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Analýza vlivů působících na chování dojnic před porodemKrejčí, Hana January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was the analysis of influences on the behavior of dairy cows before calving. The observation of dairy cows took place periodically once a month from October 2017 to September 2018. In particular, the temperature of the air, the order of lactation and the number of days after insemination were monitored during the observation. As the results show, especially at higher temperatures a higher proportion of standing cows was recorded compared to the proportion of lying cows. For the lying cows in particular, there were no significant differences in laterality. The highest concentration of dairy cows was found in those parts of the stable, which were adjecent to the trough (quadrants 1 a 4). There was no significant effect of advancing pregnancy on any of the monitored activities, nor was there a significant difference in laterality when lying. With increasing number of days after insemination, quadrants 1 and 4 were always the most sought after. Also with increasing number of lactations there was no significant difference in most of the monitored activities. The preference of lying on the left side was observed only on cows in the 1st and 2nd lactation. With the increase in lactations, the preference was always on quadrants 1 and 4.
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Klidový energetický výdej v průběhu laktace. / Resting energy expenditure during lacatation.Klečka, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Background The aim of diploma thesis was to evaluate resting energy expenditure (REE) and substrate oxidation in Czech lactating women and their relation to measured anthropometric parameters. Methods The indirect calorimetry was used to asses REE. Subsequently, the oxidation of substrates was calculated. At the same time were measured anthropometric parameters of breastfeeding women. Then the correlation was investigated. The total amount of examination were three times. First was in the time three weeks after birth, the second one was three months postpartum and the last was six months after birth. Results The mean values of REE in lactating women were 1577±93 kcal/day in the time of three weeks after birth. Three months after birth it was 1622±140 kcal/day. Six months after birth it was 1545±80 kcal/day. Significant positive correlation was proved between REE and triceps skinfold thickness (r = 0,98; P < 0,05) and also chest circumference (r = 0,99; P < 0,05). Both were three weeks after birth. Breastfeeding women had a value of lipid oxidation 60 % of substrate oxidation three weeks postpartum, which decreased to 46 % three months postpartum due to sharp increase (from 8 % to 18 %) of carbohydrate oxidation value. This increase could correspond to the preferential use of glucose by the mammary...
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Vlivy působící na množství somatických buněk v mléce holštýnských krav ve vybraném chovuHájková, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to assess and evaluate various influences on somatic cell count of Holstein cows milk in a selected dairy farm. Five years (2012-2016) of monitoring animal recordings was used as a basis for studying and finding indicators that affect of somatic cells count. Milk yield, fat and protein content were also analyzed from data taken from animal recordings. We studied effects of the month, the year, the number of lactation and the milk yield. Mean values and other statistical indicators of milk compounds (minimum, maximum, coefficiet of variation, standard deviation) were determined and then compared with the other months and years. The results show that milk yield, number of lactation, month of the year effects somatic cell count. Weak correlation was found for influence the fat and protein content on somatic cell count.
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Vyhodnocení vlivu rodičů na velikost plodu v době poroduHrazdirová, Vladěna January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled "Evaluation of the influence of parents on the size of a foetus at the time of birth" focuses on evaluating the maternal and paternal relationship to the size of a calf of the Friesian breed in the agricultural enterprise VOS Zemědělců, a.s. Velké Opatovice. The research part focused on measuring the dimensions of a mother (height at the withers, width of tubers costae, width of tubers sacrale, width of tubers ischiadicum), on the lactation order, date of insemination, date of calving and the course of birth. In calves, the dimensions of the width of the head, length of the head, birth weight and sex were observed. Year-long measurements were followed by statistical processing and evaluation of the data based on the results obtained from the measurements of individual cows, heifers and calves during birth. The diploma thesis analyses a database of the number of bulls and heifers for the reference period for which the birth weight and the course of birth were assessed. Furthermore, it assesses the influence of the lactation order of breeding cows on the size of offspring. The breeding cows were divided by the lactation order which is in accordance with their age. Another indicator monitored was the duration of gravidity and its relation to the size of the calf. The breeding cows were divided into 3 groups with various duration of gravidity. Twelve bulls with 312 offspring were included in a more detailed analysis. The relationship of a breeding bull in relation to the duration of gravidity, the size of offspring and the course of birth was assessed. The evaluated results are given at the end of this thesis.
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Vliv doby dojení na intenzitu zalehávání boxově ustájených dojnicDosedlová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to analyze the influence of milking period on the inten-sity of lying behaviour of dairy cows kept in boxes. An ethological observation was carried out at the agricultural company GenAgro Říčany corp. on the breeding of Czech fleckvieh cattle. I mainly observed the intensity of the average time of lying in a boxing bed after dairy cows arrival from a milking house, depending on milking time. I have elaborated a literature review and also worked out a methodology on this issue. I have found out that the intensity and the time of lying were above all influenced by seasons and the age, or rather by the order of lactation of the monitored dairy cows, when the longest time to lie took dairy cows during the first lactation. The biggest number of dairy cows lying was during warm months ( July, 122 pcs ), but in a longer interval ( May, 43.6 minutes ) than cows during cold months ( November, 87 pcs ) when more dairy cows were lying, but faster ( November, 32.9 minutes). The fastest cows were lying into the row 1, closest to the feed table, at the average time of 37.8 minutes and most slowly to the row 3, closest to peripheral walls, 42.2 minutes on average. The influence of a particular lactation stage was very slight, the dairy cows above 301 days of lactation lay a little faster ( 38.0 minutes ) in comparison to the ones up to 100 days ( 39.1 minutes ).
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Vliv teploty vzduchu ve vazné stelivové stáji na chování dojnicHladíková, Michala January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the behavior of dairy cows in the stable binding litter depending on the internal temperature of the stable order of lactation , milk production and udder . At the time of observation was recorded every hour position cows - standing , lying on the left or right side . When observations were also measured air temperature , as a major influence on the behavior of dairy cows. The observations took place in 2013 from the month of July to December , twice each month. A total of 12 observations took place . Observation was carried out in the same place as when undergraduate work, four-row barn type K174 breeding cows of Holstein cattle in the farm production cooperative Mezilesí Krakovany. The observed values were then processed with the measured temperature data from monitoring performance , with data on the state of the mammary gland and evaluated in Excel 2007, and the 10th Statictica cz During the evaluation , there were no significant value , which would affect the behavior of dairy cows . The cows were found is in the range of optimum temperature . The effect of lactation on standing and lying cows , showed only performing more frequent lying down and getting up in dairy cows at first lactation. Udder on dairy cow behavior was demonstrated. Show only the preference of the left side while lying down.
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Užitkovost a frekvence dojení za pomoci robotů / Performance and frequency of milking using robotsŠNAJDR, Eduard January 2011 (has links)
Milk production is one of the most important parts of agriculture. Task of this paper was to examinate relation between milking frequency and total dairy production in Automatic Milking Systems. The thesis evaluates impact of selected factors, such as lactation stage, parity and season of calving, on dairy production and milking frequency. Total of 44,000 records of milk yield from 3 farms was analysed. Data was collected from 2009 to 2011. Relation between milk yield and milking frequency was prooved. The milk production from a cow rises with parity and is highest in second stage of lactation (cca 60th day after calving). Environment is one of very important factors affecting milk yield. Automatic milking system does not deteriorate milking parameters comparing to traditional way of milking.
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Využití Omaha systému v laktačním poradenství / The Use of Omaha System in Lactation CounsellingVESELÁ, Simona January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use of Omaha system in lactation counselling. At present time the care of newborns realized through general practitioners is minimal. Therefore, the connection of community nursing related to shorter time of hospitalization of both mother and her newborn child is vital. Lactation counselling is closely connected to the obligatory documentation of provided care. Omaha system is considered as a suitable standardized terminology for community nursing. The thesis dealt with the analysis of Omaha system, lactation counselling, the issue of breastfeeding as a whole and the legislation related to nursing documentation in the theoretical part. The main aim of the research is the implementation of Omaha system in lactation counselling. Three main goals were set in the thesis. The first one was to map the differences between the care provided by lactation counsellors with and without medical qualification. The second goal was to describe the way of administration of breastfeeding mothers by the counsellors. The third goal was to elaborate and evaluate the documentation according to Omaha system in the field of lactation counselling provided by counselors with a qualification. To achieve the goals of this thesis quantitative-qualitative method of data collection was used. The method of questioning through a non-standardized questionnaire was selected for quantitative research. The qualitative part of the research was based on the use of semi-structured in-depth interview method. The third part of the research is represented by the content analysis of Omaha system. The qualitative part of the research was processed with open coding method. The research question was answered through the analysis of the interviews. The respondents in this research are represented by lactation counselors. The first research file is represented by counselors both with and without qualification. The second research file includes counselors with medical qualification only. The questionnaire research was realized through an electronic questionnaire. The interviews were conducted with six lactation counselors with a medical qualification. The questionnaire research shows differences in the counselling provided by the counselors with and without a qualification which supports H1. The official documentation for counselling is used by a few respondents and mainly by the ones with a qualification. The good thing is that most counselors record data about mothers and breastfeeding. Next, it seems that the unofficial documentation of counselors includes problems and solutions description. The results show that H2 has not been supported. However, it is good that almost half of the respondents are interested in using a standardized documentation for counselling. Next, the counselors with a qualification do not use standardized taxonomy of nursing problems. The results show that only two counselors with a qualification have a contract with an insurance company. Most of them do not cooperate with a podiatrist or gynecologist. The most troubling issues for them are lack of time and missing contracts with an insurance company. Most of them think that longer hospitalization of mothers does not have a better effect on the quality of breastfeeding. Moreover, the interviews with the counselors with a medical qualification show that the newly created documentation of Omaha system has been processed thoroughly and clearly. They consider it more time demanding, which could be a problem because of the lack of time caused by the financial situation of mothers or because of insurance companies. The output of tis thesis is a newly created documentation for lactation counselors and lactation centers based on Omaha system which allows a more effective way of providing lactation counselling.
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The agricultural cooperative Opařany 160 pieces were selected for breeding cows anddivided into two groups. Pasture rearing and stable rearing. Which was observed fertility and milk yield. After an overall assessment of the breeding heifers, in 2007 the results of reproduction was worse in pasture system of heifer rearing. By contrast, in the next reporting period in 2008 the grazing system of heifer rearing embody improved results than rearing in stables. After a general evaluation of milk yield, the grazing system of heifer rearing is worse in 2007. In particural the amount of milk in kg and kg of protein. By contrast, in the next reporting period in 2008 the grazing system of heifer rearing reachedimproved results compared stable rearing. And as the number of milked milk in kg, and milk ingredients - % fat, which is in pasture breeding higher in all of KU. The reason of low milk yield results and reproduction charakteristic is especially in poor nutrition and ill-prepared rations, or fed on poor quality components. In the grazing system of rearing the lack of growth in individual animals is due to missing supplementary feed. And for both groups, we should look for causes of poor management and the transfer of young animals to the reproduction and subsequent production should be taken into account the current condition, not age.
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Souvislost morfologie prsu a zahájení kojení / Effect of Breastfeeding Morphology on Breastfeeding InitiationKysilková, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
Lactogenesis II is critical stage of lactation and it is hindered by conditions like caesarean section, premature delivery, obesity, age, and parity. Previous studies have shown a connection between morphological characteristics of breast and nipple-areola complex and lactation onset. Higher number of areolar glands and their non-uniform distribution has been linked to earlier onset of lactation. Extremely large breasts and short nipples has been linked to breastfeeding difficulty. Aim of this study was to investigate relationship between morphological characteristics of breast and nipple-areola complex (number and distribution of areolar glands, nipple, areola, and breast area, protrusion of nipple and areola, and contrast of breast and areola) and lactation onset. For this purpose, we collected breasts and areolae photographs of 141 mothers one day postpartum in maternity ward in Prague and compared the morphological traits to lactogenesis II onset. We have found a non-uniform distribution of areolar glands with the highest abundance on upper lateral quadrant of areola. We found that right breast area tends to be bigger than left, and left nipple and areola tends to be longer than right. Parity had significant effect on lactation onset. No morphological characteristics have been linked to...
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