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Dendrochronological Potential Of Japanese Barberry (Berberis Thunbergii): A Case Study In The Black Rock Forest, New YorkLi, Jinbao, Xu, Chengyuan, Griffin, Kevin L., Schuster, William S. F. 12 1900 (has links)
The deciduous forests of northeastern United States are currently experiencing an invasion of the exotic plant species Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii). This recent and rapid invasion leads to rising concern about its potential threats to native species as well as natural ecosystems, demanding a better understanding of its invasion mechanisms and potential responses to climate change. Unfortunately, few studies have been conducted to understand the influence of climate on the growth of B. thunbergii, largely because of the absence of long-term growth records. In this study we demonstrate growth rings of B. thunbergii are annually resolved and crossdatable. The first ring-width chronology of B. thunbergii was therefore developed using samples collected from the Black Rock Forest (BRF), New York. Climate-growth relationship analysis indicates the growth of B. thunbergii in the BRF is positively correlated with precipitation in prior October, current February and May–August, but is negatively correlated with current March precipitation. The growth of B. thunbergii is also negatively correlated with temperatures in prior winter (November–January) and current summer (June–July), but is positively correlated with current spring temperature (March–May). These dendrochronological results on B. thunbergii, together with further physiological studies, will improve our understanding on how the growth of this invasive species is affected by local climate dynamics, as well as the long-term invasion potential that is tied to its responses to climate change.
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Beach-cast deposition, food provision, and commercial harvesting of a non-indigenous seaweed, Mazzaella japonica, in Baynes Sound, British ColumbiaHolden, Jessica 09 September 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the contribution of a non-indigenous red alga, Mazzaella japonica, to wrack subsidies in Baynes Sound, British Columbia, and the effects of its removal by a commercial beach-cast harvest. Field and laboratory work was conducted to determine: 1) How large wrack inputs are in terms of biomass and spatial extent within the harvest region, and what proportion of this is comprised of M. japonica; 2) how wrack characteristics influence associated macrofauna communities; 3) if there is any detectable effect of beach-cast harvesting on either the wrack characteristics or macrofauna communities; and 4) if M. japonica provides a food source for native invertebrate consumers within the subtidal and supralittoral zones. Field surveys conducted from November 2014 through March 2015 found that wrack biomass within the harvest region could reach as much as 853 kg (±173 SD) per meter of shoreline, and cover up to 35 m2 (± 3 SD) of beach surface within this area. The macrophyte composition of the wrack was dominated by M. japonica, which accounted for 90% of the identifiable macrophyte biomass on average. Wrack in the later stages of decomposition hosted the most speciose and diverse assemblages of macrofauna, though community composition also differed among collection sites and with depth of the wrack. Though we were limited in our ability to disentangle the effects of beach-cast harvesting due to a concentration of effort at one site, we failed to detect any large influence on wrack biomass or macrofauna communities. Harvesting does, however, appear to be associated with a greater area of wrack cover and decreased mean depth.
Stable isotope mixing models estimated that M. japonica contributed no more than 22% and 17% on average to the diets of supralittoral and subtidal consumers respectively, despite its overwhelming dominance in both environments. These results suggest that the non-indigenous red alga may experience a reprieve from herbivory within the subtidal environment. A lack of consumption within the supralittoral zone could influence nutrient cycling on recipient beaches and increase propagule pressure in the surrounding regions. Results from these studies are intended to help inform the management of M. japonica and its commercial harvesting. Combined, they indicate that this non-indigenous seaweed does not provide a substantial subsidy in the form of food provision for resident invertebrates. Furthermore, the commercial removal of M. japonica is small compared to the total biomass available, and had no detectable effect on the wrack-associated macrofauna communities examined. / Graduate / 2017-08-19 / jjulin.holden@gmail.com
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Marqueurs non-invasifs de stéatose et fibrose hépatique / Non-invasive markers of steatosis and liver fibrosis.Perazzo Pedroso Barbosa, Hugo 14 March 2014 (has links)
Les méthodes non invasives d'évaluation des lésions tissulaires hépatiques les plus utilisées et les mieux validées sont l'élastométrie et le FibroTest. La stéatopathie non-alcoolique (NAFLD) est devenue la forme la plus fréquente de maladie hépatique. Différentes études suggèrent que la NAFLD est associée à un risque accru de mortalité, en particulier d'origine cardiovasculaire. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient 1) de mieux définir certaines limites des méthodes non invasives d'évaluation de la fibrose hépatique; 2) d'évaluer la valeur pronostique du FibroTest et d'un biomarqueur de stéatose, le SteatoTest chez les patients ayant un diabète et/ou une dyslipidémie. Le travail réalisé a permis de montrer une variabilité interobservateur notable de l'élastométrie entre deux opérateurs expérimentés dans l'hépatite chronique virale C. La stéatose du foie, estimée par le SteatoTest, a été identifiée comme un facteur indépendant associé à la surestimation de la fibrose du foie par l'élastométrie chez les sujets ayant un diabète de type 2. Nous avons également mis en évidence une variabilité du test APRI et l'impact de l'activité nécrotico-inflammatoire sur ce test dont la formule comprend l'aspartate transaminase exprimée en multiple de la normale dans l'hépatite chronique virale C. Chez des patients à haut risque de NAFLD, nous avons pu démontrer la valeur pronostique à 10 ans du FibroTest et du SteatoTest, pour prédire la mortalité globale indépendamment des facteurs métaboliques. Le FibroTest était également prédictif de la mortalité d'origine hépatique et de l'incidence des complications cardiovasculaires et le SteatoTest de la mortalité d'origine cardiovasculaire / Several non-invasive methods have been proposed to replace liver biopsy. Transient elastography and FibroTest are the most widely used and best validated non-invasive methods to assess liver fibrosis. Subjects with metabolic disorders such as type-2 diabetes or dyslipidemia, have a high risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Evidence was previously provided to indicate that NAFLD is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and overall mortality. The aims of this thesis were. 1) to evaluate the main limitations of non-invasive methods to assess liver fibrosis. 2) to evaluate the prognostic value of liver biomarkers, such as FibroTest and SteatoTest, in patients with type-2 diabetes and/or dyslipidemia. We demonstrated a marked interobserver variability of transient elastography between two experienced operators in chronic hepatitis C. Hepatic steatosis, estimated by SteatoTest, was identified as an independent factor associated with an overestimation of liver fibrosis by transient elastography in patients with type-2 diabetes. We could also show the variability of the APRI test, based on the expression of aspartate aminotransferase relative to the upper limit of normal and the risk of overestimating fibrosis stage by this test due to necro-inflammatory activity in chronic hepatitis C. We reported that FibroTest and SteatoTest had a 10-year prognostic value for prediction of overall mortality independently of metabolic factors in patients at high risk of NAFLD. FibroTest was also predictive of liver-related death and incidence of cardiovascular events. In addition, SteatoTest had a prognostic value for cardiovascular-related death.
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Leukopenia and Neutropenia as Predictors for Serious Bacterial Infections in Febrile Infants 60 Days and YoungerKrack, Andrew T. 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Estratégias para o manejo do teiú (Salvator merianae Duméril & Bibron, 1839), um lagarto invasor no arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, PE, Brasil / Strategies for the management of the tegu (Salvator merianae Duméril & Bibron, 1839), an invasive lizard in the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, PE, BrazilAbrahão, Carlos Roberto 29 March 2019 (has links)
Fernando de Noronha é um arquipélago oceânico localizado a 345 km da costa brasileira, habitado desde o século XVII. Sua economia é baseada no turismo, que tem apresentado rápido crescimento nas últimas décadas. Este ecossistema único é reconhecido como Patrimônio Mundial pela Unesco e é um sítio Ramsar. Toda sua extensão terrestre e grande parte da área marinha ao seu redor é protegida por duas unidades de conservação federais, sob tutela do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade. Existem pelo menos 15 espécies de plantas e animais nativos oficialmente ameaçadas de extinção, algumas destas endêmicas do arquipélago. Dentre as 22 espécies de animais e plantas invasoras conhecidas em Fernando de Noronha, o teiú (Salvator merianae) constitui um grande risco à fauna nativa por ser um predador oportunista de grande porte. O potencial impacto do teiú é reconhecido e seu manejo é previsto pelas unidades de conservação do arquipélago. O teiú se encontra presente em altas densidades na ilha principal tendo sido também registrados indícios de sua presença ao menos na Ilha Rata. A densidade de teiús encontrada em Fernando de Noronha foi de 13,8±3,9 animais por hectare em uma área não habitada e com vegetação relativamente preservada e de 4,0±1,1 animais por hectare numa área pouco habitada. O número estimado de indivíduos atualmente vivendo na ilha principal variou entre 6.906 a 12.270 indivíduos adultos. A área de vida estimada foi de 10,5 (7,3- 15,3) ha para ambos os sexos. A probabilidade de captura foi de 0,24±0,06 animais/armadilha/dia na área, com 4 animais/ha, sendo influenciada pelo tamanho dos indivíduos. O teiú também constitui um potencial risco à saúde pública do arquipélago, por serem portadores da bactéria Salmonella entérica, isoladas em 56,9% dos animais capturados e em 70,5% dos pontos amostrados. Ao menos 15 sorotipos foram determinados por métodos moleculares para esta população. Para propor formas de manejar esta espécie em Fernando de Noronha, foram criados modelos de viabilidade populacional com diferentes cenários de manejo por 10 anos. Nos cenários sem manejo, a população de teiús não se extingue ao longo de 30 anos. O aumento das probabilidades de extinção é proporcional ao aumento da intensidade de manejo, tanto nos cenários que consideram a população de toda a ilha principal (A) quanto nos cenários que consideram parte desta população numa área de 214 ha (B). A remoção anual de 20% dos indivíduos adultos seria suficiente para gerar cenários de extinção da população. Com a remoção anual de 50% dos indivíduos adultos, a probabilidade de extinção seria de 54% e a média do tempo para a extinção estaria entre 5,2 e 5,4 anos de manejo, demonstrando que o controle desta espécie é possível em Fernando de Noronha, se os métodos de captura e esforço forem 16 adequados. O manejo em uma pequena área (C) de 2,14 ha poderia ser feito em apenas 13 dias utilizando-se 10 armadilhas. Na área B (que inclui a área C), o manejo de maior intensidade poderia ser realizado em 44 dias por ano, durante quatro anos, utilizando 258 armadilhas. As recomendações incluem o aumento gradativo da área manejada, o uso de manejo adaptativo, o envolvimento da sociedade e o sinergismo com outros esforços de manejo de espécies invasoras na área ambiental e de saúde pública. Este estudo fornece a base científica para um programa de manejo com objetivo de conservar a biodiversidade e de melhorar a saúde pública em Fernando de Noronha. / Fernando de Noronha is an oceanic archipelago placed 345 km off the Brazilian coast and inhabited since the 17th century. Its tourism-based economy is increasingly growing in the last decades. This unique ecosystem is recognized by Unesco as a World Heritage site and is also a Ramsar site. The whole terrestrial extension and a large marine area around the archipelago are protected by two federal protected areas, supervised by the Instituto Chico Mendes para Conservação da Biodiversidade. There are at least 15 species of native plants and animals officially endangered, some of them endemic to the archipelago. Among the 22 invasive species of plants and animals known to Fernando de Noronha, the tegu lizard (Salvator merianae) constitutes a great risk to native fauna as a large opportunistic predator. The potential impact of the tegu is recognized, and its management is predicted to the protected areas of the archipelago. This species achieves high densities on the main island and there is evidence of its presence at least on Rata Island. Densities found for FN were 13.8 ± 3.9 animals per hectare in an uninhabited area of preserved vegetation and 4.0 ± 1.1 animals per hectare in a sparsely populated area. Total numbers of animals for the main island ranges from 6,906 to 12,270 adults. The home range is 10.54 (7.3-15.3) hectares for both sexes. Capture probability is 0.24 ± 0.06 animals/trap/day in the area with 4.0 animals/ha, being influenced by the size of the individuals. The tegu also represents a potential public health risk for the archipelago, as carriers of the bacteria Salmonella enterica, isolated from 56.9% of the captured animals and found in 70.5% of the sampled spots. At least 15 serotypes were determined by molecular methods for this population. In order to propose management options for this species in FN, models of population viability were created with different scenarios of management over 10 years. In control scenarios, populations persist for over 30 years. Extinction probabilities increases with management intensity either in the scenarios considering the entire main island population (A) or part of the population from an area of 214 ha (B). Removal of 20% of adults yearly should be enough to generate extinction scenarios. The yearly removal of 50% of adults leads to a probability of extinction should be of 54% in an extinction mean time of 5.2 to 5.4 years of management. This demonstrates the possibility of control of the species in Fernando de Noronha if effort and methods are appropriate. Management in a smaller area (C) of 2.14 ha could be done in only 13 days using 10 traps. The highest intensity management to the area B (including area C), could be done in 44 days per year, for 4 years, using 258 traps. The recommendations include gradual increment of the managed area, the use of adaptive 18 management strategies, community involvement and synergism with other environmental and public health efforts on invasive species. This work provides scientific basis for a management program to conserve biodiversity and improve public health in Fernando de Noronha.
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Análise da microdureza e morfologia superficial da dentina de dentes decíduos biomodificada com quitosana após indução de lesão de cárie dentária artificial / Microhardness and surface morphology dentin analysis in primary teeth biomodified with chitosan after artificial caries lesion inductionCampioni, Francine Lorencetti da Silva 13 December 2018 (has links)
Quitosana é um biopolímero natural obtido a partir da desacetilação de quitina. Embora a quitosana já seja utilizada na Odontologia, seu papel sobre o substrato dentinário de dentes decíduos não está bem elucidado. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o papel da incorporação do gel de quitosana a 2,5 % na dentina de dentes decíduos afetada por lesão de cárie. Dentes decíduos extraídos foram coletados e submetidos à indução de lesão de cárie artificial. Após teste de microdureza inicial (n=28), os dentes foram estratificados para receber gel de quitosana a 2,5%. A superfície dentinária hígida (n=3), dentina desmineralizada (n=3) e dentina biomodificada com gel de quitosana a 2,5% (n=3) foram submetidas à Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva de Raio-X (EDS) e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). O teste de microdureza também foi realizado após a indução de lesão de cárie artificial e após a biomodificação da dentina. Os dados foram avaliados usando o teste paramétrico one-way ANOVA para medidas repetidas. A análise dos dados para EDS foi efetuada por meio de teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis seguido pelo ajuste dos valores de significância pela correção de Bonferroni para múltiplos testes, bem como por meio de estatística descritiva dos dados obtidos através da fórmula: Variável de estudo controle/ controle × 100. A biomodificação da dentina não alterou a microdureza da superfície dentinária (p=0,339). A porcentagem atômica de cálcio revelou diferenças estatisticamente significantes antre a dentina hígida e biomodificada com quitosana (p<0.022), assim como a porcentagem atômica de fósforo que se mostrou superior no grupo que sofreu a biomodificação. A MEV revelou um expressivo número de túbulos dentinários obliterados, porém com maior diâmetro. As imagens topográficas revelaram, ainda, uma superfície lisa e regular após a biomodificação. Embora a aplicação do gel de quitosana a 2,5% na dentina parcialmente desmineralizada em dentes decíduos não foi capaz de aumentar o valor de microdureza, a biomodificação gerou uma superfície dentinária apropriada para procedimentos restauradores adesivos / Chitosan is a natural biopolymer obtained from chitin deacetylation. Although chitosan is already used in dentistry, this role on the primary teeth dentin substrate is not well elucidated. So, the aim to this study was to evaluate the role of the 2.5% chitosan gel incorporation in primary caries-affected dentin teeth. Extracted primary teeth were collected and submitted to artificial caries induction. Teeth were stratified to receive 2.5% chitosan gel after dentin microhardness initial test (n= 28). Healthy dentin (n=3), demineralized dentin (n=3) and biomodified dentin with 2.5% chitosan gel (n=3) were submitted to Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Microhardness Test was performed too after artificial caries induction and after dentin biomodification. Data were evaluated using one-way ANOVA repeated measures parametric test. Data analysis for EDS was performed using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test followed by adjustment of significance values by Bonferroni correction for multiple tests, as well as by means of descriptive statistics of the data obtained using the formula: Study variable control/control × 100. Dentin biomodification did not alter the subsurface microhardness of dentin (p=0,339). The calcium atomic percentage showed statistically significant differences between healthy and biomodificated dentin (p<0.022) and too presented superior phosphorus atomic percentage. SEM revealed expressive number of dentinal tubules obliterated, but a larger diameter. Topographic images revealed a smooth and regular surface in biomodified dentin. Although 2.5% chitosan gel application on partially demineralized dentin in primary teeth was not able to increase microhardness, the biomodification generated an appropriate dentin surface for adhesive restorative procedures
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Bisamråtta - ohyra eller guldgruva? : En studie över utredning och argumentationer gällande införsel av levande bisamråtta i Sverige 1916-1942Grenman, Jane January 2018 (has links)
1916 infördes ett införselförbud för bisamråttan i Sverige, detta i kontext till ökad pälshandeloch inplanteringar av bisam runt om i Europa. En bisamråttekommité tillsattes 1938 för attutreda frågan rörande införselförbudet, därav denna studie. Genom en kvalitativ samt diskursivmetod har införselförbudet, mediediskursen samt utredningen som utgår från kommittén,studerats under perioden 1916–1942. Studien har visat på ett resultat av en varierandeargumentation där tre centrala huvudteman genomsyrat av ett fjärde har framkommit. De tretemana identifieras som tillståndsansökningar, utländska influenser samt ekonomi. Det fjärdetemat som genomsyrar hela studien är argumenten rörande införsel av den främmande arten,bisamråttan. Dessa läggs vidare i en bredare kontext och identifieras utifrån trehuvudargumentet, införselfrågan, skadegörelse samt ekonomi. Där en konstant argumentationrörande bisamråttefrågan visats över tid. Slutsatsen blir synliggörandet av statens makt övernaturen i relation till statens anspråk på att tillfredsställa ekonomiska behov i Norrland. / In 1916, a ban of import was issued on the muskrat in Sweden, in the context of increased furtrade and implantations of muskrat around Europe. A muskrat committee was appointed in1938 to investigate the issue of its prohibition, thereof this study. Through a qualitative anddiscursive method, the intrusion order, media dissertation and the inquiry based on thecommittee have been studied during the period 1916-1942. The study has shown a result of avaried argumentation in which three key main themes permeated by a fourth have beenemerged. The three themes are identified as license applications, foreign influences andeconomics. The fourth theme that permeates the entire study is the arguments concerning theintroduction of the foreign species, the muskrat. These are laid down in a broader context andidentified on the basis of three main arguments, question of import, damage and economics.Where a constant argument about the question of muskrat has been shown over time. Theconclusion becomes the visibility of the state's power over nature in relation to the state'sclaim to satisfy economic needs in Norrland.
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Kurz- und Langzeitergebnisse des laparoskopischen Gastric Banding (eine retrospektive Studie an 127 Patienten) / Short and long-term results of laparoscopic gastric banding (a retrospective study of 127 patients)Stingl, Maria-Theresa January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die laparoskopische Implantation eines Magenbandes gilt als etabliertes Verfahren der bariatrischen Chirurgie. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden retrospektiven Studie an 127 Patienten wurden die Kurz- und Langzeitergebnisse des Laparoskopischen Gastric Banding (LAGB) untersucht. 60 Patienten wurden in Pergastrischer Technik, 67 Patienten in Pars flaccida Technik operiert. Untersucht wurde Sicherheit, Effizienz und Qualität des LAGB insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Art der angewandten Operationstechnik. Die mittlere Nachbeobachtungszeit betrug 63 Monate. Der mittlere prozentuale Übergewichtsverlust (EBWL %) war 50,6 %. Bei 39 Patienten traten ein oder mehrere Komplikationen auf. Die häufigsten Komplikationen waren Slippage und Pouchdilatation. Die Mortalitätsrate lag bei 0 %. Über 2/3 der Patienten dokumentierten eine Steigerung der subjektiven Lebensqualität durch das LAGB. Im Vergleich der Ergebnisse zweier verschiedener Operationstechniken stellte sich heraus, dass die Wahl des operativen Zugangsweges weder einen Einfluss auf die Effektivität der Gewichtsabnahme noch auf die Reduktion der körpergewichtsbedingten Komorbidität hat. In Übereinstimmung mit Ergebnissen anderer Studien zeigten sich Vorteile der Pars flaccida Technik im Sinne einer niedrigeren postoperativen Komplikationsrate. Insbesondere die sehr häufigen Komplikationen Pouchdilatation und Slippage traten in der Pars flaccida Gruppe signifikant seltener auf als bei den Patienten, die in Pergastrischer Technik operiert wurden. Zur Erhöhung der Effizienz sowie Reduktion der Komplikationsrate des LAGB ist - über die Optimierung operativ-technischer Aspekte hinaus- eine professionelle, interdisziplinäre und langfristige Nachbetreuung der Patienten unabdingbar. / The Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) has become a common bariatric procedure. Within this study 127 patients were analysed retrospectively after LAGB in terms of preoperative characteristics, weight loss, co-morbidities, short and long-term complications and quality of life. 60 patients were operated using the pergastric pathway (PG), 67 patients were operated using the pars flaccida technique (PF). The median follow-up was 63 month. Mean excess body weight loss (EBWL %) was 50.6 %. 39 patients experienced one ore more postoperative complications. The most frequent complications were slippage and pouch dilatation (34 %). Mortality rate was 0 %. Two-thirds of the patients reported an increase in quality of life after LAGB. Comparing the two different operation techniques (PF and PG-technique) there was no difference in weight loss or reduction of co-morbidities. In accordance with similar studies we documented a lower postoperative complication rate in the pars flaccida group. Especially the very frequent complications slippage and pouch dilatation occurred significantly less often using the pars flaccida technique.
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<p>Understanding the
dispersal ability of invasive insects provides useful insights for developing
effective management strategies. Historically, methods for marking insects for
dispersal studies have been expensive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive,
especially for woodboring beetles. In addition, capturing or rearing insects
requires human handling, which can alter behavior. Immunomarking is a
well-established technique for studying the dispersal of insects, however, it
has not been broadly applied to woodborers. This study evaluates the potential
for using immunoproteins applied directly to woodborer-infested trees to mark
emerging beetles. <a>Specifically, in the first experiment I
sprayed varying concentrations of ovalbumin (egg white) solution directly onto
logs infested with emerald ash borer (EAB, <i>Agrilus
planipennis </i>Fairmaire) (Buprestidae: Agrilini) and ELISA was used to detect
the presence of protein on emerged beetles. To test the persistence of the
mark, I applied varying concentrations of albumin to freeze-killed beetles,
mounted them on pins, and placed them in an exposed location outdoors. Adult
EAB self-marked as they emerged from protein-treated trees, with higher protein
concentrations persisting for longer on the cuticle when exposed to sun and
rain. </a>This technique offers a convenient, inexpensive and durable means of
marking woodborers and circumvents the need for human handling, allowing for
more natural behavior and more realistic estimates of dispersal. Protein
self-marking may find application in studies of woodborer dispersal within
natural forest environments.<a></a></p>
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Hormonal contraceptives as a risk factor for invasive breast cancer in black women in Johannesburg, South AfricaRubanzana, Wilson 10 October 2008 (has links)
Background: Black South African women are known to have a high usage rate of
injectable contraceptives. Breast cancer is the second leading cancer after malignant
cervical neoplasms in black South African women. There is evidence that sex
hormones are associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer. In the
Western Cape, investigators suggested that injectable contraceptives, more
specifically DMPA, may increase breast cancer risk. In another study conducted in the
same province, a weak association between breast cancer and women taking
combined oestrogen/progesterone oral contraceptives was found, though no risk
associated with injectable progestogen contraceptives (DMPA) was confirmed.
Study Objective: This study aimed to determine whether there is an association
between hormonal contraceptive use and an increased risk of cancer of the breast.
Methods: Data was obtained from an ongoing case control study set up by
MRC/Wits/NHLS Cancer Epidemiology Research Group (CERG) in 1995 to
investigate risk factors associated with cancer among the black population in
Johannesburg. Data was processed using STATA, version8 and analysed using
univariate, bivariate and multivariate unmatched logistic regression models.
Results: There was evidence that an overall use of oral contraceptives increases the
risk of breast cancer; cases (n= 221), controls :( n= 153), OR=2.01 (95% CI:1.45,
2.80), p<0.0001.
There was evidence of an association between use of injectable contraception and the
risk of breast cancer; cases (n=244), controls (n=202), OR=1.51(CI: 1.14, 2.01),p=0.004 Surprisingly, no other use characteristic of either hormonal contraceptive method was
statistically significantly associated with the risk of breast cancer in our dataset.
The combined use of both oral and injectable contraception was associated with an
increased risk of breast cancer, OR=1.68(1.21, 2.33), p =0.002. There was a strong
effect modification (interaction) between oral contraceptive use and injectable
progesterone associated with the risk of breast cancer, (p=0.008).
Conclusion: After adjusting for all potential risk and confounding factors, as
collected in the dataset, there was evidence of an association between combined oral
contraceptive use and breast cancer. An association between cancer of the breast and
overall use of injectable progesterone use was also established. There was evidence of
association between the use of both hormonal contraceptive methods and an increased
risk of breast cancer. However, whether these findings reflect the reality in terms of
causal relationship or are the result of bias must be ascertained.
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