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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coupling of the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere by MHD waves

Russell, Alexander J. B. January 2010 (has links)
The solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere are coupled by magnetohydrodynamic waves, and this gives rise to new and often unexpected behaviours that cannot be produced by a single, isolated part of the system. This thesis examines two broad instances of coupling: field-line resonance (FLR) which couples fast and Alfvén waves, and magnetosphere-ionosphere (MI-) coupling via Alfvén waves. The first part of this thesis investigates field-line resonance for equilibria that vary in two dimensions perpendicular to the background magnetic field. This research confirms that our intuitive understanding of FLR from 1D is a good guide to events in 2D, and places 2D FLR onto a firm mathematical basis by systematic solution of the governing equations. It also reveals the new concept of ‘imprinting’ of spatial forms: spatial variations of the resonant Alfvén wave correlate strongly with the spatial form of the fast wave that drives the resonance. MI-coupling gives rise to ionosphere-magnetosphere (IM-) waves, and we have made a detailed analysis of these waves for a 1D sheet E-region. IM-waves are characterised by two quantities: a speed v_{IM} and an angular frequency ω_{IM} , for which we have obtained analytic expressions. For an ideal magnetosphere, IM-waves are advective and move in the direction of the electric field with speed v_{IM}. The advection speed is a non-linear expression that decreases with height-integrated E-region plasma-density, hence, wavepackets steepen on their trailing edge, rapidly accessing small length-scales through wavebreaking. Inclusion of electron inertial effects in the magnetosphere introduces dispersion to IM-waves. In the strongly inertial limit (wavelength λ << λ_{e} , where λ_{e} is the electron inertial length at the base of the magnetosphere), the group velocity of linear waves goes to zero, and the waves oscillate at ω_{IM} which is an upper limit on the angular frequency of IM-waves for any wavelength. Estimates of v_{IM} show that this speed can be a significant fraction (perhaps half) of the E_{⊥} × B_{0} drift in the E-region, producing speeds of up to several hundred metres per second. The upper limit on angular frequency, ωIM , is estimated to give periods from a few hundredths of a second to several minutes. IM-waves are damped by recombination and background ionisation, giving an e-folding decay time that can vary from tens of seconds to tens of minutes. We have also investigated the dynamics and steady-states that occur when the magnetosphere-ionosphere system is driven by large-scale Alfvénic field-aligned currents. Steady-states are dominated by two approximate solutions: an ‘upper’ solution that is valid in places where the E-region is a near perfect conductor, and a ‘lower’ solution that is valid where E-region depletion makes recombination negligible. These analytic solutions are extremely useful tools and the global steady-state can be constructed by matching these solutions across suitable boundary-layers. Furthermore, the upper solution reveals that E-region density cavities form and widen (with associated broadening of the magnetospheric downward current channel) if the downward current density exceeds the maximum current density that can be supplied by background E-region ionisation. We also supply expressions for the minimum E-region plasma-density and shortest length-scale in the steady-state. IM-waves and steady-states are extremely powerful tools for interpreting MI-dynamics. When an E-region density cavity widens through coupling to an ideal, single-fluid MHD magnetosphere, it does so by forming a discontinuity that steps between the upper and lower steady-states. This discontinuity acts as part of an ideal IM-wave and moves in the direction of the electric field at a speed U = \sqrt{v_{IM} {+} v_{IM} {-}}, which is the geometric mean of v_{IM} evaluated immediately to the left and right of the discontinuity. This widening speed is typically several hundreds of metres per second. If electron inertial effects are included in the magnetosphere, then the discontinuity is smoothed, and a series of undershoots and overshoots develops behind it. These undershoots and overshoots evolve as inertial IM-waves. Initially they are weakly inertial, with a wavelength of about λ_{e}, however, strong gradients of ω_{IM} cause IM-waves to phase-mix, making their wavelength inversely proportional to time. Therefore, the waves rapidly become strongly inertial and oscillate at ω_{IM}. The inertial IM-waves drive upgoing Alfvén waves in the magnetosphere, which populate a region over the downward current channel, close to its edge. In this manner, the E-region depletion mechanism, that we have detailed, creates small-scale Alfvén waves in large-scale current systems, with properties determined by MI-coupling.

Interaction between Electromagnetic Waves and Localized Plasma Oscillations / Växelverkan mellan elektromagnetiska vågor och lokaliserade plasmaoscillationer

Hall, Jan-Ove January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis treats interaction between electromagnetic waves and localized plasma oscillations. Two specific physical systems are considered, namely artificially excited magnetic field-aligned irregularities (striations) and naturally excited lower hybrid solitary structures (LHSS). Striations are mainly density depletions of a few percent that are observed when a powerful electromagnetic wave, a pump wave, is launched into the ionosphere. The striations are formed by upper hybrid (UH) oscillations that are localized in the depletion where they are generated by the linear conversion of the pump field on the density gradients. However, the localization is not complete as the UH oscillation can convert to a propagating electromagnetic Z mode wave. This process, termed Z mode leakage, causes damping of the localized UH oscillation. The Z mode leakage is investigated and the theory predicts non-Lorentzian skewed shapes of the resonances for the emitted Z mode radiation. Further, the interaction between individual striations facilitated by the Z mode leakage is investigated. The LHSS are observed by spacecraft in the ionosphere and magnetosphere as localized waves in the lower hybrid (LH) frequency range that coincides with density cavities. The localized waves are immersed in non-localized wave activity. The excitation of localized waves with frequencies below LH frequency is modelled by scattering of electromagnetic magnetosonic (MS) waves off a preexisting density cavity. It is shown analytically that an incident MS wave with frequency less than the minimum LH frequency inside the cavity is focused to localized waves with left-handed rotating wave front. In addition, the theory is shown to be consistent with observations by the Freja satellite. For frequencies between the minimum LH frequency inside the cavity and the ambient LH frequency, the MS wave is instead mode converted and excites pressure driven LH oscillations. This process is studied in a simplified geometry.</p>

Interaction between Electromagnetic Waves and Localized Plasma Oscillations / Växelverkan mellan elektromagnetiska vågor och lokaliserade plasmaoscillationer

Hall, Jan-Ove January 2004 (has links)
This thesis treats interaction between electromagnetic waves and localized plasma oscillations. Two specific physical systems are considered, namely artificially excited magnetic field-aligned irregularities (striations) and naturally excited lower hybrid solitary structures (LHSS). Striations are mainly density depletions of a few percent that are observed when a powerful electromagnetic wave, a pump wave, is launched into the ionosphere. The striations are formed by upper hybrid (UH) oscillations that are localized in the depletion where they are generated by the linear conversion of the pump field on the density gradients. However, the localization is not complete as the UH oscillation can convert to a propagating electromagnetic Z mode wave. This process, termed Z mode leakage, causes damping of the localized UH oscillation. The Z mode leakage is investigated and the theory predicts non-Lorentzian skewed shapes of the resonances for the emitted Z mode radiation. Further, the interaction between individual striations facilitated by the Z mode leakage is investigated. The LHSS are observed by spacecraft in the ionosphere and magnetosphere as localized waves in the lower hybrid (LH) frequency range that coincides with density cavities. The localized waves are immersed in non-localized wave activity. The excitation of localized waves with frequencies below LH frequency is modelled by scattering of electromagnetic magnetosonic (MS) waves off a preexisting density cavity. It is shown analytically that an incident MS wave with frequency less than the minimum LH frequency inside the cavity is focused to localized waves with left-handed rotating wave front. In addition, the theory is shown to be consistent with observations by the Freja satellite. For frequencies between the minimum LH frequency inside the cavity and the ambient LH frequency, the MS wave is instead mode converted and excites pressure driven LH oscillations. This process is studied in a simplified geometry.

Comunicacions avançades d'HF entre la Base Antàrtica Espanyola i l'Observatori de l'Ebre: caracterització de canal i transmissió de dades

Vilella Parra, Carles 25 February 2008 (has links)
En els darrers quinze anys la velocitat de bit dels sistemes de comunicació ionosfèrica s'ha incrementat significativament, passant dels 75 bps als 14400 bps en un ample de banda de 3 KHz. Les millores experimentades en el modelatge i simulació de canal, el desenvolupament dels sistemes ALE i l'aplicació de tècniques digitals (software radio, modulacions de banda ampla, etc.) són, entre altres, alguns dels motius que han permès aquest increment en les prestacions dels equips, fent-los aptes per comunicacions de llarga distància amb requeriments de velocitat de bit moderada.En particular, la propagació ionosfèrica és una tècnica especialment interessant per enllaços des de l'Antàrtida, on la comunicació amb satèl·lits geostacionaris no és sempre possible.El Departament de Comunicacions i Teoria del Senyal de l'Escola d'Enginyeria La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull) està involucrat, juntament amb l'Observatori de L'Ebre, en un projecte de recerca que té per objectiu l'estudi de l'enllaç ionosfèric que s'estableix entre la Base Antàrtica Espanyola i Roquetes. L'enllaç, que té una longitud de més de 12700 quilòmetres, ha de servir per transmetre les dades procedents d'un sensor geomagnètic situat a la Base, cap a l'Observatori.Aquesta tesi estudia diversos aspectes d'aquest projecte, principalment pel que fa a la caracterització de canal i al disseny de la capa física adaptada per transmissió eficient de dades.En referència a la caracterització de canal es mostren els resultats d'una campanya de 60 dies de sondeig duta a terme durant l'estiu austral 2006/07 en la que s'han realitzat proves de banda estreta i banda ampla per tal d'obtenir, entre altres, la disponibilitat de l'enllaç, relació senyal a soroll i dispersió temporal i freqüencial.En l'àmbit de la transmissió de dades es proposa, justifica i verifica experimentalment una part d'una capa física basada en espectre eixamplat per seqüència directa especialment adaptada a enllaços a llocs remots: (i) Sense atribució de freqüències; (ii) Amb potència de transmissió relativament baixa; (iii) Infraestructura de radiació limitada. La proposta contempla el funcionament amb relacions SNR negatives, dispersió temporal i freqüencial moderada, robustesa a la interferència i baixa densitat espectral de potència. / En los últimos quince años la velocidad de bit de los sistemas de comunicación ionosférica se ha incrementado significativamente, pasando de los 75 bps a los 14400 bps en un ancho de banda de 3 kHz. Las mejoras experimentadas en el modelado y simulación del canal, el desarrollo de los sistemas ALE y la aplicación de técnicas digitales (software radio, modulaciones de banda ancha, etc.) son, entre otros, algunos de los motivos que han permitido este incremento en las prestaciones de los equipos, haciéndolos aptos para comunicaciones de larga distancia con requerimientos de velocidad de bit moderada.En particular, la propagación ionosférica es una técnica especialmente interesante para enlaces desde la Antártida, donde la comunicación con satélites geostacionarios no es siempre posible.El Departamento de Comunicaciones y Teoría de la Señal de la Escuela de Ingeniería La Salle (Universidad Ramon Llull) está involucrado, junto al Observatorio del Ebro, en un proyecto de investigación que tiene por objetivo el estudio del enlace ionosférico que se establece entre la Base Antártica Española y Roquetes. El enlace, que tiene una longitud de más de 12700 kilómetros, debe servir para transmitir los datos procedentes de un sensor geomagnético situado en la Base, hacia el Observatorio.Esta tesis estudia varios aspectos de este proyecto, principalmente por lo que respecta a la caracterización del canal y al diseño de la capa física adaptada para la transmisión eficiente de datos.En lo referente a la caracterización del canal se muestran los resultados de una campaña de 60 días de sondeo llevada a cabo durante el verano austral 2006/07 en la que se han realizado pruebas de banda estrecha y banda ancha para obtener, entre otros, la disponibilidad del enlace, relación señal a ruido y dispersión temporal y frecuencial.En el ámbito de la transmisión de datos se propone, justifica y verifica experimentalmente una parte de una capa física basada en espectro ensanchado por secuencia directa especialmente adaptada a enlaces a lugares remotos: (i) Sin atribución de frecuencias; (ii) Con potencia de transmisión relativamente baja; (iii) Infraestructura de radiación limitada. La propuesta contempla el funcionamiento con relaciones SNR negativas, dispersión temporal y frecuencial moderada, robustez a la interferencia y baja densidad espectral de potencia. / In the last fifteen years the data rate of the ionospheric communication systems has increased significantly from 75 bps to 14400 bps in a 3 KHz bandwidth. The improvements achieved in the field of channel modeling and simulation, ALE systems and the application of digital techniques (e.g. software radio, wideband modulations, etc.) have permitted the design of new equipment with better performance. As a result, the establishment of low power, very long radio links with moderate data rate has become feasible.In special, the ionospheric propagation technique is very appropriate for radio links from the Antarctica, where the communication to geostationary satellites is not always possible.The Communications and Signal Theory Department of La Salle School of Engineering (Universitat Ramon Llull) and the Observatori de l'Ebre are involved in a research project dealing with the study of an ionospheric radio link between the Spanish Antarctic Base and Roquetes. The link is 12700 Km. long and is going to be used to transmit the low data rate information from a geomagnetic sensor installed in the Spanish Antarctic Base.This thesis has been carried out in the framework of this project, and its goals are related to the channel characterization and the partial design of a physical layer adapted to an efficient transmission of information over that link.Regarding the channel characterization, the results of a 60-days sounding survey corresponding to the 2006/07 southern summer are shown. These results include, among others, link availability, signal to noise ratio and delay and Doppler spread.In the field of data transmission a new physical layer is proposed and experimentally verified, on the basis of the channel measurements and adapted to the requirements and the special conditions in the Antarctica. This physical layer is based on direct sequence spread spectrum and his main characteristics are: (i) Intended for an HF communication without a fixed frequency allocation; (ii) Low emitted power; (iii) Simple radiation infrastructure. The proposal takes into account the operation with negative signal to noise ratios, moderate delay and Doppler spreads, robustness against interference and low power spectral density.

Modelagem de propagação subionosférica de ondas de frequência muito baixa

Akel Junior, Alberto Fares 21 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:38:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ALBERTO FARES AKEL JUNIOR.pdf: 5112998 bytes, checksum: f18fc33d2f9508c3ec265c0efa016b43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-21 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / We study the behavior of the Earth-ionosphere waveguide through the modeling of the propagation of very low frequency radio waves (VLF). We use the computational model LWPC (Long Wave Propagation Capability) to estimate changes in amplitude and phase of the VLF signals detected by the SAVNET network (South America VLF NETwork), and thus try to understand the behavior of the lower ionosphere under different ionization conditions. The research was divided into two parts. The first part investigates the behavior of the VLF signals in quiescent regimes of ionization. Amplitude and phase simulations for the were carried out, modifying adapting polynomials for the &#946; and h parameters (or Wait s parameters) as a function of the zenithal angle. The second part of this research, uses these polynomials in the study of the lower ionosphere under transient ionization regimes in two distinct conditions: first during of solar flares and second during solar eclipse. For the simulations under solar flare conditions, we calculate the changes in &#946; and &#8462;&#8242; parameters during the 25/03/2008 solar explosion. With these values, we calculate the electronic density profile through an exponential model and we find that the electronic density at 75 km is &#8764; 104 cm&#8722;3, that is twenty times higher than during quiescent conditions. To evaluate our parameter estimates, we calculate the variation of the Wait s parameters for the case of twelve solar events of different classes. We note that the variations &#916;&#8462;&#8242; found in this work are larger than that in Muraoka, Murata e Sato (1977) because they consider the variations in the conductivity gradient. For the solar eclipse simulations on 11/07/2011, we investigate its effect on the VLF phase. For this, we use the obscuration coefficient to estimate the guide height variation along the whole path during the eclipse. The simulations reproduce the phase behavior during the eclipse. However, a delay of about twenty four minutes was observed between the simulated and observed measurements. The observed delay is a direct consequence of own estimates of the perturbed ionospheric height and it causal relation with the obscuration during the eclipse. lower ionosphere, VLF, modeling, ionospheric disturbances, solar flares, solar eclipse. / Neste trabalho realizamos o estudo do comportamento do guia de ondas terra-ionosfera através da modelagem da propagação ondas de rádio de frequência muito baixa (VLF). Para isto, utilizamos o modelo computacional LWPC (Long Wave Propagation Capability) para estimar as variações de amplitude e fase de sinais de VLF detectados nos trajetos da rede SAVNET (South America VLF NETwork) e assim compreender o comportamento da baixa ionosfera em diferentes regimes de ionização. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas partes. A primeira parte, investigou o comportamento do sinal VLF em regimes quiescente de ionização, assim realizou-se simulações de amplitude e fase adaptando polinômios que definem os parâmetros &#946; e &#8462;&#8242; (ou parâmetros de Wait) em função do ângulo zenital solar. Na segunda parte desta pesquisa, aplicou-se os polinômios no estudo da baixa ionosfera sob regimes transientes de ionização em duas condições distintas. A primeira para o caso de explosões solares e a segunda um para eclipse solar. Nas simulações relativas a explosões solares, calculamos as variações dos parâmetros &#946; e &#8462;&#8242; durante o evento do dia 25/03/2008. Com esses valores, calculamos o perfil de densidade eletrônica, através de um modelo exponencial e observamos que a densidade eletrônica em 75 km é &#8764; 104 cm&#8722;3, ou seja, vinte vezes maiores que antes da explosão. Para avaliar nossas estimativas, calculamos a variação dos parâmetros de Wait para doze eventos de diferentes classes. Observamos que as variações &#916;&#8462;&#8242; neste trabalho são sempre maiores do que as descritas em Muraoka, Murata e Sato (1977), devido elas considerarem as variações no gradiente de condutividade. Nas simulações relativa ao eclipse solar do dia 11/07/2011, investigamos seu efeito na fase observada. Para esse estudo, utilizou-se o coeficiente de obscurecimento para realizar as simulações, desta forma foi possível estimar a variação da altura do guia ao longo de todo o trajeto durante o eclipse. As simulações reproduziram o comportamento da fase durante o eclipse. Entretanto, foi observado um atraso entre as medidas calculadas e observadas de aproximadamente &#8764; vinte e quatro minutos. O atraso observado é diretamente decorrente da estimativa da altura de referência da ionosfera pertubada e de sua relação causal com o obscurecimento durante o eclipse.

Progress in space weather modeling in an operational environment

Tsagouri, I., Belehaki, A., Bergeot, N., Cid, C., Delouille, V., Egorova, T., Jakowski, N., Kutiev, I., Mikhailov, A., Nunez, M., Pietrella, M., Potapov, A., Qahwaji, Rami S.R., Tulunay, Y., Velinov, P., Viljanen, A. January 2013 (has links)
Yes / This paper aims at providing an overview of latest advances in space weather modeling in an operational environment in Europe, including both the introduction of new models and improvements to existing codes and algorithms that address the broad range of space weather's prediction requirements from the Sun to the Earth. For each case, we consider the model's input data, the output parameters, products or services, its operational status, and whether it is supported by validation results, in order to build a solid basis for future developments. This work is the output of the Sub Group 1.3 "Improvement of operational models'' of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action ES0803 "Developing Space Weather Products and services in Europe'' and therefore this review focuses on the progress achieved by European research teams involved in the action.

Estudo da fotoionização de radicais e reações íon-molécula de interesse planetário, através de radiação VUV síncrotron e laser / Études de la photoionisation de radicaux et de réactions ion-molécule d’intérêt planétaire avec du rayonnement VUV synchrotron et laser / Studies of radical photoionization and ion-molecule reactions of planetary interest with VUV synchrotron and laser radiation

Cunha de Miranda, Barbara Kelly 19 July 2011 (has links)
Ce travail a pour motivation de fournir des données expérimentales importantes pour l'interprétation de la chimie des ionosphère planétaires, en particulier pour le plus grand satellite de Saturne, Titan. On s'intéresse spécifiquement à la réactivité des espèces ioniques excitées. Cette thèse porte, d'une part, sur des expériences de préparation des cations (CH3+ et CF3+) sélectionnés en énergie interne par photoionisation VUV d'espèces neutres, et d'autre part, sur des réactions de cations sélectionnés en énergie interne avec des molécules, O+ avec CH4 et N+(3P) avec C3H4, C3H6 et C3H8.L'étude de la préparation des cations CH3+ et CF3+ sélectionnés dans des niveaux vibrationnels a été réalisée par la technique de coïncidence TPEPICO et du rayonnement VUV synchrotron à SOLEIL. Un spectromètre de type PFI-ZEKE qui permet d'atteindre une résolution de 0.84 cm-1 a été construit pour la réalisation d'études complémentaires avec le rayonnement laser VUV du Centre Laser de l'Université Paris Sud (CLUPS), à Orsay en France.Les expériences pour la détermination de l'influence de l'excitation du cation O+ (2S,2D,2P) sur sa réactivité avec le méthane ont été réalisées par les techniques de coïncidence TPEPICO et de guides d'ions. Elles ont été réalisées sur la ligne de rayonnement VUV DESIRS du synchrotron SOLEIL. Les études pour déterminer la constante de vitesse et les rapports de branchement entre produits des réactions de N+(3P) avec C3H4, C3H6 et C3H8 ont été réalisées par l'utilisation de la technique SIFT sur un montage de type commercial de petite taille à l'Institut de Physico-Chimie J. Heyrovský à Prague, en République Tchèque. / This work has the motivation to provide experimental data relevant to the interpretation of the chemistry of planetary ionospheres, particularly for the largest satellite of Saturn, Titan. Here we have a particular interest in studying the reactivity of excited ionic species. The first part of this work concerns the production of CH3+ and CF3+ state selected cations by VUV photoionization of neutral species and the second part, the reactions of state selected cations with molecules: O+ with methane and N+(3P) with C3H4, C3H6 and C3H8.The study of the preparation of the CH3+ and CF3+ cations in selected vibrational levels was performed by using the TPEPICO coincidence technique and VUV radiation at the french synchrotron, SOLEIL. A PFI-ZEKE spectrometer, that allowed us to obtain a resolution down to 0.84 cm-1, was constructed to conduct additional studies involving laser VUV radiation at the Laser Center of the University Paris Sud XI, at Orsay in France.Experiments to determine the influence of the O+ (2S,2D,2P) cation excitation on its reaction with methane were performed using the TPEPICO coincidence and the guide ion beam technique. These experiments were performed on the VUV DESIRS beamline at the synchrotron SOLEIL. Rate constants and products branching ratio for the reacion of N+(3P) with C3H4, C3H6 and C3H8 were measured with the SIFT technique in a small commercial apparatus at the Institute of Physical Chemistry J. Heyrovský in Prague, Czech Republic. / Este trabalho tem como motivação fornecer dados experimentais importantes para a interpretação da química de ionosferas planetárias, em particular para o maior Satélite de Saturno, Titan. Aqui temos o interesse específico pelo estudo de reatividades de espécies iônicas excitadas. Uma parte deste trabalho consistiu de experiências de preparação de cátions (CH3+ e CF3+) selecionados em energia interna via a fotoionização VUV de espécies neutras e de reações de cátions selecionados em massa e energia interna com moléculas (O+ com metano e N+(3P) com C3H4, C3H6 e C3H8).O estudo de preparação dos cátions CH3+ e CF3+ selecionados energia interna (vibracional) foi realizado pela utilização da técnica de coincidência TPEPICO com a radiação VUV do síncrotron SOLEIL. Um espectrômetro do tipo PFI-ZEKE que nos permite obter uma resolução de até 0.84 cm-1 foi construído para a realização de estudos complementares envolvendo a radiação VUV laser do Centro de Laser da Universidade Paris Sud XI, em Orsay na França.Experiências para determinar a influência da excitação do cátion O+ (2S,2D,2P) na produção de íons devido a sua reação com o metano foram realizadas com a utilização da técnica de coincidência TPEPICO e da técnica de guia de íons. Estes experimentos foram realizados na linha de radiação VUV DESIRS do síncrotron SOLEIL. Estudos de determinação de constantes de velocidade e dos produtos formados da reação N+(3P) com C3H4, C3H6 e C3H8 foram realizados a partir da utilização da técnica SIFT em uma montagem do tipo comercial de pequeno porte no Instituto de Físico-Química J. Heyrovský em Praga, na República Checa.

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