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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experiences of professional nurses working in district hospitals in the Western Cape metropole, where 72-hour assessments are conducted

van Zyl, Verna January 2016 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / Background: The integration of mental health into primary health care meant that patients were admitted into a less restrictive environment. They received treatment for mental illness in their communities, therefore, averting unnecessary hospitalisation in psychiatric hospitals. However, given that patients with mental illnesses were admitted to district hospitals as involuntary mental health care users (MHCUs), this setting was purported to be fraught with challenges for both staff and patients. Aim and objectives: The aim of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of professional nurses, working at selected district hospitals in the Western Cape metropole, where 72-hour assessments of involuntary mental health care users are conducted. The objectives of this study were to determine how the 72-hour unit functioned in the general ward, the experiences of professional nurses regarding the integration of the 72-hour assessment units in the general ward and suggested improvements. Methodology: A qualitative research approach, with a descriptive phenomenological design, was used to collect data through semi-structured interviews from eight (8) professional nurses, working in the two selected district hospitals in the Cape Town metropole area. Purposive sampling was employed to select the participants. Data were analysed using Tesch’s method of qualitative data analysis. Four themes, namely, patient management process affected the functioning of the ward, patient management challenges in rendering patient care, burden of caring on the Self, and staff and patient support to create a therapeutic environment, emerged during data analysis, which encapsulated the nurse's experience of working in 72-hour assessment units in selected district hospitals. Findings: The findings of this revealed that the district hospitals were ill prepared for the admission of involuntary mental health care users. There were challenges, in terms of resources, namely, infrastructure to create a therapeutic environment, knowledgeable and skilled staff to care for the MHCUs. The MHCUs were contained in the district hospitals for longer than was legislated, rather than receiving therapeutic interventions at psychiatric facilities. Needs were identified to improve the functioning of the 72-hour assessment units, which included education and training of personnel, Discussion: The non-therapeutic environment had a negative impact on the staff working in the 72-hour assessment units. Nursing staff were burdened with caring for patients in an environment where they, as well as the MHCUs, were stigmatised due to the diagnosis of mental illness. However, the participants internalised their own experiences, as they prioritised the MHCUs well-being. The findings supported previous studies, which revealed that the objectives of the Mental Health Care Act (No. 17 of 2002), which supported the integration of mental health into primary health care, were not realised after more than a decade of implementation. Recommendations: Given the limited scope of this thesis, replications of this study in other district hospitals are recommended, in order to ascertain whether the objectives of the MHCA (2002), regarding 72-hour assessments, have been realised. A therapeutic environment, which includes infrastructure and resources to ensure that MHCUs receive care, treatment and rehabilitation within the district hospitals, is required. The recruitment and retention of adequate, skilled permanent staff is crucial, to ensure that MHCUs receive care, treatment and rehabilitation. Finally, the training and education of all personnel (including security) working in the selected district hospitals should be mandatory, in order to address patient care and stigma related to mental illness.

Patienters upplevelser av tvångsvård på psykiatrisk vårdavdelning : En litteraturstudie

Olausson Jonsson, Lisa, Awdel, Nahida January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: Antalet personer i Sverige som vårdades inom slutenvård enligt lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård under 2022 var ungefär 12 600 personer. Tvångsvård kan endast genomföras om strikta kriterier uppfylls, inklusive ett akut och oundgängligt vårdbehov som inte kan tillgodoses frivilligt. Tvångsvård syftar till att patienter ska bli kapabla att frivilligt delta i vidare behandling, men det saknas forskning kring dess effektivitet och patientupplevelser. Syftet: Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka patienters upplevelser av tvångsvård på psykiatrisk vårdavdelning Metod: Examensarbetet kombinerar deskriptiv design med en litteraturöversikt och kvalitativ metodologi. Tio artiklar söktes via databaser PubMed, Psycinfo och CINAHL som sedan kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades. Salutogena modellen KASAM som har tre dimensioner: begriplighet, meningsfullhet och hanterbarhet användes som teoretisk referensram. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier. Den första var upplevelser av brist på sammanhang med underkategorierna: maktlöshet och kontrollförlust, meningslöshet, hopplöshet och hjälplöshet, maktobalans och att inte bli sedd och förlusten av autonomi och identitet. Den andra huvudkategorin var upplevelser av återvunnet sammanhang med underkategorierna: återtagandet av kontrollen, gott bemötande och nödvändig process till förbättring.  Slutsats: Resultatet visar att tvångsvård kan leda till negativa upplevelser som maktlöshet och kontrollförlust, och att vårdtiden upplevs som meningslös. Det kan även leda till positiva upplevelser och förbättra den psykiska hälsan. / Introduction: The number of people in Sweden who were hospitalized under the Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act in 2022 was approximately 12,600. Compulsory care can only be implemented if strict criteria are met, including an acute and indispensable need for care that cannot be voluntarily met. The purpose of compulsory care is to enable patients to voluntarily participate in further treatment, but there is a lack of research regarding its effectiveness and patients’ experiences. Aim: The purpose of the thesis was to investigate patients' experiences of compulsory care in psychiatric wards. Method: The thesis combines descriptive design with a literature review and qualitative methodology. Ten articles were searched through the databases PubMed, Psycinfo, and CINAHL, which were then quality assessed and analyzed. The salutogenic model Sense of Coherence (SOC), which has three dimensions: comprehensibility, meaningfulness, and manageability, was used as the theoretical framework. Results: The analysis resulted in two main categories. The first was experiences of a lack of coherence with the subcategories: powerlessness and loss of control, meaninglessness, hopelessness and helplessness, power imbalance and not being seen, and loss of autonomy and identity. The second main category was experiences of regained coherence with the subcategories: regaining control, positive treatment, and necessary process for improvement. Conclusion: The results show that compulsory care can lead to negative experiences such as powerlessness and loss of control, and that the time in care is perceived as meaningless. It can also lead to positive experiences and improve mental health.

Internationella komparativa studier av lagar om tvångsvård vid missbruk : -omfattning, trender och mänskliga rättigheter

Israelsson, Magnus January 2013 (has links)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights state that everyone has the right to good health. According to the conventions, the states have obligations to prevent and combat disease, and if necessary, ensure that the conditions for treatment of the disease are appropriate (UDHR 1948, UNCESCR 1966). The broad wording in the conventions on the right to good health includes the right to care of substance use disorders. In the 1960ies the World Health Organization recommended, that people with such disorders should be seen as sick and that the legislation governing such care should be in accordance with special administrative legislations and not criminal legislation. The recommendation indicates WHO:s clear position that persons with substance use disorders primarily should be treated as persons suffering from disease and in need of care, and not primarily as disruptive individuals or criminals who should be disciplined or punished. This applies also to situations when treatment and care cannot be provided on a voluntary basis, but compulsorily. In Swedish context, the most commonly mentioned law in these cases is the social special legislation Law (1988: 870) on care of misusers, special provisions (LVM). Ever since the implementation of LVM in 1982, its legal position as well as application in institutional care has been subject of critical discussions within social work as well as in social science research. Such debate in the Nordic countries has until now mostly been marked by two important limitations. First, most comparisons are restricted to very few countries, e.g. four of the Nordic countries; secondly the notion of involuntary care is often limited to social legislation on compulsory care without taking criminal justice legislation or mental health legislation into account. The present dissertation studies legislations on compulsory commitment to care of persons with substance use problems (CCC), and compares these legislations from a larger number of countries, on global or European levels. This approach makes it possible to explore the great variation in CCC legislation between countries, i.e. type of law (criminal justice, mental health care and social or special legislation),  time limits (maximum duration) as well as levels of ambition, ethical grounds, criteria for admission, and adaption to human and civil rights.  In addition, the comparisons between many countries are used to investigate factors related to different national choices in legislations from country characteristics, e.g. historical and cultural background as well as economic and social conditions, including level and type of welfare distribution. Available datasets from different times permits trend analyses to investigate whether CCC or specific types of such are increasing or decreasing internationally.          Empirical materials: Article I is based on three reports from the WHO on existence of CCC legislation, before the millennium shift, in 90 countries and territories in all populated continents. Articles II and IV are based on own data collection from a survey in 38 European countries. Article III uses a combination of those data and additional information from country reports in scientific and institutional publications in three times of observation during more than 25 years, and including a total of 104 countries. Additional data for Articles I and II are information on various countries' characteristics obtained from different international databases.          Findings based on data from WHO reports at the eve of the millennium show that CCC legislation was very common in the world, since 82 per cent of the 90 countries and territories had such law. Special administrative (“civil”) legislation (mental health or social) was somewhat more prevalent (56 %), but CCC in criminal justice legislation was also frequent and present in half of the countries. The study shows that economically stronger countries in the western world and many of the former communist countries in Eastern Europe, the so-called "first and second worlds" in cold war rhetoric, more often had adapted to the recommendations made by WHO in the 1960ies, with CCC more often regulated in civil legislation. In the so-called "third world" countries, CCC in criminal justice legislation dominated. The new data collection from 38 European countries ten years later confirmed that legislation on CCC is very common, since 74 per cent of the explored countries have some type of legislation. The most common type was now CCC in criminal legislation (45%), although special administrative legislation (mental health or social) was almost equally common (37%). Special administrative legislation on CCC (both acute and rehabilitative), was more common in countries with historic experience of a strong influential temperance movement, and in countries with distribution of health and welfare more directed through the state, while countries with less direct government involvement in distribution of health and welfare and lacking former influence of a strong temperance movement more often had CCC in criminal justice legislation. During all the 25 years period from early 80ies up to 2009, it was more common for countries to have some type of law on CCC than not, although some reduction of CCC legislation is shown, especially during the last decade. But within countries having CCC, more cases are compulsorily committed and for longer time duration. This is related to a global shift from civil CCC to CCC in criminal justice legislation, directly in the opposite direction from what WHO recommended in the 60ies. Changes in CCC legislation are often preceded with national political debate on ethical considerations, and criticisms questioning the efficiency and content of the care provided. Such national debates are frequent with all types of CCC legislation, but ethical considerations seem to be far more common related to special administrative (civil) legislation. National legislations on CCC within Europe should conform to the human and civil rights stipulated in ECHR (1950). There seems, to be some limitations in the procedural rules that should protect persons with misuse or dependence problems from unlawful detentions, regardless type of law. The three types of law differ significantly in terms of criteria for CCC, i.e. the situations in which care may be ensured regardless of consent.        Conclusions: It is more common that societies have legislation on CCC, than not. This applies internationally – in all parts of the world as well as over time, for a period of 25 years, at least. Sweden’s legislative position is not internationally unique; on the contrary, it is quite common. Law on CCC tend to be introduced in times of drug epidemics or when drug-related problems are increasing in a society. Changes in CCC legislation are often preceded by national debates on ethics, content and benefits of such care. These findings here discussed may reflect different concurrent processes. A shift from welfare logic to a moral logic may be understood as more moralization, perhaps due to relative awaking of traditionalism related to religious movements in various parts of the world (Christian, Hindu, Muslim or other). But it may also be understood from more libertarianism that stresses both individual responsibility for one’s welfare and the state´s responsibility to discipline behaviours that inflict negatively on the lives of others. Possibly do these two tendencies work in conjunction to one another. At the same time, however, there is a stronger emphasis on care content within criminal justice CCC, especially in the Anglo-Saxon drug court system. Some shift within Civil CCC is also noticed, i.e. from social to mental health legislation. Thus drug abuse and dependence is increasingly more recognized and managed in the same way as other diseases, i.e. an increased normalization. Since social CCC has been more in focus of research and debates, this may also result in CCC turning into a more hidden praxis, which from ethical perspectives is problematic. The thesis shows that there are examples of focus on humanity and care in all three of the law types, but there are also examples of passive care, sometimes even inhumane and repressive, in all types. Thus, type of law cannot be said to in general correspond to a specific content of care. Although CCC can be delivered in accordance with human and civil rights, there is still a dissatisfying situation concerning the procedural rights that should ensure the misuser his/her rights to freedom from unlawful detention. The possibility to appeal to a higher instance is missing in about 20 percent of European CCC laws, although not differentiating one type of legislation from the others. A clear difference between the three law types concerns criteria that form the basis for who will be provided care according to the laws. This is of major importance for which persons of the needy who will receive care: addicted offenders, out-acting persons or the most vulnerable. The criteria for selecting these relate to the implicit ambitions of CCC – correction, protection, or for support to those in greatest need for care. The question is what ambition a society should have concerning care without consent in case of substance abuse and addiction problems. The trend that CCC according to special administrative legislation is declining and criminal legislation increases in the world should therefore be noticed.     Keywords: Alcohol, drugs, substance misuse, coercive care, compulsory commitment to care, involuntary care, mandatory care, legislation, human and civil rights, comparative analysis, prediction models, and trend analysis / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 4 inskickat.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 4 submitted.</p>

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