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Anticipace při simultánním tlumočení z němčiny do češtiny / Anticipation in Simultaneous Interpreting from German into CzechZouzalíková, Šárka January 2020 (has links)
This theoretical-empirical thesis focuses on anticipation in simultaneous interpreting from German into Czech. The theoretical part presents an overview of commonly used interpreting strategies and subsequently concentrates on anticipation, its types, and findings of previous studies on this topic. The theoretical part also describes the main syntactic attributes of German that are likely to lead an interpreter to use anticipation. The aim of the empirical part is to find out if students of interpreting use this strategy. If so, the question is how often anticipation occurs and which type of anticipation is used. The empirical part includes an experiment on two groups of interpreting students, one group having one year worth of experience more with simultaneous interpreting than the other. Their interpretations are subsequently analyzed and compared. Keywords simultaneous interpreting, interpreting strategies, anticipation, probability prognosis
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Vliv regionálních variant španělštiny na kvalitu simultánního tlumočení do češtiny / The Impact of Spanish Regional Varieties on the Quality of Simultaneous Interpreting into CzechBalounová, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
This theoretical-empirical study deals with the impact of regional varieties of Spanish on the quality of simultaneous interpreting into Czech. The aim of this thesis is to find whether interpreters make more omissions, additions, semantic errors and errors of performance when they interpret from Latin American varieties of Spanish than when they interpret from standard European Spanish as defined by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Another aim is to confirm that different user groups have different expectations regarding the quality of simultaneous interpreting. The theoretical part of this thesis presents findings and conclusions of previous studies. It also provides an overview of strategies and coping mechanisms and a description of some of the Latin American varieties of Spanish. The research part of this study consists of an experiment and a questionnaire survey regarding quality assessment. The empirical part of this thesis presents the results of the experiment and the questionnaire survey.
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Kvalita z hlediska tlumočení jako strategického rozhodovacího procesu - direkcionalita a strategie při tlumočení právních textů / Quality and Strategic Decision Making in Simultaneous Interpreting - Directionality and Strategies in Conference Interpreting of Legal SpeechesĎoubalová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation provides a comprehensive analysis of the issue of quality in simultaneous interpreting. The theoretical part explores general questions related to quality in interpreting, namely the inherent difficulties encountered in defining quality, the issue of subjectivity in the assessment of quality, the different perspectives on quality and the issues surrounding the various quality criteria as suggested by different authors. The work focuses on the cognitive processes involved in simultaneous interpreting; concepts of working memory and cognitive load are discussed as well as their connection to the concept of interpreting as a decision-making process and a strategic behaviour. Quality is therefore understood as the capacity to efficiently and effectively manage available cognitive resources and to choose appropriate strategies to solve a particular problem in a specific interpreting situation, while taking into account the overall working conditions and the individual predispositions of the interpreter. The empirical part includes an analysis of actual interpreting of technical (legal) speeches. The technical nature of the speeches and the resulting linguistic and conceptual difficulties of the input material is considered to be a factor that increases cognitive load. The aim is to...
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Odkud se berou tlumočnické dovednosti? Srovnání bilingvních jedinců a trénovaných studentů tlumočnictví při simultánním tlumočení / Where do the interpreting skills come from? A comparison of bilinguals and trained interpreting students in simultaneous interpretingNitrová, Nella January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis compares the performance of bilinguals and of interpreting students in simultaneous interpreting. The compared data are from the experiment, within which we tested 3 bilinguals (without any or with little experience in simultaneous interpreting) and 3 trained students of the interpreting MA study programme. The data were collected in the language combination Czech - German. Part of this thesis are also two questionnaires. When comparing the interpreting performances (in form of transcripts of recordings), following interpreting strategies and factors were put emphasis on: salami technique (and related aspects), finishing sentences, hesitation sounds and interferences. This diploma thesis aims at illustrating the effects of the simultaneous interpreting training. The whole thesis is being run through by the question, whether the skill of simultaneous interpreting is an accompanying effect of bilingualism, or whether (and alternatively to what extent) this skill is derived from interpreting training. Keywords: interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, interpreting strategies, interpreting lessons, practice in interpreting, salami technique, finishing sentences, hesitation sounds, interferences, bilingualism, didactics, psycholinguistics
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Tolkningsstrategier i ljuset av språkkompetens, tolkningsriktning och tolkerfarenhet / Interpreting strategies in the light of language competence, directionality and interpreting experienceThomsen, Thomas January 2018 (has links)
Föreliggande studie undersöker vad språkkompetens och tolkningsriktning har för inverkan på tolkningsstrategier inom tolkning i offentlig sektor. Undersökningen utgår ifrån fyra videoinspelade rollspel som har tolkats av fyra tolkar med olika tolkerfarenhet mellan språken svenska och spanska. Rollspelen utgick från ett manus och rollspelarna uppmanades att utsätta tolkarna för specifika svårigheter på specifika punkter under samtalen. Analysen har utöver observation av videoinspelningar, och transkription av dessa, även utgått från tolkarnas retrospektion, ett språktest och en intervju angående deras språkkompetens. Analysmetoden har dessutom utgått från och replikerat Arumí Ribas och Vargas-Urpis studie (2017) och har genomfört en kvantitativ analys på grundval av Wadensjös sju typer av avvikande återgivningar (1998). Denna analysmetod har visat sig innehålla begränsningar då Wadensjös avvikande återgivningar inte har kunnat användas för att identifiera alla typer av tolkningsstrategier. Studien har dock kunnat fastställa att tolken tillämpar fler tolkningsstrategier till sitt svaga språk än till sitt starka språk men att fortsatt forskning är nödvändig på detta område. / The present study examines what influence language competence and directionality have on interpreting strategies in public service interpreting. It is based on four video recorded roleplays which were interpreted by four interpreters with different interpreting experience between the languages Swedish and Spanish. The roleplays were based on a script and the roleplayers were asked to expose the interpreters to specific difficulties at specific points during the conversation. In addition to the observation of video recordings, and the transcription of these, the analysis has also been based on the interpreters’ retrospections, a language test and an interview regarding their language competence. The analysis method has also been based on and has replicated Arumí Ribas and Vargas-Urpi's study (2017) and has conducted a quantitative analysis on the basis of Wadensjö's seven types of renditions (1998). This analysis method has shown limitations since identification of all types of interpreting strategies could not be done only through Wadensjö's seven types of renditions. The study has determined that the interpreter applies more interpreting strategies to his/her weak language than to his/her strong language but that further research is necessary in this area.
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A critical investigation of deaf comprehension of signed tv news interpretationWehrmeyer, Jennifer Ella January 2013 (has links)
This study investigates factors hampering comprehension of sign language interpretations rendered on South African TV news bulletins in terms of Deaf viewers’ expectancy norms and corpus analysis of authentic interpretations. The research fills a gap in the emerging discipline of Sign Language Interpreting Studies, specifically with reference to corpus studies. The study presents a new model for translation/interpretation evaluation based on the introduction of Grounded Theory (GT) into a reception-oriented model. The research question is addressed holistically in terms of target audience competencies and expectations, aspects of the physical setting, interpreters’ use of language and interpreting choices. The South African Deaf community are incorporated as experts into the assessment process, thereby empirically grounding the research within the socio-dynamic context of the target audience. Triangulation in data collection and analysis was provided by applying multiple mixed data collection methods, namely questionnaires, interviews, eye-tracking and corpus tools. The primary variables identified by the study are the small picture size and use of dialect. Secondary variables identified include inconsistent or inadequate use of non-manual features, incoherent or non-simultaneous mouthing, careless or incorrect sign execution, too fast signing, loss of visibility against skin or clothing, omission of vital elements of sentence structure, adherence to source language structures, meaningless additions, incorrect referencing, oversimplification and violations of Deaf norms of restructuring, information transfer, gatekeeping and third person interpreting. The identification of these factors allows the construction of a series of testable hypotheses, thereby providing a broad platform for further research. Apart from pioneering corpus-driven sign language interpreting research, the study makes significant contributions to present knowledge of evaluative models, interpreting strategies and norms and systems of transcription and annotation. / Linguistics / Thesis (D. Litt.et Phil. (Linguistics)
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A critical investigation of deaf comprehension of signed tv news interpretationWehrmeyer, Jennifer Ella January 2013 (has links)
This study investigates factors hampering comprehension of sign language interpretations rendered on South African TV news bulletins in terms of Deaf viewers’ expectancy norms and corpus analysis of authentic interpretations. The research fills a gap in the emerging discipline of Sign Language Interpreting Studies, specifically with reference to corpus studies. The study presents a new model for translation/interpretation evaluation based on the introduction of Grounded Theory (GT) into a reception-oriented model. The research question is addressed holistically in terms of target audience competencies and expectations, aspects of the physical setting, interpreters’ use of language and interpreting choices. The South African Deaf community are incorporated as experts into the assessment process, thereby empirically grounding the research within the socio-dynamic context of the target audience. Triangulation in data collection and analysis was provided by applying multiple mixed data collection methods, namely questionnaires, interviews, eye-tracking and corpus tools. The primary variables identified by the study are the small picture size and use of dialect. Secondary variables identified include inconsistent or inadequate use of non-manual features, incoherent or non-simultaneous mouthing, careless or incorrect sign execution, too fast signing, loss of visibility against skin or clothing, omission of vital elements of sentence structure, adherence to source language structures, meaningless additions, incorrect referencing, oversimplification and violations of Deaf norms of restructuring, information transfer, gatekeeping and third person interpreting. The identification of these factors allows the construction of a series of testable hypotheses, thereby providing a broad platform for further research. Apart from pioneering corpus-driven sign language interpreting research, the study makes significant contributions to present knowledge of evaluative models, interpreting strategies and norms and systems of transcription and annotation. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / Thesis (D. Litt.et Phil. (Linguistics)
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