Spelling suggestions: "subject:"internetový""
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Platební systémy na Internetu / Internet Payment SystemsNagy, Erik January 2010 (has links)
The main subject of this masters thesis is to familiarize with technologies used to realization of online payment systems on internet. The document is more detailed focused on realization of internet banking, credit card payment, payment via SMS and on systems of internet wallets like PayPal and Moneybookers. There are proposed several criteria that are used to compare the payment methods, what was also a motivation for more detailed study of methods. These payment methods are compared from the user point of view, and from the perspective of integration these systems to the existing applications, which led us to work on the manual with user guides about how to integrate these payment methods to the web sites, what is also a contribution of this masters thesis.
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Portál YouTube jako digitální informační zdroj, jeho fondy a služby / YouTube portal as digital information resource, its collections and servicesVoců, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
(in English) Object of this thesis is to demonstrate compact characteristics and analysis of YouTube portal, explain its importance, content and area of provided services. -- The first chapter is applied to basic characteristics of YouTube portal, the second chapter deals with description of procedures, which are used by the portal. The third chapter is all about video. There are discussed issues about video on PC in general, and afterwards, there are described processes related to videos on YouTube. YouTube users, YouTube partners and projects are mainspring of the fourth chapter. Special subchapter outlines possibilites of YouTube in relation to information studies and librarianship. At the end of the fourth chapter user offences are mentioned. The fifth chapter is composed of introduction of several direct and indirect YouTube competitors. The sixth, and the last chapter, contains author's evaluation of YouTube portal [Author's abstract].
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Webové sociální sítě a galerie jako podpora při budování kariéry jednotlivce v oblasti umělecké fotografie / Web social networks and galleries as the support of building career of individual in the field of the art photographySynek, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on recent inosculation of photography and modern information technologies and also on a daptation of photography to current trends in communication. Special emphasis is set on fine-art photography. Besides delimitation of problem the first part of the text is dedicated to foundation and history of photography where the author refers to dramatic changes that had taken place in the early beginnings. The second part is dealing with contemporary phenomenon - social networks and their moving into the virtual space of the Internet during last decade. The author aims on key aspects of social networks which have a significant influence when in combination with photography. The next part shortly deals with problems of copyright that show up in relation to digital photography. Part of text is devoted analysis of several selected systems specialized in fine-art photography publishing and eventually their selling. The author describes their significant attributes, principles on which they are based and mentions differences among each other. The fundamental part of the document is focused on practical view of interconnection between fine-art photography and digital information technologies whereas the ideas relates to pieces of knowledge gained from several selected and interviewed...
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Srovnávací analýza WebArchivu Národní knihovny ČR se zahraničními projekty / Comparative Analysis of WebArchiv of the National Library of the Czech Republic and Foreign ProjectsKupcová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
(in English) The topic of the diploma thesis is to compare the WebArchiv with selected foreign Web Archives, which are responsible for preserving the national cultural heritage. The introduction briefly explains the history of Web Archives and typology of harvesting. Next parts deal with the history, legal aspects of archiving, selected types of harvesting, Web resources, systems, accessing and evaluation the Czech (WebArchiv), Australian (Pandora) and British archive (United Kingdom Web Archive). The text continues with an evaluation of the selected archives that mentions strong and weak properties and possible solutions. In conclusion, outlines the problematic aspects of archiving, which must be addressed in the future. [Author's abstract]
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Specifika internetového podnikání / Internet business specificationsRýdel, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
(in English): The main goal of diploma thesis is to describe the internet business specifics with focus of identifying the causes of success or failure of companies on the Internet. At the theoretical level in context of thesis is to characterize the influence of the Internet on business principles and give to the reader a complete picture of its impact on current business. Following the main aim of the theses will need a virtually explore the possibilities which offer 21st century in the integration of modern business tools that allows smoother access to corporate infomation and knowledge and If their effective optimatization is the key to a uccessful business on the internet. The contribution of this thesis is to evaluate the practical challenges for companies which brings continual development of information and communication technologies that can be used for support of decision making in selecting an appropriate combination of business tools.
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Portály elektronických informačních zdrojů na českých univerzitách / Portals of electronic information resources at Czech universitiesBaslová, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
The overall theme of the thesis is the current state of Internet portals (gateways) dedicated to electronic information resources at Czech academic libraries. The purpose of such portal (or sites within academic library web pages) is to form a gateway to every electronic resource available within the university. In the theoretical part of the thesis history, purpose and components of such portals are described followed by the typology and organization of electronic information resources used at library portals in the USA and other mainly English speaking countries. The following part of the thesis is a practical application where 6 selected portals are first analyzed then compared with each other according to 5 criterions described in the previous part: organization of its resources, readability, consistency, usability and presence of additional functions or services. Subsequently by applying the method called "Thinking Aloud" usability testing of two selected portal is performed. The aim of the paper is not only to map the current state of portals but also to present methodology for analysis of other similar portals. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Demokracie v krizi nezájmu: účinky využití internetových voleb ve volebním procesu vybraných zemí / Democracy in the Lack of Interest: the Effects of Remote Internet Voting Implementation in the Electoral Process of Selected CountriesSál, Karel January 2016 (has links)
203 12 Dissertation Summary Dissertation title: Democracy in the Lack of Interest: the Effects of Remote Internet Voting Implementation in the Electoral Process of Selected Countries Name and Surname: Karel Sál Field of Study: Political Science Place of Work: Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague Dissertation Supervisor: PhDr. Petr Jüptner, Ph.D. No. of Pages: 203 No. of Appendixes: 30 Year of Defense: 2016 Keywords: internet voting; remote internet voting; electoral turnout; crisis of democracy; theory of participation; rational choice theory; Estonia; Switzerland; France; Norway; Spain. Abstract: The dissertation thesis named Democracy in the Lack of Interest: the Effects of Remote Internet Voting Implementation in the Electoral Process of Selected States reflects the phenomenon of the last decade - incorporation of new media into the political process. Internet voting is one of the discussed and suggested solutions of the so-called crisis of democracy, which could possibly stop the negative trend of diminishing voter turnout in advanced western democracies. The entire academic debate can be summarized into one question: It is possible, that the way of ballot casting can affect the voter turnout in that scale, that we can recognize a significant-positive...
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Právo na zapomnění v prostředí internetu / The right to be forgotten on the internetJůzová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis The Right to be Forgotten on the Internet applies to the functions of Internet search engines, search algorithms and the impact of the digital footprint that on the Internet user essentially leaves. With this issue is, on the one hand, inseparably linked the protection of personal data in the online environment, on the other hand the constitutionally enshrined right to information and other fundamental rights. Not ignored should be also the risk of censorship of the Internet. An application of the right to be forgotten adds a whole new dimension to this problems. The right to be forgotten is inferred from the judgment of the European Court of Justice on 13 May 2014 in the case Costeja versus Google Spain, where an Internet user named Mario Costeja Gonzáles first succeeded with a request of removal of unflattering information about himself from results of the search engine Google. Thus a reform precedent will have a big impact on seeking information on the Internet in the future, since the pronouncement of the judgment about the removal of his personal data may ask any European Internet user. The thesis aims to analyze the issue of right to be forgotten in the context of searching for information on the Internet in the European Internet environment - it means not to be searched on the...
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Principy popularizace vědeckých poznatků na českých a amerických zpravodajských serverech / Principles of popularization and media coverage of scientific knowledge on the Czech and American news serversSamšuková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Principles of popularization of scientific knowledge on the Czech and American news servers" evaluates and compares news published during three month period in scientific sections of news servers in the Czech Republic and the United States of America. The thesis follows room provided for scientific topics, the audiovisual features and theme agenda on NYTimes.com, USAToday.com, iDnes.cz and Novinky.cz. The results are accomplished through the quantitative content analysis which is supplemented by the qualitative semiotic analysis. The semiotic analysis determins compositional and narrative structures and the language features in the articles. It is very important to be concerned about the scientific journalism, as science is important in people's lives and, furthermore, it is the public who helps to support scientific efforts financially. Thus, scientists should be concerned about and aware of science communication in media.
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Využití elektronického bankovnictví v účetnictví / The use of electronic banking in the accountancyMošovská, Eva January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of electronic banking in the accountancy. The goal is to introduce the concept of electronic banking and its impact on accounting. The thesis describes the development of accounting and the impact of computer technology on the processing of accounting records and financial documents. The term of electronic signature and electronic brand are explained, as well as the possibilities of their applicaton. The thesis is to define the various forms of client (company) communication with the bank institutions and development of electronic banking as well as a summary of its advantages and disadvantages. The aim of the practical part is to evaluate the current state of direct banking service in the Czech Republic. The appendix includes a table with a list of e-filing of chosen particular tax types and overview of the structure of the questionnaire on the use of electronic banking.
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