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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ukwethulwa kwabalingiswa besifazane ngababhali besilisa nabesifazane: ukuqhathanisa / A depiction of female characters by male and female authors: a comparison

Mdletshe, Simamile Nontokozo 24 October 2011 (has links)
isiZulu text / Esahlukweni sokuqala, besingenisa ucwaningo lonkana futhi sethula nenjongo yalolu cwaningo ukuze ofundayo asheshe abe nesithombe ngokuzolandela ezahlukweni ezilandelayo. Sizamile ukuveza isisekelo nokubaluleka kwalolu cwaningo njengoba sivezile ukuthi isicwaningwe kakhulu imibhalo yabesilisa ngakho-ke sizoke sibheke eyabesifazane neyabesilisa sicubungula ukuthi yibaphi abethula abalingiswa besifazane kangcono kunabanye. Sibe sesibheka nezindlela zokuhluza imibhalo. Kuso lesi sahluko sethule isakhiwo socwaningo lapho siveze zonke izahluko nokuthi yini umongo wesahluko ngasinye. Esahlukweni sesibili, bese singena-ke sigxila kuzo izindlela zokucubungula imibhalo ezikhethelwe lolu cwaningo. Kulolu cwaningo sigxile kakhulu kuyiwumanizimu nesemiyothikhi. Sizichazile-ke lezi zindlela zokucubungula imibhalo. Isemiyothikhi inezimpawu eziningi ezithinta abalingiswa emibhalweni esiyivezile sayichaza kafuphi. Esahlukweni sesithathu, sibe sesiqala wona umshikashika wokucubungula imibhalo engamanoveli ebhalwe ngabesifazane. Kuningi ebe kade singakubheka emanovelini kodwa ngoba injongo yalolu cwaningo lwethu ukubheka ukuthi abesifazane bethulwe kanjani nezinto ezibathintayo sisebenzise izimpawu ezimbalwa. Sibone kuzosiza ukuqale siyifingqe indaba yonke bese sidingida lezo zinto esizibone zithinta abesifazane enovelini. Esahlukweni sesine, sicubungule amanoveli abhalwe ngabesilisa ngenhloso yokuthola ukuthi bavezwe kanjani abesifazane ngababhali besilisa. Besifisa ukubona ukuthi ukonakala okuye kuvezwe ngabesilisa emibhalweni ngabesifazane kukuliphi izinga. Esahlukweni sesihlanu, bese sisonga, sincoma sibuka esikwenzile esahlukweni ngasinye. Kubuye kwabaluleka ukuba sibheke ukuthi empeleni yibaphi ababhali phakathi kwabesifazane nabesilisa abaveza abalingiswa besifazane kangcono sisho nezizathu ezenza sithi uhlobo lwababhali oluthize lubethula kangcono abalingiswa besifazane. Ake sijeqeze kancane khona ukwethulwa kwabalingiswa sesisonga lolu cwaningo lwethu. / Chapter 1 is introducing the research and introduces its aim so that it could be easy for the reader to depict what the whole study will be about. This chapter has also laid the background to the study as it has been said that lot of research has been done with books written by males. The focus will be on both male and female writers trying to find out who portrays female characters better. We therefore looked at the ways of analyzing literature and the structure and the gist of each chapters. Chapter 2 we engaged in theory or the ways of analyzing literature that is used in this research. The study will mostly embark on womanism and semiotics which have been described. Chapter 3 focuses on analyzing novels written by female writers Msimang Nelisile, Shange Maphili, Langa Zakithi and Zulu Nelisiwe. The focus is on the women portrayal. The chapter starts with a summary. Chapter 4 has its focus on analyzing novels written by male writers Molefe Lawrence and Wanda Mjajisi. The aim was also to find out how women are portrayed by male authors. We wanted to find out the extent of the corruption of female characters as portrayed by males in their literature. Chapter 5 this chapter summarizes and appreciates what has been done in other chapters. There was also a need to compare between the male and female writers, who portrayed females better than the other and give reasons for that judgment. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Ukwethulwa kwabalingiswa besifazane ngababhali besilisa nabesifazane: ukuqhathanisa / A depiction of female characters by male and female authors: a comparison

Mdletshe, Simamile Nontokozo 24 October 2011 (has links)
isiZulu text / Esahlukweni sokuqala, besingenisa ucwaningo lonkana futhi sethula nenjongo yalolu cwaningo ukuze ofundayo asheshe abe nesithombe ngokuzolandela ezahlukweni ezilandelayo. Sizamile ukuveza isisekelo nokubaluleka kwalolu cwaningo njengoba sivezile ukuthi isicwaningwe kakhulu imibhalo yabesilisa ngakho-ke sizoke sibheke eyabesifazane neyabesilisa sicubungula ukuthi yibaphi abethula abalingiswa besifazane kangcono kunabanye. Sibe sesibheka nezindlela zokuhluza imibhalo. Kuso lesi sahluko sethule isakhiwo socwaningo lapho siveze zonke izahluko nokuthi yini umongo wesahluko ngasinye. Esahlukweni sesibili, bese singena-ke sigxila kuzo izindlela zokucubungula imibhalo ezikhethelwe lolu cwaningo. Kulolu cwaningo sigxile kakhulu kuyiwumanizimu nesemiyothikhi. Sizichazile-ke lezi zindlela zokucubungula imibhalo. Isemiyothikhi inezimpawu eziningi ezithinta abalingiswa emibhalweni esiyivezile sayichaza kafuphi. Esahlukweni sesithathu, sibe sesiqala wona umshikashika wokucubungula imibhalo engamanoveli ebhalwe ngabesifazane. Kuningi ebe kade singakubheka emanovelini kodwa ngoba injongo yalolu cwaningo lwethu ukubheka ukuthi abesifazane bethulwe kanjani nezinto ezibathintayo sisebenzise izimpawu ezimbalwa. Sibone kuzosiza ukuqale siyifingqe indaba yonke bese sidingida lezo zinto esizibone zithinta abesifazane enovelini. Esahlukweni sesine, sicubungule amanoveli abhalwe ngabesilisa ngenhloso yokuthola ukuthi bavezwe kanjani abesifazane ngababhali besilisa. Besifisa ukubona ukuthi ukonakala okuye kuvezwe ngabesilisa emibhalweni ngabesifazane kukuliphi izinga. Esahlukweni sesihlanu, bese sisonga, sincoma sibuka esikwenzile esahlukweni ngasinye. Kubuye kwabaluleka ukuba sibheke ukuthi empeleni yibaphi ababhali phakathi kwabesifazane nabesilisa abaveza abalingiswa besifazane kangcono sisho nezizathu ezenza sithi uhlobo lwababhali oluthize lubethula kangcono abalingiswa besifazane. Ake sijeqeze kancane khona ukwethulwa kwabalingiswa sesisonga lolu cwaningo lwethu. / Chapter 1 is introducing the research and introduces its aim so that it could be easy for the reader to depict what the whole study will be about. This chapter has also laid the background to the study as it has been said that lot of research has been done with books written by males. The focus will be on both male and female writers trying to find out who portrays female characters better. We therefore looked at the ways of analyzing literature and the structure and the gist of each chapters. Chapter 2 we engaged in theory or the ways of analyzing literature that is used in this research. The study will mostly embark on womanism and semiotics which have been described. Chapter 3 focuses on analyzing novels written by female writers Msimang Nelisile, Shange Maphili, Langa Zakithi and Zulu Nelisiwe. The focus is on the women portrayal. The chapter starts with a summary. Chapter 4 has its focus on analyzing novels written by male writers Molefe Lawrence and Wanda Mjajisi. The aim was also to find out how women are portrayed by male authors. We wanted to find out the extent of the corruption of female characters as portrayed by males in their literature. Chapter 5 this chapter summarizes and appreciates what has been done in other chapters. There was also a need to compare between the male and female writers, who portrayed females better than the other and give reasons for that judgment. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Women's economic empowerment for sustainable livelihoods through the land reform in Zimbabwe

Murombo, Alick 01 1900 (has links)
The study explored the extent of women’s economic empowerment for sustainable livelihoods through the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) in Zimbabwe, focusing on three wards in the Makoni district. The study addressed the paucity of information on the usefulness of land redistribution on women’s improved food security and disposable income. Using a qualitative case study, the researcher purposefully selected thirty female land beneficiaries to participate in focus group discussions and five land officers from government departments to be interviewed as key informants. Findings reveal that the FTLRP generally meant that men accessed more land than women. Women’s livelihood initiatives were hampered by their failure to access sufficient support from the government and external partners. Despite the government signing various charters purported to support women’s empowerment, there is still a lot to be done to achieve it. / Lolu cwaningo lwaluhlola izinga lwamandla okuthuthukiswa komnotho kwabesifazane ukuze kube nokuphila okusimeme ngokusebenzisa Uhlelo Lokusheshiswa Kokuguqulwa Komhlaba eZimbabwe, lugxile ezigcemeni ezintathu eMkhandlwini waseMakoni. Lolu cwaningo lwethula ukuntuleka kolwazi ngokubaluleka kokubuyiswa komhlaba kabusha okumayelana nokuvikelwa kokuthuthukiswa nokuphepha kokudla kwabesifazane nokuthola imali engenayo. Ukusebenzisa ucwaningo lwesigameko olubhekene nobungako bento, umcwaningi wakhetha ngenhloso abazuzi noma abahlomuli besifazane bomhlaba abangamashumi amathathu ukuba babambe iqhaza ezigxoxweni zeqembu ezigxile kokuthize kanye nenhlolokhono nezikhulu zomhlaba ezinhlanu ezivela eminyangweni kahulumeni njengabantu ababalulekile. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi Uhlelo Lokusheshiswa Kokuguqulwa Komhlaba luchaza ukuthi abesilisa yibona abahlomula kakhulu ukudlula abesifazane. Izindlela zokuphila zabesifazane zavinjelwa ukwehluleka kwabo ekutholeni uxhaso olwanele oluvela kuhulumeni kanye nabambisane nabo abangaphandle. Ngaphandle kokuba uhulumeni asayinde incwadi ewumqulu enikezelana ngelungelo noma amandla okubhekiswe ekusekeleni kokuxhaswa kokuthukiswa kwabesifazane, kuningi okusamelwe kwenziwe ukufezekisa lombono. / Esi sifundo saqwalasela ubungakanani bokuxhotyiswa kwabafazi ngamandla ezoqoqosho abawanikwa ngenkqubo ekuthiwa yiFast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) eZimbabwe, kugxininiswa kwiiwadi ezintathu ezikwisithili saseMakoni. Esi sifundo salungisa ukunqaba kolwazi olumalunga nokuba luncedo konikezelo lomhlaba malunga nokuphuculwa kokuqinisekiswa kokutya nemivuzo yabafazi. Ngokusebenzisa isifundo esigxila kumgangatho ngokuthatha imizekelo yeemeko ezithile, umphandi wakhetha ngononophelo abafazi abangamashumi abathathu nababenikwe umhlaba, wabasebenzisa kwiingxoxo zamaqela, waqhuba udliwano ndlebe namagosa eSebe lezemihlaba. Okwafunyaniswayo kwadiza ukuba ngokweFTLRP amadoda afumana umhlaba omninzi ngaphezu kwabafazi. Intlalo nempilo yabafazi iqhwaleliswa kukungafumani kwabo inkxaso eyaneleyo kurhulumente nakumaqabane karhulumente angaphandle. Nangona urhulumente etyikitya izivumelwano ezininzi ezithi uxhobisa abafazi, kusekuninzi ekufuneka kwenziwe ukuze iphumelele loo njongo. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Barriers to leaving an abusive relationship amongst heterosexual women living in the Inanda district in KwaZulu-Natal

Padayachee, Dhevamoney 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / South Africa has been known to have the highest rate of gender-based violence globally. This qualitative study locates gender-based violence using the interpretive phenomenological paradigm and multicultural feminism as both allowed participants’ to be given a voice. This study thus enabled women who have been abused to discuss their perception of their own experiences. The primary aim of the study is orientated towards an increased understanding of the possible barriers that prevent women from leaving their abusers. The main findings point out how victim manipulation, financial abuse, isolation and responses by social and legal services serve as barriers to the women leaving their abusive partners. The secondary aim contributes to an understanding of the risk factors influencing gender-based violence. Furthermore, the study explores the impact of prolonged abuse on the participants. The criteria used for the selection were women with diverse backgrounds from the Inanda district, who have lived in abusive relationships for two years or longer. Eight participants completed the research process and were selected using the purposive sampling method. Significantly, this study provides an insight into the reality of how women process and give meanings to their experiences of abuse. Hence, the research sought to inform the literature and the greater community on the lived experiences of women in abusive relationships. / Suid-Afrika het wêreldwyd die hoogste persentasie van geslagsgebaseerde geweld. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie plaas geslagsgebaseerde geweld met behulp van die interpretatiewe fenomenologiese paradigma en multikulturele feminisme, aangesien albei die deelnemers 'n stem laat kry. Hierdie studie het dus vroue wat mishandel is, in staat gestel om hul persepsie van hul eie ervarings te bespreek. Die primêre doel van die studie is gerig op 'n groter begrip van die moontlike hindernisse wat vroue verhoed om hul misbruik te verlaat. Die belangrikste bevindings wys daarop hoe manipulasie van slagoffer, finansiële mishandeling, isolasie en reaksies deur maatskaplike en regsdienste dien as hindernisse vir die verlaat van hul vrouens met hul maat. Die sekondêre doel dra by tot die begrip van die risikofaktore wat geslagsgebaseerde geweld beïnvloed. Verder ondersoek die studie die impak van langdurige mishandeling op die deelnemers. Die kriteria wat gebruik is vir die keuring was vroue met verskillende agtergronde uit die distrik Inanda, wat al twee jaar of langer in beledigende verhoudings leef. Agt deelnemers het die navorsingsproses voltooi en is met behulp van die doelgerigte steekproefmetode gekies. Hierdie studie bied 'n insig in die werklikheid van hoe vroue hul ervarings van mishandeling verwerk en betekenisse gee. Daarom het die navorsing probeer om die literatuur en die groter gemeenskap in te lig oor die ervarings van vroue in beledigende verhoudings. / Iningizimu Afrika yaziwa ukuthi inesilinganiso esiphakeme kunazo zonke sodlame olususelwa ebulilini emhlabeni jikelele. Lolu cwaningo lwekhwalithi lubheka udlame olususelwa ebulilini kusetshenziswa ukuhumusha okuyi-phenographical paradigm kanye nobungqingili bezamasiko njengoba bobabili abahlanganyeli bavunyelwe ukuba banikezwe izwi. Lolu cwaningo lwenze ukuthi abesifazane abahlukunyeziwe bakhulume ngokubona kwabo ngokwenzeka kwabo. Inhloso yokuqala yocwaningo isekelwe ekuqondeni okwandayo kwemigoqo engahle ivimbele abesifazane ukuba bashiye abahlukumezi babo. Okutholakele okukhulu kuveza ukuthi ukuxhaphaza izisulu, ukuhlukunyezwa ngokwezimali, ukwahlukaniswa nezimpendulo ngezinsizakalo zezenhlalo nezomthetho kusebenza njengezithiyo kwabesifazane beshiya abalingani babo abahlukumezayo. Inhloso yesibili inomthelela ekuqondeni kwezimpawu zobungozi ezinomthelela udlame olususelwa ebulilini. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lolu cwaningo lubheka umthelela wokuhlukunyezwa isikhathi eside kwabahlanganyeli. Abangu-8 ababambe iqhaza baphothula inqubo yokucwaninga futhi bakhethwa besebenzisa indlela enamasampula enenjongo. Okusemqoka ukuthi lolu cwaningo luhlinzeka ngokuqonda kweqiniso lokuthi abesifazane basebenza kanjani futhi banikeze izincazelo kulokho kwabo okuhlukumezeka. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo lufune ukwazisa izincwadi kanye nomphakathi omkhulu ngokuhlangenwe nakho kokuphila kwabesifazane ebudlelwaneni bokuhlukumeza. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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