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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jämställdhet på papperet : Diskurser om jämställdhetsintegrering inom en komunal organisation och dess påverkan på det praktiska arbetet / Gender equality on paper : Gender mainstreaming discourses in municipal organizations and their implications for practical work

Liljegren, Hanna, Wincent-Dodd, Samuel January 2020 (has links)
Gender mainstreaming has been the official strategy for Swedish equality work since the mid-1990s. Municipal organizations have an important function in this work, with their roles as implementation bodies at local level. This paper aims to analyze a gender equality policy from one Swedish municipal. Furthermore we analyze the policies implications for the practical work within the organization. Using Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis (CDA), this study examines a Swedish municipal gender equality policy and how it is practiced. Focus lies on how gender equality is defined, what is at center of gender equality work and how this work is organized. An interview with a manager has been conducted for the purpose of examining the consequences the policy has on gender equality in a practical sense within the organization. This paper has found that it is not just about practical behavior in the traditional sense, but also that language itself is a form of behavior. The results help understand how language is a form of doing gender.

Högstadielärares osynliga arbete : och dess påverkan på arbetsmiljön ur ett genusperspektiv / High school teachers’ invisible work : and its impact on the work environment from a gender perspective

Näsman, Amalia, Björnehall, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats presenterar en kvalitativ studie av fenomenet osynligt arbete bland svenska högstadielärare. Genom att genomföra 13 semistrukturerade intervjuer med manliga och kvinnliga högstadielärare är syftet att undersöka hur fenomenet osynligt arbete ser ut inom svensk högstadieskola. Studien intar ett genusperspektiv och det teoretiska ramverket är Joan Ackers teori om könade organisationer. Vidare använder studien även Trudy Bates relationella modell av Ackers fem könade processer. Genom att använda detta perspektiv kan studien identifiera eventuella könsmönster som kan uppstå i relation till upplevelsen av osynligt arbete. Utifrån två forskningsfrågor har resultaten kunnat visa att det finns många olika typer av osynligt arbete inom läraryrket på svenska högstadieskolor. Allt från att bygga starka relationer med elever, ansvara för anteckningar på möten, till olika former av hushålls- och underhållsarbete med mera, har identifierats som osynliga arbetsuppgifter. När det gäller könsskillnader kan resultaten vidare visa att det vanligtvis är kvinnor, som i större utsträckning, utför den här typen av uppgifter. När det kommer till hur lärare påverkas av osynligt arbete, i relation till deras arbetsmiljö, visar resultaten att det är kvinnor som drabbas mest negativt. Exempelvis beskrivs stress och utbrändhet som vanliga företeelser inom yrket. Även om manliga lärare också kan drabbas, tyder resultaten på att dessa företeelser är vanligare bland kvinnliga lärare. Resultaten visar vidare att kvinnliga lärare i större utsträckning tar till medvetna strategier för att hantera sin arbetsmiljösituation. Samtidigt beskrivs de kvinnliga lärarna ha svårare att sätta gränser. Trots att det svenska skolväsendet ofta betraktas som en könsneutral organisation går det av denna studie att dra slutsatsen att denna typ av arbetsplatser påverkas av samhälleliga könsnormer. Rekommendationer för framtida studier av osynligt arbete inom läraryrket diskuteras. / This paper presents a qualitative study of the phenomenon of invisible work among Swedish high school teachers. Through the conducting of 13 semi-structured interviews with male and female high school teachers, the aim is to investigate how the phenomenon of invisible work appears in Swedish upper secondary schools. The study adopts a gender perspective and the theoretical framework is Joan Acker’s theory about gendered organizations. Furthermore, the study also uses Trudy Bates relational model of Acker's Five Gendering Processes. By using this perspective, the study can identify any potential gender patterns that may occur in relation to the experience of invisible work. Based on two research questions, the results have been able to show that there are many different types of invisible work within the teaching profession at Swedish high schools. Everything from building strong relationships with students, being responsible for taking notes at meetings, to various forms of household and maintenance work and more, have been identified as invisible work tasks. Regarding gender differences, the results could further show that women usually carry out these types of tasks in greater occurrence. When it comes to how teachers are affected by invisible work, in relation to their work environment, the results also show that women are the ones who are most negatively affected. Stress and burnout are for example described as common phenomena in the profession. Although male teachers can also be affected, the results suggest that these phenomena are more common among female teachers. The results further show that female teachers to a greater extent use conscious strategies to manage their work environment situation. At the same time they are described as having more difficulty setting boundaries. Despite the fact that the Swedish school system is often considered as a gender-neutral organization, it is possible to conclude from this study that this type of workplace is influenced by societal gender norms. Recommendations for future studies of invisible work within the teaching profession are discussed.

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