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Avian assemblages of invasive Australian Acacia thickets in the Western CapeRogers, Andrew M. (Andrew Munro) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Human-modified habitats form increasingly large components of landscapes, threatening
biodiversity and creating challenges for conservation. In some cases altered habitats form
entirely novel ecosystems that may support new combinations of species and species
abundances, and create habitat space in otherwise transformed landscapes. In the Western
Cape of South Africa, woody invasive species contribute to landscape-level habitat
transformation and form novel ecosystems. Invasive Australian Acacia species are especially
problematic in lowland areas where they create dense thickets and substantially transform
both biotic communities and abiotic processes. Despite the prominence of Acacia thickets
across the Western Cape, their ability to support native fauna is not well understood and the
objective of this study was to assess the significance of Acacia thickets as habitat for the
region’s avifauna. Birds were surveyed in Acacia thickets in the south-western Western Cape
in three seasons to examine species richness, abundance and functional abundance.
Furthermore, I examined the extent to which differences in patch-level vegetation structure
alter bird communities. Between survey sites and seasons, significant variation was observed
in assemblage richness, density, median body size and biomass. Variation in vegetation
density, stem density, mean vegetation height and total canopy cover best explained variation
in bird assemblages. Eighty species were estimated to utilize Acacia thickets and assemblages
had a mean density of 7.78 birds per ha. The most abundant feeding guilds were the mixed
feeders and insectivores. The median body size observed was 15.2 g and the body size
frequency distribution of all species in Acacia spanned a similar range compared to the body
size frequency distribution for the species list for the entire Western Cape. The mean biomass
of bird communities was 0.224 kg per ha. Using data on bird density and biomass, Acacia
thickets across the Fynbos Biome support and estimated average of over 21 million birds with
a combined biomass of over 600 thousand kg. This study found that Acacia thickets in the
Western Cape support a subset of the region’s birds with the most abundant species being
small mixed feeders, which are also frequently urban-adapted. Compared with other habitat
types, Acacia support bird assemblages with moderate species richness and density. This
study shows that Acacia thickets, as a novel habitat, provide a significant amount of habitat
space in a highly transformed landscape and highlights the need for comprehensive evaluation of altered habitats before assumptions are made about their ecological value. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Getransformeerde habitatte maak vermeerderend groot deel uit van die omgewing, dit bedreig
biodiversiteit en skep groter uitdagings vir bewaring. In sommige gevalle vorm hierdie
getransformeerde habitatte geheel nuwe ekosisteme wat moontlik nuwe kombinasies van
spesies en spesie volopheid kan onderhou. Verder skep nuwe ekosisteme habitat spasie in
anders veranderde landskappe. In die Wes-Kaap van Suid-Afrika dra die Australiese Acacia
indringer spesies is veral problematies in laagliggende areas, aangesien dit digte ruigtes vorm,
asook beide die biotiese gemeenskappe en die abiotiese prosesse aansienlik transformeer. Ten
spyte daarvan dat daar volop Acacia ruigtes in die WesKaap is, word min verstaan van hul
vermoë om inheemse fauna te onderhou. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die belang
van Acacia ruigtes as habitat vir die area se voëllewe te bepaal. Voël-opnames in die suidwestelike
dele van die Wes-Kaap is gedoen in Acacia ruigtes oor drie seisoene, om
spesierykheid, volopheid en funksionele volopheid te ondersoek. Verder is die mate waartoe
verskille in die plotte van die plantegroei struktuur, die voëlgemeenskappe verander,
geondersoek. Daar was aansienlike variasie waargeneem in die spesiesamestelling rykheid,
voorkoms digtheid, mediaan liggaamsgrootte en biomassa van die voëls tussen die onderskeie
voëlopnaam plotte en die seisoene. Die variasie in plantegroei digtheid, stam digtheid,
mediaan plantegroeihoogte en totale kroonbedekking verduidelik hierdie variasie in
spesiesamestelling die beste. Tagtig voëlspesies Acacia ruigtes benut en die
populasiesamestelling het ‘n gemiddelde digtheid van 7,78 voëls per ha. Die mees algemene
voel-voeding-guldes was die gemengde-voedsel-vreters en insekvreters. Die median
liggaamsgrootte waargeneem was 15,2 g en die liggaamsgrootte frekwensieverspreiding van
alle spesies in Acacia ruigtes is ooreenkomstig met die liggaamsgrootte
frekwensieverspreiding vir die spesielys vir die hele Wes-Kaap. Die gemiddelde biomassa
van voel gemeenskappe was 0.224 kg per ha. Acacia ruigtes oor die fynbosbioom wat ‘n
geskatte gemiddelde van meer as 21 miljoen voels ondersteun, met ‘n gesamentlike biomassa
van meer as 600 duisend kg. Hierdie studie het bevind dat Acacia ruigtes in die Wes-Kaap ‘n
onderafdeling van die streek se voels ondersteun, met die mees algemene spesies as die klein
gemengde-voedsel-vreters, wat ook dikwels stedelik aangepas is. In vergelyking met ander
habitattipes ondersteun Acacia ruigtes voel samestellings met matige spesierykheid en
digtheid. Hierdie studie toon dat die Acacia ruigtes, as ‘n nuwe habitat, ‘n beduidende
hoeveelheid habitat ruimte in ‘n hoogs getransformeerde omgewing skep en beklemtoon die
behoefte aan ‘n omvattende evaluering van veranderde habitatte, voor aannames gemaak
word oor hul ekologiese waarde.
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Assessing the invasiveness of Acacia stricta and Acacia implexa : is eradication an option?Kaplan, Haylee 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the invasiveness and current status of two Acacia species recently identified as invaders in South Africa in order to determine the feasibility of their eradication. Australian acacias are among South Africa’s worst invasive species and many have had widespread damaging impacts on native ecosystems. In addition, several Acacia species still exist as small isolated populations in the country and have been targeted for eradication in order to prevent potential widespread impacts. This work assesses Acacia implexa (Chapter 2) and Acacia stricta (Chapter 3) as potential eradication targets by quantifying the extent of their invasion in South Africa, assessing the risk they pose to the country and evaluating the feasibility of their eradication based on estimated costs of clearing. Results of formal risk assessments show that both A. implexa and A. stricta should be considered high risk species, and bioclimatic model predictions indicate that both species have large potential ranges in South Africa. Detailed population surveys found that A. implexa and A. stricta each occur at several distinct localities all in the Western Cape Province. Acacia implexa populations were found at three sites (Tokai, Wolseley and Stellenbosch) where they have densified by means of vegetative suckering allowing A. implexa to outcompete native vegetation. No evidence of large seed banks of A. implexa were found, however vigorous resprouting following damage makes the control of A. implexa difficult. Acacia stricta was found at nine localities all in the Knysna area of the Garden Route, where populations are spreading along disturbed roadsides in plantations. Acacia stricta produces large amounts of seeds and can accumulate large seed banks. Seed spread is most likely due to large-scale soil movement by road maintenance vehicles which can easily lead to the establishment of new populations. We therefore used a predictive risk mapping approach based on the association of A. stricta to roadsides and disturbed plantations to enable effective searching to detect all infestations of A. stricta. Based on the high risk of both species and the limited range sizes of the currently known populations, we recommend that A. implexa and A. stricta remain targets for eradication. Management strategies proposed for these species (Chapter 4) include clearing on an annual (in the case of A. stricta) or biannual (for A. implexa) basis to prevent seed production, and targeted awareness campaigns at a national scale to determine whether our current knowledge of the extents of A. implexa and A. stricta are accurate. This work has shown that detailed assessments of species at intermediate stages of invasion is an important initial step in an eradication attempt, and better understanding of species specific invasion characteristics can help to improve management and potentially increase the probability of success of eradication. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die invasieve en die huidige status van twee Acacia spesies onlangs geïdentifiseer as indringers in Suid-Afrika ten einde die lewensvatbaarheid van hul uitwissing om te bepaal. Australiese akasias is onder Suid-Afrika se ergste indringerspesies en baie het wydverspreide skadelike impak op die inheemse ekosisteme. Verder het verskeie Acacia spesies bestaan nog steeds as 'n klein geïsoleerde bevolkings in die land en wat geteiken is vir uitwissing in om moontlike grootskaalse impakte te voorkom. Hierdie werk beoordeel Acacia implexa (Hoofstuk 2) en Acacia stricta (Hoofstuk 3) as 'n moontlike uitwissing teikens deur die kwantifisering van die omvang van hul inval in Suid-Afrika, die beoordeling van die risiko wat hulle inhou vir die land en die evaluering van die haalbaarheid van hul uitwissing op grond van beraamde koste van die wiele ry. Resultate van formele risikobepalings toon dat beide die A. implexa en A. stricta moet oorweeg word om 'n hoë risiko spesies, en bioclimatic model voorspellings dui daarop dat beide spesies het 'n groot potensiaal bereik in Suid-Afrika. Uitgebreide bevolkings opname gevind dat A. implexa en A. stricta elk by verskeie afsonderlike plekke in die Wes-Kaap voorkom. Acacia implexa is op drie plekke (Tokai, Wolseley en Stellenbosch) gevind, waar hulle deur middel van vegetatiewe suier densified en inheemse plantegroei oorwin het. Geen bewyse van groot nageslag banke van A. implexa is gevind, maar in kragtige resprouting volgende skade maak die beheer A. implexa moeilik is. Die Acacia stricta is op nege plekke in die Knysna-omgewing van die Tuinroete, waar die bevolkings verspreiding langs die versteurde paaie in plantasies. Acacia stricta produseer groot hoeveelhede saad en kan versamel groot saadbanke. Saad versprei is waarskynlik te danke aan grootskaalse grond beweging deur die instandhouding van paaie voertuie wat kan lei tot die vestiging van nuwe bevolkings. Ons het dus 'n voorspellende risiko kartering benadering wat gebaseer is op die vereniging van A. stricta aan paaie en versteurde plantasies in staat te stel om doeltreffend te soek alle besmettings van A. stricta op te spoor. Gegrond op die hoë risiko van beide spesies en die beperkte reeks groottes van die bevolking wat tans bekend is, beveel ons aan dat A. implexa en A. stricta bly teikens vir uitwissing. Bestuurstrategieë vir hierdie spesies (Hoofstuk 4) voorgestel word, sluit in die skoonmaak op 'n jaarlikse (in die geval van A. stricta) of die halfjaarlikse (vir A. implexa) basis van die saad produksie, en geteikende bewusmakingsveldtogte om te voorkom dat 'n nasionale skaal om te bepaal of ons huidige kennis van die omvang van A. implexa en A. stricta akkuraat is. Hierdie werk het getoon dat uitgebreide aanslae van spesies op intermediêre fases van die inval is 'n belangrike eerste stap in 'n poging van die uitwissing, en 'n beter begrip van spesies spesifieke inval eienskappe kan jou help om te verbeter en potensieel verhoog die waarskynlikheid van sukses van die uitroeiing nie.
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Species occupancy, distribution and abundance : indigenous and alien invasive vascular plants on sub-Antarctic Marion IslandPhiri, E. E. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Macroecological relationships have rarely been studied at wide spatial scales and across geographic ranges of species in the field in the sub-Antarctic. In this thesis I examined the occupancy, distribution and abundance, and the relationships thereof, of indigenous plants and alien species at broad (island-wide) and fine scales across sub-Antarctic Marion Island. The impacts of alien species and their interactions with indigenous plants were also investigated. I examined the nature of the abundance structure of a cushion-forming, vascular plant, Azorella selago, at the island-wide scale. Moreover, the hypothesis that species reach their highest abundances at the centre of their geographic range and decline in abundance towards the range edges was tested. Azorella selago cushions were counted in 8 m x 8 m quadrats, placed regularly at 1 minute latitude and longitude intervals across Marion Island. Using spatially non-explicit and explicit methods, this study showed that the abundance structure of A. selago had a more complex pattern of high abundance patches and low abundance gaps in its island-wide distribution. Subsequently, the hypothesis of an abundant centre distribution was not supported for A. selago across Marion Island. Rather, there were sharp discontinuities at both the coastal and altitudinal (667 m a.s.l.) limits for the species, between which little pattern in altitudinal abundance structure existed. Mice (Mus musculus) have recently been found to cause extensive structural damage to A. selago. The structural influence of mice on vegetation structure at the landscape scale has largely been overlooked on many sub-Antarctic islands. I mapped the distribution of evidence of mouse damage within the cushions of A. selago across the island using systematic (at 1 minute latitude and longitude intervals) and opportunistic sampling. Approximately 40 % of the systematically sampled sites had evidence of mouse damage to A. selago. Furthermore, a third of cushions in opportunistically sampled sites was damaged. Mouse damage was high in sites of low A. selago abundance, emphasizing that impacts of mice may be greater in low cushion abundance areas. This damage sometimes led to the disintegration of entire cushions. Given that A. selago acts as a nurse plant and supports high abundances of indigenous invertebrates, the impacts of mice on this keystone species may have significant ecological implications. Studies on interactions between alien and indigenous plants are limited within the sub-Antarctic. I examined the fine-scale distributions and co-occurrences of alien plants, Agrostis stolonifera and Sagina procumbens, and the indigenous Acaena magellanica (in 2 m x 2 m plots, subdivided into 0.25 m x 0.25 m quadrats) along rivers on Marion Island. Environmental variables were important for the occurrence of these species. In particular, 42.95 % and 24.82 % of the deviance in the occurrence of A. stolonifera and S. procumbens, respectively, was explained by environmental variables, compared to 17.35 % for A. magellanica. Furthermore, the co-occurrence of A. magellanica with A. stolonifera was significantly influenced by environmental variables. Significant positive spatial associations between A. magellanica and A. stolonifera were found, while the interactions of either species with S. procumbens were either spatially dissociated or random. Therefore, this study highlighted that alien species are responding to different environmental variables and conditions on Marion Island. Sagina procumbens seems to be less sensitive to the island’s environmental conditions and may thus be affecting biodiversity at broader ranges. This thesis provides unparalleled data on the distributions and interactions of indigenous plants and alien species for Marion Island. Alien species are undoubtedly posing significant threats to indigenous plants on the island and this thesis presents insight into interactions of species, specifically plants, an approach underrepresented in the sub-Antarctic to date. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Makro-ekologiese verhoudings is selde bestudeer op wye ruimtelike skale en oor geografiese gebiede van spesies in die veld in die sub-Antarktiek. In hierdie tesis het ek die digtheid, bewoning, verspreiding en die verhoudings daarvan, van inheemse plante en uitheemse spesies ondersoek op breë (eiland-wyd) en smal skale oor sub-Antarktiese Marion Eiland. Die impakte van uitheemse spesies en hul interaksies met inheems plante is ook ondersoek. Ek het die aard van die digtheidstruktuur ondersoek van 'n kussing-vormende, vaatplant, Azorella selago, op die eiland-wydte skaal. Bowenal is die hipotese dat spesies hul hoogste digtheid bereik in die sentrum van hul geografies gebied en afneem in digtheid na die grense van die gebied getoets. Azorella selago kussings is getel in 8 m x 8 m kwadrante, wat eweredig geplaas is op 1 minuut breedte- en lengtegraad intervalle oor Marion Eiland. Deur gebruik te maak van ruimtelik nie-eksplisiete en eksplisiete metodes, het hierdie studie getoon dat die digtheidstruktuur van A. selago ‘n meer komplekse patroon van hoë digtheidslaslappe en lae digtheidsgapings in sy eiland-wyd verspreiding het. Vervolgens is die hipotese van 'n digte sentrum verspreiding nie gesteun vir A. selago oor Marion Eiland nie. Daar was eerder skerp diskontinuïteite by beide die kus- en hoërliggende (667 m bo seespieël) grense vir die spesie, waartussen daar ’n oneweredige patroon in digtheidstruktuur bestaan het. Onlangs is bevind dat muise (Mus musculus) uitgebreide struktuele skade aan A. selago veroorsaak. Die struktuele invloed van muise op plantegroei struktuur op landskapskaal is grootliks oor die hoof gesien op baie sub-Antarktiese eilande. Ek het die verspreiding van die bewyse van muisskade binne die kussings van A. selago oor die eiland gekarteer deur gebruik te maak van sistematiese (tot 1 minuut breedte- en lengtegraad intervalle) en opportunistiese opnames. Ongeveer 40 % van die sistematiese opname kwadrante het bewyse van muis skade aan A. selago vertoon. Verder, ‘n derde van die kussings in die opportunistiese opname kwadrante was beskadig. Muisskade was hoog in plotte met lae A. selago volopheid, wat beklemtoon dat impakte van muise groter mag wees in lae kussing digtheid gebiede. Hierdie skade het partykeer gelei tot die verbrokkeling van hele kussings. Gegewe dat A. selago as 'n verpleegsterplant optree en ’n hoë digtheid van inheemse invertebrata ondersteun, mag die impakte van muise op hierdie hoeksteen spesie beduidende ekologiese implikasies tot gevolg hê. Studies oor interaksies tussen uitheemse- en inheemse plante is beperk in die sub-Antarktiese gebied. Ek het die smal-skaal verspreidings ondersoek en medevoorkoms van uitheemse plante, Agrostis stolonifera en Sagina procumbens, en die inheems Acaena magellanica (in 2 m x 2 m kwadrante, subverdeel in 0. 25 m x 0. 25 m kwadrante) langs riviere op Marion Eiland. Omgewingsveranderlikes was belangrik vir die voorkoms van hierdie spesies. In besonder, 42.95 % en 24.82 % van die afwykings in die voorkoms van A. stolonifera en S. procumbens, onderskeidelik, is verduidelik deur omgewingsveranderlikes, vergeleke met 17.35 % vir A. magellanica. Verder, die medevoorkoms van A. magellanica saam met A. stolonifera is beduidend beinvloed deur omgewingsveranderlikes. Beduidende positiewe ruimtelike assosiasies tussen A. magellanica en A. stolonifera is gevind, terwyl die interaksies van beide spesies met S. procumbens was of ruimtelik nie-geassosieerd of lukraak. Daarom het hierdie studie uitgelig dat uitheemse spesies reageer op verskillende omgewingsveranderlikes op Marion Eiland. Sagina procumbens blyk minder sensitief te wees tot die eiland se omgewingsomstandighede en mag dus moontlik biodiversiteit op breër vlakke beïnvloed. Hierdie tesis voorsien onge-ewenaarde data oor die verspreiding en interaksies van inheems plante en uitheemse spesies vir Marion Eiland. Uitheemse spesies hou ongetwyfeld ’n beduidende bedreiging in vir inheems plante op die eiland, en hierdie tesis bied insig in die interaksies van spesies, spesifiek plante – ’n benadering wat swak verteenwoordig was in die sub-Antarktiese gebied tot op hede.
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The effects of invasive trees in riparian zones and implications for management and restoration : insights from Eucalyptus invasions in South AfricaTererai, Farai 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Worldwide, invasive alien plants (IAPs) alter aspects of invaded ecosystems including geomorphology, above-ground vegetation, soil seed banks and soil nutrient regimes, thereby affecting the long-term stability of ecosystems. In many cases these invasions call for various management interventions, including restoration. Effects of alien plant invaders on native ecosystems are widely acknowledged, but compared to terrestrial ecosystems, riparian habitats are poorly studied. Riparian habitats are inherently rich in biodiversity, but are particularly prone to invasion by IAPs because of their dynamic nature and because these ecosystems are affected by many anthropogenic activities. This enhances the proliferation of IAPs, especially trees such as Tamarix spp. (e.g. in the southwestern United States), Salix spp. (e.g. in Australia), and Australian Acacia spp. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (in South Africa). Initiatives such as the Working for Water (WfW) programme in South Africa that are focusing on clearing IAPs, particularly in riparian zones, have reported much success in the short term, but ecosystem recovery remains limited. There is a poor understanding of the nature of the impacts of invasive trees, and of the opportunities that exist for ecosystem restoration. The objective of my thesis was to investigate the effects of the widespread invasions of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in riparian zones.
Methodological constraints have been identified as one reason for limited success of restoration projects. Many studies examining the effects of IAPs used a comparative approach of uninvaded (reference) and invaded sites. However, this approach often fails to separate cause from effect. An experimental removal approach has been suggested as an alternative, but it is often inappropriate for large invasive trees owing to time and cost constraints. I used a comparative gradient approach, involving sampling along a continuum from uninvaded sites, and varying E. camaldulensis invasion densities categorised as “lightly”, “moderately” and “heavily” invaded (hereafter the gradient of invasion), each with four replicates (n = 16). This approach enabled me to detect trends that could be reliably attributed to invasion. Furthermore, my study attempted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the effects of IAPs in invaded ecosystems by considering various components of the ecosystem and integrating their feedback relationships to establish the net effects on ecosystem processes. The riparian zone is a unique ecosystem which provides an opportunity for such a multifaceted study examining and integrating the effects of invasive trees on riparian geomorphology, above-ground vegetation, soil seed banks, and soil properties.
I studied the effects of E. camaldulensis invasion in riparian zones along the Berg River in the Mediterranean-type climate zone of the Western Cape, South Africa. I asked the questions 1) Are environmental conditions (i.e. the riparian environment created by geomorphological processes) altered by Eucalyptus invasion and if so, are these conditions less suitable for recruitment of indigenous species? 2. Has Eucalyptus invasion altered the composition of indigenous species (potentially limiting post-clearing propagule supply)? 3: How does Eucalyptus invasion change the composition of the riparian soil seed bank; and its potential to re-initiate ecosystem recovery? 4: Do soil properties (physical and chemical) change with Eucalyptus invasion?
Data for all four questions were collected in the same sites to enable cross comparisons. For the first question, I employed photogrammetry techniques in a GIS and remote sensing environment to analyse repeated aerial photographs (1938 -2010) to reconstruct the invasion history and riparian geomorphology evolutionary dynamics. For the second and third questions, I compared richness, diversity, evenness and composition of resident above-ground and seed bank vegetation between uninvaded sites and the gradient of invaded sites. For the fourth question, I compared a set of variables describing physico-chemical properties in uninvaded sites to the gradient of invaded sites seasonally.
Results of the geomorphology study showed that the riparian zone has been very dynamic over the 70 years, with a 13.5% net decrease in area. There was evidence of channel narrowing, riverbank steepening and river bed incision in areas that were densely invaded. No significant trends were detected in hydrometeorological data. The above-ground vegetation study revealed that species richness, diversity and structural attributes (e.g. height, relative cover and mean basal diameter) of native species decreased consistently along the invasion gradient. Invasion also altered native and alien plant species composition, both of which showed a high preference for lightly invaded sites. The seed bank study revealed that E. camaldulensis invasion had no significant effect on total and native species richness, diversity and evenness, however the effects were bigger on native than alien species. Alien species density was significantly higher than native species density. Invasion also influenced the composition of the native seed bank. However, native seed banks were more diverse than above-ground plant assemblages with some native fynbos species occurring only in the seed bank. In the soil study, I found that soil pH levels were significantly lower in invaded sites than in uninvaded sites in all seasons. Litter cover and thickness increased significantly with invasion intensity. Soil moisture decreased consistently with invasion intensity while temperature increased in winter and spring. Total macro, micro and available nutrients did not vary significantly along the invasion gradient (p > 0.05), but exchangeable cation content was significantly higher in uninvaded than in invaded sites, especially in winter and spring.
Narrowing of river channel and steepening of river banks reduces the suitability of the riparian zone to perform certain ecological functions such as soil seed storage and providing space for vegetation to grow. This reduces opportunities for seedling recruitment and consequently reduces species diversity. Conversely, the reduction of species diversity in above-ground vegetation reduces seed input into the soil leading to depauperate soil-stored seed banks. The abundance of seeds of Acacia mearnsii in the soil-stored seed bank poses a threat of secondary invasions post clearing of E. camaldulensis if this is adopted as a management action.
The study was successful in addressing the stated objectives. The transition from a native-dominated riparian plant community to a monoculture of E. camaldulensis over c. 50 years has resulted in marked changes to riparian geomorphology and above-ground vegetation, but has yet to radically change the total soil seed bank and soil nutrient concentrations. The findings offer support to the WfW clearing initiatives and show that potential for recovery of native species after removal of the invasive eucalypts still exists. This knowledge not only enhances effectiveness of restoration and long term management of riparian ecosystems, but also advances the field of riparian ecology and restoration. Further experimental work is needed to establish the mechanisms responsible for the changes associated with Eucalyptus invasion. The contribution of agriculture in shaping channel morphology also needs to be investigated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die langtermyn stabiliteit van ekosisteme wêreldwyd word bedreig deur uitheemse indringer plante (UIPs) wat, onder andere, die geomorfologie, bo-grondse plantegroei, onder-grondse saadbanke en voedingstofstatus van ekosisteme kan verander. In baie gevalle word bestuursoperasies vir indringer plante vereis, en sluit onder andere herstel (restorasie) in. Die invloed van UIPs op inheemse ekosisteme word wyd erken, maar kennis oor oewerbank-habitatte, in vergeleke met ander terrestriële ekosisteme, skiet steeds tekort. Oewerbank-habitatte is inherent ryk aan biodiversiteit maar uiters sensitief vir indringing deur UIPs. Dit is weens die dinamiese aard van hierdie ekosisteme asook vele menslike aktiwiteite in hierdie tipe habitat. Dit dra by tot die vermeerdering van UIPs, veral bome wat byvoorbeeld insluit Tamarix (tamariske) (bv. in die suid-wes van die Verenigde State van Amerika), Salix (wilger) (in bv. Australië) en die Australiese Acacia (wattel) en Eucalyptus spesies (bloekom) in Suid Afrika. Inisiatiewe soos die Werk vir Water (WvW) program in Suid Afrika fokus juis daarop om UIPs vanuit oewerbank areas te verwyder, en alhoewel groot sukses in die kort termyn behaal is, is die herstel van ekosisteme steeds beperk. Daar is dus min inligting beskikbaar oor die impak van indringer bome en gevolglik ook oor geleenthede vir die herstel van hierdie ekosisteme. My tesis ondersoek die impak van die wydverspreide voorkoms van die indringer, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, in oewerbank-omgewings.
Beperkte metodes is tans beskikbaar om die impak van indringer plante te ondersoek, en dit is geïdentifiseer as een van die oorsake vir die beperkte sukses van herstelprojekte. Baie studies ondersoek die effekte van UIPs deur natuurlike areas sonder enige indringer plante te vergelyk met areas waar UIPs voorkom. Hierdie tipe benadering kan ongelukkig, in meeste gevalle, nie onderskei tussen die oorsaak en die impak nie. ʼn Alternatiewe voorstel is om UIPs eksperimenteel te verwyder, maar is ongelukkig nie van toepassing op groot bome nie weens die tyd en kostes verbonde hieraan. Ek het gebruik gemaak van ʼn vergelykende-gradiënt benadering wat steekproefnemings langs ʼn geleidelike kontinuum van natuurlike areas sonder enige indringer plante na areas wat effens gematig, en erg ingedring is (hiernaas bekend as die indringer-gradiënt) deur die indringer, E. camaldulensis. Die steekproefnemings van elke kategorie van indringing (geen, effens, gematig en erg) is vier keer herhaal (n = 16). Hierdie benadering het my toegelaat om neigings te identifiseer wat met sekerheid toegeskryf kan word aan die teenwoordigheid van indringers. My studie het ook verder gemik om ʼn omvattende beskrywing van die impak van UIPs in ekosisteme met indringers te verskaf deur verskeie komponente van die ekosisteem, sowel as hul terugvoer-verhoudinge, in ag te neem, en sodoende die totale effek op ekosisteem prosesse te bepaal. ʼn Oewerbank is ʼn unieke ekosisteem wat ʼn geleentheid bied vir ʼn veelsydige studie wat die impakte van indringer bome op oewerbank-geomorfologie, bo-grond plantegroei, grond saadbanke en grondeienskappe, kan bestudeer en integreer.
Ek het die impak van die teenwoordigheid van die indringer, E. camaldulensis in oewerbank areas langs die Bergrivier, wat ʼn Meditereense-tipe klimaat het, in die Wes Kaap, Suid Afrika, bestudeer. My studie het die volgende vrae gevra: 1) Is omgewings-omstandighede (bv. die oewerbank-omgewing geskep deur geomorfologiese prosesse) verander deur die teenwoordigheid van die Eucalyptus indringing, en indien wel, is hierdie omstandighede minder geskik vir inheemse spesies?; 2) Het die indringing van Eucalyptus gelei tot ʼn verandering in die samestelling van inheemse spesie gemeenskappe (moontlik beperkte plant voorplantings materiaal nadat die indringer verwyder is)?; 3) Hoe verander die indringing van Eucalyptus die samestelling van saad teenwoordig in die grond (saad bank) van die oewerbank en het dit die potensiaal om ekosisteem-herstel weer aan die gang te sit?; 4) Verander indringer Eucalyptus grond eienskappe (fisies en chemies)?
Data vir al vier vrae is by dieselfde plek versamel om vergelykings te kan tref. Vir die eerste vraag het ek fotogrammetrie-tegnieke in ʼn Geografiese Inligting Stelsel (GIS) en afstandwaarnemings-omgewing toegepas om herhaalde lugfotos (1938-2010) te analiseer om die indringings geskiedenis sowel as die oewerbank se geomorfologiese evolusionêre dinamika saam te stel. Vir die tweede en derde vraag, het ek die aantal, diversiteit, gelykheid en samestelling van die bo-grond en saad bank plantegroei tussen natuurlike (geen indringers) en die gradiënt met indringers vergelyk. Vir die vierde en laaste vraag, het ek ʼn stel veranderlikes wat die fisies-chemiese eienskappe van die natuurlike omgewing sonder indringers beskryf, vergelyk met die eienskappe van die indringers gradiënt op ʼn seisoenale basis.
Die resultate van die geomorfologiese studie wys dat die oewerbank omgewing baie dinamies was oor die afgelope 70 jaar met ʼn totale afname van 13.5% in rivieroewer-area in die gebied wat bestudeer is. Daar is ook bewyse vir ʼn vernouing van die kanaal, toename in die steilte van die rivierbank sowel as insnyding in die rivierbedding in areas wat ernstige indringing ervaar. Daar was geen beduidende neigings in die hidro-meteorologiese data nie. Die studie van die bo-grondse plantegroei het gewys dat die aantal plantspesies, diversiteit en strukturele kenmerke (bv. hoogte, dekking en gemiddelde basale diameter) van inheemse spesies afneem soos wat die indringings gradiënt toeneem. Indringing verander ook die inheemse sowel as uitheemse plant spesies samestelling. Beide inheemse en uitheemse spesies het areas wat slegs effense indringing wys, verkies. ʼn Studie van die saad bank (aantal sade in die grond) het gewys dat die indringer, E. camaldulensis geen merkwaardige invloed op die aantal, diversiteit en gelykheid van die totale en inheemse spesies teenwoordig gehad het nie. Die aantal uitheemse spesies was merkwaardig meer as die aantal inheemse spesies. Alhoewel indringing ook die samestelling van die inheemse saadbank beïnvloed het, was die inheemse saad bank, waarvan sommige spesies slegs daar voorgekom het, meer divers as die bo-grond plant samestellings. ʼn Studie van die grond het gewys dat die pH vlakke, afgesien van die seisoen, aansienlik laer is in die areas met indringers in vergeleke met areas sonder die indringers. Die hoeveelheid en dikte van plantmateriaal op die grond neem ook toe met ʼn toename in indringers. Die waterinhoud van die grond het afgeneem met ʼn toename in indringers en temperatuur het verhoog in beide winter en lente. Die totale makro- en mikrovoedingstowwe het nie merkwaardig gewissel saam met die indringingsgradiënt nie (p > 0.05), maar die uitruilbare katioon inhoud was aansienlik hoër, veral in die winter en lente-maande, in die areas sonder indringers in vergelyking met die areas met indringers.
Vernouing van rivierkanaal en versteiling van rivieroewers verminder die geskiktheid van die oewersone om sekere ekologiese funksies te verrig soos grond-saadstoring en die verskaffing van ruimte vir plante om te groei. Dit verminder geleenthede vir werwing van saailinge en verminder gevolglik spesiediversiteit. Aan die ander kant, die vermindering van die spesiediversiteit in die bogrondse plantegroei verminder saadinsette in die grond en dit lei tot verarming van grondgestoorde saadbanke. Die oorvloed van sade van Acacia mearnsii in die grondgestoorde saadbank hou die bedreiging van sekondêre indringing in na die skoonmaak van E. camaldulensis indien dit wel as 'n bestuursaksie aangeneem word.
Hierdie studie het die uiteengesette doelwitte suksesvol aangespreek. Die oorgang van ʼn oewerbank-gemeenskap wat hoofsaaklik uit inheemse plante bestaan na ʼn gemeenskap wat slegs uit E. camaldulensis bestaan, oor ʼn periode van ongeveer 50 jaar, het duidelike veranderinge tot gevolg gehad. Hierdie veranderinge is veral opmerklik in die oewerbank-geomorfologie en bo-grondse plantegroei, maar tot op hede is dit nog nie so opmerklik in die saadbank en grond-voedingstowwe konsentrasies nie. Hierdie bevindinge bied ondersteuning aan die WvW verwyderings-ondernemings en wys dat daar wel moontlike herstel van inheemse spesies kan wees na die verwydering van die indringer Eucalyptus. Hierdie kennis dra nie net by tot verhoogde effektiwiteit van herstelwerk en langtermyn-bestuursplanne nie, maar ook tot die navorsingsveld van oewerbankekologie en-herstel. Verdere eksperimentele navorsing word benodig om die moontlike meganismes wat verantwoordelik is vir die waargeneemde veranderinge, geassosieerd met Eucalyptus indringing, te verduidelik. Die bydrae van landbou tot die vorming van kanaal morfologie moet ook verder bestudeer word.
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In situ and ex situ soil respiration in natural, Acacia-invaded and cleared riparian ecotones in the Fynbos BiomeKambaj Kambol, Oliver 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Soil respiration (Rs) is a major component of CO2 emissions and the global carbon balance. In the context of global change it of interest to understand seasonal patterns of RS in fynbos riparian ecosystems, particularly in invaded-riparian ecotones of these Mediterranean type ecosystems (MTE's) in the Western Cape, South Africa. Riparian ecotones are three dimensional transitional zones that provide multiple ecosystem services and functions and they act as the linkage between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems where key ecological and geomorphological processes occur. Riparian ecotones are highly prone to disturbance, and because of this reason are also vulnerable to invasion by invasive alien plants (IAPs), notably Acacia species.
Invasion by IAPs is considered one of the major threats to global change and biodiversity causing extensive ecological, economical, and social impacts. In south-western Cape, more than two thirds of the riparian environment is invaded to some extent, IAPs replacing the well adapted native species along river systems. In particular, impact of IAPs on soil respiration (Rs) may be relevant, with consequences for ecosystem function and services. Clearing of invaded riparian zones initiated by the Working for Water program has been a successful in eradicating alien plants within riparian areas even though recovery after alien clearing is lagging at many sites, and knowledge on repair of ecosystem function is lacking. Various studies have generated knowledge on carbon cycling and Rs in forests, savanna, grasslands, tundra and Mediterranean shrublands, but little is known about Rs in riparian zones, and even less about soil CO2 efflux in invaded riparian fynbos riparian ecotones.
The objective of this study was to contribute to a better understanding and quantifying the effect and impact of IAPs on carbon cycling between and across riparian ecotones with different invasion status: natural, invaded, and cleared. The study areas were located in the south-western Cape and measurements of Rs, soil temperature, soil moisture, root mass, litter mass, and soil properties were carried out in riparian soils of the mountain and transitional stream longitudinal river sections, and uplands fynbos areas of six different perennial river systems. In each site, four to five transects were laid out with one sampling site of each landscape position (wet bank, dry bank, and terrestrial areas) giving a total of 12 to 15 samples per site. Soil respiration measurements were taken over a period of two years, and were done seasonally. Results from this study showed that Rs was different among seasons with highest soil respiration rates in summer. Soil CO2 efflux increased in response to warm and dry conditions during summer, while seasonal soil CO2 efflux declined in autumn and winter in response to wet and cold soil conditions. The large increase in soil CO2 efflux response to warm and dry periods when temperature was 25 to 30 °C over all riparian sites and was highest in invaded sites compared to the natural and cleared sites. A significant difference was found between sites with different statuses with invaded sites leading seasonal Rs rates. Natural and cleared sites did not differ significantly in their CO2 efflux rates, suggesting that clearing of IAPs may put invaded ecosystems on a trajectory of restoration. There were also differences in terms of landscape positions; dry banks zones of the invaded sites had higher rates compared to wet banks and the uplands areas.
Our results further suggest that roots are the most important component of overall Rs rates, rather than microbial respiration. When we incubated soils minus roots, little difference was evident, either when viewing the results by invasion status or by landscape position, which suggest that inherent soil differences in terms of microbial respiration were not different. We also use a trenching approach to further investigate this, and though we found Rs to decline significantly, trends later suggest that decomposition of fine and course roots likely obscured the decline in overall Rs due to root respiration.
Overall, our results showed that clearing of invaded riparian zones will likely lead to successful restoration of soil functioning in terms of C cycling. Clearing of Acacia-invaded riparian ecotones will likely lead to a decline in root density, and which removes a major component of overall Rs. These results make the investigation of the C balance of invaded riparian ecotones and terrestrial areas critical in order to assess their contribution to regional C cycles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grondrespirasie (Rs) is 'n belangrike komponent van CO2 uitstroming en die globale koolstofbalans. Binne die konteks van globale verandering is dit van groot belang om die seisoenale patrone van Rs in fynbos oewer ekosisteme, veral in indringer-oewer ekotone, in die Meditereense tipe ekosisteme (MTE's) in die Wes- Kaap, Suid- Afrika te verstaan. Oewerekotone is drie-dimensioneel oorgangssones wat veelvuldige ekosisteem dienste en funksies verskaf. Hulle dien as die verbinding tussen terrestriële en water-ekosisteme waar kern ekologiese en geomorfologiese prosesse plaasvind. Oewerekotone is hoogs vatbaar vir versteuringe, en as gevolg van hierdie rede, is hul ook kwesbaar vir indringing deur indringer plante (IAPs), veral Acacia spesies.
Indringing deur IAPs word beskou as een van die groot bedreigings tot en met globale verandering en biodiversiteit, wat ekstensiewe ekologiese, ekonomiese, en sosiale impakte veroorsaak. In die suid- westelike Kaap word meer as twee derdes van die oeweromgewing tot 'n mate binnegedring. IAPs vervang die goed aangepaste inheemse spesies langs riviersisteme. Die impak van IAPs, spesifiek op grondrespirasie mag substansieël wees, met gevolge vir ekosisteem funksies en dienste. Opruiming van hierdie spesifieke oewer sones, geinisieer deur die Working for Water program, was suksesvol in die uitroeing van indringer plante binne oewer areas. Alhoewel herstel na indringer opruiming op baie terreine agter is, is kennis oor die herstel van ekosisteemfunksies gebrekkig. Verskeie studies het kennis ontwikkel oor koolstofsiklisering en Rs in woude, savanna, graslande, tundra en Meditereense struiklande, maar daar is minimale informasie oor oewersones,en nog minder oor grond CO2 uitstroming in indringer oewer fynbos en oewer ekotone.
Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n bydrae te lewer koolstofsiklisering beter te verstaan, en die impak van IAPs op koolstofsiklisering te kwantifiseer tussen en oor oewerekotone met verkillende indringer statusse: natuurlik, binnegedring en skoongemaak. Die studie areas was geleë in die suid- westelike Kaap, en maatstawe van Rs, grond temperature, grondvogtigheid, wortelmassa, plantafvalmassa, en grondeienskappe is uitgevoer in oewergrond van die berg en transisionele stroom longitudinale rivier seksies, asook terrestriële fynbos areas van ses verskillende standhoudende riviersisteme. In elke area is vier tot vyf transekte uitgelê met een monsternemingsarea van elke landskapsposisie (nat bank, droë bank en terrestriële areas) met 'n totaal van 12 tot 15 monsters per area. Grondrespirasie maatstawe is geneem oor 'n periode van twee jaar, en is seisoenaal uitgevoer.
Resultate van die studie het getoon dat Rs verkil het tussen seisoene, met die hoogste grondrespirasietempo in die somer. Grond CO2 uitstroming het toegeneem in reaksie op warm en droë kondisies gedurende somer, terwyl seisoenale grond CO2 uitstroming afgeneem het in herfs en winter in reaksie op nat en koue grond kondisies. Die grootste toename in grond CO2 uitstroming was in reaksie op warm en droë periodes wanneer temperature gewissel het tussen 25 tot 30˚C oor alle oewersones, en was die hoogste in binnegedringde sones, vergeleke met die natuurlike en skoongemaakte terreine. 'n Beduidende verskil is gevind tussen terreine met verskillende statusse in CO2 uitstromingskoerse‚ 'n aanduiding dat opruiming van IAPs binnegedringde ekosisteme op 'n trajek van restorasie plaas. Daar was ook verskille in terme van landskapsposisies; droë bank sones van die binnegedringde terreine het hoër tempos gehad, vergeleke met die nat bank en die hoogland areas.
Ons resultate dui verder aan dat wortels, eerder as mikrobiologiese respirasie, die mees belangrike komponente van Rs koerse uitmaak. Toe ons grond minus wortels inkubeer, is min verskille opgemerk, as gekyk word na die resultate deur indringer status of landskapsposisie, wat toon dit dat inherente grondveskille in terme van mikrobiologiese respirasie nie verskillend is nie. Ons het verder ook 'n sloot-benadering gebruik om verdere ondersoek hierop in te stel, en alhoewel ons bevind dat Rs aansienlik afgeneem het, dui neigings later aan dat afbraak van fyn en growwe wortels die afname in gehele Rs as gevolg van wortel respirasie waarskynlik verdoesel.
Ons resultate dui daarop dat opruiming van binngedringde oewers klaarblyklik sal lei tot suksesvolle restorasie van grondfunksionering in terme van C siklisering. Opruiming van Acacia- binnegedringde oewer ekotone sal vermoedelik lei tot 'n afname in worteldigtheid, en wat 'n belangrike komponent van die gehele Rs kan verwyder. Hierdie resultate maak die ondersoek van die C balans van binngedringde oewer ekotone en terrestriële areas krities, om sodoende hulle bydrae tot streeksgewyse C siklusse te asseseer.
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Συστήματα για τη μη επεμβατική μέτρηση της πίεσης του αίματοςΜπάκας, Στέφανος 13 October 2013 (has links)
Μια συσκευή για τη μέτρηση της πίεσης του αίματος ενός ασθενή, περιλαμβάνει έναν επεξεργαστή προσκολλημένο σε μια συσκευή εισόδου, ο οποίος δέχεται μια αρχική είσοδο, που αντιπροσωπεύει την απόλυτη πίεση του αίματος του ασθενή και ένα μη-επεμβατικό αισθητήρα, που ακουμπάει τον ασθενή για τη μέτρηση τουλάχιστον μιας ‘φυσιολογικής’ λειτουργίας. Ο επεξεργαστής εκτελεί μια διαδικασία για την εκτίμηση της αρχικής εισόδου και της ‘φυσιολογικής’ λειτουργίας, για να υπολογίσει την πίεση του αίματος του ασθενή. Μια μέθοδος για τον υπολογισμό της πίεσης του αίματος ενός ασθενή, περιλαμβάνει τα βήματα της αποθήκευσης της αρχικής εισόδου, που αντιπροσωπεύει την απόλυτη πίεση του αίματος του ασθενή, της μη-επεμβατικής ‘αίσθησης’ (μέσω αισθητήρα) τουλάχιστον μιας ‘φυσιολογικής’ λειτουργίας και της εκτίμησης των δύω τιμών για τον υπολογισμό της πίεσης του αίματος. Η παρούσα εργασία μπορεί επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την ανάλυση και τον εντοπισμό άλλων ‘φυσιολογικών’ μεταβλητών όπως της ενδοτικότητας των τοιχωμάτων των αγγείων, των αλλαγών στην ένταση των κοιλιακών συστολών, των αλλαγών στην αγγειακή αντίσταση, των αλλαγών στον όγκο των υγρών, των αλλαγών στον καρδιακό παλμό, της συσταλτικότητας του μυοκαρδίου και άλλων σχετικών παραγόντων. / This dissertation refers to a device for non-invasively measuring the blood pressure of a patient. Such a device consists of a processor attached to an input device, which receives an initial input value, representing the patient’s absolute pressure, and a non-invasive sensor attached to the patient for measuring at least one physiological function. For determining the patient’s blood pressure, the processor performs a process for evaluating the initial input and the physiological function of the sensor. A method for non-invasively measuring a patient’s blood pressure includes, firstly, storing the initial input (which represents the patient’s absolute pressure), secondly, non-invasively sensing at least one physiological function and, finally, evaluating both these inputs for measuring the patient’s blood pressure. This dissertation can also be used for the analysis of other physiological variables such as vascular wall compliance, changes in the strength of ventricular contractions, alterations in fluid volume or in cardiac output and other related factors.
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Skills assessment in Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) has been a challenge for training centers for a long time. The emerging maturity of camera-based systems has the potential to transform problems into solutions in many different areas, including MIS. The current evaluation techniques for assessing the performance of surgeons and trainees are direct observation, global assessments, and checklists. These techniques are mostly subjective and can, therefore, involve a margin of bias.
The current automated approaches are all implemented using mechanical or electromagnetic sensors, which suffer limitations and influence the surgeon’s motion. Thus, evaluating the skills of the MIS surgeons and trainees objectively has become an increasing concern. In this work, we integrate and coordinate multiple camera sensors to assess the performance of MIS trainees and surgeons.
This study aims at developing an objective data-driven assessment that takes advantage of multiple coordinated sensors. The technical framework for the study is a synchronized network of sensors that captures large sets of measures from the training environment. The measures are then, processed to produce a reliable set of individual and composed metrics, coordinated in time, that suggest patterns of skill development. The sensors are non-invasive, real-time, and coordinated over many cues such as, eye movement, external shots of body and instruments, and internal shots of the operative field. The platform is validated by a case study of 17 subjects and 70 sessions. The results show that the platform output is highly accurate and reliable in detecting patterns of skills development and predicting the skill level of the trainees.
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Invasion risk and impacts of a popular aquarium trade fish and the implications for policy and conservation managementDugan, Laura Elizabeth 24 October 2014 (has links)
Invasive species, a top threat affecting global biodiversity, become invasive through a process including four stages: transport, establishment, spread, impact and integration. Species currently in this process provide opportunities to empirically derive the mechanisms driving each of these stages, make predictions based on these mechanisms and then to test these predictions. This research examines the current invaded distribution, potential invasion and community-level impacts of a popular aquarium trade fish (Hemichromis guttatus Günther, 1862) in an endemic hotspot, Cuatro Ciénegas, in Coahuila, México and discusses the policy and conservation management implications of these findings. In Chapter 1, the problem of invasive species, the study site and the focal species of this work are introduced. In Chapter 2, the critical thermal minimum and maximum temperature limits and temperature preference of H. guttatus are identified because temperature is hypothesized to be an important factor controlling this fish’s distribution. The results indicate that H. guttatus has a wide temperature tolerance range (a characteristic of a ‘good’ invader), that preference is a more informative metric for predicting invasion than absolute tolerances, and that resource-poor environments may promote searching behaviors that cause an invasive fish to increase its range. In Chapter 3, the results of a field survey are analyzed and temperature, pH, depth and the presence of vegetation are all found to be related to H. guttatus presence. Invasion risk of several as-of-yet uninvaded sites in Cuatro Ciénegas is assessed. In Chapter 4, competitive and predatory interactions of H. guttatus on an endemic, threatened cichlid (Herichthys minckleyi) and a macroinvertebrate community respectively are investigated. The results suggest that while H. guttatus does not directly impact H. minckleyi through competition in these conditions, it may inhibit reproduction and alter H. minckleyi’s behavior through aggressive interactions. In Chapter 5, all results are synthesized and a determination of the invasive status of H. guttatus in Cuatro Ciénegas is made. The results presented here will be useful in identifying areas with a high risk of invasion by this popular ornamental fish, thus allowing the implementation of policy and management actions to prevent or at least ameliorate the impacts of an invasion and will add to the growing knowledge of how invasive species affect native systems. / text
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Alien plants and their invasion of the forested landscape of the southeastern United StatesLemke, Dawn January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, I have assessed and modelled invasion of alien plant species in the forest of the southeastern United States. There are over 380 recognized invasive plants in southeastern forests and grasslands with 53 ranked as high-to-medium risk to natural communities. I have focused on ten of these: Chinese lespedeza, tall fescue, Japanese honeysuckle, Chinese privet, autumn olive, princesstree, silktree, chinaberry, tree of heaven, tallowtree. Assessing them at differing scales, locally (Chapter 2 and 3), eco-regionally (Chapter 4 and 5) and regionally (Chapters 6 and 7), using field based measurements integrated with remotely sensed and digital datasets, and applying both parametric and non-parametric modelling approaches. Data from field based measurements as well as digitally available sources was evaluated, bringing together freely available data with time consuming, intensively collected data. Once models were developed application to assessing long term impacts was done by integrating potential climate change scenarios.
At the local level Chinese lespedeza and Japanese Honeysuckle were the most prevalent, with models at the local level dominated by remotely sensed variables. At an eco-regional level Japanese honeysuckle was the most prevalent with models primarily dominated by environmental variables. At a regional level, where only trees were assessed, potential distributions of the invasive species ranged from 12 to 33 percent of the southeastern forests under current conditions with this dramatically increasing for chinaberry and tallowtree under most climate change scenarios, up as high as 66 percent of southeastern forest sites.
In this thesis information on anthropogenic factors added some value to the models, however it was rarely dominant. Roads and land use (proportion of forest or distance to forest) were the most useful anthropogenic variables. In all models evaluated, only six times did any one anthropogenic variable represent more than 25 percent of the models, four of these were at the local scale. At the regional and eco-regional level, roads had a greater than 25 percent contribution to the silktree models, at a local level, distance to forest and distance roads contributed more than 25 percent to three of the species evaluated, sawtooth oak, Japanese honeysuckle and privet. Human activities have the most influence on invasion progression through dispersal (movement and introduction rate) and disturbance of the landscape (increased resource availability). Anthropogenic variables such as roads are likely to be a mechanism of spread, thus the more a model is driven by anthropogenic variables, the more likely the invasive plant is to be in the early stages of invasion process. Thus our results suggest that many of these species have moved through the first stages of invasion.
Environmental characteristics play an important role in determining a site’s vulnerability to invasion. At an eco-region and regional scale, environmental characteristics dominated (>50%) all but one model (silktree at the regional scale). At the eco-region level elevation was the dominant variable, and at a regional level minimum temperature was the dominant variable. These have some correlation, with higher elevation often relating to lower temperatures, particularly at a smaller scale. This confirms the validity of matching the climate ranges of native species with the range of potential invasion, and the approach of integrating elevation, latitude and longitude to estimate potential distribution. It also suggests that climate change will influence the distribution and that variation in climate should be integrated into models.
Two different modelling approaches, logistic regression and maximum entropy, were used throughout my thesis, and applied to the same data. Agreement between different modelling types adds strength to conclusions, while disagreement can assist in asking further questions. The inclusion in the models of similar variables with the same direction of relationships gives confidence to any inference about the importance of these variables. The geographical agreement between models adds confidence to the probability of occurrence in the area. Alternatively using the same model but different datasets can give you similar information. Overall for all models created by both logistic regression and MaxEnt, the logistic regression had slightly better omission rates and the MaxEnt model had better AUC’s. Logistic regression models also often predicted larger geographical areas of occurrences when the threshold of maximum sensitivity plus specificity was used, thus the lower omission rates is related to the less stringent model that predicts a larger area. The selection of appropriate data to answer the question was shown to be fundamental in Chapter 7. When data were used outside of the area of interest it generalized the models and increased the potential for invasion significantly. There was more value in the intensive surveyed data but this was less dramatic than in using the defined areas of interest to select the data for models.
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The role of natural selection and adaptation versus phenotypic plasticity in the invasive success of Hieracium lepidulum in New ZealandParkkali, Seija Anna January 2008 (has links)
Hieracium lepidulum is an invasive weed in New Zealand. It colonises a wide range of habitats including pine plantations, scrubland, native Nothofagus forest, and mid-altitude to alpine tussock grassland, where it is competing with indigenous species. Understanding the breeding systems and population genetic structure of H. lepidulum is important for biocontrol, and aids in the understanding of evolutionary colonisation processes. H. lepidulum is a triploid, diplosporous, obligate apomict. This type of reproduction through clonal seed does not involve meiosis or fertilisation, and theoretically populations should contain very low levels of genetic variation, the only source being somatic mutation. Common garden experiments and microsatellite markers were used to determine the population genetic structure of H. lepidulum populations in the Craigieburn Range, Canterbury. Both experiments revealed that populations, sampled from three replicate altitudes within three geographically-separated locations, contained no genetic variation; individuals all possessed the same microsatellite genotype. These results strongly suggest that the Craigieburn Range H. lepidulum individuals reproduce solely by apomixis and populations belong to the same clonal lineage. Populations were also examined for their response to two abiotic environmental ‘stresses’, drought and shade. H. lepidulum populations’ exhibited high drought tolerance, yet appeared to be shade-intolerant. Low levels of reproduction in light-limiting habitats will prevent the invasion of H. lepidulum into closed-canopy forest habitats. H. lepidulum appears to have overcome the reduction in fitness associated with apomictic reproduction by phenotypic plasticity, fixed heterozygosity and polyploidy – all associated with increased vigour, fitness, and the ability to occupy broader ecological niches. This study’s results are hopeful for the development of biocontrol programs involving genotype-specific pathogens but suggest that grazing management may not succeed. The data will be useful for future comparisons of genetic structure during the course of H. lepidulum invasions and will contribute to the management of this invasive weed.
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