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Malnutrition in children : the perceptions of mothers in BotswanaDitebo, Gaeboloke Precious 15 August 2011 (has links)
Malnutrition is one of the serious childhood problems that affect children under five (5) years of age, and is common in developing countries Botswana included. The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions of mothers of children diagnosed with malnutrition in Botswana, specifically at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital, Serowe. The said hospital is a district hospital which renders services to Serowe community and the surrounding villages, as such; participants in this study were from Serowe and other surrounding villages like Mabou, Tshimoyapula, Mmashoro and Mogorosi. Applied research was used as a type of research because it is associated with the researcher’s motivation to assist in solving a particular problem facing a particular community. Collective case study was used as a research design. The researcher explored the perceptions of mothers regarding child malnutrition; through the use of semi-structured interviews. Twelve (12) mothers of children with malnutrition were interviewed using systematic random sampling method and subsequently data was analysed according to Creswell’s model. Literature study was done and the following aspects were discussed: Child malnutrition in developing countries; child malnutrition in Botswana; description of child malnutrition; causes of child malnutrition; symptoms of child malnutrition; treatment of child malnutrition; prevention of child malnutrition; psychosocial implications of child malnutrition on the patient, family and community and social work intervention (therapy and prevention). Literature was also compared with research findings when analysing data. The study revealed that mothers had limited knowledge on malnutrition as a condition, the signs and symptoms thereof; causes; prevention and treatment of child malnutrition. This lack of knowledge made mothers to have wrong perceptions about child malnutrition. It was revealed that mothers did not perceive malnutrition as a serious problem that can result in admission for treatment in a hospital, they expected a different diagnosis. They perceive malnutrition as a secondary diagnosis. The majority of mothers had a Setswana diagnosis for their children’s condition. Mothers perceived the signs and symptoms of malnutrition as those of Thibamo, Phogwana (fontanel), or Ntsana. They interpret malnutrition as a Setswana ailment that can be treated traditionally. Factors that were identified to be contributing to malnutrition among children at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital in Serowe were found to be; lack of knowledge about malnutrition, wrong perceptions of malnutrition by mothers, illiteracy and unemployment, and cultural factors like taking a child to a traditional healer instead of a medical health facility. The study shows that mothers’ social functioning is disrupted by their children’s illness and hospitalization and thus a need for support from the hospital multi-disciplinary team, especially the social worker who is a trained counselor. The social worker should provide ongoing supportive counseling during the process of the child’s illness. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted
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The effect of systemic functional linguistics-based self-intervention programme on the ESL grammar proficiency of Grade 8 learnersNell, Karin 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / English proficiency is regarded important for economic empowerment in South Africa, since English is the official business language of the country. South Africa is, however, a multilingual country, with 11 official languages. The majority of South African learners do not speak English as first language, but study English as an additional language in school. This leads to English Second Language (ESL) classroom complexities such as multilingualism, negative attitudes to ESL, and various levels of linguistic proficiency, which affect the teaching of the prescribed curriculum. Many learners arrive in secondary school (Grade 8) with underdeveloped English proficiency, which means that a lot of time in ESL classrooms is spent on re-teaching English language concepts, especially grammar concepts. This causes stress for both ESL teachers and learners. This study tested the effectiveness of a self-help ESL grammar intervention programme in order to establish whether existing gaps in grammar knowledge could be closed via self-study outside of the classroom. More specifically, the study asked the question whether learners’ knowledge of Parts of Speech could be enhanced via a self-help intervention programme, which was based on the principles of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG). SFG is not traditionally used as an instructional framework in ESL classrooms in the South African context. The rationale for assessing the efficiency of an SFG self-help intervention programme was that there is currently a dire need for alternative approaches to teaching ESL grammar, which would assist struggling learners to raise their proficiency levels quickly, and which would allow teachers to continue with the prescribed curriculum. The intervention programme was tested in a controlled quasi-experimental study, which included an experimental group and a control group, and which compared performance in the mid-year examination and year-end examination to performance in a baseline assessment. The results of the study showed that the self-intervention programme was effective in enhancing ESL learners’ knowledge of Parts of Speech, and also had a positive effect on other aspects of grammar knowledge and on writing. Based on these findings, it is recommended that self-regulation and self-instruction be considered for inclusion in ESL syllabi in the South African context, as it can play a positive role in enhancing ESL learners’ linguistic proficiency. / Engelse taalvaardigheid word as belangrik beskou vir ekonomiese bemagtiging in Suid–Afrika, aangesien Engels die offisiële besigheidstaal van die land is. Suid-Afrika het egter elf erkende offisiële landstale en is dus ‘n meertalige land. Die oorgrote meerderheid Suid-Afrikaanse leerders se eerste taal is nie Engels nie, en hierdie leerders neem Engels as tweede taal (ook genoem eerste addisionnele taal) in ‘n formele omgewing op skool. Dit veroorsaak verskeie uitdagings in Engelse tweedetaalklasse, onder andere meertalige leerders, ‘n negatiewe houding teenoor Engels, en oneweredige ontwikkelingsvlakke in Engels. ‘n Groot aantal leerders begin hul sekondêre skoolloopbaan met onderontwikkelde vaardighede in Engels, met name in grammatika. Dit beïnvloed die onderrig van die voorgeskrewe Engelse tweedetaal kurrikulum, veral in Graad 8. Onderwysers is dikwels genoodsaak om baie tyd aan die heronderrig van grammatikale konsepte te spandeer, alvorens die voorgeskrewe Graad 8 kurrikulum hervat kan word. Dit plaas spanning op sowel onderwysers as leerders. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effektiwiteit van ‘n self-onderrig intervensieprogram te toets – meer spesifiek om te toets of kennisgapings in “Parts of Speech (POS)” oorbrug kan word met ‘n self-onderrig program wat gebaseer is op Sistemiese Funksionele Linguistiek (SFL). SFL word nie tradisioneel in die Suid-Afrikaanse leerprogram gebruik nie, en die rasionaal vir die toetsing van ‘n SFL program was dat daar tans ‘n geweldige vraag is na alternatiewe benaderings tot die onderrig van Engels, wat leerders sal ondersteun om hulle vaardigheidsvlakke snel te verbeter, sodat onderwysers kan voorgaan met die voorgeskrewe kurrikulum. Die SFL intervensieprogram in hierdie studie is deur middel van ‘n gekontroleerde kwasi-eksperimentele metode getoets, wat ‘n eksperimentele groep en ‘n kontrolegroep ingesluit het. Die twee groepe se kennis van woordsoorte is in die middeljaar, asook die eindjaareksamen gemeet, en vergelyk met die resultate van ‘n basislyntoets wat aan die begin van die jaar afgeneem is. Die resultate het bevestig dat die SFL intervensieprogram ‘n positiewe effek gehad het op kennis van woordsoorte. Verdere positiewe effekte was merkbaar in ander aspekte van Engelse grammatika en in skryfvaardigheid. Na aanleiding van hierdie bevindinge is die aanbeveling van hierdie studie dat selfonderrig and self-regulasie oorweeg moet word as belangrike komponente van die Engels tweedetaal sillabus in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, aangesien dit ‘n positiewe rol kan speel in die verbetering van Engels tweedetaal leerders se taalvaardigheid. / Ubugcisa kulwimi lwesiNgesi bubaluleke kakhulu ekuxhobiseni ezoqoqosho eMzantsi Afrika kuba silulwimi lwezoshishino olusemthethweni kweli lizwe. Naxa kunjalo uMzantsi Afrika lilizwe elineelwimi ezininzi, apho ezili-11 zamiliselwa njengeelwimi ezisemthethweni. Uninzi lwabafundi baseMzantsi Afrika alusithethi njengolwimi lokuqala isiNgesi, koko lusifunda njengolwimi olongeziweyo esikolweni. Oku kukhokelela kwiingxaki ezininzi kwiklasi efundisa isiNgesi njengoLwimi lwesiBini, ezifana nokusetyenziswa kweelwimi ezininzi kwakunye namanqanaba awohlukileyo olwazi nobugcisa bokusebenzisa ulwimi, nto ezo zichaphazela ukufundiswa kwekharityhulam esekiweyo. Abafundi abaninzi bafika kwisikolo sasesekondari (iBanga lesi-8) bengenalwazi nabugcisa baneleyo besiNgesi, ngenxa yoko, kwiklasi yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini kuchithwa ixesha elininzi kuphindaphindwa ukufundiswa kwesigama sesiNgesi, ngakumbi isigama segrama. Esi sifundo sophando siye sahlola ukusebenza kwenkqubo yongenelelo kufundiso lwegrama yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini apho umfundi azinceda ngokwakhe, ukuze kufunyaniswe ukuba zingavaleka na ezi zikhewu zikhoyo zokuswela ulwazi lwegrama ngokuzifundela ngaphandle kweklasi. Olu phando lujolise ngakumbi kumbuzo wokuba, ingaba ulwazi lwabafundi ngeziGaba zeNtetho lungaphuculwa na ngokusebenzisa le nkqubo yongenelelo yokuzinceda esekelwe kwimithetho-siseko yeSystemic Functional Grammar (iSFG). ISFG ayisetyenziswa ngokwesithethe njengesakhelo sokufundisa kwiklasi yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini eMzantsi Afrika. Esona sizathu sokuvavanya ukusebenza kwale nkqubo yongenelelo yokuzinceda yeSFG, kukuba kukho intswelo enkulu yeendlela ezizezinye zokufundisa igrama yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini, nto leyo inokunceda abafundi abatsala nzima baphucule amaqondo abo obugcisa, kananjalo incede ootitshala bakwazi ukuqhubela phambili nekharityhulam emiselweyo. Le nkqubo yongenelelo yavavanywa kuphando oluphantsi kolawulo olwaziwa ngokuba sisifundo sophando olungagqibelelanga (quasi experimental study), olwaquka iqela lolingelo kunye neqela elisetyenziswa njengomgangatho wentelekiso (control group). Olu phando lwathelekisa indlela abaqhuba ngayo abafundi kwiimviwo zombindi wonyaka nezokuphela konyaka, ithelekiswa kunye nenkqubo yabafundi kuvavanyo olusisiseko. Iziphumo zophando zabonisa ukuba inkqubo yongenelelo yokuzinceda ibe nempumelelo ekuphuliseni ulwazi lwabafundi lweziGaba zeNtetho kwaye ibe nefuthe elakhayo nakweminye imiba yolwazi lwegrama nesakhono sokubhala. Ngokwezi ziphumo kucetyiswa ukuba kuqwalaselwe ukuzilawula nokuzifundisa kwabafundi njengenxalenye yesilabhasi yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini ngokwemeko yaseMzantsi Afrika njengoko oku kuya kuba nefuthe elakhayo ekuphuhliseni ubugcisa babafundi bolwimi lwesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Phil. (Languages, Linguistics and Literature)
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Die waarde van lewensontwerpberading vir 'n adolessent wat hakkelHancke, Yolene 13 June 2011 (has links)
Om ’n beroepskeuse te maak of oor ’n (nuwe) beroep te besluit, is op sigself ’n oefening wat geweldige emosionele insig, krag en volwassenheid verg. Indien hierdie belangrike besluit geneem moet word deur ’n adolessent wat boonop hakkel, verg dit soveel me er innerlike sterkte. Vir so ’n jongmens is dit ’n enorme taak om ’n beeld van hom-/haarself in die toekoms te projekteer en besluite rakende ’n beroep en/of loopbaan te neem. Om te hakkel beïnvloed ongetwyfeld ’n adolessent se toekomsvisie en - planne. Benewens die feit dat die siening van die self in die hede aangepas moet word om ruimte te laat vir hakkel as ’n persoonlikheidseienskap en besluite wat dit behels en beïnvloed, moet die betrokke adolessent ook hierdie beeld op so ʼn wyse kan aanpas dat die self suksesvol in die toekoms geprojekteer kan word. Dit is die primêre doelwit van die onderhawige studie om vas te stel watter waarde lewensontwerpberading inhou vir ’n adolessent wat hakkel, en die studie word onderneem teen die agtergrond van beide die sisteemteorie en die sosiale konstruktivisme ten einde die navorser te help om op die ervaring van die deelnemer binne sy unieke konteks te fokus. Die studie is spesifiek gerig op die belewingswêreld van die adolessent wat hakkel. Ten einde die subjektiewe en diverse ervarings van die deelnemer beter te begryp, het ek ondersoek gedoen na die wyse waarop adolessente oor die algemeen (en my deelnemer in die besonder) deur middel van interaksie met ander (en die omgewing) deur die lens van die sosiale konstruktivisme vir hulself betekenis skep. Ek het vanuit ʼn kwalitatiewe paradigma gewerk en ʼn gevalstudie gedoen waar die eenheid van ondersoek ʼn adolessent was wat hakkel. My studie het gefokus op aanpasbaarheid as ’n element van hierdie adolessent se lewensontwerp, maar dan spesifiek ook op die wyse waarop die vier kerndimensies van aanpasbaarheid in sy lewe voltrek, te wete beroepsbelang, beroepsbeheer, beroepsnuuskierigheid en beroepselfvertroue. Ek het oorkoepelend ondersoek ingestel na die waarde van lewensontwerpberading in terme van die betekenisgewing (meaning making) en ‘heelwording’ (becoming more whole) van hierdie deelnemer as ’n persoon wat hakkel. ENGLISH : Making a career choice or deciding about a (new) career/job is an exercise that in itself already requires significant emotional insight, command and maturity. When this important decision is to be made by an adolescent who also stutters, this requires so much more inner strength. For such a youth it is a gigantic task to project an image of him/herself into the future and to make decisions concerning a future job/career. To stutter, unquestionably influences a person’s future vision and plans. Not only does it require an adaptation of the view of the self in the present to make space for this personality trait and the decisions that will influence and concern it, but the adolescent who stutters also will have to adjust this image of the self in order to successfully project the self into the future. It is the primary goal of this study to investigate the value of life design counselling for an adolescent who stutters and it is done against the background of both the systems theory and social constructivism in order to help the researcher to focus on the experience of the participant within his unique context. The study is specifically the world of experience of the adolescent who stutters. In order to better understand the subjective and diverse experiences of the participant, I investigated through the lens of social constructivism the way in which adolescents in general (and my participant in particular) created meaning through interaction with others (and the environment). I worked from a qualitative paradigm and conducted a case study where the unit of investigation was an adolescent who stutters. My study focused on adaptability as an element of this adolescent’s life design, but then specifically on the way that the four core dimensions of adaptability, that is career concern, career control, career curiosity and career confidence, manifest themselves in his life. I conducted an overall investigation into the value that life design counselling holds for the participant as a person who stutters in terms of his making meaning of life and becoming more whole as a person. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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‘n Intervensiemodel vir die middelkinderjare-kind wat seksueel misbruik is (Afrikaans)Britz, Linda 04 February 2004 (has links)
This research concentrates on the development of an intervention model for the sexually abused latency aged child. The focus is on short term, structured individual therapy. The importance of this model is linked to the underlying theoretical basis that it provides as well as the guidelines suggested for therapy. Intervention research was used as research methodology. This methodology implies a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. The first part (Chapters 2, 3&4) addresses the problem analysis and information gathering linked to the development of a theoretical basis for the intervention model. The latency years as developmental stage is discussed and suggestions are made as to which this information can be used during the planning and conducting of intervention. The reasons for the child’s vulnerability to become a sexual abuse victim are explained. The different forms of sexual abuse are indicated and it is argued that one child can be abused by another. The social environments where sexual abuse might occur are described as well as the possible consequences that sexual abuse holds for the victim. The second part of this research (Chapters 5&6) is related to the design of the intervention model, the conducting of a pilot test and the refining of the intervention. The key elements of abused focused therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and movement therapy is outlined. These approaches serve as theoretical background for the formulation of the principles of the intervention model. The areas of focus during intervention are described. In Chapter 7 an outline of the intervention program is described. This programme can be viewed as a practical application of the intervention model. A detailed description of every therapy session is provided. The intervention program was tested on three children from the Jakaranda Children’s Home in Pretoria. Chapter 8 indicates the results of the empirical research as well as the interpretation thereof. The focus of this chapter is on the results as referring to the changes in the respondent’s experience of compliance, relationships, security and anxiety. The research results clearly shows that the three respondents were helped by the intervention and that they were no longer overwhelmed by their experience of the sexual abuse. The study is concluded in Chapter 8 with some remarks in summary and proposals for further research. / Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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The characteristics of a group of young children infected with HIV/AIDS at a regional hospital in GautengHattam, Michelle 18 July 2011 (has links)
The effects of HIV/AIDS and subsequent opportunistic infections and/or associated conditions on the development of infected children are substantial. Considerable delays and/or disorders in communication development have been noted in the HIV/AIDS infected child, as well as the need for Early Communication Intervention (ECI) services for this population. A dearth of locally relevant data regarding the speech, language and hearing development of HIV/AIDS infected children within the South African context currently exists. The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics of a group of HIV/AIDS infected children being managed at an outreach clinic of regional hospital in Gauteng. A cross-sectional, retrospective, non-experimental, descriptive, quantitative research design was used in this study. The main objective was achieved by analysing the clinic records of 203 children infected with HIV/AIDS between the ages of 0 – 5 years 11months through the use of a pre-designed checklist. A questionnaire completed by four medical doctors practicing at the HIV/AIDS clinic within the hospital was also used. This allowed for the perceptions and practices of the medical doctors to be described. Results revealed that the majority HIV/AIDS infected children being managed at the outreach clinic were significantly immunocompromised and diagnosed with Stage III or Stage IV HIV/AIDS infection. Furthermore, results indicated the presence of several opportunistic infections and HIV/AIDS associated conditions (such as Tuberculosis, Candidiasis and Encephalopathy). A positive finding was that 76% of the HIV/AIDS infected children (n=153) were receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) at the time of data collection. The most outstanding finding was that very few of the children with HIV/AIDS being managed at the outreach clinic were recorded as having speech, language and/or hearing delays and/or disorders. Similarly, referrals to other professionals as recorded in the children’s hospital records seemed to be limited to Social Workers and Dietitians, with only one child recorded as being referred to a Speech-Language Therapist and Audiologist for further management. It was unclear whether more children were in fact referred for additional intervention by other professionals and this was simply not recorded in the children’s records, or whether these referrals were in fact not made. Results from the questionnaires completed by the medical doctors working with the pediatric HIV/AIDS population within the outreach clinic were significant. Findings indicated that the majority of the respondents believed that HIV/AIDS infected infants were more at risk for developmental and communicative delays and/or disorders than the general population, and that this population would likely benefit from Speech-Language Therapy and/or Audiology intervention services. Respondents indicated that medical doctors working with the pediatric HIV/AIDS population were often not adequately informed regarding the effects of HIV/AIDS on communication development and that they would benefit from further training in this regard. The need for further research regarding the characteristics of the pediatric HIV/AIDS population, particularly on a larger sample, was described. This would assist in the development of a guideline for ECI service delivery for children infected with HIV/AIDS. The need for further training of other professionals regarding the effects that HIV/AIDS has on the communication development of the infected child, to assist with necessary referrals and teamwork, was also highlighted. AFRIKAANS : Suid-Afrika is een van die lande ter wêreld, wat die hoogste voorkoms van Menslike Immuniteitsgebrekvirus/ Verworwe Immuniteitsgebreksindroom (MIV/VIGS), toon - met die pediatriese populasie op die voorfront van hierdie epidemie. Die effek wat MIV/VIGS en opeenvolgende opportunistiese infeksies en/of ander geassosieerde toestande op die ontwikkeling van kinders het, is verreikend. Internasionale literatuur beskryf agterstande en/of akwykings in die kommunikasie ontwikkeling van kinders wat met MIV/VIGS geinfekteer is. Die behoefte vir Vroeë Kommunikasie Intervensie (VKI) vir hierdie populasie word ook gemeld. Daar bestaan egter slegs ‘n beperkte hoeveelheid relevante, plaaslike literatuur met betrekking tot die spraak-, taal- en gehoorontwikkeling van kinders met MIV/VIGS binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om die kenmerke van ‘n groep kinders, wat met MIV/VIGS besmet is en by ‘n streekshospitaal in Gauteng behandel word, te beskryf. ‘n Kwantitatiewe, nie-eksperimentele, terugwerkende, dwarsdeurige, beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. Die hoofdoelwit was bereik deur die kliniekrekords van kinders wat met MIV/VIGS besmet is, te analiseer deur van ‘n vooraf-ontwerpte merklys gebruik te maak. Data is ook ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste wat deur mediese dokters, wat by MIV/VIGS klinieke binne die hospitale werk, voltooi is. Dit het toegelaat dat die persepsies en praktyke van die mediese dokters ook beskryf kon word. Resultate het getoon dat die meerderheid kinders met MIV/VIGS, wat by klinieke behandel word, se immuunsisteme ernstig onderdruk was en dat hulle met stadium III of stadium IV van MIV/VIGS gediagnoseer was. Die resultate het verder ook die voorkoms van verskeie opportunistiese infeksies en MIV/VIGS geassosieerde toestande aangedui. ‘n Positiewe bevinding was dat 76% van die kinders (n=153), wat met MIV/VIGS geinfekteer was, tydens die proses van data-insameling reeds Hoogsaktiewe Antiretrovirale Terapie (HAART) ontvang het. Die mees uitstaande bevinding was dat slegs ‘n geringe hoeveelheid kinders met MIV/VIGS by die kliniek, as met ‘n agterstand en/of afwyking in spraak, taal en/of gehoor, aangeteken is. Beperkte verwysings na ander professionele persone is ook in die kliniekrekords opgemerk. Verwysings was beperk tot Maatskaplike Werkers en Dieëtkundiges. Daar was slegs een aantekening van ‘n kind wat vir behandeling na ‘n Spraak- en Taalterapeut en Oudioloog verwys is. Dit is egter onduidelik of daar werklik meer verwysings na ander professionele persone gemaak is, maar net nie in die kinders se kliniekrekords aangedui is nie, of dat daar werklik min verwysings na ander professionele dissiplines gemaak is. Bykomend, was die resultate van voltooide vraelyste deur mediese dokters, wat met die pediatriese MIV/VIGS populasie in die kliniek werk, insiggewend. Bevindings dui aan dat die meerderheid proefpersone, wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, van mening is dat kinders wat met MIV/VIGS besmet is wel ‘n hoër risiko toon vir ontwikkelings- en kommunikasie agterstande en/of afwykings in vergeleke met die algemene populasie. Die proefpersone is verder ook van mening dat hierdie populasie wel van spraak- en taalterapie en/of oudiologiese intervensie sal baatvind. Proefpersone het verder aangedui dat mediese dokters, wat met die pediatriese MIV/VIGS populasie werk, nie ten volle ingelig is omtrent die effek van MIV/VIGS op kommunikasie ontwikkeling en dat hulle van verdere opleiding sal baatvind. Die behoefte vir verdere navorsing in die veld van pediatriese MIV/VIGS en kommunikasie ontwikkeling, binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, word in hierdie studie beskryf. Dit sal as riglyn vir VKI dienslewering aan hierdie populasie dien. Daar is ook ‘n groot behoefte vir verdere opleiding van ander mediese professionele persone met betrekking tot pediatriese MIV/VIGS en die effek wat die op die kind se kommunikasie ontwikkeling het. / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted
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A psychosocial educational programme for caregivers of people diagnosed with bipolar disorderVan der Walt, Ilse Annemarie January 2014 (has links)
Bipolêre versteuring is ‘n kroniese, herhalende en ernstige siekte met ‘n voorkoms van 1 % wêreldwyd. Pasiënte kan psigoties word, selfmoordideasie hê en ook soms aggressief raak. Dikwels moet hulle gehospitaliseer word - ook teen hulle wil, want hulle mag soms geen insig toon nie. Pasiënte mag presenteer met ‘n ko-morbiede toestand, byvoorbeeld substansmisbruik of ‘n persoonlikheidsversteuring. Dit gebeur dikwels dat hulle nie hulle toegewysde rolle, byvoorbeeld dié van gade, broodwinner, ouer of volwasse kind, kan vervul nie.
Versorgers van pasiënte gediagnoseer met bipolêre versteuring, word eweneens beïnvloed deur die siekte en die gepaardgaande stigma daarvan. Dit kan vir hulle baie moeilik wees wanneer hulle die verantwoordelikhede en rolle van die pasiënt moet oorneem. Beskou vanuit die oogpunt van ‘n ekologiese sisteemperspektief is die aard van hierdie impak op die maatskaplike funksionering van die versorgers relevant vir maatskaplike werk in die geestesgesondheidsveld. Die verkenning van hierdie impak en die ontwikkeling van ‘n intervensie om die impak aan te spreek het dus die rasionaal van hierdie studie gevorm.
Die geïntegreerde biopsigososiale model, binne ‘n ekologiese sisteem perspektief, word aangewend by die psigiatriese instelling waar die navorser werk. Hierdie benadering het dus ook gedien as die vertrekpunt vir die betrokke studie.
Die gemengde-metode navorsingsbenadering is tydens hierdie studie benut ten einde ‘n uitgebreide analise van die navorsingsprobleem te verskaf.
Die voorgenome studie het binne die kategorie van toegepaste navorsing geval, want die doel daarvan was om ‘n program te ontwikkel om hulp te verleen aan versorgers van individue gediagnoseer met bipolêre versteuring. Die navorser het haar navorsing gerig aan
die hand van Rothman en Thomas (1994) se intervensie ontwerp en ontwikkelingsmodel (D&D) deur gebruik te maak van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes.
Na afloop van die analise van die kwalitatiewe data, is ‘n unieke psigo-maatskaplike opvoedkundige program, die SEE-SAW program, ontwikkel en toe geïmplementeer. Die konsep van balans versus wanbalans binne die sisteem is essensieel; die navorser se program het ten doel gehad om beter balans binne die sisteem van die pasiënt en versorger te bewerkstellig.
Die gevolgtrekkings het duidelik getoon dat die versorger van die bipolêre pasiënt blootgestel is aan ‘n wye spectrum van behoeftes en uitdagings, maar dat intervensies soos die SEE-SAW program van groot waarde mag wees. / Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic, recurrent, serious illness that occurs in 1 % of people globally. Patients might become psychotic, suicidal and sometimes violent. They often need to be hospitalised, even against their will because they may have no insight. Patients may have a comorbid condition such as substance abuse or a personality disorder. They are frequently unable to fulfil their assigned roles of spouse, breadwinner, parent or adult child.
Caregivers of patients diagnosed with BD are also affected by the illness and the associated stigma. It becomes very difficult for them when they have to take over the responsibilities and roles of the patient. The nature of this impact on the social functioning of the caregivers, understood from an ecological systems perspective, is relevant for social work in the mental health care field. Discovering more about this impact and developing an intervention to curb it therefore formed the rationale for this study.
The integrated biopsychosocial model, within an ecological systems perspective, is being used at the psychiatric institution where the researcher works. This approach therefore also served as the point of departure from which this research was conducted.
A mixed methods research approach was utilised to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problem.
The proposed study fell into the category of applied research, due to its aim of designing a programme to assist caregivers of people diagnosed with BD. The researcher directed the study according to Rothman and Thomas’s (1994) intervention design and development model (D&D), using qualitative and quantitative methods.
After the analysis of the qualitative data a unique psychosocial educational programme, the SEE-SAW programme, was developed and then implemented. The concept of equilibrium versus disequilibrium in the system is central; the researcher’s programme therefore strove towards better equilibrium within the system of patient and caregiver.
From the conclusions it is apparent that the caregiver of the BD patient is exposed to a wide spectrum of needs and challenges, but that interventions such as the SEE-SAW programme may be very helpful. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Social Work and Criminology / PhD (Social Work) / Unrestricted
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