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Development of Degradable Renewable Polymers and Stimuli-Responsive NanocompositesEyiler, Ersan 17 August 2013 (has links)
The overall goal of this research was to explore new living radical polymerization methods and the blending of renewable polymers. Towards this latter goal, polylactic acid (PLA) was blended with a new renewable polymer, poly(trimethylene-malonate) (PTM), with the aim of improving mechanical properties, imparting faster degradation, and examining the relationship between degradation and mechanical properties. Blend films of PLA and PTM with various ratios (5, 10, and 20 wt %) were cast from chloroform. Partially miscible blends exhibited Young’s modulus and elongation-to-break values that significantly extend PLA’s usefulness. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) data showed that incorporation of 10 wt% PTM into PLA matrix exhibited a Young’s modulus of 4.61 GPa, which is significantly higher than that of neat PLA (1.69 GPa). The second part of the bioplastics study involved a one-week hydrolytic degradation study of PTM and another new bioplastic, poly(trimethylene itaconate) (PTI) using DI water (pH 5.4) at room temperature, and the effects of degradation on crystallinity and mechanical properties of these films were examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and AFM. PTI showed an increase in crystallinity with degradation, which was attributed to predominately degradation of free amorphous regions. Depending on the crystallinity, the elastic modulus increased at first, and decreased slightly. Both bulk and surface-tethered stimuli-responsive polymers were studied on amine functionalized magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles. Stimuli-responsive polymers studied, including poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM), poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA), and poly(itaconic acid) (PIA), were grafted via surface-initiated aqueous atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP). Both Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectroscopies showed the progression of the grafting. The change in particle size as a function of temperature was measured using dynamic light scattering (DLS). Once the PIA was grafted from the Fe3O4 nanoparticles for 13 h, the PIA thickness was around 13 nm. After the PNIPAM was grafted for 6 h, the stimuli-responsive nanocomposites with a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of 32 °C exhibited a particle size of 236 nm. Moreover, a variety of stimuli-responsive bulk block copolymers were synthesized. The stimuli-responsive nanocomposites could be good candidates as drug carriers for the targeted and controllable drug delivery.
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Bioproduction of itaconic acid by biomass valorization, towards material elaboration / Bio-production d'acide itaconique à partir de biomasse végétale, pour une finalité matériauxJimenez Quero, Amparo 15 September 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte du développement durable, la bioproduction de synthons (molécules plateformes, ou building blocks) de façon biosourcée à partir de biomasse végétale, constitue une voie de remplacement des actuelles molécules prétrosourcées. Ce travail de thèse concerne spécifiquement l’utilisation de la biomasse lignocellulosique, renouvelable et abondante, pour la production de deux acides organiques d’intérêt : l’acide itaconique et l’acide fumarique. Ces molécules ont été choisies notamment car elles peuvent générer des polymères aux propriétés intéressantes. Les travaux expérimentaux ont consisté à utiliser le son de blé et les rafles de maïs, déchets agricoles, comme substrats pour la fermentation de quatre souches de champignons filamenteux du genre Aspergillus. Des criblages des meilleures conditions fermentaires montrent que les rafles de maïs permettent d’atteindre des rendements plus élevés, surtout en fermentation en milieu solide. Parmi d’autres résultats marquants, nous avons montré pour la première fois la capacité d’Aspergillus oryzae à produire l’acide itaconique. L’ensemble de nos résultats montrent que l’utilisation de la biomasse lignocellulosique est une alternative prometteuse pour la production de ces deux synthons d’intérêt industriel. / In the context of sustainable development, the bioproduction of building blocks (chemical platforms) from biomass is way to substitute the current fossil-based chemical molecules. This thesis is focused on the use of lignocellulosic biomass, renewable and abundant, towards the production of two organic acids (potential building blocks): itaconic acid and fumaric acid. These molecules have been chosen especially because they can generated polymers with interesting properties. The experimental work consisted in using wheat bran and corn cobs, agricultural wastes, as substrates for fermentation by four strains of filamentous fungi from Aspergillus genus. Screenings of the best fermentation conditions show that enzymatically pretreated corn cobs, especially in solid state fermentation achieve higher yields, especially in solid state fermentation. Among other notable results, we have shown for the first time the ability of Aspergillus oryzae to produce itaconic acid. Overall, our results show that the use of lignocellulosic biomass is a promising alternative for the production of these two building blocks of industrial interest.
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Radikálové roubování PE/PP kopolymeru / Radical grafting of PE/PP copolymerŠido, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with preparation and characterization of block copolymer PP/PE grafted with itaconic anhydride in melt. Experimental part deals with free radical iniciated grafting of polar monomers onto polyolefins and with potencial applications of grafted polyolefins. Samples of PP/PE grafted with itaconic anhydride were prepared under various conditions in the experimental part. 2,5-dimethyl-2,5bis(tert-buthylperoxy)hexane (Luperox 101) was used as radical iniciator. Grafting was performed in Brabender mixer under conditions: temperature 190-230°C, concentration of monomer 0,25-1 weight percent, concentration of iniciator 0,025 – 2 weight percent, screw speed 30 rpm. The influence of certain parameteres: iniciator concentration, monomer concentration and temperature upon conversion of monomer, value of MFI and homopolymerization of monomer extent was of interest. Presence of anhydride bonded to the polymer backbone was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. Concentration of grafted anhydride and conversion of monomer was determined by acid-base titration and confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy.
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Funkcionalizace poly(mléčné kyseliny) / Functionalization of Poly(Lactic Acid)Petruš, Josef January 2015 (has links)
Teoretická část předložené dizertační práce popisuje princip radikálového roubování a faktory ovlivňující reakční průběh. Radikálové roubování poly(mléčné kyseliny) (PLA) reaktivní modifikací je vhodnou technikou přípravy biodegradabilních polymerních materiálů s rozličnými vlastnostmi. Současný stav problematiky modifikace poly(mléčné kyseliny) radikálovým roubováním v tavenině je obsahem literární rešerše včetně možných aplikací. Experimentální část se zabývá modifikací PLA anhydridem kyseliny itakonové (IAH) radikálovým roubováním v tavenině. Reakce byla iniciována 2,5-bis(tert-butylperoxy)-2,5-dimethylhexanem (L101). V první části je průběh radikálového roubování pozorován “in situ” pomocí diferenciální kompenzační kalorimetrie (DSC) a termogravimetrické analýzy (TGA). Exotermní pík na DSC záznamu odpovídá průběhu radikálové reakce, na jehož základě lze definovat aktivační energii reakce. Průběh TGA křivky “in situ” radikálové reakce umožňil detekovat vedlejší produkty vznikající v průběhu radikálové modifikace. Ve druhé části byla PLA funkcionalizována reakcí v diskontinuálním laboratorním mixéru za reakčních podmínek navržených dle poločasu rozpadu zvoleného iniciátoru a zpracovatelských podmínek PLA. Reakční teplota 190 °C byla stanovena výpočtem z Arrheniovy rovnice pro reakční čas 6 min. Uvedené reakční parametry byly zvoleny s ohledem na kinetiku rozkladu L101 a potlačení degradace PLA. Infračervená spektroskopie (FTIR) potvrdila navázání IAH na PLA řetězec na základě výskytu –CH2 vibrací s absorpčními pásy při vlnočtu 2860 a 2920 cm-1. Vzrůstající intensita absorpčního pásu 1750 cm-1 potvrdila přítomnost minoritních C=O vibrací anhydridového kruhu překrytých dominantními C=O vibracemi PLA řetězce. Nukleární magnetická rezonance (1H-NMR) nepotvrdila roubování oligomerního IAH na PLA. Koncentrace reaktantů ve zvoleném rozsahu (0.5–10 hm % IAH, 0.1–2 hm % L101) byla použita pro posouzení jejího vlivu na obsah naroubovaného IAH a míru vedlejších reakcí, např. -štěpení, větvení a síťování. Při vysoké koncentraci IAH a L101 byla potvrzena homopolymerace IAH i přes její zanedbávání v tématicky podobných studiích. Tvrzení o IAH homopolymeraci bylo podpořena výsledky kolorimetrické analýzy, charakterizací vzorků připravených polymerací IAH za podmínek radikálového roubování a termickou stabilitou frakcí extrahovaných z PLA-g-IAH. Radikálovou modifikací PLA došlo ke zvýšení flexibility polymerních řetězců díky objemné struktuře IAH navázané na PLA řetězci, což se projevilo poklesem teploty skelného přechodu (Tg). Zvýšený obsah amorfní fáze, hydrofilní chování, rozvětvená struktura a štěpení řetězců má pozitivní vliv na zvýšenou biodegradabilitu PLA-g-IAH v porovnání s nemodifikovanou PLA. Neradikálová degradace, probíhající v průběhu zpracování PLA, byla prokázána změnou tokových vlastností taveniny. Tento nežádoucí jev byl potlačen přídavkem tzv. “prodlužovače řetězců” obsahujícího reaktivní epoxy skupiny. Reakce mezi epoxy skupinami a karboxylovými skupinami byla potvrzena pomocí FTIR a změnou reologických vlastností PLA-g-IAH.
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Production d’acide itaconique par des souches d’Aspergilli par fermentation en milieu solide / Itaconic acid production by Aspergillus strains by solid state fermentationRestino, Clémence 05 December 2012 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, un des défis de la Recherche est de valoriser les co-produits agro-industriels. Une des voies permettant la valorisation de ces « déchets » est la fermentation en milieu solide.Le but de ce travail est de produire de l'acide itaconique par des souches d'Aspergilli (Aspergillus itaconicus et Aspergillus terreus) à partir de ressources renouvelables. Le substrat choisi dans cette étude est le son de blé, coproduit largement disponible en Champagne-Ardenne.L'acide itaconique a été classé dans le TOP 12 des molécules plateformes par le Department Of Energy Américain. Ces molécules plateformes peuvent être produites à partir de biomasse ligno-cellulosique et peuvent être utilisées à la place de molécules d'origine pétrochimique.Dans notre étude, nous n'avons pas mis en évidence de production d'acide itaconique par la souche Aspergillus terreus NRRL 1960 mais nous avons observé, pour la première fois, la production d'acide fumarique par fermentation en milieu solide. L'acide fumarique est tout aussi intéressant que l'acide itaconique puisqu'il fait également partie du TOP 12 des molécules plateformes. La production maximale obtenue est de 0,44 mg/g de matière sèche par fermentation en milieu solide sur son de blé humidifié à 70% et à pH 3, après 5 jours d'incubation à 30°C.De plus, nous avons montré qu'Aspergillus itaconicus NRRL 161 est capable de produire 6,77 mg d'acide itaconique/g de matière sèche par fermentation en milieu solide sur son de blé humidifié à 60% par une solution de saccharose à 400 g/L et à pH 3, après 4 jours d'incubation à 30°C.Dans une dernière partie, nous avons mis en évidence, chez Aspergillus itaconicus NRRL 161, la présence potentielle du gène codant pour la Cis-Aconitic acid Decarboxylase, enzyme clé dans la production d'acide itaconique. / Since a few years, one of research's challenges is to valorise agro-industrial by-products. One of the ways permitting the valorisation of these “wastes” is solid-state fermentation.The aim of this work is to produce itaconic acid with Aspergilli (Aspergillus itaconicus and Aspergillus terreus) strains from renewable resources. The chosen substrate in this study is wheat bran, by-product widely available in Champagne-Ardenne.Itaconic acid is classified among the TOP 12 of building blocks by the American Department Of Energy. Building blocks can be produced from ligno-cellulosic biomass and can be used instead of petrochemical-based molecules.In our study, we have not highlighted itaconic acid production by Aspergillus terreus NRRL 1960, but we have observed fumaric acid production by solid state fermentation. Fumaric acid is as interesting as itaconic acid since it also belongs to the TOP 12 of building blocks. Maximal production of fumaric acid is 0.44 mg/g dry matter by solid-state fermentation on wheat bran moistened at 70% and at pH 3, after 5 days of incubation at 30°C.Furthermore, we have shown that Aspergillus itaconicus NRRL 161 is able to produce 6.77 mg of itaconic acid/g dry matter by solid state fermentation on wheat bran moistened at 60% with sucrose solution at 400 g/L and at pH 3, after 4 days of incubation at 30°C.In a last part, we have highlighted, in Aspergillus itaconicus NRRL 161, the potential presence of the Cis-Aconitic acid Decarboxylase encoding gene, key enzyme in itaconic acid production.
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Preparação de nanopartículas funcionalizadas do tipo casca-núcleo à base de poliestireno e poli(acrilato de butila) para processamento baroplástico / Functionalized poly(butyacrylate-co-styrene) core-shell nanoparticles for baroplastic processingFernanda Furtado de Melo Albino 09 September 2009 (has links)
Copolímeros casca-núcleo de poli(acrilato de butila) (núcleo) e poliestireno (casca) foram sintetizados por meio de polimerização em emulsão, conduzida em duas etapas. A adição de ácido itacônico como monômero funcional na polimerização do núcleo foi realizada para verificar seu efeito sobre suas propriedades mecânicas e de processamento. Os copolímeros foram caracterizados por espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET), cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho (SEC), espectrometria na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e calorimetria diferencial por varredura (DSC). A incorporação do monômero funcional foi confirmada por DSC e quantificada por titulação. A proporção de poli(acrilato de butila) e poliestireno influenciou diretamente o processamento e as propriedades mecânicas do polímero. Os copolímeros com teores de poliestireno acima de 50% foram processados por compressão e extrusão a temperatura ambiente, apresentando comportamento baroplástico. A presença do monômero funcional não alterou o processamento do polímero e melhorou significativamente sua resistência à tração, aumentando sua tenacidade / Core shell copolymers of poly(butyl acrylate) cores and polystyrene shells were synthesized in a two-stage emulsion polymerization. The addition of itaconic acid as functional monomer in the core polymerization was carried out in order to study its influence on polymer processing and mechanical properties. The copolymers were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The functional monomer incorporation was confirmed by DSC and quantified by titration. The poly(butyl acrylate) and polystyrene proportions had a direct influence on the polymer processing and mechanical properties. Copolymers with polystyrene contents higher than 50% presented baroplastic behavior and they could be processed at room temperature by compression molding and extrusion. The presence of itaconic acid did not affect polymer processing and significantly improved tensile resistance, increasing its toughness
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Preparação de nanopartículas funcionalizadas do tipo casca-núcleo à base de poliestireno e poli(acrilato de butila) para processamento baroplástico / Functionalized poly(butyacrylate-co-styrene) core-shell nanoparticles for baroplastic processingFernanda Furtado de Melo Albino 09 September 2009 (has links)
Copolímeros casca-núcleo de poli(acrilato de butila) (núcleo) e poliestireno (casca) foram sintetizados por meio de polimerização em emulsão, conduzida em duas etapas. A adição de ácido itacônico como monômero funcional na polimerização do núcleo foi realizada para verificar seu efeito sobre suas propriedades mecânicas e de processamento. Os copolímeros foram caracterizados por espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET), cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho (SEC), espectrometria na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e calorimetria diferencial por varredura (DSC). A incorporação do monômero funcional foi confirmada por DSC e quantificada por titulação. A proporção de poli(acrilato de butila) e poliestireno influenciou diretamente o processamento e as propriedades mecânicas do polímero. Os copolímeros com teores de poliestireno acima de 50% foram processados por compressão e extrusão a temperatura ambiente, apresentando comportamento baroplástico. A presença do monômero funcional não alterou o processamento do polímero e melhorou significativamente sua resistência à tração, aumentando sua tenacidade / Core shell copolymers of poly(butyl acrylate) cores and polystyrene shells were synthesized in a two-stage emulsion polymerization. The addition of itaconic acid as functional monomer in the core polymerization was carried out in order to study its influence on polymer processing and mechanical properties. The copolymers were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The functional monomer incorporation was confirmed by DSC and quantified by titration. The poly(butyl acrylate) and polystyrene proportions had a direct influence on the polymer processing and mechanical properties. Copolymers with polystyrene contents higher than 50% presented baroplastic behavior and they could be processed at room temperature by compression molding and extrusion. The presence of itaconic acid did not affect polymer processing and significantly improved tensile resistance, increasing its toughness
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Příprava materiálů na bázi reaktivně modifikovaných polyolefinů / Preparation of materials based on reactive modified polyolefinsBěťák, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with a preparation of modified polypropylene. Modified polypropylene was prepared by reaction itaconic anhydride and compounds contain primary and secondary amino group (diaminododecane, aminoethylethanolamine and aminoethylpiperazine). Knowledge of radical and condensation modification of polypropylene were summarized in the theoretical part. New application of modified polypropylene ware summarized at the theoretical part as well. In the experimental part polypropylene was functionalized by grafting with itaconic anhydride during reactive extrusion. Extrusion was carried on the co-rotating twin-screw extruder (Brabender 25 DSE L/D = 34) at 230 °C and 30 RPM. Residence time of reactive blend was 3 minutes. The modified polypropylene PP-g-IAH) contained 0.5 wt% of itaconic anhydride. 2,5 dimethyl 2,5bis(tert buthyl-peroxy)hexane (Luperox 101) was used as a radical initiator. A ratio initiator/monomer was 1:0.6 (mol/mol). PP-g-IAH was used for condensation reaction with amino compounds in molar ratios IAH/amine from 1:0,3 to 1:1. This reaction carried out in single screw extruder (Betol 1825 L/D = 39) at 210 °C and 30 RPM. Residence time of reactive blend was 3 minutes. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used for a calculation of reaction conversion and for description of new functional groups in the materials. This analysis confirmed the presence of amide and imide groups in the samples. Influence of amino compounds to polymer crystallinity was studied by differential scanning calorimetry. Termogravimetric analysis focused on thermal stability of prepared samples and changes of thermal stability was observed in dependence of additives amount. The rheological behaviors of modified PP were analyzed by measuring the complex viscosity.
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Biotechnological production of value-added chemicals from cis-aconitate with the help of genetically engineered oleophilic yeastsKövesi, Zsolt 30 November 2020 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die Synthese von Chemikalien aus fossilen Rohstoffen wird wegen ihrer begrenzten Verfügbarkeit und ihren negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zunehmend kritisch bewertet. Eine Alternative bietet die „Weiße Biotechnologie“, insbesondere die Fermentation nachwachsender Rohstoffe mithilfe von Hefen. Die oleophilen Hefen Pseudozyma (P.) tsukubaensis und Yarrowia (Y.) lipolytica sind natürliche Säureproduzenten. Ihre Hauptprodukte sind Metabolite des Tricarbonsäurezyklus: Citrat (CA), α-Ketoglutarat und Malat. In kleineren Mengen werden auch andere Stoffe wie Isocitrat (ICA) oder Itaconat (ITA, nur von P. tsukubaensis) sekretiert. Das Interesse an den beiden Letztgenannten hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten stetig zugenommen. Bis heute gibt es allerdings keinen etablierten Wirtsorganismus für die ICA-Produktion. ITA hingegen wird mithilfe von Aspergillus terreus synthetisiert. Jedoch stößt die ITA-Produktivität dieses Hyphenpilzes auch mit großem wissenschaftlichem Aufwand an ihre Grenzen. Daher wird ein neuer Wirtsorganismus benötigt.
Ergebnisse: In dieser Studie wurden ein vielversprechender P. tsukubaensis-Stamm für die Produktion von ITA und ein Y. lipolytica-Stamm für ICA konstruiert. Zunächst wurde das Genom von P. tsukubaensis sequenziert. Infolgedessen wurde ein Gencluster für die Synthese und den Export von ITA identifiziert, das homolog zu dem von Ustilago maydis ist. Die Überexpression von vier der fünf Clustergene erhöhte die ITA-Sekretion nicht deutlich. Das fünfte Gen kodiert den vermeintlichen Transkriptionsfaktor Ria1p, der vermutlich das Gencluster steuert. Die Überexpression des PtRIA1 Gens führte zu einer signifikant erhöhten ITA-Produktion von bis zu 31,4 g/l in Mikrotiterplatten. Durch die Optimierung der Wachstumsbedingungen wurden im Bioreaktor innerhalb von 7 d 113,6 g/l ITA ohne die Notwendigkeit eines Triggers produziert.
Für die ICA-Produktion wurden zwei mutmaßliche mitochondriale Citrat-Transportproteine in Y. lipolytica identifiziert, welche von den Genen YlCTP1 sowie YlYHM2 kodiert werden. Die Funktionsweise der beiden Proteine scheint sich stark voneinander zu unterscheiden. Die Deletion von YlCTP1 führte zu einer leichten Verschiebung des ICA:CA-Verhältnisses, aber die Gesamtmenge beider Säuren nahm stark ab. Durch die Deletion von YlYHM2 stieg die ICA:CA-Produktrate von 12 % auf 95 % im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. Innerhalb von 5 d wurden bis zu 131,9 g/l ICA mit Sonnenblumenöl, bzw. 22,0 g/l ICA mit Glukose als einzige Kohlenstoffquelle in einem Bioreaktor unter kontrollierten Produktionsbedingungen erreicht. Durch die zusätzliche Hemmung des Isocitratlyase-Proteins mit ITA stieg das ICA:CA-Verhältnis bis 98 %.
Fazit: Mittels Metabolic Engineering wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die beiden Hefestämme P. tsukubaensis HR12 und Y. lipolytica ΔYHM2 erzeugt. Mit ihrer Hilfe ist es möglich, die hochwertigen Chemikalien ITA oder ICA in hohen Mengen (> 100 g/l) aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen wie Glukose oder sogar Pflanzenölen herzustellen. / Background: The synthesis of chemicals from fossil fuels is being evaluated increasingly critically, mainly due to its expected exhaustion and negative impact on the environment. An alternative offers ‘white biotechnology’, especially the fermentation of renewable resources with the help of yeasts. The oleophilic yeast species Pseudozyma (P.) tsukubaensis and Yarrowia (Y.) lipolytica are both natural organic acid producers. Their main products are metabolites of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, namely citrate, α-ketoglutarate and malate. In smaller amounts, other compounds like isocitrate (ICA) or itaconate (ITA, solely with P. tsukubaensis) are also secreted. The interest for the latter two has been rising steadily during the last decades. However, to this date, there is no established host organism for the ICA production. ITA, on the other hand, is being synthesised with Aspergillus terreus. Even with great scientific effort, the ITA productivity of this hyphal fungus appears to reach its limits. Therefore, a different host organism is needed.
Results: In this study, a promising P. tsukubaensis strain has been constructed for the production of ITA and a Y. lipolytica strain for ICA. First, the genome of the ITA producer P. tsukubaensis has been sequenced. As a result, a gene cluster for the synthesis and export of ITA, homologous to that of Ustilago maydis, has been identified. By overexpressing four of the five cluster genes, respectively, none to low increases in ITA secretion were observed. The fifth gene is encoding the putative transcription factor Ria1p which probably controls the gene cluster. The overexpression of the gene PtRIA1 led to a significantly increased ITA production of up to 31.4 g/l in micro-wells. By optimizing the growth conditions 113.6 g/l ITA could be produced within 7 d under controlled conditions in a bioreactor without the need of a trigger like phosphate limitation.
For the production of ICA, two putative mitochondrial citric acid transporter proteins were identified in Y. lipolytica. One carrier protein is encoded by the novel gene YlYHM2, the other one by YlCTP1. The mode of function for the two deduced proteins appears to be very distinct from one another. The deletion of YlCTP1 led to a minor shift in the ICA:CA ratio but the total amount of acids decreased greatly. By deleting YlYHM2, the ICA:CA product ratio could be increased from 12 % to 95 % compared to the wild type strain. Within 5 d up to 131.9 g/l ICA with sunflower oil and 22.0 g/l with glucose as the sole carbon source could be achieved under controlled production conditions in a bioreactor. Further inhibition of the isocitrate lyase protein with ITA increased the ICA:CA ratio to 98 %.
Conclusion: Within this work, the two yeast strains P. tsukubaensis (HR12) and Y. lipolytica (ΔYHM2) have been created via metabolic engineering. With their help, it is possible to produce the value-added chemicals ITA or ICA on a high scale (> 100 g/l) from renewable resources like glucose or even vegetable oils.
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Type I and II IFNs modify the proteome of bacterial vacuoles to restrict infections via IRG1Naujoks, Jan 30 November 2015 (has links)
Die hier vorgestellte Studie untersucht systematisch die angeborene Immunabwehr gegen L. pneumophila auf Ebene des gesamten Wirtsorganismus, sowie auf molekularer Ebene in Alveolar- und Knochenmarksmakrophagen. Mittels in vivo Transkriptomanalysen werden Typ I und II Interferone (IFN) als Hauptregulatoren der frühen pulmonalen Genexpression in der L. pneumophila-Infektion identifiziert. Infektionsexperimente in Wildtyp- und IFN-Rezeptor-defizienten Tieren offenbaren, dass Typ I und II IFNe maßgeblich die antibakterielle Abwehr gegen L. pneumophila vermitteln. Für die Bekämpfung der Infektion in der Lunge werden CD11c+ Zellen als wichtigste Empfänger der IFN-Signale identifiziert. Des Weiteren wird durch Behandlung von CD11c+ Alveolarmakrophagen mit IFNen ex vivo das intrazelluläre bakterielle Wachstum inhibiert. Mittels subzellulärer quantitativer Massenspektrometrie wird gezeigt, dass die Proteinkomposition der Legionellen-enthaltenden Vakuole substanziell durch beide IFNe modifiziert wird. In einer vergleichenden Netzwerkanalyse werden diese Proteomdaten mit eigenen und öffentlich zugänglichen Transkriptomdaten verglichen. Hierdurch können klar abgegrenzte Untergruppen von einerseits transkriptionell durch IFN-regulierten Proteinen sowie andererseits ausschließlich räumlich IFN-regulierten Proteinen unterschieden werden. Unter den durch IFN an der Vakuole angereicherten Proteinen wird Immunoresponsive gene 1 (IRG1) als zentraler Effektor identifiziert, welcher das Wachstum von L. pneumophila durch die Produktion des antibakteriellen Metaboliten Itaconsäure inhibiert. Zusammenfassend stellt diese Studie eine umfassende Ressource von IFN-vermittelten Effekten auf die Genexpression sowie auf das Proteom der bakteriellen Vakuole dar und deckt einen zellautonomen Abwehrmechanismus gegen L. pneumophila auf, welcher durch die IRG1-abhängige Produktion von Itaconsäure vermittelt wird. / The study presented here systemically examines the innate immune response against L. pneumophila on whole organism level as well as on a molecular level within macrophages, L. pneumophilas’ host cell. In vivo transcriptome analyses identify type I and II interferons (IFNs) as master regulators of the early pulmonary gene expression during L. pneumophila infection. Infection experiments in wild-type mice and mice lacking type I and/or II IFN signaling reveal a severe defect of antibacterial defense when IFN signaling is absent. CD11c+ cells were found to be the main targets of IFNs to restrict infection in the lung, and IFNs inhibited bacterial growth in CD11c+ alveolar macrophages ex vivo. Subcellular quantitative mass spectrometry shows that both IFNs substantially modify the protein composition of Legionella-containing vacuoles. Comparative network analysis, combining these proteome data with transcriptome data as well as public database data reveals distinct subsets of transcriptionally regulated IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) on the one hand, but interestingly also exclusively spatially IFN-regulated vacuolar proteins. Among IFN-regulated vacuolar proteins, Immunoresponsive gene 1 (IRG1) was identified as a central effector that restricts growth of L. pneumophila through production of the antibacterial metabolite itaconic acid in macrophages. Collectively, this study provides a comprehensive resource of IFN-mediated effects on gene expression and the bacterial vacuolar proteome, and uncovers a cell-autonomous defense pathway against L. pneumophila, which is mediated by IFNs, IRG1 and itaconic acid.
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