Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kimberly"" "subject:"kimberlite""
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A demographic and descriptive survey of chiropractic patients at the chiropractic clinic at Kimberly [i.e. Kimberley] Public Hospital ComplexHiggs, Madelaine January 2009 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2009. / Objective: The majority of information available on chiropractic patients originates from private practices in developed countries. However, recently reports describing chiropractic patients in South Africa have emerged, reporting on private practices and teaching clinics. Therefore, the overall purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of patients presenting to a public chiropractic facility at the Kimberley Hospital Complex (KHC) in South Africa; and compare to the local and international private practices and teaching clinics.
Methods: The period prevalence was three months in which information was extrapolated from patient files of the patients that presented to the KHC Chiropractic Clinic (KHCCC). Information that was collected included demographic data, common presenting complaints, patient history and common management protocols.
Results: Data for 157 patients were recorded. The mean age of patients was 47.5 years, majority of the patients were female (70%), comprised of coloured and black patients (85%), where the greater part had a primary education level. Less than half the patients were employed in manual type of occupation, whilst almost one quarter of the patients were pensioners. By far, the greatest reason that patients visited chiropractors within the public health care sector at the KHCCC in South Africa was for chronic musculoskeletal complaints (68%). Majority presented with spinal complaints of the lower back (n=144), the most common diagnosis made was sacroiliac syndrome (48%). X-rays were the most common special investigation requested by KHCCC. The most common co-morbidities reported were hypertension, followed by diabetes and allergies. More than half the sample had undergone previous surgery. Thirty seven percent of patients received treatment for fewer than six visits. Contraindications to chiropractic treatment were indicated in only three patients. The treatment protocols that were predominantly used at the KHCCC were joint manipulation, followed by dry needling, kinesiotape and soft tissue therapy. Two thirds of all patients that were referred to the KHCCC were referred from within the medical profession.
With regards to the chiropractic patients globally, similarities respect to patients in the public sector in South Africa to all sectors both locally and internationally, include factors such as majority female patients, top five anatomical locations of complaint, common usage of x-rays as a special investigation, similarities with co-morbidities including cardiovascular and endocrine, the repeated number of visits for the same complaint and manipulation remained treatment of choice.
Conclusion: Although this was purely a demographic and descriptive study in nature, it gave a better understanding of patients that presented to a public hospital in a developing country like South Africa. With this demographic and descriptive information obtained in this study, it confirmed that although there is a unique population utilising chiropractic services within the public sector of South Africa, meaningful similarities have been found between patients in the different sectors in South Africa and internationally.
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Australia's north-west : a study of exploration, land policy and land acquisition, 1644-1884 /Clement, Cathie. January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Murdoch University, 1991. / Cover title. Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 410-420).
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Magmatic evolution, xenolith mineralogy, and emplacement history of the Aries micaceous kimberlite, central Kimberley Basin, Western AustraliaDownes, Peter January 2006 (has links)
<Truncated abstract> The Neoproterozoic (815.4 ± 4.3 Ma) Aries kimberlite intrudes the King Leopold Sandstone and the Carson Volcanics in the central Kimberley Basin, northern Western Australia. Aries is comprised of a N-NNE-trending series of three diatremes and associated hypabyssal kimberlite dykes and plugs. The diatremes are volumetrically dominated by massive, clast-supported, accidental lithic-rich kimberlite breccias that were intruded by hypabyssal macrocrystic phlogopite kimberlite dykes and plugs with variably uniform- to globular segregationary-textured groundmasses. Lower diatremefacies, accidental lithic-rich breccias probably formed through fall-back of debris into the vent with a major contribution from the collapse of the vent walls. These massive breccias are overlain by a sequence of bedded volcaniclastic breccias in the upper part of the north lobe diatreme. Abundant, poorly-vesicular to nonvesicular, juvenile kimberlite ash and lapilli, with morphologies that are indicative of phreatomagmatic fragmentation processes, occur in a reversely-graded volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia unit at the base of this sequence. This unit and overlying bedded accidental lithic-rich breccias are interpreted to be sediment gravity-flow deposits (including possible debris flows) derived from the collapse of the crater walls and/or tephra ring deposits that surrounded the crater. ... This Fe-enrichment may have resulted from Fe-Mg exchange with olivine during slow cooling of the peridotite host rocks. Textures reflecting the cooling history of some mantle xenoliths are preserved in the form of fine exsolution rods of aluminous spinel in diopside and zircon in rutile grains in aluminous spinel- and rutile-bearing serpentinised ultramafic xenoliths, respectively. These textures suggest nearly isobaric cooling of host rocks in the lithospheric mantle, and indicate that at least some aluminous spinel in spinel-facies peridotites formed through exsolution from chromian 4 diopside. Episodes of Fe-Ti-rich metasomatism in the spinel-facies Kimberley mantle are the likely source of high-Ti phlogopite-biotite + rutile and Ti, V, Zn, Ni-enriched aluminous spinel ± ilmenite associations in several ultramafic xenoliths. U-Pb SHRIMP 207Pb/206Pb zircon ages for one granite (1851 ± 10 Ma) and two serpentinised ultramafic xenoliths (1845 ± 30 Ma; 1861 ± 31 Ma) indicate that the granitic basement and lower crust beneath the central Kimberley Basin are at least Palaeoproterozoic in age. However, Hf-isotope analyses of the zircons in the ultramafic xenoliths suggest that the underlying lithospheric mantle is at least late Archaean in age.
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The effects of soil type and management strategy on vegetation structure and function in a semi-arid savanna, South AfricaBritz, Mari-Louise January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Bush encroachment in savannas leads to reduced diversity, productivity and profitability of
rangelands. This holds important implications for the livestock and eco-tourism industries, as
well as for subsistence ranchers in the South African semi-arid savannas, who depend on this
vegetation type for economic and livelihood purposes. Soil moisture, nutrients, rue and
herbivory are generally regarded as the principal factors determining vegetation structure and
function within savannas. The factors and processes involved in the determination of the
tree:grass ratio within savannas are, however, not clearly understood. We investigated the
role of soil type and management strategy (cattle, game and communal grazing) in the
determination of the presence and distribution of plant species in general, and on the presence
and distribution of the encroaching tree species, Acacia mellifera, specifically. Both shortand
long-term trends were investigated. The study area, the Kimberley Triangle, (Northern
Cape Province, South Africa), was ideal for this kind of study because it has different
management strategies practised on several soil types, and bush encroachment is a widespread
Contrary to the belief that heavy livestock grazing is the main cause of increases in the
tree:grass ratio, we found that soil type, through its effects on plant growth and on the
presence and availability of soil moisture and nutrients, is more important in determining
vegetation composition than management strategy. It was found that the various types of
grazing management mainly influenced vegetation structure and function by affecting the
competitive interactions between Ns-fixing woody species and non-Ns-fixing grasses. Of the
soil factors affecting vegetation composition, soil texture was a good indicator of the physical
conditions for plant growth in an area, and also of the presence and availability of soil
moisture and nutrients. We found that sand and clay soils are relatively resistant to bush
encroachment as compared to loamy-sand and -clay mixes. This is because woody growth is
impaired in the first-mentioned habitats by soil texture, soil moisture regimes and heavy
utilisation. In soils with combinations of loam, sand and clay, soil texture and moisture are
not limiting to woody growth and if the repressive competitive effect of grasses on woody
vegetation is removed, opportunities are created for recruitment of woody species and
encroachment. Additionally, rockiness increases soil moisture infiltration. In the study area,
woody species, and specifically A. mellifera, are associated with these areas. We suggest that in the study area, rocky areas are naturally encroached. This is in agreement with the patchdynamic
approach to savanna vegetation dynamics. Because soil moisture is such an
important factor in the determination of the tree:grass ratio in the study area, we further
suggest that in above-average rainfall years, when soil moisture conditions are optimal for
woody seed germination, establishment and growth, heavy grazing should be avoided, as it
would provide the opportunity for encroachment.
Keywords: Bush encroachment; N2-fixing species; game, cattle, communal grazing; soil
texture; soil moisture; soil nutrients; Acacia mellifera; tree-grass competition. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bosindringing in savanna gebiede het verlaagde diversiteit, produktiwiteit en winsgewendheid
van natuurlike weivelde tot gevolg. Behalwe dat dit die Suid-Afrikaanse vee- en ekotoerisme
bedrywe raak, is verskeie bestaansboerderye afhanklik van die plantegroei-tipe vir
oorlewing. Grondvog, grondvoedingstowwe, vuur en beweiding word algemeen aanvaar as
die belangrikste faktore wat die struktuur en funksie van savannas bepaal. Daar is egter nog
nie duidelikheid oor die prosesse wat betrokke is in die bepaling van die boom-gras
verhouding in savannas nie. In dié studie het ons ondersoek ingestel na die invloed van grond
tipe en beweidingstrategieë (beweiding deur beeste, wild, of kommunale beweiding) op die
algemene verspreiding van verskillende plant spesies, en ook op die van die indringer spesie,
Acacia mellifera. Beide kort- en lang-termyn patrone is ondersoek. Die studiegebied, die
Kimberley Driehoek in die Noord-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, was ideaal vir so 'n ondersoek omdat
verskillende beweiding strategieë op verskeie grond-tipes beoefen word maar bosindringing
steeds 'n algemene verskynsel in die gebied is.
Ons bevinding was dat, ten spyte van die feit dat daar oor die algemeen geglo word dat swaar
beweiding die hoof oorsaak van bosindringing is, grond-tipe belangriker is in die bepaling van
die spesie-samestelling van 'n gebied. Dit is as gevolg van die feit dat grond-tipe die groei
van plante beïnvloed deur die teenwoordigheid en beskikbaarheid van grondvog en -nutriënte
te bepaal. Die verskillende beweidingstrategieë beïnvloed meerendeels die kompetatiewe
interaksies tussen N2-bindende hout-agtige spesies teenoor nie-Nj-bindende gras-agtige
spesies. Grond-tekstuur was 'n goeie aanduiding van die algemene toestande vir plantegroei
en ook van die teenwoordigheid en beskikbaarheid van grondvog en -nutriënte. Ons het
bevind dat sand en klei grond, relatief tot leem, sand en klei kombinasies, weerstandbiedend
is teen bosindringing as gevolg van die tekstuur, water-regimes en swaar beweidings vlakke
wat op die grond-tipes voorkom. Omdat grond-tekstuur en grondvog nie beperkend is op die
leem-, sand- en klei-grond kombinasies nie, kan bosindringing maklik hier voorkom as die
onderdrukkende effek wat grasse op houtagtige plantegroei het, deur swaar beweiding
verwyder word. A. mellifera is ook oor die algemeen met klipperige gebiede geassosieer
omdat klipperigheid lei tot verhoogde infiltrasie van grondvog. In die studie-gebied is
klipperige areas dan ook van nature ingedring deur A. mellifera. Dit stem ooreen met die
siening dat savannas bestaan uit "laslappe" van verskillende plantegroei (patch-dynamic approach). Dit was duidelik dat grondvog 'n belangrike bepalende faktor is in die bepaling
van die boom-gras verhouding in die studiegebied. Ons stel dus voor dat in bo-gemiddelde
reënval jare, swaar beweiding vermy moet word, omdat houtagtige saailinge gedurende die
tydperke maklik kan ontkiem en vestig juis omdat grondvog dan nie beperkend is nie.
Sleutelwoorde: Bosindringing; N2-bindende spesies; bees, wild, kommunale beweiding;
grond tekstuur; grond-vog; grond-nutriënte; Acacia mellifera; boom-gras kompetisie.
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A decision support system to optimise the available resources at Kimberley MinesDu Toit, Jeremias Cornelius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Diamond mining started in Kimberley in the early 1870s following the discovery of the various diamond bearing kimberlite pipes. Initial open pit mining was replaced by underground mining as the pits went deeper and the last underground mining eventually ceased in 2005 as a result of economic reasons.
The mining of these primary resources created a number of tailing resources (previously called dumps) that are scattered all over Kimberley. These resources still contain diamonds as a result of historical inefficient processing technologies. However, each of these resources have unique geological and metallurgical properties because of the differences in the original kimberlites and the different treatment technologies that were used when the tailing resources were deposited.
The tailing resources are mined by a fleet of earthmoving equipment and delivered to one of Kimberley Mines‟ five treatment plants for diamond recovery. Each plant is different in terms of treatment capacity, technologies utilised and overall efficiencies. These differences, combined with the geo-metallurgical properties of each individual resource and the hauling distance from the resource to the plant, determine if the specific resource can be treated profitably through that plant.
With this array of resources available, Kimberley Mines is in the fortunate position of having flexibility to maximise the Net Present Value (NPV) of the operation. Unfortunately this flexibility also increases the complexity of finding the optimal solution.
Mine Planning is currently conducted with a spreadsheet based input – output model but this model is not able to match the resource properties with the plant parameters and this method results in a plan that may be neither practical nor optimal. The model is also very time-consuming and scenario analyses are therefore very limited.
This report presents the development of a mixed integer linear programming model to assist with the development of a practical, optimal mine plan. The model is roughly based on a generic model that addresses facility location and processing plant problems as developed by Barbaro & Ramani (1986); however, the model presented in this report includes a more
detailed mass balance within the plant and models how the metallurgical properties of the resources affect the mass balances and overall throughputs.
The results of the project indicate that the current spreadsheet based Mine Plan is not practical since it violates two mass balance constraints within the Combined Treatment Plant. The newly developed system is used to generate a mining schedule that does not violate any constraints while still delivering the same net present value and overall throughput. The system also illustrates that the plant can improve the annual throughput by 18.2% by changing one screen size.
The system also illustrates that only two of the five plants add value and supports management‟s recent decision that the production through the other plants should cease.
In summary: The newly developed system generates an optimal, practical mine plan in less than a tenth of the time required for the old spreadsheet based model. The new system can also do various what-if scenarios which the previous model could not answer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontginning van diamante in Kimberley het in die vroeë 1870s begin na die ontdekking van verskeie diamanthoudende kimberlietpype. Aanvanklike oopgroefmynbou is later vervang deur ondergrondse metodes soos die myne dieper geword het. Die laaste ondergrondse myne het in 2005 produksie gestaak as gevolg van ekonomiese redes.
Die ontginning van hierdie primêre reserwes het gelei tot die ontstaan van verskeie uitskotreserwes (voorheen genoem afvalhope) verspreid oor Kimberley. Hierdie reserwes bevat steeds diamante as gevolg van die historiese oneffektiewe aanlegte. Die reserwes het elkeen egter verskillende geologiese en metallurgiese eienskappe as gevolg van die verskille in die oorspronklike kimberliete en die verskillende herwinningstegnologieë wat in gebruik was toe die uitskotreserwes gegenereer is.
Die uitskotreserwes word gemyn deur ‟n vloot grondverskuiwingstoerusting en word afgelewer by een van Kimberley Myne se vyf aanlegte vir diamantherwinning. Elke aanleg is uniek in terme van kapasiteit, tegnologieë in gebruik en algehele effektiwiteit. Hierdie verskille, tesame met die geo-metallurgiese eienskappe van elke reserwe en die vervoerafstand van die reserwe na die aanleg bepaal of die spesifieke reserwe winsgewend deur daardie aanleg geprosesseer kan word.
Bogenoemde verskeidenheid van hulpbronne gee aan Kimberley Myne die voordeel van buigsaamheid om die Netto Huidige Waarde (NHW) van die myn te maksimeer. Hierdie buigsaamheid vergroot egter die kompleksiteit om die optimale antwoord te vind.
Beplanning word tans met ‟n sigblad gebasseerde invoer – uitvoer model gedoen, maar hierdie model is nie in staat om die reserwes se eienskappe by die aanlegte se parameters aan te pas nie. Hierdie metode genereer dus ‟n plan wat moontlik nie prakties of optimaal is nie. Die model is ook tydrowend en scenario analises is dus baie beperk.
Hierdie verslag beskryf die ontwikkeling van ‟n gemengde heeltallige lineêre programmeringsmodel vir die ontwikkeling van ‟n praktiese, optimale produksieplan. Die model is losweg gegrond op ‟n generiese model van Barbaro & Ramani (1986) wat fasiliteit posisionering en aanlegprobleme aanspreek. Die model in hierdie verslag bevat egter ‟n meer
gedetailleerde massabalans binne die aanleg en modelleer hoe die metallurgiese eienskappe van die reserwes die massabalanse en die algehele kapasiteite beïnvloed.
Die resultate van die projek dui daarop dat die huidige sigblad produksieplan nie prakties is nie aangesien dit twee massabalansbeperkings in die Combined Treatment Plant oorskry. Die nuwe stelsel is gebruik om ‟n produksieskedule te genereer wat nie enige beperkings verbreek nie en wat terselfdertyd die aanvanklike netto huidige waarde en totale produksie ewenaar. Die stelsel wys ook dat die jaarlikse kapasiteit met 18.2% verhoog kan word deur een van die sif-groottes te verander.
Die stelsel demonstreer ook dat slegs twee van die vyf aanlegte waarde toevoeg en ondersteun bestuur se onlangse besluit dat die produksie deur die ander aanlegte gestaak behoort te word.
Ter samevatting: Die nuwe stelsel genereer ‟n optimale, praktiese produksieplan in minder as ‟n tiende van die tyd benodig vir die ou sigblad model. Die nuwe stelsel kan ook verskeie “Wat sal gebeur indien…” scenario‟s hanteer wat die vorige model nie kon beantwoord nie.
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A study of sex/age ratios in wild ungulate populations : an approach to designing an appropriate sampling strategy for estimating the structure of wild ungulate populations on Rooipoort Nature ReserveLaubscher, Sarah-Jane 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the population structure of a number of ungulate species occurring
within Rooipoort private reserve. Specifically the study serves to make estimates of the
ratio of males to females and calves to cows within each species population under
observation, based on the data collected.
Data were also analysed to ascertain the distribution patterns of the species in question, in
relation to vegetation type and habitat. Distribution data were additionally compared to
distribution data collected at an earlier period on Rooipoort, to determine whether any
change has occurred in distribution patterns of the ungulates concerned.
Through analysis of both sex/age data and distributional data, one of the main objectives
of the study was to determine the most appropriate time of the year, length of time and
managment costs involved to undertake sex/age counts on Rooipoort. Results of the
study were also compared to existing population models of ungulates on the reserve.
Results obtained from data concluded that a single monthly sex/age count or, in some
cases, even three consecutive monthly counts, to determine age ratios, would be
insufficient to deliver a reliable estimate of population structure. A number of counts
would have to be carried out throughout the year in order to make reliable estimates.
Distribution data revealed that all habitat/vegetation types on Rooipoort would have to be
covered in order to effectively sample all of the species in question. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gegewens is ook ontleed om die verspreidingspatrone van hoefdiersoorte te bepaal met
betrekking tot plantegroeitipe en habitat. Die verspreidingsdata is ook vergelyk met
vorige ..studies wat op Rooipoort gedoen is om te. bepaal. of enige. veranderings in die
verpreidingspatrone van die hoefdiere onder bespreking plaasgevind het.
Een van die hoof doelwitte van die studie was om.. deur ontleding. van beide die
geslags/ouderdom data en die verspreidingsdata, die mees geskikte tye van die jaar, die
tydsduur en bestuurskoste te bepaal, om geslags/ouderdomstellings op Rooipoort uit te
voer. Resultate van die studie is ook met vertroude populasiemodelle op die reservaat
Die dataontledings het aangeduidat 'n enkele maandlikse geslags/ouderdoms telling, of,
In sekere gevalle, selfs drie agtereenvolgende maandlikse tellings, om
ouderdomsverhoudings te bepaal, nie voldoende sal wees om 'n vertroubare beraming van
die bevolkings struktuur te maak. n' Aantal tellings moet gedurende die yaar uitgevoer
word om vertroubare beramings te kan doen. Verspreidingsdata het bevestig dat alle
habitate en plantegroeitipes op Rooipoort bemonster moet word om alle spesie effektief
te bemonster.
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Disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners by people living with HIVOss, Maserame Victoria 30 May 2013 (has links)
This study explored factors associated with the reluctance of people living with HIV (PLWH) to disclose their (Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) statuses to their sexual partners at Galeshewe Day Hospital in Kimberley in the Northern Cape.
The study was an in-depth interview based qualitative research; and purposive sampling technique was utilised to select 13 PLWH aged between 18 and 45.
Among males, factors contributing to the reluctance of disclosure to sexual partners are ignorance, fear of rejection, not knowing where to start when disclosing and secrecy.
Despite the complexity of disclosure, all participants understood the importance of disclosing to sexual partners as this will prevent new infections.
There is a need for HIV prevention strategies to focus on males particularly, to strengthen disclosure counselling services provided to PLWH and to advocate strongly for partner testing / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Knowledge and use of traditional medicinal plants by the Setswana-speaking community of Kimberley, Northern Cape of South AfricaMonakisi, Charlotte M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The majority of South Africans still depend on the use of traditional remedies, as these
are sometimes the only types of health care systems available, especially within rural
communities. South Africa comprises approximately 400 000 traditional healers and an
estimated 60 to 80% of individuals consulting such traditional healers. As a result, the
over-harvesting of many traditional medicinal plants has become a threat to the country’s
species diversity and has resulted in the scarcity of certain medicinal plant species.
The non-sustainable use of traditional medicinal plants stems from their intense
harvesting from the wild to supply the high demands from urban and rural markets. As a
result of the escalating population growth rate; high rural unemployment; and
fundamental value attached to traditional medicinal plants (socio-economic factors), the
national and regional trade of traditional medicines is currently higher than it has ever
been. Another reason for the increased threat to traditional medicinal plants is the
degradation and weakening of customary laws that have previously regulated such
This study focuses on the use of traditional medicinal plants by the Setswana-speaking
community for self-medication and as a form of primary health care. Research was
conducted in Kimberley, Northern Cape of South Africa and focuses on the issue of the
sustainability of medicinal plant use in the area, specifically on use and users as well as
the acquisition of material sold by a single trader and harvesting techniques. This is to
determine whether harvesting of medicinal plants is a potential threat to plant
communities in the area. To address the shortcomings of medicinal anthropology the
study also investigates the impacts of relocation and resettlement of various communities
in the area, on plant use, methods of collection, the sustainability of the natural resource,
as well as the transmission of Setswana indigenous knowledge inter-generationally.
most abundant under high disturbances. Certain species reacted positively to disturbance
and were most abundant in disturbed habitats. These included Elephantorrhiza
elephantina and a Helichrysum sp.
To minimise destructive harvesting in the Kimberley area and to ensure the sustainable
harvesting of plant material, it is important that local harvesters are educated on proper
harvesting techniques and that local gatherers are educated on sustainability issues as
well as other ecologically fundamental issues. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meeste Suid-Afrikaners is steeds afhanklik van tradisionele geneesmiddels aangesien
dit soms, veral in landelike gemeenskappe, die enigste beskikbare gesondheidsorg is.
Suid-Afrika het sowat 400 000 tradisionele geneeshere wat deur ’n geraamde 60% tot
80% van individue geraadpleeg word. As gevolg hiervan hou die oorontginning van talle
tradisionele medisinale-planthulpbronne ’n bedreiging vir die land se spesiediversiteit in
en het dit reeds tot ’n skaarste aan sekere medisinale plante gelei.
Tradisionele medisinale plante word tans nievolhoubaar aangewend aangesien dit op
groot skaal in die veld geoes word om in die groot vraag van stedelike en landelike
markte te voorsien. As gevolg van die stygende bevolkingsgroeikoers, hoë landelike
werkloosheidsyfer en die grondliggende waarde wat aan tradisionele medisinale plante
geheg word (sosio-ekonomiese faktore), is die nasionale en streekhandel in tradisionele
geneesmiddels tans groter as ooit tevore. Nog ’n rede vir die toenemende bedreiging van
tradisionele medisinale plante is die verslapping en versagting van gewoonteregwetgewing
wat voorheen sodanige hulpbronne gereguleer het.
Hierdie studie fokus op die gebruik van tradisionele medisinale plante deur die Setswanagemeenskap
vir selfbehandeling en as ’n vorm van primêre gesondheidsorg. Die
navorsing vir die studie is in Kimberley in die Noord-Kaapprovinsie van Suid-Afrika
gedoen en fokus op die kwessie van volhoubare medisinale-plantgebruik in die gebied,
met bepaalde klem op gebruik en gebruikers, die verkryging van middels wat deur ’n
enkele handelaar verkoop word, en oestegnieke. Die doel van die navorsing was om te
bepaal of die oes van medisinale plante ’n moontlike bedreiging vir plantgemeenskappe
in die gebied inhou. Om die tekortkominge van medisinale antropologie aan te pak,
ondersoek die studie ook die uitwerking van die verskuiwing en hervestiging van
verskeie gemeenskappe in die gebied op plantgebruik, oesmetodes, die volhoubaarheid
van die natuurlike hulpbronne, asook die oordrag van inheemse Setswana-kennis oor
geslagte heen. Selfbehandeling en die gebruik van tradisionele medisinale plante speel steeds ’n groot
rol in Kimberley, aangesien die meeste van die individue wat aan die navorsing
deelgeneem het steeds tradisionele geneesmiddels as deel van hulle kultuur en tradisie
gebruik. Daar word in ’n uiteenlopende verskeidenheid plantmateriaal handel gedryf.
Hoewel sommige van die middels plaaslik ingesamel word, word die meeste van ander
dele van die land, en in party gevalle van buurlande soos Lesotho en Swaziland,
ingevoer. Hoewel die meeste van die materiaal dus nie plaaslik ingesamel word en dus
nie bepaald op hierdie studie betrekking het nie, is dit steeds aanduidend van oes- en
volhoubaarheidskwessies in ander dele van die land.
Die kruiekenner dryf in sewentig tradisionele medisinale-plantsoorte handel, waarvan
party beskermd en erg bedreig is, waaronder Prunus africana en Warburgia salutaris wat
slegs in beskermde gebiede in die land voorkom. Prunus africana is ’n gelyste spesie in
CITES, aanhangsel 2. Ander bedreigde spesies sluit Ocotea bullata, Bersama lucens,
Curtisia dentata en ’n Eugenia-spesie in.
Die meeste van die plante wat (in Kimberley) geoes word, is in die vorm van
ondergrondse bergingsorgane (uitlopers en bolle). Hoewel hierdie plante van stingelskade
en die skade aan ondergrondse bergingsorgane kan herstel, vat hulle swak pos indien
hulle oorgebruik en oorontgin word, en kan hulle dus mettertyd al hoe minder voorkom.
In hierdie studie word die mettertydse afname in plantbevolkings deur die toename in
reisafstande na insamelingspunte aangetoon. Hierdie tendens is egter nie in die
handelsprys en -materiaalhoeveelhede oor die afgelope eeu weerspieël nie. Die meeste
van die studiedeelnemers het bevestig dat die prys en hoeveelheid van die
handelsmateriaal deurentyd betreklik stabiel gebly het.
Van die teikenspesies wat vir kwesbaarheid of sensitiwiteit vir ontwrigting ondersoek is,
het Withania somnifera, Boophane disticha, Dicoma anomala en Bulbine natalensis die
laagste oorlewingspotensiaal en die hoogste ontwrigtingsensitiwiteit getoon. Die meeste
van hierdie spesies het in baie klein hoeveelhede op die gekose terreine voorgekom. In
die geval van Withania somnifera kon die negatiewe resultate egter met die laereënvalseisoen gedurende daardie betrokke jaar in verband gebring word. Hierdie
spesie word oor die algemeen as ’n onkruid in ontwrigte gebiede geklassifiseer en kom
meestal onder erg ontwrigte toestande voor. Sekere spesies, soos Elephantorrhiza
elephantina en ’n Helichrysum-spesie, het positief op ontwrigting gereageer en het volop
in ontwrigte habitatte voorgekom.
Om vernietigende oestery in die Kimberley-omgewing te minimaliseer en die volhoubare
ontginning van planthulpbronne te verseker, is dit belangrik dat plaaslike plukkers in
gepaste oestegnieke, en plaaslike insamelaars oor volhoubaarheidskwessies en ander
ekologies belangrike sake opgelei word.
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Kimberley schools: a search for successGribble, Susan J. January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the ways government schools in the Kimberley Education District of Western Australia attempted to engender success for their students. Schools in these communities are considered to be in poverty, they are largely populated by indigenous Australians, and situated in geographically isolated locations. It was important to establish the levels of student academic achievement and identify best school and classroom practices that centred on developing students' progress and achievement at school. The study was guided by the general research question: What are the effective ways school communities in the Kimberley work to improve student outcomes? Generating descriptions of best practices that make a geographical isolated school successful for students marginalised in the schooling process, and upon what criteria the success should be measured, were central to this research endeavour. It was critical to distinguish those dimensions of schooling in isolated areas that were malleable in improving the life chances of students. The study relied on an interpretive research methodology using both qualitative data and quantitative approaches to data collection, such as inquiry through conversations, informal and structured interviews, participant and non-participant observations, and the examination of material such as documents and students' work samples, complemented by a confirmatory survey and case studies. Participants in the study included school administration teams, teachers, students and their parents. The study was iterative and followed three distinct phases of development. In the first phase a general picture was gained about the ways in which schools in the Kimberley worked by observing four schools. / The second phase involved developing and administering a study-specific questionnaire to personnel in 14 different schools in the District. This part of the study sought to confirm the interpretive aspects of phase one. In the third phase of the study, a more detailed picture of schools was drawn through a case study approach in five selected schools. Of particular importance in the case study schools was the tracking of a purposive sample of 150 students to assess their reading and writing (including spelling) progress. The results of the student assessments were analysed in terms of the progress students made and interpreted according to the amount of time students attended school. Making judgments about the success of Kimberley schools was an evaluation process in terms of how students performed. The students' performance was linked to the best practices in schools and classrooms that best supported students' learning to ascertain areas where schools could improve their operations. The study has identified challenges associated with school-home relationships, the ways schools and classrooms operate, the ways school plan and implement curriculum, how teachers develop their pedagogies, and the ways students are assessed. In response to teachers who do not fully understand these challenges, many Aboriginal children will choose to continue avoiding school or actively resist engaging in the learning process. / Importantly, at the school level it was found that teachers were best supported in their work when school leaders worked to make everyone's day-to-day classroom work easier, engendered a congenial workplace environment which alleviated some of the personal stresses teachers experienced, ensured school plans went into operation in all classrooms across the school, and created a close link between the school, parents, and the community. At the classroom level in the Kimberley context, calm, stable, and orderly classroom environments are essential to establish. Consistent pedagogy is required across all classrooms within a school but a variety of activities within classrooms is important to accommodate Aboriginal styles of learning. Monitoring the continuity in students' progress as they moved from one year level to the next is imperative. The study showed that there are ways that schools can work for the betterment of students' progress at school but these ways are not universally adopted or implemented. Teachers in the Kimberley schools can learn to understand how to create a good school, how schools can be described as effective and improving, and how they can be termed schools that meet equality and quality ideals. The recommendations made from the study are intended to enable administration teams, teachers, and policy decision makers to make more informed decisions about schooling for geographically isolated students in government schools in the Kimberley region.
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Topics in Worora grammarClendon, Mark. January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliography: leaves 526-532. A description of the grammar of Worora, a language from the north west Kimberley region of Western Australia, proceeds along pedagogical lines. Introducing the speakers of Worora and their history and society, and the nature of the land in which they used to live, as well as to the manner and circumstances in which this account came to be written; describing in outline six important lexical categories, essential to a basic understanding of the grammar.
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