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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Credit Default Swaps as Hedging Instruments Against Banks' Stock Price Fluctuations Before and During Financial Crisis / Kredito rizikos apsikeitimo sandoriai – finansinė priemonė apsidrausti nuo bankų akcijų kainų svyravimų per ir prieš kriziniu laikotarpiu

Volosenkina, Viktorija 23 June 2010 (has links)
In this paper dependence between credit default swap (CDS) values and stock price movements of the largest European banking groups is examined and effectiveness of the usage of CDS contracts as a tool to hedge exposure to the price movements of the underlying stock during the pre-crisis and crisis periods is assessed. The effectiveness is evaluated by comparing estimated Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) risk measures of portfolios consisting of stocks and CDS vis-à-vis portfolios consisting of only stocks. CDS are valued using mark-to-market approach. Marginal distributions of CDS value changes and stock returns are estimated using Kernel density estimate from historical time-series data of daily stock returns and CDS value changes. Dependence between marginal distributions is estimated using Gaussian, Gumbel and Student‟s t copulas. Random portfolio values are simulated using Monte Carlo Simulation from estimated copulas parameters and marginal distributions for daily, quarterly and yearly time horizons. VaR and ES with 90%, 95% and 99% confidence level are estimated from the simulated portfolio return distribution. The results show that there is a significant negative dependence between CDS values and stock prices during financial crisis while dependence is weak in the pre-crisis period. The main finding of the paper is that CDS added into the portfolio of stocks significantly reduces VaR and ES of a portfolio during the period of financial crisis while they... [to full text] / Šiame darbe tikrinama didţiausių Europos bankų grupių kredito rizikos apsikeitimo sandorių (CDS) ir akcijų kainų priklausomybė bei vertinamas CDS efektyvumas, jei jais draudţiamasi nuo akcijų kainų svyravimų prieš kriziniu ir kriziniu laikotarpiu. Efektyvumas yra įvertinamas lyginant apskaičiuotas rizikos vertes (VaR) ir tikėtinus vertės trūkumus (ES) dviejų portfelių: akcijų portfelio bei akcijų ir CDS portfelio. CDS vertinti yra naudojamas pagal rinką vertinimo būdas (mark-to-market approach). CDS verčių pasikeitimo ir akcijų grąţos ribiniai pasiskirstymai yra įvertinami, naudojant Kernel įvertinimą (Kernel Estimator) iš istorinių akcijų grąţų ir CDS verčių pokyčių duomenų. Priklausomybė tarp ribinių pasiskirstymų yra įvertinama naudojant Gauso, Gumbelio ir Studento t kopulas (copulas). Atsitiktinės portfelių vertės yra susimuliuojamos naudojant Monte Carlo simuliaciją, pritaikant kopulų parametrus bei kintamųjų ribinius pasiskirstymus vienos dienos, ketvirčio bei metų periodams. VaR ir ES su 90%, 95% ir 99% pasitikėjimo intervalais yra skaičiuojami iš susimuliuotų portfelio grąţų pasiskirstymo. Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad tarp akcijų kainų ir CDS verčių yra stipri priklausomybė krizės laikotarpiu, tuo tarpu prieš kriziniu laikotarpiu priklausomybė yra silpna. Pagrindinė darbo išvada yra ta, jog CDS įtraukti į akcijų portfelį reikšmingai sumaţina portfelio VaR ir ES kriziniu laikotarpiu, tačiau nesumaţina prieš kriziniu laikotarpiu. Portfelio rizika gali būti sumaţinta, jei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Procena interakcije i vremena odziva biosignala pri različitim modalitetima fizioloških povratnih sprega / Assessment of interaction and response time of biosignals in different modalities of physiological feedback loops

Jovanović Slađana 16 May 2017 (has links)
<p>Teza istražuje mogućnost kori&scaron;ćenja kopule u finoj analizi međusobne zavisnosti kardiovaskularnih signala. U tu svrhu kori&scaron;ćene su različite GoF (Goodness of Fit) tehnike i matematički alati bazirani na kopuli. Predložena metoda određuje nivo zavisnosti kao funkciju vremenskog ka&scaron;njenja signala pulsnog intervala u odnosu na signal sistoličkog krvnog pritiska i omogućuje uvid u mehanizme otkucaj-po-otkucaj regulacije krvnog pritiska. Farmakolo&scaron;ka validacija je izvedena administracijom lekova koji inhibiraju autonomni nervni sistem, pri čemu su dobijeni rezultati imali jasan fiziolo&scaron;ki odziv.</p> / <p>The thesis investigates a possibility to apply a copula method for a more refined analysis of mutual dependency of cardiovascular signals. Different GoF (Goodness of Fit) techniques and mathematical tools based on copula are applied to prove this possibility. Proposed method determines the level of dependency of the pulse interval response in respect to the systolic blood pressure for different time lags and provides further insight into the beat-to-beat regulation of blood pressure. Pharmacological validation of the method was performed by administration of autonomic blockers drugs, as the obtained copula response was in accordance with the physiological interpretation.</p>

Mnohorozměrná teorie extrémních hodnot / Multivariate extreme value theory

Šiklová, Renata January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we will elaborate on multivariate extreme value modelling, re- lated practical and theoretical aspects. We will mainly focus on the dependence models, the extreme value copulas in particular. Extreme value copulas effec- tively unify the univariate extreme value theory and the copula framework itself in a single view. We familiarize ourselves with both of them in the first two chapters. Those chapters present generalized extreme value distribution, gen- eralized Pareto distribution and Archimedean copulas, that are suitable for the multivariate maxima and the threshold exceedances description. These two top- ics will be addressed in the third chapter in detail. Taking into consideration rather practical focus of this thesis, we examine the methods of data analysis extensively. Furthermore, we will employ these methods in a comprehensive case study, that will aim to reveal the importance of extreme value theory application in the Catastrophe Insurance. 1

Characterizing dependence in financial series /

Chollete, Lorán. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
NY, Columbia Univ., Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Diss.--New York, 2004. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Enth. 3 Beitr.

Das "Verb" be in der englischen Satzstruktur

Bode, Stefanie, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Göttingen, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 285-294).

Systémové riziko ve finančním a energetickém sektoru: přístup dynamických faktorových kopula funkcí / Systemic Risk in the European Financial and Energy Sector: Dynamic Factor Copula Approach

Nevrla, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
In the thesis we perform analysis of systemic risk in the financial and energy sector in Europe. As the econometric tool for estimating dependencies across the subjects we employ factor copula model with GAS dynamics of Oh & Patton (2013b). We apply this model to daily CDS spreads. Based on the estimated results we perform Monte Carlo simulations in order to obtain future values of CDS spreads and measure probability of systemic events. We conclude that substantially higher systemic risk is present within the financial sector. We also find that the most systemic companies from both sectors come from Spain. JEL Classification C53, C55, C58, G17 Keywords Credit Default Swap, Energy Sector, Factor Copula, Financial Sector, Generalized Autore- gressive Score Model, Systemic Risk Author's e-mail matej.nevrla@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail barunik@fsv.cuni.cz

Obchodní dům / Trade House

Čierny, Juraj January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is a design of the multy-storey steel structure with a wooden dome structure of the shopping centre in city of Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. Minimum build-up area is 2 000m2. Minimum number of storeys is set at 2. Steel structure is composed as a frame construction with composite steel-concrete ceilings. Building has 2 storeys at all. Wooden structure of dome is composed by glue laminated curved beams. The structural design and analysis is performed by software SCIA Engineer 15.

Das "werden"-Passiv als Lerngegenstand. Theoretische und empirische Analysen zu "werden", Partizip-II und "werden"-Passiv in Erstspracherwerb und Zielgrammatik.

Schulz, Solvejg 06 September 2016 (has links)
Thema dieser Arbeit ist das „werden“-Passiv in der Zielgrammatik und im Erstspracherwerb des Deutschen. Das „werden“-Passiv wird in der Zielgrammatik und im Erstspracherwerb hinsichtlich der Ergänzungen Subjekt und „von“-Phrase beschrieben. Außerdem wird der Erwerb anderer Strukturen, die formale Gemeinsamkeiten mit dem „werden“-Passiv aufweisen und ein Partizip-II oder eine Form von „werden“ beinhalten, mit dem Erwerb des „werden“-Passivs verglichen. Ausgangspunkt für eine Beschreibung des „werden“-Passivs im Zusammenhang mit anderen Strukturen sind die folgenden Überlegungen: Eine früher erworbene Struktur S1 begünstigt den Erwerb einer später erworbenen Struktur S2, wenn a) S1 und S2 hinsichtlich semantisch-pragmatischer Funktionen verschieden sind und b) S1 und S2 lexikalische und morphologische Gemeinsamkeiten aufweisen. Im Fokus stehen daher lexikalische und morphologische Gemeinsamkeiten von Strukturen. Morphologische Gemeinsamkeiten mit dem „werden“-Passiv werden in Strukturen mit Partizip-II und in Strukturen mit „werden“ verortet. Vor allem zwei Strukturen, nämlich das „sein“-Passiv und die „werden“-Kopulastrukturen, werden als frühere Strukturen S1 im Zusammenhang mit dem Erwerb der späteren Struktur S2 – des „werden“-Passivs – untersucht. Lexikalische Gemeinsamkeiten werden bei „sein“-Passivstrukturen und „werden“-Passivstrukturen in der Aktionsart und bei „werden“-Kopulastrukturen und „werden“-Passivstrukturen in der thematischen Eigenschaft der Subjekte ausgemacht, weitere Gemeinsamkeiten werden in der externen Kontrolle über die Handlung beobachtet. Die empirischen Analysen fußen auf drei verschiedenen Korpora (ein L1- und ein Inputkorpus mit jeweils drei Sprechern sowie ein erwachsenensprachliches Vergleichskorpus). Für die Beschreibungen der Zielgrammatik werden vor allem Grammatiken des Deutschen ausgewertet.

Modelování přírodních katastrof v pojišťovnictví / Modelling natural catastrophes in insurance

Varvařovský, Václav January 2009 (has links)
Quantification of risks is one of the pillars of the contemporary insurance industry. Natural catastrophes and their modelling represents one of the most important areas of non-life insurance in the Czech Republic. One of the key inputs of catastrophe models is a spatial dependence structure in the portfolio of an insurance company. Copulas represents a more general view on dependence structures and broaden the classical approach, which is implicitly using the dependence structure of a multivariate normal distribution. The goal of this work, with respect to absence of comprehensive monographs in the Czech Republic, is to provide a theoretical basis for use of copulas. It focuses on general properties of copulas and specifics of two most commonly used families of copulas -- Archimedean and elliptical. The other goal is to quantify difference between the given copula and the classical approach, which uses dependency structure of a multivariate normal distribution, in modelled flood losses in the Czech Republic. Results are largely dependent on scale of losses in individual areas. If the areas have approximately a "tower" structure (i.e., one area significantly outweighs others), the effect of a change in the dependency structure compared to the classical approach is between 5-10% (up and down depending on a copula) at 99.5 percentile of original losses (a return period of once in 200 years). In case that all areas are approximately similarly distributed the difference, owing to the dependency structure, can be up to 30%, which means rather an important difference when buying the most common form of reinsurance -- an excess of loss treaty. The classical approach has an indisputable advantage in its simplicity with which data can be generated. In spite of having a simple form, it is not so simple to generate Archimedean copulas for a growing number of dimensions. For a higher number of dimensions the complexity of data generation greatly increases. For above mentioned reasons it is worth considering whether conditions of 2 similarly distributed variables and not too high dimensionality are fulfilled, before general forms of dependence are applied.

Die Grammatik prädikativer Ausdrücke im Polnischen und Russischen / The Grammar of Predicate Expressions in Polish and Russian

Pitsch, Hagen 28 February 2014 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht die lexikalischen und morphosyntaktischen Eigenschaften polnischer und russischer Prädikatsnomina sowie der Kopula (des Kopulalexems). Sie stellt die Kasusvariation (Nominativ vs. Instrumental) sowie die Formvariation (Kurz- vs. Langformadjektiv) an diesen Prädikativen in den Mittelpunkt und hat das Ziel, ihre grammatische Quelle, Funktionsweise und Interpretation bzw. Lesart zu erklären. Dabei werden sowohl die primäre als auch die sekundäre Prädikation betrachtet. Im Rahmen der Formulierung der theoretischen Grundlagen wird ein Vorschlag gemacht, der es gestattet, den viel diskutierten Begriff "Prädikation" referenzsemantisch zu erfassen. Ferner wird vorgeschlagen, Flexionsmorphologie und Semantik (im Sinne von "grammatischer Bedeutung") voneinander zu trennen. In diesem Sinne leistet die vorgelegte Dissertation auch einen Beitrag zur Forschung über die Schnittstelle zwischen Morphosyntax und Semantik.

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