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Elektronická podpora předmětu Počítačový hardware / Electronic support for subject Computer hardwareTomek, Mário January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the creation of an electronic course, designation of a reliable support system for testing and also with the preparation and suggestion of testing questions for a Computer hardware subject. Another part of the thesis is the appending Graphical User Interface (GUI) for generation of questions of type “Cloze”. It means “Embedded answer” in Moodle. Nonetheless, the significant part of the thesis is the designation of its own E-learning information system. This system enables the students to have the opportunity to educate themselves and also to get prepared for the successful completion by passing the electronic exam.
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Analýza vlivu dietárního opatření a fyzické aktivity na změnu složení tělesné konstituce u vybrané populační skupinyBurková, Martina January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the impact of dietary measures and physical activities on the changes of the body constitution of two participants after participating in a weight loss course. Theoretical part describes energetic intake including metabolism of macronutrient, energy expenditure and the ways of identifying nutrient needs. Methods that are used for identifying physical characteristics and body constitution are also defined. This thesis addresses to obesity in general, its causes, complications and the treatment. Practical part centred at the analysis of changes of physical constitution of two participants who took the weight loss course which took 12 weeks. We evaluated changes of physical constitution, body fat, the active body mass and girths at the beginning and at the end of the course. Parameters are confronted with the changes of person´s body mass index. The attention is also aimed at the physical activity, transitions of energy intake and essential nutrients intake at the beginning and at the end of the course. Outcomes are statistically and graphically processed.
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Vzťah medzi akciovým indexom a menovým kurzom v ČRPetko, Marko January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the relationship between stock index and exchange rate in the Czech republic. The theoretical part describes Prague stock index, exchange rate and its regimes, as well as theoretical knowledge and practical studies of this relationship by another authors. In practical part of diploma thesis, relationship between exchange rate and stock index is tested with Granger causality. At the end of this paper, results of this diploma thesis are compared with results of authors, who focused on same topic.
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Vliv absolvování adaptačního kurzu na studium studentů Fakulty tělesné výchovy a sportu Univerzity Karlova / Influence of completion the introductory course in the study of Faculty of physical education and sport studentsJarošík, Richard January 2020 (has links)
Title: Influence of completion the introductory course in the study of Faculty of physical education and sport students Objectives: Evaluation of potencional conection between completing voluntary introductory course at Máchovo jezero and study succes of Faculty of physical education and sport of Charles University in Prague students. Description of mentioned event and selection of respondents. Definiton of connection words succes and studying, and provision of recommendation for board of faculty based on gained informations, if there is connection between course between course and studying and how to edit course to be more effective. Methods: Main research methods in this thesis are used kvantify questionnaire and in-depth interview with main organizer of event. Research file is made by students, who were hired for studying at faculty in years 2014-2018, beacuse examined course took same place and activites during these years. Gained informations were examined by descriptive, factor and correlation analysis. Results: Based on description of event were determined goals of course., which were based on descriptive analysis achieved. All these goals had influence on research file and theirs advance to second year of studying, so course structure even after verification by factor analysis was made...
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The Relationship Between Bank Capital And Bank Earnings In GhanaSackey, Jeffery Nii Otokunor January 2019 (has links)
ABSTRACT Jeffery Nii Otokunor Sackey.The relationship between bank capital and bank earnings in Ghana. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2018. This diploma thesis explores the relationship between bank capital and their endings in Ghana. It provides a general overview of the factors that influence the profitability of commercial banks listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. Data for the study will be sourced from secondary sources. Whereas Stata and Gretl are used for the analysis and other macroeconomic factors such as the real exchange rate will be used for the thesis. Keywords: Stock Exchange, Macroeconomics Factor, Bank Earnings, Exchange rate Commercial banks.
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The Effects of CNB´s Foreign Exchange Interventions on Manufacturing ProductionBřezinová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Negatividade e ruptura: configurações da crítica de Robert Kurz / Negativity and rupture: configurations of Robert Kurz\'s critiqueRegatieri, Ricardo Pagliuso 11 March 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo tratar de aspectos da abordagem crítica elaborada nos últimos anos por Robert Kurz. A análise procura (1) mostrar como Kurz recupera, reformula e expande a crítica marxiana do valor e do fetichismo, (2) perscrutar, nessa apropriação e releitura que o autor leva a cabo, a mediação da teoria crítica e (3) apontar os resultados a que chega Kurz no que diz respeito aos temas aqui discutidos. A dissertação enfoca a construção teórica de Kurz no que tange à crítica ao marxismo tradicional, à crítica do sujeito e à ressignificação do conceito de fetichismo. Considera-se que o enfoque desses aspectos permite divisar como a elaboração de Kurz realiza uma crítica da modernidade que se dirige aos seus fundamentos. / The aim of this Masters thesis is to deal with some aspects of the critical approach which has been elaborated by Robert Kurz in the last few years. The analysis intends (1) to show how Kurz recovers, reformulates and expands the marxian critique of value and fetishism, (2) to examine, in this appropriation and rereading accomplished by the author, the mediation of the Critical Theory and (3) to point out the results achieved by Kurz concerning the themes that are discussed here. The thesis focuses on Kurzs theoretical construction encompassing the following topics: critique of traditional Marxism, critique of the subject and resignification of the concept of fetishism. The focus on these topics allows to realize how Kurzs elaboration fulfills a critique of the Modernity itself which addresses to its grounds.
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Negatividade e ruptura: configurações da crítica de Robert Kurz / Negativity and rupture: configurations of Robert Kurz\'s critiqueRicardo Pagliuso Regatieri 11 March 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo tratar de aspectos da abordagem crítica elaborada nos últimos anos por Robert Kurz. A análise procura (1) mostrar como Kurz recupera, reformula e expande a crítica marxiana do valor e do fetichismo, (2) perscrutar, nessa apropriação e releitura que o autor leva a cabo, a mediação da teoria crítica e (3) apontar os resultados a que chega Kurz no que diz respeito aos temas aqui discutidos. A dissertação enfoca a construção teórica de Kurz no que tange à crítica ao marxismo tradicional, à crítica do sujeito e à ressignificação do conceito de fetichismo. Considera-se que o enfoque desses aspectos permite divisar como a elaboração de Kurz realiza uma crítica da modernidade que se dirige aos seus fundamentos. / The aim of this Masters thesis is to deal with some aspects of the critical approach which has been elaborated by Robert Kurz in the last few years. The analysis intends (1) to show how Kurz recovers, reformulates and expands the marxian critique of value and fetishism, (2) to examine, in this appropriation and rereading accomplished by the author, the mediation of the Critical Theory and (3) to point out the results achieved by Kurz concerning the themes that are discussed here. The thesis focuses on Kurzs theoretical construction encompassing the following topics: critique of traditional Marxism, critique of the subject and resignification of the concept of fetishism. The focus on these topics allows to realize how Kurzs elaboration fulfills a critique of the Modernity itself which addresses to its grounds.
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Bretton-woodský měnový systém / Bretton Woods Monetary SystemErlichová, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Bretton Woods system has never been a main topic of Czech economic literature even though it strongly influenced finance of the most developed countries between 1944 and 1971 (1973). This diploma thesis is an attempt to analyze this important historical phenomena in international finance and the last metal oriented system in the history. The first chapter brings the most important terms and definitions that are necessary for better understanding of this problem. It is followed by chapters analysing international finance development in this area starting with the interwar period, followed by creation of Bretton Woods Monetary System in 1944 and first very successful and hopeful years that finally came to an end with accumulation of more problems that put a strain on the system such as for instance creation of long term dollar deficits by United States. This paper also analyzes the most important problems, finds similarities between Bretton Woods System and European Monetary System and tries to answer a question if this system or any monetary system like that can be successful on a long term basis.
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Chinese currency Renminbi, really undervalued? / Čínská měna RENMINBI, skutečně podhodnocená?Štembera, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the question of undervaluation of the renminbi exchange rate to the U.S. dollar from the perspective of three selected alternative methods of calculating long term equilibrium exchange rate. In the case of calculations of behavioral equilibrium exchange rate and the natural real exchange rate, I performed calculations by using vector error correction model. In the case of fundamental equilibrium exchange rate I used error correction model. The input data used in the models are ranging from 1980 to 2010. Those are primarily value of nominal exchange rates, price levels and foreign trade. According to my results behavioural and fundamental equilibirum exchange rate show undervaluation of the renminbi to the year 2010, while the natural real exchange rate indicates a slight overvaluation of the renminbi to the year 2010.
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