakathi, insebenzo yesimo sezulu kanye nokwaneliseka kwabasebenzi abaphambili kunikela kangakanani ensebenzweni yekhwalithi yomsebenzi ebhange lokuthengisa eNingizimu Afrika. Ngosizo lwemibuzo ehleliwe, kusetshenziswe ukwakheka kocwaningo olususelwa ku-inthanethi lokuqoqa imininingwane evela kubasebenzi abaphambili maqondana nokwakhiwa okune. Kusuka enanini eligcwele labantu abayizi-8 720 labasebenzi abaphambili, izimpendulo ezigcwalisiwe ezingama-581 zamukelwa phakathi kocwaningo oluyinhloko, futhi zahlolwa ngamandla ngosizo lwezibalo ezichazayo, ukuhlaziywa kwezinto eziqinisekisayo, ukuhlaziywa kokuhlobana kanye nokuhlaziywa kokuphindaphinda okuningi. Okutholakele kugcina kube yisifanekiso sokuhlehliswa sokuphindaphinda esikhombisa ukuthi insebenzo yesimo sezulu akusona isibikezelo esibalulekile sensebenzo yekhwalithi yomsebenzi ophambili, kanti ukwaneliseka komsebenzi ophambili kanye nensebenzo yekhwalithi yangaphakathi, ngensebenzo yekhwalithi yangaphakathi eyisibikezelo esikhulu. Ngokususelwa kokutholakele, kwenziwa izincomo eziyishumi zokuthuthukisa insebenzo yekhwalithi yomsebenzi ophambili ebhange lokuthengisa. / Dibanka tsa Aforikaborwa di tlhoka go ngoka le go tswelela go tshola badirisi mo tikologong e e tletseng kgaisano. Mo tikologong eno, boleng jwa tirelo ya dibanka bo lemogilwe jaaka ntlha e e tswelelang go tshwenya. Jaaka fa dibanka tsotlhe tse dikgolo di amogetse tiriso ya thekenoloji mme di tlamela ka ditirelo tsa ditšhelete tse di tshwanang, boleng jwa tirelo jo bo tlamelwang ka badiri ba ba kwa pele ke tsela ya go iponela molemo wa kgaisano. Le fa dipatlisiso tse dintsi di bontsha botlhokwa jwa boleng jwa tirelo mme di supa bogolo jwa jona, ga go na dipatlisiso tse di totang batlapele ba boleng jwa tirelo ya badiri ba ba kwa pele. Thutopatlisiso eno e ne e ikaeletse go batlisisa gore boleng jwa tirelo ya ka fa gare, tikologo ya tirelo le kgotsofalo ya badiri ba ba dirang kwa pele bo tshwaela go le kana kang mo boleng jwa tirelo ya badiri ba ba dirang kwa pele mo bankeng ya badirisi ya Aforikaborwa. Ka thuso ya lenaanepotsolotso le le rulaganeng, go dirisitswe patlisiso e e ralalang dikarolo ya mo inthaneteng go kokoanya tshedimosetso go tswa mo badiring ba ba dirang kwa pele malebana le dintlha tse nne. Go tswa mo sampoleng ya badiri ba ba dirang kwa pele ba le 8 720, go amogetswe ditsibogo tse di tladitsweng di le 581 ka nako ya thutopatlisiso e kgolo, mme di ne tsa lekelediwa ka maitemogelo ka thuso ya dipalopalo tse di tlhalosang, tokololo ya tlhomamiso, tokololo ya tsamaelano le tokololo e e lebelelang dipoelo tse di farologaneng. Diphitlhelelo di ile setlhoeng fa sekao se se lebelelang dipoelo tse di farologaneng se supa gore seemo sa tirelo se ka se ke sa dirisiwa go bonela pele boleng jwa tirelo ya badiri ba ba dirang kwa pele, mme go ka dirisiwa kgotsofalo ya badiri ba ba dirang kwa pele le boleng jwa tirelo ya ka fa gare, le gore boleng jwa tirelo ya ka fa gare bo ka dirisiwa thata. Go tswa mo diphitlhelelong tseno, go dirwa dikatlenegiso di le lesome go tokafatsa boleng jwa tirelo ya badiri ba ba dirang kwa pele mo bankeng ya badirisi / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

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