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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A ventral stream-prefrontal cortex processing cascade enables working memory gating dynamics

Yu, Shijing, Rempel, Sarah, Gholamipourbarogh, Negin, Beste, Christian 27 February 2024 (has links)
The representation of incoming information, goals and the flexible processing of these are required for cognitive control. Efficient mechanisms are needed to decide when it is important that novel information enters working memory (WM) and when these WM ‘gates’ have to be closed. Compared to neural foundations of maintaining information in WM, considerably less is known about what neural mechanisms underlie the representational dynamics during WM gating. Using different EEG analysis methods, we trace the path of mental representations along the human cortex during WM gate opening and closing. We show temporally nested representational dynamics during WM gate opening and closing depending on multiple independent neural activity profiles. These activity profiles are attributable to a ventral stream-prefrontal cortex processing cascade. The representational dynamics start in the ventral stream during WM gate opening and WM gate closing before prefrontal cortical regions are modulated. A regional specific activity profile is shown within the prefrontal cortex depending on whether WM gates are opened or closed, matching overarching concepts of prefrontal cortex functions. The study closes an essential conceptual gap detailing the neural dynamics underlying how mental representations drive the WM gate to open or close to enable WM functions such as updating and maintenance.

The influence of task instructions on action coding

Wenke, Dorit 21 January 2004 (has links)
Eines der ungelösten Probleme menschlicher Kognition ist S. Monsell (1996) zufolge, wie genau sprachliche Aufgabeninstruktionen in Aufgabenrepräsentationen übersetzt werden, die instruiertes Verhalten steuern. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht, Licht auf einen Aspekt dieser Frage zu werfen. Die spezifische Frage ist, ob und wie die Details der Instruktionen von Antworten in einfachen manuellen Zweifachwahlaufgaben die Kodierung und die Prozesse beeinflussen, die üblicherweise mit "Antwortselektion" assoziiert werden, einem Verarbeitungsstadium, das als zentral für die willkürliche Steuerung von Handlungen angesehen wird. Thematisch liefert die Dissertation somit einen Beitrag zu der Frage nach den kognitiven Grundlagen der Steuerung von Willkürhandlungen. Unter der Annahme, dass die spezifischen Inhalte sprachlicher Antwortinstruktionen die Antwortkodierung determinieren, ist zu erwarten, dass identische Aufgaben bei unterschiedlicher Antwortinstruktion unterschiedlich bearbeitet werden. Diese Vorhersage wurde mittels zweier experimenteller Ansätze in fünf Experimenten überprüft, in denen linke und rechte Tastendruck-Reaktionen entweder räumlich (als "linke" vs. "rechte" Taste) oder farblich (als "blaue" vs. "grüne" Taste) instruiert wurden. Es wurde untersucht, welchen Einfluss Antwortinstruktionen auf zwei Arten von Kompatibilitätseffekten haben. In den ersten 3 Experimenten wurde ein Doppelaufgabenparadigma gewählt, das überlappende vs. nicht-überlappende Antworten auf einer manuellen und einer zeitgleich ausgeführten verbalen Aufgabe erforderte. Die verbale Aufgabe erforderte ebenfalls entweder "links"- und "rechts"- oder "blau"- und "grün"-Antworten. Wenn die Antworten beider Aufgaben räumlich (Experiment 1) oder farblich (Experiment 2) instruiert wurden, waren kompatible Antworten (z. B. verbale "blau"-Reaktionen gefolgt von blauen Tastenreaktionen) in beiden Aufgaben schneller als inkompatible. Wenn jedoch die verbale Aufgabe "links"- und "rechts"-Reaktionen verlangte, während die Tasten der manuellen Aufgabe farblich instruiert wurden, zeigten sich keine Kompatibilitätseffekte. Das 4. und 5. Experiment dieser Arbeit erweitern die Doppelaufgabenexperimente dahingehend, dass der Einfluss der gleichen Antwortinstruktionsmanipulation auf den "Simon-Effekt" (schnellere Antworten bei Korrespondenz als bei Inkorrespondenz zwischen Antwortposition und irrelevanter Stimulus-Position) mit Hilfe einer Aufgabe untersucht wurde, in der linke und rechte Tastenreaktionen willkürlich zentral dargebotenen Stimuli (Buchstabenidentität) zugeordnet wurden. Go/no-go Signale, die zufällig an unterschiedlichen Positionen erschienen, gaben an, ob reagiert werden sollte oder nicht. Während ein Simon-Effekt bei räumlicher Antwortinstruktion in Experiment 4 beobachtet werden konnte, führten Farbinstruktionen der Antworttasten in Experiment 5 zu einer signifikanten Reduktion des Effekts. Zusammengenommen legen diese Ergebnisse nahe, dass die in der Antwortinstruktion genutzten Antwort-"Label" direkt bestimmen, welche Codes zur Reaktionssteuerung genutzt werden, und dass nicht-räumliche Antwortkodierung bei nicht-räumlicher Antwortinstruktion dominiert. Die Implikationen der Befunde für aktuelle Kodierungstheorien zur Erklärung von Kompatibilitätseffekten werden diskutiert und in Bezug gesetzt zu allgemeineren Theorien und Fragen zur willkürlichen Steuerung von Verhalten und zu den Bedingungen von Automatizität. / According to Monsell (1996), one of the 'unsolved mysteries of mind' is how exactly verbal task instructions are translated into, and are used to control behavior. The present dissertation attempts to shed some light on one aspect of this mystery, namely on how the wording of task instructions affects the codes and processes commonly associated with response selection, a processing 'stage' assumed to be central in action control. The main question is whether or not the response labels used in the instructions of manual two-choice responses affect how responses are coded and accessed. If instruction determines response coding, then it should be possible to demonstrate that identical tasks are performed differently if response instructions differ. In five experiments, I manipulated response instructions for spatially organized keypress responses. Specifically, I instructed left and right keypresses on a manual task either as left vs. right or as blue vs. green keypresses and tested whether such variations in response instructions affect two different types of compatibility effects. The first set of experiments (Experiments 1-3) used a dual task procedure that, in addition to the manual task, required either "left" vs. "right" or "blue" vs. "green" verbalizations on a concurrently performed verbal task. When responses on both the manual and the verbal task were instructed in terms of location (Experiment 1) or color (Experiment 2), then compatible responses on the two tasks (e.g., "blue" verbalizations followed by a blue keypress) were faster than incompatible responses. However, when the verbal task required "left" vs. "right" responses whereas manual keypresses were instructed as blue vs. green (Experiment 3), then no compatibility effects were observed. The second set of experiments (Experiments 4 and 5) extended these findings by employing the same response-instruction logic to a Simon-like task, in which left and right keypress responses were arbitrarily mapped to centrally presented stimuli (letter identity). Go/No-go signals that varied in location indicated whether the prepared response was to be executed or not. Color instructions of the response keys (Experiment 5) significantly reduced the Simon effect (i.e., faster responses when response location and irrelevant Go/No-go location correspond) observed under spatial response instructions (Experiment 4). Taken together, these results suggest that response labels used in the instruction directly determine the codes that are used to control responding, and that non-spatial coding can override spatial coding under non-spatial response instructions. The findings are discussed with respect to their relevance for contemporary coding accounts of compatibility and more general theories of intentional control and automaticity.

On the effects of multimodal information integration in multitasking

Stock, Ann-Kathrin, Gohil, Krutika, Huster, René J., Beste, Christian 14 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
There have recently been considerable advances in our understanding of the neuronal mechanisms underlying multitasking, but the role of multimodal integration for this faculty has remained rather unclear. We examined this issue by comparing different modality combinations in a multitasking (stop-change) paradigm. In-depth neurophysiological analyses of event-related potentials (ERPs) were conducted to complement the obtained behavioral data. Specifically, we applied signal decomposition using second order blind identification (SOBI) to the multi-subject ERP data and source localization. We found that both general multimodal information integration and modality-specific aspects (potentially related to task difficulty) modulate behavioral performance and associated neurophysiological correlates. Simultaneous multimodal input generally increased early attentional processing of visual stimuli (i.e. P1 and N1 amplitudes) as well as measures of cognitive effort and conflict (i.e. central P3 amplitudes). Yet, tactile-visual input caused larger impairments in multitasking than audio-visual input. General aspects of multimodal information integration modulated the activity in the premotor cortex (BA 6) as well as different visual association areas concerned with the integration of visual information with input from other modalities (BA 19, BA 21, BA 37). On top of this, differences in the specific combination of modalities also affected performance and measures of conflict/effort originating in prefrontal regions (BA 6).

ADHD patients fail to maintain task goals in face of subliminally and consciously induced cognitive conflicts

Gohil, K., Bluschke, A., Roessner, V., Stock, A.-K., Beste, C. 29 May 2020 (has links)
Background. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients have been reported to display deficits in action control processes. While it is known that subliminally and consciously induced conflicts interact and conjointly modulate action control in healthy subjects, this has never been investigated for ADHD. Method. We investigated the (potential) interaction of subliminally and consciously triggered response conflicts in children with ADHD and matched healthy controls using neuropsychological methods (event-related potentials; ERPs) to identify the involved cognitive sub-processes. Results. Unlike healthy controls, ADHD patients showed no interaction of subliminally and consciously triggered response conflicts. Instead, they only showed additive effects as their behavioural performance (accuracy) was equally impaired by each conflict and they showed no signs of task-goal shielding even in cases of low conflict load. Of note, this difference between ADHD and controls was not rooted in early bottom-up attentional stimulus processing as reflected by the P1 and N1 ERPs. Instead, ADHD showed either no or reversed modulations of conflict-related processes and response selection as reflected by the N2 and P3 ERPs. Conclusion. There are fundamental differences in the architecture of cognitive control which might be of use for future diagnostic procedures. Unlike healthy controls, ADHD patients do not seem to be endowed with a threshold which allows them to maintain high behavioural performance in the face of low conflict load. ADHD patients seem to lack sufficient top-down attentional resources to maintain correct response selection in the face of conflicts by shielding the response selection process from response tendencies evoked by any kind of distractor.

Kongruenz und Konkordanz in kognitiven Kontrollprozessen bei ADHS / Modulieren Sequenzeffekte im Flanker-Paradigma die N2-Komponente? / Congruency and concordance in cognitive control in ADHD / Do Sequence Effects in Flanker Task modulate the N2?

Wiedmann, Katharina 31 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptual conflict during sensorimotor integration processes - a neurophysiological study in response inhibition

Chmielewski, Witold X., Beste, Christian 19 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A multitude of sensory inputs needs to be processed during sensorimotor integration. A crucial factor for detecting relevant information is its complexity, since information content can be conflicting at a perceptual level. This may be central to executive control processes, such as response inhibition. This EEG study aims to investigate the system neurophysiological mechanisms behind effects of perceptual conflict on response inhibition. We systematically modulated perceptual conflict by integrating a Global-local task with a Go/Nogo paradigm. The results show that conflicting perceptual information, in comparison to non-conflicting perceptual information, impairs response inhibition performance. This effect was evident regardless of whether the relevant information for response inhibition is displayed on the global, or local perceptual level. The neurophysiological data suggests that early perceptual/ attentional processing stages do not underlie these modulations. Rather, processes at the response selection level (P3), play a role in changed response inhibition performance. This conflict-related impairment of inhibitory processes is associated with activation differences in (inferior) parietal areas (BA7 and BA40) and not as commonly found in the medial prefrontal areas. This suggests that various functional neuroanatomical structures may mediate response inhibition and that the functional neuroanatomical structures involved depend on the complexity of sensory integration processes.

Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence for increased cognitive flexibility in late childhood

Wolff, Nicole, Roessner, Veit, Beste, Christian 27 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Executive functions, like the capacity to control and organize thoughts and behavior, develop from childhood to young adulthood. Although task switching and working memory processes are known to undergo strong developmental changes from childhood to adulthood, it is currently unknown how task switching processes are modulated between childhood and adulthood given that working memory processes are central to task switching. The aim of the current study is therefore to examine this question using a combined cue- and memory-based task switching paradigm in children (N = 25) and young adults (N = 25) in combination with neurophysiological (EEG) methods. We obtained an unexpected paradoxical effect suggesting that memory-based task switching is better in late childhood than in young adulthood. No group differences were observed in cue-based task switching. The neurophysiological data suggest that this effect is not due to altered attentional selection (P1, N1) or processes related to the updating, organization, and implementation of the new task-set (P3). Instead, alterations were found in the resolution of task-set conflict and the selection of an appropriate response (N2) when a task has to be switched. Our observation contrasts findings showing that cognitive control mechanisms reach their optimal functioning in early adulthood.

Braced for action control

Strack, Gamze 11 April 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation beinhaltet drei Studien, welche die kognitiven und neuronalen Grundlagen der Kontrollregulation – ausgelöst durch vorherige Konflikte, konfliktankündigende Hinweise sowie Arousal – untersuchen. Jede Studie basierte auf Interferenzaufgaben mit Durchgängen, die Reaktionskonflikt auslösten (inkompatibel) oder nicht (kompatibel). Studie 1 untersuchte, ob Abfolge abhängigen Verhaltensanpassungen äquivalent sind mit erwartungsbasierten Kontrollprozessen, die durch Hinweise auf die Kompatibilität der nächsten Aufgabe ausgelöst werden. Behaviorale und elektroenzephalographische (EEG) Maße belegten, dass diese Prozesse dissoziieren. Die kontingente negative Variation (CNV), eine EEG Komponente, die Aufgabenantizipation indiziert, zeigte, dass von der Abfolge anhängige Kontrollanpassungen bereits zwischen den Durchgängen agieren. Studie 2 fokussierte auf Prozesse und neuronale Substrate der Kontrollantizipation durch Hinweise. Kompatibilitätshinweise begünstigten effektiv die Leistung, vergrößerten die CNV vor dem nächsten Durchgang und reduzierten konfliktbezogene Konfliktverarbeitung, wie sie durch die N2 Komponente indiziert wird. Im Gegensatz zur Kontrollbedingung gab es keine Anzeichen von Reaktionskonflikt, was auf präemptive Strategien hinweist (d.h. a priori Konfliktverhinderung durch Umschreibung von Bedingungs-Handlungs-Regeln). Funktionelle Bildgebung bestätigte dies, da sie Beteiligung neuronaler Netzwerke zeigte, die eher mit Regelelaboration und –aufrechterhaltung einhergehen als mit Konfliktüberwachung und –lösung. Studie 3 untersuchte das Verhältnis von Handlungskontrolle und Arousalniveau. Toninduziertes Arousal verbesserte Leistung in inkompatiblen und kompatiblen Durchgängen, wobei letztere stärker begünstigt wurden. N1 und N2 im EEG wiesen darauf hin, dass die Effekte auf bessere frühe perzeptuelle Diskriminierung und Aufmerksamkeitszuteilung zurückgehen. / The present dissertation contains three studies that investigated the cognitive and neuronal basis underlying action control regulation prompted by prior conflicts, cues predicting conflict, as well as the state of arousal. These studies were based on inference paradigms involving trials that either induced response conflict (incompatible trials) or did not (compatible trials). Study 1 examined whether behavioral adjustments due to the trial sequence are equivalent to expectancy-based adjustments triggered by cues predicting compatibility. Behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) measures showed dissociation of these processes. The contingent negative variation (CNV), a pre-target EEG component indexing task anticipation, further indicated that sequence-related control adjustments already act in the intertrial interval. Study 2 focused on processes and neural substrates underlying cue-based anticipatory control. Cues predicting compatibility effectively benefitted behavioral performance, enhanced the pre-target CNV, and reduced post-target conflict-related processing, as indicated by the N2 component. In contrast to the control condition, indicators of response conflict were absent, a result pointing to conflict preemption strategies (a priori avoidance of conflict via transformation of condition-action rules). Functional neuroimaging fostered this conclusion by showing the involvement of neuronal networks associated with rule elaboration and maintenance rather than with conflict monitoring or resolution. Study 3 investigated the interrelation of action control and the state of arousal. Tone-induced arousal improved performance in both incompatible and compatible trials, whereas the latter ones were relatively more accelerated. N1 and N2 in EEG indicated that these effects are due to enhanced early perceptual discrimination and attentional allocation.

Response inhibition in Attention deficit disorder and neurofibromatosis type 1 – clinically similar, neurophysiologically different

Bluschke, Annet, von der Hagen, Maja, Papenhagen, Katharina, Roessner, Veit, Beste, Christian 15 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
There are large overlaps in cognitive deficits occurring in attention deficit disorder (ADD) and neurodevelopmental disorders like neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). This overlap is mostly based on clinical measures and not on in-depth analyses of neuronal mechanisms. However, the consideration of such neuronal underpinnings is crucial when aiming to integrate measures that can lead to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Inhibitory control deficits, for example, are a hallmark in ADD, but it is unclear how far there are similar deficits in NF1. We thus compared adolescent ADD and NF1 patients to healthy controls in a Go/Nogo task using behavioural and neurophysiological measures. Clinical measures of ADD-symptoms were not different between ADD and NF1. Only patients with ADD showed increased Nogo errors and reductions in components reflecting response inhibition (i.e. Nogo-P3). Early perceptual processes (P1) were changed in ADD and NF1. Clinically, patients with ADD and NF1 thus show strong similarities. This is not the case in regard to underlying cognitive control processes. This shows that in-depth analyses of neurophysiological processes are needed to determine whether the overlap between ADD and NF1 is as strong as assumed and to develop appropriate treatment strategies.

Perceptual conflict during sensorimotor integration processes - a neurophysiological study in response inhibition

Chmielewski, Witold X., Beste, Christian 19 December 2016 (has links)
A multitude of sensory inputs needs to be processed during sensorimotor integration. A crucial factor for detecting relevant information is its complexity, since information content can be conflicting at a perceptual level. This may be central to executive control processes, such as response inhibition. This EEG study aims to investigate the system neurophysiological mechanisms behind effects of perceptual conflict on response inhibition. We systematically modulated perceptual conflict by integrating a Global-local task with a Go/Nogo paradigm. The results show that conflicting perceptual information, in comparison to non-conflicting perceptual information, impairs response inhibition performance. This effect was evident regardless of whether the relevant information for response inhibition is displayed on the global, or local perceptual level. The neurophysiological data suggests that early perceptual/ attentional processing stages do not underlie these modulations. Rather, processes at the response selection level (P3), play a role in changed response inhibition performance. This conflict-related impairment of inhibitory processes is associated with activation differences in (inferior) parietal areas (BA7 and BA40) and not as commonly found in the medial prefrontal areas. This suggests that various functional neuroanatomical structures may mediate response inhibition and that the functional neuroanatomical structures involved depend on the complexity of sensory integration processes.

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