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Capacity and cost analysis : Implementing a Just-in-time philosophy in annealing operations at Sapa Heat Transfer ABBjörnsson, Anders, Einarsson, David January 2004 (has links)
Our work focuses on an analysis of the processes for full and partial annealing of aluminium coils. Due to inefficient production management these processes show high inventory levels, long lead times and decreased delivery performance. We have also found inadequacies in the ways costs for these processes are distributed. We have established a new process mapping by initially investigating the strategic dimensions of the company and the processes for annealing, in order to later on establish performance measures congruent with the business objectives. Furthermore we have conducted extensive calculations and analyses to facilitate the successful implementation of a Just-in-time production philosophy, including necessary process improvements and redesigns to be made. Our proposed changes will lead to shorter lead times and low levels of WIP, which are important success factors of a JIT-based production philosophy. To do this we have developed a capacity analysis tool with which it is also possible to analyse other processing scenarios or the effect of load changes and/or product mix variations. This tool can also serve as a benchmark for capacity analysis of other processes. Finally, we have been able to establish more accurate costs per machine hour for full and partial annealing to be implemented in the managerial system. We believe that the processes for annealing are not the only ones suffering from poor cost control, why we would suggest that Sapa Heat Transfer investigates the cost distribution in more processes, and also develops and follows better guidelines for cost control.
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An Opportunity for Renewals: : The Participatory Process and Social and Income Diversity in Brownfield DevelopmentReardon, Mitchell January 2010 (has links)
Reardon, Mitchell. (2010) An Opportunity for Renewal: The Participatory Process and Social and Income Diversity in Brownfield Developments Urban and Regional Planning, advanced level, master thesis for master exam in Urban and Regional Planning, 30 ECTS credits. Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Borén Language: English Participatory planning and the redevelopment of brownfield locations have both figured prominently in urban and regional planning strategies in recent decades. Despite their growing importance, these trends have rarely been analysed in concert however. Further, the issues of social and income diversity within this context have received less attention. In recognizing this void, this paper explores the use of participatory planning in brownfield developments, with an emphasis on social and income diversity. Through a review of the participatory planning theories of communicative action and the just city, strategies for promoting participatory planning and social and income diversity, are identified. A case study of Norra Djurgårdsstaden, a brownfield development in Stockholm, Sweden is employed to analyse these strategies. In undertaking the case study, data was collected through interviews and planning documents. This study found that the inherently high cost of redeveloping brownfield locations inhibits social and income diversity and requires an overt response to mitigate it. Participatory planning offers the possibility of engaging stakeholders who may otherwise be ignored, providing the opportunity to create a more inclusive development. It is also clear that an inclusionary goal must be part of a wider strategy, or is otherwise likely to be ignored.
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Supply Chain Management, Just-In-Time och inköp i ett fusionsperspektiv : En fallstudie på Colorama ABSalacova, Monika, Sundström, Christer January 2008 (has links)
Så länge som människor strövat omkring på jorden har det bytts och handlats med varor och tjänster. Det är i människans natur att göra affärer. Logistik och inköp har därför naturligt blivit stycken i den mänskliga handelshistorien, samhället men främst företag påverkas och påverkar denna nutidshistorias utveckling. Då konkurrens har blivit ett stort inslag för att lyckas i ett företag så har företag försökt hitta nya metoder för att hävda sig på den globaliseringen marknaden. De verktygen kan skilja sig från företag till företag beroende av vilka lösningar företag vill lösa men exempel på det kan vara Supply Chain Management som kommer att behandlas i denna uppsats. De andra teorier som kommer beröras är fusion, Just-in-Time och inköp. Dessa kommer att utifrån ämnet att appliceras på studieobjektet så att skillnader framkommer. Fallstudien som uppsatsen baseras på färgkedjan Colorama AB, där intervjun skedde med butiksägaren och ledamoten i styrelsen, Patrik Graff. För att även få en extern synvinkel på temat som denna uppsats behandlar har även en intervju med en seniorkonsult på managementföretaget Establish gjorts. Detta för att kunna se dessa två vinklar mor teorin och därefter kunna dra en slutsats. Syftet var att undersöka om Colorama efter sammanslagningen börjat styra sina leverantörer mer än innan men även se om de har ändrat i sitt logistiska tänkande då kedjan blev mycket större än den var innan sammanslagningen. När teorin jämförs med empirin framkommer ett klart samband att studieobjektet ligger närmare det klassiska synsättet när det gäller inköp av varor och relationer gentemot leverantörer. Colorama är i utvecklingsfasen då de endast funnits sedan i början av 2007 och mycket kan hända men det som har analyserats utav intervjun är att de kommer allt längre från sina leverantörer. / As long as humans have roamed the Earth, goods and services have been traded. It is in our nature to do business. Logistics and purchase have thanks to those facts become a part of the human trading history, its society but rather companies that have to changes to keep up with the changes of this era. But it’s also those companies and societies that alter this history era due to their business decisions and decisions to adept theories. Due to competitions companies have to come across new methods to struggle better on their globalized market. The method that are needed are different in all companies, one tool that can be adapted is Supply Chain Management. Other theories that will be mentioned in this essay are Just-In-Time, fusion and purchase. These theories will work as a map how to rule a modern company in aspects of logistics and purchase, our map will be applied on Colorama AB to see the differences between a reality and theory. To get a better grip of how reality looks like beside our case study, an interview was done with a senior consult of a management company that work with logistics. The main purpose of this essay was to examine if Colorama, after the fusion, have started to organize their deliverers more and if they had change their logistic thinking due to the new company size. The examination showed that Coloramas point of view were quite different from theory contains and Establish point of view, Colorama would rather be classified as a user of the classic theories rather than the ones mention above. Colorama are still a young company in their development phase and much will happened over time, but analyses shows that they drifting apart from their supplier.
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Lean accounting : -ett effektivare styrsystem i processorienterade företag / Lean Accounting : a more efficient management system inprocess orientated companiesJonsson, Jenny, Larsson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
För att skapa mer verkliga siffror och aktualitet i beslutsunderlag har lean accounting som ekonomistyrningsmetod uppkommit. Metoden sägs bättre komplettera de förändringar som skett mot mer processorientering inom företag. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva de skillnader och likheter som förekommer mellan traditionell ekonomistyrning och lean accounting. Även hur lean accounting kan utgöra ett mer komplett styrsystem i processorienterade företag i dess strävan mot lönsamhet, diskuteras. Detta görs för att identifiera de brister som sägs uppkomma då traditionella ekonomistyrningsmetoder används i processorienterade företag. Studien baseras på litteratur inom lean-omårdet samt inom traditionell ekonomistyrning. Resultatet av denna studie visar på hur traditionella mätetal anses skapa ett suboptimerat beteende och förespråka massproduktion för att nå mesta möjliga kostnadsfördelning. Vidare sker en diskussion kring hur företag som arbetar med lean och processorientering, genom att även integrera ekonomisystemen i organisationens arbete och implementera lean accounting, kan få fram och basera sina beslut på mer verkliga siffror och därmed på sikt skapa en ökad lönsamhet i företaget.
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Environmental benefits riding the coattails of lean production : can an integration of environmental aspects and lean production result in synergies and a reduced risk of sub-opimisationHelldal, Michael, Tenne, Sofia, Lindahl, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how work with Lean and environmental aspects affect one another, and if possible and beneficial from a business point-of-view, how they could be integrated into a single model. It was found that several of the fundamental concepts concerning Lean and environmental aspects support one another. Further, Lean has the potential to improve the environmental performance of a company, and can contributeto the environmental work by its proactive approach, structured way of operating and long-term way of thinking. The environmental perspective can contribute to Lean with its more holistic view; additional cost savingsand improvements might be found when looking at the operations from an environmental point-of-view. The study showed that it is not only possible to integrate Lean and environmental work, but that it also has the potential to be beneficial from both a business and an environmental standpoint. Integration can reduce the risk of sub-optimization, and synergies can be achieved. With this knowledge, the authors composed a model for how Lean and environmental work can be practised and integrated.
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When War is Our Daily Bread: Congo, Theology, and the Ethics of Contemporary ConflictKiess, John January 2011 (has links)
<p>This dissertation approaches the problem of war in Christian ethics through the lens of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Drawing upon memoirs, letters, sermons, and fieldwork, it shifts the focus of moral inquiry from theoretical positions on war (e.g., just war theory and pacifism) to the domain of everyday life and the ways that local Christians theologically frame and practically reason through conflict. I explore the 1996-1997 Rwandan refugee crisis through the voice of a Catholic survivor, Marie Béatrice Umutesi, and consider how her narrative challenges both just war interpretations of this violence and "bare life" readings of refugee experience. I then examine how the Catholic Church endured rebel occupation in the eastern city of Bukavu from 1998-2000, looking specifically at how Archbishop Emmanuel Kataliko's Christological reading of the situation transformed the experience of suffering into a form of agency and galvanized the Church into collective action. I go on to explore how residents of the town of Nyankunde in northeastern Congo are constructing alternatives to the war economy and re-weaving ordinary life out of the ruins of their former lives. In showing how local narratives help us reframe the problem of war in Christian ethics, I argue that description is not a preliminary stage to moral judgment; description is moral judgment.</p> / Dissertation
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Iraq, ReconsideredBrewer, Joshua J. 20 April 2012 (has links)
This paper sets itself upon analyzing the Iraq War of 2003 through the lens of modern Just War Theory. We will begin with a curt summary of Iraq’s history, focusing particularly on its determinedly odious leader, Saddam Hussein. Thereon, we will be analyzing a pro-war security argument, the aim of which is to assess the threat of Hussein’s weaponry ambitions and what that threat meant to the world. Next, we will be going over the tenets of Just War Theory itself, tracing its history from Rome to the modern doorstep, and applying the security argument to its dictum. Afterwards, we move into the anti-war segment and shall unpack the subject of Iraq's oil resources and whether or not the United States' actions disqualify the intervention from achieving Just War status. Then, our next section shall be addressing the same question of potential disqualification, only this time from the angle of the war’s questionable legality. Finally, we shall conclude on the ultimate query of this paper: was the U.S. decision to intervene in 2003’s Iraq compatible with the modern principles of Just War Theory?
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Automatic Parallelization for Graphics Processing Units in JikesRVMLeung, Alan Chun Wai January 2008 (has links)
Accelerated graphics cards, or Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), have become ubiquitous in recent years. On the right kinds of problems, GPUs greatly surpass CPUs in terms of raw performance. However, GPUs are currently used only for a narrow class of special-purpose applications; the raw processing power available in a typical desktop PC is unused most of the time. The goal of this work is to present an extension to JikesRVM that automatically executes suitable code on the GPU instead of the CPU. Both static and dynamic features are used to decide whether it is feasible and beneficial to off-load a piece of code on the GPU. Feasible code is discovered by an implementation of data dependence analysis. A cost model that balances the speedup available from the GPU against the cost of transferring input and output data between main memory and GPU memory has been deployed to determine if a feasible parallelization is indeed beneficial. The cost model is parameterized so that it can be applied to different hardware combinations. We also present ways to overcome several obstacles to parallelization inherent in the design of the Java bytecode language: unstructured control flow, the lack of multi-dimensional arrays, the precise exception semantics, and the proliferation of indirect references.
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Identifiering och uppföljning av dagliga fel och brister på byggarbetsplatsen : Samt hur dessa kan hanteras enligt Lean-koncepttänkandeKarlsson, Martin, Landegren, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
Byggbranschen brottas idag med en hel del fel och brister i byggprocessen. Exempel på problem är bl.a. höga byggkostnader, kvalitetsbrister samt att det förekommer slarv och okunskap. Produktiviteten i byggbranschen har inte utvecklats lika mycket som i tillverkningsindustrin som använder sin ledningsfilosofi Lean Production. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få insikt i vilka vanliga fel och brister som förekommer i byggbranschen, samt att kunna ge förslag till förbättringar i enlighet med lean-tänkande. När man talar om Lean i byggsammanhang benämns det Lean Construction. Lean Construction har sin teoretiska bakgrund i verkstadsindustrins Lean Production och Lean Thinking. Lean Production är en industriell produktionsmetod vars syfte är att öka produktionseffektiviteten och har sin bakgrund i japanska bilindustrin. Lean Thinking är en vidareutveckling av Lean Production och är ett begrepp som används för att omfatta fler branscher utöver tillverkningsindustrin. Att arbeta enligt Lean innebär att hela tiden arbeta med ständiga förbättringar samt att identifiera och eliminera allt slöseri. Slöseri kan ses som en aktivitet som inte skapar något värde för kunden men som ändå förbrukar resurser. När man tillämpar Lean i sin organisation så analyserar man hur en effektivisering kan ske utifrån sin egen produktionsprocess. Några av grundelementen inom Lean är Kaizen som betyder ständiga förbättringar samt Just In Time. Det har utförts vissa studier kring slöseri i byggbranschen, delar av dessa presenteras i denna rapport. Det som kartlagts som slöseri är bl.a. omarbete, materialspill, överproduktion och väntan hos personal. Det är utifrån dessa kartlagda slöserier som vi har utformat enkäterna i vår undersökningsstudie. Studien visar inte på några större skillnader mellan platschefer/arbetsledare och yrkesarbetare vad det gäller deras uppfattning om vilka fel och brister som är vanligt förekommande. Båda yrkeskategorierna är överens om att slöseri kan minskas, t ex genom effektivare materialhantering på byggarbetsplatserna och bättre kommunikation och planering på alla plan. / The Construction industry struggles with quality deviances and defects in the building process. Various kinds of problem are for example expensive costs for production, defects in quality and negligence and ignorance in the industry in general. The development of productivity in building process has not progressed at the same rate as companies within manufacturing industry who are using the Lean Production philosophy. The purpose whit this degree project is to bring knowledge about what kind of deviances and defects that exist in the industry, and to recommend suggestions for improvements in accordance with Lean Thinking. When you speak about Lean in the construction business it is called Lean Construction. Lean Construction has its theoretical background in the engineering industries Lean Production and Lean Thinking. Lean Production is an industrial production method which purpose is to increase the effectiveness of production. It originates from the car-industry in Japan. The concept of Lean Thinking is a further development of Lean Production and it includes all industries, not just the manufacturing industry. To work according to Lean means that you all the time tries to achieve constant improvements and to identify and eliminate all kinds of waste in time and materials. Waste can be seen as an activity that do not create any added value for the customer but still however consume resources. While implementing and using Lean in your business corporation you have to analyze how a potentiate can be achieved outgoing from the existing production process. Some main elements within Lean are Kaizen, which means constant improvements, and Just In Time. There have been many studies about waste in production in the construction industry. Some are introduced in this report. Activities that have been identified as waste are among others reworking, waste of material, overproduction and misplanning causing waiting times among employees. Based on these ascertained wastages we have formulated the questionnaire study. The study does not show large differences between local managers/team leaders and construction workers when it comes to their opinion about what kinds of deviances and defects they find as frequent. The both professions agree that waste can be reduced, by the way of for example efficacious material handling on the building sites and better communication and planning on several levels. Keywords: Building process, Lean Construction, Wasting, Kaizen and Just In Time
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Motivational changes due to individual differences and situational variations in ingroup identification can influence accessibility of memories of ingroup violence, victimization and glories. In Study 1, high identifiers recalled fewer incidents of ingroup violence and hatred than of ingroup suffering. As well, they recalled fewer incidents of ingroup violence and hatred than did low identifiers. In Study 2, a manipulation of ingroup identity produced shifts in memory. Relative to those in the low identity condition, participants in the high identity condition recalled fewer incidents of violence and hatred and more good deeds by members of their group. Participants in a control condition recalled more positive than negative group actions; this bias was exaggerated in the high identity condition and eliminated in the low identity condition. With respect to memories of ingroup tragedies, Studies 3 and 4 demonstrated that experimental reminders of ingroup suffering enhanced participants' sense of connectedness to the ingroup. The findings suggest that memories of ingroup aggressions threaten ingroup identity whereas memories of ingroup suffering enhance ingroup identity. Societal implications of the findings are discussed. The present research informs the literature on reconstructive memory by extending previous findings on the flexibility of personal memories to historical memory.
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