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Analýza kritických míst v silniční dopravě ve vybraném regionu - Frýdecko-Místecko / Analysis of Critical Locations for Road Transport in a Chosen Region - Frýdecko-MísteckoPolok, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis analyses the critical places on the road I/11 in the Frydek-Mistek region in the stretch Ropice-Bystrice. The aim of this master thesis is to suggest the organization and building arrangements, which raise the safety of the traffic in the chosen dangerous places. The suggested arrangemetns are chosen so that they could be used in pratice.
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Analýza kritických míst v silniční dopravě ve vybraném regionu - Jihlavsko / Analysis of Critical Locations for Road Transport in a Chosen Region - JihlavskoVondrák, Radek Unknown Date (has links)
In the Diploma thesis is analysed several specific car accidents locations in the district Jihlava. The aim of this thesis is to create the organizational and technical proposals in selected areas to minimize the possibility of car accidents in frequent locations and increase safety on the road. All measures are proposed with regard to possible use in practice.
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Interakce hyaluronanu a povrchově aktivních látek / Interactions between Hyaluronan and Surface Active SubstancesKrouská, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
Vliv hyaluronanu na micelizaci tenzidů byl studován různými fyzikálně-chemickými metodami. Byly zvoleny dva kationaktivní tenzidy, a to tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromid (TTAB) a cetyltrimethylammonium bromid (CTAB). Metoda izotermické titrační kalorimetrie byla využita pro stanovení entalpie micelizace, tenziometrie popisuje povrchové vlastnosti daných vzorků. Byl sledován také vliv různé molekulové hmotnosti použitého hyaluronanu a délka alkylového řetězce tenzidu na agregační chování daného systému. Výsledkem jsou hodnoty kritické micelární nebo agregační koncentrace tenzidu. V neposlední řadě se diskutuje využití agregátů hyaluronan-tenzid jako možné nosiče pro cílenou distribuci léčiv.
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Reporting - ERP systém / Reporting - ERP SystemPála, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with creating a module for existing ERP system. Module should be able to produce dataprogress of production, monitor productivity of production and warn if some issue will happen. This work evaluates a processing of a large amount of data and it shows different possibilities how to precalculate data. It also deals with a draft how to predict information from known data.
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Rizika při obchodování s nemovitostmi / Risks in the Real Estate BusinessHolub, Aladár Unknown Date (has links)
This master thesis is concerned with the risks associated with the process of selling and buying real estate. Lists of potential risks followed by a critical analysis which describes not only the risks but also will solve their minimization or complete removal. Risks will be monitored in terms owners and buyers of the properties.
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Kationické povrchově aktivní látky a hodnocení jejich vlastností / Cationic surface active compounds and evaluation of its propertiesPekařová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biophysics and Physical Chemistry Consultant: PharmDr. Jan Marek, Ph.D. Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Veronika Nováková, Ph.D. Student: Kateřina Pekařová Title of Thesis: Cationic surface active compounds and evaluation of its properties Quaternary ammonium salts are used as surfactants in many branches of the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The basic properties of these substances were studied in the thesis. The critical micellar concentration of the homologous series of five substances was determined using the conductometric method. The theory of declining critical micellar concentration with the increasing length of the side alkyl chain has been verified. The hydrolytic activity of two commonly used cationic surfactants benzalconium chloride and benzoxonium chloride for the decomposition of the organophosphorus pesticide fenitrothion was tested. For these two substances, the effect of pH and temperature changes was evaluated. The influence of tenside concentration was also monitored. Benzoxonium chloride at 50 řC and pH 11was found as the most effective hydrolytic catalyst for the decomposition of the organophosphorus pesticide fenitrothione.
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Teorie pracovní motivace v socialistickém diskurzu 50. let / Work motivation theory in socialist discourse of the '50sGruntová Kolingerová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the construction of the work motivation theory in the socialist management discourse in the 1950s' Czechoslovakia. For that purpose, two texts representing two periods (1951 and 1957) were selected and subjected to critical discourse analysis. The analysis focused on characterising the place of production, the producers and the audience as well as on characterising the construed theory and the method of its construction. Furthermore, a change in the discourse was described; the fact that certain discourse schemes were applied prior to the onset of the communist power was pointed out; and certain differences in terms of construction of work motivation theories in the liberal West were illustrated. In connection with Foucault's concepts of subjectification and disciplination, it was shown that the socialist discourse can be understood as a method of construction of the specific subjectivity of the workforce, used in a strategy of distribution of human working potential of all citizens of the State that corresponded with the application of extensive economy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Ideologie a psychoanalýza v kontextu post-strukturalisticky orientované politické teorie / Ideology and psychoanalysis in the context of post-structurally oriented political thoughtKatsaros, Denis January 2017 (has links)
The first aim of the thesis is to demonstrate the structural congruence between the discourse theory, as is formulated in the work of political philospoher Ernesto Laclau, and the Lacanian psychoanalytical discouse. Moreover, we claim that any potential attempt to remove or omit the theoretical connection with Lacanian thinking from Laclauan work is illegitimate and thwart a coherence of this work. Through this demonstration we want to reach our second aim, which is to reconstruct a theory of discourse and ideology in particular which can consistently draw upon theories of both Jacques Lacan and Ernesto Laclau. To reinforce our argumentation in context of this second aim, it turned out to be very fruitful to introduce another contemporary thinker, Slavoj Žižek, to our theoretical exposition. Joining these two aims made possible a delineation of post-structurally and at the same time psychoanalytically oriented critical political theory of ideology and society.
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Mediální obraz pražské dopravy / Media Image of Transport in PragueMorongová, Denisa January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis contributes to sustainable transport in Prague. It analyses media texts from six selected Czech printed newspapers (Blesk, Mladá fronta Dnes, Pražský deník, Metro, Hospodářské noviny, Právo) by using the theoretical and methodological strategy of critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. These texts were found through media database Anopress IT by using keywords about sustainable transport in the capital city of Prague in years 2010 till 2018. This thesis is divided into four main parts. The theoretical part is dedicated to the terms of mobility management, the social construction of reality and discourse. The methodological part is focusing on discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis and the approach by Norman Fairclough. The analysis identified five topics in the discourse of sustainable transport in Prague - electromobility, public transport, foot traffic, urban cycling, and Sustainable Mobility Plan. Sustainable mobility in Prague is presented in a context of the polluted environment which should be solved by "ecologically, environment- friendly, clean". The most media texts were dedicated to public transport and electromobility. Just one text was about foot traffic as a sustainable type of mobility. Participants were mostly from Prague city hall, however, not...
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Fenomén dezinformace v českém mediálním prostředí / The Phenomenon of Fake News in the Czech Media MilieuBeránek, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focused on disinformation, providing analysis of media system in the Czech Republic. The main focus is on content analysis of disinformations and their persuasive function - explaining what are the ain characteristics of those news and which lingual and rhetorical tools they use. The main tool which is discussed and analysed in this thesis is fallacy, false or invalid arguments. Disinformation phenomenon and its place in today's world is explained in their first part of the thesis. The second, empirical part of the thesis looks at specific examples of disinformations which were published at selected Czech disinformation news websites (Aaronet, AC24, Instory.cz). Selection of those websites was guided by their diversity when it comes to structure and themes. The sample of analysed articles was subject to predefined standards, chosing articles with the theme of immigration crisis which were published between 2015 and 2017.
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