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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Privalomosios pradinės karo tarnybos karių vertybinių nuostatų dinamika / The dynamics of conscripts valuable orientations

Čiūtienė, Romena 29 June 2006 (has links)
The primary goal of the Army is country defense. To reach that goal the Army must prepare soldiers – country defenders. The world is changing its face nowadays – the Army so on: country defenders are transforming into expeditionary warriors. According to such situation most of scholars pays attention to economical or public organizations and its employees values and very little to men of the armed forces, especially conscripts valuable orientations. The thesis focuses on conscripts that are serving in Lithuanian armed forces. Company of the Honor Guard was chosen as a research unit. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the dynamics of conscripts’ valuable orientations during the serving period: identify and explore values that influence soldiers‘maturity, civic attitude, understanding of the professional ethics, explore conscripts‘valuable orientations during the period of serving in the ranks, rate the influence of commanders to dynamics of the conscripts‘valuable orientations. In part one of the study the short review of research literature is presented. In part two special adopted questionnaire was prepared, that was filled by 68 conscripts and 14 commanders (officers and non-commissioned officers). In part three the data of research is represented and analyzed too. After separate findings were systematized, research showed that valuable orientations of conscripts are greatly changing during the period of serving. These orientations become far more similar to... [to full text]

Privalomosios karo tarnybos karių fizinio ugdymo ypatumai / MBP “Gelezinis Vilkas” Guard of Honor Company at the time of the service

Godliauskas, Mindaugas 30 May 2005 (has links)
Young men who come to serve in National Defence service every year are physically weaker. Soldier physical training program has to improve their physical qualification necessary for their military-professional activities. Goal of the work. Analyze contents of physical training program of Lithuanian Army MBP “Gelezinis Vilkas” Guard of Honor Company at the time of the service and by means of pedagogical experiment survey its efficiency. 160 mandatory military service soldiers have been surveyed. Physical qualification and physical development were surveyed at the beginning of the service and at the end. It was established that the content of soldier physical training program covering the following sports (track and field athletics, gymnastics, swimming, skiing, combatant self-defence training various motory skills), results of main physical qualities’ improved. At the time of the service soldiers’ results in 100 m. jogging, 3000 m. jogging, bending-stretching hand in lying position, waist bending in seated position improved. Soldiers’ physical development results during time of service did not significantly change. Results of questionnaire survey showed that majority of the soldiers understand the importance of physical training program for their professional military activities and health.

Profesinės karo tarnybos karių psichinės sveikatos ir jos išteklių ypatumai / The mental health and the characteristics of its issues of military personnel

Gajauskaitė, Inga 24 September 2008 (has links)
Psichinę sveikatą sudaro 2 poliai: negatyvus ir pozityvus. Negatyvi psichinė sveikata yra suprantama kaip psichologinis distresas ir psichikos sutrikimai, o pozityvios psichinės sveikatos ištekliais yra laikoma vidinė darna, savigarba ir gebėjimas tinkamai įveikti stresines situacijas. Tyrimo tikslas yra išanalizuoti profesionalios karo tarnybos (PKT) karių psichinės sveiktos ir jos išteklių ypatumus. Tyrimo metu buvo siekiama patikrinti 3 hipotezes: 1) PKT kariai turintys aukštesnę vidinę darną ir aukštesnę savigarbą pasižymi mažesniu psichologiniu distresu ir mažesniu nerimastingumu.2) PKT karių psichologinį distresą ir nerimastingumą įtakoja vidinės darnos ir savigarbos stiprumas. 3) PKT karių streso įveikų naudojimas priklauso nuo vidinės darnos ir savigarbos lygio. Tyrime dalyvavo 193 profesinės karo tarnybos karių iš Vilniaus m. ir Jonavos raj. dalinių. Didžiausią dalį tiriamųjų (90,2%, t.y. 174 karių) sudarė vyrai. PKT karių psichologinis distresas buvo matuojamas taikant D. Goldberg (2001) General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 28), nerimas ir nerimastingumas tirtas N.S. Endler, J.M. Edwards, R. Vitelli (1991) Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales (EMAS) klausimynu. Pozityvi PKT karių psichinė sveikata tirta naudojant A. Antonovsky (1995) vidinės darnos trumpą klausimyno variantą ir M. Rosenberg (1965) savigarbos klausimyną. PKT karių taikomų streso įveikų stilių ypatumai matuojami naudojant Ž. Grakausko ir G. Valicko (2006) lietuvišką streso įveikų vertinimo metodiką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The mental health combines two poles: negative and positive. Negative mental health is understood as psychological distress and mental disorder while positive mental health is sense of coherence, self-esteem and ability to cope with stressful situations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the mental health and its issues of military personnel. Three hypotheses are discussed: 1) Military personnel having better sense of coherence and more self-esteem show less psychological distress and are less trait anxiety. 2) Psychological distress and trait anxiety are impacted by the strength of sense of coherence and the strength of self-esteem of military personnel. 3) The way how military personnel use stress coping manners depends both on sense of coherence and self-esteem. 193 soldiers from Vilnius and the region Jonava were tested. Most of them were male (90,2%, it means 174 soldiers). The distress of military personnel was tested using D. Goldberg‘s (2001) The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 28), state anxiety and trait anxiety with N.S. Endler‘s, J.M. Edward‘s, R. Vitelli‘s (1991) Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales (EMAS) questionnaire. The positive mental health was investigated using the short form of the sense of coherence questionnaire created by A. Antonovsky (1995) and the questionnaire of self-esteem composed by M. Rosenberg (1965). The Lithuanian version of the test created by Ž. Grakauskas and G. Valickas (2006) was used to measure the styles of stress coping... [to full text]

Profesinės karo tarnybos karių ir pirmo kurso kariūnų fizinio ir funkcinio parengtumo rezultatų kaita bazinio kario kurso rengimo periodu / Result changes during the Basic Combat Training of the physical and functional readiness of the professional military service soldiers and the first course soldiers

Plintauskas, Nerijus 09 August 2011 (has links)
Jaunuoliai, kurie ateina į profesinę karo tarnybą, kasmet yra fiziškai silpnesni. Karių fizinio rengimo programa skirta pagerinti jų fizinį parengtumą, kuris reikalingas jų profesinei veiklai. Todėl fizinis rengimas - viena iš pagrindinių kovinio rengimo kariuomenėje dalių. Pagrindinis fizinio rengimo uždavinys - visapusiškai fiziškai lavinti karį (Greičius ir kt., 1998). Pagrindinis fizinio rengimo tikslas bazinio kario kurso (toliau – BKK) metu yra fizinio pasirengimo lygio, būtino tolesnei kario tarnybai, pasiekimas. Tai reiškia, kad karys, baigęs BKK, turi atitikti jo būsimoms pareigoms ir karinei specialybei keliamus fizinio pasirengimo reikalavimus bei įvykdyti karių fizinio pasirengimo normatyvus. Nustatyta, kad žmogaus organizmas naudojant tam tikras specialių adaptacinių sistemų funkcijas (mechanizmus) prie padidėjusio fizinio ir psichologinio krūvio visiškai adaptuojasi tik per 6 – 10 savaičių. PKT kariams BKK trunka 13 savaičių, o pirmo kurso kariūnams - 9 savaites, todėl karys prie karo tarnybos sąlygų visiškai adaptuotis gali tik baigiantis šiam kursui. Šio darbo tikslas - ištirti profesinės karo tarnybos karių ir pirmo kurso kariūnų fizinio rengimo programą, pritaikytą rengti karius bazinio kario kurso metu. Buvo ištirtas 120 profesinės karo tarnybos karių ir 80 pirmo kurso kariūnų fizinis išsivystymas, funkcinis pajėgumas ir fizinis parengtumas. PKT karių tyrimai vyko bazinio kario kurso pradžioje, bazinio kario kurso penktą savaitę ir kurso... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Youngsters coming to the professional military service every year are weaker physically. The program for soldiers’ physical training is intended to improve their physical qualification which is necessary for their career. That is why physical training is one of the most important parts in the combat training in the army. The main aim of the physical training is to educate the soldier comprehensively physically. (Greičius ir kt., 1998). The main aim of the physical training during the Basic Combat Training (BCT) is the development of the level of physical readiness which is necessary for the further soldiering. That means that the soldier who is finished this course has to be able to meet requirements which are necessary for his future position and military service and he has to be able to fulfil all requirements of soldier physical readiness. It is stated that adaptation of the human body to the enlarged physical and mental strain with the help of the certain special functions of the adaptation systems is fully formed only in 6 to 10 weeks. The Basic Combat Training lasts 13 weeks, for the soldiers of the first course it lasts just 9 weeks, so the soldier can specialize to the conditions of military service only at the end of this course. The aim of this work is to research the program of the soldiers of the professional military service and the first course soldiers, which is adapted for the Basic Combat Training. It was researched physical development, functional fitness... [to full text]

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