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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The ideological and political aspects of the Lithuanian SSR KGB activities in 1954–1990 / LSSR KGB veiklos ideologiniai ir politiniai aspektai 1954-1990 m

Burinskaitė, Kristina 27 December 2011 (has links)
The analysis of the origins of the Lithuanian SSR KGB activity and relations with political government helps to understand this institution and does not only bring better understanding of this structure but also contributes to the knowledge of the Soviet totalitarian regime and policy in Lithuania. It is also important to show that KGB was not a secret service of the type analogous to secret services in the West, which pursued intelligence and counter-intelligence functions. Functions of soviet secret service were different from others secret services and this was also determined by specific of soviet system and aims of communist party. The main aim of the dissertation to prove that the Lithuanian SSR KGB was an institution primarily engaged in ideological and political rather than solely repressive tasks. It is also analyses impact of communist ideology and communist party on the KGB activities, by displaying its relations with the Communist party, Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR, the Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR and the Soviet army which would lead to the conclusion on the influence of the Lithuanian SSR KGB to domestic political processes. The dissertation also attempts to enumerate and describe the fields of activity and methods of the Soviet security service that would reflect the ideological and political aspects of its activities. Dissertation is consisting of three parts. In a first part the main tendencies and changes in KGB activities after 195... [to full text] / LSSR KGB veiklos ištakų ir santykių su politine valdžia analizė ne tik leidžia geriau perprasti šią struktūrą, bet ir prisideda prie totalitarinės sovietinės valdymo sistemos bei politikos Lietuvoje pažinimo. Taip pat būtina parodyti, kad KGB nebuvo tokia slaptoji tarnyba, kaip analogiškos Vakarų valstybių slaptosios tarnybos, vykdančios žvalgybos, kontržvalgybos funkcijas. Jos veikla bei metodai skyrėsi nuo kitų slaptųjų tarnybų, kas irgi buvo nulemta sovietinės sistemos ir komunistų partijos uždavinių. Disertacijos santraukoje pristatoma komunistinės ideologijos ir komunistų partijos įtaką LSSR KGB veiklai, atskleidžiant jos santykius su LSSR MT, LSSR AT, tarybine armija, kas leistų spręsti, kokią įtaką LSSR KGB darė šalies vidaus politiniams procesams. Taip pat darbe įvardijamos sovietinio saugumo veiklos sritis ir metodus, kurie atspindėtų jos veiklos ideologinius ir politinius aspektus. Disertacija susideda iš trijų dalių. Pirmoji dalis bendrais bruožai apibūdina KGB raidos tendencijas, akcentuojant pokyčius, įvykusius po 1954 m. Antroje dalyje pristatomi LSSR KGB politiniai aspektai, kurie atsiskleidžia per LSSR KGB santykius su LKP CK, LSSR Ministrų Taryba ir Aukščiausiąja taryba bei tarybine armija. Trečioje dalyje apibūdinama kaip komunistinė ideologija, vidaus ir tarptautiniai įvykiai, procesai įtakojo KGB veiklą ir jos pokyčius. Taip pat įvardijamos KGB persekiojamos visuomenės grupės bei priežastis, kas nulėmė KGB išskirtinį dėmesį joms. Apibūdinami KGB veiklos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Schild en zwaard van de oktoberrevolutie de memoires van Sovjet inlichtingenofficieren 1953-1991 /

Jong, Bernardus Maria de, January 1900 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Auteursnaam op omslag: Ben de Jong. Met lit. opg., reg. - Met samenvatting in het Engels.

Andropov and the U.S. Media: A Comparative Study of Yuri Andropov‟s Premiership of the USSR as viewed through the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune

Schultz, Frederick S. 09 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The Evolution of the Security Services of Ukraine: Institutional Change in the Post-Soviet Security Apparatus

Kaul, Eli Charles 19 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The story of the Berlin Tunnel: What the operations narrative teaches us about covert conflict in an ongoing Cold War

Collier, Jonathan 01 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Operation Gold (1953-56) was a collaborative covert operation between the American CIA and British SIS. The two major objectives: firstly, rebalance the state of affairs in covert activity, which the KGB had been dominating heading into the 1950s. Secondly, gain more detailed, valuable information on the state of Soviet forces throughout Europe and gain prior warning of possible information. The technological nature of the operation marks it as the beginning of a move away from traditional espionage. Understanding the narrative of Operation Gold establishes a firm foundation on which to address the development of covert activity into the modern day. Key elements of the story of the Berlin Tunnel serve to tie this lesser known operation to modern concerns of privacy, personal data, and covert involvement in international affairs. While unravelling the truest narrative of the planning and implementation of the operation, this thesis integrates substantial events, groups and people which shape the role of the Berlin Tunnel in understanding covert conflict. Further consideration is also given to how this operations legacy unfolded and the role of the media in understanding events in this separate sphere. Lessons about the covert sphere not only address a sub-narrative of 1950s Cold War but reach conclusions pertinent to the 21st century.

Government and the Intelligence Community: A Case Study on Russia and the United States Government's Effect on Intelligence Systems

Lago, Jessica M 01 January 2018 (has links)
The United States and Russia are two major superpowers with governments that are run in different manners. Central to a government's and country's defense is their intelligence systems. The intelligence systems of these two countries are run as part of the government and are integral to its functioning. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how both the governments and intelligence systems are structured and do they coincide with their respective systems. Using a case study on the United States and Russia, their intelligence systems and governments a comparison was drawn. While looking at the history of both governments and communities and what they are like in the present day it was determined that there exist similarities in structures. As the countries grew and modernized so did their intelligence community. The history of how the intelligence community developed in their respective country and interacted with citizens both foreign and domestic showed striking similarities to the governments own workings. Another important find was the rules and restrictions that were involved in the government's evolution was also paralleled in the intelligence communities evolution. In the United States there are regulations against intruding into the lives and properties of citizens and the intelligence community reflects this in executive order 12333 that states intelligence communities cannot collect information on citizens unless it is imperative to the safety and security of the country.

Back to the Motherland : Repatriation and Latvian Émigrés 1955-1958

Zalkalns, Lilita January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is about a remarkable experience lived through by Latvian émigrés in the mid-1950s. They were the targets of a Soviet repatriation campaign, operated by the KGB, which not only envisioned their repatriation to the Soviet Latvian homeland, but also anticipated the destruction of their émigré society as they knew it. The purpose of this thesis is to portray and analyze this repatriation campaign and the émigré Latvian reactions to it. By looking at the activities of the Committee For Return to the Motherland in East Berlin, the contents of the Latvian language repatriation newspaper Par atgriešanos Dzimtenē (For Return to the Motherland), and the reactions to the campaign in contemporary émigré press, this study shows how highly developed strategies and tactics were implemented in order to elicit certain behaviors from émigrés, and how émigrés advanced their own counter-strategies to offset the effects of the campaign. More specifically, this study examines the standardized narratives in Par atgriešanos Dzimtenē that were meant for émigré self-identification and emulation. This thesis proposes that the repatriation campaign was a highly complex Soviet propaganda effort. The publicly announced goal of repatriation included several parallel goals, aims, and purposes and encompassed many types of activities. Above all, deception was used to cover the actions undertaken against émigrés and to mislead host country governments and agencies. This thesis concludes that notwithstanding the Soviet superiority in organization and resources, a small, unprotected, and internally divided community could withstand the concerted efforts of Soviet propaganda if the group’s sense of mission was sufficiently strong and firm. / Denna avhandling behandlar de lettiska flyktingarna från andra världskriget och deras erfarenheter av ofrivilliga kontakter med Sovjetlettland vid mitten av 1950-talet, då flyktingarna blev måltavla för en sovjetisk repatrieringskampanj. Målet för denna kampanj var repatriering, dvs att få flyktingarna att återvända till hemlandet, det av Sovjet ockuperade Lettland. Ett annat mål var att splittra flyktingarnas sammanhållning. Avhandlingen beskriver och analyserar den sovjetiska repatrieringskampanjen och de lettiska flyktingarnas reaktioner. Studien bygger på källmaterial från kampanjverkamheten Committee For Return to the Motherland, som hade sin bas i Östberlin, samt från artiklar i den lettiskspråkiga tidskriften Par atgriešanos Dzimtenē (For Return to the Motherland) som riktade sig till de lettiska flyktingarna. Flyktingarnas reaktioner studeras genom en rad lettiska tidningar som utgavs i Väst. Min avhandling visar hur väl utvecklade strategier användes i syfte att framkalla önskade reaktioner från flyktingarna, samt vilka motåtgärder flyktingar själva utvecklade mot repatrieringskampanjen. Mer specifikt analyseras standardberättelser i Par atgriešanos Dzimtenē som var avsedda för flyktingarnas självidentifiering och igenkännande. Avhandlingen pekar på att den sovjetiska repatrieringskampanjen var en mycket komplex propagandaverksamhet. Utöver det offentligt tillkännagivna kampanjmålet fanns flera parallella målsättningar och avsikter som omfattade en stor mängd skiftande aktiviteter. En strategi som användes aktivt var vilseledning, bl a för att dölja verksamheter riktade mot flyktingarna, och för att förvilla statsledningar och myndigheter i de nationer där flyktingarna vistades. Avhandlingens slutsats är att trots den sovjetiska överlägsenheten i organisation och resurser kunde en liten oförsvarad och inom sig splittrad lettisk gemenskap motstå de samordnade ansträngningar från den sovjetiska propagandan.

Mission der mennoniten Brüdergemeinde in Karaganda/Kasachstan

Friesen, Andreas 30 November 2002 (has links)
The dissertation in hand is about the theological researches about the mission of the German Mennonite - Brethren - Church in Karaganda I Kasachstan from 1956 to 2000. The existing socialism with its atheistical values affected adversely the lives of the Christians and prevented them from missionary work. In spite of that mission was able to be practised. Experienced preachers and teachers in the church prepared the missionary work by instructing the Christians to be effective witnesses for the Lord. This was achieved by the training of young preachers. regular pronouncements of the Gospel and the work with children and young persons. The Christians retained this method until the middle of the 70ies when the regid laws concerning the missionary work were mitigated. Commited brothers. young persons, preachers and singers visited lonely Christians and churches in remote villages, had personal conversations with unbelievers and organized evangelizations. Members ofthe church were sent out as missionaries to erect parishes and carry out evangelizations / Missiology / M.Th.

Mission der mennoniten Brüdergemeinde in Karaganda/Kasachstan

Friesen, Andreas 30 November 2002 (has links)
The dissertation in hand is about the theological researches about the mission of the German Mennonite - Brethren - Church in Karaganda I Kasachstan from 1956 to 2000. The existing socialism with its atheistical values affected adversely the lives of the Christians and prevented them from missionary work. In spite of that mission was able to be practised. Experienced preachers and teachers in the church prepared the missionary work by instructing the Christians to be effective witnesses for the Lord. This was achieved by the training of young preachers. regular pronouncements of the Gospel and the work with children and young persons. The Christians retained this method until the middle of the 70ies when the regid laws concerning the missionary work were mitigated. Commited brothers. young persons, preachers and singers visited lonely Christians and churches in remote villages, had personal conversations with unbelievers and organized evangelizations. Members ofthe church were sent out as missionaries to erect parishes and carry out evangelizations / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th.

Stasi Brainwashing in the GDR 1957 - 1990

Solbrig, Jacob H., Solbrig, Jacob Hagen 20 December 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the methods used by the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (MfS), more commonly known as the Stasi, or East German secret police, for extraction of information from citizens of the German Democratic Republic for the purpose of espionage and covert operations inside East Germany, as it pertains to the deliberate brainwashing of East German citizens. As one of the most efficient intelligence agencies to ever exist, the Stasi’s main purpose was to monitor the population, gather intelligence, and collect or turn informants. They used brainwashing techniques to control the people of the GDR, keeping the populace paralyzed with fear and paranoia. By surrounding themselves with a network of informants they prevented actions against the dictatorial communist regime. Using the video testimonies of former prisoners, and former confidential informants who worked closely with and collaborated with Stasi agents, in combination with periodicals and previous historical studies, this work argues that the East German Police State’s brainwashing techniques had long and lasting consequences both for German citizens, and for the psychiatric health of former GDR citizens. The scope and breadth of the techniques and data compiled for use by the Stasi were exhaustive, and the repercussions of their use are still being felt and discovered twenty five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This study aims to show the lasting effects brainwashing had on former informants and the Stasi’s victims.

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