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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"New Media, Oral Histories and the Expansion and Modification of West African Griot Culture: A Case Study of Alhaji Papa Susso"

Ashworth, Robin Rison 16 November 2012 (has links)
This dissertation takes the approach of a qualitative case study whose primary subject is Alhaji Papa Susso, a distinct and compelling representative of griot culture, who was born in The Gambia, but who now resides in the U.S., yet maintains his griot identity. The findings from this research provide evidence that the griot, in his quest to support himself abroad while honoring the traditions of his heritage, is actively participating in the purposeful dissemination of griot culture in the U.S. and beyond. Though he may be cultivating genuine interest in his skills and in the oral canon of histories and epic tales that he maintains, he cannot control reception and appropriation of his culture. Further, the findings suggest there is a crosscutting backlash where the influence of technology is concerned, in that, while it provides a means for recording and preserving the griot’s performative art, it also distracts West African youth and diminishes their interest in acquiring and maintaining the tools and instrumentation of their caste-born heritage. The main conclusions drawn from this study suggest the griot feels compelled in many ways to spread his culture beyond the limits of his original, regional seat in order to preserve and promote it, but in doing so, he is changing his culture, and exposing it to audiences who are not sufficiently encultured to apprehend fully its depth and meaning. Furthermore, technology may be a useful tool in preserving the griot’s art in West Africa and abroad, but the static nature of recording robs the griot’s performance of its dynamic, flexible and culturally reflective power. Ultimately, it is the goal of this dissertation to actualize Stake’s (1995) assertion that “the function of research is not necessarily to map and conquer the world but to sophisticate the beholding of it” (p. 43); it is the goal of this dissertation to illuminate and understand, to bear careful witness to a facet of cultural expansion, to a contemporary phenomenon, to a particular, unique and valuable human experience.

Hipoglikemijsko delovanje piknogenola i ekstrakta crnog bora Pinus nigra na eksperimentalnom modelu dijabetičnih pacova / Hypoglycemic potential of Pycnogenol and extract of black pine Pinus nigra on the experimental model of diabetic rats

Bukumirović Nina 12 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Bor je bilo koji četinar roda Pinus koji pripada porodici Pinaceae. U Republici Srbiji nalaze se prirodne i ve&scaron;tačke &scaron;ume crnog bora Pinus nigra Arnold. Kora bora se vekovima koristila u tradicionalnoj medicini, međutim tek u novije vreme su otkriveni i potvrđeni njeni pozitivni biolo&scaron;ki efekti u medicini. Najpoznatiji komercijalni preparat kore bora je piknogenol, standardizovani ekstrakt kore francuskog primorskog bora Pinus pinaster Aiton, koji raste duţ obale jugozapadne Francuske. Pozitivni efekti koje ispoljava piknogenol, kao &scaron;to su antioksidativno, hipoglikemijsko, hipolipidemijsko delovanje, zasnovani su na njegovom visokom sadržaju fenolnih jedinjenja. Danas, i pored saznanja da je kora bora bogata sekundarnim metabolitima ona najče&scaron;će zavr&scaron;ava kao nusproizvod drvne industrije. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su ispitivanje kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih karakteristika i biohemijskih aktivnosti ekstrakata kore crnog bora Pinus nigra sa Mokre gore i Tare, dobijenih različitim rastvaračima; upoređivanje glikemijskog i lipidnog delovanja ekstrakta kore bora Pinus nigra sa komercijalnim preparatom piknogenol; uticaj ekstrakta kore bora Pinus nigra i piknogenola na delovanje standardnih antidijabetika metformina i gliklazida; kao i uticaj na parametre oksidativnog stresa nakon izlaganja životinja toksičnoj dozi paracetamola. In vitro ispitivanja su uključivala analizu ekstrakata dobijenih različitim rastvaračima. Ukupni sadržaj fenola, tanina, flavonoida i proantocijanidna, kao i ispitivanje antioksidativne aktivnosti kroz pet različitih metoda, određivani su spektrofotometrijski. Vr&scaron;ena je analiza ekstrakata kore bora visokoefikasnom tečnom hromatografijom (HPLC). In vivo ispitivanje je rađeno na 156 albino laboratorijska pacova soja Wistar. Eksperimentalne ţivotinje su tokom 7 dana per os primale ekstrakt kore crnog bora poreklom sa Mokre gore 100 mg/kg, koji je pokazao najbolju aktivnost, piknogenol 50 mg/kg, metformin 100 mg/kg, gliklazid 10 mg/kg, kao i njihove kombinacije. Za ispitivanje uticaja primenjivanih supstanci na glikemiju ţivotinja kori&scaron;ćeni su test oralnog podno&scaron;enja glukoze i indukcija trajne hiperglikemije aloksanom. Od biohemijskih parametara u serumu je određivana koncentracija lipida, kao i parametric pokazatelji funkcije bubrega i jetre. Ex vivo ispitivanja uključivala su određivanje intenzitet lipidne peroksidacije i anktivnosti enzima antioksidativne za&scaron;tite u homogenatu jetre ispitivanih ţivotinja, nakon primene toksične doze paracetamola. HPLC analizom ekstrakata kore crnog bora utvrđeno je da ekstrakti poreklom sa Mokre gore i Tare u najvećoj meri sadrţe taksifolin, a zatim katehin, njegove derivate, kafenu kiselinu i epikatehin. PotvrĎen je visok antioksidativni kapacitet piknogenola, ali takođe i značajan antioksidativni kapacitet ekstrakata kore crnog bora, sa najboljim rezultatima kod ekstrakta poreklom sa Mokre gore. Sedmodnevni tretman ekstraktom kore bora 100 mg/kg, metforminom 100 mg/kg, gliklazidom 10 mg/kg i piknogenolom 50 mg/kg, kod ţivotinja sa aloksanski izazvanim dijabetesom, doveo je do sniženja glikemije u krvi. Uočeno je povećanje konentracije HDL holesterola i značajno sniženje serumskih triglicerida kod dijabetičnih i normoglikemičnih ţivotinja koje su primale piknogenol, ekstrakta kore bora, gliklazid i metformin u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom ţivotinja. Zajednička primena ekstrakta kore bora i standardnih antidijabetika značajno je snizila vrednosti AST, ALP i direktni bilirubin u grupi dijabetičnih i normoglikemičnih ţivotinja u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, čime se ukazuje na potencijalno hepatoprotektivno delovanje ekstrakta kore crnog bora. O&scaron;tećenje jetre izazvano toksičnom dozom paracetamola je potvrđeno ispitivanim parametrima, uključujući oksidativni status u homogenatu jetre i histolo&scaron;ka ispitivanja. Rezultati na&scaron;eg istraživanja su pokazali da piknogenol 50 mg/kg, kao i ekstrakt kore crnog bora 100 mg/kg značajno smanjuju nivo MDA u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom i grupom koja je primala paracetamol. Na osnovu rezultata istraţivanja može se zaključiti da primena piknogenola i ekstrakta kore crnog bora: ublaţava poremećaj homeostaze glukoze, utiče povoljno na lipidni status, značajno potencira antihiperglikemijsko delovanje metformina i hipoglikemijski efekat gliklazida, sprečava poremećaj biohemijskih parametara pokazatelja funkcije jetre i bubrega u serumu ispitivanih životinja i ispoljava značajno in vitro antioksidativno delovanje i sprečava o&scaron;tećenje jetre laboratorijskih životinja izazvano toksičnom dozom paracetamola.</p> / <p>A pine is any conifer in the genus Pinus of the family Pinaceae. In the Republic of Serbia there are natural and artificial forests of black pine Pinus nigra Arnold. Pine bark has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, but only recently its positive biological effects has been revealed and confirmed in medicine. The most famous commercial pine bark product is Pycnogenol, a standardized extract of the French maritime pine bark (Pinus pinaster Aiton), which grows along the coast of southwestern France. The positive effects of Pycnogenol, such as antioxidant, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, are based on its high content of phenolic compounds. Nowdays, despite the knowledge that the pine bark is rich in secondary metabolites, it usually ends up as a by-product of the wood industry. The objectives of this dissertation were to investigate the qualitative and quantitative characteristics and biochemical activities of the black pine (Pinus nigra) extracts from Mokra gora and Tara, obtained by different solvents; comparison of glycemic and lipid action of Pinus nigra bark extract with commercial product Pycnogenol; the influence of black pine bark extract and Pycnogenol on the action of standard antidiabetics metformin and gliclazide; as well as the influence on the parameters of oxidative stress in animals exposed to the toxic dose of paracetamol. In vitro analyses included the analysis of extracts obtained with different solvents. The total phenolic, tannin, flavonoid and proanthocyanidin content, as well as the antioxidant activity tests, were determined spectrophotometrically. High-efficiency liquid chromatography (HPLC) was performed in order to determine black pine bark extract content. In vivo analyses was performed on 156 albino Wistar laboratory rats. Experimental animals received for 7 days per os: black pine bark extract obtained from Mokra gora 100 mg/kg, which showed the best activity; Pycnogenol 50 mg/kg; metformin 100 mg/kg; gliclazide 10 mg/kg; and their combinations. An oral glucose tolerance test and the aloxan-induced hyperglycaemia were used to examined the effects of the substances on experimental animals. Biochemical parameters, the lipids concentration and parameters of the kidney and liver function, were determined in animal serum. Ex vivo analyses included determination of lipid peroxidation activity and the activity of antioxidant protection enzymes in liver homogenates of the test animals, after administration of a toxic dose of paracetamol. HPLC analysis of black pine bark extracts obtained from Mokra gora and Tara showed the greatest content of taxifolin, then catechin, and its derivatives, caffeic acid and epicatechin. A high antioxidative capacity of Pycnogenol was confirmed, but also a significant antioxidant capacity of black pine bark extract, with the best results in the extract obtained from Mokra gora. Seven-day treatment in aloxan-induced diabetes animals with 100 mg/kg black pine bark extract, metformin 100 mg/kg, gliclazide 10 mg/kg and Pycnogenol 50 mg/kg led to a decrease of serum glycemic index. There was an increase in the HDL cholesterol concentration and a significant reduction in serum triglycerides in diabetic and normoglycemic animals which received Pycnogenol, black pine bark extract, gliclazide and metformin compared to the control group. Concomitant usage of the black pine bark extract and standard antidiabetics significantly reduced the levels of AST, ALP and direct bilirubin in the group of diabetic and normoglycemic animals compared to the control group, indicating the potential hepatoprotective action of the black pine bark extract. Damage to the liver caused by the toxic dose of paracetamol was confirmed by the liver homogenate oxidative status and histological examination. The results of our study have shown that Pycnogenol 50 mg/kg, as well as 100 mg/kg black pine bark extract significantly reduce the level of MDA in comparison with the control and the paracetamol treated group. Based on the results of the dissertation, it can be concluded that the use of Pycnogenol and black pine bark extract alleviate glucose homeostasis disorder; positively affects the lipid status; significantly increases the antihyperglycemic effect of metformin and the hypoglycemic effect of gliclazide; prevents impairment biochemical parameters of the liver and kidney function in the serum of the experimental animals; significantly exhibits in vitro antioxidant activity and prevents liver damage caused by toxic dose of paracetamol in experimental animals.</p>

Mande popular music and cultural policies in West Africa

Counsel, G. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
During the independence era in West Africa (1958–1980) many nations embarked on ambitious programmes aimed at rejuvenating their traditional art forms. These programmes were realised through new cultural policies, with music the prime target of the governments’ campaigns. I contend that in the search for an appropriate voice West African governments focussed on one group of musicians, the Mande griots. It was through their musical compositions that the State communicated ideology and doctrine to the public. I assert that to focus on a specific ethnic group and promote them as cultural ambassadors was a policy that conflicted with the core principles of West Africa’s governments, who upheld a doctrine that promoted nationalism over ethnocentrism. It was a neo-colonialist strategy designed to consolidate the rule of the governing party, a contention which I support through an analysis of the role of griots in West African society and an appraisal of the careers of musicians, musical recordings, and musical styles. This thesis represents a historical account of Mande griots in West Africa with respect to their influence on local and national politics. Part of the aim of this thesis is to create a comprehensive and accurate catalogue of West African musical recordings and groups, the results of which are located in the appendices.

Mande popular music and cultural policies in West Africa

Counsel, G. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
During the independence era in West Africa (1958–1980) many nations embarked on ambitious programmes aimed at rejuvenating their traditional art forms. These programmes were realised through new cultural policies, with music the prime target of the governments’ campaigns. I contend that in the search for an appropriate voice West African governments focussed on one group of musicians, the Mande griots. It was through their musical compositions that the State communicated ideology and doctrine to the public. I assert that to focus on a specific ethnic group and promote them as cultural ambassadors was a policy that conflicted with the core principles of West Africa’s governments, who upheld a doctrine that promoted nationalism over ethnocentrism. It was a neo-colonialist strategy designed to consolidate the rule of the governing party, a contention which I support through an analysis of the role of griots in West African society and an appraisal of the careers of musicians, musical recordings, and musical styles. This thesis represents a historical account of Mande griots in West Africa with respect to their influence on local and national politics. Part of the aim of this thesis is to create a comprehensive and accurate catalogue of West African musical recordings and groups, the results of which are located in the appendices.

Koordinierungs- und Beratungsstelle Radikalisierungsprävention (KORA): Extremismus und Radikalisierung wirksam begegnen

04 April 2024 (has links)
Radikalisiert sich eine nahestehende Person, überfordert dies häufig Familienangehörige und Freunde. Auch für Fachkräfte, deren Klientinnen oder Klienten von Anwerbeversuchen durch extremistische Akteure betroffen sind, stellt eine solche Situation eine Herausforderung dar. Deshalb berät die KORA Menschen aus dem Umfeld sich radikalisierender oder bereits radikalisierter Personen. In diesem Flyer finden Sie Informationen, Hilfsangebote und Kontaktdaten. Redaktionsschluss: 30.11.2023

Biološki potencijal i hemijska analiza vrsta roda Salix L. (Salicaceae) sa teritorije Republike Srbije / Biological potential and chemical analysis of species from the genus Salix L. (Salicaceae) from the territory of Republic of Serbia

Gligorić Emilia 18 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Rod Salix pripada porodici Salicaceae i obuhvata oko 450 vrsta &scaron;irom sveta, od kojih u Republici Srbiji raste oko 18. Kora vrbe ispoljava antiinflamatorno, antireumatsko, analgetičko i antipiretičko delovanje sinergističkim efektom njenih glavnih aktivnih supstanci &ndash; glikozida salicina, fenolnih i flavonoidnih jedinjenja. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su ispitivanje uticaja klasične i savremenih metoda ekstrakcije na hemijski sastav i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti ekstrakata različitih vrsta vrba, utvrđivanje razlika u sadržaju aktivnih komponenti i biolo&scaron;kom potencijalu između ekstrakata kore i ekstrakata lista iste vrste vrbe, kao i utvrđivanje razlika u sadržaju sekundarnih metabolita i antioksidantnoj aktivnosti kod ekstrakata različitih vrsta vrba. Ispitivanja su uključivala analizu 92 ekstrakta kore i lista osam predstavnika roda Salix, dobijenih različitim metodama (maceracija, ultrazvučna i mikrotalasna ekstrakcija) i pri različitim uslovima ekstrakcije (rastvarač, vreme, veličina čestica). Sadržaj ukupnih fenola i flavonoida, kao i antioksidativna aktivnost određeni su spektrofotometrijski. Hemijska karakterizacija ekstrakata vr&scaron;ena je primenom visokoefikasne tečne hromatografije (HPLC). Metodom in silico molekularnog dokinga ispitan je inhibitorni potencijal sastojaka ekstrakata prema enzimima ciklooksigenaze (COX-1 i COX-2) i acetilholinesterazi (AChE). Savremenim metodama ekstrakcije izolovan je veći broj pojedinačnih komponenata u najvećoj koncentraciji i dobijeni su ekstrakti sa jačim potencijalom neutralizacije hidroksilnih radikala. Klasična metoda maceracije 70% etanolom (v/v) bila je pogodnija za dobijanje ekstrakata sa jačim antioksidativnim potencijalom prema DPPH radikalu kod gotovo svih ispitivanih Salix vrsta. Kod većine Salix vrsta jači antioksidantni potencijal prema DPPH radikalu ispoljili su ekstrakti kore. Kod polovine ispitivanih vrsta ekstrakti lista su inhibisali hidroksilne radikale u većoj meri. Veći sadržaj pojedinačnih jedinjenja u ekstraktima kore ili lista zavisio je od same vrste vrbe. Najjaču antioksidantu aktivnost ispoljila je vrsta S. alba, dok je u pogledu hemijskog sastava najraznovrsnija vrsta bila S. fragilis. In silico analizom metodom molekularnog dokinga utvrđen je jak inhibitorni potencijal flavonoidnih jedinjenja kvercetina, naringenina i epikatehina, kao i hlorogenske kiseline među fenolnim kiselinama prema enzimima COX-1 i COX-2. Epikatehin, salicin i hlorogenska kiselina ispoljili su značajno inhibitorno delovanje na enzim AChE u doking studijama. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da pored kore i list vrbe ima veliki potencijal primene kao izvor značajnih fitokomponenata, kao i na mogućnost eksploatacije vrsta vrba koje nisu u komercijalnoj upotrebi kao lekovitih sirovina za izolovanje antioksidanasa i farmakolo&scaron;ki aktivnih supstanci.</p> / <p>The genus Salix belongs to the family Salicaceae and comprises about 450 species worldwide, out of which 18 grow in the Republic of Serbia. Willow bark exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, analgesic and antipyretic effects through synergistic action of its main ingredients -glycosidesalicin, phenolic and flavonoid compounds. Aims of this paper were to analyse the impact of classical and modern extraction methods on chemical composition and biological activities of extracts of different willow species, determine the differences in the amount of active compounds and biological potential between bark and leaf extracts within the same willow species, as well as between extracts of various species. The analysis included 92 bark and leaf extracts of eight species from the genus Salix, obtained by different extraction methods (maceration, ulrasound and microwave assisted extraction) and conditions (solvent, time, particle size). Total phenolics and flavonoids content, as well as antioxidant activity were determined spectrophotometrically. Chemical characterization was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2) and acetylcholine esterase (AChE) inhibitory potential of compounds isolated from the extracts was examined by in silico method of molecular docking. Greater number of individual components in highest concentration, as well as exracts with stronger hydroxyl radical scavenging potential were obtained by modern extraction methods. Classical method of maceration with 70% ethanol (v/v) was more suitable for obtaining extracts with higher DPPH radical scavenging activity in the vast majority of tested species. In half of the analysed species leaf extracts inhibited hydroxyl radicals more than bark. Higher amount of individual compounds in bark or leaf extracts depended on the species itself. S. alba exhibited the strongest antioxidant activity, whereas S. fragilis had the most diverse chemical composition. Strong COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitory potential of flavonoids quercetin, naringenin and epicatechin, as well as chlorogenic acid among phenolic acids was determined by in silico molecular docking analysis. Molecular docking studies also demonstrated the inhibitory activity of epicatechin, salicin and chlorogenic acid toward AChE. The obtained results indicate that not only bark, but willow leaf as well could be used as source of significant phytochemicals and also the possibility of exploitation of willow species that are not commercially used as medicinal raw material for isolation of antioxidants and pharmacologycally active substances.</p>

Distribucija opijatnih alkaloida u mozgu / The distribution of opiate alkaloids in brain

Đurendić-Brenesel Maja 01 March 2008 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je uspe&scaron;no izvr&scaron;eno izolovanje&nbsp;opijatnih alkaloida iz humanih biolo&scaron;kih uzoraka (moždanog&nbsp;tkiva, krvi, urina i žuči) kao i biolo&scaron;kih uzoraka&nbsp;<br />eksperimentalnih životinja (moždanog tkiva i krvi) primenom&nbsp;postupka čvrsto-tečne ekstrakcije (SPE-Solid Phase Extraction).&nbsp;Modifikovan je postupak za kvalitativnu i kvantitativnu GC-MS&nbsp;(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) analizu biolo&scaron;kih&nbsp;<br />uzoraka.&nbsp;Utvrđena je distribucija opijatnih alkaloida: morfina, kodeina,&nbsp;acetilkodeina, 6-acetilmorfina i heroina u humanim biolo&scaron;kim&nbsp;uzorcima moždanog tkiva (moždanoj kori, moždanom stablu,&nbsp;amigdali i bazalnim jedrima), pri čemu je najveći sadržaj&nbsp;<br />opijata određen u moždanoj kori i bazalnim jedrima,&nbsp;podjednako kod mu&scaron;kih i ženskih osoba.&nbsp;Utvrđena je distribucija opijatnih alkaloida: morfina, kodeina,&nbsp;acetilkodeina, 6-acetilmorfina i heroina u biolo&scaron;kim uzorcima&nbsp;moždanog tkiva (moždanoj kori, moždanom &nbsp;stablu, amigdali i&nbsp;bazalnim jedrima) i krvi eksperimentalnih životinja (pacova), u&nbsp;<br />različitim vremenskim periodima (5, 15, 45 i 120 minuta) od&nbsp;tretiranja životinja heroinom.&nbsp;Najveći sadržaj opijata je određen u moždanoj kori i bazalnim&nbsp;jedrima, podjednako kod mužjaka i ženki pacova ali u različitim&nbsp;vremenskim periodima. U uzorcima krvi je najveći sadržaj&nbsp;opijata određen u istom vremenskom periodu kod životinja oba&nbsp;pola, pri čemu su kod mužjaka određene znatno veće vrednosti&nbsp;koncentracija, &scaron;to ukazuje na bržudistribuciju opijata iz krvi u&nbsp;mozak kod ženki u &nbsp;odnosu na mužjake pacova.&nbsp;Utvrđeno je da je distribucija opijata u humanom moždanom&nbsp;tkivu kod pripadnika suprotnih polova kao i moždanom tkivu&nbsp;mužjaka i ženki pacova (nakon 120 minuta od tretiranja&nbsp;heroinom), identična.&nbsp;Ispitivanjem uticaja opijata &nbsp;na markere oksidativnog stresa u&nbsp;jetri eksperimentalnih životinja suprotnih polova, utvrđeno je&nbsp;smanjenje aktivnosti enzima: katalaze (CAT), glutation-peroksidaze (GSH- Px), peroksidaze (Px) i ksantin-oksidaze&nbsp;(XOD).</p> / <p>Opiate alkaloids were successfully isolated from human biological samples (brain tissue, blood, urine, and bile) as well as from biological samples of experimental animals (brain tissue and blood) by applying procedure of solid-phase extraction (SPE). A modified procedure was worked out for qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological samples by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The distribution of opiate alkaloids:morphine, codeine, acetylcodeine, 6-acetylmorphine, and heroine in human biological samples of brain tissue (cortex, brain stem, amigdala and basal nuclei) was established, showing the highest content of opiates &nbsp; in the cortex and basal nuclei, equal with male and female persons. It was established how the opiatealkaloids: morphine codeine, acetylcodeine, 6-acetylmorphine&nbsp; and heroine are distributed in biological samples of brain tissue (cortex, brain stem, amigdala and basal nuclei) and blood of experimental animals&nbsp; (rats) in different time periods (5, 15, 45 and 120 min) after the animal treatment with&nbsp;heroine. The highest content of opiates was found in the cortex and basal nuclei,&nbsp;equal in the male and female rats, but in different time periods. In blood samples, the highest content of opiates was measured in the same period with animals of both sexes, the concentration in the males being significantly higher, indicating a faster passage of the opiates from blood to brain in the female compared to male rats.&nbsp;Identical distribution of opiates was found in human brain tissue of both male and female subjects as in rats of both sexes (120 min after treatment with heroine).&nbsp;Study of the effect of opiates on the markers of oxidative stress in the liver of tested animals of opposite sexes showed a lowered activity of the following enzymes: &nbsp;catalase (CAT), glutathion-peroxidase (GSH-Px), peroxidase (Px) and xanthine-xidase &nbsp;(XOD).</p>

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