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An Exploratory Study on the Post-Acquisition Process of Technological Acquisition – a case study of HMSAL Darabseh, Mutaz, Nasar, Nazia Rumana January 2020 (has links)
Although M&A’s have the greatest probability of failure in organizations, the major reasons for this outcome is the integration process. M&As have been a popular strategy for accessing new markets, introducing new products, expanding their knowledge base, and enhancing competitive advantage. In this study, we explore a case of technology acquisition, and we propose a theoretical framework based on literature that identifies phases in post-acquisition process. The process involves three stages: knowledge absorption, operational phase and commercial phase that is explored and evaluated with the empirical data of the case study. Then, thematic analysis was utilized in this study to identify common themes related to the role of acquisition. The related functions and benefits were grouped under acquisition roles. Since the case study was a successful acquisition, it was easy to figure out the roles and dimensions of integration from it. Both the methods contribute in addressing, the necessary phases that need to be organized with integration and deriving different functionalities to achieve common goals. Finally, we present a discussion and bring out the relationships that emerged from this study from different themes and have been mapped to stages in the post-acquisition process, resulting in outcomes from each role. Thus, this study puts an emphasis on the range of factors that create value from successful technological acquisition and conclude as post-acquisition process with integration elements is the initial pivotal position for the consequences.
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One product, many markets- Absorbing, transferring, andintegrating knowledge fromdiverse local markets in theinnovation process : A case study on a global car-sharing company / En produkt, många marknader - Absorbera, överföraoch integrera kunskap från olika lokala marknader iinnovationsprocessenJohansson Lundström, Malin, Danielsson, Elisabeth January 2018 (has links)
In the emerging global marketplace many companies are forced to disperse their business fromoperating in one market into various markets, which causes challenges regarding innovationperformance. To efficiently use their resources, these organizations are often developing theirproduct adopted to the home market’s customer needs, something that can lead to poor productacceptance by the secondary markets. Hence, absorption and use of market knowledgethroughout the innovation process are important considerations to maintain a competitive advantage.This case study intends to answer the research question; what are the best-practices for innovationat a global car-sharing firm to better align their product to many diverse markets? Thethesis was carried out as an inductive case study at DriveNow, a car-sharing company aroundEurope who are struggling with the product performance at their many diverse markets. Thegoal with the thesis was to propose recommendations on how to manage the complexity ofabsorbing knowledge from diverse local markets, transferring it within the organization andintegrating it throughout the innovation process. In order to do so, a pre-study was conducted,followed by 23 semi-structured qualitative interviews at the headquarter and four of DriveNows’local offices.The results indicate, on the one hand, that firms have to access important market knowledgethrough their local offices to better align the product to their diverse markets. On the otherhand, the efficiency of how the organization are transferring the knowledge and encouraging employeesto do so are also important considerations. Based on results from this study, we suggesta formalization of various processes in order to facilitate ideation, internal communication andthe subsequent transmission of market knowledge over boundaries. Furthermore the developmentof an adopted global product could be a way of manage the complexity of having a globalproduct but satisfy needs of diverse markets. By capturing market knowledge and create localizedfeatures were it is needed the global product could be better adapted to various markets. / På den framväxande globala marknaden tar företag snabbt deras verksamhet från en marknadtill att vara verksamma på flera olika marknader, vilket orsakar stora utmaningar gällandeinnovation. För att på bästa sätt ta tillvara på deras resurser anpassar dessa företag ofta produktentill deras hemmamarknader, vilket kan leda till dålig acceptans av produkten på andramarknader. På grund av detta är absorbtion och användning av lokal kunskap från marknaderviktiga aspekter för att kunna upprätthålla en hållbar konkurrensfördel.Den här fallstudien avser att besvara frågeställningen; vilka är de bästa metoderna för attfrämja innovation hos ett globalt bildelningsföretag i syfte att bättre anpassa produkten tillolika marknader. Den här masteruppsatsen är en induktiv fallstudie på företaget DriveNow,ett bildelningsföretag med verksamhet i Europa som brottas med hur produkten mottas påderas olika marknader. Målet med uppsatsen är att föreslå rekommendationer för att hanterakomplexiteten av att absorbera kunskap från marknaderna, dela den inom organisationen ochföra kunskapen vidare genom innovationsprocessen. För att kunna genomföra detta utfördes enförstudie följt av 23 semi-strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer på DriveNows huvudkontor ochfyra av dess lokala kontor.Resultatet av studien indikerar, å ena sidan, att organisationer behöver ta vara på kunskapenfrån deras lokala kontor för att bättre anpassa produkten till olika marknader. Å andra sidanhur organisationen hanterar kunskapsöverföring och uppmuntrar anställda att dela med sig avkunskap är också viktiga aspekter. Baserat på resultaten av studien, föreslås formella processerför att kunna förenkla idégenerering, intern kommunikation och kunskapsöverföring. Vidareföreslås en implementering av en anpassad global produkt för att hantera svårigheten av att haen global produkt som samtidigt måste tillgodose olika behov på olika marknader. Genom attta tillvara på den lokala marknadskunskapen och skapa lokaliserade funktioner där det behövs,kan den globala produkten bättre anpassas till olika marknader.
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Strategies to Cultivate Sustainable Open Innovation Culture in High-Tech OrganizationsBanai, Eyal 01 January 2018 (has links)
Business leaders must adopt new business practices to sustain their organizations and meet the paradigm of global competition. In the 21st century, innovation and market readiness have become the primary criteria for sustainability of an organization. Some organizational leaders should adopt open innovation strategy to stay competitive and foster a positive impact on their organizations' performance while practicing a systematic inclusion of knowledge from sources outside of the organization. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore effective strategies business leaders use to cultivate a sustainable open innovation culture. The population consisted of leaders from 200 high technology organizations in the Washington, D.C. area. Purposeful sampling was used to select 4 organizations whose leaders demonstrated successful cultivation of open innovation culture. Schein's culture theory was the conceptual framework for this study. Data were collected through semistructured interviews and review of the organizations' annual reports, publications, websites, and brochures. Data analysis was based on Vaismoradi, Turunen, and Bondas's systematic content and thematic analysis approach, proceding from study data to codes to themes. The outcome led to 4 primary themes: organizational strategic alignment, collaboration as a force multiplier for innovation, organizational culture change, and expert understanding of the customers' needs. Implications for positive social change include fostering innovative organizations whose members bring to the market cost-effective solutions and bridge between market needs and technological solutions. Members of innovative organizations impact underserved communities in terms of material wealth, social welfare, and employment opportunities.
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Capacité d'absorption des connaissances et apprentissage organisationnel : "application à cinq entreprises du secteur de biotechnologies de santé" / Absortive capacity and organizational learning : "application to five companies in the healthcare biotechnology sector"Hebiz, Chams Eddoha 10 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à comprendre quels sont les mécanismes d’absorption de connaissances externes aux organisations susceptibles de contribuer au développement d’innovations en interne. En ce qui concerne la problématique de la thèse, l’objectif est d’approfondir trois questions principales : - Question 1 : Comment les organisations absorbent-elles les connaissances externes ?- Question 2 : Quelles sont "les conditions organisationnelles "qui influencent la capacité d'absorption des connaissances par les entreprises ? - Question 3 : Quelle est la relation qui existe entre la « capacité d'exploitation » des connaissances externes et « l’aptitude à innover » ?Pour répondre à ces trois questions principales, une synthèse de la littérature a été effectuée. Cette synthèse a mis en particulier l’accent sur les travaux ayant comme problématique la relation susceptible d’exister entre les trois concepts majeurs abordés dans la thèse, à savoir : « l’apprentissage organisationnel », la « capacité d'absorption » des connaissances et « l’aptitude à innover ». A l’issue de cette recension bibliographique, sept propositions ont été formulées. Celles-ci portent sur deux points : le premier cible la question d'influence de « facteurs organisationnels spécifiques » sur « la capacité d’absorption ». Quant au second point, il concerne la relation entre « la capacité d’exploitation des connaissances externes » et « l’aptitude à innover ».A la suite de l’approche de la littérature, une recherche empirique a été réalisée en s’appuyant sur les méthodes suggérées par Eisenhardt (1989-2007), Yin (2003), Miles et Huberman (2003). Cette recherche est structurée en deux étapes. Une étude de cas exploratoire effectuée au sein d’une entreprise exemplaire, du secteur des biotechnologies de santé, nous a permis d’abord d’analyser les spécificités de son « processus d’absorption des connaissances » et des conditions organisationnelles qui l’influencent. Une étude transversale consacrée à quatre entreprises du même secteur d’activité nous a permis ensuite de vérifier dans quelle mesure les résultats de l’analyse exploratoire sont susceptibles d’être généralisés. Il est utile de préciser que le type d’innovations pris en considération dans cette thèse porte sur l’innovation technologique.Les résultats démontrent que plusieurs aspects importants caractérisent le processus d'absorption des connaissances mis en œuvre au sein des entreprises étudiées. D'une part, ils confirment la nature multidimensionnelle, cumulative et interactive de ce processus. D'autre part, ils mettent en évidence la nature incertaine, itérative et non linéaire du processus d’absorption. Ils révèlent également qu'une union adéquate entre les différentes dimensions des conditions organisationnelles d'absorption des connaissances influence positivement les quatre dimensions du processus d'absorption. Les résultats dégagés conduisent par ailleurs à conclure que la capacité d'exploitation des connaissances et les conditions organisationnelles de leur absorption contribuent à améliorer la capacité d'innovation des entreprises du secteur des biotechnologies de santé. Finalement, les résultats obtenus permettent d’élaborer un cadre conceptuel de l'absorption des connaissances et de dégager des pistes de réflexion, en vue d'améliorer la compréhension de la capacité d'absorption des connaissances. / This thesis aims at understanding which mechanisms of external knowledge absorption of organizations that is likely to contribute to the development of internal innovations. And concerning the thesis problem, the objective is to consider deeply three main questions :Q1: How do the organizations absorb external knowledge ?Q2: What are the organizational conditions that affect the absorptive capacity of knowledge by companies?Q3: What is the relation that exists between "the exploitation capacity" of external knowledge and "the ability to innovate"?In order to answer these three main questions, a literature synthesis has been conducted. This synthesis implements in particular the emphasis on the work having as problematic the relationship that may exist among the three major points discussed in the thesis namely "The organizational learning", "absorptive capacity" and "the ability to innovate".As a conclusion of this literature review, seven proposals were made. They are focused on two points. The first point targets the question of the influence of "specific organizational factors" on the absorptive capacity. The second is about the relation between "the exploitation capacity" of external knowledge and "the ability to innovate".Following the literature approach, an empirical research has been carried out relying on the methods suggested by Eisenhardt (1989-2007), Yin (2003), Miles and Huberman (2003). This empirical research is structured in two stages. An exploratory case study conducted in an exemplary company in the sector of biotechnology health has allowed us first to analyze the specifics of its "absorption process of knowledge" and the organizational conditions that influence it. Afterward, a cross-sectional study of four companies in the same industry then allowed us to check out how the results of the exploratory analysis can be generalized. It is useful to clarify that the type of innovations considered in this thesis is technological innovation.The results demonstrate several important aspects, which characterize the process of knowledge absorption implemented within companies. On the one hand, they confirm the multidimensional, cumulative and interactive nature of this process. On the other hand, they clarify evidently the uncertain, iterative and nonlinear nature of absorption process. The results reveal that a proper union between the different dimensions of organizational conditions of knowledge absorption which influences positively the four dimensions of the of the absorption process.These results have led us to conclude that the exploitation capacity of knowledge and organizational conditions of their absorption contribute to improving the innovation capacity of companies in the biotechnology health’s sector. Finally, the results obtained allow to develop a conceptual framework of the knowledge absorption and to identify ways of reflections to improve the understanding of the absorption capacity of knowledge.
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組織知識流通之研究--以台灣資訊硬體業為例 / The research on organizational knowledge flow - take Taiwan information hardware industry as an example賴威龍, Lai, Wei-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
依據資策會市場情報中心的統計,1997 年我國資訊硬體工業海內外的總產值已達 302 億美元,成長率達 24.8%,顯示台灣的資訊硬體工業佔世界市場--主要的地位。資訊硬體工業在我國發展相當成功,其發展歷程與分工方式值得探討,而更值得注意的是,資訊產業 廠商如何能在變動快速的外界環境條件下,運用組織內外部的資源不斷的進行知識吸收、創造與擴散。
本研究由「組織為知識流動、創造與蓄積的載體」的角度出發,試圖在本土優秀廠商組織能耐持續深化的過程中,歸納出台灣資訊硬體工業的組織知識創造模式,藉以發掘台灣獨特 (Taiwan-specific) 的競爭優勢。主要研究問題包括:(1) 技術特質如何影響組織知識流通?(2) 團隊領導與組織情境如何影響組織知識流通?(3) 臺灣資訊硬體業特有的創新模式與組織知識流通模式為何?
(一) 技術特質不同,組織知識流通隨之不同
(二) 團隊領導與組織情境不同,組織知識流通隨之不同
(三) 台灣資訊硬體業的創新特色
從個案的實地探索之中,本研究依據 Henderson and Clark (1990) 提出的學習模式,發現在替先進國廠商的代工經驗中,台灣逐漸吸取了先進國產品設計與製造的知識,因此近年來,雖然關鍵組件多操控在日商與美商的手裡,但是許多台灣優秀的廠商則試圖在產品架構方面進行創新,亦即在整體搭配方面進行突破,設法讓整個產品成本降低或功能提昇,這種現象可見於筆記型電腦產業、掃描器產業、CD-ROM 產業、Monitor,產業等。依據以上的觀察,本研究歸納出台灣資訊硬體業的創新特色是屬於架構方面的創新,對於關鍵組件的創新能力則相對較弱。此外,本研究同時發現本土廠商由於規模較小,因此很難像歐美廠商般以總部的中央貧驗室來進行長期的研發,所以主要扮演的角色為快速的追隨者.,負責盡快將新技術商品化,而透過上下游跨組織的知識流通使得我國廠商能在快速追隨者的定位上持續保有競爭力。
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