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Využití filtru z nanovláken pro filtraci vzduchu / Use of nanofiber filter for air filtrationStraka, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The doctoral thesis „Using of nanofiber filter for air filtration“ is focused on application of nanofiber filter for air filtration under demanding conditions of water supply facilities. The main aim of the filter application is to decrease the secondary contamination of the indoor environment of the water accumulation tanks. The nanofiber filters are distinguished by high filtration efficiency of pollutants, dust particles and organic impurities. The contaminants don´t have to be unhealthy but they can be used for spore and microorganisms delivery to the system. They are served frequently as a reproduction substrate of microorganisms. All these factors negatively affect the water quality. The research includes formation of suitable testing methodology, pilot unit construction and operation, short-term testing and evaluation of nanofiber filters and commonly used filters and long term testing and verification of nanofiber filter attributes and quality. Furthermore the filter´s characteristics and filtration efficiency for characteristic pollutants were evaluated. Short-term and long-term experimental testing proved suitability of nanofiber filters use in water supply facilities. Interception of reported pollution indicators was reported on similar or higher level for application of nanofiber filter than for application of commonly used filter. Measured values of higher pressure difference of nanofiber filter were indicated as still adequate for use in water supply facilities. No operation difficulties, failures neither filter´s damage were reported during testing of nanofiber filters.
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Znalosti obyvatelstva vybraného regionu o následcích havárie na jaderné elektrárně v Černobylu / Knowledge of population in a selected region about the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident consequencesPRAŽÁK, Marek January 2016 (has links)
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April 26, 1986 is the worst nuclear accident in the history of mankind. An experiment conducted in the 4th reactor resulted in its explosion and a huge amount of radionuclides escaped into the environment in the course of the subsequent fire. The greater part of Europe was contaminated by radioactive fallout, including the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. From a health point of view, the most harmful radioactive substances causing radioactive contamination were caesium 137Cs and iodine 131I. The then government did not provide objective and true information to the citizens and the media depicted the disaster as an insignificant incident. I set the following goals of my thesis: a) to develop an overview of immediate and especially long-term consequences of the accident; b) to analyse the knowledge of the population of the South Bohemian Region of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster depending on the age of respondents. For fulfilling the set goals, I set myself the following hypotheses: H1) the theoretical division of the population's knowledge will be normal; H2) the knowledge of persons over 45 years of age will statistically be significantly higher than that of younger people. I handled the given theme using available specialized literature, Internet sources and publications published by relevant institutions. In the introductory part I describe the construction of the power plant, basic technical parameters of the reactor used and the course and causes of the actual accident. The next section is focused on the consequences of the accident in individual time periods immediately, after 10 years and after 20 years. I devote myself both to influences on human lives and health and to environmental, social, economic and psychological consequences. Furthermore,I describe the situation in former Czechoslovakia and the way of informing the population by the then government. The last section of the theoretical part is dedicated to the present situation in the Chernobyl region and at the power plant itself. While compiling the research part of the thesis, I gathered data among the inhabitants of the South Bohemian Region through questionnaire investigation. I addressed a total of 280 respondents, of which 140 were under 45 years of age and 140 were over 45 years of age. The questionnaire contained 15 questions concerning basic, not professional knowledge in this area. For the purposes of my questionnaire investigation, I divided the South Bohemian Region into districts. The selection of individual towns within the framework of the questionnaire investigation was carried out at random, by drawing lots. 280 questionnaires were completed in all, of which 140 questionnaires were completed by respondents under 45 and 140 questionnaires were completed by respondents over 45. By drawing lots, I selected 100 questionnaires out of these completed questionnaires, each age group being included. The test of the set hypotheses and statistical evaluation are carried out using descriptive and mathematical statistics. I carried out statistical evaluation by testing normality, using X2-good agreement test. I mutually compared the knowledge of the groups monitored by testing using a two-sample t-test, based on the estimate of empirical parameters from each group. Based on statistical investigation I came to the conclusion that the division of the population's theoretical knowledge was normal, which confirms the first hypothesis. The results of the investigation also unambiguously confirmed the fact that the knowledge of the population over 45 years of age was statistically significantly higher than the knowledge of the younger group of respondents. As far as total evaluation is concerned, the average value of correct answers in case of the older group of respondents reached 71%, while the younger group showed just 44% of correct answers, which confirms the second se hypothesis.
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Možnosti a způsoby dekontaminace a další manipulace se zvířaty v zájmových chovech v zóně havarijního plánování při možném vzniku radiační havárie na jaderných zařízeních / The methods and the ways of pets decontamination and handling in the emergency planning area within the possible emergence of radiation accident in nuclear facilities.BENDOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the mapping and the appraisal of current processes, using in the field of decontamination and the other manipulation with pets, in the emergency planning area within the possible emergence of radiation accident in nuclear facilities. There are meant animals which are kept like pets, not for farming. For nuclear facilities in our territory, collision plans are made, that contain methods, describing solution processes of radiation accident. The method of pet manipulation is solved only peripherally in these documents. Theoretical part of the thesis is oriented in pet problems in legislation and describes the bases of practical manipulation within the breeding and also the killing. There are described the precautions during the radiation accident, the undesirable effects of ionizing radiation on live organism and the basic techniques of decontamination. Practical part is focused on the data processing from contemporary valid rules and norms in this field and the description of precautions in the emergency planning area of the Nuclear Power Temelín in connection with protection and rescue of pets. The basic document, from which the applied process starts during the radiation accident in the emergency planning area of the Nuclear Power Temelín, is an external emergency plan. This document contains some concrete plans of activities, specifying these problems and that must be solved. These essential documents are important for this thesis ? the plans of iodine prophylaxis, the evacuation plan of individual person rescue, the decontamination and veterinary precautions. In the case of unsatisfactory finding of problems processing of pet handling, the proposal of possible methodology will be made in agreement with other Czech and foreign documents.
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Význam expresních havarijních metodik pro případ radiačních mimořádných situací / The importance of express emergency methods in the event of the radiological emergencyPFEIFEROVÁ, Vendula January 2008 (has links)
This study is engaged in express emergency methods to monitor internal contamination of people in the event of the radiological emergency.
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Ekologické problémy v Evropě v souvislosti s ekologickou politikou EU / Environmental Problems in Europe in Relation to the Environmental Policy of the European UnionMedková, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with certain environmental problems in Europe and with attempts to solve these environmental problems within the framework of the European Union. The purpose of this work is to make its readers acquainted with the scope of the EU environmental policy and Community legislation on the protection of the environment. The thesis is focused on four main subject-matters: (i) climate change as a consequence of the global warming process, (ii) air pollution and the ozone layer depletion, (iii) water contamination and (iv) soil degradation. The issue which of the environmental problems require a regional approach and which a global approach is also considered in the thesis.
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Konstrukce zařízení pro výzkum mazání ozubených převodů / Design of the device for research on lubrication of gearsŽáček, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The master´s thesis is focused on the design and implementation of the laboratory stand for studying lubrication of gears. Specifically, to assess the effect of lubricant contamination on gears. The device uses the Niemann closed circuit concept which in practice is called „back to back“. Firstly, in the theoretical part, the test circuits uses for testing gears are described and one of the standardized procedure for experimentation is presented. Based on research studies, basic parameters for the design and creation of conceptuals are determined. The practical part consists not only the design of this stend, but also including test run and the description of the procedure on that device. The result of this master´s thesis is the functional experimental device for the future development of intelligent lubrication systems.
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Vliv kontaminace a degradace maziva na chování mazacího filmu / The effect of lubricant contamination and degradation on lubricating film behaviorStrnad, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Lubrication contamination and degradation is one of the major causes of unexpected failure of tribological nodes. As a result, different levels of maintenance are introduced in practice, leading to a longer service life of the lubricated node. These systems often include sophisticated on-line diagnostic tools that can be used to evaluate a sample of a lubricant using certain variables such as viscosity, number of particles, humidity, dielectric constant, etc. Based on changes of these variables some systems can make corrective measures such as filtering or complete replacement of lubricant. Therefore, the aim of this experimental thesis is to determine the influence of lubrication contamination (solid particles, moisture) and degradation (oxidation) on the lubricating film behavior with respect to its limit bearing capacity. To examine the thickness of the lubricating film, friction and wear, an optical and MTM tribometer, in the ball-on-disc configuration, was used.
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Studium výskytu kolistinu v půdě / Study of the occurrence of colistin in soilVeldamonová, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
Colistin is a polypeptide antibiotic used as a "last resort" effective against Gram-negative bacteria. However, increase in its consumption in veterinary medicine in the last 30 years has led to the development of bacterial resistance even to colistin. The application of slurry to soil containing unmetabolized colistin and resistant bacteria poses a risk, because the resistance of bacteria to colistin can be further developed and spread to other components of the environment. Therefore, this work was focused on the creation and optimization of extraction and analytical methods for soil samples containing colistin. Colistin was detected by liquid chromatography in connection with mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS and UPLC/MS/MS). Many extraction solutions have been tested in connection with ultrasonic extraction and purification on various SPE columns, yet colistin has not been successfully extracted from the soil. Colistin was successfully detected only in the slurry extract. The reason why colistin was not detected in soil extracts could be the sorption of colistin on soil organic matter or the formation of complexes of colistin with humic substances.
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Kontaminace vybraných lokalit města Brna těžkými kovy / Heavy metal contamination of selected Brno city localitiesŠebková, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work is to study the soil and plant contamination by heavy metals (lead, cadmium and mercury) in five selected places of Brno city. The sampling place Opuštěná represents the heavily polluted locality with high traffic density situated in the city centre. Sampling places Vídeňská and Podstránská belong to medium polluted localities, that are situated close to frequented roads. Relatively clean localities are represented by Musorgského and Šrámkova places, which are situated in peripheral city district with smaller traffic density. Soil and plants were sampled at two time periods (November 2008 and January 2009). Average amounts of mercury, cadmium and lead in collected soil samples are lower then limits of the Directive number 13/1994 of the Code of Ministry of the Environment. The content of heavy metals in soils corresponds to the sampling place. The highest value of metals content was found in the soil sampled at Opuštěná site. The content of lead and mercury in leaves of common dandelion was higher than the content in roots. In the case of cadmium the situation was opposite, the highest content was measured in underground part of the plant. It was found, that the content of heavy metals in leafy and underground part showed only small difference between sampling places. Nevertheless, the locality Opuštěná is found again as the highest contaminated place. Values of pH of collected soil samples were ranged in neutral area between 7 and 7,5.
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Kontaminace vybraných částí města Brna těžkými kovy / Heavy metals contamination of selected Brno city localitiesDebnárová, Andrea January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the degree of soil contamination with heavy metals in urban area of Brno. Samples were collected in three periods from October 2009 to March 2010, to represent different seasons and their impact on the concentration of heavy metals in examined soil. Ten locations was chosen, each with different level of concentration, starting with busy traffic area where the concentration of means was high continuing to areas located around habitation or parks. As result four elements were determined in every sample: Cu, Cd, Hg and Pb. Presence of copper and lead were detected by flame atomic absortion spectroscopy (F-AAS) and, cadmium by the help of electrothermal atomic absortion spectroscopy (ET-AAS). For the determination of mercury was used advanced mercury analyzer (AMA).
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