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Unification Theory - An IntroductionBaader, Franz, Schulz, Klaus U. 19 May 2022 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung:
„Equational unification is a generalization of syntactic unification in which semantic properties of function symbols are taken into account. For example, assume that the function symbol '+' is known to be commutative. Given the unication problem x + y ≐ a + b (where x and y are variables, and a and b are constants), an algorithm for syntactic unification would return the substitution {x ↦ a; y ↦ b} as the only (and most general) unifier: to make x + y and a + b syntactically equal, one must replace the variable x by a and y by b. However, commutativity of '+' implies that {x ↦ b; y ↦ b} also is a unifier in the sense that the terms obtained by its application, namely b + a and a + b, are equal modulo commutativity of '+'. More generally, equational unification is concerned with the problem of how to make terms equal modulo a given equational theory, which specifies semantic properties of the function symbols that occur in the terms to be unified.”
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Computing Least Common Subsumers in ALENKüsters, Ralf, Molitor, Ralf 20 May 2022 (has links)
Computing the least common subsumer (lcs) in description logics is an inference task first introduced for sublanguages of CLASSIC. Roughly speaking, the lcs of a set of concept descriptions is the most specific concept description that subsumes all of the input descriptions. As such, the lcs allows to extract the commonalities from given concept descriptions, a task essential for several applications like, e.g., inductive learning, information retrieval, or the bottom-up construction of KR-knowledge bases. Previous work on the lcs has concentrated on description logics that either allow for number restrictions or for existential restrictions. Many applications, however, require to combine these constructors. In this work, we present an lcs algorithm for the description logic ALEN, which allows for both constructors (as well as concept conjunction, primitive negation, and value restrictions). The proof of correctness of our lcs algorithm is based on an appropriate structural characterization of subsumption in ALEN also introduced in this paper. / This research was carried out while the second author was still at the LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen.
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Model-based Most Specific Concepts in Description Logics with Value RestrictionsDistel, Felix 16 June 2022 (has links)
Non-standard inferences are particularly useful in the bottom-up construction of ontologies in description logics. One of the more common non-standard reasoning tasks is the most specific concept (msc) for an ABox-individual. In this paper we present similar non-standard reasoning task: most specific concepts for models (model-mscs). We show that, although they look similar to ABox-mscs their computational behaviour can be different. We present constructions for model-mscs in FL₀ and FLE with cyclic TBoxes and for ALC∪∗ with acyclic TBoxes. Since subsumption in FLE with cyclic TBoxes has not been examined previously, we present a characterization of subsumption and give a construction for the least common subsumer in this setting.
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A New n-ary Existential Quantifier in Description LogicsBaader, Franz, Lutz, Carsten, Karabaev, Eldar, Theißen, Manfred 31 May 2022 (has links)
Motivated by a chemical process engineering application, we introduce a new concept constructor in Description Logics (DLs), an n-ary variant of the existential restriction constructor, which generalizes both the usual existential restrictions and so-called qualified number restrictions. We show that the new constructor can be expressed in ALCQ, the extension of the basic DL ALC by qualified number restrictions. However, this representation results in an exponential blow-up. By giving direct algorithms for ALC extended with the new constructor, we can show that the complexity of reasoning in this new DL is actually not harder than the one of reasoning in ALCQ. Moreover, in our chemical process engineering application, a restricted DL that provides only the new constructor together with conjunction, and satisfies an additional restriction on the occurrence of roles names, is sufficient. For this DL, the subsumption problem is polynomial. / Short versions of this report have also appeared in Proc. of KI'05 and Proc. of DL'05.
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Matching under Side Conditions in Description LogicsBaader, Franz, Brandt, Sebastian, Küsters, Ralf 24 May 2022 (has links)
Whereas matching in Description Logics is now relatively well investigated, there are only very few formal results on matching under additional side conditions, though these side conditions were already present in the original paper by Borgida and McGuinness introducing matching in DLs. The present report closes this gap for the DL ALN and its sublanguages.
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Adding Numbers to the SHIQ Description Logic - First ResultsLutz, Carsten 24 May 2022 (has links)
Recently, the Description Logic (DL) SHIQ has found a large number of applications. This success is due to the fact that SHIQ combines a rich expressivity with efficient reasoning, as is demonstrated by its implementation in DL systems such as FaCT and RACER. One weakness of SHIQ, however, limits its usability in several application areas: numerical knowledge such as knowledge about the age, weight, or temperature of real-world entities cannot be adequately represented. In this paper, we propose an extension of SHIQ that aims at closing this gap. The new Description Logic Q-SHIQ, which augments SHIQ by additional, 'concrete domain' style concept constructors, allows to refer to rational numbers in concept descriptions, and also to define concepts based on the comparison of numbers via predicates such as < or =. We argue that this kind of expressivity is needed in many application areas such as reasoning about the semantic web. We prove reasoning with Q-SHIQ to be EXPTIME-complete (thus not harder than reasoning with SHIQ) by devising an automata-based decision procedure.
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The Complexity of Finite Model Reasoning in Description LogicsLutz, Carsten, Sattler, Ulrike, Tendera, Lidia 30 May 2022 (has links)
We analyze the complexity of finite model reasoning in the description logic ALCQI, i.e. ALC augmented with qualifying number restrictions, inverse roles, and general TBoxes. It turns out that all relevant reasoning tasks such as concept satisfiability and ABox consistency are EXPTIME-complete, regardless of whether the numbers in number restrictions are coded unarily or binarily. Thus, finite model reasoning with ALCQI is not harder than standard reasoning with ALCQI.
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A Tableau Calculus for Temporal Description Logic: The Constant Domain Case.Lutz, Carsten, Sturm, Holger, Wolter, Frank, Zakharyaschev, Michael 24 May 2022 (has links)
We show how to combine the standard tableau system for the basic description logic ALC and Wolper´s tableau calculus for propositional temporal logic PTL (with the temporal operators ‘next-time’ and ‘until’) in order to design a terminating sound and complete tableau-based satisfiability-checking algorithm for the temporal description logic PTL ALC of [19] interpreted in models with constant domains. We use the method of quasimodels [17, 15] to represent models with infinite domains, and the technique of minimal types [11] to maintain these domains constant. The combination is flexible and can be extended to more expressive description logics or even do decidable fragments of first-order temporal logics.
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Computing Safe Anonymisations of Quantified ABoxes w.r.t. EL Policies: Extended VersionBaader, Franz, Kriegel, Francesco, Nuradiansyah, Adrian, Peñaloza, Rafael 20 June 2022 (has links)
In recent work, we have shown how to compute compliant anonymizations of quantified ABoxes w.r.t. EL policies. In this setting, quantified ABoxes can be used to publish information about individuals, some of which are anonymized. The policy is given by concepts of the Description Logic (DL) EL, and compliance means that one cannot derive from the ABox that some non-anonymized individual is an instance of a policy concept. If one assumes that a possible attacker could have additional knowledge about some of the involved non-anonymized individuals, then compliance with a policy is not sufficient. One wants to ensure that the quantified ABox is safe in the sense that none of the secret instance information is revealed, even if the attacker has additional compliant knowledge. In the present paper, we show that safety can be decided in polynomial time, and that the unique optimal safe anonymization of a non-safe quantified ABox can be computed in exponential time, provided that the policy consists of a single EL concept. / This is an extended version of an article published in: Proceedings of the 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’21), ACM
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Making Quantification Relevant Again —the Case of Defeasible EL⊥Pensel, Maximilian, Turhan, Anni-Yasmin 20 June 2022 (has links)
Defeasible Description Logics (DDLs) extend Description Logics with defeasible concept inclusions. Reasoning in DDLs often employs rational or relevant closure according to the (propositional) KLM postulates. If in DDLs with quantification a defeasible subsumption relationship holds between concepts, this relationship might also hold if these concepts appear in existential restrictions. Such nested defeasible subsumption relationships were not detected by earlier reasoning algorithms—neither for rational nor relevant closure. In this report, we present a new approach for EL ⊥ that alleviates this problem for relevant closure (the strongest form of preferential reasoning currently investigated) by the use of typicality models that extend classical canonical models by domain elements that individually satisfy any amount of consistent defeasible knowledge. We also show that a certain restriction on the domain of the typicality models in this approach yields inference results that correspond to the (weaker) more commonly known rational closure. / Abriged versions appeared in the proceedings of DARe and LPNMR 2017
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