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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

「壯遊」的建構、挑戰與現實-以台灣赴澳打工旅遊青年為例 / The construction, challenge and reality of a grand tour : taking Taiwanese working-holiday makers for example

阮靖權, Juan, Ching Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
自從2004年台澳簽署「打工度假」(Working Holiday)協定以來,每年台灣青年赴澳人數不斷增加,在國內掀起一股「壯遊」的熱潮。然而相關新聞報導與國內的研究卻發現,到澳洲打工旅遊的台灣年輕人,因為語言能力比不上當地人,所以多從事耗費體力的工作,而且工作穩定度低、危險性高、容易遭遇黑工問題等等,使台灣打工旅遊者的勞動環境越形惡劣。但在筆者的研究中,發現打工旅遊者卻輕忽勞資問題,必且拒絕承認自己為「台勞」。因此,本文的焦點在於探討台灣打工旅遊青年如何從自身「主體」性的眼光,去看待自己同時打工、又同時旅遊的行為?他們對自己抱持著怎麼樣的「想像」來理解打工旅遊的經驗?這樣的「想像」又是如何被塑造出來? 本研究採質性研究方法,包括深入訪談、參與觀察、線上民族誌與非侵入性研究,並使用這些不同來源的資料進行交叉分析,以確認資料之信度與效度。在分析架構上,從「結構」和「個體」這兩者的互動展開,首先討論澳洲與台灣政府在塑造「打工旅遊」上扮演的角色,再來探討台灣青年在打工旅遊的過程中,對於自我身分的認同如何演變的過程。最後,本研究使用Giddens (1991)所提出的「現代性的反思性」來理解台灣青年如何將打工旅遊理解為自我敘事的一部份:逃離台灣變成一種自我實現的追尋,與既有的生命歷程斷裂。本文以此研究結果,來回應既往文獻研究的不足之處,並提醒台灣打工旅遊者對於「壯遊」的想像,可能會掩蓋澳洲惡劣的工作環境與勞動剝削的事實。 / Since Australia’s “Working Holiday Maker Visa Agreement” was signed with Taiwan in 2004, the number of Taiwanese working-holiday makers in Australia has grown rapidly every year. “Grand Tour” became a popular concept in Taiwan. According to the related literature, most Taiwanese working-holiday makers had no choice but to participate in the primary labor market in Australia due to the lack of English ability. They usually encountered highly risky, unstable, and even illegal working environment. However, the study found that Taiwanese working holiday makers ignored the nature of their employment and refused to call themselves “Tai Lau” (Taiwanese laborers). As a result, the study analyzed how Taiwanese working holiday makers think of themselves when they worked and traveled at the same time? What imagination did they have on their working holiday experience? In what ways was the “imagination” structured? The study was conducted by using qualitative research methods, which included in-depth interviewing technique, participant observation, unobtrusive methods, and online ethnography. Data collected through different channels and methods were triangulated to check the reliability and validity of data. The analytical framework focused on the interaction between “social structure” and “individual.” First, the study examined how Australian and Taiwanese governments both played the important roles in shaping and enforcing the working holiday policy. Second, this study explored the process in which Taiwanese working-holiday makers’ self-identities were changed when they were in Australia. Glidden’s (1991) concepts of modernity and self-identity were found to be particularly relevant in understanding Taiwanese working holiday makers’ self-narratives. They escaped from Taiwan to seek self-fulfillment, and their lives and identities in Australia were separated from their original life trajectories. The findings of this study can contribute to current tourism research by pointing out that the imagination of a “Grand Tour” may cover up the difficult working environments and exploitation faced by working-holiday makers.

Tids- och kostnadseffektivisera byggproduktionen : Slöserier och störningar / Making construction management more efficient through time and money : Waste and interferences

Aldebe, Wesam, Tararbit, Yacine January 2018 (has links)
Största utmaningen byggindustrierna har i dagens läge är att reducera onödiga kostnader och onödigt arbete samt att effektivisera arbetet i form av tid och pengar. Detta är en fråga och en undersökning som gjorts ett flertal gånger under de senaste åren eftersom att det är ett stort problem inom de flesta byggbranscher. Denna rapport är skriven i uppdrag av Peab i syfte att identifiera slöserierna och kritiska störningar, för att sedan ta fram åtgärdsförslag för att reducera slöseriet av tiden och kostnaderna för framtida projekt Fyra olika, slutförda anläggningsprojekt har undersökts i uppdrag av Peab belägna i Stockholm. Dessa projekt omfattar ombyggnad av en vägkorsning samt nybyggnad av gång- och cykelbanor. Dessa fyra projekt varierar i omfattning och ger en mer varierad resultat i jämförelse med fyra stycken liknande projekt. Faktainsamlingen för detta arbete har mestadels omfattat lean construction med de olika sorters slöseri som finns i byggbranschen samt de olika principerna och metoderna lean construction omfattar, så som Just-In-Time. Andra studier gällande byggprocessen har även gjorts, mer specifikt produktions skedet. Skillnaden mellan värdeskapande och icke värdeskapande tid har behandlats, samt angående riskhanteringen och hur en riskhantering genomförs. Intervjuer har även genomförts i syfte att identifiera de mest kritiska slöserierna och störningar. Fakta framtagen från intervjuerna har redovisats i resultatet. Där framkom det att de fyra mest kritiska slöserierna var fel- och omarbeten, väntetider, onödiga transporter och onödiga arbeten. Sammanfattningsvis har åtgärdsförslag med hjälp av lean construction, intervjuer samt kunskap från denna rapport framtagits för att minska på dessa störningar och slöseri med hjälp av t.ex. Jidoka och PDCA för att öka tids- och kostnadseffektiviteten i produktionen. Kortfattat kan begreppet slöseri och störning definieras på olika sätt. Där slöseri är en aktivitet som inte bidrar med något till verksamheten, och en störning är ett moment som stör arbetet. / The biggest challenge construction companies are facing at the moment is reducing the unnecessary costs and labor as well as to streamline the work. This is a matter and an investigation that has been done multiple times in recent years because this is a major problem in most construction companies. This report is commissioned by Peab for the purpose of identifying wastes and critical disorders, then drafting action proposals to reduce waste of time and costs. Four different, completed construction projects have been investigated, commissioned by Peab, and are located in Stockholm. These projects include the reconstruction of a roadway intersection and new construction of pedestrian and cycle tracks. These four projects vary in scale, giving a more varied result compared to four very similar projects The gathering of information for this work has mostly included lean construction with the various waste in the work industry, as well as the different principles and methods of lean construction, such as Just-In-Time. Other studies on the construction process have also been made, more specifically the production phase, the planning of the work. The difference between value creation time and non-value creation time has been dealt with, as well as risk management and how to conduct a risk analysis. Interviews have also been conducted with the aim of identifying the most critical wastes and interferences. The gathering of facts from the interviews has been reported in the results. It emerged that the four most critical wastes were defects/rework, waiting, transportation and extra processing. In summary, action proposals using lean construction, interviews and the knowledge from this report have been developed to reduce these disturbances and wastages with help of for example Jidoka and PDCA to increase time and cost efficiency in the production process. In short, the concept of waste and disturbance can be defined differently. Waste is an activity that does not contribute anything to the business, and a disturbance is a matter of disturbing the work.

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