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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fluid Dynamics and Surface Pressure Fluctuations of Two-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers Over Densely Distributed Surface Roughness

Hopkins, Andrew 03 May 2010 (has links)
Measurements were made in two-dimensional zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers over 5 geometries of three-dimensional densely distributed surface roughness. A 3-velocity component laser Doppler velocimeter was used to measure instantaneous velocities. These measurements permitted an independent estimate of skin friction on the surfaces using a momentum balance approach, and the validity of the von Karman constant for rough walls was tested. Five roughness fetches were evaluated: three sandpaper roughness fetches of varying grit size and two cases of uniformly distributed hemispheres of different spacing. Optical surface profilometry was used to characterize the geometry of the sandgrain surfaces. It was found that the smooth wall von Karman constant can not be assumed for densely distributed rough wall flows in order to determine the skin friction for these flows. This requires an independent measure of skin friction using more than a single boundary layer profile. Near wall flow structure measurements found that the hemispherical elements do not have high TKE or Reynolds shearing stress regions at the trailing edge of elements as had been shown for sparsely spaced cylindrical elements. This is likely due to the sharp trailing corner of the cylindrical elements, as opposed to an effect of spacing. Rather, hemispherical roughness has a periodically occurring high stress and TKE region located between two element centers in the stream-wise direction at a height of approximately 1.5 times the roughness element height. The periodic nature of the near wall flow extends to approximately 4 roughness element heights. The traditional roughness function f(λ) did not correlate well with λ or the modified Λ for the experimental data. However, it was found that the friction coefficient for the current dense roughness cases is a constant 0.004, within the experimental uncertainty. Traditional inner wall scalings, outer wall scalings, and roughness scalings were not able to collapse surface pressure fluctuation spectra for the various rough wall surfaces tested. However, the data do collapse for individual geometries based on Reynolds number. This gives rise to the ability to predict pressure fluctuation spectra at other Reynolds numbers. / Ph. D.

Etude numérique de l'interaction tourbillons-ondes acoustiques

Tschümperlé, Denis 25 January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail a pour objet l'étude numérique de l'interaction entre un écoulement et une onde acoustique dans l'eau. Lorsqu'une onde traverse une zone de vorticité de l'écoulement, elle subit une diffusion. Il est alors possible en recueillant l'onde diffusée d'obtenir des renseignements intéressants sur les écoulement insonnés. Cette méthode a ainsi été utilisée expérimentalement comme un moyen de mesure non-intrusif d'écoulements tourbillonnaires ou turbulents. On développe dans un premier temps la théorie de l'interaction entre une onde et un écoulement. On se propose pour cela de résoudre le problème de Neumann associé par une méthode intégrale pour le calcul de la pression acoustique diffusée. On compare la méthode avec celle décrite dans les travaux de Lund et Rojas qui proposent une formule analytique liant linéairement la vorticité et la pression diffusée dans l'espace de Fourier, dans le cadre de l'approximation de Born en champ lointain. Par comparaison avec les études expérimentales, on explique comment on peut retrouver les caractéristiques essentielles de l'écoulement dans le cas de l'allée de Von Karman, à l'aide d'une analogie avec les réseaux de diffraction optiques. On valide ensuite ces hypothèses avec le code de calcul développé, dans le cas d'une allée obtenue à l'aide d'un modèle analytique, ou à l'aide de codes de calcul d'écoulement fondés sur une méthode particulaire ou de volumes finis. La méthode d'analyse est ensuite appliquée au cas du tourbillon seul. On montre qu'on peut remonter à la mesure des ses caractéristiques principales: taille, intensité et vitesse. On étudie ensuite le cas du tourbillon marginal derrière un profil d'aile tridimensionnel et on s'intéresse enfin à un modèle analytique d'écoulement modélisant le sillage à l'arrière d'un sous-marin.

Combustion heat release effects on asymmetric vortex shedding from bluff bodies

Cross, Caleb Nathaniel 29 August 2011 (has links)
Combustion systems utilizing bluff bodies to stabilize the combustion processes can experience oscillatory heat release due to the alternate shedding of coherent, von Kármán vortices under certain operating conditions. This phenomenon needs to be understood in greater detail, since unsteady burning due to vortex shedding can lead to combustion instabilities and flame extinction in practical combustion systems. The primary objective of this study was to elucidate the influence of combustion process heat release upon the Bénard-von Kármán (BVK) instability in reacting bluff body wakes. For this purpose, spatial and temporal heat release distributions in bluff body-stabilized combustion of liquid Jet-A fuel with high-temperature, vitiated air were characterized over a wide range of operating conditions. Upon comparing the spatial and temporal heat release distributions, the fuel entrainment and subsequent heat release in the near-wake were found to strongly influence the onset and amplitude of the BVK instability. As the amount of heat release in the near-wake decreased, the BVK instability increased in amplitude. This was attributed to the corresponding decrease in the local density gradient across the reacting shear layers, which resulted in less damping of vorticity due to gas expansion. The experimental results were compared to the results of a parallel, linear stability analysis in order to further understand the influence of the combustion processes in the near-wake upon the wake instability characteristics. The results of this analysis support the postulate that oscillatory heat release due to BVK vortex shedding is the result of local absolute instability in the near-wake, which is eliminated only if the temperature rise across the reacting shear layers is sufficiently high. Furthermore, the results of this thesis demonstrate that non-uniform fuelling of the near-wake reaction zone increases the likelihood of absolutely unstable, BVK flame dynamics due to the possibility of near-unity products-to-reactants density ratios locally, especially when the reactants temperature is high.

Mécanique statistique et effet dynamo dans un écoulement de von Karman turbulent

Monchaux, Romain 28 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Nous présentons dans ce mémoire deux études centrées sur l'écoulement expérimental de von Karman.<br />Nous confrontons d'une part des prédictions théoriques obtenues dans le cadre idéal d'une mécanique statistique développée pour les écoulements axisymétriques non visqueux et non forcés à des mesures de vitesse réalisées par Vélocimétrie par Imagerie de particule stéréoscopique (SPIV). Nous obtenons des relations globales caractérisant les états stationnaires du système et prouvant une tendance à l'alignement vitesse-vorticité pour les grands nombres de Reynolds. Cette observation nous permet de dériver théoriquement deux théorèmes de fluctuation-dissipation qui sont testés sur des mesures de SPIV à hauts nombres de Reynolds.<br />D'autre part, nous étudions dans le cadre de la collaboration VKS l'effet dynamo dans un écoulement non contraint de sodium liquide. Cet effet est une instabilité qui serait responsable des champs magnétiques des objets astrophysiques dont la Terre. L'expérience en sodium liquide VKS2 a, pour la première fois, permis d'observer au laboratoire un effet dynamo donnant lieu à des dynamiques temporelles variées de champs magnétiques. Des régimes stationnaires, oscillants, intermittents ou encore présentant des inversions erratiques similaires à celle du champ magnétique terrestre sont en effet présentés. Nous montrons que ces différents régimes se classent en fonction du nombre de Rossby de l'expérience et mettons en évidence les liens qui existent entre les bifurcations magnétiques et hydrodynamiques observées.

Nonlinear finite element treatment of bifurcation in the post-buckling analysis of thin elastic plates and shells

Bangemann, Tim Richard January 1995 (has links)
The geometrically nonlinear constant moment triangle based on the von Karman theory of thin plates is first described. This finite element, which is believed to be the simplest possible element to pass the totality of the von Karman patch test, is employed throughout the present work. It possesses the special characteristic of providing a tangent stiffness matrix which is accurate and without approximation. The stability of equilibrium of discrete conservative systems is discussed. The criteria which identify the critical points (limit and bifurcation), and the method of determination of the stability coefficients are presented in a simple matrix formulation which is suitable for computation. An alternative formulation which makes direct use of higher order directional derivatives of the total potential energy is also presented. Continuation along the stable equilibrium solution path is achieved by using a recently developed Newton method specially modified so that stable points are points of attraction. In conjunction with this solution technique, a branch switching method is introduced which directly computes any intersecting branches. Bifurcational buckling often exhibits huge structural changes and it is believed that the computation of the required switch procedure is performed here, and for the first time, in a satisfactory manner. Hence, both limit and bifurcation points can be treated without difficulty and with continuation into the post buckling regime. In this way, the ability to compute the stable equilibrium path throughout the load-deformation history is accomplished. Two numerical examples which exhibit bifurcational buckling are treated in detail and provide numerical evidence as to the ability of the employed techniques to handle even the most complex problems. Although only relatively coarse finite element meshes are used it is evident that the technique provides a powerful tool for any kind of thin elastic plate and shell problem. The thesis concludes with a proposal for an algorithm to automate the computation of the unknown parameter in the branch switching method.

Elasticité et géométrie : de la rigidité des surfaces à la délamination en fil de téléphone

Audoly, Basile 06 January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur l'élasticité des corps minces bidimensionnels. Nous insistons sur les rapports entre les équations de l'élasticité et la géométrie. Nous envisageons tout d'abord le cas des coques, qui sont définies comme les corps élastiques minces possédant une courbure au repos. On sait que le comportement élastique d'une coque est largement conditionné par la rigidité infinitésimale de sa surface moyenne : selon qu'il est possible ou non de déformer cette surface tout en conservant les longueurs de toutes les courbes inscrites, on dira que la coque est isométriquement déformable, ou inhibée. Nous interprétons la classification des surfaces de révolution due à Cohn-Vossen, et la généralisons aux surfaces quelconques. Nous mettons en évidence des courbes rigidifiantes. Nous considérons ensuite la délamination des films minces comprimés : sous certaines conditions mécaniques, ces films se décollent du substrat auxquels ils adhéraient. Nous étudions la fracture de l'interface film/substrat au moyen d'un modèle de fissure avec frottement de Coulomb entre les lèvres. Des motifs de délamination en forme de fil de téléphone ont été largement observés expérimentalement. Nous les interprétons comme le résultat d'un flambage élastique secondaire dans les équations de Föppl–von Kármán. Enfin, nous montrons que la structure des équations de Föppl–von Kármán d'une part, et les propriétés de la fissure interfaciale d'autre part, permettent d'expliquer la stabilité des cloques de délamination.

Three transdimensional factors for the conversion of 2D acoustic rough surface scattering model results for comparison with 3D scattering

Tran, Bryant Minh 19 March 2014 (has links)
Rough surface scattering is a problem of interest in underwater acoustic remote sensing applications. To model this problem, a fully three-dimensional (3D) finite element model has been developed, but it requires an abundance of time and computational resources. Two-dimensional (2D) models that are much easier to compute are often employed though they don’t natively represent the physical environment. Three quantities have been developed that, when applied, allow 2D rough surface scattering models to be used to predict 3D scattering. The first factor, referred to as the spreading factor, adopted from the work of Sumedh Joshi [1], accounts for geometrical differences between equivalent 2D and 3D model environments. A second factor, referred to as the perturbative factor, is developed through the use of small perturbation theory. This factor is well-suited to account for differences in the scattered field between a 2D model and scattering from an isotropically rough 2D surface in 3D. Lastly, a third composite factor, referred to as the combined factor, of the previous two is developed by taking their minimum. This work deals only with scattering within the plane of the incident wave perpendicular to the scatterer. The applicability of these factors are tested by comparing a 2D scattering model with a fully three-dimensional Monte Carlo finite element method model for a variety of von Karman and Gaussian power spectra. The combined factor shows promise towards a robust method to adequately characterize isotropic 3D rough surfaces using 2D numerical simulations. / text

Vibrations non linéaires de plaques rectangulaires minces : une étude numérique avec applications à la turbulence d'ondes et à la synthèse sonore

Ducceschi, Michele 11 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Les vibrations de plaques minces présentent des dynamiques très riches et variées, allant de comportements linéaire à fortement non linéaire en fonction de leur amplitude par rapport à l'épaisseur. Cette thèse présente le développement d'un code numérique capable de simuler sans restriction cette dynamique complexe, décrite par les équations de Von Karman, dans le cas de plaques homogènes et présentant une géométrie rectangulaire. L'application principale de ce code est de produire des sons de cymbales et de gongs: cette partie du travail s'inscrit donc dans le contexte de la synthèse sonore par modélisation physique. Pour cela, une approche modale est utilisée, afin de réduire les équations aux dérivées partielles à un ensemble d'équations différentielles ordinaires couplées. Un schéma d'intégration temporelle est proposé, pour lequel la conservation de l'énergie produit une condition de stabilité. Les caractéristiques les plus intéressantes du schéma modal sont sa précision et la possibilité de mettre en place des lois d'amortissements complexes à moindre coût. Le son produit par le code numérique est systématiquement comparée à celui calculé par une autre méthode fondée sur les techniques de différences finies . Les aspects fondamentaux de la physique des vibrations non linéaires sont également pris en compte au cours de ce travail. Lorsqu'une plaque vibre dans un régime faiblement non linéaire, les couplages modaux produisent des vibrations qui dépendent de l'amplitude, des résonances internes, des instabilités, des sauts et des bifurcations. Le schéma modal est utilisée pour construire et analyser la réponse non linéaire de la plaque au voisinage de ses premières fréquences propres, dans un cas conservatif, puis en prenant en compte les effets de l'amortissement et du forçage, montrant ainsi leurs effets sur les modes normaux non linéaires du système hamiltonien. Lorsque les plaques vibrent dans un régime fortement non linéaire, la description la plus appropriée de la dynamique est donnée en termes des propriétés statistiques du système, en raison de la multitude de degrés de liberté activés. Théoriquement, ce cadre est offert par la théorie de turbulence d'ondes. À cause de la grande quantité de modes activés dans de telles vibrations, le code en différence finie conservatif est préféré au schéma modal. Lorsque la plaque est excitée avec un forçage sinusoïdal autour d'un de ses modes propres de basse fréquence, une cascade d'énergie se produit, activant des milliers de modes à plus hautes fréquences. Une interprétation statistique des résultats des simulations est proposée, ainsi qu'une comparaison avec des données expérimentales et des autres résultats numériques trouvés dans la littérature. En particulier, les effets du forçage ponctuel ainsi que des imperfections géométriques des plaques sont analysées.

Impact d'un cylindre vertical sur la dynamique sédimentaire sous l'action d'un courant / Impact of a vertical cylinder on sediment dynamics under a steady current

Auzerais, Anthony 21 June 2017 (has links)
Les travaux portent sur l’étude de la formation de motifs sédimentaires à l’aval d’un cylindre vertical soumis à un courant. Le cylindre simule une fondation monopieu d’éolienne en mer, ou une pile de pont. Une modélisation théorique est développée. Les résultats obtenus sont en bon accord avec les résultats expérimentaux acquis au cours de la thèse. Une étude préliminaire expérimentale et théorique sur le tri sédimentaire au voisinage du cylindre est également effectuée. / This work concerns the study of sediment patterns formation downstream a vertical cylinder under a steady current. The cylinder simulates an offshore monopile foundation, or a bridge pile. A theoretical modeling is developed. The results are in good agreement with the experimental results obtained in the framework of this PhD. An experimental and theoretical preliminary study on sediment segregation in the vicinity of the cylinder is also performed.

A Study On Boundary Layer Transition Induced By Large Freestream Disturbances

Mandal, Alakesh Chandra 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The initial slow viscous growth of the Tollmein-Schlichting wave in a canonical boundary layer transition is absent in bypass and wake-induced transitions. Although there have been a great deal of studies pertaining to bypass transition in boundary layers, the underlying breakdown mechanism is not clearly understood and it continues to be a subject of interest. Similarly, a wake-induced transition caused by Karman wake in the freestream remains poorly understood. The breakdown in this case is caused by anisotropic disturbances containing large scale unsteadiness in the freestream. Differing view points among workers on the transition process have also added to the complexities. In this thesis, bypass and wake-induced boundary layer transitions studied experimentally towards understanding various flow breakdown features are reported. The measurements were made on a flat plate boundary layer in a low-speed wind tunnel. The particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was extensively used. Various grids were used to generate nearly isotropic freestream turbulence. A circular cylinder was placed at different heights from the plate leading edge to generate Karman wake in the freestream. Two cylinders of different diameters were used to vary the Reynolds number(based on the cylinder diameter). The PIV measurements being simultaneous over a large spatial domain enabled to assess various spatial transitional flow structures. In the case of bypass transition, the streamwise velocity fluctuation, u, is found to exhibit some organized negative and positive fluctuations that dominate the flow during transition, and confirm the simulation results reported in the literature. These positive and negative u fluctuations are found to be associated with the streak unsteadiness. By conditional sampling of these positive and negative u fluctuations, we find that urms (root-mean-squaredof u)can be expressed as a linear combination of urms,f and urms,b,i.e. urms = a(urms,f + urms,b); ais constant, and the subscripts fand bdenote the positive and nega-tive ufluctuations, respectively. Both urms,f and urms,b arefoundto follow the non-modal growth distribution. The wall-normal results clearly show that an inclined shear layer is often associated with an organized structure of negative ufluctuations and an inflectional in-stantaneous velocity profile. These inclined shear layers appear to be similar to those in ribbon-induced transition. The turbulent spot precursor appears to be the vortex shedding from an oscillating in-clined shear layer. Interestingly, the normalized vortex shedding fre-quency is found to be Reynolds number invariant, as in the case of ribbon-induced transition. The present study also confirms the sim-ulated turbulent spot features, including a thin log-law at the break-down stage. The spanwise plane PIV results reveal the signature of streak secondary instability in the flow in terms of symmetric and anti-symmetric streaks oscillations. The initial growth of streak amplitude is followed by a slow decay. The maximum streak amplitude is well above30% of the freestream velocity. These two aspects provide support to the streak instability analysis reported in the literature. While the present wake-induced transition study provides some sup-port to the available numerical simulation and experimental results, some new results have also emerged. The measured sharp rise in the disturbance energy during transition is found to be closer to the simulated result, compared to the difference reported in the literature. The spanwise vortices in the early stage, as also seen in other experimental studies, deform leading to the formation of lambda structures, the signature of which is found by the linear stochastic analysis. With increased Reynolds number and decreased cylinder height from the plate, the physical size of the lambda structure is found to decrease. These lambda structures are often found to appear in a staggered manner in the spanwise plane, as in the case of sub-harmonic boundary layer transition. Although a sub-harmonic peak in the frequency spectra is reported in the literature, as also in the present study, the clear staggered pattern went unnoticed. Streamwise streaks are subsequently generated due to the mean shear stretching of these lambda vortices. The spanwise spacing of these streamwise streaks is found to be comparable with the recent simulation results. Also, these streaks are found to undergo somewhat sinuous-like oscillations, compared to the only varicose type oscillations reported in the literature. The streak amplitude is found to saturate at about 35% of the freestream speed. Here again an inclined shear layer in the wall-normal plane is associated with organized negative u fluctuations and an inflectional instantaneous velocity profile. The movement of the peak urms towards the wall is found to be due to the positive u fluctuation, which follows a hairpin-like structure. The inclined shear layers herein are associated with the lambda or a hairpin-like structure. As in a by-pass transition, an inclined shear layer, vortex shedding from it, the imprint of which is also found in the linear stochastic analysis are present. The normalized high frequency shed vortices is found to be Reynolds number invariant in the present wake-induced transition, as in ribbon-induced and bypass transitions. Compared to the re-cent suggestion that the parent-offspring mechanism is the governing self-sustaining mechanism in the boundary layer, the present study suggests that streak-instability mechanism is also present. The proper orthogonal decomposition(POD) analysis of the experimental data was carried out with an emphasis on the bypass transition case studied. The first few energetic POD modes are found to capture the dominant flow structures, i.e. the organized positive and negative u fluctuations. In the case of bypass transition, the first two energetic POD modes are self-similar, i.e. independent of the freestream turbulent intensity and the Reynolds number. An attempt is also made to construct a low-dimensional model with the POD eigenfunction modes to predict the qualitative dynamics of bypass transition. This has revealed the existence of a traveling disturbance in the bypass transition. On the whole, the present study shows some similar breakdown features in bypass and wake-induced transitions, although more studies in this regard are essential.

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