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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vägen mot Lean Accounting : En mogen stig?

Pernet, Carole, Klefbom, Gustaf January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Lean accounting : En undersökning av lean accounting i Svenska företag inom tillverkningsindustrin / Lean accounting : A survey of lean accounting in Swedish companies in the manufacturing industry

Brihs, Julia, Zandhers, Elvira January 2016 (has links)
Till följd av globalisering och ökad konkurrens har västvärldens intresse för lean production som produktionssystem vuxit och i Sverige är lean production den verksamhetsutveckling som tillämpas i störst utsträckning. Efter implementering av lean production har organisationer upptäckt att den traditionella ekonomistyrningen behöver förändras eftersom den motverkar leans värderingar. Dessutom belyser inte de traditionella ekonomiska rapporterna förändringarna som sker till följd av lean production, något som kan resultera i att företag avbryter implementeringen. Som ett resultat har lean accounting som bygger på leans principer och metoder utvecklats för att stödja lean production. Lean accounting har trots dess fördelar en begränsad utbredning i Sverige enligt förespråkare. Utifrån en kvalitativ studie med en abduktiv ansats har sex personliga intervjuer genomförts med respondenter bestående av förespråkare och ekonomer i företag med lean production. Arbetets insamlade teori tolkas tillsammans med empirin utifrån ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och resulterar i arbetets analys och slutsats. Arbetets slutsats är att den begränsade utbredningen av lean beror på ekonomiavdelningars bristfälliga delaktighet i implementeringen av lean production. Eftersom bristen på delaktighet beror på ledningens oförmåga att engagera och involvera ekonomiavdelningen kan företagets ledning vara en anledning till lean accountings begränsade utbredning. När ledningen involverar och skapar delaktighet i företagets ekonomiavdelningar skapas kunskap om leans värderingar och principer som resulterar i egenutvecklade metoder och verktyg. Dock finns det en allmän okunskap om begreppet lean accounting som resulterar i att ekonomiavdelningarna inte är medvetna om att de tillämpar metoder och verktyg som kan anses vara lean accounting. En konsekvens av den missvisande uppfattningen gällande lean accountings begränsade utbredning är avsaknaden av goda exempel och bristande intresse. / As a result of globalization and increased competition, the West's interest in lean production as a production system has grown and is the business development practice that is used to the greatest extent in Sweden. After an implementation of lean production, organizations have discovered that the traditional financial control needs to be adjusted because it counteracts leans values. In addition, the traditional financial reports do not highlight the changes that occur as a result of lean production, which could result in a decision to cancel the implementation of lean production. As a result, lean accounting, which is based on lean principles and methods, has been developed in order to support lean production. Despite the advantages of lean accounting the implementation is limited in Sweden according to proponents. The survey is based on a qualitative study with an abductive onset. Six respondents consisting of advocates and economists in companies with lean production was interviewed individually. The thesis together with the empirical data has been collected based on a hermeneutic approach, which result in the analysis and conclusion. The study shows that the limited implementation of lean depends on the economics department's inadequate participation in the implementation of lean production. As the lack of participation depends on the management's inability to engage and involve the finance department, the company's management may be a reason to the limited implementation of lean accounting. When management involve and encourage the finance departments to participate in the lean implementation, knowledge of lean’s values and principles increase which results in the development of methods and tools. However, there is a general ignorance of the concept of lean accounting, as a result the financial departments are not aware that they apply methods and tools that can be considered lean accounting. A consequence of the misleading perception regarding lean accountings limited implementation is the lack of good examples and lack of interest.

Lean Productions påverkan på ekonomistyrningen : En fallstudie inom Gnutti Powertrain AB / Lean Production's influence on management accounting : - A case study on Gnutti Powertrain AB

Arvidsson, Oskar, Johansson, Pierre January 2013 (has links)
Examensarbete, civilekonomprogrammet, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, ekonomistyrning, 4FE03E, VT 2013 Titel: Lean Productions påverkan på ekonomistyrningen - En fallstudie inom Gnutti   Powertrain AB Bakgrund: Allt mer konkurrensutsatta marknader har inneburit att företag sökt nya sätt att utveckla och effektivisera sina verksamheter. Detta har resulterat i att många företag valt att införa produktionsstrategin Lean Production. Flera forskare har påvisat att den traditionella ekonomistyrningen inte är anpassad till och lämplig för företag som använder produktionsstrategin Lean Production. Detta har inneburit att den traditionella ekonomistyrningen måste förändras och utvecklas för att kunna stödja de förändringar som den nya produktionsstrategin ger upphov till. Därmed blev det intressant att studera ett enskilt fallföretag för att identifiera om och hur detta företag har förändrat sin ekonomistyrning till följd av användandet av Lean Production.  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån det enskilda fallet Gnutti Powertrain AB bidra med en förståelse för hur ekonomistyrningens utformning och användning påverkas av användandet av den avancerade produktionsstrategin Lean Production. Studien syftar även till att identifiera och beskriva vilka ytterligare förändringar som Gnutti Powertrain ABs ekonomistyrningen kan behöva genomgå för att stödja företagets nya produktionsstrategi. Metod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie bestående av en fallstudie av det tillverkande företaget Gnutti Powertrain AB. Insamlingen av data har primärt bestått av intervjuer men innefattas också av direkta observationer och insamlad dokumentation som exempelvis information från affärssystemet, årsredovisningar och företagsdokument.   Resultat, slutsatser: Resultaten i denna studie visar på att användandet av Lean Production leder till olika typer av produktions- och organisatoriska förändringar vilka påverkar utformningen och användningen av ekonomistyrningen. Det påvisas också att fallföretaget förändrat ekonomistyrningen, inom områdena redovisning, budgetering, kalkylering och prestationsmätning, till följd av införandet av Lean Production. Genom en omfattande analys av fallföretagets nuvarande ekonomistyrning har det också identifierats och beskrivits ytterligare förändringar som fallföretagets ekonomistyrning kan genomgå. Förslagen utgörs av en metod som kan användas för att identifiera och utvärdera de operativa förbättringarnas påverkan på det finansiella resultatet samt hur företaget kan förbättra sitt kalkyleringsförfarande genom att utveckla arbetet med Value Stream Costing. / Master thesis, Program of Master of Science in Business and Economics, School of Business and Economics at Linneaus University in Växjö, 4FE03E, Spring 2013 Title:  Lean Production's influence on management accounting - A case study on Gnutti Powertrain AB. Background: Due to more and more competitive markets, companies have searched for new ways to develop and streamline their operations.  This has lead to the fact that many companies have choosen to implement the production strategy Lean Production. Several scientists have demonstrated that the traditional management accounting is not adapted to nor suitable for companies that use the production strategy Lean Production.  This has meant that the traditional management accounting has had to change and be developed in order to be able to support  the changes that the new production strategy give rise to. Thus, it became interesting to study a specific case of a company to identify if, and how this company has changed its management accounting as a result of using Lean Production.  Purpose: The purpose with this study is, that by studying the single case of Gnutti Powertrain AB, to contribute with an understanding of how the management accounting's design and application are influenced by the use of the advanced production strategy Lean Production. The study also intends to identify and describe what additional changes Gnutti Powertrain AB's management accounting might have to experience in order to support the company's new production strategy. Methods: The thesis is a qualitative study consisting of a case study of the manufacturing company Gnutti Powertrain AB. The collection of data has primarily consisted of interviews, but also includes direct observations, and collected documentation, like for example; information from the business system, annual reports, and corporate documents. Results, conclusions: The results in this study show that the use of Lean Production leads to different types of production- and organizational changes which affect the design and use of management accounting. It is also detected that, as a result of the introduction of Lean Production, the  case company has changed the management accounting, within the areas of accounting, budgeting, calculation, and performance measurement. Through an extensive analysis of the case company's present management accounting,  it has also been identified and demonstrated further changes that the company's management accounting can undergo. The proposals are comprised of a method that can be used to identify and evaluate the operative improvement's influence on the financial result, together with how the company can improve its calculation method by developing the work with Value Stream Costing.

Proposta de ferramenta para medição e análise da aderência de processos contábeis ao modelo lean accounting

Souza, Patrícia Coelho Motta de 16 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-05-12T20:17:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 proposta_ferramenta.pdf: 2337946 bytes, checksum: 0c30e57b5937580a6c29049ce4d68e8f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-12T20:17:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 proposta_ferramenta.pdf: 2337946 bytes, checksum: 0c30e57b5937580a6c29049ce4d68e8f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Nenhuma / O pensamento enxuto tem provocado mudanças representativas nas áreas produtivas. Estas alterações vêm sendo medidas equivocadamente pelos sistemas de gestão financeira, em razão de os pressupostos ainda estarem embasados na mentalidade de produção em massa, defendendo que as otimizações locais isoladas traduzem a otimização global da empresa. Diante disso, é possível afirmar que a contabilidade tradicional não é capaz de prover as informações necessárias à correta tomada de decisão em companhias enxutas. Maskell e Baggaley (2004) enfatizam as necessidades de alinharem-se as metas do lean com as práticas financeiras. Com isso, o interesse no método da contabilidade enxuta torna-se um subproduto de interesse em todo o movimento enxuto de uma companhia. O pensamento enxuto tem por finalidade melhorar os negócios, concentrando-se naquilo que o cliente deseja, seja o cliente interno e/ou externo, eliminando etapas e processos que não agreguem valor. A Contabilidade Enxuta faz parte deste movimento, assim como todas as demais formas utilizadas para alcançar a melhoria contínua do negócio. Para o cumprimento do objetivo proposto, utilizou-se a metodologia de estudo de caso, com a aplicação em uma empresa do setor de equipamentos rodoviários fora de estrada. Como resultado, desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta capaz de medir e analisar o grau de aderência dos processos contábeis frente aos conceitos do modelo Lean Accounting. / Lean thinking has caused changes in the representative production areas. These changes have been mistakenly measures for financial management systems, because of the assumptions are still grounded in the mentality of mass production, arguing that the isolated local optima reflect the companys global optimization. Therefore, we can say that traditional accounting is not able to provide the information necessary for correct decision making in lean companies. Maskell and Baggaley (2004) emphasize the need to align themselves with the goals of lean financial practices. As a result, interest in lean accounting method becomes a byproduct of interest in the whole movement a lean company. Lean thinking aims to improve business, focusing on what the customer wants, is the internal customer and / or external processes and eliminating steps that add no value. Lean Accounting is part of this movement, as well as all other tools used to achieve continuous improvement of the business. To achieve the objective proposed, we used the methodology of case study, with the application in a company in the road off-road equipament. As a result, we developed a tool to measure and analyze the degree of compliance of accounting processes forward the concepts of Lean Accounting model.

Mensuração dos efeitos em indicadores de custos decorrentes da aplicação Lean em processos hospitalares: um estudo em uma central de abastecimento farmacêutico

Reckziegel, André Ricardo Guimarães 21 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-09-15T13:14:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 André Reckziegel_.pdf: 2104679 bytes, checksum: f9dbfe75cac9db4e12b7c776ee3b2764 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-15T13:14:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 André Reckziegel_.pdf: 2104679 bytes, checksum: f9dbfe75cac9db4e12b7c776ee3b2764 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-21 / Nenhuma / Este estudo tem como objetivo mensurar os efeitos percebidos sobre indicadores de custos, decorrente da aplicação Lean Healthcare em processos hospitalares. O trabalho baseou-se na pesquisa tipo estudo de caso de abordagem descritiva de dados, de natureza quali-quantitativa, em um Hospital Geral Privado de Porto Alegre. Concluiu-se que não é possível mensurar corretamente os efeitos percebidos sobre indicadores de custos, decorrente desta aplicação, através das demonstrações contábeis empregadas pelo hospital. Percebeu-se variação em indicadores econômicos gerencias da organização, mas esses não refletem completamente as evidências operacionais de melhoria evidenciadas pela aplicação Lean Healthcare e a percepção dos envolvidos neste projeto. Por fim foi relacionado os resultados evidenciados com a literatura descrita, possibilitando colocar algumas sugestões futuras ao hospital, no sentido de começar a discutir adequações em seus sistemas informatizados e, em especial, o sistema contábil e seus demonstrativos, no sentido de prepará-los para mensurar corretamente efeitos em custos, decorrente de novas aplicações Lean em seus processos hospitalares. / This study aims to measure the perceived effects on cost indicators, arising from Lean Healthcare application in hospital processes. The work was based on research case study type of descriptive data approach of qualitative and quantitative nature, in a private general hospital in Porto Alegre. It was concluded that it can not correctly measure the perceived effects on cost indicators deriving from this application through the financial statements used by the hospital. It was noticed change in managerial organization economic indicators, but these do not reflect completely the improvement of operational evidence evidenced by applying Lean Healthcare and the perception of those involved in this project. Finally the results shown with the described literature were related, allowing put some further suggestions to the hospital, to start discussing adjustments in its computer systems and, in particular, the accounting system and their statements, to prepare them for correctly measure effects on costs due to new applications Lean in their hospital processes.

How Healthcare Accounting Adapts to Lean Practices

Duke, Caitlin R 01 May 2017 (has links)
Healthcare has recently begun a push towards more lean practices and management. Healthcare accounting, in an effort to reflect business practices, must change to accurately reflect reality. This research seeks to explore how healthcare providers improve their accounting systems to keep up with an ever-changing lean environment. By examining both healthcare and accounting literature, this comprehensive literature review seeks to answer the question, “How does healthcare accounting adapt to lean philosophies?”.

Perceptions of Value-Stream Costing and the Effect on Lean-Accounting Implementation

Timm, Patricia Hart 01 January 2015 (has links)
In response to the competitive global economy, lean manufacturing has become more prevalent in the United States. Manufacturing has changed, but cost accounting has not. Lean manufacturing has the potential to change the U.S. manufacturing economy, resulting in positive economic social change, yet it requires lean accounting to increase successful implementations. This study addressed the problem of lack of adoption of lean-accounting techniques like value-stream costing in lean-manufacturing enterprises. The purpose of this nonexperimental explanatory study was to investigate factors that influence the adoption of lean accounting. Using the technology acceptance model (TAM), based on the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior, this study examined whether management accountants- perceptions of the ease of use (PEOU), or perceived usefulness (PU) of value-stream costing may influence their intention (BI) to implement value-stream costing. The 2,307 attendees of the Lean Accounting Summit from 2005-2013 were invited to participate in an online survey; 70 attendees agreed to participate. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regressions were calculated. Statistically significant positive relationships emerged between PEOU, PU, and the intention to implement value-stream costing. Also, PEOU and PU for the individual accounted for 51% of the variance of BI, and PEOU and PU for the organization accounted for 49% of the variance of BI. This study added to the understanding how management accountants- perceptions positively influence their intention to implement value-stream costing. The relationships found by this study will create positive social change when used to influence the adoption of value-stream costing in order to increase the successful implementation of lean manufacturing in the U.S.

Lean accounting : -ett effektivare styrsystem i processorienterade företag / Lean Accounting : a more efficient management system inprocess orientated companies

Jonsson, Jenny, Larsson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
För att skapa mer verkliga siffror och aktualitet i beslutsunderlag har lean accounting som ekonomistyrningsmetod uppkommit. Metoden sägs bättre komplettera de förändringar som skett mot mer processorientering inom företag. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva de skillnader och likheter som förekommer mellan traditionell ekonomistyrning och lean accounting. Även hur lean accounting kan utgöra ett mer komplett styrsystem i processorienterade företag i dess strävan mot lönsamhet, diskuteras. Detta görs för att identifiera de brister som sägs uppkomma då traditionella ekonomistyrningsmetoder används i processorienterade företag. Studien baseras på litteratur inom lean-omårdet samt inom traditionell ekonomistyrning. Resultatet av denna studie visar på hur traditionella mätetal anses skapa ett suboptimerat beteende och förespråka massproduktion för att nå mesta möjliga kostnadsfördelning. Vidare sker en diskussion kring hur företag som arbetar med lean och processorientering, genom att även integrera ekonomisystemen i organisationens arbete och implementera lean accounting, kan få fram och basera sina beslut på mer verkliga siffror och därmed på sikt skapa en ökad lönsamhet i företaget.

Lean accounting : -ett effektivare styrsystem i processorienterade företag / Lean Accounting : a more efficient management system inprocess orientated companies

Jonsson, Jenny, Larsson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
<p>För att skapa mer verkliga siffror och aktualitet i beslutsunderlag har lean accounting som ekonomistyrningsmetod uppkommit. Metoden sägs bättre komplettera de förändringar som skett mot mer processorientering inom företag. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva de skillnader och likheter som förekommer mellan traditionell ekonomistyrning och lean accounting. Även hur lean accounting kan utgöra ett mer komplett styrsystem i processorienterade företag i dess strävan mot lönsamhet, diskuteras. Detta görs för att identifiera de brister som sägs uppkomma då traditionella ekonomistyrningsmetoder används i processorienterade företag. Studien baseras på litteratur inom lean-omårdet samt inom traditionell ekonomistyrning. Resultatet av denna studie visar på hur traditionella mätetal anses skapa ett suboptimerat beteende och förespråka massproduktion för att nå mesta möjliga kostnadsfördelning. Vidare sker en diskussion kring hur företag som arbetar med lean och processorientering, genom att även integrera ekonomisystemen i organisationens arbete och implementera lean accounting, kan få fram och basera sina beslut på mer verkliga siffror och därmed på sikt skapa en ökad lönsamhet i företaget.</p>

Lean Implementation and the Role of Lean Accounting in the Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Industry

Andersch, Adrienn 13 November 2014 (has links)
Implementing Lean in the United States transportation equipment manufacturing industry holds the promise for improvements in, among other things, productivity, quality, and innovation, resulting in more competitive success and profits. Although Lean has been applied throughout the industry with noted success, there have been some difficulties in demonstrating the financial benefits derived from Lean initiatives. Most of the evidence supporting a positive relationship between Lean implementation and improved financial performance is anecdotal. As companies have become more proficient in carrying out Lean initiatives in manufacturing, they have extended Lean ideas to other parts of their organization and throughout the entire supply chain. Nowadays, it is widely recognized that a holistic, enterprise-wide view is critical to obtain the potential benefits of a Lean transformation. However, Lean transformations are often undertaken without consideration of supporting functions such as accounting and finance. Lean transformation in accounting and finance should be run in the same way as it is in the manufacturing environment by decreasing reporting cycle time, improving transaction processing accuracy, eliminating unnecessary transaction processing, changing product costing procedures, and financial reporting among many other things, but there is limited empirical evidence of that happening. To address these shortcomings, this research focuses on three areas. First, this study aims to evaluate transportation equipment manufacturing facilities in respect to their operational and financial performance. Second, this study aims to investigate the extent of Lean implementation of a given operation in respect to leadership, manufacturing, accounting and finance, and supplier and customer relationship and correlate these results to their performance. Finally, this study aims to further examine the contextual characteristics of companies that successfully aligned their systems with Lean. A mixed-mode survey, addressed to a subset of the United States transportation equipment manufacturing industry, asked questions pertinent to companies' Lean transformation efforts, performance, and general characteristics. During the four months long survey period, a total of 69 valid responses were received, for a response rate of 3.78 percent. From the 69 valid responses, 8 responses were eliminated due to containing more than 20 percent missing values. Multiple imputation procedure was applied to handle remaining missing values in the dataset. Before testing study hypotheses, scale reliability and construct validity tests were run to decide whether a particular survey item should be retained in further analysis. Study hypotheses were then tested using profile deviation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. When the level of Lean implementation and performance relationship was investigated using a multiple regression analysis, results did not show any evidence that the higher level of Lean implementation along four business dimensions (leadership, manufacturing, accounting and finance, and supplier and customer relationship) of transportation equipment manufacturing facilities positively influences their operational and financial performance. However, it was revealed that the higher level of Lean implementation in transportation equipment manufacturing facilities' manufacturing dimension resulted in better quality performance as measured by first-time through, inbound quality, and outbound quality. When the same relationship was investigated using a profile deviation analysis, results were identical. When the level of Lean implementation in accounting and finance and its relationship with performance was investigated using a single regression analysis, results showed that the higher level of Lean implementation in transportation equipment manufacturing facilities' accounting and finance dimension has a positive effect on accounting performance and on operational performance (e.g., on time-based performance and delivery-based performance), but no effect on financial performance. When the same relationship was investigated using a profile deviation analysis, results were different by showing no relationship between the level of Lean implementation in transportation equipment manufacturing facilities' accounting and finance dimension and accounting, operational, and financial performance. Lastly, the effect of contextual variables (e.g., industry segment, location, annual sales volume, and unionization) on performance, the level of Lean implementation, and the performance -- Lean implementation relationship was investigated using hierarchical regression. Results showed that transportation equipment manufacturing facilities' performance is influenced by annual sales volume. Their level of Lean implementation in the accounting and finance dimension is influenced by location, while their performance -- Lean implementation in the accounting and finance dimension relationship is influenced by industry segment. / Ph. D.

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