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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Madness and the financial institution: Bethlem in the age of revolution and republic

Bilhartz, Jessica Lee 16 August 2006 (has links)
Throughout its long history, the Bethlem Royal Hospital in London, colloquially known as Bedlam, has been the center of rumors of patient abuse and neglect. These rumors continue to permeate the history of madness even though recent studies have tried to depict Bethlem as a misunderstood institution which did the best it could. The truth lies somewhere between these two poles. Historical Bethlem was a place where the insane were indeed mistreated, and 1642 and 1658 were the years when abuse became the norm for centuries to come. The years of the Civil War and Interregnum were of special importance to Bethlem, marking the point when it became not only a hospital with an undeclared policy for the tolerance of patient abuse and neglect, but a financially solvent hospital as well. After the careful examination of the administrative records of the Bethlem Court of Governors for the years 1642-1659, this study reports that not only did abuse occur in Bethlem, but that the administration at the hospital, its Court of Governors, was aware of such abuse and preferred to turn a blind eye to patient abuse and neglect, occasionally becoming party to such offenses themselves if the price was right.

The English peerage 1649-1660 : government, authority and estates

Ward, Ian January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

The military and political career of John Lambert, 1619-57

Farr, David January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

The politics of providentialism in England c1640-1660

Browell, Geoffrey Charles January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

The governance of Shropshire during the Civil War and Interregnum, 1642-1660

Jones, Isabel January 2017 (has links)
Often considered as an insignificant, sleepy, rural backwater, the county of Shropshire has attracted little academic interest, particularly concerning the period covering the civil war and Interregnum. Recent studies on the county have concentrated solely on the military aspect of the conflict and have not ventured into the Commonwealth and Protectorate years, nor looked at the administration and the internal politics of the shire. Yet in the first months of the war, the county was seen by Charles I as being vital to his success given its location on the Welsh border and with good transport links to the neighbouring Marcher counties. Shrewsbury was the main rallying point for the crown, and many of the local gentry flocked to the town with donations for the royal coffers. From then, up until 1645, most the county was held for the crown, until the fall of Shrewsbury in 1645 signalled an end to royalist dominance. This thesis is not an analysis of the causes of, or the actual events of, the war, as those matters are peripheral to this examination, being mentioned only briefly during the examination. It is, however, a full analysis of both county society and government, and will consider local issues, some of which had a wide-ranging effect, finances, justice and religion. But, most importantly, it will examine the personnel involved in both local and central government, how they changed over the period according to their allegiance and who was in power, and whether in the aftermath of war former royalists were welcomed back into the Commission of the Peace and other local committees to resume what they saw as being their rightful place in society. The academic study of the county is not a unique concept, having been promoted by Professor Alan Everitt in the 1960s in his study of Kent. In that research, Everitt proposed the concept of the county community, whereby the insular gentry were more interested in local affairs than national issues, and very much resented any interference from central government into what they considered was their domain. This thesis is not an attempt to try and slot Shropshire into that category, for Everitt’s argument has long been considered void. However, the basic framework of research into the county community that many academics have used in the past will be utilised to a certain extent, and the findings compared as much as possible with other neighbouring counties to try and ascertain whether there were any peculiarities within this Marcher society.

Life in the Interregnum: July’s People : Nadine Gordimer’s July’s People

Öström, Anita January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to describe and examine differences in social behavior and social interactions in Nadine Gordimer’s July’s people. Specifically, attention will be given to the interim order that occurs after the collapse of the former South African regime and before a new regime has been established. In short, the essay attempts to answer the question how power is redistributed after the black revolution that occurs in the narrative. Antonio Gramsci’s Neo-Marxist theory is used to examine who dominates and who is subordinated among the novel’s main characters.

Interregnum : le partage du corps souverain et la naissance de la Libera Res Publica / Interregnum : the partition of the sovereign body and the birth of the Libera Res Publica.

Gohary, Laurent 06 November 2010 (has links)
Les institutions de la République romain (509-27 av. J. C.) prévoyaient, théoriquement, que les magistratures électives et annuelles ne devaient jamais être vacantes. Ce principe juridique fondamental avait pour conséquence une absolue continuité dans la détention du pouvoir exécutif qui reposait sur le ius, les auspicia et l’imperium. Cependant, il arriva à maintes reprises que les magistratures supérieures – consulat, tribunat militaire à pouvoir consulaire – fussent suspendues en raison soit d’entrave à la tenue des comices électoraux, soit de scrupules religieux entraînant l’expiation rituelle et la renouatio auspiciorum. La légimité et la légalité de la solution à la vacance du pouvoir exécutif reposaient alors sur les patres auctores, détenteurs des auspicia patrum, apanage exclusif des sénateurs patriciens. Les vénérables pères, descendants des plus illustres familles de Rome, étaient les seuls à même de remédier à la vacance des magistratures par ce rite nommé interregnum qui remontait, d’après la tradition, à l’époque royale latino-sabine et renvoyait au mythe bien connu du démembrement et de l’apothéose de Romulus. Le partage du corps souverain constitue à ce titre un symbole fondamental de la représentation de l’auctoritas patrum et de la magistrature républicaine dont il serait peut-être vain de rechercher l’historicité. L’objet de cette étude est donc d’analyser la fort ancienne institution de l’interregnum qui, comme bien d’autres, était caractérisée par un passage progressif du sacral au juridique. Le droit public prévoit dans tout système institutionnel des recours d’exception révélant la représentation psychologique du pouvoir souverain. Rome n’échappe pas à la règle ; elle put même, d’une certaine façon l’inventer. / The institutions of the Roman Republic (509-27 B.C.) were made to ensure, in theory, that electives and annuals magistracies must never be vacant. This fundamental juridic rule had for consequence an absolute continuity in the detention of the executive power which were based on ius, auspicia and imperium. However, in many times it occurs that the supremes magistracies – consulate, military tribunate with consular power – were suspended in reason either hindrance to the conduct of consular elections or religious misgiving leading to ritual expiation and renouatio auspiciorum. Legitimity and legality of the solution to the vacancy of the executive power then relied on the patres auctores, holders of the auspicia patrum, exclusive privilege of the patrician senators. The venerables fathers, heirs of Rome’s most illustrious families, were the only ones habilited to put an end to the vacancy of the magistracies by using this ritual called interregnum which appeared, following the roman tradition, during the latine-sabine period et were connected to the famous myth of the dismemberment and the apotheosis of Romulus. The partition of the king’s embodiment constitute, as such, a fundamental symbol of the representation of auctoritas patrum and of the republican magistracy on which it should be vain to search any historicity. The purpose of this study is so to analyse the very old institution of the interregnum which, as many, were caracterised by the progressive transformation from the sacral to the juridic. The public law makes provision, in all institutionnals systems, for exception resort revealing the psychologic representation of the sovereign power. Rome is not an exception to the rule ; the city could even, in a certain manner, have invented it.

Going Commercial: Agency in 17th Century Drama

McKimpson, Karl 27 October 2016 (has links)
This dissertation’s aim is to reveal how essential economic mechanics were to playwrights when it came to depicting agency. Rising commercialization in the seventeenth century prompted playwrights to appropriate market behaviors in London as a new discourse for agency. Commerce serves as a metaphor for every part of daily life, and a new kind of “commercial” agency evolves that predicates autonomy upon the exchange networks in which a person participates. Initially, this new agency appears as a variation on the trickster. By the end of the century, playwrights have created a new model for autonomy and a new kind of hero to employ it: the entrepreneur. My chapters chart the defining points in the development of commercial agency, each with a representative text or texts. In chapter II, I analyze how the Jacobean gallant, a variation on the trickster, sells himself as a desirable commodity to gain wealth and influence, the conditions he needs to liberate himself and control his own destiny (Eastward Ho). Chapter III examines characterizations of businesswomen in seventeenth century drama, one of the primary shifts in tone that accompanied the development of commercial agency as playwrights became more skilled in its portrayal (Antony and Cleopatra). Frequently regarded as prostitutes in Elizabethan plays, entrepreneurial women are often seen in later periods as dramatic, even tragic, heroes. When the stage closed during the years of 1642-1659, the print market was playwrights’ main source of income, and it was soon adapted to promote drama and ensure its future production. Chapter IV suggests that the success of William Davenant’s The Siege of Rhodes was due to how its preface implicated customers of the print edition in its stage production. Chapter V marks the emergence of the entrepreneurial rake as a romantic and comic hero. The chapter argues that the egalitarian haggling that ends The Man of Mode and The Rover, which is conspicuously absent from The Country Wife, is presented as the ideal basis for any loving, successful, and profitable marriage.

Ballads, Culture and Performance in England 1640-1660

Wisdom, Sarah Page 17 November 2011 (has links)
Ballads published during the English Civil Wars and Interregnum were a uniquely potent cultural medium. Ballad authors and publishers used the tools of format and genre, music, and available discourses to translate contentious topics into a form of entertainment. The addition of music to what would otherwise have been merely another form of cheap print allowed ballads to be incorporated into many parts of daily life, through oral networks as well as through print and literacy. Ballads and their music permeated all levels of society and therefore the ideas presented in ballads enjoyed a broad audience. Because any given ballad was subject to repeated performances, its meaning was recreated with each performance. Performances of ballads published in the 1640s and 1650s created a vision of an imaginary England of the past, and projected hope that this past would be restored in the future.

O trabalho ou a vida: o que quer o trabalhador com o trabalho e o processo de adoecimento em trabalhadores da saúde / nao fornecido

Maestrelli, Alessandra Moreno 24 September 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo evidenciar a relação \"inconsciente da psicanálise\" e \"inconsciente da ideologia\", a partir dos modos de produção do conhecimento de trabalhadores da área da saúde e dos modos de produção do conhecimento acerca de seus trabalhos. Durante este trabalho, considerando alguns impasses teóricos, conceituamos \"modernidade líquida\" e \"insegurança\" e, com esses conceitos, juntamente com os conceitos de \"religiosidade\" e de enfrentamento \"da morte na realidade\", traçamos contrapontos teóricos para a atualização do mal-estar na cultura moderna. Assim, de acordo com os pressupostos de Baumen (2008), da análise de discurso pêcheuxtiana e de sua interface com a psicanálise lacaniana, o foco deste trabalho é encontrar os ,,giros discursivos no mais de gozar\", lugares nos quais a dor encontra seu caminho nos registro do simbólico, isto é, o mais de gozar e a entrada ou permanência no simbólico é a saída para a dor e o sofrimento que o trabalho na área da saúde pode causar ao trabalhador que se considera impotente diante do usuário que requer atendimento e atenção. Para atingir o objetivo maior deste trabalho, propusemos a escansão de algumas destas construções em análises preliminares dos dados por meio de recortes e sequências discursivas na produção de um dos sujeitos, tentativa de construção teórica em análise do discurso, para a qual cada passo na direção de uma certeza implica em um retrocesso. Considerando o contraponto entre as formações discursivas privilegiadas por nós, a do discurso oficial dominante, e a outra, constituída por tentativas de resistência e/ou reiteração dos sujeitos, com relação a esse discurso, constatamos que o foco do discurso oficial dominante é um e o do trabalhador, ao tratar do serviço que presta na área da saúde, é outro. É nesse ponto que nos encontramos ao tentar aproximar as discrepâncias ou evidenciar as reproduções apesar delas aparecerem superficialmente como resistência ou como discurso da resistência ou ainda como marcas evidências de resistência. Os corpora são formados pelas diretrizes que orientam o trabalho em saúde, encontrados em manuais do Ministério da Saúde sobre as políticas de consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde e nas leis e diretrizes da saúde pública, em particular a Lei 8080/90; e pela produção discursiva dos trabalhadores. A observação desses materiais favoreceu a análise das marcas linguísticas encontradas na entrevista, o que permitiu o recalque da subjetividade como trabalho da ideologia, desdobrando em outros sentidos singulares, na tentativa de homogeneizar o dizer. Com essa base teórica e metodológica, foi possível evidenciar o trabalho da ideologia no discurso dos sujeitos envolvidos com a ilusão de que o trabalho é uma redenção, um meio para acessar um benefício maior e para alcançar a felicidade e a realização. Em suma, mobilizamos os quatro discursos fundamentais na psicanálise, para apontar que, no discurso capitalista, a ausência da barra da impossibilidade discursiva pode colocar, entre outros objetos, a religião e a religiosidade como mercadorias acessíveis ao sujeito desejante e ao consumidor na modernidade. / This research aims at evidencing the relation \"unconsciousness of psychoanalysis\" and \"unconsciousness of ideology\", based on the production of knowledge of healthcare professionals and on the production of knowledge regarding their tasks. During this research, considering some theoretical deadlocks, we have conceptualized \"liquid modernity\" and \"insecurity\" and, having these concepts along with the concepts of \"religiousness\" and the treatment of \"death in reality\", we have drafted theoretical counterpoints to update uneasiness in modern culture. Therefore, according to the assumptions of Baumen (2008) regarding Pêcheux\"s discourse and its interface with the Lacanian psychoanalysis, the aim of this study is to find the ,,linguistic turns in the surplus-joiussance\", places where the pain finds its way in the registers of symbolic. In other words, the surplus-joiussance and the entry or permanence in the symbolic is the way out for all the pain and sorrow caused by daily healthcare tasks to the workers, who consider themselves powerless when dealing with users who need help and attention. In order to reach the major aim of this study, we have proposed the scansion of some of these constructions in preliminary data analysis through discourse sequences and cuttings in the production of one of the subjects, an attempt of theoretical construction in discourse analysis, where every step taken towards certainty implies some regression. Considering the counterpoint between the discourse formations privileged by us - one from dominant official discourse, and the other one built by attempts of resistance and/or reiteration of the subjects - regarding this discourse, we have verified that the focus of the dominant official discourse is different than the focus of the worker when dealing with healthcare service. That is where we find ourselves when trying to bring discrepancies together or to evidence reproductions in spite of the fact that they appear superficially as resistance or as discourse of resistance, or even as evidence marks of resistance. The corpora are composed of guidelines that regulate healthcare services - which can be found in manuals of the Ministry of Health regarding the consolidation policies of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) and in public health laws and guidelines, particularly in the Law 8080/90 -, and of the discourse production of workers. The observation of these materials has stimulated the analysis of linguistic marks found in the interview. This has enabled the repression of subjectivity as a role of ideology, unfolding other singular senses, in an attempt to homogenize the speech. Considering this theoretical and methodological basis, it was possible to evidence the role of ideology in the discourse of subjects involved in the illusion that work is redemption, a way to access a greater benefit and to reach happiness and achievement. Finally, as a whole, we have mobilized the four fundamental discourses of psychoanalysis to indicate that in the capitalist discourse, the absence of the bar of discourse impossibility can classify religion and religiousness, among other objects, as accessible products to the willing subject and to the consumer in modern days.

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