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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mléčná užitkovost plemene lacaune ve vybraném chovu

CHODCOVÁ, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of age of lacaune breed ewes on milk performance, influence of parity and influence of stage of lactation on milk performance in terms of the milk yield and the content of individual components of milk. Further was evaluated the influence of rams on milking. Data from farm Statek Horní Dvorce s.r.o. were used and data from Svaz chovatelů ovcí a koz z.s. were used too and entries from years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, when the milk performance was monitored by method AT. The influence of rams on milking has not been fully demonstrated. For the four comparing lines, the statistically significant difference was only between LINUX and LUPIN, and only in one year of performance control over the three years compared. From the point of view of the influence of age on total milk yield in the studied farm, fat and protein content of lacaune breed increased with increasing age, whereas the lactose content showed a decreasing trend. The influence of parity had a significant effect on the monitored parameters of milk. With an increasing parity, the protein content was slightly increased, the fat and lactose content decreased. Ewes on the second lactation showed the best results in milk yield, since the third lactation was recorded in milking a decrease. The influence of stage of lactation on milking and on the content of individual components of milk was also significanted. With prolonged lactation the milk yield and lactose content were decreased. The fat and protein content has been shown to increase with the increasing of the stage of lactation.

Přiznávání příspěvku na péči a proces kontroly jeho využívání u osob nad 18 let. / Entitlement to Attendance Allowance and control process over its usage in people aged 18 and over.

STANKOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with attendance allowance and the control process over its usage in people aged 18 and over. Process of entitlement for attendance allowance is governed by the Act on Social Services. Attendance allowance is provided to people who, because of long-term adverse health condition, need assistance of another individual to care for them and to ensure their self-sufficiency. The purpose of this benefit is to enable the entitled person to ensure care and choose the provider of necessary assistance through providers of social services or related person. Local authority decides specified degree of dependence and also carries out checks of usage of the benefit. A proposal to amend the Act is currently being discussed with the aim to adjust the system of social services in a way to take into account findings from practice, in particular in the area of clear conditions of entitlement and use of the attendance allowance. The objective of the thesis is to find out impacts of upcoming changes in recipients of attendance allowance in the 1st degree of dependence and to make a survey of experience of social workers with checks of usage of the benefit. To achieve the objective a questioning method was used, the technique of semi-structured interview, secondary analysis of data and participant observation. The research has shown that in recipients in 1st degree of dependence the attendance allowance is paid in the amount which does not correspond to actual costs incurred to provide the assistance. It can therefore be assumed that reduction in the allowance would not endanger provision of necessary care. Interest in social services is not likely to increase by payment of the allowance in 1st degree of dependence by means of vouchers. Futhermore, it was found out that there are not any explicit methodical guidelines which would describe implementation of controls over usage of the allowance. More specific definition of control activities would enable to carry out controls more effectively and transparently. Implementation of more controls is possible only under the condition of increasing staff numbers of administrative authorities.

Nástroje jakosti pro hodnocení tlakově litých odlitků z Al slitin / Quality-evaluation tools for Al-alloy die-castings

Rozman, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to on a practical example, with use of the quality system, describe the current state of input casting inspection in Tribotec Ltd. and output casting inspection of casting suppliers in this company and to suggest a new way of output casting inspection on Tribotec Ltd. with higher quality of spoilage rate survey of supplying casting already at the input inspection stage.

Model ústavního soudnictví v ČR / The model of constitutional judiciary in the Czech Republic

Hoscheková, Patricia January 2016 (has links)
Název práce v anglickém jazyce: The model of constitutional judiciary in the Czech republic My Master's degree thesis deals with the constitutional judiciary model in the Czech republic. The aim of my work is mainly to describe the present functional Czech judicial control of constitutionality, give a short insight into it's history and briefly mention models of constitutional judiciary of some other countries. Besides the introduction and the conclusion the thesis consists of four parts (or chapters). In the first chapter of my work I am defining the terms: "control of constitutionality" and "constitutional judiciary" and I am writing about the history and development of constitutional judiciary on our teritory from the Habsburg monarchy till the present Constitutional Court existing from 1993. The second chapter is dealing with models of constitutional judiciary in general and shortly tries to describe it's adjustment in the neighboring countries of Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia. The constitutional judiciary in these states is very similar to the Czech model. To mention at least one different model I am offering a short excursion into the American "judicial review". The main part of the thesis shows the current resemblance of the constitutional judiciary in the Czech republic: it's...

Management portfolia s několika referenčními aktivy / Portfolio Management with Multiple Benchmarks

Navrátil, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Portfolio Management with Multiple Benchmarks Bc. Robert Navrátil Abstract: In this thesis, we study a maximal volatility portfolio that treats all assets in a symmetric way and related option contract. To preserve symmetry we need numeraire that treats all assets symmetrically. We choose market index with equal weights. In case of two assets we focus on a variation of a passport option on the portfolio. The optimal strategy for the investor is the mentioned maximal volatility portfolio. We extend the known optimal strategy for the option to a richer class of convex payoff functions. We also show a modification of the optimal strategy for maximizing the probability of ending above or at a desired level. We later extend the symmetric market model to case of three assets, which can be even further extended to an arbitrary number of assets. The three asset model requires more parameters than are observable from the data, however we show indistinguishably of the model on the choice of parameters under very natural conditions. Both numerical simulations and an application on real data is provided. 1

Trest zákazu činnosti a jeho kontrola / Punishment of disqualification and its control

Dudová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the punishment of the disqualification and its control. The main goal is to analyze the legislation of the punishment in Czech criminal law and its difficulties, describe control of the execution of the punishment and suggest possibilities of improvement of the regulation in this field. The diploma thesis is composed of eleven chapters and firstly focuses on the issue of the punishment of the disqualification and its purpose in general. Third chapter deals with historical development of the punishment, subsequently its legislation in Czech criminal law, including the legislation of the conditions of imposition of the punishment, especially condition of the connection between the crime and banned activity, and the measurement of the punishment. The fifth chapter summarizes decision-making practice of the Czech court since the criminal code no. 40/2009 Sb. came into force, and it is explained especially through statistics. Particular attention is paid to the punishment of the disqualification which lies in the prohibition of driving of motor vehicles, and to the institutes similar to the punishment of the disqualification in Czech criminal law, especially focused on adequate restrictions and adequate obligations with an emphasis on adequate restriction prohibiting...

Zabezpečení ERP SAP jako součást finančního auditu v prostředí velkých firem / SAP ERP security as part of financial audit in a large business environment

Fišer, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to present the methodology that is used, to test the design and implementation of internal application controls in environment of large companies using ERP systems, especially in the environment of companies using SAP ECC. This methodology is described in the thesis. Practical task which is aimed at verifying the security level of SAP ECC in real business environment is also part of the thesis. The practical part is composed of a detailed description of IT auditors individual steps of the testing procedure, a list of security elements, which are subject to an audit procedures and documents required for verification of the control effectiveness implemented in clients environment. Furthermore, there is a summary and evaluation of the risk level associated with identified deficiencies. Part of the evaluation is a list of recommendations, which the company should apply to increase the efficiency of internal controls and thus achieve the optimal security level of SAP ECC. In the final section of the diploma thesis there is an analysis of the deficiencies elaborated. These deficiencies have been identified during the audit season in 2016 in environment of 20 large companies using this ERP system. Identified findings are classified according to the risk level. Another part of analysis are comprehensive recommendations that IT auditors provide to their clients in order to increase the security level of IT environment, especially in connection with the management and other activities related to financial data.

Regulace trhu s tabákovými výrobky / Regulation of the Tobacco Market

Prosečová, Kristina January 2016 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis deals with the regulation of the tobacco market. The first part is dedicated to the theoretical view on regulation. It describes the historical development of the different points of view on regulation within economic schools, then it characterizes different types of market failure and within those it shows possible solutions in form of regulatory measures. The second part of the diploma thesis deals with tobacco and tobacco products market. In this chapter the current situation on the market is analyzed and some trends are derived, the chapter also deals with the largest producers of tobacco products nowadays. The last chapter deals with current tobacco control legislation. The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and current European tobacco control legislation are looked at in detail and there is a comparison conducted of the level of tobacco market regulation in different parts of the world. The last part of the thesis delivers the evaluation of the level to which the current tobacco regulation is in line with the economic theory of regulation.

Rezervy ústavně právního postavení NKÚ v porovnání s obdobnými institucemi v naší historii a ve vybraných státech EU / The reserves of the constitutional position of the SAO in comparison of similar institutions in our history and selected European countries

Neusserová, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with historical development of the Czech Supreme Audit Office and its foreign analogies. The subject of the thesis is to evaluate the current legal status of the Supreme Audit Office and then propose possible modifications with reference to the regulatory audit institutions in European countries. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part contains material study, theoretical introduction to the control and audit and then examines in detail the historical progress of the Supreme Audit Office in the Czech Republic to its current form. Other chapters are focused on different foreign institutions which are responsible for the national audit. The practical part highlights the differences between the control authorities. The comparison of individual offices is analysed on the basis of the Lima Declaration of Guidelines on Auditing Precepts.

Uplatnění marketingového řízení v podniku Dobler Metallbau s.r.o.

Kašová, Gabriela Bc. January 2008 (has links)
Obsahem práce je vyvození základních teoretických východisek marketingového řízení, které se v praktické části jednotlivě analyzují.V první části jsem podrobně charakterizovala plánování, ve druhé části realizaci a ve třetí části kontrolu.Stručně jsem charakterizovala podnik Dobler Metallbau s.r.o.,v části realizace provedla analýzu marketingového mixu a navrhla opatření vedoucí ke zlepšení situace podniku.

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