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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání konvenčních a nových metod měření a hodnocení jasů / Comparison of Conventional and New methods of Measurement and Evaluation of Luminance

Svoboda, Miloslav January 2012 (has links)
Because luminance is the only value to which our sight responds, its measurement becomes important in terms of ensuring the proper function of vision. Nowadays luminance measuring can be made by conventional methods, such as direct using of luminance meter. However an entirely new method of measuring luminance levels is coming. This method is based on using luminance analyzers which work using a digital photography for the analysis of luminance. This thesis deals with these issues and is divided into several chapters, which form the two main parts of the thesis, the theoretical and the practical one. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the basics of lighting technology, as well as the principles of measuring the luminance using conventional methods. New methods of measurement, i.e. using luminance analyzers, are discussed in two chapters which analyse both the principle and characteristics of analyzers available today. In the practical part is a comparative measurement carried out – in the laboratory and in terrain – using both methods.

Myšlení psychedelického / Thinking the psychedelic

Michalik, Tadeáš January 2018 (has links)
2 Abstract In this text, we are asking if it is possible to think the 'psychedelic' without labelling it as 'different', 'imaginary', 'fantastic' or 'unreal', and without thinking it as a particular experiential region belonging specifically to human experience. By first thinking 'experience', we are then attempting to relate the psychedelic experience to human experience considered in the simple joining of its basic dimensions, and to think both of these experiential modalities through the same motives. If we think 'experience' as opening itself through its boundaries, which limit and thus open the dimensions through which the fundamental relation of presencing and apprehension plays, then we can think the psychedelic using the concept of 'layer' derived from the concept of 'boundary'. We first think the phenomena of transparency of time, of transparent attunement and of transparent clarity, which belong to human experience in its simplicity. We then think the phenomenon of disjoining of the basic dimensions of human experience, which takes us from human experience in its simplicity, through strangeness, towards the psychedelic. Lastly, we think the phenomenon of permeating, taking us to the simply joined or disjoined dimensions of human and non-human experience being played out in their layeredness...

Evaluation of a CFD method for estimating aerodynamic loads on external stores on JAS 39 Gripen

Öhrman, Jakob January 2011 (has links)
Loads determination for external stores on fighter aircraft is an important task for manufacturers in ensuring the safe operation of their aircraft. Due to the large number of possible store combinations, wind tunnel tests – the primary approach to obtaining loads data – cannot be performed for all configurations. Instead, supplementary techniques to estimating loads are necessary. One approach is to use information from another store and adapt it, using so-called scaling methods, to the non-tested store. In this thesis, a scaling method combining the results of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, for both a non-tested and a reference store, with existing wind tunnel data for the reference store, is thoroughly examined for a number of different stores, angles of attack, sideslip angles and Mach numbers. The performance of the proposed scaling method is assessed in relation to currently used scaling methods, using non-parametric and multivariate statistics. The results show no definitive improvement in performance for the proposed scaling method over the current methods. Although the proposed method is slightly more conservative, considerable variability in the estimates and an increased time consumption for scaling leads the author to advise against using the proposed method for scaling aerodynamic loads on external stores. / Lastbestämning för yttre utrustning på stridsflygplan är en viktig uppgift för att tillverkarna ska kunna garantera säkerheten för sina flygplan. Då antalet möjliga utrustningskombinationer är mycket stort, kan inte vindtunneltester – normalt den främsta metoden för att erhålla lastdata – utföras för alla konfigurationer. Således behövs kompletterande metoder för att skatta laster. Ett alternativ är att använda data från en annan utrustning och anpassa den, med hjälp av så kallade skalningsmetoder, till den icke-testade utrustningen. I detta examensarbete behandlas en skalningsmetod som kombinerar resultaten från numeriska strömningsberäkningar – så kallade CFD-simuleringar – för både en testad och en icke-testad utrustning med befintliga vindtunneldata för den testade utrustningen. Metoden undersöks grundligt för ett antal olika utrustningar, anfallsvinklar, sidanblåsningsvinklar och Machtal. Prestandan hos den föreslagna skalningsmetoden utvärderas i relation till nu använda skalningsmetoder, baserat på icke-parametrisk och multivariat statistik. Resultaten visar inga definitiva förbättringar av prestanda för den föreslagna skalningsmetoden jämfört med de nuvarande metoderna. Även om den föreslagna metoden är något mer konservativ, så föranleder betydande variationer i skattningar och en ökad tidsåtgång för skalning författaren att avråda från att använda den föreslagna metoden för skalning av luftlaster på yttre utrustning.

Denní osvětlení prostor světlovody / Daylighting of spaces with light guides

Machová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the illuminance space through light guide. It describes it's basic principles, technical features and ways of differentiation between the technologies. The thesis also includes latest methods for evaluation of illumination of space supported by various computer simulations.

Conceptual Design of an Air-Launched Three-Staged Orbital Launch Vehicle / Konceptuell Design av en Luftlanserad Trestegsraket

Rasmussen, Måns January 2021 (has links)
The objective of this study was to design a launch vehicle capable of deploying a nanosatellite into a Sun-synchronous orbit at 500 km orbital altitude from the JAS 39E/F Gripen fighter aircraft. This was achieved by first performing theoretical calculations for the required nozzles and solid propellant grain configurations for the first two solid stages, followed by the necessary liquid propellant configuration for the third stage. Lastly, two methods were investigated in solving the trajectory ascent problem for the launch vehicle design. First, by stating the trajectory problem as an initial value problem while guessing a Sigmoidal steering law. Secondly, by stating the trajectory problem as a boundary value problem. The latter was solved by transcribing the trajectory problem into a nonlinear program where a parametric steering law was derived using a Sequential quadratic programming algorithm.Ultimately, resulting in a launch vehicle design with a gross lift-off mass of 1,289 kg, capable of launching an 8.4 kg payload into the targeted orbit, with suggested modifications to increase the possible payload mass to 12.9 kg. / Målet med den här studien var att designa en luftlanserad trestegsraket kapabel till att transportera en nanosatellit upp till en solsynkron omloppsbana på 500 km altitud från ett JAS 39E/F Gripen jaktflygplan. Det gjordes genom att först beräkna de nödvändiga dysorna och krutladdningsformerna för de två första stegen tillsammans med en flytande bränsledesign för det tredje steget. Två metoder undersöktes för bananalysen. Först genom att anta en Sigmoidal styrningsfunktion för pitchen, sedan genom att transkribera problemet till ett icke-linjärt program där en parametrisk styrlag togs fram genom att använda en Sequential quadratic programming algoritm. Slutligen presenterades en raketdesign med en total vikt på 1 289 kg, kapabel till att skjuta upp en nyttolast på 8,4 kg till den önskade omloppsbanan tillsammans med förslag som kan öka den möjliga nyttolasten till 12,9 kg.

Smysl života v Juliiných otázkách / The meaning of life in the July´s questions

PRAŽÁKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with search for the meaning of human life in present time from the philosophical and theological point of view of Egon Bondy. Bondy perceives a human being as a biological and intellectual unity in which the peak of evolution has been reached. However, as to Bondy, this ?peak? has to be overcome, humans have to transcend and renew their humanity, otherwise they would get stuck at the place momentary reached where they are not happy and stand without any meaning. Bondy brings the concept of a ?non-substance model? of ontological reality, in which the attempts to find a common path for both theology and philosophy. This way we can also follow Egon Bondy?s development from atheism to the acceptance of ?living God?. Bondy reaches the opinion that human faith in God and the reception of grace offer person?s life the feeling of fulfilment which contemporary humanity has been so much lacking. Bondy hints at his spiritual experience of ?splendour inside?, where he could feel that the meaning of life cannot be reached by one?s own activity or just ?ordered?. The meaning of life can only be humbly expected.

Automatiskt bygge av FUS39A / Automated Build of FUS39A

Jansson, Chris January 2011 (has links)
This paper describes the design and implementation of an automated build system for the JAS39A simulator FUS39A at HiQ:s offices in Arboga. The assignment was to automate the process in which modules are built; the simulator is composed of a number of modules which are built manually at the end of each week, this process takes about a day of manual labor. The system can automatically build a module as either a scheduled service or by manual invocation. The system contains functionality for reporting the build results to any given recipient by e-mail. The purpose of the system is to free up the time put into manually building the modules for better suited tasks by automating the build of FUS39A. The assignment was split into two parts, an analysis part where information of the old system was gathered, tools and methods were chosen and the new system was designed. In the second part the system was implemented and tested. / Denna rapport beskriver designen och implementationen av ett system för automatiskt bygge av JAS39A simulatorn FUS39A vid HiQ:s kontor i Arboga. Målet var att automatisera bygget av modulerna som simulatorn består av då de i utgångsläget byggs manuellt mot en insats på en mandag i veckan. Systemet kan utan övervakning generera en modulutgåva genom en schemalagd tjänst eller en manuell invokering. Systemet innehåller även funktionalitet för att rapportera byggets resultat till avsedd mottagare via e-post. Syftet med systemet är att avlasta en persons arbetsbörda genom att automatisera bygget av mjukvaran i simulatorn FUS39A. Arbetet delades in i två delar, en analysfas där information om det nuvarande systemet samlas, verktyg väljs och designen av det nya systemet tas fram. I den andra delen implementeras och testas systemet.

Zpětný výpočet křivek svítivosti svítidel určených pro osvětlování komunikací / Reverse calculation of the luminous intensity curves of street lighting luminaires

Knápková, Dagmar January 2019 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the reverse calculation of luminous curves for roads according to ČSN EN 13201. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part describes the basic requirements and procedures for calculating the luminous curves. The practical part describes the program, created in the Matlab environment, which is designed for the practical calculation of the ideal luminous curve, for each situation given by the user. Further particular example of the calculation is given.

Development of Light Emitting Electroluminescent Device by Means of Material Printing / Development of Light Emitting Electroluminescent Device by Means of Material Printing

Hrabal, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Cílem této práce je vývoj světelného zdroje založeného na technologii tlustostěnného elektroluminiscenčního panelu napájeného střídavým napětím (ACPEL). V současné době se jedná se o jedinou technologii založenou na metodách materiálového tisku vhodnou pro přípravu velkoplošných, flexibilních a vzorovaných zdrojů světla. Důraz je v této práci kladen na představení, prozkoumání a odstranění typických problémů, které jsou spojovány s touto technologií. Tyto problémy jsou omezený odstín barvy emitovaného světla a dlouhodobá stabilita elektroluminiscenčního prvku, který je vystaven vlivům prostředí. Rešeršní část dizertační práce je zaměřena na představení a identifikaci depozičních technik, vhodných pro reprodukovatelnou přípravu ACPEL panelů. Dalším cílem je identifikace fyzikálních parametrů, vhodných pro charakterizaci velkoplošných zdrojů světla. Praktickým cílem práce je nalezení vhodné metodologie pro popis a charakterizaci panelů, jakožto plošných světelných zdrojů. Fotometrická veličina jas L a spotřeba elektrické energie P byly vyhodnoceny jako vhodné parametry, určující aplikaci ACPEL panelů. Na modrém panelu bylo dosaženo maximální hodnoty jasu L = 133 cd•m2 při napětí Upp = 500 V a frekvenci f = 1000 Hz. Hodnoty spotřeby elektrické energie, vztažené na jednotkovou plochu panelů zkoumaných v této práci, jsou (7±3) mW. Tyto dosažené hodnoty dělají ze světelných zdrojů založených na ACPEL technologii zajímavé kandidáty pro různé aplikace. Vlivu rostoucí amplitudy a frekvence budícího napětí na dlouhodobou stabilitu panelů je důležitým cílem této práce. Pro popis stability byly zavedeny parametry L50 and L75. Bylo zjištěno, že rostoucí frekvence budícího napětí zkracuje životnost panelů. Laminovaný panel napájený napětím s přibližně trojnásobně vyšší frekvencí vykazoval přibližně třetinové hodnoty parametrů L50 a L75. Nejvyšších hodnot stabilitních parametrů dosahoval panel enkapsulován mezi skleněné pláty – přibližně sedminásobnou hodnotu oproti laminovanému panelu s trojnásobnou frekvencí. Optimální stability panelů lze dosáhnout při nastavení frekvence v rozmezí 400–800 Hz a zapouzdřením mezi sklo. Úzká paleta odstínů barev emitovaného světla je jeden z typických problémů, který dále zkoumán v dizertační práci. Tato práce zkoumá nadějnou metodu, přídavek vhodného materiálu pro konverzi barvy (CCM). Nový derivát diketopyrrolopyrrolu (DPP), absorbující v modré oblasti, byl přidán k modrému fosforu a byl pozorován sedminásobný narůst hodnot absolutního spektrálního ozáření v oblasti vlnových délek odpovídajících maximální emisi CCM materiálu. Jednoduchost přípravy vyvinutých zdrojů světla spolu s velmi nízkou spotřebou a vysokou dobou života dělají z ACPEL panelů zajímavé kandidáty pro podsvícení prvků například v automobilovém průmyslu, pro dekorativní osvětlení, pro „branding“ – zvýraznění reklamních značek.

Numerické modelování zdrojů světla / Numerical Modelling of the Light Source

Pavelka, Adam January 2011 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with photometry units used in light engineering. There are defined the methods of modelling the illumination systems, their advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of using. Furthermore, the thesis deals with modelling of two illumination systems by ray-tracing in programming environment of MATLAB. The master’s thesis describes the analysis of the problem and the program designing process. Acquired model results are then compared with the real measurements of both illumination systems which allow the discussion of the results and the deviations of the models.

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