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Využití dichotomie My versus Oni v předvolebních projevech Joe Bidena a Donalda Trumpa z roku 2020 / Utilization of the Us versus Them Dichotomy in 2020 Campaign Speeches of Joe Biden and Donald TrumpPýcha, Jaroslav January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze the camping speeches of the two major candidates running for President of the Unites States in the 2020 general election and to inspect the ways in which both the candidates utilize the Us versus Them dichotomy. In doing so, the thesis provides a critique of the texts produced by the candidates and seeks to unveil their ideological motivation. As categorizing entities has a profound effect on the audience and their perception of reality, the goal is not only to unveil what entities the candidates discuss, but also to determine how they classify these entities. In addition, the strategies used by both the candidates to achieve entity evaluation are compared in order to contrast their rhetorical styles. The theoretical part of the thesis overviews concepts related to the construction of group identities and other ways of reproducing ideology in discourse. Furthermore, Hasan's approach to text analysis, which is employed in the analytical part, is introduced. A brief biography of both the candidates and a description of the US presidential election system are included as well. The analytical part is composed of Critical Discourse Analyses of selected topical segments from campaign speeches of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Special focus is dedicated to the strategies the...
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Reprezentace feminity ve filmové tvorbě Quentina Tarantina / Representations of femininity in Quentin Tarantino's moviesBenešová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The submitted thesis is titled Representations of Femininity in Quentin Tarantino's Movies and it focuses on the process of femininity construction in six selected movies both written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. The aim of this study is to identify how Tarantino operates the notions of conventional femininity and traditional female gender roles. Furthermore, it investigates to what extent his films either support or subvert stereotypical gender identities. In relation to the research issues the key concepts are defined by the theoretical part of this work. In particular it describes the theory of social and media construction of reality, gender as construct, film as a part of patriarchal structure or feminist perspectives related to the film production. This same part also offers basic information about Quentin Tarantino's personality and his film works in general. In order to answer the research questions the thesis employs a qualitative method of critical discourse analysis which functions as a helpful tool while reconstructing the image of femininity set by media. Moreover, the selected method serves to reveal latent meanings applied by film as a form of media to affect both behavioural and cognitive individual characteristics. Keywords Femininity, gender, construct, stereotype,...
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Ideologie v diskurzu protektorátního denního tisku / Ideology in the protectorate daily press discourseVeselská, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis Ideology in the protectorate daily press discourse deals with the influence of ideology in the discourse of then legally published dailies České slovo, Lidové noviny and Venkov. The theoretical part refers firstly to the historical background of the state formation Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and its political and social status within the Greater German Reich. After having depicted the demonstrations of 28th October 1939 and the events of 17th November 1939 the media character in the protectorate era is introduced, a special emphasis is put on the press. After that the concept of discourse is clarified as well as its origin, meaning and current interpretation. Besides the critical discourse analysis, its origins, aims and three major approaches are described. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to the discourse-historical approach which was developed by Ruth Wodak and her colleagues from the Vienna School. The ideal procedure of this approach is outlined and the discursive strategies of nomination, predication and argumentation are explained. With their aid an analysis of four newspaper articles is carried out in the practical part of the thesis. After having summarised the textual analysis the influence of ideology around the events of 17th November 1939 is compared...
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Mediální diskurz regulace médií: komparativní analýza českého a britského denního tisku / Media discourse of the regulation of media with an attention to cases of publicising information from phone hacking-comparative analysis of Czech and British daily newspapersPospíchal, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the media image of Czech and British press regulation, with a focus on daily newspapers. The theoretical part deals with selected normative requirements for media, the concept of public interest, the legislative framework of the press operation in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom, self-regulation mechanisms of the British press, and, last but not least, ethical norms and professional practice that comes with the occupation of a journalist. The thesis also presents the main representatives and the basis of critical discourse analysis, the selected procedures of which are then used in the follow-up study of media content. The analytical part focuses on the discourse of selected Czech and British daily newspapers and examines it in the context of two events associated with state intervention into media regulation. Inthe case of the Czech Republic it is the approval of Law no. 52/2009, titled by the media as "muzzle law", in the case of the United Kingdom we are concerned with the exposal of illegal methods for obtaining information by News of the World, a British weekly. Both of these events led to significant media response, among other reasons because they were closely tied with the issue of media regulation, respectively press regulation. Using the tools of...
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Mediální obraz šestidenní války v dobových československých a polských denících / The media image of the Six-Day War in the contemporary Czechoslovak and Polish daily newspapersTomanová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to describe and reconstruct the media image of the Six-Day War based on the analysis of selected articles from official contemporary Polish and Czechoslovak daily newspapers, which were being published during the event, from 5 to 10 June 1967 until the War of Attrition. An emphasis is placed on the portrayal of the Six-Day War and the comparison of media images of the conflict in Czechoslovak and Polish daily newspapers. The thesis also attempts to show the impact of a different domestic policy situation and historical factors on shaping media discourse in Czechoslovakia and Poland. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part presents the historical context of the event in relation to Czechoslovakia and Poland, the development of the media and selected daily newspapers. The theoretical part is also dedicated to the principles of propaganda, newspeak and critical discourse analysis. This method is used to analyse texts from the Czechoslovak and Polish daily newspapers - Rudé právo, Svobodné slovo, Mladá fronta, Lidová demokracie, Zemědělské noviny, Pravda, Trybuna Ludu, Żołnierz Wolności, Głos Robotniczy, Słowo Polskie, Życie Warszawy, Express Wieczorny. The results of the analysis are presented in the final chapter. Key words...
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Komunikační strategie politiků v interakci. / Communicative strategies of politicians in interaction.Lokajová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Abstract. The aim of this M.A. thesis is to apply on the sample of five transcribed interviews with American politicians the typology of strategies devised by social psychologists P. Bull and K. Mayer (1993) for 'non-replies' of British politicians in the genre of a political interview and to determine whether this typology could be qualitatively correlated to specific linguistic means (the use of passive, pronominal shifts, hedges). The responses of politicians are examined within the CDA method also in relation to the macro-principles of evasion (dissimulation), coercion, legitimation and delegitimation, which are claimed to be valid in political discourse by P. Chilton (2004) in order to discover whether Bull and Mayer's social typology could be related to these principles and to the strategies of face-management (Brown and Levinson 1987). It is expected that politicians will boost their positive image in the interview and coerce the public in the agenda shift (Clayman, Heritage 2002) through every response in the interview. A question which according to Bull and Elliott (1996) consists of face threat is also expected to be attacked; quantitative results are presented which verify this assumption. In addition, as thirty strategies were observed to have been employed by Mrs Thatcher and Neil Kinnock in...
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Mediální reprezentace sociální nepřizpůsobivosti - kritická diskurzivní analýza / Media representation of social inadaptability - critical discourse analysisMalík, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is a conceptualization of media discourse of social inadaptability on example of news reporting on the internet portal iDNES.cz. I am analysing various ideological resources and social conditions which may influence the existence and prevailing of this discourse type. My goal was also to answer the question which social groups and individuals are associated with this label and what characteristics are attributed to them by journalists. The survey examined media texts from 2006 to 2009 within theoretical and methodological framework of the critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough.
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Ekokritická analýza korporátního diskurzu o životním prostředí / Ecocritical discourse analysis of corporate environmental reportsNovák, Vladimír January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates corporate environmental discourse by focusing on the language of corporate environmental reports. It seeks to find out more about how corporations talk about environmental problems and how they position themselves in relation to these. The theoretical underpinning draws from ecolinguistics, specifically ecocritical discourse analysis, which critically evaluates discourses on the environment. Environmental reports published by the company Toyota are analysed through corpus linguistic techniques which help to identify the salient concepts and then further scrutinize their textual environment to uncover the dominant discourse patterns. The analysis reveals that the aim of the reports is portray Toyota as a company which actively protects the environment, which confirms the PR nature of the reports. As a result, negative information or data are downplayed and the company distances itself from these by obliterating its role (through devices such as nominalisation, passive voice or intransitive verbs). Ecological problems as such are addressed rarely and serve more as a background for the company to improve its public image. If they occur in the reports, the link between the problems and human activity is not explicitly stated. The ecological problems are also discussed as...
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Fragmentum praebendarum. Komentovaná kritická edice a překlad rukopisu svatojiřských kanovníků ze 14. století / Fragmentum praebendarum. Commented critical edition and translation of the manuscript of the canons of St. George in Prague from the 14th centuryPacovský, Karel January 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the manuscript of the canons of St. George's church in Prague Castle from the 14th century called Fragmentum praebendarum (Prague, Czech National Library, sign. XIII A 2). The manuscript mentions many people related to St. George's church, contains many details about its liturgical life, and is especially focused on St. George's canons, their duties, and their benefices. Since the 18th century, the manuscript has been considered a valuable source for the history of St. George's church and the adjoining convent of Benedictine nuns, but so far, it has only been available in an edition from 1785. The new edition of the codex and its first Czech translation helps to identify many mentioned persons and places, as well as cited quotes. Together with its physical description and content analysis it broadens our knowledge about the origin of this manuscript, about the life in St. George's church during later Middle Ages and about the relationship between the male community of St. George's canons and the female convent of Benedictine nuns that together shared this church in the royal residence of Prague.
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Dopady výpadku dodávek vody na vybrané chovy hospodářských zvířat / The effects of water supplies cut to selected animal husbandryTOMAN, Antonín January 2016 (has links)
Water as a vital fluid is important not only for the man himself, but also for the creatures in his company. Hence the thesis aims to convey complex information about the problems of water supply for livestock and to assess the possible impacts of failure of water supplies on selected livestock sector. Given to the aim of the thesis the question, what impact would have any long-term loss of water to the livestock sector, has risen. Problems of water supply failures are dealt with in connection with the population, but the requirements of livestock are not remembered in this direction. The theoretical part contains the characteristics of the infrastructure and critical infrastructure. In the next section of the theoretical part is comprehensively discussed water as an essential natural element and its importance to the natural environment. In this part are also mentioned legislative documents attaching to water management. The third section of the theoretical part is dedicated to breeds of livestock and agricultural issues in general. The most commonly bred and economically most frequently used animals include cattle, pigs and poultry. The last subchapter of the theoretical part consists of discussion of certain legislative documents that provide the legal regulation of farming and animal protection in the Czech legal system. The research is based on a mapping of the current situation in selected livestock breeding - these are cattle, poultry and pigs, due to their economic importance we can expect complications in connection with the failure of the water supply. For the needs of the research was used qualitative research strategy. To obtain the data were used semi-structured interviews with responsible staff or owners of the surveyed companies. The obtained data from the respondents were subsequently analysed using logical analysis. Based on the results of logical analysis and information obtained from interviews was built SWOT analysis, which filed a broader look at the issue of water supply to farms. The interviews revealed that the condition of the water supply at surveyed companies varies. Examined companies are supplied with water according to the local conditions and opportunities that varies on location considerably. Breeds are mainly supplied with water from private sources, the sample minority is supplied from public sources. It was also found that most water sources for breeding is absolutely dependent on electricity supply, completely autonomous was only one examined breed. Supplied water to two-thirds of surveyed farms must be chemically treated. Replacement of water supply in the event of main power failure has secured five of the six companies surveyed. Given the significant reliability of the primary sources of water was not easy to map the course of an extended power outage water on animal behaviour. Most respondents agreed, however, that the consequences of long-term loss of water would have been fatal. For the majority of surveyed farms seasons don't have influence on the course and consequences of failure of the water supply. Certain seasonal effect was recorded in the case of breeding cattle. Long-term water outage would be solved according to the results depending on the respective local conditions where companies would seek to rely on their own resources and consequently on the assistance of organizations with whom they have good relations. Individual companies perceive the danger of failure of water supply differently, depending on the trust in the water supply from otherwise reliable primary source. Examined companies are preparing for the loss of water supplies according to their momentary conditions and abilities, even if they are not strictly mandated by legislation. This can be considered a positive finding that despite the absence of legislative obligations and appropriate methodologies companies create conditions in case of failure of water supply.
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