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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetická struktura izolovaných populací hýla rudého (Caprodacus erythrinus) / Gentic structure of isolated populations of the Scarlet rosefinch (Caprodacus erythrinus)

Šašková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá původem a demografickými charakteristikami geograficky izolovaných, nedávno vzniklých populací hýla rudého (Carpodacus erythrinus) na západním okraji areálu druhu. Práce je zalo.ena na nově získaných sekvencích dvou úseků mitochondriální DNA (410 páru bazí dlouhá sekvence kontrolní oblasti a 1029 dlouhá sekvence genu ND2) zji.těných u 82 jedinců ze 13 lokalit a jejich srovnáním s publikovanými sekvencemi z kontinuálního areálu. Zjistila jsem, .e geograficky izolované populace ze střední a severní Evropy nejsou významně geneticky izolované od populací kontinuálního areálu. Nově vzniklé populace také vykazují překvapivě vysokou diverzitu srovnatelnou s asijskými populacemi. Tato zji.tění nasvědčují intenzivnímu toku genů mezi populacemi zprostředkovanému pravděpodobně převá.ně disperzí mladých ptáků před prvním zahnízděním. Navzdory intenzivnímu toku genů mezi kontinuálním areálem a středo- a severoevropskými izolovanými populacemi hýli z Kavkazu, Bulharska a Turecka utvořili jasně oddělenou skupinu, která byla podpořena na základě několika typů analýz. Zdá se tedy, .e jedinci z těchto oblastí mohou mít vlastní oddělené zimovi.tě, komunikují jen minimálně se zbytkem areálu a díky tomu jsme zde zřejmě svědky počínající speciace. Klíčová slova: Hýl rudý (Carpodacus...

Genetic verification of multiple paternity in two free-ranging isolated populations of African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)

Moueix, Charlotte Henriette Marie 04 May 2007 (has links)
The African wild dog, second most endangered carnivore in Africa, has a well-developed, highly cooperative pack system. The usual structure of a pack consists of a dominant breeding pair, the alpha male and female, several subordinates, non-breeding adults and dependent offspring. Domestic dog microsatellites were used to study the parentage in three packs and confirm that more than one dog, including the subordinate males, can sire pups within a litter as previously suggested. The study was performed on two isolated populations of wild dogs in the North West Province of South Africa. In Madikwe Game Reserve, skin samples from 47 dogs were obtained by means of biopsy darts (adults) and skin slivers taken from the ear (subadults) and stored in absolute ethanol. In Pilanesberg National Park, blood samples from 18 captured dogs were collected in EDTA blood tubes. The wild dogs were photographed and individually identified according to coat patterns. Behavioural data to determine ranking were collected from all three packs. DNA was extracted from collected samples using proteinase-K digestion followed by isolation of DNA with phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol. A total of 16 microsatellite loci that consistently amplified and appeared to be polymorphic in wild dogs, were used. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed using two panels of microsatellite loci in multiplex reactions. An amount of 1 µl of PCR product was loaded on to the 3130 XL Genetic Analyser with Genescan 500 LIZ (Applied Biosystems) size standard and analysed using STRand (Board of Regents, University of California) software program. CERVUS 2.0 software was used to calculate allele frequencies, expected and observed heterozygosity, frequency of null alleles, polymorphic information content and exclusion probabilities for parentage assignment. Parentage verification was also performed manually. The parentage analysis revealed that at least one pup was not sired by the alpha male in each of the five litters studied. Although previous studies suggested that the alpha male sires the majority of offspring in the pack, our results confirm that subordinate males commonly sire pups with the alpha female if and when the opportunity arises. This is possibly a mechanism to decrease the effects of inbreeding. / Dissertation (MSc (Veterinary Sciences))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Production Animal Studies / unrestricted

Bridge building and the restoration of roads in the rural areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo : A case study in the Mai Ndombe region, populated by the Basakata people

Eriksson, David January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluación comparativa entre sistemas estructurales tradicionales de concreto armado vs estructura con aislación sísmica en base para el Hospital Huari de categoría II-1 en Ancash / Comparative evaluation between traditional structural systems of reinforced concrete vs structure with seismic isolation based on the Huari Hospital category II-1 in Ancash

Márquez Antaurco, Edwin, Velarde Arellano, Omar Flavio 08 July 2020 (has links)
El Perú se encuentra en una zona altamente sísmica, ubicado dentro del cinturón de fuego del pacífico, que contempla aproximadamente el 85% de la actividad sísmica mundial. En nuestro país no existe un historial de eventos sísmicos por lo que, nuestra investigación consiste en la restructuración de una edificación hospitalaria categoría II, de 3 niveles con aislación sísmica en la base, sobre un suelo intermedio; en el distrito y provincia de Huari, Ancash. Se evaluará la viabilidad de construir edificaciones hospitalarias con el método tradicional con el fin de que la entidad pueda elegir la opción que mejor le convenga para su ejecución. Dado que, en nuestro país no existe mayor información cuantitativa y comparativa del comportamiento de hospitales con aislación o sin aislación sísmica para establecer u obligar el uso de aisladores en infraestructuras hospitalarias. Adicionalmente, existen antecedentes de hospitales que fueron diseñados y construidos con el actual código sísmico nacional y que luego de un evento sísmico siguieron operativos. El análisis comparativo, demuestra la capacidad del sistema tradicional que diseñado adecuadamente tendrá la capacidad de cumplir con las exigencias de eventos sísmicos severos, manteniéndose así operativo luego de un sismo; por lo tanto, el sistema aislado sería una solución costosa para un problema sencillo. Sin embargo, el actual código sísmico peruano exige el uso de aisladores sísmicos para toda edificación hospitalaria, especialmente en zonas sísmicas 4 y 3. / Peru is located in a highly seismic zone, located within the Pacific ring of fire, which accounts for approximately 85% of the world's seismic activity. In our country there is no history of seismic events, therefore, our investigation consists of the restructuring of a category II hospital building, with 3 levels with seismic isolation at the base, on an intermediate floor; in the district and province of Huari, Ancash. The feasibility of building hospital buildings with the traditional method will be evaluated so that the entity can choose the option that best suits it for its execution. Given that in our country there is no more quantitative and comparative information on the behavior of hospitals with or without seismic isolation to establish or force the use of isolators in hospital infrastructures. Additionally, there is a history of hospitals that were designed and built with the current national seismic code and that continued operating after a seismic event. The comparative analysis demonstrates the capacity of the traditional system, which, properly designed, will have the capacity to meet the demands of severe seismic events, thus remaining operational after an earthquake; therefore, the isolated system would be an expensive solution to a simple problem. However, the current Peruvian seismic code requires the use of seismic isolators for all hospital buildings, especially in seismic zones 4 and 3. / Tesis

Isolerad från omvärlden? : Effekter av isolering på häktet sett utifrån de yrkesverksammas perspektiv. / Effects of isolation at prison from the perspective of professionals.

Sylwan, Elin, Ehrling, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka de yrkesverksammas erfarenheter kring effekternaav isolering av de intagna på häkten, samt förstår hur de yrkesverksamma arbetarmed isoleringsbrytande åtgärder på svenska restriktionshäkten.Studien genomfördes utifrån en kvalitativ ansats, där halvstrukturerade intervjuergjordes på sex yrkesverksamma med varierande arbetslivserfarenhet. Resultatetvisade att de yrkesverksamma uppfattar att isoleringen påverkar de intagnapsykiskt likväl som fysiskt. Häktena i Sverige är ofta fullbelagda och i och meddetta uppkommer lokalbrist. Till följd av lokalbrist och även brist på personalpåverkas arbetet med de isoleringsbrytande åtgärderna. Studiens slutsats visar påatt många olika faktorer spelar in för att arbetet med att minska isolering på häktetska fungera. Den höga beläggningen som råder leder till en ond cirkel i och medatt fullbeläggning leder till lokalbrist så påverkar det i sin tur arbetet med deisoleringsbrytande åtgärderna. / The purpose of this study has been to examine professionals experience of whatisolation does to the detained in prison and their experience of how prison workswith isolation-breaking measures. The study was made out of a qualitativeapproach, where six semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionalsthat had varying years of work experience. Results show that professionals can seethat isolation effects the detained both physically and mentally. The prisons arefull and detention time is long. Therefore, the isolation-breaking measures arenegatively affected by shortage of premises and also shortage of staff. Conclusionsshow that many different factors matter when working with reducing isolation.The high occupancy that prevails leads to a vicious circle of affecting the workwith isolation breaking measures.

Xq28-Linked Noncompaction of the Left Ventricular Myocardium: Prenatal Diagnosis and Pathologic Analysis of Affected Individuals

Bleyl, Steven B., Mumford, Brian R., Brown-Harrison, Mary Carole, Pagotto, Luciana T., Carey, John C., Pysher, Theodore J., Ward, Kenneth, Chin, Thomas K. 31 October 1997 (has links)
Isolated noncompaction of the left ventricular myocardium (INVM) is characterized by the presence of numerous prominent trabeculations and deep intertrabecular recesses within the left ventricle, sometimes also affecting the right ventricle and interventricular septum. Familial occurrence of this disorder was described previously. We present a family in which 6 affected individuals demonstrated X-linked recessive inheritance of this trait. Affected relatives presented postnatally with left ventricular failure and arrhythmias, associated with the pathognomonic echocardiographic findings of INVM. The usual findings of Barth syndrome (neutropenia, growth retardation, elevated urinary organic acids, low carnitine levels, and mitochondrial abnormalities) were either absent or found inconsistently. Fetal echocardiograms obtained between 24-30 weeks of gestation in 3 of the affected males showed a dilated left ventricle in one heart, but were not otherwise diagnostic of INVM in any of the cases. Four of the affected individuals died during infancy, one is in cardiac failure at age 8 months, and one is alive following cardiac transplant at age 9 months. The hearts from infants who died or underwent transplantation appeared, on gross examination, to be enlarged, with coarse, deep ventricular trabeculations and prominent endocardial fibroelastosis. Histologically, there were loosely organized fascicles of myocytes in subepicardial and midmyocardial zones of both ventricles, and the myocytes showed thin, often angulated fibers with prominent central clearing and reduced numbers of filaments. Markedly elongated mitochondria were present in some ventricular myocytes from one specimen, but this finding was not reproducible. Genetic linkage analysis has localized INVM to the Xq28 region, where other myopathies with cardiac involvement have been located.

Effect of Common Vasodilators on Lung Microvascular Permeability

Swanson, J. A., Kern, D. F. 01 January 1993 (has links)
The effect of papaverine on the albumin permeability-surface area product (PS), reflection coefficient (σ), and capillary filtration coefficient (K(f)) was examined in isolated rabbit lungs. Because PS and K(f) are functions of vascular surface area and permeability, we also compared papaverine with two other means of maximizing lung surface area: isoproterenol (1 x 10-7 M) and a mild increase in vascular pressure. Only lungs perfused with 0.1 mg/ml papaverine were significantly different from control. PS increased from control (2.80 ± 0.16 to 5.53 ± 0.20 ml · min-1 · g dry lung-1 x 10-2), whereas σ decreased from control (0.92 ± 0.01 to 0.78 ± 0.03). K(f) after papaverine was significantly lower than baseline predrug K(f) (5.60 ± 0.78 to 4.56 ± 0.53 ml · s-1 · cmH2O-1 · g dry lung-1 x 10-3). However, this group's predrug K(f) was higher than that of any other group. Our results indicate that papaverine increases albumin permeability and decreases endothelial selectivity. The isolated perfused lung appears fully recruited, because K(f) and PS did not increase with isoproterenol or increased vascular pressure. Papaverine should be used with caution in the Ringer-perfused lung.

Effects of Cccp-Induced Mitochondrial Uncoupling and Cyclosporin a on Cell Volume, Cell Injury and Preconditioning Protection of Isolated Rabbit Cardiomyocytes

Ganote, Charles E., Armstrong, Stephen C. 01 July 2003 (has links)
Cell swelling may contribute to acute cell injury subsequent to ischemia/reperfusion. The potential role of mitochondrial uncoupling and the resultant mitochondrial swelling, due to opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP), were examined in an in vitro ischemically pelleted isolated rabbit cardiomyocyte model using the protonophore, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) to uncouple mitochondria. Cyclosporin A (CsA) was employed to inhibit MPTP opening. Cell volume was determined by a cell-flotation, density-gradient assay, using bromododecane. Cell viability, subsequent to an osmotic stress, was determined by trypan blue permeability. Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) facilitated volume regulation following an osmotic stress. Ischemic-cell swelling was reduced by IPC. IPC protected ischemically pelleted cells, but CsA had no significant effects on injury or IPC protection. CCCP ischemia accelerated rates of ischemic contracture and injury, and abolished IPC protection. IPC protection was restored by CsA. In CCCP-ischemic-uncoupled cells, subjected to a reduced (170 mOsm) osmotic stress, CsA and IPC afforded independent and additive protection. Chelerythrine and 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD) blocked IPC, but did not reduce CsA protection. Electron microscopy confirmed that CCCP ischemia induced mitochondrial matrix swelling that was reduced by CsA. Cardioprotection by IPC and CsA was accompanied by proportional reductions in cell swelling. Morphometric analysis of the electron photomicrographs demonstrated that the mitochondrial volume fractions were significantly reduced in the CsA/CCCP (29.8 ± 2.3%, P < 0.004) and IPC/CsA/CCCP (31.5 ± 1.7%, P < 0.0008) groups as compared to the CCCP-ischemic group (40.5 ± 1.7%) The IPC/CCCP group (39.5 ± 4.2%) was not significantly different from the CCCP-ischemic group. NIM 811, a CsA analogue MPTP blocker with no calcineurin inhibitory activity, afforded protection similar to CsA. The results suggest that CsA protection may, in part, be mediated by reduction of mitochondrial swelling.

PAC<sub>1</sub> Receptors Mediate Positive Chronotropic Responses to PACAP-27 and VIP in Isolated Mouse Atria

Hoover, Donald B., Girard, Beatrice M., Hoover, Jeffrey L., Parsons, Rodney L. 03 June 2013 (has links)
PACAP and VIP have prominent effects on cardiac function in several species, but little is known about their influence on the murine heart. Accordingly, we evaluated the expression of PACAP/VIP receptors in mouse heart and the response of isolated atria to peptide agonists. Quantitative PCR demonstrated that PAC1, VPAC1, and VPAC2 receptor mRNAs are present throughout the mouse heart. Expression of all three receptor transcripts was low, PAC1 being the lowest. No regional differences in expression were detected for individual receptor mRNAs after normalization to L32. Pharmacological effects of PACAP-27, VIP, and the selective PAC1 agonist maxadilan were evaluated in isolated, spontaneously beating atria from C57BL/6 mice of either sex. Incremental additions of PACAP-27 at 1 min intervals caused a concentration-dependent tachycardia with a log EC50=-9.08±0.15 M (n=7) and a maximum of 96.3±5.9% above baseline heart rate. VIP and maxadilan also caused tachycardia but their potencies were about two orders of magnitude less. Increasing the dosing interval to 5 min caused a leftward shift of the concentration-response curve to maxadilan but no changes in the curves for PACAP-27 or VIP. Under this condition, neither the potency nor the efficacy of maxadilan differed from those of PACAP-27. Neither PACAP-27 nor maxadilan caused tachyphylaxis, and maximal responses to maxadilan were maintained for at least 2 h. We conclude that all three VIP/PACAP family receptors are expressed by mouse cardiac tissue, but only PAC1 receptors mediate positive chronotropic responses to PACAP-27 and VIP.

Differential Translocation or Phosphorylation of Alpha B Crystallin Cannot Be Detected in Ischemically Preconditioned Rabbit Cardiomyocytes

Armstrong, Stephen C., Shivell, Christine L., Ganote, Charles E. 01 January 2000 (has links)
Alpha B Crystallin (αBC) is a putative effector protein of ischemic preconditioning (IPC). that is phosphorylated on Ser 45 by ERK1/2 and Set 59 by the p38 MAPK substrate, MAPKAPK-2. Translocation and phosphorylation of αBC was determined in cytosolic and cytoskeletal fractions by 1D SDS-PAGE and IEF, or using Ser 45 and Set 59 phospho-specific antibodies in: (1) control rabbit cardiomyocytes; (2) cells preconditioned by 10 min in vitro ischemia; or after pre-treatment with specific inhibitors of (3) Ser/Thr protein phosphatase 1/2A (calyculin A); (4) p38 MAPK (SB203580); or (5) ERK 1/2 (PD98059); all prior to 180 min ischemia. Ischemia induced a cytosolic to cytoskeletal translocation of αBC, which was similar in all the groups. Highly phosphorylated isoforms (D1/2) of αBC were present in cytosolic but not cytoskeletal fractions at 0 min ischemia. By 60-90 min ischemia. D1/2 isoforms had translocated to the cytoskeletal fraction. Calyculin A maintained D1/2 levels throughout prolonged ischemia. SB203580 decreased αBC phosphorylation. Neither PD98059 nor IPC altered αBC phosphorylation during prolonged ischemia. It is concluded that αBC phosphorylation during ischemia is regulated by p38 MAPK but not by ERK 1/2. The inability to detect a correlation between IPC protection and either αBC translocation or phosphorylation suggests that the proteins in the highly phosphorylated isoform bands of αBC quantitated in this study are not protective end effectors of classical IPC.

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