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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sambandet mellan utmattning och arbetsrelaterade krav samt arbetsrelaterade resurser hos förskolepersonal : En korrelationell enkätstudie vid en kommun i Sverige / The relationship between exhaustion & job demands- and resources for Swedish preschool personnel

Bergqvist, Emelie, Vikström, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den föreliggande studien var att undersöka huruvida arbetsrelaterade krav och arbetsrelaterade resurser kunde predicera utmattning hos förskolepersonal (N = 114). Studien genomfördes med en korrelationell design där de validerade enkäterna COPSOQ III och KUS-26 användes för att samla in data. Analysen genomfördes med tre hierarkiska multipla regressionsanalyser som visade att arbetsrelaterade krav och arbetsrelaterade resurser tillsammans kunde predicera utmattning. Arbetsrelaterade krav kunde predicera utmattning med ett positivt samband, medan arbetsrelaterade resurser inte på egen hand kunde predicera utmattning när de förekom i samma modell som arbetsrelaterade krav. Känslomässiga krav och kvantitativa krav var de typer av arbetsrelaterade krav som positivt kunde predicera utmattning. Socialt stöd från överordnad var den enda typen av resurs som kunde predicera utmattning med ett negativt samband. Sammanfattningsvis visade den föreliggande studien att arbetsrelaterade krav tycks vara en större riskfaktor än bristande arbetsrelaterade resurser när det kommer till utmattningsproblematik hos svensk förskolepersonal. / The aim of this study was to investigate whether job-demands and resources could predict exhaustion in Swedish preschool personnel (N = 114). The study was done using a quantitative method where the validated questionnaires COPSOQ III and KUS-26 were used to gather the data. Using 3 hierarchical multiple regression analyzes the present study showed that job-demands and resources could predict exhaustion. Job demands could positively predict exhaustion. However, job resources could not on its own predict exhaustion when occurring in the same model as job demands. The present study showed that emotional and quantitative demands were the types of demands that could positively predict exhaustion. Social support from supervisor was the only type of resource that could negatively predict exhaustion. In conclusion, the study showed that for Swedish preschool personnel, high job demands are a greater risk factors for exhaustion than lacking job resources.

Nurse Managers, Work Environment Factors and Workplace Bullying

Parchment, Joy 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to explore relationships between authentic leadership style, global social power, job demand, job control, and workplace bullying of nurse managers in acute care settings across the United States. Over 30 years of workplace bullying research exists. Consequences are linked to intent to leave, turnover, and harmful emotional and physical effects. Published studies identifying nurse managers as targets of workplace bullying and work environment factors that contribute to nurse managers being recipients of workplace bullying either, downward from their leaders, horizontally from their nurse manager peers, and upwards from their clinical nurses were not identified. A descriptive, cross-sectional design using an online survey was utilized. Descriptive, inferential, and multivariate analyses were used to identify relationships and the likelihood of workplace bullying occurring. Thirty-five percent (n = 80) of nurse managers reported being a target of workplace bullying. Managers sustained occasional (56%, n = 45) and severe (44%, n = 35) levels of workplace bullying, 65% (n = 43) identified their executive nurse leader as the predominate perpetrator. Authentic leadership, job demand, job control correlated significantly (p = < .01) with workplace bullying and job demand demonstrated the strongest likelihood (OR = 3.9) for predicting workplace bullying. Nurse Managers are four times more likely to be a recipient of workplace bullying when their job responsibilities are classified as demanding. This study expanded the science and demonstrated that nurse managers, the backbone of organizations, are recipients of workplace bullying emanating predominately from executive nurse leaders, but also from clinical nurses and their nurse manager peers. Given the harmful consequences of workplace bullying, as 'guardians' of and 'advocates' for their teams, executive nursing leaders, have an ethical and operational responsibility to ensure nurse managers are able to practice in a safe environment.

Förskolepersonals upplevelser av arbetskrav och arbetsresurser i den sociala arbetsmiljön

Carsbrant, Tea, Bohjort, Madelene January 2024 (has links)
Trots den påtagliga utsattheten för förskollärare och barnskötare återfinns en brist på studier och litteratur som behandlar yrkesgruppernas arbetsvillkor inom svensk kontext. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur förskolepersonal upplever den sociala arbetsmiljön. Frågeställningarna var: “Hur upplever förskolepersonal arbetskrav i den sociala arbetsmiljön?” samt “Hur upplever förskolepersonal arbetsresurser i den sociala arbetsmiljön?”. Tio deltagare intervjuades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan transkriberades och tematiserades. Subteman som besvarade frågeställningen var: kvantitativa arbetskrav, kvalitativa arbetskrav, emotionella arbetskrav, rollkonflikter, otydliga mål, socialt stöd från rektor/chef, socialt stöd från kollegor, inflytande, belöning/lön samt återkoppling. Resultatet visade på höga arbetskrav, medan arbetsresurserna skiftade mellan arbetsplatser. Arbetskraven härstammade exempelvis från tidspress, otydlighet kring läroplanen samt emotionella hämningar, medan arbetsresurserna innefattade socialt stöd från chef och kollegor samt inflytande. Studiens resultat, baserade på Jobb-krav-resurs-modellen, indikerade en obalans mellan arbetsresurser och arbetskrav. Obalansen grundades i skiftande arbetsresurser samt organisatoriska utfall, som sjukskrivningar och intentioner till arbetsplatsbyte.


McKensey, Macie D. 26 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Strategiskt arbetsmiljöarbete : En förutsättning för ett hållbart arbetsliv

Hansson, Marie, Morell, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie har tagit form utifrån en organisations önskan att undersöka deras organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö. Syftet har varit att öka förståelsen för viktiga komponenter för den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön för att möjliggöra ett hållbart arbetsliv. För att svara på syftet har ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt använts där 251 enkäter skickades ut till en hel produktionsenhet. Metoden har möjliggjort en generell och bred ögonblicksbild av den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön på arbetsplatsen. Forskning som berör den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, där vårt fokus främst har legat på det organisatoriska och sociala perspektivet har bearbetats. I stor utsträckning är vår analys baserad på Job Demand – Resources modellen. En väsentlighet i arbetslivet är att det råder balans mellan kraven som ställs i arbetet och resurser som tillförs för att kunna må bra och leverera en bra prestation. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen och visar att den organisation som undersökts brister i flera av dessa komponenter som krävs för att möjliggöra ett hållbart arbetsliv där det råder balans. Framförallt är det områden som ledarskap, arbetsbelastning, återhämtning och kränkande särbehandling som har visat brister. I arbetet med den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön finns en koppling mellan medarbetarnas hälsa och välmående och organisationens finansiella resultat. Med anledning av detta bör arbetsmiljöarbete vara en väl integrerad del av verksamheten. Vi har därför föreslagit ett antal åtgärder för organisationen att arbeta med i syfte att förbättra arbetsmiljön och därmed medarbetarnas hälsa och välmående som direkt påverkar organisationens framgång. / This study is based on an assignment from an organization whose intention is based on their request to review their organizational and social work environment. The aim of the study has been to increase the understanding of key components of the organizational and social work environment in order to enable a sustainable working life. We therefor chose a quantitative approach where 251 questionnaires were sent to the entire production unit. The method has enabled a general and wide-ranging aspect of the organizational and social work environment in the workplace. Research related to the psychosocial work environment, where our focus has been on the organizational and social aspect, we mainly base our analysis on the Job Demand - Resources model. An essential part of working life is that there is a balance between the job demands and resources that are provided in order to increase health and wellbeing to achieve a high performing organization. The result has been analysed on the basis of the theoretical framework and shows that the organization investigated is lacking in several of these components that are necessary to enable a sustainable work life where there is balance. There are areas such as leadership, heavy workload, recovery and victimization that has shown weaknesses. Research related to organizational and social work environment clearly states that there is a link between employee health and well-being and the organization's financial results. Due to this, our work environment should be a fully integrated part of the business. We have therefore proposed a number of activities for the organization to work with in order to improve the work environment and thus the health and well-being of employees which will directly affect the organization's success.

Stress-Related Sick Leave: An Individual Project : A hermeneutic study investigating the social support given to, and responsibility demanded by the individual

Hedström, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Stress is the most common reason for sick leave in Sweden today. The physical demands are less in today’s work life, but the psychological demands have increased, resulting in increased stress related ill-health. The aim with the current study was to gain an understanding in how individuals that has been or are on stress-related sick leave experience the social support received at the work place and where they experienced that the primary responsibility for the sick leave was. Nine participants from self-help groups for stress was interviewed with a qualitative hermeneutic approach. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed with van Manen’s (1990) “selective or highlighting approach”. The analysis was grounded in four research questions; causes of stress-related sick leave, perceived responsibility for the sick leave, social support, and facilitating factors for returning to work. The result showed that the participants experienced lack of rewards, high demands, low control, lack of social support, insufficient recovery and denial of symptoms of stress. The participants often blamed themselves and took on the primary responsibility. The self-help groups acted as substitute for the lacking social support as well as increased the self-awareness and motivation among the participants.

Employee Engagement During An Organisational Change

Beijer, Sofia, Gruen, Jeanette January 2016 (has links)
The changing nature of organisation life becomes more and more intense as organisations are constantly striving to adjust to serve the needs of an ever-changing environment. At the same time, the importance of keeping employees engaged is essential to organisations. The aim of this thesis was to contribute with a deeper understanding of employee engagement during an organisational change process. A deeper insight of how individuals perceive a changing work environment on an emotional level will help managers to go through the process while they are ensuring engagement of their employees. Our fundamental research questions were: How do employees describe their own state of engagement during an organisational change process? Which factors are important, according to employees, in order for them to stay engaged during the process? The existing literature is reviewed with special attention to state engagement, including job satisfaction, job involvement, organisational commitment and empowerment. The theoretical framework consists of the Job demand-resources model and attitudinal organisational commitment, which have been used as the analytical tools. Our empirical data was collected through a qualitative research design with semi-structured interviews at an insurance company in the middle of Sweden. The conclusion from this study was that the state engagement differed a lot according to dimensions as satisfaction, involvement and commitment, while most of the interviewees agreed that the empowerment and energy level decreased. We also discovered a special kind of engagement, frustration engagement, which was distinguished from the commonly positive view of engagement. The most important factors to continue being engaged were expressed by the employees as social support, managerial support as well as organisational support and communication.

Organisationsförändringars betydelse för psykisk hälsa : Länkat till arbetsrelaterade krav-kontroll samt psykologiska kontrakt

Burgman, Petra, Jonasson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Antal förändringar, arbetsrelaterade krav, arbetsrelaterad kontroll samt psykologiska kontrakt är alla faktorer som har kopplats samman med psykisk hälsa på arbetsplatsen vid organisationsförändringar. Dessa variablers gemensamma och unika innebörd för psykisk hälsa har i denna studie mätts i form av en enkätundersökning, där 84 anställda deltog varav 16 var kvinnor. Syftet var att belysa hur den psykiska hälsan hos de anställda vid en svensk myndighet såg ut efter de förändringar som myndigheten genomgått, samt klargöra de ovan nämnda faktorernas koppling till en god respektive dålig psykisk hälsa. Resultatet visade att de anställda överlag tycktes ha en god psykisk hälsa och att alla de undersökta variablerna med undantag för antal förändringar och arbetsrelaterad kontroll visade en samvariation med psykisk hälsa. Studien ger underlag till förslag över faktorer som kan beaktas inför kommande förändringar inom organisationer.</p>

Studenters hälsa vid Växjö universitet : – en studie med KASAM, symtom och krav-kontroll-socialt stöd som utgångspunkt

Wallin, Henrik, Hiltunen, Markku January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between gender and self reported symptoms (physiological and psychological) and sense of coherence (SOC) and Job Demand-Control-Social support (JDCS). The sample consisted of 360 respondents (nfemale= 261, nmale= 99), in the ages between 19-53 (M=25,57, SD=5,77), all students from Växjö University. A quantitative work method was used in the study; data was collected using questionnaires that consisted of self-reported questions, based on three parts: A modified symptom checklist, SOC 13 and a modified JDCS questionnaire. The result of our study showed that both SOC and JDCS had an effect on self-reported symptoms but there were no interaction between SOC and JDCS. No significant gender differences were found regarding the level of SOC. Female students reported symptoms in a significant higher extent than male students. There were no gender differences regarding JDCS. Our results are discussed in relation to previous studies. Our conclusion is that it is important to perform further research on students’ health and work environment.

Organisationsförändringars betydelse för psykisk hälsa : Länkat till arbetsrelaterade krav-kontroll samt psykologiska kontrakt

Burgman, Petra, Jonasson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
Antal förändringar, arbetsrelaterade krav, arbetsrelaterad kontroll samt psykologiska kontrakt är alla faktorer som har kopplats samman med psykisk hälsa på arbetsplatsen vid organisationsförändringar. Dessa variablers gemensamma och unika innebörd för psykisk hälsa har i denna studie mätts i form av en enkätundersökning, där 84 anställda deltog varav 16 var kvinnor. Syftet var att belysa hur den psykiska hälsan hos de anställda vid en svensk myndighet såg ut efter de förändringar som myndigheten genomgått, samt klargöra de ovan nämnda faktorernas koppling till en god respektive dålig psykisk hälsa. Resultatet visade att de anställda överlag tycktes ha en god psykisk hälsa och att alla de undersökta variablerna med undantag för antal förändringar och arbetsrelaterad kontroll visade en samvariation med psykisk hälsa. Studien ger underlag till förslag över faktorer som kan beaktas inför kommande förändringar inom organisationer.

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