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Úroveň povědomí obyvatelstva o problematice rozsáhlých výpadků elektrické energie / The level of awareness of inhabitants about the problems of large-scale electrical power failuresHAJDAJOVÁ, Natálie January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with large-scale electrical power failures, in other words about blackouts. The work is then divided into two sections. The theoretical part describes the (critical) infrastructure, which is undoubtedly part of the electrical energy, further introduces the reader to the electricity system of the Czech Republic and also with blackout as such. The last chapter analyzes some important outages in the world and in total of eight blackouts and trying to point out how technical defects, control errors or extreme weather manifestation can negatively affect the lives of each of us. In the practical part are mentioned two objectives. The first, main aim of the diploma thesis is to find out and assess the level of knowledge of inhabitants about the problems of large-scale electrical power failures, with a hypothesis claims that awareness of the population in selected municipalities with extended competence does not reach 80 %. The exploration is carried out on two municipalities with extended competence Uherské Hradiště and České Budějovice. Obtained data are then evaluated by a comparative approach. Based on the results of the research, remedies are being suggested, purpose of the remedies is to improve the system of informing the population about the subject matter. This is the second objective. According to the objectives and for the needs of my thesis, I used the method of collecting data in the form of a questionnaire survey which carries elements of quantitative research. The thesis and its results can serve as a study material which could be further used for other research. Also it may be inspired by considering how to improve the awareness of the inhabitants.
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Role of UNHCR in case of asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons -- the case study of Turkey / Role of UNHCR in case of asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons – the case study of TurkeyUnzeitigová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
Inspired by the Kratochvíl, Cibulková and Beník´s model of actorness, the thesis explores the framing power of UNHCR. The critical discourse analysis introduced by Norman Fairclough is applied in order to analyze the textual, contextual and sociocultural dimension of the UNHCR framing power. The case of Turkey was chosen for this study due to the current situation and the fact that Turkey is one of the biggest hosting country in the refugees´ crisis. Through the critical discourse analysis, the thesis explores whether UNHCR is considered as a framing actor in the case of asylum seekers, refugees and stateless people in Turkey. The analysis shows that UNHCR is globally respected and takes important part in the issue. However, not all of the international organizations refer to UNHCR as the lawmaker and the initiator of debates in the issues mentioned above.
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Rozvoj kritické gramotnosti: četba postkoloniální literatury ve výuce anglického jazyka na středních školách / Developing Critical Literacy: Postcolonial Literature in English Lessons at Upper Secondary SchoolsHelebrant, Šárka January 2021 (has links)
The thesis aims to present the use of postcolonial literature in pursuance of developing critical literacy in English lessons of upper secondary schools, together with increasing the awareness of the postcolonial world, South Africa specifically. The theoretical part of the thesis concentrates on contemporary knowledge in the field of methodology of teaching literature, reading strategies, and critical literacy, including its development and assessment. Furthermore, the theoretical section establishes the environment for the practical part, which consists of qualitative research in a Czech upper secondary school and employs pretesting, intrinsic research, teacher's and students' assessment, and final achievement test. The research implies that critical literacy is viewed differently with respect to different experts and various fields. Furthermore, the research indicates that the assessment of critical literacy is built mainly on assumptions of the specialists interested in this field and no standardised or unified tests are available. Lastly, the research shows that postcolonial literature seems to be an optimal source for enhancing students' critical literacy since it incorporates similar themes as critical literacy. The thesis has explained that the use of postcolonial literature and relevant...
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Srovnání nástrojů projektového řízení / Comparison of Project Management ToolsTomášek, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
Thesis deals with evaluation of possibilities and conditions for application of key project management methods. Particular parts involve description and delimitation of chosen project management. Traditional methods that are represented by CPM and PERT methods. Furthermore, the thesis is enriched on the basis facts of the Theory of Constraints, which led to the creation of a separate project management system based on the Critical Chain method. This part is followed by an analysis and comparison of these methods in the phase of planning, managing and controlling from a perspective of single project case. Thesis is followed by the using of selected method in real environment conditions, its implementation and evaluation of risks and economic differences.
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Vlastní a vynucené kmitání kapaliny v rotačně symetrické oblasti / Self-excited and forced pulsations of liquid in axisymmetric domainSkopalová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the determination of the self-excited and forced pulsation of the real fluid in the cylindrical area and in the annulus. It also focuses on a case of resonance that has an unfavorable effect on the hydraulic circuit. The result of the thesis is the analytical relations for determination of self-excited and forced shapes of flow and pressure in the closed cylindrical area, for two selected variants of kinematic excitation. In the first variant, excitation is performed in the form of a sinus function. The second variant is expressed as a sawtooth function. A pulsation of the fluid caused by the movement of the body is described for the annulus. Further, in this area, the shapes of fluid pulsation are solved without external excitation.
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Aplikace pro monitorování serverů s operačním systémem Linux / Application for monitoring of Linux serversKačmarčík, Martin January 2019 (has links)
PlanetLab Server Manager je aplikace, která pomáhá uživatelům realizovat projekty zaměřené na vývoj aplikací pro distribuované sítě. Aplikace primárně umožňuje vyhledávání serverů podle jejich geografické polohy a umožňuje přístup na tyto servery a jejich vykreslení na mapě. Práce čtenáře seznámí se síťí PlanetLab a její infrastukturou. Dále popisuje aplikaci PlanetLab Server Manager (také známou jako plbmng) a identifikuje problémy v její aktuální verzi. Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na řešení identifikovaných problémů a specifikuje provedená vylepšení do aplikace. Také je v ní pomocí nově přidané funkcionality provedena analýza stavu sítě PlanetLab. Tato práce se zaměřuje na vylepšení stávající funkcionality tím, že je aplikace plně přepsána do jazyka Python 3. Kvůli stávající implementaci v jazyce Bash, jehož vlastnosti se od jazyka Python liší, bude nutné kompletně přeplánovat stávající funkce aplikace, aby bylo plně využito výhod jazyka Python. Aplikace je také rozšířena o možnosti filtrování serverů na základě jejich stavu a další vylepšení. Zdrojové kódy aplikace jsou dostupné na repozitáři GitHUB pod licencí MIT a dále je aplikace dostupná v repozitářích PyPI.
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Návrh managementu sítě pro strojírenskou společnost / Computer Network Management Design for the Engineering CompanyKapoun, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of computer network management design with all the necessary steps at the level of a medium-sized engineering company. In addition to the implementation of the monitoring system, the work also focuses on the design of network devices, organizational changes, compilation of a network graph and structural settings with a precise layout for project management.
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Analýza dat z jedoucího vozidla / Data analysis from moving vehicleKvapil, Josef January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with data analysis obtained from the traffic simulator. The data are from trajectory of vehicle movement. The analysis are suggested to driving trajectory which are obtained from the characteristic parameters for the subsequent detection of the critical vehicle position. Analysis and evaluation of the detection critical vehicle position are solved in the Matlab program scripts.
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Návrh a realizace projektu pro vytvoření online marketingu Event teamu společnosti Unifer o.p.s / The Project Design and Implementation of Event Team's Online Marketing in Unifer o.p.sDrápal, Dušan January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes the use of project management for a design and implementation of the project to create web portal for event team of the company UNIFER o.p.s. The thesis descibes in detail the pre-project, project and post-project phase according to project management methods.
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Návrh záchranného systému pro malý bezpilotní letoun / Small UAV parachute recovery system designPejchar, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the small UAV’s rescue system design. The thesis is divided into related sections reflecting the design process. The first part deals with general problems of parachute equipment. Another part is evaluating critical situations in manual and autonomous control of the airplane. The deceleration device is based on this critical situations as well as the calculated structure loading. Next is the description and evaluation of experiments to verify the performance of modern parachutes. The thesis also includes a simplified proposal ejection mechanism designed in 3D software and documentation of the of model aircraft construction for testing and predicting behaviour in autonomous flight mode.
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