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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of a Method for Predicting Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) Values Using Inhalation Irritation Data

Parker, Ann L. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Toward a More Inclusive Construct of Native Chinese Speaker L2 Written Error Gravity

Holland, Steven K. 18 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to determine two types of error gravity in a corpus of texts written by native Chinese learners of English (ELLs)—one that enriches the traditional construct of gravity found in error gravity research by including error frequency, or how often an error occurs in a text relative to others, as an intervening variable, and one that applies the new error gravity data in a practical way to help establish salient grammatical focal points for written corrective feedback (WCF). Previous error gravity research has suggested that the amount of irritation caused by error is determined by the extent to which an utterance departs from "native-like" speech. However, because these studies often neglect the role of frequency in determining gravity—relying on isolated sentences, pre-determined errors, and manipulated texts to define it—a more complete view of error gravity is needed. Forty-eight native English speakers without ESL teaching experience and 10 experienced ESL teachers evaluated a set of 18 timed, 30-minute essays written by high intermediate to advanced native-Chinese ELLs. Errors were identified, verified, tagged, and classified by the level of irritation they produced. Results show the most serious errors included count/non-count (C/NC), insert verb (INSERT V), omit verb (OMIT V), and subject-verb agreement (SV). The most frequent error type was word choice (WC), followed by singular/plural (S/PL), awkward (AWK), and word form (WF). When combined, singular/plural (S/PL), word form (WF), word choice (WC), and awkward (AWK) errors were found to be the most critical. These findings support Burt and Kiparsky's (1972) global/local error distinction in which global errors, or those lexical, grammatical and syntactic errors that affect the overall organization or meaning of the sentence (Burt, 1975) are deemed more grievous than local ones, which affect only "single elements (constituents)" (Burt, 1975, p. 57). Implications are discussed in terms of future research and possible uses in the Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback classroom.

Understanding Surfactant Skin Irritation by Probing the Relationship between the Structure and the Function of Micelles

Ade-Browne, Chandra 04 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Mesoporous magnesium carbonate : Synthesis, characterization and biocompatibility

Frykstrand Ångström, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Mesoporous materials constitute a promising class of nanomaterials for a number of applications due to their tunable pore structure. The synthesis of most mesoporous materials involves a surfactant liquid crystal structure to form the pores. As well as the many advantages associated with this method of synthesis, there are disadvantages such as high production costs and a substantial environmental impact which limit the possibilities for large scale production. Therefore there is a need for other synthesis routes. The aim of the work described herein was to contribute to this field by developing a synthesis route that does not rely on surfactants for pore formation. A mesoporous magnesium carbonate material was therefore formed by self-assemblage of the particles around carbon dioxide gas bubbles, which functioned as pore templates. It was also possible to vary the pore diameter between 3 and 20 nm. The biocompatibility of the formed magnesium carbonate material was evaluated in terms of in vitro cytotoxicity and hemocompatibility, in vivo skin irritation and acute systemic toxicity. The results from the in vitro cytotoxicity, in vivo skin irritation and acute systemic toxicity test using a polar extraction vehicle showed that the material was non-toxic. While signs of toxicity were observed in the acute systemic toxicity test using a non-polar solvent, this was attributed to injection of particles rather than toxic leachables. In the in vitro hemocompatibility test, no hemolytic activity was found with material concentrations of up to 1 mg/ml. It was further shown that the material had anticoagulant properties and induced moderate activation of the complement system. The anticoagulant properties were ascribed to uptake of Ca2+. Finally, the ability of the material to increase the dissolution rate of the poorly soluble drug itraconazole was analyzed.  Itraconazole was dissolved up to 23 times faster from the magnesium carbonate pores than when the free drug was used. The release rate from the delivery vehicle was dependent on the pore diameter. The work presented herein is expected to be useful for the development of alternative synthesis routes for mesoporous materials and also for encouraging the development of biomedical applications for these materials.

Self-efficacy at work : Social, emotional, and cognitive dimensions

Loeb, Carina January 2016 (has links)
Research has shown that self-efficacy is one of the most important personal resources in the work context. However, research on working life has mainly focused on a cognitive and task-oriented dimension of self-efficacy representing employees’ perceptions of their capacity to successfully complete work tasks. Thus, little is known about the influence that believing in one’s social and emotional competence could have. This thesis aims to expand previous theory regarding self-efficacy in the workplace by investigating social, emotional, and cognitive self-efficacy dimensions in relation to leadership, health, and well-being.   The thesis rests on four empirical studies, all related to health and well-being, and including at least one self-efficacy dimension. Study I employed questionnaire data from 169 Swedish high school students. The other three studies were based on questionnaire data obtained during a three-year international health-promoting leadership research project. These participants were employees and leaders from 229 different teams in 12 organizations in Sweden and Germany representing a wide range of occupations. Study I supported the idea that emotional self-efficacy is an important antecedent to prosocial behaviour and also highlighted the value of differentiating between different dimensions of self-efficacy. Study II validated the new work-related Occupational Social and Emotional Self-efficacy Scales; and indicated that these dimensions are positively related to well-being. However, Study III showed that emotional exhaustion in followers crossed over to leaders when the leaders’ emotional self-efficacy was high. Study IV revealed that transformational leadership and social self-efficacy can be positive for team climate. The main theoretical contribution of this thesis is to expand previous theory regarding self-efficacy in the workplace by incorporating social, emotional, and cognitive dimensions. The main practical implication is that the new Occupational Social and Emotional Self-efficacy Scales can be used to promote health and well-being in the workplace through activities such as recruitment, staff development, and team-building. This thesis suggests that (a) training managers to exert transformational leadership behaviours may simultaneously promote team climate, and this process may be mediated by social self-efficacy, (b) it may be counterproductive to enhance leaders’ emotional abilities in a team of exhausted followers, since the result can be an exhausted leader rather than an exhilarated team, (c) interventions aimed at improving health and well-being should be specific to each work setting, and (d) a more holistic approach where the mutual influence between leaders and followers is considered may be beneficial for healthier work environments.

”Jag kände bara, Nja I don’t buy it” : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnor i generation Z och deras attityd mot produktplacering inom YouTube- samarbeten.

Hamrén, Linnéa, Rebecca, Ludvigsson Svensson January 2019 (has links)
Det har uppmärksammats en intensifiering av den digitala tekniken, som under senare år tilltagit mer än någonsin (Bassiouni & Hackley, 2014, s. 116). 2017 var det första året då internet utgjorde en övervägande del av alla medieinvesteringar (Larsén, 2018). I följd av internet och sociala mediers utveckling, då digitaliseringen är mer integrerad i samhället än tidigare, finns det fler möjligheter för företag att nå ut till konsumenter. Marknadsföringsverktyget influencer marketing har i takt med digitaliseringens utveckling expanderat, och omsatte 650 miljoner kronor på den svenska marknaden 2017 (Bränström, 2018). Vid användning av influencers lämnar företag över ansvaret till en extern person och företaget har således inte lika stor kontroll över den information och marknadsföring som sker. Det nya medielandskapet är därför mer oförutsägbart (Zahoor & Qureshi, 2017, s. 47). En social plattform är YouTube och är den populäraste videotjänsten för svenskar (Davidsson et al., 2018, s. 74). Influencer marketing har ökat och företag samarbetar med influencers inom YouTube där budskap om produkter sprids genom videoklipp av influencern. Fenomenet kan återkopplas till produktplacering, vilket enligt Russel och Belch (2005, s. 74) handlar om att införliva ett varumärke eller produkt i ett underhållningssammanhang och inte uttryckligen vara en annonsering. I följd marknadsföringslagen är det inte möjligt att helt undvika att nämna att det rör sig om reklam, men det är nära sammankopplat. Produktplacering har tidigare undersökts i stor utsträckning i form av TV (Van Reijmersdal et al., 2009, s. 430) men Eagle och Dahl (2015, s. 614–615) uppmanar forskare att fokusera på produktplacering inom sociala medier och i videos. Zhang och Mao (2016, s. 155) som menar att attityder mot reklamvärdet på sociala medier är ett ständigt utvecklande ämne. Studien har kvalitativt angreppssätt, för att generera en djupare förståelse för vad det är som gör att en viss produktplacering gällande betalda samarbeten på YouTube tas emot med en mer positiv attityd än andra, givet kvinnor i generation Z. Det har i samband med insamling av empiri genomförts åtta intervjuer med kvinnor i generation Z. Den analysmetod som används i studien är teoridriven tematisk analys. Analysdelen är indelad i fem olika teman; informativitet, underhållning, irritation, trovärdighet och reklamens värde vilka härstammar från Ducoffe (1996) där trovärdighet är en variabel som framkommit genom senare studier. I samband med bearbetning av insamlad empiri identifierats ett antal betydelsefulla underteman; Influencerns tydlighet, Ny information, Samarbetets anpassning till videons helhet, Influencerns engagemang, Överdrivna övertalningsförsök, Influencerns faktiska arbete, Konsumentens och influencerns egna erfarenheter, Parasocial relation,Kontinuitet samt Samarbetets produktplacering. Avslutningsvis har den aktuella studien bidragit till en djupare förståelse för kvinnor inom generation Z och deras attityder mot produktplacering inom betalda samarbeten på plattformen YouTube och vilka faktorer som påverkar kvinnornas attityder.

Estratégia para a avaliação do potencial de irritação ocular de ingredientes cosméticos utilizando métodos alternativos à experimentação animal / Strategy for the evaluation of ocular irritation potencial of cosmetic ingredients using alternative methods to animal testing

Sá, Larissa de Lima 09 May 2017 (has links)
Considerando que os produtos cosméticos são de livre acesso ao consumidor e alguns podem acidentalmente entrar em contato com os olhos, eles devem ser aprovados em testes de irritação ocular. Durante muitos anos, essa avaliação foi feita pelo teste de Draize utilizando animais de experimentação. Entretanto, devido a questões éticas envolvendo o uso desses animais, atualmente há uma busca por métodos alternativos para essa avaliação. Assim, o objetivo deste projeto foi propor uma estratégia para a avaliação do potencial de irritação ocular de alguns ingredientes cosméticos, como os tensoativos, dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS), lauril éter sulfato de sódio (LESS), cocoilglutamato de sódio (CGS), polissorbato 20, capriloil/caproil metil glucamida (CCMG), cocoamidopropilbetaína (CAB), bem como os silicones, dimeticone e ciclopentasiloxano, utilizados na fabricação de produtos cosméticos para cabelo (shampoos), área dos olhos e rosto (demaquilantes e cremes). Para isso, foram utilizados métodos alternativos à experimentação animal, tais como Hen\'s Egg Test - Chorioallantoic Membrane (HET-CAM) e ensaio de Permeabilidade e Opacidade de Córnea Bovina (BCOP) e análise histopatológica das córneas. O primeiro ensaio avalia os eventos vasculares, hiperemia, hemorragia e coagulação, que a substância teste possa causar na CAM, mimetizando, com isso, a conjuntiva ocular. Já o BCOP avalia as alterações na opacidade e na permeabilidade provocada pela substância teste. A análise histopatológica é uma ferramenta complementar ao ensaio de BCOP, avaliando o grau e a profundidade da lesão ocasionada pela substância teste na córnea bovina. A maioria dos tensoativos foi considerada irritante severo no ensaio de HET-CAM, com exceção do polissorbato 20 (10%) classificado como irritante moderado, enquanto que os silicones não foram irritantes. Já no ensaio de BCOP, a maioria dos tensoativos foi classificada como sem predição, exceto o polissorbato 20 (10%), o CCMG 1,5% e os silicones, os quais foram classificados como não irritantes. Na análise histopatológica, os tensoativos sem predição no BCOP, foram classificados como irritantes severos: SDS 10%, CAB 3% e 1,5% e CCMG 3%; irritantes moderados: LESS 10% e 7%; irritantes leves: SDS 1% e CGS 3%; e não irritantes: CGS 1,5% e CCMG 1,5%. Os silicones não causaram nenhum dano na córnea. Diante dos resultados obtidos no presente trabalho, a seguinte estratégia foi proposta para a avaliação do potencial de irritação ocular de ingredientes cosméticos: em um primeiro nível deve-se utilizar o ensaio de HET-CAM, o qual avalia os eventos vasculares, mimetizando a conjuntiva ocular. Em seguida, no 2º nível, com o ensaio de BCOP, avaliam-se os efeitos do ingrediente sobre a córnea (opacidade e permeabilidade). Se o ingrediente for classificado como irritante severo ou não irritante nos dois ensaios, ele não necessita de mais avaliações. Entretanto, se esse produto apresentar algum potencial irritante no HET-CAM e for classificado como sem predição ou sem categoria no BCOP, deve-se prosseguir para o 3º nível, a avaliação histopatológica. Nessa etapa o ingrediente é avaliado quanto ao grau e a profundidade da lesão que ele provoca na córnea bovina, possibilitando, até mesmo, inferir sobre a reversibilidade da lesão. Portanto, a estratégia proposta para avaliar o potencial de irritação ocular de ingredientes e produtos cosméticos é bastante promissora, pois é possível avaliar os eventuais danos que eles podem causar na conjuntiva ocular e na córnea por diferentes mecanismos toxicológicos, predizendo, assim, a toxicidade ocular desses produtos. / Cosmetic products are freely available to the consumer and may accidentally come into contact with the eyes; thus they must be approved by eye irritation tests. For many years, these evaluations were performed in experimental animals (Draize test). However, due to ethical issues involving the use of animals, there is a search for alternative methods for this evaluation. Thus, the aim of this project was to measure the ocular irritation potential of some cosmetic ingredients, such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), sodium cocoylglutamate (SCG), polysorbate 20, capryloyl /caproyl methyl glucamide (CCMG), cocoamidopropyl betaine (CAPB), as well as silicones, dimethicone and cyclopentalosiloxane, used to manufacture cosmetic products for hair (shampoos), eye and face area (make-up removers and creams). For that purpose, alternative methods of animal experimentation were used, such as Hen\'s Egg Test - Chorioallantoic Membrane (HET-CAM) and Bovine Corneal Permeability and Opacity (BCOP) test and histopathological analysis of the corneas. The first assay evaluates the vascular events, hyperemia, hemorrhage and coagulation, which a test substance can cause in the CAM, simulating endpoints that occur in ocular conjunctiva. BCOP evaluates alterations in opacity and permeability caused by test substance on the cornea. The histopathological analysis is a complementary tool to BCOP test, evaluating the degree and depth of the lesion caused by the test substance in the bovine cornea. Most of the surfactants were non-irritant on HET-CAM, except polysorbate 20 (10%) that was classified as moderate irritant, while silicones were non-irritant. In the BCOP assay, most surfactants were classified as unpredicted, except polysorbate 20 (10%) and CCMG 1.5%, and silicones, which were classified as no category (non-irritant). In the histopathological analysis, unpredictive surfactants in BCOP were better classified as severe irritants: SDS10%, CAB 3% and 1.5% and CCMG 3%; moderate irritants: LESS 10% and 7%; mild irritants: SDS 1% and CGS 3%; and non-irritant: CGS 1.5% and CCMG 1.5%. Silicones did not cause any damage on the cornea. Considering the results obtained in the present study, the following tiered strategy was proposed for the evaluation of the ocular irritation potential of cosmetic ingredients: the first tier should be the HET-CAM assay, which evaluates the vascular events, simulating the conjunctiva. Then, the second tier, with the BCOP assay, the effects of the ingredient on the cornea (opacity and permeability) are evaluated. If the ingredient is classified as a severe irritant or non-irritant in both tests, it does not require further evaluation. However if that ingredient or product is considered as a potential irritant in HET-CAM and in BCOP, i.e. it is classified as unpredicted or no category, it is necessary to proceed to the third tier, the histopathological evaluation. At this stage, the ingredient is evaluated for the degree and depth of the lesion that it provoked in the bovine cornea, allowing even to infer about the reversibility of the lesion. Finally, the proposed strategy for evaluating the potential of eye irritation is very promising to evaluate ingredients and cosmetic products, since it is possible to evaluate the possible damages that they can cause in the conjunctiva and in the cornea by different toxicological mechanisms, thereby predicting the ocular safety of those products.

Driver Interaction : Informal Rules, Irritation and Aggressive Behaviour

Björklund, Gunilla January 2005 (has links)
<p>On a daily basis drivers have to share the roads with a great number of other road users. To make the driving task possible every driver has to take the intentions and behaviours of other road users into account. In other words, the road users have to interact with each other. The general aim of this thesis was to examine factors that regulate and influence the interaction between road users. To do so, three studies, applying a social psychological approach to driving, were conducted. In the first study it was investigated how the rules of priority, the design of the intersection, and the behaviour of other drivers influence yielding behaviour in intersections. The second study examined driver irritation and its relationship with aggressive behaviours. Finally, in the third study drivers’ attributions of their own and other drivers’ behaviour were investigated in relation to driver irritation. The thesis also includes a minor field study, aiming at examining to what extent informal traffic rules are used in intersections and in roundabouts, as well as measuring the validity of self-reports. The results indicate that, in addition to the formal rules, drivers rely on informal rules based on road design and on other drivers’ behaviour. Drivers also differ with respect to strategies of yielding behaviour. Irritability and aggressive behaviour on the roads appear largely to depend on drivers’ interactions and drivers’ interpretation of the behaviour of others. Some aggressive behaviour is an expression of irritation and may provoke irritation of other drivers. This means that an irritated driver might start a chain reaction, spreading irritation and aggressive behaviour from driver to driver. To diminish irritation and aggressive behaviour on the roads it is necessary to change drivers’ behaviour either by changing the road design or, which is probably a more possible remedy, by changing their general attitudes about driving. By providing drivers with insight into the cognitive biases they are subject to when judging other road users’ behaviour, both driver irritation and aggressive behaviours on the roads probably would decrease.</p>

Driver Interaction : Informal Rules, Irritation and Aggressive Behaviour

Björklund, Gunilla January 2005 (has links)
On a daily basis drivers have to share the roads with a great number of other road users. To make the driving task possible every driver has to take the intentions and behaviours of other road users into account. In other words, the road users have to interact with each other. The general aim of this thesis was to examine factors that regulate and influence the interaction between road users. To do so, three studies, applying a social psychological approach to driving, were conducted. In the first study it was investigated how the rules of priority, the design of the intersection, and the behaviour of other drivers influence yielding behaviour in intersections. The second study examined driver irritation and its relationship with aggressive behaviours. Finally, in the third study drivers’ attributions of their own and other drivers’ behaviour were investigated in relation to driver irritation. The thesis also includes a minor field study, aiming at examining to what extent informal traffic rules are used in intersections and in roundabouts, as well as measuring the validity of self-reports. The results indicate that, in addition to the formal rules, drivers rely on informal rules based on road design and on other drivers’ behaviour. Drivers also differ with respect to strategies of yielding behaviour. Irritability and aggressive behaviour on the roads appear largely to depend on drivers’ interactions and drivers’ interpretation of the behaviour of others. Some aggressive behaviour is an expression of irritation and may provoke irritation of other drivers. This means that an irritated driver might start a chain reaction, spreading irritation and aggressive behaviour from driver to driver. To diminish irritation and aggressive behaviour on the roads it is necessary to change drivers’ behaviour either by changing the road design or, which is probably a more possible remedy, by changing their general attitudes about driving. By providing drivers with insight into the cognitive biases they are subject to when judging other road users’ behaviour, both driver irritation and aggressive behaviours on the roads probably would decrease.

Decreased Trigeminal Sensitivity in Anosmia

Gudziol, Hilmar, Schubert, Michael, Hummel, Thomas 20 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The present study aimed to investigate intranasal trigeminal sensitivity in a large sample of patients with anosmia due to different etiologies. We investigated the trigeminal detection threshold for formic acid in healthy controls (n = 96) and patients with anosmia due to head trauma (n = 18) or sinonasal disease (n = 54). Anosmics exhibited higher thresholds compared with normosmics (p < 0.001). In addition, thresholds were found to be higher in patients with posttraumatic anosmia compared to anosmics with sinonasal disease (p < 0.001). The data indicate that (1) loss of olfactory sensitivity in humans may be associated with a decreased sensitivity towards trigeminal stimuli and (2) alteration of intranasal trigeminal function is stronger in patients with posttraumatic anosmia compared to patients with sinonasal disease. This may have implications for the medicolegal investigation of anosmic patients where trigeminal stimuli are frequently used to assess the patient’s response bias. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

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