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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tänk om jag dör medan jag väntar : En intervjustudie om hur det är att vänta på en operation av aortaanerysm eller aortadissektion

Lindström, Susanna, Andréasson, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att vänta på en elektiv operation förknippas med upplevelser av depression och oro. Patienter med aortaaneurysm uttrycker att sjukdomen bidrar till begränsningar i livet, trots avsaknad av fysiska symtom. Informationen anses också vara bristfällig innan operationen samt att det är svårt att få kontakt med sjukvården för att kunna ställa frågor. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att vänta på en operation av aortaaneurysm eller aortadissektion samt utröna vilket stöd som behövs för att underlätta väntan för dessa patienter. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie utfördes med tio informanter som genomgått elektiv operation av aortaaneurysm eller aortadissektion. En manifest innehållsanalys utfördes. Resultat: Informanterna beskrev både positiva och negativa aspekter under väntan inför operation. Detta kunde exempelvis vara att det både fanns känslor av oro men även känslor av lugn under väntan. Även påverkan på livet ansågs vara liten respektive stor där det till exempel upplevdes svårt att planera för aktiviteter. Den information som levererades ansågs vara både tillfredsställande och otillräcklig. Slutsats: Det finns ett behov av att patienter som väntar på en operation av aortaaneurysm eller aortadissektion får korrekt information. Genom att utveckla en organisationskultur som tillåter ett individuellt anpassat stöd där all vårdpersonal har ett ansvar kan det förbättra välmåendet hos dessa patienter.

The Role of Chlamydophila Pneumoniae in the Inflammatory Response and Expansion of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Karlsson, Lars January 2009 (has links)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common disease that develops gradually over several years and is characterised by weakening and dilatation of the aortic wall. AAAs also demonstrates a marked inflammatory infiltrate throughout the aortic wall. Chlamydophila pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae), is a common bacterium. About 50% of the population has been infected in adolescence. Thirteen studies report the presence of either C. pneumoniae or its antigens in 35-100% of AAA specimens. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the possible role of C. pneumoniae in inflammatory response and expansion of AAA from a clinical point of view. In paper I, viable C. pneumoniae was detected in a majority of 26 patients with AAA having open surgery. Patients operated for AAA had higher C. pneumoniae antibodies titers than controls. In paper II, 247 patients were randomised in a double-blind trial, to evaluate the effect of azithromycin on the expansion of small AAAs. No such effect was seen and there was no correlation between C. pneumoniae antibody titers and AAA expansion. In paper III, 42 patients with AAA were compared to 100 age- and sex matched controls with normal aortas. C. pneumoniae antibodies were analysed in plasma samples obtained at screening, and in samples from a study conducted 5-15 (mean 12) years previously on the same population. There was no significant difference between the groups. In paper IV, were 211 patients were analysed, we could not find an association between levels in plasma of three markers of inflammation (IL-6, MMP-9 and CRP) and AAA expansion. A significant reduction in AAA expansion rate was found in patients treated with a combination of ASA and statins. In conclusion, viable C. pneumoniae is found at the scene of the crime, but we were unable to reverse or halt expansion of AAA with antibiotic treatment. C. pneumoniae antibody titers cannot be used, to detect small AAA, or to evaluate AAA expansion. From a clinical point of view, based on the methods and analyses used in this thesis, the role of C. pneumoniae in the inflammatory response and expansion of abdominal aortic aneurysms is limited.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm : Epidemiological and Health Economic Aspects

Mani, Kevin January 2010 (has links)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common disease that is life threatening when rupture occurs. The aims of this thesis were to study (I) the long-term survival after AAA repair, (II) the cost of repair with open (OR) and endovascular (EVAR) technique, (III) the effect of different statistical methods on interpretation of cost data, (IV) the prevalence of the disease among patients with suspected arterial disease referred to the vascular laboratory, and (V) the cost-effectiveness of selective high-risk screening. Analyses of data from the Swedish vascular registry (Swedvasc), local patient registries, patient records and hospital cost registries form the basis of this thesis. Short- and long-term survival after intact AAA repair improved over the past two decades, despite increasing patient age and rate of comorbidities over time. Compared to a general population adjusted for age, sex and calendar year, the relative 5-year survival was 90% among those surviving repair. While short-term survival improved over time after ruptured repair, relative long-term survival was stable. Despite differences in patient selection and cost structure, the total cost of AAA repair with EVAR and OR was similar in a population based setting (€28,193). There was lack of consistency in the methods used in cost-analysis in the current literature, and p-values were highly dependent on test method. The practice of selective (non-population-based) screening for AAA among patients referred to the vascular laboratory was studied. The prevalence of AAA was 4.2% among male and 1.5% among female patients. AAA was associated with high age and prevalence of arterial stenosis. Of AAAs detected through selective screening, 21.5% had undergone elective repair at 7.5 years follow-up. In a health-economic evaluation, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of selective screening was €11,084 per life year gained. In conclusion, survival after intact AAA repair has improved over time, despite changes in case-mix. Results of health economic reports on cost of AAA repair can be highly dependent on patient selection as well as presentation of data and the statistical methods used. Selective screening for AAA among patients referred to the vascular laboratory is cost-effective.

Postoperativa sårinfektioner efter kärlkirurgiska ingrepp med inguinal inscision / Postoperative wound infections after vascular surgery with inguinal inscision

Johansson, Mimmi, Ekholm, Charlott January 2013 (has links)
Syftet för denna studie var att studera förekomsten av postoperativa sårinfektioner hos patienter som genomgått kärloperation med inguinal incision under åren 2008 till och med mars månad 2013. Undersöka skillnader gällande riskfaktorer inom studerad patientgrupp för förekomst av postoperativ sårinfektion samt studera om patienter som utfört endovaskulär metod under samma vårdtillfälle oftare drabbades av postoperativ sårinfektion än de patienter som inte genomgått endovaskulär metod under samma vårdtillfälle. Metoden som användes var granskning av patientjournaler efter utifrån studien utvalda specifika operationskoder. Granskningen av de 54 patientjournalerna skedde med hjälp av egenmodifierad tidigare använd granskningsmall. Studieresultatet visar att förekomsten av postoperativa sårinfektioner hos den studerade patientgruppen uppgår till 22,2 %. Skillnader mellan infektion och utförd endovaskulär metod kunde ses men inte påvisas med statistisk signifikans. Studien visade också att kvinnor oftare än män drabbas av postoperativ sårinfektion. Slutsatsen är att ungefär var femte patient i studien, som genomgått denna typ av kirurgi, ådrog sig en postoperativ sårinfektion och att många av dessa ledde till en kostsam postoperativ sårbehandling med Vacuum assisted closure, (VAC). / The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of postoperative wound infections in patients undergoing vascular surgery with inguinal incision in the years 2008 until March 2013. Examining differences in the risk factors in the studied group of patients occurrence of postoperative wound infection and to study whether patients who performed endovascular method during the same hospitalization more often suffered postoperative wound infection than patients who did not undergo endovascular method during the same hospitalization. The method used was the examination of patient records for the study, based on selected specific audit template. Study results show that the incidence of postoperative wound infections in the studied patient population amounts to 22,2 %. Differences between infection and performed endovascular method could be seen but not detected with statistical significance. The study also showed that women more often than men suffer from postoperative wound infection. The conclusion is that approximately one in five patients in the study who have undergone this type of surgery, suffered a postoperative wound infection and that many of these led to a costly postoperative wound Vacuum Assisted Closure (VAC).

Acute Occlusion of the Superior Mesenteric Artery : Diagnosis and treatment

Block, Tomas January 2010 (has links)
Acute occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) is a condition associated with high mortality and morbidity. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for acute SMA occlusion. In a prospective study of patients with suspected intestinal ischemia, no biomarker was sufficiently accurate to detect this condition. In a second retrospective study, pancreatic amylase and troponin-I were elevated in a substantial proportion of patients with verified SMA occlusion. In an experimental animal model of acute SMA occlusion, microarray studies of ischemic small bowel wall were used to characterize the mRNA response to ischemia. Thrombospondin, Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein 1 and Gap Junction Alpha 1 were consistently up-regulated in all pigs with intestinal ischemia. Genes encoding previously proposed biomarkers for intestinal ischemia were either up-regulated, such as lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase, or down-regulated, such as intestinal fatty acid binding protein and glutathione S-transferase. In a study of the role of computed tomography in the diagnosis of SMA occlusion, it was shown that computed tomography with intravenous contrast was associated with improved survival. A retrospective analysis of all acute SMA revascularizations in Sweden 1999-2006 revealed that D-dimer was elevated in all 35 measured cases.  Endovascular surgery was associated with better outcome than open surgery, both in short and in long term. The presence of postoperative short bowel syndrome was a strong independent risk-factor for decreased long-term survival. Conclusions: Data affirm that D-dimer may serve as an exclusion test for acute SMA occlusion, whereas elevated troponin-I and pancreatic amylase are potential diagnostic pitfalls. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the visceral arteries seems to be the best diagnostic method. Endovascular surgery is an option to open surgery in selected cases, and was associated with favourable outcome.

Intra-abdominal Hypertension and Colonic Hypoperfusion after Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair

Djavani Gidlund, Khatereh January 2011 (has links)
Colonic ischaemia (CI), Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) are devastating complications after abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) surgery. The aims of this thesis were to study the incidence and clinical consequences of IAH/ACS and the association between CI and intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) among patients undergoing OR for ruptured AAA (rAAA), to compare extraluminal pHi monitoring, with standard intra-luminal monitoring among patients operated on for AAA, and to study the frequency and clinical consequences of IAH/ACS after endovascular repair (EVAR) for rAAA. The incidence of ACS was 26% in a retrospective study of 27 patients undergoing OR for rAAA. Consensus definitions on IAH/ACS were appropriate for patients after OR for rAAA: 78% (7/9) of patients with IAH grade III or IV developed organ failure and all patients who developed CI had some degree of IAH. Active fluid resuscitation treating hypovolaemia to avoid CI may partly cause IAH. The association between CI and IAP was investigated in a prospective study on 29 patients operated on for rAAA, 86% (25/29) were treated for hypovolaemia and ten (34%) had both IAH and CI. Since monitoring colonic perfusion is very important and there is no ideal method, a new technique, extraluminal colonic tonometry to detect colonic perfusion was compared with standard intraluminal tonometry. Although, this new method was not able to determine the severity of ischaemia it may serve as a screening test. EVAR of rAAA is feasible and patients may benefit from this less invasive procedure. Of 29 patients treated with this technique, 10% developed ACS, and all patients except one with preoperative shock developed some degree of IAH. In conclusion, IAP/ACS is common after both OR and EVAR for rAAA, and is associated with adverse outcome. Monitoring IAP and colonic perfusion with timely intervention may improve outcome.

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