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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oro temperatūros ekstremalumas Vilniuje 1777-2005 metais / The extreme of air temperature in vilnius during 1777-2005

Dikčius, Silvestras 08 September 2009 (has links)
Norėdami tiksliau apibrėžti terminių rodiklių savybes ir jų svyravimus, šalia mėnesio ir metų vidutinių temperatūrų, turime atsižvelgti ir į kitą, nemažiau reikšmingą klimatinį rodiklį, glaudžiai susijusį su bendromis terminėmis atmosferos savybėmis – oro temperatūros ekstremalumą. Šis darbas skirtas per metus užfiksuotiems ir jų ekstremalumą nusakantiems šilčiausiems ir šalčiausiems penkių bei dešimties dienų trukmės laikotarpiams. Šie terminiai rodikliai gali būti vertinami kaip geras klimato ekstremalumo indikatorius. Kitas svarbus šio darbo ypatumas – ilga analizuojamų duomenų seka. Kaip žinoma Vilniaus meteorologijos stoties seka apima laikotarpį nuo 1777 metų iki mūsų dienų. Taigi, ji leidžia įvertinti ekstremalių laikotarpių terminių rodiklių kaitos kryptį net per kelis šimtmečius. Darbo tikslas nustatyti šilčiausių ir šalčiausių laikotarpių oro temperatūros statistinius ir klimatinius rodiklius Vilniuje 1777 – 2005 m. Siekiant įgyvendinti šį tikslą apskaičiuotos kiekvienų metų šilčiausių ir šalčiausių penkiadienių bei dešimtadienių datos ir terminiai rodikliai tiriamu periodu, nustatytos jų kaitos tendencijos. Taip pat nustatyta kokios atmosferos cirkuliacijos sąlygos lėmė ekstremalios oro temperatūros laikotarpius, įvertinta kokią įtaką jų susiformavimui turėjo vienas iš svarbiausių Šiaurės pusrutulyje vykstančių atmosferos procesų – Šiaurės Atlanto osciliacija (NAO – angl. North Atlantic Oscillation). Paaiškėjo, kad šilčiausių metų laikotarpių oro temperatūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / With the intention of defining the features of thermal indicators and their variations we have to consider not only average monthly and annual temperatures, but also other important indicator – the extreme of air temperature. This work is intended to analyze the warmest and the coldest five and ten day streaks through the year. The purpose of this analysis is to find out the statistical and climatic indicators of warmest and coldest streaks in Vilnius over the period 1777 – 2005. Such tasks were set trying to implement this purpose: to find out the warmest and coldest five and ten day streaks dates and thermal indicators of each year, their long-term fluctuation tendencies and the atmospheric circulation conditions, which determined these periods, to estimate the influence of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) to the periods of the extreme air temperatures. Linear trends, moving averages and correlations of these parameters were analyzed. It turned out, that air temperature trends of the warmest periods are decreasing. The air temperature of five days periods was decreasing 0,0052°C/year, ten days periods – 0,0062°C/ year. Opposite tendencies were observed during the cold season. Linear trends of the coldest streaks were increasing, the air temperature of five days periods increased 0,009°C/year, ten day periods – 0,0072°C/year. These trends exceed statistical significance level. The amplitudes of the temperature between the warmest and the coldest periods decreased about 3,1°C... [to full text]

Organizacinio klimato įtaka darbuotojų motyvacijai / The influence of the influence of organizational climate on employees’ motivation

Gudžinskaitė, Neringa 26 June 2014 (has links)
GUDŽINSKAITĖ, Neringa. (2009) Organizacinio klimato įtaka darbuotojų motyvacijai. Magistro baigiamasis darbas. Kaunas: Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas, Vilniaus universitetas. 75 p. Temos aktualumas. Organizacijose daug dėmesio skiriama personalo valdymui, kadangi darbuotojai yra tas potencialas, turintis didelės reikšmės organizacijos išlikimui bei gyvavimui šiuolaikinėje dinamiškoje verslo aplinkoje. Siekiant veiklos sėkmės, išryškėja palankaus, gerą darbuotojo savijautą skatinančio, motyvacijos lygį didinančio, organizacijos klimato sudarymo svarba. Darbo objektas – organizacinio klimato įtaka darbuotojų motyvacijai. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize, išnagrinėti įvairių mokslininkų pateikiamas organizacinio klimato sąvokų interpretacijas. 2. Išanalizuoti, kokie yra išskiriami organizacinio klimato aspektai. 3. Išsiaiškinti teorines sąsajas tarp organizacinio klimato ir darbuotojų motyvacijos. 4. Išnagrinėti organizacinio klimato įtakos darbuotojų motyvacijai empirinį ištyrimo lygį. 5. Sudaryti organizacinio klimato įtakos darbuotojų motyvacijai modelį. 6. Ištirti, kaip organizacinis klimatas veikia darbuotojų motyvacijos lygį pasirinktose organizacijose. Pagrindinės išvados. Nustatyti pagrindiniai organizacinio klimato aspektai, darantys įtaką darbuotojų suvokimui, yra atlygis ir įvertinimas, savarankiškumas arba komandinis darbas bei bendradarbiavimas, vadovybės kompetencija, organizacinis aiškumas (tikslų žinomumas). Organizacinis klimatas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / GUDŽINSKAITĖ, Neringa. (2009) The Influence of Organizational Climate on Employees’ Motivation. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 75 p. Theme relevance. Much attention in the organization is payed to the personnel management because the employees are the potencial to survive and prosper in dinamic business environment. Trying to pursue success at contemporary conditions it is important to create conductive, positive, motivating organizational climate. The subject of this research – the influence of organizational climate on employees’ motivation. The goals of search work: 1. To study various interpretations of organizational climate concept in accordance with scientific literature. 2. To analyse what are distinguished dimensions of organizational climate. 3. To ascertain theoretical links between organizational climate and employees‘ motivation. 4. To analyse empirical level of the influence of organizational climate on employees‘ motivation. 5. To form a model which demonstrates the influence of organizational climate on employees‘ motivation. 6. To examine how organizational climate influence the level of motivation in chosen organizations. The main conclusions. Estimated key climate dimensions which influence employees‘ perceptions and are represented in various scales are rewards and appraisal, autonomy or group work and cooperation, management competence and/or support, organizational clarity. The organizational climate... [to full text]

Baltijos jūros regiono klimato humidiškumo dinamika 1950-2004 metais / The dynamics of the baltic sea region climate humidity in the year 1950-2004

Pankauskas, Martynas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Baltijos jūros regiono klimato humidiškumo dinamika 1950 – 2004 metais Martynas Pankauskas Darbo tikslas. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti Baltijos jūros regiono klimato humidiškumo kaitą remiantis įvairiais kritulių kiekio rodikliais, išanalizuoti debesuotumo pasiskirstymo ypatumus. Darbo metodika. Šiame darbe Baltijos jūros regiono humidiškumas įvertintas remiantis ne tik kritulių kiekio daugiamete kaita, bet ir naudojant Bowen’o indeksą. Pastarasis leido oblektyviau, nei krituliai įvertinti vietovės sausringumą. Darbe taip pat įvertinti konvekcinių kritulių pasiskirstymo dėsningumai, metinių kritulių kiekio erdvinė koreliacija bei regiono debesuotumo teritoriniai ypatumai. Darbe pateikta regiono kritulių kiekio prognozė bei palyginta su dabartinėmis kaitos tendencijomis. Minėtų rodiklių analizė atlikta remiantis ne konkrečių meteorologijos stočių, o geografinio tinklelio duomenimis. Darbo rezultatai. Per metus vidutiniškai visame BJR iškrenta 679 mm kritulių. Daugiausia kritulių gauna pietinė – pietrytinė (11 – 13 sekt.) ir šiaurės rytinė bei vakarinė dalys (3, 7 sekt.). Šiose srityse gauti didžiausi metiniai kritulių kiekio svyravimai, kur svyravimų amplitudė siekia vidutines metines reikšmes. Viso Baltijos jūros regiono bendras vidutinis kritulių kiekis per tiriamą laikotarpį sumažėjo 8%, o tiesinis trendas siekia 99 %. Atkirose BJR dalyse (sektoriuose) metinio kritulių kiekio kaitos trendai buvo neigiami. Regioną pagal kritulių kaitos trendą galima skaidyti į tris dalis: 1... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dynamics of the Baltic Sea region climate humidity in the year 1950-2004 M. Pankauskas The goal of the work. On the basis of the different rates of precipitation amount, evaluate the humidity fluctuations of the BSR. Analyze the peculiarities of nebulosity repartition. The methods of the work. The BSR humidity was evaluated on the basis of annual precipitation amount fluctuations and using Bowen’s method (that allowed evaluate the region aridity more objectively). The consistent of convectional precipitation repartition, annual precipitation amount dimensional correlation and regional nebulosity territorial peculiarities were evaluated. The prognosis of regional precipitation amount is given in this work and it is compared with the tendencies of current fluctuations. The analysis of above mentioned rates was accomplished on the basis of the geographical grid data. The main results of the work. The average amount of precipitation in BSR is 679 mm. Most of the precipitation gets the south – southeast (11-13 sec.), northeast and west sectors (3, 7 sec.). In these segments the largest fluctuations of annual participation amount were noticed (where the fluctuations amplitude reached the annual rates). The general average precipitation amount in BSR decreased 8% during the period that was researched. In different BSR sectors the trends of annual precipitation amount were negative. According to the precipitation fluctuation trend, the region can be divided into three sectors: 1... [to full text]

Komandos klimato įvertinimas sporto klube ,,Žalgiris" / Teams climate estimation of sport club ,,Žalgiris"

Palionytė, Neringa 11 May 2006 (has links)
Neringa Palionytė. Teams climate estimation of sport club „Zalgiris“. Final Master Work. Work supervisor docent doctor R. Mikalauskas Summary Sport club is a social group or team, and its activity depends on efficiency of micro groups, groups or teams operating in it (Mikalauskas, 2000). Team is an indiscrete appearance, not general people unit, and it makes certain system that constantly interacts with environment and has to respond to set requirements. This system has two subsystems – operating and operated (Slack, 1996). In activity period intellectual, voluntary, emotional, social and other activity of sports team is constantly influenced by team specific preparation and game specifics. Interpersonal relations directly influence its preparation for activity and its results, this way becoming the fundamental sports team feature (Jucevičius, 1998). In nowadays it is still discussed, whether climate is the attribute of organization and greed and attitude of people working in organization or club, the structure, standards, politics of rewards and penalties of organization are the factors that determine the climate in organization. It supposes that climate is not only the creeds of people working in organization, but also is one of features to describe the organization itself (Aronson, 1998). The subject of research Teams climate estimation of sport club „Zalgiris“ The problem of research In nowadays business world, sport organizations and clubs meet new challenges. Strong... [to full text]

Organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai informacinių technologijų verslo įmonėje: diagnostinis aspektas / The peculiarities of the expression of organisational Climate at the IT company: diagnostic approach

Chšanavičienė, Rasa 30 May 2006 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the expression of organisational climate at the IT company using standardised test. This master’s work is an independent part of collegial research project. The theoretical aspects of organisational climate of different Lithuanian and foreign authors are analysed and systematized in the Master’s work. There was disclosed the conception of “organisational climate” in this paper. Upon the basis of the theoretical analysis the peculiarities of organisational climate were investigated at the IT company in Šiauliai. The “organisational climate test for Lithuania work organizations” used for the pilot testing and four dimensions of this test used for retest. There was checked the validity of short test (organistional values and culture) during the retest. The analysis of empiric data indicates the crisis of organizational climate of IT company therefore it needs the managerial intervention.

Profesinės mokyklos bendrabučio socialinis-psichologinis klimatas / Social-psychological atmosphere at a hostel of a vosational school

Pečiukienė, Raimonda 08 June 2004 (has links)
The theme of social-psichological atmosphere at a hostel of a vosational school was not discussed much and no doubt is very important.

Organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai finansinio tarpininkavimo organizacijoje: diagnostinis aspektas / Peculiarities of the Expression of Organizational Climate in the Company of Financial Mediation: Diagnostic Aspect

Bartkevičiūtė, Donata 05 June 2006 (has links)
This master’s work presents the analysis of the theoretical aspects of the organizational climate of Lithuanian and foreign authors in consideration of the peculiarities of financial mediation company, and the particularity of its activity. There is analyzed the concept of “organizational climate” and is presented the factors influencing the organizational climate in this work. With reference to scientific theoretical literature, a research of organizational climate has been carried out in SC bank “Snoras”, using a standardized “Test of Organizational Climate Crisis”, and evaluating the peculiarities and assumptions of the expression of organizational climate. This research together with the written report about it constitutes the main part of this master’s work. 51 respondents of SC bank “Snoras” Šiauliai branch have been examined in pre-test and 43 respondents representing 7 departments – in first and second retests. The data have been processed using the typical SPSS programme. It emerged that positive organizational climate dominates in SC bank “Snoras” Šiauliai branch, but critical dimensions of the expression of organizational climate have also been identified.

Organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai verslo ir biudžetinėje įstaigoje palyginimas: diagnostinis aspektas / Peculiarities of the Manifestation of Organisational Climate in Business Enterprises and Budgetary Institutions (Comparison): the Diagnostic Aspect

Bolskytė, Jurgita 09 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the authors of this thesis is to investigate the manifestation of organisational climate through carrying out a diagnostic research and using the test of organisational climate crisis (inventory) developed by Prof. G. Merkys’s research group. This master thesis analyses and systematizes the scientific literature sources of various Lithuanian and foreign authors about the culture of organisation, human resources, organisational climate and their significance for the organisation and its development. The research has been carried out at AB Šiaulių bankas, Šiauliai Branch and Šiauliai County State Tax Inspectorate, Šiauliai Division. The collected data was processed with the help of the SPSS software. Both scientific hypotheses formulated by the authors of this paper have been partially proved, i.e. the organisational climate in a business enterprise is favourable and does not require managerial intervention, whereas the climate in a budgetary institution is unfavourable thus necessitating managerial intervention.

Organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai aukštojo (neuniversitetinio) mokslo įstaigoje: diagnostinis aspektas / The peculiarites of the expression of organisational climate at the science institution: diagnostic apprach

Žilinskienė, Vilma 30 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s final paper – is to analyze the expression of organisational climate at the science institution using standardised test made by prof. G.Merkys united group climate crisis test. Organisational climate test consist of 156 questions. Test was done anonymous. We questioned 80 person from 10 different subdivisions. Using typical SPSS program was made data. Special psychometrical coefficients show that the testing information is reliable. It was stated big indication spill. It shows that in some subdivisions organisational climate and communication are very effective, in others only medium and there are some possibilities to improve it.

Etinio klimato vertinimas poliklinikoje / Evaluation of ethical climate in the outpatient clinic

Navickienė, Edita 16 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the study was to analyse and to evaluate ethical climate in Kaunas Sanciai outpatient clinic. Tasks – to evaluate ethical climate in Kaunas Sanciai outpatient clinic; to determine and evaluate ethical climate relationship between varies workers group depending from age, education, work expierence; to identify mostly occurred ethical disturbances in Kaunas Sanciai outpatient clinic. Methods. Investigative were workers (n=237) of Kaunas Sanciai outpatient clinic, interviewed in October-November 2005. The data analysis was performed in 233 (98.3%) persons, using MS Excel and EpiInfo 6.0 statistical programme packages. Results. The major part of Kaunas Sanciai outpatient clinic workers the ethical climate evaluate positive: 77.3% respondents answer, that in the outpatient clinic predominant confidence and honor ambience, 91.9% of persons answer, that each workers committed for own decisions, 73.0% of respondents answer, that predominant friendliness, 67.8% of workers aggreed with affirmation, that the directors of outpatient clinic promote ethical behavior, so the directors are ethical decorum example in 85.5% of persons. Majority (81.1%) respondents answer, that in the outpatient clinic necessary organization members ethical education. Majority of youngest persons and working until one year disagreed with affirmation, that each workers commited for own decision, that in the outpatient clinic predominant friendliness, that organization directors promote workers ethical... [to full text]

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