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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti využití kompostu při rekultivacích ploch kontaminovanými těžkými kovy

Kubná, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the effect of compost on heavy metal (Cd, Pb, Zn) contaminated soil. There are theoretically discussed contaminations, their sources and their impact as well as remediation possibilities. Work validates the assumption that compost has a positive effect on mobility reduction of heavy metals and their bioavailability. Verification is performed by the pot experiment, where the indicator plant lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) has been grown on differently contaminated soils. When the experiment was finished, the lettuce biomass and soils were analysed. Detected concentrations of heavy metals have confirmed a positive effect on Cd and Pb immobilization. The immobilization of zinc was not affected by compost.

Tepelně-emisní vlastnosti energetického kompostu pro malé spalovací zařízení / Heat-emission characteristics of the energy compost for small combustion plants

Bučinský, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to get acquainted with the problems of biological and energetic use of compost. Emphasis is placed on the technology and features of the energy compost, which is intended for combustion, gasification or pyrolysis. The work presents characteristic properties and composition of solid biofuels. There are characterized pollutants, including hazardous properties. There are also mentioned legislative conditions, particularly in the area of emission limits and fuel quality in terms of air protection. Further, a description of the main design features of a small grate combustion plants. The second part of the thesis contains a comprehensive analysis (elemental, stoichiometric, heat emission and economic) of selected samples of solid biofuels. Based on the analysis, the samples were evaluated and assessed whether they comply with emission standards and fuel quality requirements in terms of legislation. Analyzed fuels have been characterized and it has been proposed the use of appropriate energy for small combustion facilities.

Bariery využití kompostu pro zahradnické účely / Barriers of compost use in horticulture

Vávrová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The Master's thesis describes the components for the production of horticultural substrates. Assesses emerging processing especially composts biodegradable waste and compares them with the peat, which is currently the most widely utilized by us. It deals with the question of the disposal of the unused potential of compost to produce of peat-free substrates, which can reduce the burden on the environment caused by the landfilling, to increase the fertility of the soil and above all function and retrench the use of peat, which is very difficult to renewable source. He compares the quality and usability of the compost in the selected waste treatment plants and suggests the path to more intensive use for horticultural purposes.

Zhodnocení využívání organických odpadů v malých spalovacích zařízeních / -

Černý, David January 2016 (has links)
Organic wastes represent available replacement for crops grown specifically for biofuel production. However, the combustion of solid biofuels is often accompanied by technical problems. Biofuels made of organic wastes require the source of which do not contain hazardous substances that could be their combustion in simple combustion sources came into the atmosphere as emissions. This thesis is focused on the assessment of technical and operational parameters of small combustion plants while burning biofuels and also of the measurement of emission concentrations of CO and NOX in the flue gas and its subsequent analysis. Samples were selected as solid fuel in the form of a lump, briquettes and pellets made from advanced materials. Incineration was realized in the fireplace with a grate furnace and automatic stove. The bark briquettes could appears to be a suitable substitution for coal or wooden briquettes, and during combustion in grate emission concentrations of CO were achieved with a value of 560.8 +/- 98.9 mg.m-3,on the contrary NOX levels were relatively high 1 193.6 +/- 141.7 mg.m-3. In case of this work, when using the furnace the briquettes were made from compost , whose emission levels are higher: CO 1 487.8 +/- 418.8 mg.m-3, NOx levels were somewhat lower 330.8 +/- 26.3 mg.m-3 than the briquettes bark. An experimental sample of sewage sludge, which has been modified by hydrothermal carbonisation, was burned on the grate furnace and the measured emission levels for CO 1 493.3 +/- 237.3 mg.m-3 and NOX levels 544.8 +/- 20.2 mg.m-3, positive because it was achieved the rated output of the combustion equipment and the heat of combustion of the sample is very low 12.61 MJ.kg-1. The most efficient combustion of 80.8 +/- 2,7 % was achieved using automatic stove, during burning waste wood pellets certificate ENplus A1, the very low levels of emission and a very low emission levels for CO with a value of 117.5 +/- 14.4 mg.m-3 and values NOX 110.3 +/- 2.9 mg.m-3 were measured. Following experiments on this device were intended to increase the efficiency of a combustion plant by installing a hot-air heat exchanger and preheating combustion air. Method with preheating combustion air caused an increase in the emission concentration of CO.

Hodnocení vlivu pojezdů mechanizačních prostředků na utužení půdy v meziřadí vinic =:Evaluation of the impact of mechanical means on soil compaction in vineyards. /

Klasa, Ferianc Juraj January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the evaluation of the influence of the movements of the mechanization devices on soil compaction in grassed and cultivated vineyard between the lines after application of graded doses of organic matter (compost). This question was verified using penetrometer measurements. For the purpose of experimentation were selected in the vineyard region of South Moravia three experimental habitats with different soil conditions (Lednice, Velké Bílovice, Mikulov). In the autumn of 2013, the application of compost to the cultivated intercooler took place in doses of 5 and 10 kg.m-2. Penetrations measurements for each experimental site were carried out in four variants (grassed between the lines, cultivated between the lines, cultivated between the lines with application of 5 kg.m-2 and cultivated between the lines with application of 10 kg.m-2). Individual measurements were performed using a Eijelkamp penetrometer, which works at an accuracy of 99.9 % and its working depth is 800 mm. At the same time, soil samples were removed to determine the current soil moisture. Based on the measurements, high values of soil compaction were found for all monitored habitats. At the same time, the positive effect of the organic mass produced in the form of compost on the total soil compaction was demonstrated, which was 20 % lower in autumn 2016 than in the autumn of 2013. The worst was the period of spring 2014 and autumn 2015. The highest values of penetrometric resistance of the soil were measured from the rule for grassed between the lines. On the contrary, the lowest values were measured for the variant of the cultivated between the lines with the application of 10 kg.m-2. The parts of the dissertation are also the results of the evaluation of pressure transmissions using the TASC program and the results of the tire imprint.

Vliv zavádění prvků ekologické caespestechniky na kvalitu golfových trávníků

Verchola, Stanislav January 2010 (has links)
Current demands for the reduction of negative impact of activities influencing the environment directly concern the process of care and maintenance of golf areas. The conviction of the need to minimise the negative influence of technology on the golf course has led to the implementation of alternative techniques and preparations. The aim is to provide the needed quality of lawn mainly by means of organic substances in the most environmentally-friendly way. The primary principle thus is the exclusion of any chemical substances from the group of pesticides. The objective of the diploma thesis was the detection of the influence of chosen organic substances on the quality of the lawn. Besides the overall quality of the lawn, the influence of individual substances on partial features of the quality was evaluated such as the density of lawn, turf cover, colour of lawn, damage caused by diseases, occurrence of weeds and aesthetic appearance. The evaluation of the influence of the substances was carried out in Vrbinky golf course in Piešťany during full operation of areas as well as during maintenance (mowing, irrigation, fertilization, without the usage of pesticides). The aim of such way was the simulation of real care of the golf course. The choice of substances was influenced by the demand on the representation of different groups of substances. Biofungicide, extract from sea algae and mycorrhiza were used in the experiment as well as two substances of organic fertilizer. Experiment areas were founded on two different types of lawn: on the fairway and semi-rough. The evaluation of observed features and overall quality was being carried out during the whole period of observation. Interpretations dealt with the evaluation of data independently of terms. The evaluation of results of measurement on the areas of fairway did not show any fundamental influence of substances on the overall quality of the lawn in comparison with the area where no substance had been used. The evaluation of results of the influence on the overall quality on the area of semi-rough showed significant improvement of the quality of the lawn in the areas where bio-fungicide had been used in comparison with the area where no substance had been used.

Hodnocení rozkladu biologicky rozložitelných plastů v podmínkách domácího kompostování

Partlová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of decomposition of biodegradable plastics in the conditions of domestic composting. It describes the waste management general characteristics and basic legislation. It deals with the general characteristics of plastics, focusing on biodegradable plastics and their standards. The characteristics of the composting process and phytotoxicity issues are also presented. The practical part of the diploma thesis contains the description of realization composting experiment at domestic conditions with selected samples and monitoring the experimental process. The following parameters were measured: temperature, humidity, pH of compost and meteorological data. Further, the calculation of the decay degree of the test samples and the determination of phytotoxicity by the Phytotoxkit in the composts produced during the experiment.

Hodnocení fytotoxicity kompostu z komunitní kompostárny ve Svitavách

Pospíšilová, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is Evaluation of compost phytotoxicity produced in composting plant of Svitavy. Biodegradable waste as a whole is also mentioned. This work is divided into several parts. Theoretical part aims to describe basic terms regarding biodegradable waste, legislation and statistical data. Moreover you can find way of handling biodegradable waste there but main focus is on the process of composting. Practical part describes composting plant facility in the city of Svitavy and all of the laboratory procedures used to evaluate compost phytotoxicity of studied samples. Three main methods of evaluating compost phytotoxicity were used phytotoxicity test using set Phytotoxkit, flower pot test and test phytotoxicity by Plíva. All of those methods utilized seeds of the Sinapis alba L and Cannabis sativa L. Last part of this thesis contains test results and their evaluation.

Možnosti zpracování bioplastů

Dymchenko, Alan January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the issues relating to bioplastics and the possibilities of its processing. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the issue of plastic packaging. Description of the history of plastic formation, plastics production and characteristics of bioplastics. It answers questions – what plastic is and why we need to degrade it. Classification of the most widespread in the use of bioplastics. Statistics on the production of bioplastics. Possibilities of processing of bioplastics. Factors that affect the decomposition of bioplastics. The second part of the diploma thesis is dedicated to laboratory tests, methodology of execution and analysis of laboratory results. It also describes the realization of self-attempted composting of bioplastics in domestic conditions.

Certifiering av biogödsel/kompost : Avvikelser från SPCR 120/SPCR 152 / Certification of digestate/compost : Non-conformities from SPCR 120/SPCR 152

Andersson, Elin, Badeie, Amir January 2009 (has links)
Avfall Sverige äger två certifieringssystem: SPCR 120 Biogödsel och SPCR 152 Kompost. Dessa två certifieringssystem används för att certifiera biogasanläggningar och kompostanläggningar. Certifieringen säkerställer att biogödseln respektive komposten har en hög kvalité och kan användas inom till exempel jordbruk. Certifieringssystemen har varit i bruk sedan 1999 och har än så länge resulterat i åtta certifierade biogasanläggningar och tre certifierade kompostanläggningar. Det är SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut som genomför besiktningarna ute hos de olika anläggningarna samt ansvarar för utfärdandet av certifikaten.Denna rapport föregicks av en inläsning på certifieringsreglerna SPCR 120 Biogödsel och SPCR 152 Kompost, samt genomgång av samtliga besiktningsrapporter från 2005 och framåt. Därefter byggdes en databas upp där avvikelser, från certifieringsreglerna som påträffats vid besiktningarna, kunde registreras under respektive besiktning och anläggning. Från databasen kan också information om anläggningarna och besiktningsmännen fås ut såsom namn, adress och telefonnummer.Slutligen har avvikelserna sammanställts i olika diagram för att visa vilka områden i certifieringssystemen som genererat flest avvikelser. Det är dessa diagram som fått störst fokus i denna rapport, utöver bakgrundsfakta om biologisk behandling och information om certifieringsreglerna SPCR 120 Biogödsel och SPCR 152 Kompost. Resultatet visar att de största problemområdena är insamling och transport samt egenkontrollen av slutprodukten.

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