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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Full scale low-cost ultra wide band antenna for SKA low frequency array

Schoeman, Dewald Hermanus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is about the design, simulation and measuring of ultra wide band antennas for use in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The SKA is a radio astronomy project with one of the aims of detecting hydrogen particles in deep space. Several thousand antennas over a wide band of frequencies are needed to receive the radiation from these particles. This motivates the need for a low-cost ultra wide band antenna with the focus on the low frequency part of the SKA. In this thesis we present two design strategies: The first design strategy is for a printed LPDA on a substrate and design curves are generated. A scale model was built and measurements did not correlate with simulation results. This is due to manufacturing tolerances and assembly of the pyramidal structure. The second design strategy is for a full scale zig-zag antenna and design curves were also generated. The aim here is to produce a low-cost prototype by using brazing rods for the wire structure and mount it on a wooden frame. A full scale model was built and measurements on the roof produced much interference for the radiation pattern, but the reflection coefficient was good. We suggest doing measurements in an interference free environment in order to achieve the needed results. To conclude we suggest using the zig-zag antenna for the SKA. Some issues do however need more attention as the transformer has some losses, the cross polarisation is probably not good enough and the beamwidth does not reach the specification. We demonstrated a low cost prototype and there is the possibility of low-cost large scale manufacturing but this needs to be addressed. This has however not been analysed as many factors for large scale manufacturing are very difficult to predict beforehand and lies outside the scope of this thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis gaan oor die ontwerp, simulasie en opmeting van ultrawyebandantennas vir gebruik in die SKA ("Square Kilometre Array"). Die SKA is ’n radioastronomie projek met die doel om waterstof partikels op te spoor in die ruimte. Duisende antennas wat oor ’n wye band van frekwensies strek is nodig om die energie van die partikels op te vang. Hieruit is daar ’n aanvraag vir lae-koste ultrawyebandantennas met die fokus op die lae frekwensie deel van die SKA. In hierdie tesis word twee ontwerpstrategieë voorgestel: Die eerste ontwerpstrategie is vir ’n gedrukte logaritmies periodiese dipool reeks (LPDR) op ’n substraat tesame met ontwerpskurwes wat gegenereer word. ’n Skaal model is gebou en die gemete resultate stem nie ooreen met die simulasie nie. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan vervaardigingstoleransies en die aanmekaar sit van die piramide struktuur. Die tweede ontwerpstrategie is vir ’n vol skaal sigsag ("zig-zag") antenna met ontwerpskurwes wat ook gegenereer word. Die doel is om ’n lae-koste prototipe te bou deur sweissoldeerdraad te gebruik vir die draadstruktuur en dan op ’n hout raam te plaas. ’n Vol skaal model is gebou en metings op die dak het baie interferensie veroorsaak vir die stralingsveld, maar tog was die weerkaatskoëffisient goed. Ons stel voor om die metings te herhaal in ’n steuringvrye omgewing om sodoende die korrekte resultate te verkry. Om af te sluit stel ons voor om die sigsag antenna vir die SKA te gebruik. Sekere kwessies soos die transformator wat verlieserig is, die kruispolarisasie wat moontlik nie goed genoeg is nie en die bundelwydte wat nie die spesifikasie haal nie moet nog aandag geniet. Ons het ’n lae-koste prototipe gedemonstreer en daar is die moontlikheid om dit op grootskaalse vervaardiging ook goedkoop te doen, maar dit moet nog uigesorteer word. Dit was wel nie geanaliseer nie, siende dat vele faktore ’n rol speel by grootskaalse vervaardiging wat uiters moeilik is om voor die tyd te voorspel en buite die omvang van die tesis lê.

Development of a real-time transient analyser for the SKA

Botha, Antheun 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The extension of the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT), MeerKAT, will be the most sensitive radio telescope in the southern hemisphere until it is superseded by the completion of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). These instruments are to be constructed in the Karoo which is an area in South-Africa that is protected against Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) by the Astronomy Geographical Advantage (AGA) act. However, the telescope is also vulnerable to self-generated interference and specialised measurement systems are required to monitor RFI levels. The development of a ReAl Time Transient AnalYser (RATTY) is described and two Experimental Development Models (XDM) are compared. The first uses a mixing philosophy, and the second direct-sampling. The selection of these models was based on the evaluation of several analogue Front-End (FE) designs. A stripline-filter design process is presented along with the results obtained for custom filters developed for the FEs. Several analyses were compared to measurements performed with one of the devices and good agreement was shown between the system characteristics. Issues regarding the Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) of the FE designs were identified in the process and measurement-corrected simulations used to predict the achievable ranges. The outcome of the XDM comparison promotes the continued development of a direct-sampling strategy to fulfil the short-term goals of the project. A static calibration procedure is demonstrated for the mixing system and implemented to account for different FE configurations. An overview of the digital and software components of the RATTY system is given and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) principles are applied during the construction of both systems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finale fase van die Karoo Reeks Teleskoop (KAT), MeerKAT, sal die sensitiefste radio teleskoop in die suidelike halfrond wees. Dit sal egter oortref word deur die vierkante kilometer reeks, wat die sensitiefste radio teleskoop ter wêreld sal word. Beide instrumente sal vatbaar wees vir radiofrekwensie steurings en sal opgerig word in ‘n wet-beskermde omgewing. Die teleskope is ook vatbaar vir radiofrekwensie steurings wat deur interne stelsels opgewek kan word. Dus word gespesialiseerde meetapparate benodig om die betrokke area en substelsels van die teleskope te monitor. Die ontwikkeling van ‘n meetinstrument vir die ontleding van kort-durasie tydseine (RATTY) word beskryf en twee eksperimentele ontwikkelings modelle word vergelyk. Hierdie modelle is gebaseer op die verfyning van voorafgaande ontwerpe vir die analoog substelsel van die instrument en hierdie proses word verduidelik. Die eerste model volg ‘n menger strategie waar die tweede model direkte-monstering implementeer. ‘n Dubbel-laag, mikrostrookfilter ontwerpsproses word beskryf en die gemete resultate vir die ontwikkelde filters word bespreek. Verskeie ontledings is aangewend en vergelyk met die gemete resultate van die stelsels. Hieruit word bevredigende ooreenkomste getref. Die beperkings van die modelle, weens interne distorsie, word geïdentifiseer in dié proses en verdere skattings word gemaak d.m.v. simulasies. Die eksperimentele modelle word vergelyk en die voorkeur van ‘n direkte-monsterings stelsel word gemotiveer. Die digitale en sagteware komponente word oorsigtelik behandel. Tydens die konstruksie van die modelle word die toepassing van elektromagnetiese verenigbaarheids beginsels verduidelik. Laastens word ‘n eenvoudige kalibrasie toegepas op die menger stelsel en ‘n toepassing daarvan word behandel.

Modelling and design of Low Noise Amplifiers using strained InGaAs/InAlAs/InP pHEMT for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) application

Ahmad, Norhawati Binti January 2012 (has links)
The largest 21st century radio telescope, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is now being planned, and the first phase of construction is estimated to commence in the year 2016. Phased array technology, the key feature of the SKA, requires the use of a tremendous number of receivers, estimated at approximately 37 million. Therefore, in the context of this project, the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) located at the front end of the receiver chain remains the critical block. The demanding specifications in terms of bandwidth, low power consumption, low cost and low noise characteristics make the LNA topologies and their design methodologies one of the most challenging tasks for the realisation of the SKA. The LNA design is a compromise between the topology selection, wideband matching for a low noise figure, low power consumption and linearity. Considering these critical issues, this thesis describes the procedure for designing a monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) LNA for operation in the mid frequency band (400 MHz to 1.4 GHz) of the SKA. The main focus of this work is to investigate the potential of MMIC LNA designs based on a novel InGaAs/InAlAs/InP pHEMT developed for 1 µm gate length transistors, fabricated at The University of Manchester. An accurate technique for the extraction of empirical linear and nonlinear models for the fabricated active devices has been developed. In addition to the linear and nonlinear model of the transistors, precise models for passive devices have also been obtained and incorporated in the design of the amplifiers. The models show excellent agreement between measured and modelled DC and RF data. These models have been used in designing single, double and differential stage MMIC LNAs. The LNAs were designed for a 50 Ω input and output impedance. The excellent fits between the measured and modelled S-parameters for single and double stage single-ended LNAs reflects the accurate models that have been developed. The single stage LNA achieved a gain ranging from 9 to 13 dB over the band of operation. The gain was increased between 27 dB and 36 dB for the double stage and differential LNA designs. The measured noise figures obtained were higher by ~0.3 to ~0.8 dB when compared to the simulated figures. This is due to several factors which are discussed in this thesis. The single stage design consumes only a third of the power (47 mW) of that required for the double stage design, when driven from a 3 V supply. All designs were unconditionally stable. The chip sizes of the fabricated MMIC LNAs were 1.5 x 1.5 mm2 and 1.6 x 2.5 mm2 for the single and double stage designs respectively. Significantly, a series of differential input to single-ended output LNAs became of interest for use in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), as it utilises differential output antennas in some of its configurations. The single-ended output is preferable for interfacing to the subsequent stages in the analogue chain. A noise figure of less than 0.9 dB with a power consumption of 180 mW is expected for these designs.

Digital Back End Development and Interference Mitigation Methods for Radio Telescopes with Phased-Array Feeds

Black, Richard Allen 20 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The Brigham Young University (BYU) Radio Astronomy group, in collaboration with Cornell University, the University of Massachusetts, and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), have in recent years developed and deployed PAF systems that demonstrated the advantages of PAFs for astronomy. However, these systems lacked the necessary bandwidth and acquisition times to be scientifically viable. This thesis outlines the development of a 20-MHz bandwidth system that can acquire for much longer periods of time and across much larger bandwidths than previous BYU systems. A report of the deployment of this system on the 305-meter reflector at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico is also summarized.The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is currently constructing a PAF-equipped synthesis imaging array named the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) that offers great promise for widening FOVs and enhancing RFI mitigation techniques. Previous work in RFI mitigation has demonstrated effective cancellation for synthesis imaging arrays under the assumption that the processing bandwidth is narrowband and correlator dump times are short. However, these assumptions do not necessarily reflect real-world instrument limitations. This thesis explores simulated adaptive array cancellation algorithm effectiveness as applied on the ASKAP instrument given realistic bandwidths and correlator dump times. The results demonstrate that active RFI mitigation performed across long baselines is largely ineffectual.

Lightning protection and radio frequency interference mitigation for the Karoo Array Telescope

Wiid, P. Gideon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa and Australia are now the two remaining countries bidding for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the biggest and most sensitive project ever undertaken in radio astronomy. The South African SKA is demonstrating its technology capabilities through the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT or MeerKAT). The development of KAT is taking place in stages to optimise design and minimise risks at each stage. An array of seven 12 m antennas will be complete by the end of 2009, called KAT-7. The following phase will see the construction of MeerKAT, which will lead to eighty arrayed dishes. Lightning and RFI studies for KAT-7 are the focus of this dissertation. Due to the extent and complexity of the South African demonstrator project, these studies have largely been conducted on a single structure. Parameters for the dish antenna and pedestal design changed throughout their development. To be effective, the doctoral research had to track these changes appropriately. A Method of Moments frequency domain computational electromagnetic code, FEKO, is used throughout the study. The consequences of direct and indirect lightning strikes are examined for the KAT-7 structure. Important FEKO model verification is achieved through measurement of physical scale models in an anechoic chamber. The microwave simulation code, CST, gives direct comparison of FEKO results by using a finite volume time domain method of calculation. Using frequency domain analysis on these models, the lightning down conductor design over the dish antenna bearings is optimised with cost-effectiveness as one driving parameter. RFI coupling levels for different designs are compared to each other to identify areas requiring RFI mitigation. Analysis of resonances enables evaluation of the mitigation at frequencies sensitive to radio astronomy. A Sommerfeld integral ground plane is used together with the computational model to investigate the use of the concrete foundation steel reinforcing as part of the lightning earthing electrode system. Different interconnections of the steel reinforcing elements are critically evaluated. The KAT-7 design incorporated clear lightning protection and RFI mitigation policies derived from recommendations contained within this dissertation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika en Australie is nou die oorblywende twee lande wat bie vir die Vierkante Kilometer Reeks (SKA), die grootste en mees sensitiewe projek nog ooit in radio astronomie onderneem. Die Suid Afrikaanse SKA demonstreer sy tegnologiese bekwaamheid met die Karoo Reeks Teleskoop (KAT of MeerKAT). Die ontwikkeling van KAT vind plaas in fases om die ontwerp te optimaliseer en risikos te minimaliseer met elke fase. ’n Reeks van sewe 12 m antennas, genaamd KAT-7, sal teen die einde van 2009 klaar wees. Die volgende fase behels die konstruksie van MeerKAT, wat sal lei tot ’n tagtig-skottel reeks. Die fokus van hierdie proefskrif hanteer weerlig en radiofrekwensie steurings (RFS) vir KAT-7. As gevolg van die omvang en kompleksiteit van die Suid-Afrikaanse demonstreerder projek, is die studies hoofsaaklik op een struktuur gedoen. Parameters vir die antenna-skottel en -voetstuk ontwerp het met hul ontwikkeling deurgaans verander. Om effektief te wees, moes die doktorale navorsing hierdie veranderinge toepaslik volg. ’n Metode-van-Momente frekwensiedomein rekenaar elektromagnetiese kode, FEKO, is deurgaans met die studie gebruik. Die gevolge van direkte en indirekte weerligslae vir die KAT-7 struktuur is ondersoek. Belangrike FEKO model bevestiging is bereik met metings van skaalmodelle in ’n anego¨ıse kamer. Die mikrogolf-simulasie kode, CST, gee ’n direkte vergelyking met die FEKO resultate deur ’n eindige-volume-tyd-domein metode van berekening te gebruik. Met behulp van frekwensiedomein analise van hierdie modelle, is die weerligafleierontwerp oor die antenna-skottel laers ge-optimaliseer, met koste-effektiwiteit as een van die drywingsparameters. RFS koppelingsvlakke vir onderskeie ontwerpe is teen mekaar opgeweeg om areas te identifiseer wat RFS tempering benodig. Analise van resonansies stel die evaluering van die tempering in staat teen frekwensies wat sensitief is vir radio astronomie. ’n Sommerfeld integrale grondvlak word saam met die rekenaarmodel gebruik om die insluiting van die beton se staalversterking as deel van die aardingselektrodestelsel te ondersoek. Verskillende bindmetodes van die onderlinge staalversterkingselemente word krities ge¨evalueer. Die KAT-7 ontwerp inkorporeer duidelike weerligbeveiligings- en RFS temperingstrategie ¨e, komende van aanbevelings in hierdie proefskrif omskryf

A superconducting software defined radio frontend with application to the Square Kilometre Array

Volkmann, Mark Hans 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Superconducting electronics can make the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) a better instrument. The largest radio telescope in the world will consist of several arrays, the largest of which, consisting of more than 3000 dishes, will be situated primarily in South Africa. The ambitions of the SKA are grand and their realisation requires technology that does not exist today. Current plans see signals in the band of interest ampli ed, channelised, mixed down and then digitised. An all-digital frontend could simplify receiver structure and improve its performance. Semiconductor (analog-to-digital converters) ADCs continue to make great progress and will likely nd applications in the SKA, but superconductor ADCs bene t from higher clock speeds and quantum accurate quantisation. We propose a superconducting softwarede ned radio frontend. The key component of such a frontend is a superconducting ash ADC. We show that employing such an ADC, even a small- to moderately-sized one, will signi cantly improve the instantaneous bandwidth observable by the SKA, yet retain adequate signal-to-noise ratio so as to achieve a net improvement in sensitivity. This improvement could approach factor 2 when compared to conventional technologies (at least for continuum observations). We analyse key components of such an ADC analytically, numerically and experimentally and conclude that fabrication of such an ADC for SKA purposes is certainly possible and useful. Simultaneously, we address the power requirements of high-performance computing (HPC). HPC on a hitherto unprecedented scale is a necessity for processing the vast raw data output of the SKA. Utilising the ultra-low-energy switching events of superconducting switches (certain Josephson junctions), we develop rst demonstrators of the promising eSFQ logic family, achieving experimentally veri ed shift-registers and deserialisers with sub-aJ/bit energy requirements. We also propose and show by simulation how to expand the applicability of the eSFQ design concept to arbitrary (unclocked) gates. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Supergeleier-elektronika kan 'n beter instrument maak van die \Square Kilometre Array" (SKA). Die wêreld se grootse radioteleskoop sal bestaan uit etlike skikkings, waarvan die grootste - met meer as 3 000 skottels - hoofsaaklik in Suid-Afrika gesetel sal wees. Die SKA is ambisieus en vereis tegnologie wat nog nie vandag bestaan nie. Volgens huidige planne sal seine in die band van belang versterk, gekanalisieer, afgemeng en dan versyfer word. 'n Heel-digitale kopstuk sal die ontvangerstruktuur kan vereenvoudig en sy prestasie kan verbeter. Halfgeleier analoog-na-digital omsetters (ADOs) verbeter voortdurend en sal waarskynlik toepassings in die SKA vind, maar supergeleier ADOs trek voordeel uit hoër klok spoed en kwantumakkurate kwantisering. Ons stel 'n supergeleier sagteware-gede nieerde radio kopstuk voor. Die sleutelkomponent van so 'n kopstuk is 'n supergeleier \ ash" ADO. Ons toon hoe die gebruik van so 'n ADO, selfs een van klein tot matige bisgrootte, die oombliklike bandwydte waarneembaar deur die SKA aansienlik sal verbeter en 'n voldoende sein-tot-ruis verhouding sal behou, en gevolglik 'n netto verbetering in sensitiwiteit sal bereik. Hierdie verbetering kan, vergeleke met konvensionele tegnologie, 'n faktor van 2 nader (ten minste vir kontinuum waarnemings). Ons analiseer belangrike komponente van so 'n ADO analities, numeries and eksperimenteel en lei af dat die vervaardiging van so 'n ADO vir SKA doeleindes beide moontlik en nuttig is. Terselfdertyd spreek ons die drywingsverkwisting van Hoë-verrigting rekenaars aan. Sulke rekenaars van 'n tot dusver ongekende skaal is 'n noodsaaklikheid vir die verwerking van die enorme rou data uitset van die SKA. Deur die gebruik van die ultra-lae-energie skakels van supergeleier skakelaars (sekere Josephson-vlakke), ontwikkel ons die eerste demonstratiewe hekke van die veelbelowende eSFQ logiese familie, en toon eksperimenteel bevestigte skuifregisters en deserieëliseerders met sub-aJ/bis energievereistes. Ons stel verder voor en wys met simulasies hoe om die toepaslikheid van die eSFQ ontwerpkonsep na arbitr^ere (ongeklokte) hekke uit te brei.

Kvalita půd a degradace půd ve vybraných archeologických nalezištích / The Quality of soil AND DEGRADATION OF SOILS. THE CASE - STUDY OF SOME ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES

Poništiak, Štefan January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis inquires into the quality of the soils at 30 archaeological sites from the periods from Late Bronze Age to Early Bronze Age (1 250 - 450 BC). The aim of the thesis is to prove the dependence of the ratio of the cultivated cereals on the soil and other environmental factors in various regions. The secondary aim is the general observation of the changes, which could appear from this period until now. These changes are represented by the erosion, researched by various methods. The overview of the literature aims to the short description of the archaeological sources from the period, various approaches to the soil evaluation until present as well as information about the soil erosion and tools for its research. The conclusion of the thesis is that the ratio of the cultivated cereals depends mostly on the sea level, secondly on other environmental factors (included the soil quality). The results of the thesis are influenced by number of factors, discussed in the conclusion Keywords: soil quality, cereals, archaeological sites, perimeter of kilometre, soil erosion, late bronze age, early iron age

Low Noise Amplifiers using highly strained InGaAs/InAlAs/InP pHEMT for implementation in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)

Mohamad Isa, Muammar Bin January 2012 (has links)
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a multibillion and a multinational science project to build the world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope. For a very large field of view, the combined collecting area would be one square kilometre (or 1, 000, 000 square metre) and spread over more than 3,000 km wide which will require a massive count of antennas (thousands). Each of the antennas contains hundreds of low noise amplifier (LNA) circuits. The antenna arrays are divided into low, medium and high operational frequencies and located at different positions to boost up the telescope’s scanning sensitivity.The objective of this work was to develop and fabricate fully on-chip LNA circuits to meet the stringent requirements for the mid-frequency array from 0.4 GHz to 1.4 GHz of the SKA radio astronomy telescope using Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit technology (MMIC). Due to the number of LNA reaching figures of millions, the fabricated circuits were designed with the consideration for low cost fabrication and high reliability in the receiver chain. Therefore, a relaxed optical lithography with Lg = 1 µm was adopted for a high yield fabrication process.Towards the fulfilment of the device’s low noise characteristics, a large number of device designs, fabrication and characterisation of InGaAs/InAlAs/InP pHEMTs were undertaken. These include optimisations at each critical fabrication steps. The device’s high breakdown and very low gate leakage characteristics were further improved by a combination of judicious epitaxial growth and manipulation of materials’ energy gaps. An attempt to increase the device breakdown voltage was also employed by incorporating Field Plate structure at the gate terminal. This yielded the devices with improvements in the breakdown voltage up to 15 V and very low gate leakage of 1 µA/mm, in addition to high transconductance (gm) characteristic. Fully integrated double stage LNA had measured NF varying from 1.2 dB to 1.6 dB from 0.4 GHz to 1.4 GHz, compared with a slightly lower NF obtained from simulation (0.8 dB to 1.1 dB) across the same frequency band.These are amongst the attractive device properties for the implementation of a fully on-chip MMIC LNA circuits demonstrated in this work. The lower circuit’s low noise characteristic has been demonstrated using large gate width geometry pHEMTs, where the system’s noise resistance (Rn) has successfully reduced to a few ohms. The work reported here should facilitate the successful implementation of rugged low noise amplifiers as required by SKA receivers.

The effect of straightening and grinding of welds on track roughness

Bona, Melissa Ellen January 2005 (has links)
Rail is a very expensive component of the railway track. Therefore, research methods extending rail life have great economic importance. During the past thirty years and, particularly during the past ten years there has been an increasing awareness throughout most rail networks in the world of the need to introduce improved design criteria, better construction techniques and higher standard track generally. This implies that quality control at all levels is mandatory if these objectives are to be achieved. With the improved understanding of degradation of track, a more complete comprehension of the costs associated with different operating and infrastructure conditions should also be developed, aiding in the determination of efficient maintenance costs and their contribution to access charges. Track and structures together account for 60% of maintenance costs, with 50% of the total being track. The UIC has done a lot of work on comparative performance indicators, and these show what potential savings much be out there for the taking, just by adopting current best practice. The old wisdom is that it's not enough o do things rights; we have to make sure that we do the right things. These developments have largely resulted from the demand for higher speeds particularly in passenger services and the demand to accept heavier axle loads of freight traffic. Whilst the conventional railway track structure is not likely to change significantly over the next ten years there will be a requirement over that period for better quality track infrastructure. This means less rail surface defects, less internal defects and less wheels irregularities. The presence of rail surface defects generally increases the roughness of the track leading to a poor passenger ride and increased safety risk with freight traffic. In addition, rail surface defects will generally increase the degradation rate of other track components; however, not all defects will produce visible track deterioration. Dynamic impacts produced by the rollingstock running over rail surface defects, such as poor welds, will, over time, create continuous rail defects, loosening of fastenings, abrasion and skewing of sleepers, crushing of ballast and loss of formation geometry. It is only in the recent years that the importance of poor welds in track has been identified. Dips and peaks must be recognised as a severe track irregularity that needs to be addressed and removed. Current maintenance activities have little effect on removing misaligned welds in track and the improvement obtained after the maintenance works is generally short lived. On the other hand, straightening operations have proven to solve the problem and maintain the results following 7 months of traffic. As part of this project, a six kilometre test section was selected on the Mt Isa Line and all welds located in this region were monitored for over 9 months to increase the understanding of the effect of individual maintenance activities on the track roughness. Three 2km Divisions were established; each Division had different maintenance activities and levels of intervention completed over the duration of the project. Over 15,000 readings were recorded and analysed. The following conclusions were drawn. The effect of cycle tamping was clearly identified when comparing the means of weld located in Division 1, 2 to the mean of welds in Division 3. Cycle tamping showed to have a significant positive effect on the dipped welds geometry and an increase in severity of peaked welds prior to their correction. Straightening operations completed in Division 1 and 2 reduced the overall mean of weld misalignments. These Divisions were subjected to different levels of straightening intervention however they produced similar results. Division 1 all dips were straightened and Division 2 only dips &gt0.3mm were straightened. This means that no additional benefit, in terms of overall misalignment of welds, can be gained when straightening operations target dips with a misalignment smaller than 0.3mm. Cycle grinding proved to have little effect on the removal of both dips and peaks. In fact, due to the configuration of the grinding machine, grinding operation produced a slight worsening of the dips misalignments and only a minor improvement of peaks. Although long term monitoring of the site may show minor variations in weld geometry performance, after approximately 3.9 Mgt of traffic the mean of dipped welds in Division 1 and 2 appeared to remain unaltered, as Division 3 showed a minor worsening. Furthermore, the mean of peaked welds in Division 1 and 2 appeared to remain unaltered, as Division 3 showed a minor worsening.

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