Spelling suggestions: "subject:"investigación cuantitativo""
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Facilidad para hacer negocios en la Ciudad de VentanillaBenavides De Lama, Carlos Eduardo, Bustamante Estela, Elizabeth Liliana, Soriano De la Cruz, Elizabeth Rosario 30 September 2017 (has links)
El presente estudio permite conocer y medir la facilidad para hacer negocios en la
ciudad de Ventanilla con el propósito de crear reformas que ayuden al inversionista y
promuevan el crecimiento económico. El estudio es realizado con un enfoque cuantitativo,
con diseño de investigación no experimental, transeccional descriptivo, bajo la metodología
utilizada por el Banco Mundial para la elaboración de sus informes Doing Business. Esta
metodología nos permite calcular el indicador de facilidad para hacer negocios, ello a través
de la comparación de datos obtenidos de las leyes, regulaciones y tarifas oficiales (gabinete)
y los datos reales recogidos a través de cuestionarios a expertos; con ambos datos se calcula
el indicador de distancia a la frontera, que permite analizar la eficiencia regulatoria con las
mejores prácticas en cada uno de los indicadores y sus componentes.
Como resultados de la investigación realizada en la ciudad de Ventanilla se
identificaron las causas de las brechas encontradas entre los procedimientos regulados y la
ejecución en la realidad. En los datos obtenidos de entrevistas se dio a conocer que el tiempo
de atención de los trámites es de 555 días, a un costo total de $9,900 y un total de 53
procedimientos. Las estrategias propuestas se centran en la consolidación, sistematización y
eliminación de trámites, así como la reducción de tasas municipales y transparencia de
información, con la visión de llegar a ser una ciudad atractiva para la inversión con procesos
eficientes y regulaciones empresariales claras / This study allows to know and mesasure the ease of Doing Business index for the city
of Ventanilla in order to create reforms that help the investor and promote the economic
growth in the area. The study has a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental, crosssectional
descriptive research design, based on the methodology of the World Bank’s Doing
Business reports. This methodology calculates the ease of Doing Business index by
comparing data from the laws, regulations and official fees (desk study data) with the actual
data from the interviews conducted among experts; both types of data are used to calculate
the distance to frontier score, thus assessing the regulatory efficiency with the best practices
for each of the indicators and their components.
The results of the research carried out in the city of Ventanilla identified the causes of
the gaps found between the regulatory procedures and actual performance; the data gathered
from the interviews revealed a procedure time of 555 days, a total cost of $9,900 and a total
number of 53 procedures. The strategies proposed by this study are the consolidation,
systematization and removal of procedures, the decrease of municipal fees as well as the
transparency of information in order for Ventanilla to become an attractive city to invest
where efficient procedures and clear business regulations are applied / Tesis
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Calidad en el servicio de los supermercados VivandaColonia González, Carla Alejandra, Gutiérrez Palma, Paul Christian, Ubillús Arana, Marco Felipe, Valdivia Diaz, Daniela 14 September 2018 (has links)
Durante las últimas dos décadas el Perú ha presentado un crecimiento sostenido de su
clase media, lo cual ha favorecido al crecimiento de la industria de retail en el país. Dentro
del sector, hay que resaltar el dinamismo que han mostrado los supermercados, especialmente
sus principales actores (Supermercados Peruanos, Cencosud y Tottus), los que
constantemente buscan maneras de establecer una diferenciación, entre las cuales la calidad
del servicio es un factor importante. Ante ello sobresale la necesidad de conocer cuál es la
calidad de servicio percibida por los clientes; sin embargo, las características inherentes del
servicio hacen difícil su medición, por lo que se necesita una herramienta que pueda ser
adaptada a la realidad del rubro en estudio.
Sobre la base de lo expuesto, la presente investigación buscó validar uno de los
modelos más importantes de medición de la industria retail en supermercados, tomando
como muestra a los supermercados Vivanda. Se ejecutó el cuestionario original de la escala
de medición de servicio retail a una muestra representativa de clientes de la cadena de
supermercados Vivanda en Lima Metropolitana. Posteriormente, se realizaron las pruebas de
fiabilidad necesarias para validar la herramienta. La investigación aporta información sobre el
servicio percibido y una descripción del resultado de manera cuantitativa que, para fines
aplicativos, sirve de diagnóstico general de la cadena en mención. A su vez, se ofrece una
serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones prácticas para la cadena. El presente estudio busca
sentar un precedente para futuras investigaciones sobre la calidad de servicio en el sector
supermercados. / During the last two decades, Peru has presented a sustained growth of its middle
class, which has favored the growth of the retail industry in the country. Within the sector, we
must highlight the dynamism shown by supermarkets, especially their main players (Peruvian
Supermarkets, Cencosud and Tottus) who are constantly looking for ways to establish a
differentiation, being service quality an important factor to achieve it. This is where service
quality perceived by customers stands out. However, the inherent characteristics of service,
make it difficult to measure it, requiring a tool that can be adapted to the reality of the area
under study.
Based on this, the present investigation sought to validate one of the most important
models for measuring the retail industry in supermarkets, taking Vivanda supermarkets as a
sample. The original questionnaire of the retail service quality measurement was executed to
a representative sample of Vivanda´s clients in Metropolitan Lima. Subsequently, the
reliability tests necessary to validate the tool were carried out. The research provides
information about the perceived service and a description of the result in a quantitative way
that, for application purposes, serves as a general diagnosis of the chain in question. At the
same time, a series of conclusions and practical recommendations for the chain are offered.
The present study seeks to set a precedent for future investigations about service quality in
the supermarket sector. / Tesis
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Calidad del sector de restaurantes en Lima MetropolitanaSánchez Chía, Gianina, Erazo Garrido, Arturo, Casariego Gálvez, Martín, Encinas Ormachea, Raúl 19 June 2017 (has links)
xi, 131 h. : il. ; 30 cm. / Durante el trabajo de investigación se determinó que el principal problema que
ocasionaba el alto porcentaje de cierres de restaurantes por un deficiente servicio y mala
administración se debía principalmente al desconocimiento del nivel de la calidad en los
El propósito de la presente investigación es identificar el nivel de cumplimiento de los
factores de éxito del TQM (Total Quality Management) en la gestión de calidad del sector de
restaurantes en Lima Metropolitana.
Para la realización de este estudio se utilizó el modelo de los nueve factores de éxito
de la calidad (TQM) propuesto por Benzaquen (2013), en el cual, el instrumento de medición
es una adaptación que mide el nivel de calidad en las siguientes dimensiones: (a) alta
gerencia, (b) planeamiento de la calidad, (c) auditoría y evaluación de la calidad, (d) diseño
del producto, (f) gestión de la calidad del proveedor, (g) control y mejoramiento del proceso,
(h) educación y entrenamiento, (i) círculos de la calidad, y (j) enfoque hacia la satisfacción
del cliente; analizando y describiendo cada uno de ellos.
Para ello se elaboró un cuestionario con el objetivo de obtener información relevante
acerca del estudio y analizarla bajo los nueve factores. Los resultados mostraron que el nivel
de calidad en los nueve factores fue alto porque se obtuvo un valor de 4.13 en la escala de
Likert que es de 1 al 5; y para cada factor se obtuvo un valor alto, es decir, mayor que 4 / During the research it was determined that the problem that caused the high
percentage of closures restaurants in Lima by a poor service and mismanagement was due,
principally, for unknowledge of the level of quality establishments.
The purpose of this research is to identify the level of compliance of the success
factors of TQM (Total Quality Management) in the management of quality restaurants sector
in Lima.
The model of the nine success factors of quality (TQM) proposed by Benzaquen
(2013) was used for this study, in which the measuring instrument is an adjustment to
measure the level of quality in the following dimensions: (a) senior management, (b) quality
planning, (c) auditing and quality assessment (d) product design, (f) quality management
provider, (g) control and process improvement, (h) education and training, (i) quality circles,
and (j) focus on meeting client; analyzing and describing each.
It made a survey in order to obtain relevant information about the study and analyzed
it under the nine factors. Results showed that the level of quality in the nine factors was high
because it obtained a value of 4.13 on the Likert scale that it is 1 to 5; and for each factor also
obtained a high value, that is to say, greater than 4 / Tesis
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Calidad del servicio al cliente en el sector hotelero de lujo en la ciudad del CuscoFigueroa Serrano, Renzo Franshesco, Ormachea Baca, Genaro Helmut, Quispe Sucaticona, Rocio Maira, Villasante Mercado, Luis 21 January 2019 (has links)
El sector hotelero de lujo, en especial el turismo de lujo que se recibe en la ciudad del
Cusco, tiene una especial característica respecto a otras ciudades del Perú, este turista no
accede a estos servicios para mostrar ostentación, ni tampoco pomposidad o suntuosidad; si
no que usa estos servicios con la finalidad de obtener un mejor servicio respecto a otros
hoteles similares en sus características; por ello un aspecto muy importante es aplicar los
métodos de evaluación y medición de la calidad de los servicios brindados por estos hoteles a
fin de contar con una herramienta SERVQUAL, debidamente validada y que permita la mejor
toma de decisiones para satisfacer los requerimientos de este importante segmento.
La investigación realizada en el sector hotelero de lujo en la ciudad del Cusco busca
validar este modelo, para ello se empleó el modelo SERVQUAL, el mismo que tuvo que ser
traducido al idioma inglés, por ser el idioma de mayor uso en los turistas que fueron
entrevistados; los resultados indicaron claramente que existe diferencias entre las
expectativas del servicio a brindar y las percepciones de los clientes sobre la calidad del
servicio brindado realmente; para validar el modelo planteado, se realizaron diversas
hipótesis analizando primeramente la relación entre las variables independientes, las
dimensiones de la escala, y la variable dependiente, la calidad percibida del servicio.
Posteriormente a través de un análisis correlacional, se estableció la relación existente
entre las variables de esta investigación, y mediante la aplicación de un análisis de regresión,
se determinó la causalidad que existe entre estas; para ello se realizó un análisis empleando
software estadístico especializado. Los resultados brindados y aplicados a este sector tan
poco estudiado, y del que no se tiene referencias brinda de información especializada a este
segmento, valida el modelo aplicado SERVQUAL en el sector hotelero de lujo en la ciudad
del Cusco. Este estudio, establece contribuciones y recomendaciones tanto teóricas como
prácticas para un mejor desempeño en los servicios brindados por estas cadenas hoteleras,
contribuyendo de esta forma a una mejor toma de decisiones que repercutirá directamente en
la satisfacción plena de sus clientes y el incremento sustancias de su rentabilidad a lo largo
del tiempo. / The luxury hotel sector, especially luxury tourism that is received in the city of Cusco,
has a special characteristic compared to other cities in Peru, this tourist doesn’t access these
services to show ostentation, or pomposity or sumptuousness; but uses these services in
order to get a better service compared to other similar hotels in their characteristics; therefore,
a very important aspect is to apply the methods of evaluation and measurement of the quality
of the services provided by these hotels in order to have a SERVQUAL tool, duly validated
and that allows the best decision making to satisfy the requirements of this important
The research carried out in the luxury hotel sector in the city of Cusco seeks to
validate this model, for which the SERVQUAL model was used, the same one that had to be
translated into the English language, since it was the language most used by tourists who
were interviewed; the results clearly indicated that there are differences between the
expectations of the service to be provided and the clients' perceptions of the quality of the
service actually provided; To validate the proposed model, several hypotheses were carried
out analyzing first the relationship between the independent variables, the dimensions of the
scale, and the dependent variable, the perceived quality of the service.
Subsequently, through a correlational analysis, the existing relationship between the
variables of this research was established, and through the application of a regression
analysis, the causality between them was determined; For this, an analysis was carried out
using specialized statistical software. The results provided and applied to this sector so little
studied, and of which there are no references provide specialized information to this segment,
validates the SERVQUAL model applied in the luxury hotel sector in the city of Cusco.
This study establishes theoretical and practical contributions and recommendations for
a better performance in the services provided by these hotel chains, contributing in this way to a better decision making that will directly affect the satisfaction of its clients and the
increase of substances of its profitability over time. / Tesis
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Leadership styles, organizational culture and organizational effectiveness: a study of multilatinasAlvarez Echavarría, Ana Claudia 09 August 2018 (has links)
The relationship of leadership and organizational culture on performance has been
empirically proven (Eppard, 2004), determining that the combination of transformational
leadership and constructive culture yields in positive job performance, while on the
contrary, transactional leadership and defensive culture has negative outcome. Given that
both leadership and culture are constructs with differentiated variables (Bass & Avolio,
1993; Cooke & Szumal, 2000), different combinations of leadership style and
organizational culture, could result in various outcome scenarios. Previous scholar findings
about leadership and culture frameworks are abundant in developed economies, not so
much in emerging regions such as Latin America, the latter with increasing importance in
the worldwide economy. Particularly multilatinas, face the challenge of short term
economic hurdles, outstanding therefore the importance of improving knowledge of
leadership and organizational culture as key drivers for sustained growth and evolution.
The objective for the proposed research was to identify the relationship between leadership
style, organizational culture, and organizational effectiveness, in Latin American
transnational corporations, or as so called, multilatinas. Surveys were implemented in three
large multilatinas located in Central America and Andean region, in the retail, construction
and food industries. Findings of the research pointed that the constructive culture was the
most relevant variable in the development of higher attainment of organizational
effectiveness, even beyond the transformational leadership. The Latin American multilatina
leader was valued due to the heroic-ethic transformational profile in conjunction with the
contingent reward transactional one. The ambiguity from followers appreciating a heroic
leader, but at the same time demanding detailed direction from leaders, thus avoiding own
responsibility, posed the need for future research for collective-empowering leadership rather
than an individual one / Tesis
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The mediating effect of organizational culture on transformational leadership and performance in small and medium enterprises in PeruPeña Acevedo, Jorge Luis 05 September 2018 (has links)
Transformational leadership, organizational culture, and organizational performance are
relevant topics in management studies as well as the study of small and medium enterprises
(SME) due to their importance in the society and economy; despite this, even when literature
shows that transformational leadership and organizational culture have a positive effect on the
performance of large companies, no study has assessed if these topics and their
interrelationship increases the performance in SME. This quantitative, survey-based, crosssectional
research, based on a theoretical framework and previous empirical findings, assessed
whether organizational culture is a mediator between transformational leadership and
organizational performance into a population of SME using a sample of 303 firms (276
effective) in Peru. Findings suggest that organizational culture fully mediates the relationship
between transformational leadership and organizational performance; therefore, this study
proposes that is not enough to be a transformational leader but also to create and promote an
organizational culture for improving the performance of an organization. Very few studies
worldwide have investigated this topic, and none has focused on SME. Future research could
include SME and large firms – using the size of the business as moderator - in different
countries / Tesis
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IT resources and IT capabilities as a driver of physical infrastructure projects performanceMolina Cuellar, Luis G. 08 May 2018 (has links)
This study evaluates how Information Technology (IT) creates value in the performance of
physical infrastructure (PI) projects. The research model is based on the concept of the
Business Value of Information Technology (BVIT) and relates the integration of IT resources
with the development of IT capabilities to promote the performance of PI projects. The model
is evaluated empirically from first-hand data collected from surveys in public and private
organizations whose core is the development of PI projects in Colombia. The empirical test
indicates there is a strong relationship between IT and PI performance when the effects of IT
resources and capabilities are mediated through the underlying mechanisms composed by IT
support for competitive strategies and core competencies. The strong correlation between
predictor constructs and PI project performance is confirmed upon calculating the total
effects, after which the empirical results shall confirm the theoretical basis. The study
includes managerial traits like moderator variables and empirical results indicate there are no
heterogeneity issues.
When countries achieve a foundational level of physical infrastructure, namely in basic
services (i.e. water supply and sanitation), infrastructure for life and coexistence (i.e. housing,
education, health, etc.) and ports and transport systems, they promote their national
productivity and competitive edge, in turn increasing their social positions in relation to
equity and sustainability. These transversal and relevant effects in the social context suggest
to develop new studies in this field / Tesis
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Medición de la calidad en el servicio al cliente en el sector operaciones y mantenimiento de carreteras concesionadas en la región CuscoAscarza Revoredo, Fernando Paul, Rojas Quispe, Bianca Amarilis, Salas Olivera, Cleidy Gloria, Tito Pacamia, Leonid 25 March 2019 (has links)
Esta investigación se construyó como descriptiva, no experimental, transeccional y de
enfoque cuantitativo, con el propósito de medir la calidad en el servicio al cliente en el sector
operaciones y mantenimiento de carreteras concesionadas en la región Cusco, y de esta
forma, proponer mejoras en función a las necesidades de los usuarios. Para fines del estudio,
la calidad se definió como un sistema capaz de integrar el desarrollo de los procesos de la
organización, para mejorar continuamente y lograr la satisfacción del cliente. Mientras que el
servicio al cliente se comprende como la manera en la que los consumidores perciben el
servicio que se les brinda, y que se operacionaliza a través de los siguientes indicadores: (a)
fiabilidad, (b) sensibilidad, (c) seguridad, (d) empatía, y (e) elementos tangibles. Para hacer la
medición se usó el cuestionario SERVPERF, que fue creado por Cronin y Taylor (1992) y
que ha sido utilizado en todo el mundo, probando su validez. Fue aplicado a una muestra de
96 conductores, que hubiesen utilizado cualquiera de los dos tramos de carreteras
concesionadas en la región Cusco, que son: (a) Survial S.A. que atiende el tramo Cusco a
Abancay y que en el año 2017 fue utilizado por 1’265,384 vehículo; y (b) Concesionaria
Interoceánica Tramo 2 S.A., organización que opera el tramo Cusco a Puerto Maldonado, por
el que circularon 1’151,499 en el 2017. Entonces, contando con una población de 2’416,883
vehículos y estimando un error estadístico del 8.7% se escogió una muestra al azar de 96
unidades. Los resultados del estudio muestran que el nivel de calidad asciende a 3.33,
considerado medio en una escala del 1 al 5, donde la menor puntuación se registró en la
dimensión fiabilidad (3.21) y el valor más elevado en la dimensión seguridad en el servicio
(3.43). / This research was developed as descriptive, non-experimental, transectional and
quantitative approach, with the purpose of measuring the quality of customer service in the
operations and road maintenance sector in the Cusco region, and thus, propose improvements
based on to the needs of the users. For the purposes of the study, quality was defined as a
system capable of integrating the development of the processes of the organization, to
continuously improve and achieve customer satisfaction. While customer service is
understood as the way in which consumers perceive the service provided to them, and that is
operationalized through the following indicators: (a) reliability, (b) sensitivity, (c) security,
(d) empathy, and (e) tangible elements. To make the measurement, the SERVPERF
questionnaire was used, which was created by Cronin and Taylor (1992) and has been used
throughout the world, proving its validity. It was applied to a sample of 96 drivers, who
would have used any of the two stretches of roads in the Cusco region, which are: (a) Survial
S.A. which serves the Cusco to Abancay section and which in 2017 was used by 1'265,384
vehicle; and (b) Concesionaria Interoceánica Tramo 2 SA, organization that operates the
Cusco to Puerto Maldonado section, through which 1'151,499 circulated in 2017. Then,
counting on a population of 2'416,883 vehicles and estimating a statistical error of 8.7% a
random sample of 96 units was chosen. The results of the study show that the quality level is
3.33, considered average on a scale of 1 to 5, where the lowest score was recorded in the
reliability dimension (3.21) and the highest value in the security dimension in the service
(3.43). / Tesis
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Influencia del compromiso y las normas sociales en la intención del cumplimiento tributarioBarberan, Nancy J. 07 March 2019 (has links)
Gran parte de los países de América Latina han experimentado un fuerte aumento de recursos
tributarios, aún existe resistencia de los pequeños contribuyentes al pago de tributos. El
objetivo de este estudio es determinar la relación del compromiso y las normas sociales en la
intención del cumplimiento tributario debido a los constantes cambios de leyes tributarias del
gobierno ecuatoriano actual que afectan al cumplimiento tributario. El incumplimiento
tributario es un problema que afecta el principio de suficiencia recaudatoria y de equidad,
haciendo que los países frenen su crecimiento económico y como consecuencia la
inaccesibilidad de servicios públicos. La investigación se realizó con un enfoque cuantitativo,
de diseño no experimental y alcance correlacional, basándose en teorías que permitieron
identificar como variables independientes el compromiso y norma social y como dependiente
la intención, utilizando una muestra aleatoria de las microempresas que residen en la ciudad
de Guayaquil – Ecuador. Los resultados muestran que existe una relación significativa entre el
compromiso y la intención del cumplimiento tributario, y por otro lado que no existe una
relación significativa entre la norma social y la intención del cumplimiento tributario,
demostrándose que el sector económico modera la relación entre compromiso e intención de
cumplimiento tributario, existiendo una relación más fuerte entre estas variables para el sector
servicios. Se recomienda para futuras investigaciones realizar un diseño longitudinal y
ampliarlo a diferentes ciudades, regiones o paises considerando otros factores como
culturales, ubicación, de percepción y caracteristicas de los administradores de las empresas. / A large part of the countries of Latin America have experienced a strong increase in tax
resources, there is still resistance from small taxpayers to the payment of taxes. The objective
of this study is to determine the relationship of the commitment and social norms in the
intention of tax compliance due to the constant changes in tax laws of the current Ecuadorian
government that affect tax compliance. Tax noncompliance is a problem that affects the
principle of revenue sufficiency and equity, causing countries to slow their economic growth
and as a result the inaccessibility of public services. The research was conducted with a
quantitative approach, non-experimental design and correlation scope, based on theories that
allowed identifying the social commitment and norm as an independent variable and as an
intention dependent, using a random sample of the micro-enterprises that reside in the city of
Guayaquil, Ecuador. The results show that there is a significant relationship between the
commitment and the intention of tax compliance, and on the other hand that there is no
significant. The relationship between the social norm and the intention of tax compliance,
demonstrating that the economic sector moderates the relationship between commitment and
intent of tax compliance, there being a stronger relationship between these variables for the
Services sector. It is recommended for future research to make a longitudinal design and
expand it to different cities, regions or countries considering other factors such as cultural,
location of signatures, perception and characteristics of the administrators of the firms. / Tesis
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Variables that determine the market value of a high-performance soccer playerSerna Rodríguez, Maribel 28 January 2019 (has links)
The research question of this study was identify the variables that determine the
market value of a high-performance soccer player, in the five major leagues around the
world (Premier League, Bundesliga, LaLiga, Serie A and Ligue 1). The research question
allowed to establish a hierarchy-of-hypotheses (see Table 1). Consequently, there are nine
major hypothesis, 45 sub-hypothesis, and 20 sub-sub-hypothesis.
The sample was conformed by 335 soccer players for the main five soccer leagues,
distributed according to the proportional affixation for random stratified sampling. . The
information for 45 control variables and the endogenous variable for 335 ssocer players
was collected from the transfermarkt.de. website that is an online community (crowd
The 45 control variables that arised from the literature systematic review had
having to be grouped in these major major hypotheses (smaller clusters or groups). For
this purpose, these variables was categorized in talent indicators and external variables.
Through this categorization, the 45 control variables were grouped together in five clusters
according to the similarity between them. Finally, nine smaller clusters or groups were
formed using divisive hierarchical clusters according to the dissimilarity between the
variables. More variables had to be incorporated for some groups because the
operationalization process for six variables generated other variables. In that order was
structured a hierarchy-of-hypotheses (HoH), 45 variables take place to nine major
hypothesis (groups), 45 sub-hypothesis (variables that belong for each group), and 20 subsub-hypothesis (levels of each variable).
To answer the research question taking into account model uncertainty (variable
selection) in a framework with 35 billion potential models, it was used a hedonic
regression framework, and implement Bayesian model averaging (BMA) through Markov
chain Monte Carlo model composition (����3
). To deal with endogeneity issues,
instrumental variable Bayesian model averaging (IVBMA) was implemented as well. In
the latter case, the potential endogeneity between Market value and Performance was
addressed using Performance as an instrumental variable and Coach and Change of team
as instruments.
Using the BMA mechanism, there is evidence to support the sub-hypothesis H1m
(PIP=1.000), H3a (PIP=1.000), H5c (PIP=1.000), H6b (PIP=1.000), H1b (PIP=0.993), and
H3c (PIP=0.992). Therefore, four variables (Performance, National team, Age, Goals, and
Recognition under-21) are a value-drivers that generate a positive effect on the market
value of the soccer player; and one variable (Age squared) is a negative value-driver that
generates a negative effect on the market value of the soccer player.
Using the IVBMA mechanism, there is evidence to support the sub-hypothesis H1m
(PIP=1.000), H3a (PIP=1.000), H5c (PIP=1.000), H6b (PIP=1.000), H3e (PIP=0.997), and
the sub-sub-hypothesis H7b1 (PIP=1.000). Therefore, four variables (Performance,
National team, Age, First division, and Recognition under-21) are a value-drivers that
generate a positive effect on the market value of the soccer player; and one variable (Age
squared) is a negative value-driver that generates a negative effect on the market value of
the soccer player. / Tesis
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