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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Performance Assessment of Advanced Cognitive Radio Networks

Chu, Thi My Chinh January 2015 (has links)
Due to the rapid development of wireless communications together with the inflexibility of the current spectrum allocation policy, radio spectrum becomes more and more exhausted. One of the critical challenges of wireless communication systems is to efficiently utilize the limited frequency resources to be able to support the growing demand of high data rate wireless services. As a promising solution, cognitive radios have been suggested to deal with the scarcity and under-utilization of radio spectrum. The basic idea behind cognitive radios is to allow unlicensed users, also called secondary users (SUs), to access the licensed spectrum of primary users (PUs) which improves spectrum utilization. In order to not degrade the performance of the primary networks, SUs have to deploy interference control, interference mitigating, or interference avoidance techniques to minimize the interference incurred at the PUs. Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have stimulated a variety of studies on improving spectrum utilization. In this context, this thesis has two main objectives. Firstly, it investigates the performance of single hop CRNs with spectrum sharing and opportunistic spectrum access. Secondly, the thesis analyzes the performance improvements of two hop cognitive radio networks when incorporating advanced radio transmission techniques. The thesis is divided into three parts consisting of an introduction part and two research parts based on peer-reviewed publications. Fundamental background on radio propagation channels, cognitive radios, and advanced radio transmission techniques are discussed in the introduction. In the first research part, the performance of single hop CRNs is analyzed. Specifically, underlay spectrum access using M/G/1/K queueing approaches is presented in Part I-A while dynamic spectrum access with prioritized traffics is studied in Part I-B. In the second research part, the performance benefits of integrating advanced radio transmission techniques into cognitive cooperative radio networks (CCRNs) are investigated. In particular, opportunistic spectrum access for amplify-and-forward CCRNs is presented in Part II-A where collaborative spectrum sensing is deployed among the SUs to enhance the accuracy of spectrum sensing. In Part II-B, the effect of channel estimation error and feedback delay on the outage probability and symbol error rate (SER) of multiple-input multiple-output CCRNs is investigated. In Part II-C, adaptive modulation and coding is employed for decode-and-forward CCRNs to improve the spectrum efficiency and to avoid buffer overflow at the relay. Finally, a hybrid interweave-underlay spectrum access scheme for a CCRN is proposed in Part II-D. In this work, the dynamic spectrum access of the PUs and SUs is modeled as a Markov chain which then is utilized to evaluate the outage probability, SER, and outage capacity of the CCRN.

Investeringsmötet mellan analytiker och fondförvaltare : En kvalitativ studie om analytikernas medverkan och dess betydelse för investeringsunderlaget

Karlsson, Tom, Kroon, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Investeringsmötet mellan analytiker och fondförvaltare har tidigare fått alldeles för lite ögon på sig. Att analytiker medverkar på investeringsmöten med fondförvaltare kan ses som paradoxalt eftersom det finns mängder av information att erhålla från andra håll. Denna information kan med en första anblick ses som mer lättillgänglig, detaljerad och omfattande. Således syftar denna studie på att skapa förståelse för varför analytiker väljer att medverka i investeringsmöten med fondförvaltare och hur deras medverkan kan påverka investeringsunderlaget. Det empiriska underlaget bestod av kvalitativa intervjuer med sju analytiker från finansiella institutioner samt en deltagande observation av ett investeringsmöte. Utifrån studien kan tre slutsatser dras i form av anledningar till varför en analytiker väljer att medverka och dess betydelse för investeringsunderlaget. Den första slutsatsen är att träffas face-to-face innebär att analytikerna erhåller mer information jämfört med andra informationskällor.Den andra slutsatsen är att analytikerna erhåller mer beslutsavgörande information som de inte kan erhålla till lika stor grad från andra håll. Den sista slutsatsen är att analytikerna kan säkerställa tidigare erhållen information och även sammanväva information från flera olika källor när de skapar sitt investeringsunderlag. / The investment meeting between analysts and fund managers has previouslyreceived too little attention. That analysts participate in investment meetings with fund managers can be seen as paradoxical as there are lots of information to be obtained elsewhere. At first this information can be seen as more accessible, detailed and comprehensive. Thus, this study aims to create an understanding of why analysts choose to participate in investment meetings with fund managers and how their participation can affect their investment base. The empirical data consists of qualitative interviews with seven analysts from financial institutions and a participatory observation of an investment meeting. Based on this study, three conclusions can be drawn in the form of reasons why analysts chooseto participate and its consequencefor the investment base. The first conclusion is that meeting face-to-face means that the analystsreceive more information compared to other information sources. The second conclusion is that analysts receive more decision-making information that they cannot obtain to the same extent from other sources. The last conclusion is that analysts can ensure that previously obtained information is correct and also interweave information from several different sources when they create their investment base.

Stratégies de coopération dans les réseaux radio cognitif / Cooperation strategies in radio cognitive networks

Kouassi, Boris Rodrigue 25 October 2013 (has links)
Les réseaux radio actuelles utilisent le spectre inefficacement, car une bande de fréquence est allouée de façon permanente à une technologie spécifique. Vu que le spectre est une ressource limitée, cette attribution statique ne pourra bientôt plus combler les besoins des systèmes de transmission qui ne cessent de croître. On peut toutefois optimiser l'utilisation du spectre en permettant des transmissions secondaires (SU) dans les espaces libres du primaire (PU). Cette vision constitue l'objectif principal de la radio cognitive. Nous proposons d'évaluer les stratégies de transmission pour la coexistence des systèmes primaires (PU) et SU dans les mêmes réseaux. Plus concrètement, nous nous focalisons sur un scénario spatial interweave en émettant les signaux SU dans les espaces vides du PU à l'aide d'un précodeur linéaire. Néanmoins, ce précodage nécessite une connaissance a priori des canaux interférents. L'échange d'informations entre le PU et le SU étant proscrit, nous exploitons l'hypothèse de la réciprocité du canal. Cette hypothèse compense l'absence de coopération, mais elle n'est pas si évidente à exploiter en pratique à cause des perturbations des circuits radio fréquence. Nous suggérons de compenser ces perturbations par des méthodes de calibration relative. Nous proposons ensuite une implémentation temps-réel des solutions sur une plateforme LTE. Pour finir, nous généralisons l'approche RC à un système de transmission multi-utilisateurs, à travers une combinaison des techniques RC et massive MIMO, cette approche constitue s’établit comme une solution à la progression exponentielle du trafic. / The accelerated evolution of wireless transmission in recent years has dramatically increased the spectrum overcrowding. Indeed, the spectrum is inefficiently used in the conventional networks, since a frequency band is statically allocated to a specific technology called primary (PU). Whereas the radio spectrum is limited, this static frequency allocation will no longer be able to meet the increasing needs of bandwidth. However, the spectrum can be optimally used in enabling secondary (SU) transmissions, provided the latters do not harm the PU. This opportunistic vision of wireless transmissions is the main aim of Cognitive Radio (CR). CR enables smart use of wireless resources and is a key ingredient to perform high spectral efficiency. We focus on a spatial interweave (SIW) CR scenario which exploits the spatial white spaces to enable SU transmissions. The latter forms spatial beams using precoders, so that there is no interference towards the primary. Nevertheless, this precoding requires acquisition of the crosslink channel. However, due to the lack of cooperation between PU and SU, we acquire the channel thanks to channel reciprocity. Furthermore, the practical use of the reciprocity is not as straightforward as in theory, because it is is jeopardized by the nonreciprocal radio frequency front-ends. These perturbations are compensated in our study by relative calibration algorithms. Subsequently, we propose an implementation of our solutions in a real-time LTE platform. Eventually, we extend the CR model to a MU system in suggesting a combination of SIW and massive MIMO techniques. This scheme is an interesting candidate to overcome the exponential traffic growth.

Spectrum sensing for half and full-duplex interweave cognitive radio systems / Détection de spectre pour les systèmes half et full-duplex radio intelligente entrelacée

Nasser, Abbass 17 January 2017 (has links)
En raison de la demande croissante de services de communication sans fil et de la limitation des ressources de spectre, la radio cognitive (CR) a été initialement proposée pour résoudre la pénurie de spectre. CR divise les systèmes transmetteurs-récepteurs de communication en deux catégories : les Utilisateurs Principaux (PU) et les Utilisateurs Secondaires (SU). PU a le droit légal d'utiliser la bande spectrale, tandis que SU est un utilisateur opportuniste qui peut transmettre sur cette bande chaque fois qu'elle est vacante afin d'éviter toute interférence avec le signal de PU. De ce fait, la détection des activités de PU devient une priorité principale pour toute CR.Le Spectrum Sensing devient ainsi une partie importante d’un système CR, qui surveille les transmissions de PU. En effet, le Spectrum Sensing joue un rôle essentiel dans le mécanisme du fonctionnement du CR en localisant les canaux disponibles et, d'autre part, en protégeant les canaux occupés des interférences de la transmission SU. En fait, Spectrum Sensing a gagné beaucoup d'attention au cours de la dernière décennie, et de nombreux algorithmes sont proposés. Concernant la fiabilité de la performance, plusieurs défis comme le faible rapport signal sur bruit, l'incertitude de bruit (NU), la durée de détection du spectre, etc. Cette thèse aborde les défis de la détection du spectre et apporte quelques solutions. De nouveaux détecteurs basés sur la détection des caractéristiques cyclo-stationnaires et la densité spectrale de puissance (PSD) du signal de PU sont présentés. Un algorithme de test de signification de corrélation canonique (CCST) est proposé pour effectuer une détection cyclo-stationnaire. CCST peut détecter la présence des caractéristiques cycliques communes parmi les versions retardées du signal reçu. Ce test peut révéler la présence d'un signal cyclo-stationnaire dans le signal de mélange reçu. Une autre méthode de détection basée sur la PSD cumulative est proposée. En supposant que le bruit est blanc (sa PSD est plate), la PSD cumulative s'approche d'une droite. Cette forme devient non linéaire pour les signaux de télécommunication. Distinguer la forme cumulative PSD peut donc conduire à diagnostiquer l'état du canal.La radio cognitive Full-Duplex (FD-CR) a également été étudiée dans ce manuscrit, où plusieurs défis sont analysés en proposant de nouvelles contributions. Le fonctionnement FD permet au CR d'éviter la période de silence pendant la détection du spectre. Dans le système CR classique, le SU cesse de transmettre pendant la détection du spectre afin de ne pas affecter la fiabilité de détection. Dans FD-CR, SU peut éliminer la réflexion de son signal transmis et en même temps réaliser le Spectrum Sensing. En raison de certaines limitations, le résidu de l'auto-interférence ne peut pas être complètement annulé, alors la crédibilité de la détection du spectre est fortement affectée. Afin de réduire la puissance résiduelle, une nouvelle architecture de récepteur SU est élaborée pour atténuer les imperfections du circuit (comme le bruit de phase et la distorsion non linéaire de l'amplificateur à faible bruit du récepteur). La nouvelle architecture montre sa robustesse en assurant une détection fiable et en améliorant le débit de SU. / Due to the increasing demand of wireless communication services and the limitation in the spectrum resources, Cognitive Radio (CR) has been initially proposed in order to solve the spectrum scarcity. CR divides the communication transceiver into two categories: the Primary (PU) or the Secondary (SU) Users. PU has the legal right to use the spectrum bandwidth, while SU is an opportunistic user that can transmit on that bandwidth whenever it is vacant in order to avoid any interference to the signal of PU. Hence the detection of PU becomes a main priority for CR systems. The Spectrum Sensing is the part of the CR system, which monitors the PU activities. Spectrum Sensing plays an essential role in the mechanism of the CR functioning. It provides CR with the available channel in order to access them, and on the other hand, it protects occupied channels from the interference of the SU transmission. In fact, Spectrum Sensing has gained a lot of attention in the last decade, and numerous algorithms are proposed to perform it. Concerning the reliability of the performance, several challenges have been addressed, such as the low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), the Noise Uncertainty (NU), the Spectrum Sensing duration, etc. This dissertation addresses the Spectrum Sensing challenges and some solutions are proposed. New detectors based on Cyclo-Stationary Features detection and the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the PU are presented. CanonicalCorrelation Significance Test (CCST) algorithm is proposed to perform cyclo-stationary detection. CCST can detect the presence of the common cyclic features among the delayed versions of the received signal. This test can reveal the presence of a cyclo-stationary signal in the received mixture signal. Another detection method based on the cumulative PSD is proposed. By assuming the whiteness of the noise (its PSD is at), the cumulative PSD approaches a straight line. This shape becomes non-linear when a telecommunication signal is present in the received mixture. Distinguishing the Cumulative PSD shape may lead to diagnose the channel status.Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio (FD-CR) has been also studied in this manuscript, where several challenges are analyzed by proposing a new contribution. FD functioning permits CR to avoid the silence period during the Spectrum Sensing. In classical CR system, SU stops transmitting during the Spectrum Sensing in order to do not affect the detection reliability. In FD-CR, SU can eliminate the reflection of its transmitted signal and at the same time achieving the Spectrum Sensing. Due to some limitations, the residual of the Self Interference cannot be completely cancelled, then the Spectrum Sensing credibility is highly affected. In order to reduce the residual power, a new SU receiver architecture is worked out to mitigate the hardware imperfections (such as the Phase Noise and the Non-Linear Distortion of the receiver Low-Noise Amplifier). The new architecture shows its robustness by ensuring a reliable detection and enhancing the throughput of SU.

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